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Alternatives to Sural Nerve Grafts in the Upper Extremity


Abstract and Figures

The sural nerve is the most common nerve graft donor despite requiring a second operative limb and causing numbness of the lateral foot. The purposes of this study were to review our experience using nerve autografts in upper extremity nerve reconstruction and develop recommendations for donor selection. A retrospective case series study was performed of all consecutive patients undergoing nerve grafting procedures for upper extremity nerve injuries over an 11-year period (2001-2012). Eighty-six patients received 109 nerve grafts over the study period. Mean patient age was 42.9 ± 18.3 years; 57 % were male. There were 51 median (59 %), 26 ulnar (30 %), 14 digital (13 %), 13 radial (16 %), and 3 musculocutaneous (4 %) nerve injuries repaired with 99 nerve autografts (71 from upper extremity, 28 from lower extremity). Multiple upper extremity nerve autograft donors were utilized, including the medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve (MABC), third webspace branch of median, lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve (LABC), palmar cutaneous, and dorsal cutaneous branch of ulnar nerve. By using an upper-extremity donor, a second operative limb was avoided in 58 patients (67 %), and a second incision was avoided in 26 patients (30 %). The frequency of sural graft use declined from 40 % (n = 17/43) to 11 % (n = 7/64). Our algorithm for selecting nerve graft material has evolved with our growing understanding of nerve internal topography and the drive to minimize additional incisions, maximize ease of harvest, and limit donor morbidity. This has led us away from using the sural nerve when possible and allowed us to avoid a second operative limb in two thirds of the cases.
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Alternatives to sural nerve grafts in the upper extremity
Louis H. Poppler &Kristen Davidge &Johnny C. Y. Lu &
Jim Armstrong &Ida K. Fox &Susan E. Mackinnon
Published online: 8 November 2014
#American Association for Hand Surgery 2014
Background The sural nerve is the most common nerve graft
donor despite requiring a second operative limb and causing
numbness of the lateral foot. The purposes of this study were
to review our experience using nerve autografts in upper
extremity nerve reconstruction and develop recommendations
for donor selection.
Methods A retrospective case series study was performed of
all consecutive patients undergoing nerve grafting procedures
for upper extremity nerve injuries over an 11-year period
Results Eighty-six patients received 109 nerve grafts over the
study period. Mean patient age was 42.9± 18.3 years; 57 %
were male. There were 51 median (59 %), 26 ulnar (30 %), 14
digital (13 %), 13 radial (16 %), and 3 musculocutaneous
(4 %) nerve injuries repaired with 99 nerve autografts (71
from upper extremity, 28 from lower extremity). Multiple
upper extremity nerve autograft donors were utilized, includ-
ing the medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve (MABC), third
webspace branch of median, lateral antebrachial cutaneous
nerve (LABC), palmar cutaneous, and dorsal cutaneous
branch of ulnar nerve. By using an upper-extremity donor, a
second operative limb was avoided in 58 patients (67 %), and
a second incision was avoided in 26 patients (30 %). The
frequency of sural graft use declined from 40 % (n=17/43) to
11 % (n=7/64).
Conclusions Our algorithm for selecting nerve graft material
has evolved with our growing understanding of nerve internal
topography and the drive to minimize additional incisions,
maximize ease of harvest, and limit donor morbidity. This has
led us away from using the sural nerve when possible and
allowed us to avoid a second operative limb in two thirds of
the cases.
Keywords Autograft .Donor .Nerve graft .Nerve transfer .
Sural nerve
Interposition grafting of upper-extremity nerve injuries is
often required to perform a tension-free coaptation. Classical-
ly, the sural nerve has been the predominant source of nerve
autograft, especially when a larger amount of graft material is
required. Although sural donor site morbidity is minimal, it
does result in diminished sensation at the lateral foot and a
visible scar. For upper-extremity reconstruction, sural graft
harvest involves a second operative extremity, awkward
intra-operative positioning, and/or position changes that may
lengthen operative time; the latter are especially true in obese
patients [13].
