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The design of an industrial process to produce biodegradable plastic (TPS, English acronym Thermoplastic Starch) from cassava starch manihot sculenta, has been the main target for the development of this research as a way of solving the problem of pollution environmental generated plastics. In the absence of processes of this type in the Peruvian industry and little progress in the technology of biodegradable plastics, the problem of how to design a process for producing biodegradable plastic from cassava starch was raised. To achieve the proposed and solve the problem posed objective methodology that allowed Richard Turton meet the specific targets to meet under a systemic, hierarchical design approach and sustainable industrial process for the application of chemical engineering tool for continued process design. Thus with existing data from literature sources and patents existing research, inputs and outputs were analyzed using a cloud diagram, the physical properties of the materials were determined, reaction kinetics, thermodynamics of the process, selection and process design, flowchart and block diagram of the process material balance, energy balance, and selection of machinery and equipment, and the automatic process control. Systemic design process allowed to consider not only the internal elements of it but also external factors involved such as the environment. The hierarchical design made this process is developed respecting hierarchy levels and establishes an order in each of the stages. The sustainable approach envisages a sustainable process design time using solar and wind renewable energy, and implementation of a comprehensive quality management, environment and occupational health and safety from the beginning of its execution. The result of this work is the design of an industrial process, with flowcharts, material and energy balance, automatic control system suitable for implementing a comprehensive management system for quality, environment and occupational health and safety.

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Incidencia de las variables de proceso en el rendimiento de la obtención del almidón de avena (avena sativa) Incidence of the process variables in the performance of obtaining oat starch (avena sativa) Incidência das variáveis de processo no rendimiento de la obtención del almidón de avena (avena sativa)
Colocasia esculenta o malanga blanca es un tubérculo cuyo principal constituyente son los azúcares, se ensayó dos métodos sencillos y económicos de extracción de su almidón utilizando ácido cítrico al 3% (método 1) y agua destilada (método 2) respectivamente, con el propósito de determinar el procedimiento con mayor rendimiento, el almidón obtenido fue lavado, secado y caracterizado, después, se elaboraron láminas de bases poliméricas combinando el almidón extraído por ambos métodos con diferentes dosis de aditivos con cualidades extensoras, plastificantes, estabilizantes y humectantes, obteniéndose varios prototipos, mismos que fueron sometidos a diferentes ensayos para identificar sus cualidades y degradabilidad, los análisis de varianza aplicados determinaron que el rendimiento en la extracción del almidón dependen del método utilizado, obteniéndose valores más altos cercanos al 28% para el método 1; dentro de la caracterización del almidón resalta que solamente el contenido de humedad tenía variación en dependencia del método usado y el resto de propiedades medidas no guardaban relación, es decir no dependían del método de extracción del almidón; las láminas poliméricas con combinaciones A3B3C1 (glicerina 6mL+0,75 g carboximetilcelulosa+2,5mL ácido acético) elaboradas con almidón extraído por el método 1 y A1B3C2 (glicerina 2,5mL+0,75 g carboximetilcelulosa+4mL ácido acético) elaboradas con almidón extraído por el método 2 mostraron mejores cualidades físicas de homogeneidad en su textura, consistencia y ausencia de grumos; respecto a los ensayos de degradabilidad se verificó que en un promedio de 130 días en el suelo y 33 días en el agua fueron suficientes para degradar totalmente las láminas; desde el punto de vista social producir almidón de malanga por el método 1 beneficiaría a las comunidades productoras dando un valor agregado al mismo y ambientalmente dadas las características de las bases poliméricas obtenidas podría sustituirse parcial o totalmente en la elaboración de ciertos productos que en la actualidad utilizan polímeros sintéticos.
