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A Critical Analysis of Artificial Fruit Ripening: Scientific, Legislative and Socio-Economic Aspects


Abstract and Figures

Fruit ripening is a natural process which also can be stimulated using different artificial fruit ripening agents. In the recent years, the effect of artificial ripening has become questionable because of various health related issues. There are direct and indirect health hazards associated with artificial ripening agents and their impurities, which require qualitative and quantitative analysis of chemical toxicity and their impact on fruit quality. To understand the possible health hazards, it is important to analyze chemicals present within artificially-ripened fruits, and to analyze any change in food value. This article sheds light on the usages of different chemical compounds as artificial fruit ripening agents, their mechanisms, their effects on fruit quality, and possible health impacts. The existing laws and legislations practiced in different countries are also reported here. The paper gives an overview of different aspects of artificial ripening, and the key factors which should be borne in mind while choosing right fruits. The key objective of the paper is to address the problems associated with artificial ripening and bring them to the notice of the scientific and non-scientific communities.
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ISSN 2220-3389
A ChemicalBUET publication
ChE Chemical Engineering & Science Magazine
A Critical Analysis of Artificial Fruit Ripening: Scientific, Legislative and
Socio-Economic Aspects
Mehnaz Mursalat, Asif Hasan Rony, Abul Hasnat, Md. Sazedur Rahman, Md. Nazibul
Islam, Mohidus Samad Khan1*
Department of Chemical Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka-
1000, Bangladesh
* Corresponding Author:
Article received 21 February 2013; received in revised form 21 June 2013; accepted 24 June 2013; online published
24 June 2013
Fruit ripening is a natural process which also can be stimulated using different artificial fruit ripening agents. In the
recent years, the effect of artificial ripening has become questionable because of various health related issues. There
are direct and indirect health hazards associated with artificial ripening agents and their impurities, which require
qualitative and quantitative analysis of chemical toxicity and their impact on fruit quality. To understand the possible
health hazards, it is important to analyze chemicals present within artificially-ripened fruits, and to analyze any
change in food value. This article sheds light on the usages of different chemical compounds as artificial fruit ripening
agents, their mechanisms, their effects on fruit quality, and possible health impacts. The existing laws and legislations
practiced in different countries are also reported here. The paper gives an overview of different aspects of artificial
ripening, and the key factors which should be borne in mind while choosing right fruits. The key objective of the paper
is to address the problems associated with artificial ripening and bring them to the notice of the scientific and non-
scientific communities.
Keyword: Artificial fruit ripening; ethylene; calcium carbide; ethephon; health hazards; legislations.
Fruit ripening is a natural process in which the fruit
goes through various chemical changes and
gradually becomes sweet, colored, and gets soft
and palatable [1-5].With the advancement of
science and technology, various artificial methods
of fruit ripening has been observed mostly to meet
consumers’ demand and other economic factors.
However, in the recent years, artificial fruit ripening
has been considered a matter of concern and the
effect of artificial ripening has become questionable
because of various health related issues [6-9].
The need of artificial fruit ripening is often
encountered when the fruit-sellers offer fruits to the
customers before due season. It is easier to identify
artificially-ripened fruit during off season. However,
it is harder to find physical differences between
artificially ripened fruits and naturally ripened fruits
during the actual season of ripening. Fruit-sellers
artificially ripen green fruits even during the due
season to meet the high demand and make high
profit of seasonal fruits. They also ripen fruits
artificially to deal with the transportation and
distribution issues. Transporting and distributing
fruits from the farmers’ orchards to consumers’
baskets can take several days. In the distribution
process fruits are collected from farmers to the local
storage points. From local storages (or collection
points), fruits are transported to the warehouses of
the major cities and also to the remote parts of the
country, from where the retailers collect fruits and
sell to household customers. Besides, a wide range
of fruits are also exported to different parts of the
world. Therefore, it may take several days from
plucking fruit from the tree to reaching it to
consumer’s basket considering the transportation
Volume-4 Issue-1, December 2013
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route and the availability of warehouses or cold
storage. During this time the naturally ripened fruits
can become over ripe and inedible. A part of
naturally ripened fruits can also be damaged during
harsh condition of transportation. It is an economic
loss for the fruit-sellers and therefore, to minimize
the loss, fruit-sellers sometimes prefer collecting
fruits before they are fully ripe, and artificially ripen
fruits before selling to the consumers.