Upper-extremity sources for nerve autograft have several
potential advantages, which include confining donor morbid-
ity to the affected limb, limiting additional incisions, and
simplicity of harvest. Several upper-extremity nerve grafts
have been described, including the medial antebrachial cuta-
neous nerve (MABC) [15,31], lateral antebrachial cutaneous
nerve (LABC) [15,2830,45], median nerve fascicular
branch to the third webspace (TWM) [5,38,41], palmar-
cutaneous branch of median nerve (PCM) [1], dorsal-
cutaneous branch of ulnar nerve (DCU) [3,19], and posterior
interosseous nerve (PIN) [22].
A summary of the literature on donor options for nerve
autograft, including specific advantages and disadvantages, is
shown in Table 1. Most studies have focused on specific graft
options or reconstruction of specific nerve injuries. The results
L. H. Poppler :K. Davidge :J. C. Y. Lu :J. Armstrong :I. K. Fox :
S. E. Mackinnon (*)
Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Washington
University in St. Louis School of Medicine, 660 S. Euclid Ave,
Campus Box 8238, St. Louis, MO 63110, USA
HAND (2015) 10:6875
DOI 10.1007/s11552-014-9699-6
following nerve grafting are well described [9,26,27,
36,40,44,51]. The purposes of this study were to
review our experience using nerve autografts in upper-
extremity nerve reconstruction and develop recommen-
dations for donor site selection with an emphasis on
alternatives to sural nerve.
Materials and Methods
A retrospective case series study was performed of all con-
secutive patients undergoing nerve grafting procedures for
upper extremity nerve injuries over an 11-year period
(20012012). Pediatric patients (<18 years) were excluded.
Patient consent and study approval from the Institutional
Review Board were obtained.
Eligible patients were identified from a prospectively main-
tained database of nerve surgeries performed by the senior
author (SEM). Data on patient demographics, mechanism and
timing of injury, nerve donor, nerve recipient, gap length, graft
length, cable number, and operative site were collected. De-
scriptive statistics (means, standard deviations, frequencies,
percentages) were performed for all variables, and an algo-
rithm for upper-extremity nerve reconstruction was created.
Tabl e 1 Characteristics of nerve autograft donors based on published data
Donor nerve Harvestable length Fascicle
Disadvantage Advantage
MABC Up to 28 cm (3) 710 23.15 mm
Medial arm scar Long length and larger caliber nerve
suitable for larger nerve gaps and/or
multiple cables required
Can minimize donor morbidity with
end-to-side repair of distal end
MABC to median nerve
LABC 58cm(14) 49(46) 1.31.8 mm
(14) Visible forearm scar Good for short gaps
518 (6)
615 (5)
57 (14) Good size match with digital nerve
Usually injured with SBR and therefore
good nerve graft for SBR injuries
Dermatome overlap with SBR reduces
donor morbidity (7)
24.5 cm (8) 213 4.43 mm
Sensory loss in hand
Easy access through volar distal
forearm incisions
Mean length 5.24 cm
Sensory loss in palm Easy access through volar forearm
Up to 26 cm (12) 2.4 mm
at origin
Sensory loss to dorsal-
ulnar hand and digits
Useful if ulnar nerve already injured
and working in same operative siteDorsal-ulnar hand
divisions, 56cm
35(14) 0.60.7 mm
Deep dissection into
pronator quadratus
No sensory loss
Good size match with digital nerves
Short segment available
2.5 cm (47) 2 (14) 0.50.8 mm
Visible dorsal incision No cutaneous sensory loss
Small diameter graft
Potential for hypersensitivity
in donor territory
Consider if radial nerve already injured
Sural 3050 cm (48) 914 2.54mm Positioning difficult Long length
MSC 13 MSC 1.5 Requires second extremity
LSC 1.5LSC 57
Obturator 9.913.6 cm 24 (50) Loss of gracilis as possible
future free functional flap
No sensory loss
Expendable motor nerve graft11.5 cm average
MABC medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve, LABC lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve, TWM third webspace branch of median nerve, PCM palmar
cutaneous branch of median nerve, DCU dorsal cutaneous branch of ulnar nerve, AIN anterior interosseous nerve, PIN posterior interosseous nerve, SBR
radial sensory nerve, MSC medial sural cutaneous, LSC lateral sural cutaneous
Used as non-critical portion of injured nerve
Terminal branch
HAND (2015) 10:6875 69
Patients and Nerve Injury
Eighty-six patients received 109 nerve grafts for upper ex-
tremity nerve reconstruction over the study period. Mean
patient age at time of surgery was 42.9 ± 18.3 years, and
57 % were male. Mechanism of nerve injury was documented
in 80 patients and included sharp laceration (37 %), iatrogenic
lacerations (24 %), traction (9 %), neoplasm (7 %), gunshot
(6 %), fracture (3 %), crush (2 %), and other blunt trauma
(1 %). Nerve repairs were performed at an average of 13.3±
17.2 months after primary injury, and 48 patients (56 %) had
undergone one or more prior attempts at nerve repair. In 14
patients (16 %), multiple nerves were injured but only 6
patients (7 %) required repair of multiple nerves with a nerve
There were 51 median (59 %), 26 ulnar (30 %), 14 digital
(13 %), 13 radial (16 %), and 3 musculocutaneous (4 %) nerve
injuries repaired with nerve graft. Pure sensory nerve injuries
were most common (n=47, 53 %), followed by mixed (n=32,
36 %) and pure motor nerve injuries (n=10, 11 %).