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Results of thermoplastic starch (TPS) extrusion cooking process stability investigations are presented in the paper. Research showed that the use of additional cooling system in modified single screw extruder TS-45 allowed to keep constant process temperature for almost all the trials at the appropriate level within the range 80–100°C. There was recorded an evident influence of the screw rotation speed, the mixture composition and the moisture content of raw materials on tem-perature profile along the barrel of the extruder. It was found out that changes of the TPS tempera-ture at the slit die depended predominantly on the screw rotation speed used.
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Milled long-grain rice samples were evaluated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) to determine the kinetics of starch gelatinization. The experiments were conducted with milled rice flour with a 10.6% degree of milling. DSC thermograms were obtained from 35 to 110 degrees C using heating rates between 1 degrees C/min and 15 degrees C/min. The rate constants were evaluated, and two activation energies were found for different temperature ranges. At <70.1 degrees C gelatinization was not completed. It was assumed that at <70.1 degrees C gelatinization would only affect the amorphous regions. During the subsequent phase the crystalline regions destabilized by the amorphous component begin to gelatinize. For moisture content of 70%, wet basis, and a heating rate of 12 degrees C/min, the enthalpy of gelatinization reaches a constant value of 7.3 J/g.
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Attempts to reduce net CO2 emission and to increase the use of sustainable ma- terials pose great challenges at the interface of chemical engineering and agricultural en- gineering. One of the products involved is thermoplastic starch that can partly substitute synthetic plastics, amongst others in packaging. In a first step a semi product is produced by mixing starch and a polyol in a cooking-extrusion process. The material obtained can than be used in other polymer processes, like extrusion, film blowing and injection moulding. Films with thicknesses of 200 �m can be achieved if gelatinisation is good and moisture content constant. In injection moulding shape stability can be retained by a judi- cious combination of moisture content and process temperature. The final objects can reach a strength comparable to commercial packaging plastics, like polystyrene. A problem that still exist is the sensitivity of the material to ambient moisture, both at short terms during production as at long times during usage. These problems increase with increasing surface to volume ratio of the final product like, for instance, films. Technolo- gies where the material is coated or where the lubricant is immobilized have to be investi- gated to expand the use. From economical point of view it can be expected that the costs of the extra extrusion step during manufacturing of the semi-product can easily be covered by the price difference between starch and synthetic packaging plastics, like polyethylene, polypropylene or polystyrene.
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Se realizó la evaluación de las propiedades fisicoquímicas y funcionales de almidones de tubérculos: makal (Xanthosoma yucatanensis), camote (Ipomea batata), yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) y sagú (Marantha arundinacea). El tamaño promedio de los gránulos de almidón varió de 10,6 a 16,5 µm. La amilosa fue de 23,6, 19,6, 17,0 y 22,7%, para el makal, camote, yuca y sagú. Las temperaturas de gelatinización fueron de 78,4, 61,3, 65,2 y 74,9 °C, respectivamente. El almidón de yuca fue el que presentó mayor poder de hinchamiento y solubilidad. La viscosidad máxima fue para el almidón de yuca. El almidón de camote presentó la mayor claridad de gel (51,8%) y el de makal, la menor (10,9%). El almidón de yuca fue el más elástico (36,2%). Los almidones de makal y de sagú pueden ser utilizados en productos que requieren altas temperaturas de procesamiento. Los almidones de camote y de yuca pueden ser incluidos en sistemas alimenticios como espesantes, estabilizantes y gelificantes en alimentos refrigerados y congelados.
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In the present research a biodegradable polymer was elaborated from manioc starch, based on the Taguchi methodology as the experiment design tool. The sweet manioc starch was mixed with chemical reagents acting as plastifiers, extensors, thickeners, lubricants, moisturizers, and mold releasing agents, varying the experimental conditions as indicated by the experiment design. The different mixtures underwent several processes common to conventional polymers in an open mill, an injection machine, and a vulcanizing press. The experimental process gave as a result six polymeric samples of adequate characteristics, all of which were subjected to physical, chemical, and mechanical properties and biodegradation measurement.