Though the demands of the consumers is met to a
great extent with the help of these ripening agents,
it is important to investigate any possible health
hazards that are associated with them. Most of the
ripening agents are toxic and their consumption can
cause serious health problems, such as heart
disease, skin disease, lung failure and kidney
failure [6, 9-12]. Scientists have also reported that
regular consumption of artificial-ripened fruits may
cause dizziness, weakness, skin ulcer and heart
related diseases [6, 7, 13-15]. In addition, these
ripening agents may contain different chemicals as
impurities which are also toxic for human health. To
address the increasing health related concerns,
different countries have issued and implemented
different acts and laws to control or to prohibit the
production, sell and distribution of artificial fruit
ripening [11, 16-22]. It is important to perform
qualitative and quantitative analysis of the presence
of ripening agents within the fruit-skin and flesh to
understand the relevant health hazard. The
presence of artificial ripening agents is usually
encountered on the fruit skin. It is also important to
quantify the presence of chemicals within fruit-flesh
and to analyze the chemical impact on the food
value of artificially ripened fruits [12].
The purpose of this study is to address the
legislative, scientific and health related issues
associated with artificial ripening, to report current
research findings on the food value assessment of
artificially ripened fruits, and to make people aware
of choosing the right fruit. In order to perform the
study on artificial fruit ripening our research
explored different concerned places in Bangladesh
for information regarding the manufacturing,
distribution and application of artificial ripening
agents. Measures for qualitative and quantitative
analysis shall be taken up in future to proceed with
the study further.
Unripe fruits often contain various types of organic
acids, namely citric acid, malic acid, ascorbic acid,
formic acid, tartaric acid etc [5]. These acids are
held responsible for the sour taste of fruits. After
certain chemical changes these acids are
transformed into sugars and the fruits turn sweet
[5]. In fruit ripening process, Chlorophyll is
produced and at the same time decomposed.
Starch is induced by Amylase usually produces
sugar. Pectin converts into pectinase and
decomposition of pectin, in this case unglues the
fruit cells. The cells being able to slip past one
another makes the fruit further soft [4].
Since many years people have been adopting
several ways to ripen fruits. Ancient Egyptian
harvesters used to cut figs in order to stimulate the
ripening process, while Chinese farmers used to
leave pears in confined chambers with added
heating [5]. Later on Researches showed that
treating of fruits with high temperature also triggers
fruit ripening [2].
In 1901 Russian scientist Dimitry Neljubow
observed that Ethylene gas emerging from larger
pipes influences ripening process of fruits [5]. After
almost three decades, researchers [5] observed
that the plants not only respond to ethylene but also
they produce ethylene all by themselves and hence
ripening process is accelerated in injured fruits or at
a temperature usually higher than the normal. As
the gas (ethylene) can diffuse and travel
spontaneously from cell to cell at a high pace in the
fruits which are cut than those which are uncut, the
rate of ripening accelerates [5].
Ethylene is the major ripening agent produced
naturally within the fruits which initiates the process
of ripening [15]. There are multifarious uses of
many ripening agents to release ethylene in order
to speed up the ripening process. Chemicals like
ethanol, methanol, ethylene glycol, Ethephon,
calcium carbide are used to ripen fruits and
vegetables artificially [13, 15, 23]. The use of
calcium carbide is much widespread in many
regions of south Asia including India, Bangladesh,
Nepal and so forth for its cheaper market price
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despite its ban due to its harmful feats [4, 9, 20, 21,
Ethylene: A very small concentration (1 ppm) of
ethylene in air is sufficient to promote the fruit
ripening process [3]. Externally applied Ethylene is
likely to trigger or initiate the natural ripening
process of apple, avocado, banana, mango,
papaya, pineapple and guava, and therefore, can
be marketed before the predicted time.
Calcium Carbide: Calcium Carbide is widely used
in different parts of the world [10]. Once applied on
the fruits Calcium Carbide comes into the contact of
the moisture and releases acetylene, which has
fruit ripening characteristics similar to ethylene.
The reaction is [24]:
CaC2 + 2H2O = Ca (OH) 2 + C2H2
Industrial grade calcium carbide contains traces of
arsenic and phosphorus hydride, which are
hazardous for human health in direct contact [24].
Ethephon: Ethephon is another agent which is
used to artificially ripen fruits [25, 26]. Ethephon is
often considered better than calcium carbide
because pineapple, banana and tomato treated
with 1000 ppm of ethephon required less time for
ripening (48, 32 and 50 h, respectively) than other
treated fruits as well as compared with the non-
treated fruits. The fruits ripened with ethephone
have more acceptable colour than naturally ripened
fruits [31] and have longer shelf life than fruits
ripened with CaC2 [32]. Ethephon is decomposed
into ethylene, bi-phosphate ion and chloride ion in
aqueous solution [25]. The released ethylene
further fastens up the ripening process.
4. Possible Health Hazards
Calcium Carbide releases acetylene which almost
works like ethylene in terms of speeding up the
ripening process. Direct consumption of acetylene
has been found to be detrimental as it reduces
oxygen supply to the brain and can further cause
prolonged hypoxia [6].