Nerve Graft Donors
In total, 99 nerve autografts (71 from upper extremity, 28 from
lower extremity) and 10 acellular nerve allografts (ANA) were
used. The type and characteristics of nerve grafts utilized in
this cohort are summarized in Table 2. Figure 1demonstrates
which nerve grafts were utilized by nerve injured.
Multiple upper-extremity nerve autograft donors were uti-
lized, including the MABC, TWM, LABC, PCM, and DCU.
By using an upper-extremity donor, a second operative limb
was avoided in 58 patients (67 %) and a second incision was
avoided in 26 patients (30 %). Lower-extremity autograft
donors included the sural nerve and obturator nerve. Six
patients (7 %) required bilateral sural nerve harvest. The
frequency of sural nerve graft use declined from 40 % (n=
17/43) to 11 % (n=7/64) between the first and second half of
the study period, with a corresponding increase in upper-
extremity nerve donor utilization (Fig. 2). The sural was used
primarily to repair complex injuries involving multiple nerves.
Where possible, the distal cut end of the donor nerve was
repaired in an end-to-side fashion to an adjacent, normal
sensory nerve. This was achieved in 25 of 99 autografts,
specifically following MABC (n=13), TWM (n=7), and
PCM (n=3) harvest. In two cases where a direct end-to-side
repair was not possible, ANA was utilized to bridge the nerve
An algorithm for nerve graft selection is proposed in Fig. 3.
Nerve grafting remains an important reconstructive technique
for acute management of upper-extremity nerve injuries. Our
algorithm for selection of nerve graft material has evolved
over the last decade owing to several factors. First, a growing
understanding of upper-extremity nerve anatomy and internal
topography now allows alternative reconstructions with nerve
transfers and has expanded the available options and harvest-
able length of upper-extremity nerve donors. Second, the
ongoing drive to minimize additional incisions, maximize
ease of harvest, and limit donor morbidity has led us away
from using the sural nerve when possible. Third, with the
increasing prevalence of obesity in North America, the added
difficulty and operative time required for sural nerve harvest is
Tabl e 2 Type and characteristics
of 109 nerve grafts utilized to re-
construct upper-extremity nerve
MABC medial antebrachial cuta-
neous nerve, LABC lateral
antebrachial cutaneous nerve,
TWM third webspace branch of
median nerve, PCM palmar cuta-
neous branch of median nerve,
DCU dorsal cutaneous branch of
ulnar nerve, AIN anterior
interosseous nerve, SBR radial
sensory nerve, ANA acellular
nerve allograft
Using both anterior and posteri-
or branches of MABC
Nerve Number Harvested length (cm)
(mean ± SD, range)
Cable length (cm)
(mean ± SD, range)
Number of cables
(mean ± SD, range)
Upper extremity
MABC 29 17.6±10.7 (4.556
)6.3±2.9(318) 2 (18)
TWM 14 8.5 ± 5.3 (318) 4.8± 1.8 (28) 1 (14)
LABC 12 8.4± 4.6 (3.518) 4.4±3.3 (212) 1 (13)
PCM 8 6.5± 3.8 (214) 5.6± 2.3 (29) 0 (12)
DCU 6 9.6± 5.9 (318) 5.8± 3.0 (311) 2 ± 1 (13)
AIN 1 2 2 1
SBR 1 12 12 1
Lower extremity
Sural 24 28.0 ± 11.5 (648) 10.0±5.2 (323) 3±2 (17)
Obturator nerve 4 6.8± 3.7 (211) 4.5 ± 2 .2 (2 7) 1 (12)
ANA 10 2.5 ± 0.6 (1.53) 2.5± 0.6 (1.53) 0 (11)
70 HAND (2015) 10:6875
not insignificant. As a result, we now use the sural nerve only
for situations requiring large amounts of graft material, such as
multiple major nerve transection injuries.