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En esta investigación se obtiene un polímero biodegradable a partir del almidón de yuca al procesar mezclas de almidón modificado con glicerina y agua como plastificantes, utilizando un molino abierto y una extrusora de monohusillo. Las variables a controlar durante la extrusión son: perfil de temperatura, torque, y velocidad de rotación del husillo. Se evalúan características mecánicas y fisicoquímicas mediante ensayos de tensión, análisis térmicos de Calorimetría Diferencial de Barrido (DSC) y Análisis Termogravimétrico (TGA), Análisis Infrarrojo por Transformadas de Fourier (FTIR) y morfología.
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Thermoplastic starch was produced by mixing potato starch and glycerol in a single screw extruder. The glass transition temperatures of the materials obtained were measured by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Both the influence of extruder parameters and material parameters, such as moisture and glycerol content and amyloses/amylopectine ratio were investigated. Repeated extrusion cycles affect the glass transition temperature only to a very small extent.
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Environmental problems with conventional packaging materials developed the need of searching for new alternatives. Thermoplastic starch polymer (TPS) has been found to be a good source of raw materials for new packaging materials. In the paper changes of microstructure of TPS produced from different type of starch with glycerol content have been discussed. In general it can be stated that an increase of glycerol content in the mixture improves material structure quality.
'An essential support text for the traditional design product. ...Well written, it is easy to read and is superbly indexed' Trans IChemE From (Chemical Engineering Resources): 'Bottom line: For a holistic view of chemical engineering design, this book provides as much, if not more, than any other book available on the topic. Nearly every subject is accompanied by examples and new technologies are also addressed. In short, a complete, well-written and illustrated resource that is a pleasure to use.' "Chemical Engineering Design is a complete text for students of chemical engineering" "Written for the senior design course, and also suitable for introduction to chemical engineering courses, it covers the basics of unit operations and the latest aspects of process design, equipment selection, plant and operating economics, safety and loss prevention." "It includes detailed worked examples, case studies, end-of-chapter exercises, plus supporting data, spreadsheet calculations and equipment specification sheets for downloading." Chemical Engineering Progress.
The book illustrates key concepts through a running example from the real world: the manufacture of benzene; covers design, economic considerations, troubleshooting and health/environmental safety; and includes exclusive software for estimating chemical manufacturing equipment capital costs. This book will help chemical engineers optimize the efficiency of production processes, by providing both a philosophical framework and detailed information about chemical process design. Design is the focal point of the chemical engineering practice. This book helps engineers and senior-level students hone their design skills through process design rather than simply plant design. It introduces all the basics of process simulation. Learn how to size equipment, optimize flowsheets, evaluate the economics of projects, and plan the operation of processes. Learn how to use Process Flow Diagrams; choose the operating conditions for a process; and evaluate the performance of existing processes and equipment. Finally, understand how chemical process design impacts health, safety, the environment and the community.
As the potential electroactive polymers, glycerol plasticized-starch (GPS)/multiwall carbon nanotube (MWCNT) composites were prepared by casting. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction proved that the MWCNTs were dispersed well in the GPS matrix. The introduction of MWCNTs restrained starch re-crystallization, improved the tensile strength and Young’s modulus, but reduced the toughness of the nanocomposites. The electrical conductivity was sensitive to the presence of water. The conductivity versus water content relationship could be described with a second-order polynomial. The composites exhibited a low electrical percolation threshold of 3.8wt% MWCNTs loading and the conductivity of the composite containing 4.75wt% MWCNTs reached 100S/cm, which was almost independent of water contents.