Calcium Carbide is alkaline in nature and irritates
the mucosal tissue in the abdominal region. Cases
of stomach upset after eating carbide-ripened
mangoes has been reported recently [9]. Even
though eating the carbide-ripened fruit does not
lead to any allergic reaction instantly, seizure
headache, sleepiness may be faced while applying
these chemicals on the fruits. Impurities like arsenic
and phosphorus found in industrial grade calcium
carbide may cause serious health hazards when
workers are in direct contact with these chemicals
while applying the ripening agents. This may cause
dizziness, frequent thirst, irritation in mouth and
nose, weakness, permanent skin damage difficulty
in swallowing, vomiting, skin ulcer, and so forth [9].
Higher exposure may cause undesired fluid build-
up in lungs (pulmonary edema) [11].
To address the growing health related concerns,
developing and developed countries have issued
and implemented different acts and laws controlling
the usage of artificial fruit ripening agents. In
Bangladesh, the agencies and organizations
responsible ensuring the proper practice of
inspecting, examining and controlling harvesting,
ripening and marketing fruits are: Bangladesh
Ministry of Agriculture, Customs, Mobile court,
Ministry of health, Ministry of Science. These
agencies implement the following laws and acts in
order to maintain the quality of the home grown and
imported fruits: Pesticide law 2007, Pure food rules
and act 1967 and 2005, Quarantine rules 1968,
Mobil court act 2009, and Penal code 1860 [20, 21].
The above laws and acts prohibit using any
chemicals (such as calcium carbide, ethephon,
etc.) to ripen fruits and penalize any person who is
mixing, selling and/or using illegally ripened fruits.
In Sri Lanka, under the Food Act No 26, 1980, no
person can manufacture, sell or distribute any food
that contains any added detrimental substance,
which turns out to be injurious to human health [18].
In India, the usage of calcium carbide for fruit
ripening is prohibited under Rule 44 AA of the
Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules 1955 [16]. In
Nepal, the Nepal Food Regulation-2017 (Part 7,
rule no 19(d)) has strongly prohibited the use of
calcium carbide in ripening of fruits [9].
In USA, the United States’ NOSB recommends the
use of ethylene for post-harvest ripening of tropical
fruit and degreening of citrus, which is stated in the
‘Formal Recommendation by the National Organic
Standard Board (NOSB) to the Organic Program
(NOP)’ [22]. The United Kingdom's Soil Association
allows the use of ethylene to ripen bananas and
kiwi [Soil Association Organic Standards, rev 16.4,
4 | P a g e
June 2011] [27]. Besides, the International
Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements’
(IFOAM) also enlists ethylene gas as ‘Only for
ripening fruits’ in IFOAM Indicative List of
Substances for Organic Production and
6. Critical Analysis on Fruit Quality and Nutrition
Researchers from different disciplines are working
to assess the health hazards associated with fruit
ripening agents [1, 2, 9, 12, 13, 15, 23]. To evaluate
the relevant health hazard it is critical to quantify the
toxic concentration within the chemically-ripened
fruit-skin and flesh. In different studies, sample
fruits are collected from local market rinsed in water
and analyzed rinsed water to identify the presence
of ripening agent(s) on the fruit skin; this
methodology may not confirm or quantify the
presence of chemicals within fruit-flesh. There are
few studies reported the presence of chemicals
within fruit-flesh and have addressed the changes
of biochemical and nutritional properties of fruits
because of treating with fruit ripening agents [9, 12,
28]. Wills et al (2007) have reported the ethylene
concentration in a wide range of artificially ripened
fruits: apple, pear, peach, avocado, banana, lemon,
pineapple, orange, and lime [28]. Hakim et al (2012)
have collected Pineapple and Banana samples
from different Bangladeshi local markets and
compared to the naturally ripened and lab treated
(using Ethephone) Pineapples and Bananas. They
have found that chemically ripened Pineapples and
Bananas have higher sugar content than non-
treated samples; other fruit nutrition values like
Vitamin C and -carotene are higher in naturally
ripened fruits (Table 1). They also have reported
the presence of Lead (Pb) in chemically ripened
(market and lab treated) pineapples and bananas,
and Arsenic (As) in pineapples collected from
market) [12]. The daily permissible intakes of Pb
and As for adults are 600 μg/day and 16.7-129
μg/day, respectively [33, 34]. The average daily
consumption of fruits for an adult is in between 100
to 150 gm [35]. Therefore, the possible daily intake
of Pb and As from fruits would be 12-50 and 2.5-
3.75 μg/day respectively, which is within the
acceptable limit for an adult. Nonetheless, further
studies must be conducted regarding the effects of
long term consumption of such elements in fruits.