The rheological properties of corn starches with different amylose/amylopectin ratios (80/20, 50/50, 23/77, and 0/100) were systematically studied by Haake rheometry. The starches were initially pre-compounded with water to designated moisture content levels using a twin-screw extruder. A single-screw extruder with a slit capillary die was then used to characterize the shear stress and melt viscosity characteristics of sample pellets, as a function of both moisture content (19–27%) and extrusion temperature (110–140 °C). The melts exhibited shear thinning behavior under all conditions, with the power law index (0 < n < 1) increasing with increasing temperature and moisture content in the majority of cases. The higher the amylose content, the higher is the viscosity (for example, η increases from 277 Pa s to 1254 Pa s when amylose content increases from 0% to 80% under a certain condition), which is opposite to the sequence of molecular weight; amylopectin-rich starches exhibited increased Newtonian behavior. These rheological behaviors are attributed to the higher gelatinization temperature of amylose-rich starches, and in particular the multiphase transitions that occur in these starches at higher temperatures, and the gel-ball structure of gelatinized amylopectin.
This work is part of a series of papers devoted to the study of LDPE/thermoplastic starch (TPS) blends. In those papers, a starch/glycerol/water suspension was fed to a twin-screw extruder (TSE) and a water-free TPS was prepared in the first half of the TSE. Molten LDPE was added via a single screw extruder added midway on the TSE and the latter half of the TSE was used to prepare the blend. This approach allows for the preparation of TPS with particularly high loadings of glycerol plasticizer. In this paper, the thermal and rheological properties of water-free TPS (glycerol content 29–40%) prepared in the first half of a TSE using the above approach was analyzed. DSC analysis reveals the presence of a glass transition temperature (Tg) below ambient temperature, which indicates the complete gelatinization of starch granules. The Tg decreases from −45.6 to −56.2 °C as glycerol content increases from 29 to 40%.
The interaction of crystalline amylose and of crystalline and amorphous amylopectin with the plasticisers glycerol or ethylene glycol in the absence of water was studied, by using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and solid state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Upon heating starch freshly mixed with plasticisers, a strong exothermal interaction enthalpy of ΔH∼−35 J/g was detected by DSC. At room temperature glycerol interacts mainly with the amorphous starch regions, the interaction taking 8 days to reach equilibrium. For ethylene glycol the interaction is faster, taking four days to reach equilibrium, and the rate is not affected by crystallinity. Ethylene glycol interacts in a more ordered manner with amorphous than with crystalline material, resulting in a narrower ethylene glycol cross-polarisation magic angle spinning (CP/MAS) signal when equilibrium is reached at room temperature. Upon heating, more glycerol or ethylene glycol is immobilised, but in a less ordered manner than upon storage at room temperature. This results in a more intense, but broader plasticiser CP/MAS signal upon heating. Interaction in a more ordered manner probably implies interaction with more of the hydroxy groups of the plasticiser. The polysaccharide mobility is increased more when the plasticiser interacts in a more ordered manner, as observed by small starch signals in HP/DEC spectra.
Chemical Process Equipment is a guide to the selection and design of a wide range of chemical process equipment. Emphasis is placed on specific information concerning the process design and performance of equipment. To this end, attention is given to examples of successful applications, and a generous number of line sketches showing the functioning of equipment is included with many graphs and tables giving their actual performance. For coherence, brief reviews of perininent theory, including numerical examples to illustrate the more involved procedures, are provided in key chapters. Serves as a guide for selecting and designing chemical process equipment. Provides numerous examples with many graphs and tables. Includes a chapter on equipment cost to address important economic concerns.
The effects of pressure, temperature, and treatment time on the degree of gelatinization were determined with differential scanning calorimetry measurements for wheat starch-water mixtures with starch concentrations varying between 5 and 80 w/w %. Although simple models could be used to describe the degree of starch gelatinization as a function of pressure or temperature, a more complex model based on the Gibbs energy difference had to be used to describe the degree of gelatinization as a function of both pressure and temperature. The experimental and model data were used to construct a phase diagram for 5, 30, and 60 w/w % wheat starch-water mixtures. Data obtained from literature were in accordance with our phase diagrams. These phase diagrams can be used to estimate the degree of gelatinisation after applying a certain pressure and temperature on a starch-water mixture with starch concentrations in the range of 5 and 60 w/w %.
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