Besides, in many developing countries, the
potential sources of chemical contamination of
fruits and vegetables include the usage of
pesticides during harvesting process, preservatives
at post-harvesting process [29]. Therefore, to
correctly assess the health hazards related with
ripening agents, it is not only essential to consider
their effects on the fruit’s quality, but also the
qualitative and quantitative analysis of the
impurities associated with ripening agents, other
possible sources of chemical adulteration, and their
aftereffects on the nutrition value, taste and shelf-
7. Choosing the Right Fruits to Consume
The external color and the texture are usually taken
under consideration when it comes to choose right
fruits. The naturally ripened fruits are often uneven
in color. It is advisable to choose fruits during the
season when it turns ripe naturally, since a ripe fruit
during off season may artificially ripen unless it is
genetically ripen [9]. For instance, in Bangladesh,
Table 1: Properties of Pineapple and Banana at different conditions [12]
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June and July is the ideal period when naturally
ripened mangoes occupy the market. However,
ripening also induce the taste of the fruits and also
contributes to their weight loss.
8. Discussion
Ethylene is the major ripening agent produced
naturally within the fruits to instigate ripening
process. However, chemicals agents like ethephon
and calcium carbide are frequently used in
developing countries to activate fruit ripening
process due to cheaper price. Working with such
chemical agents without using appropriate
protective gears can be hazardous for the workers.
On the other hand, the consumers suffer from the
indirect consumption of ripening agents and their
contaminants. Researchers from Bangladesh
reported that the nutrition values like the protein
content, vitamin-C and beta-carotene decrease in
artificially ripened Pineapples and Bananas [12];
the critical finding was the presence of Arsenic (As)
and Lead (Pb) within artificially ripened Pineapples
and Bananas. The concentration of As and Pb were
within the daily permissible intake limit for an adult,
however, regular consumption of such fruits can
cause serious health hazards to human beings like
cancer, skin irritation, diarrhea, liver disease,
kidney disease, gastrointestinal irritation with
nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, cardiac disturbances,
central nervous system depression and cardiac
abnormalities etc. [12]. Ideally artificial ripening
agents release ethylene or acetylene to instigate
fruit ripening and should not contain metal or
metalloid. But practically industrial grade calcium
carbide and ethephon may contain a high
percentage of As, Pb and Phosphorus compounds
which are toxic for human health and can
contaminate artificially ripened fruits. Usage of high
grade ripening agents requires low dosing rate and
any metal/metalloid contamination must be
It is interesting to note that the developed countries
like USA and UK allow using ethylene for post-
harvest ripening of selective fruits following specific
dosing protocols. In contrast, most of the
developing countries, including Bangladesh, India,
Pakistan and Sri Lanka, demonstrate zero
tolerance in preparing, selling or distributing
artificially ripened fruits. However, it is reported that
in spite of the strict laws and acts, fruit-sellers in
developing countries often use different fruit
ripening agents because of different socio-
economic factors, such as: high profit, high
demand, offsetting transportation and distribution
issues, etc. The law enforcement agencies also
take actions against artificial fruit ripening [10].
Contrariwise, the fruit-sellers seek guidelines to the
government agencies for the safer use of artificial
ripening agents [30]. Most of the ripening agents
used by the fruit-sellers are of industrial grade,
collected from unauthorized sources, and may
contain a high percentage of toxic impurities. These
chemical impurities also cause serious health
hazard. To compensate the transportation and
distribution issues in developing countries,
Government or local authorities can help fruit-
sellers and farmers facilitating convenient
transportation and adequate cold storage
especially for the seasonal fruits. In addition, the
government agencies and scientific communities
can investigate to develop safer, low concentration
and economically viable dosing protocols and
guidelines for fruit ripening. The consumers can
also play an important role in terms of selecting the
right fruit by keenly observing the variation of color
and buying seasonal fruits.
9. Conclusion
In recent years, different ripening agents are used
to artificially ripen fruits. These ripening agents
along with their chemical impurities are health
hazardous. To understand their health effect better,
it is important to study their chemical criteria,
mechanisms, effects on fruit quality and nutrition
value. In this article, different fruit ripening agents
are discussed along with their ripening mechanisms
and possible health hazard. The national and
international laws and regulations available to
prohibit or control artificial fruit ripening are also
reported. The socio-economic issues of artificial
fruit ripening were also addressed. Artificial fruit
ripening is a complex issue especially in developing
countries like Bangladesh and requires the
combined involvement of the government agencies,
policymakers, fruit-sellers, farmers, scientists and
consumers for an effective solution to this matter.
Instead of generalizing the issue, it is important to
assess different aspects of artificial fruit ripening,
investigate standard practices and carry out
extensive scientific studies to improve the situation.
10. Acknowledgment
Many thanks to Dr. Shaila Hossain and Dr. Md.
Ziaul Islam from National Institute of Preventive &
Social Medicine (NIPSOM), Dhaka, Bangladesh for
useful discussion.
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... Such naturally ripened fruits during this period are susceptible to harm from the rough conditions of transportation. Fruit vendors occasionally choose to collect unripe fruit and artificially ripen them before selling them to consumers in order to reduce loss (Mursalat et al., 2013) [19] . This causes them to experience a significant economic loss. ...
... Such naturally ripened fruits during this period are susceptible to harm from the rough conditions of transportation. Fruit vendors occasionally choose to collect unripe fruit and artificially ripen them before selling them to consumers in order to reduce loss (Mursalat et al., 2013) [19] . This causes them to experience a significant economic loss. ...
... As the demand for ripe fruits in marketplaces increases and due to various limitations of natural ripening process, make artificial ripening a necessary practice in fruits ripening (Islam et al., 2022). Numerous artificial fruit ripening employed the usage of hazardous chemicals to accelerate fruit ripening, and to suit customer demand and economic status (Mursalat et al., 2013). Artificial ripening has been shown in numerous studies to have pose a great health risks to consumers (Hossain et al., 2015), and a significant impact on the physicochemical properties, nutritional and sensory quality of banana fruit (Maduwanthi and Marapana, 2021). ...
... The most often chemical inducers for fruits ripening are ethylene gas, ethephon, ethylene glycol, ethereal and calcium carbide (Hossain et al., 2015;Maduwanthi and Marapana, 2021). Fruit vendors choose to harvest unripe fruits at maturity and artificially ripen them before selling to consumers in order to reduce fruit spoilage and significant economic loss (Mursalat et al., 2013). In most developing countries in Sub-saharan Africa vendors preferred the use calcium carbide for artificial ripening of climacteric fruits (e.g., Mangoes, bananas, papayas, apples, plums, etc.), than ethylene glycol, ethephon and other chemicals due to its low cost and readily available in the markets (Rahman et al., 2007;Hakim et al., 2012;Islam et al., 2022). ...
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Artificial ripening of fruits is gradually becoming a common practice among fruits vendors in Nigeria in order to meet consumers demand and reduce economic loss. The study aimed to determine the effects of calcium carbide (CaC2) on the nutritional values and mineral concentration of Mangifera indica, Musa paradisiaca and Citrullus lanatus. Fifty-four (54) matured unripe fruits purchased from Jega-market were artificially ripened using 5g of CaC2 for 24hrs. The fruit pulp was sliced, dried at room temperature for 7 days; grounded using laboratory mortar and pestle, and the powder was used for proximate and mineral content analysis using the procedure described by AOAC. Higher moisture content of 8.5%, 5.0% and 14.5% were found in naturally ripened Banana, Mango and Watermelon, respectively. The maximum ash content was found in naturally ripened watermelon (19.0%) and artificial ripened banana (14.0%) and mango (6.0%). The concentrations of fibre, Nitrogen and vitamin C were found higher in naturally ripened banana (22.50%, 1.37% and 27.50mg/100g), mango (24.50%, 1.26% and 56.43mg/100g) and watermelon (8.50%, 1.20% and 2.67 mg/100g), respectively and the results were significant (P<0.05). Mineral contents revealed higher concentration of Ca (0.75mg/100g, 1.60mg/100g and 1.25mg/100g), K (61.00mg/100g, 59.00mg/100g and 66.00mg/100g), Mg (3.50mg/100g, 3.50mg/100g and 2.55mg/100g) and P (4.49mg/100g, 4.86mg/100g and 4.87mg/100g) in artificially ripened banana, mango and watermelon, respectively, while maximum concentration of Na were found in artificial ripened banana (0.16mg/100g) and mango (20.00mg/100g) and in naturally ripened watermelon (90.00mg/100g). Maximum Fe concentration was observed in naturally ripened banana (6.93mg/100g), and artificially ripened mango (2.23mg/100g) and watermelon (1.15mg/100g). The maximum concentration observed between the samples might be related to the concentration of ash content and reduction of moisture content due to the reaction between the fruits moisture and CaC2 during the ripening. The CaC2 accelerated ripening process and significantly influenced nutrients composition and mineral concentration.
... Pakistani farmers lack proper training and technological facilities to enhance the shelf life that in turn results in loss of tomato yield due to spoilage by over ripening (Khokhar 2013). To prolong the shelf life of tomatoes, several handling, storage, and transport practices are being used (Mursalat et al. 2013). Pakistan has to import tomatoes from Afghanistan, Iran, and India because the locally produced tomatoes are not enough due to lack of storage facilities. ...
... During banana ripening, the peel color changes, flavor develops and the pulp softens (Mursalat et al., 2016). The first observable sign of ripening is a color change from green to yellow. ...
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Ripening of banana for commercial purposes has become the major economical concern during post -hervest. This study was conducted to investigate the current situation of catalysing banana using calcium carbide on banana fruit sold in Sardauna L.G.A
... Different artificial fruit ripening techniques have been noted, usually to satisfy consumer preferences along with additional economic factors. Consuming fruits that have been chemically ripened (with calcium carbide) is dangerous and puts customers' health at risk [2]. In order to satisfy the high demand and maximize profits from seasonal fruits, fruit vendors, particularly those in Assam, typically artificially ripen green fruits. ...
... Heart diseases, lungs diseases, kidney failure, skin problems, weakness, dizziness may occur due to consumption of artificially ripened fruits [9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20]. ...
Fruits are delicious food having lots of nutrients. Most of the fruits become edible after ripening. Appearance, colour, flavour, texture, pulp to peel ratio is changed during ripening. For commercial reasons artificial ripening is employed rather than depending on natural ripening process in plants. Not only the flavour, texture, nutritional value of artificially ripened fruits is inferior than naturally ripened fruits but also the former have harmful effects on human health if consumed. There are many artificial ripening agents which are used widely as ethylene, acetylene, calcium carbide, ethephon, smoke etc. The toxic effects of artificially ripening agents may be minimised by washing the fruits with water and peeling them before consumption. A lot of experiments have been carried out by scientists on banana, mango, apple, wood apple, orange, tomato, pineapple, grapes, lime, tangerine, lemon etc. Artificially ripened fruits are harmful for humans, as most of them cause diseases of heart, lungs, skin and kidneys.
... Banana have short shelf-life, once harvested, and are highly perishable as a result of poor handling (Zewter et al. 2012). In order to fulfil increasing demand of fruits, and to prevent post-harvest losses, farmers now tend to use artificial ripening agents (Khoshnam et al. 2022;Mursalat et al. 2013;Singal et al. 2012). Ripening agents are meant to accelerate the ripening process. ...
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This study was conducted to investigate the efficacy of smoke-water obtained from biotics, for example coconut shells, rice husk, and pine cones on banana ripening, and compared with calcium carbide. Bio-chemical composition and remarkable bactericidal effect towards ATCC cultures of Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Bacillus cereus discovered the biological safety of the smoke-water in all collected smoke-water samples. Further, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) was carried out to investigate heavy metals; however, no traces were found in all collected samples. Consequently, it is proposed that heavy metal-free smoke-water obtained from various biotics series might be employed as ultrasafe fruit ripening as compared to calcium carbide (CaC2) that was found with heavy metal traces.
... However, the use of antibiotics in animal feed as growth promoters appears to promote the emergence of antibiotic-resistant strains (Markowiak and Śliżewska 2018). Moreover, using chemical reagents as food and feed additives and preservatives is a sensitive issue because of health concerns (Mursalat et al. 2013). In several countries, chemical preservatives and food additives are regulated and monitored by various acts, rules, and government authorities (Amit et al. 2017). ...
The constant growth of the human population has led to increasing demand for food of animal and plant origin. Additionally, consumers demand foods of animal origin with high safety standards and quality obtained via animal-friendly and environmental practices. To this end, food industries have employed various natural food- and feed-additives to increase the quality of foods and improve the health of animals, respectively. Food additives are added to food to improve eating quality, preserve flavor, enhance its texture and appearance, or for other technological functions, for example, to facilitate industrial processing and improve its organoleptic properties. However, using chemical compounds as food additives and preservatives is a sensitive issue because of health concerns. Moreover, feed additives have been used in animal agriculture to improve animal health and welfare. In previous years, medicinal products, including antibiotics, have been widely used as feed additives to prevent and/or treat infectious diseases and as growth promoters. However, the overuse of antibiotics resulted in the development of drug-resistant bacteria, posing a threat to consumers’ health and negatively affecting the environment. Therefore, using both food and feed additives requires safety policies and regulations because some compounds have been implicated in the development of diseases, making regulation and control vital for food safety and public health. Agriculture and food industries must follow national and international quality standards that establish the conditions under which food and feed additives may be used. Therefore, industries and authorities must monitor the safety of food- and feed-additives while their use must be closely controlled. This chapter discusses the most current analytical methods used in detecting and quantifying food and feed additives, as well as their advantages and disadvantages.
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Introduction. Calcium carbide is the most commercially used artificial fruit ripener because it is inexpensive to produce though, involving the use of hazardous elements and can easily be purchased in local markets. This study aimed at investigating the architectural changes of organs extracted from albino mice fed with fruits that were ripened with calcium carbide. Material and methods. About 40 mice of both males and females, weighing between 18g-25g were randomly used for this study. They were divided into five (5) groups, made up of six mice namely Groups 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 respectively. A set of unripe mature pawpaw and banana were ripened with calcium carbide (CCRP & CCRB) and were fed orally to groups 3 and 5 respectively for four weeks with water. Another set of the unripe mature pawpaw and banana were ripened naturally (NRP & NRB) without subjecting them to any artificial ripening processes and were fed orally to groups 2 and 4 mice respectively for four weeks with water. Rat feed and water were also given to the control group 1. Results. Increased body weights were observed in the calcium carbide ripened banana (CCRB) treated group when compared to the other groups (control and calcium carbide ripened pawpaw). Histological sections revealed increased numbers of inflammatory cells, presence of collapsed epithelial layer, ruptured muscle, disorganized clara cells, aggregation of fibroblasts in the lungs; mild interstitial edema in the brain between the cardiocytes: mononuclear cell infiltration with cloudy swelling of the renal epithelium; dendritic cells in the brain. Discussion and conclusions. According to this study, eating fruits that are ripened with calcium carbide has adverse related health effects thus negatively altering the histological architecture of the organs such as the lungs, liver, kidney, heart as well as the brain. Fruit vendors must therefore use caution when applying calcium carbide and adhere to international regulations that strictly limit its use.
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An experimental study of selected pineapple (Ananas sativus), banana (Musa acuminata) and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) was investigated on the basis of their biochemical and nutritional properties by the treatment of some doses of ethephone. It was found that the chemically treated samples ripened rapidly than untreated ones. The nutritional properties of chemically ripened fruits as well as market samples (ripe) were shown different from untreated. The chemically ripened samples showed shorter shelf life than non-treated samples. The highest vitamin C content of the selected non-treated fruits (17.5 mg/100 g in pineapple, 13 mg/100 g in banana and 20.2 mg/100 g tomato) and the lowest contentwas found in the market samples (10 mg/100 g in pineapple, 7 mg/100 g in banana and 12.3 mg/100 g tomato), whereas ethephone-treated groups contained the ascorbic acid 14.5 mg/100 g in pineapple, 9 mg/100 g in banana and 19.4 mg/100 g in tomato). Similarly the β-carotene content of ethephone-treated samples (63 μg/100 g in pineapple, 47 μg/100 g in banana and 757 μg/100 g in tomato) and market samples (31 μg/100 g in pineapple, 38 μg/100 g in banana and 512 μg/100 g in tomato) were less than that of control groups (78 μg/100 g in pineapple, 54 μg/100 g in banana and 807 μg/100 g in tomato). The mineral contents of samples in three groups showed ethephone-treated samples indicated less nutritional quality than untreated samples. Higher amount of lead and arsenic were found in all fruits and vegetables in both ethephone-treated and market samples but the concentrations were within acceptable limits.
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An experimental study of selected pineapple (Ananas sativus), banana (Musa acuminata) and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) was investigated on the basis of their biochemical and nutritional properties by the treatment of some doses of ethephone. It was found that the chemically treated samples ripened rapidly than untreated ones. The nutritional properties of chemically ripened fruits as well as market samples (ripe) were shown different from untreated. The chemically ripened samples showed shorter shelf life than non-treated samples. The highest vitamin C content of the selected non-treated fruits (17.5 mg/100 g in pineapple, 13 mg/100 g in banana and 20.2 mg/100 g tomato) and the lowest contentwas found in the market samples (10 mg/100 g in pineapple, 7 mg/100 g in banana and 12.3 mg/100 g tomato), whereas ethephone-treated groups contained the ascorbic acid 14.5 mg/100 g in pineapple, 9 mg/100 g in banana and 19.4 mg/100 g in tomato). Similarly the β-carotene content of ethephone-treated samples (63 μg/100 g in pineapple, 47 μg/100 g in banana and 757 μg/100 g in tomato) and market samples (31 μg/100 g in pineapple, 38 μg/100 g in banana and 512 μg/100 g in tomato) were less than that of control groups (78 μg/100 g in pineapple, 54 μg/100 g in banana and 807 μg/100 g in tomato). The mineral contents of samples in three groups showed ethephone-treated samples indicated less nutritional quality than untreated samples. Higher amount of lead and arsenic were found in all fruits and vegetables in both ethephone-treated and market samples but the concentrations were within acceptable limits.
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Ripening is a process in fruits that causes them to become more edible. In general, a fruit becomes sweeter, less green, and softer as it ripens. However the acidity as well as sweetness rises during ripening, but the fruit still tastes sweeter regardless. An organic compound involved with ripening is ethylene, a gas created by plants from the amino acid methionine. Ethylene increases the intracellular levels of certain enzymes in fruit and fresh-cut products, which include: Abstract: In recent times there is much concern about artificial ripening of fruits in many parts of the world including Bangladesh. Large amount of tropical fruits are produced in Bangladesh. Though fruits like mango naturally ripen in trees; some chemicals are used to ripen them artificially which hasten the ripening process. Ripe fruits are not suitable to carry & distribute as they get rotten. So fruit traders pick unripe fruits & use certain methods to increase the shelf life of them. For many years Ethylene had been used as a fruit ripening agent. But now- a-days Calcium carbide is getting popular in this regard as it has a faster ripening property. But inappropriate use of Carbide to ripen fruits is associated with many health hazards. In this topic we have tried to reveal the essentials of this burning issue & looked for solutions.
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The making of a fruit is a developmental process unique to plants. It requires a complex network of interacting genes and signaling pathways. In fleshy fruit, it involves three distinct stages, namely, fruit set, fruit development, and fruit ripening. Of these, ripening has received most attention from geneticists and breeders, as this important process activates a whole set of biochemical pathways that make the fruit attractive, desirable, and edible for consumers. In recent years, the scientific goal has been to reveal the mechanisms by which nutritional and sensory qualities are developed during fruit development and ripening using advanced genomics and post-genomics tools. These genome-wide technologies have been combined to physiological approaches to decipher the networks of interactions between the different pathways leading to the buildup of fruit quality traits. From a scientific point of view, fruit ripening is seen as a process in which the biochemistry and physiology of the organ are developmentally altered to influence appearance, texture, flavor, and aroma (Giovanonni 2001, 2004). For the consumers and distributors, the process of ripening corresponds to those modifications that allow fruit to become edible and attractive for consumption. Since the majority of the quality attributes are elaborated during the ripening process, it has always been considered essential to better understand the mechanisms underlying this ultimate fruit developmental stage.
DOI: 10.3329/fmcj.v5i2.6816Faridpur Med. Coll. J. 2010;5(2):37
Commercial ripening is an essential part of fruit business as ripe fruits are not suitable to carry and distribute due to their fast rottening. Therefore, fruit traders pick unripe fruits and utilize different methodologies to fasten the ripening process of fruits. The present study is aimed at investigating potential of apple as a ripening agent as an alternative to the indiscriminately used ripening agent, calcium carbide, which is reported to be carcinogenic in nature. The study indicated that apple can also hasten the ripening process of banana similar to the synthetic chemicals and can be exploited as a natural and safer mode for fruit ripening.
Mangoes (var. Tommy Atkins) were exposed to ethylene and acetylene over a range of concentrations at high humidity for 24 h at 25°C, then ripened in air alone. Ripeness was assessed after 4 and 8 days by analysis of texture, colour development, soluble solids and acid contents. Ethylene in air at concentrations of 0.01 ml litre-1 and above or acetylene at 1.0 ml litre-1 were found to initiate ripening. Treatment with 0.01 ml litre-1 acetylene resulted in limited softening but had no effect on the other ripening changes analysed. Individual ripening processes responded differently to treatment: texture changes were most rapidly affected, while the rate of acidity losses was often reduced in ethylene treated fruits. Acetylene-treated fruits at concentrations of 0.01 and 0.1 ml litre-1 showed delayed ripening when compared to those treated with either 1.0 ml litre-1 acetylene or ethylene. Increased acetylene concentrations of 2.0 ml litre-1 gave a similar response to 1.0 ml litre-1, although in some instances there were indications of inhibitory effects.
Presently, the whole world is emphasizing on malnutrition, food safety and health security. Several programmes have also been launched in this regard. The year 2008–09 was declared as the ‘Food Safety and Quality Year’ by the Government of India. Most fruit sellers use Calcium carbide for ripening the fruits. Calcium carbide is extremely hazardous to the human body as it contains traces of arsenic and phosphorus. It is banned in many countries of the world, but it is freely used in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and other countries. Thus we are at risk of short-term and long term health effects simply by eating fruits that are induced to ripen. This article discusses the common yet most important fact related to fruits – how nutrition changes over to malnutrition?
Hot pepper (Capsicum annuum L. cv. Chooraehong) fruit underwent a respiratory climacteric during ripening. However, the rate of ethylene production was low, reaching a maximum of approximately 0.7 μl kg−1 h−1 at the climacteric peak when the surface color was 30 to 40% red. Ripening was accompanied by a loss of galactose and arabinose residues from the cell wall. The content of uronic acid and cellulose in the wall changed only slightly during ripening. The average molecular weight of a cell wall hemicellulosic fraction shifted progressively toward a lower molecular weight during ripening. Total β-galactosidase (EC activity increased 50-fold from the immature green to the red ripe stage. No polygalacturonase (EC activity was detected at any stage of ripeness. Thus, the loss of galactose and arabinose residues from the cell wall, as well as the observed modification of hemicelluloses during ripening, seem to be unrelated to active polygalacturonase. Soluble polyuronide content remained relatively constant at approximately 60 μg (g fresh weight)−1 as fruit ripended.
The fruit ripening process has been viewed over the last decades as being successively of physiological, biochemical, and molecular nature. Fruit ripening is accompanied by a number of biochemical events, including changes in color, sugar, acidity, texture, and aroma volatiles that are crucial for the sensory quality (Fig. 16.1). At the late stages of ripening, some senescence-related physiological changes occur that lead to membrane deterioration and cell death. In that regard, fruit ripening can thus be considered as the first step of a programmed cell death process. All biochemical and physiological changes that take place during fruit ripening are driven by the coordinated expression of fruit ripening-related genes. These genes encode enzymes that participate directly in biochemical and physiological changes. They also encode regulatory proteins that participate in the signaling pathways, and in the transcriptional machinery that regulate gene expression and set in motion the ripening developmental program