For distal nerve injuries in the forearm, the MABC remains
our first choice for repair of median and ulnar nerve injuries
because of its caliber, available length, and proximity. Donor
morbidity from harvesting the MABC can be minimized by
performing an end-to-side anastamosis of the distal cut end
of the MABC to the adjacent median nerve. Recent studies
show that while motor axons require injury for end-to-side
sprouting, sensory axons collaterally sprout spontaneously
without need for additional axonal injury [35,46]. Restoring
some degree of innervation to the donor nerve territory may
reduce forearm anesthesia or hypersensitivity caused by
sprouting of adjacent sensory nerves after MABC harvest
[11,13]. This concept can also be applied to harvest of other
nerves, such as the TWM.
Utilizing non-critical portions of the injured nerve also
helps to minimize donor morbidity, avoid additional incisions,
and minimize operative time. For example, the DCU becomes
a useful donor in more proximal ulnar nerve injuries, as do the
PCM and TWM in median nerve injuries. In this study, using
DCU and TWM for graft material avoided a second incision in
3 of 6 patients and 10 of 14 patients, respectively. Owing to its
small caliber and short length, we tend to reserve the PCM as a
secondary source of graft material in distal median nerve
injuries where the TWM alone was insufficient. Addition of
the PCM in this review eliminated the need for a second
incision in four of eight patients.
Along the same lines, our preference for radial sensory
nerve reconstruction for short gap injuries in the forearm is
the LABC because of its proximity, ease of harvest, and the
likelihood that it is also injured in distal forearm injuries.
Although the radial sensory nerve does not provide critical
sensation tothe hand, we prefer to reconstruct it because of the
propensity for hyperalgesia in this region secondary to collat-
eral sprouting [11]. Alternatively, in high radial nerve injuries,
we will crush and proximally transpose the injured radial
Fig. 1 Upper-extremity graft use
by injured nerve. Histogram
representing the frequency of use
of each donor nerve and the nerve
repaired with that donor. Includes
ANAs used to facilitate and end-
to-side repair of nerve graft do-
nors and repair of other sensory
nerves not specifically listed.
Fig. 2 Utilization of different
nerve grafts over time. Histogram
comparing the use of each donor
nerve in the first half of the study
period to the second half. Sural
nerve use decreased as use of
upper extremity donors increased
HAND (2015) 10:6875 71
sensory nerve to avoid formation of a painful neuroma when
reconstruction is not feasible. The distal radial sensory nerve
can then be transferred end-to-side to the normal median nerve
for recovery of sensation. We strongly advise against harvest-
ing an uninjured radial sensory nerve as graft material.
Our preference for digital nerve reconstruction de-
pends on the specific nerve injured. Critical sensory
nerves supplying the ulnar and radial borders of the
hand should be reconstructed with nerve autograft. Mul-
tiple donor options exist; however, we prefer the MABC
and LABC owing to their size match and limited donor
morbidity. The distal PIN is described as a graft source
for digital nerve reconstruction [22] but it is small in
diameter and leaves a visible scar on the dorsal forearm.
Therefore, we tend not to use this graft.
We reserve the use of ANA for non-critical digital nerve
injuries less than 3 cm in length. While a comprehensive
discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of ANA is
outside the scope of this manuscript, evidence supporting
good outcomes following ANA reconstruction of proximal
nerve injuries or large nerve gaps is lacking [4,8]. In fact, we
will utilize long ANA segments specifically when we wish to
encourage incomplete nerve regeneration, as in the manage-
ment of painful neuromas. As such, our personal practice is to
use autogenous nerve for critical sensory or motor nerve
The vast majority of autograft donors in this study were
sensory nerves. In four cases, we utilized the obturator motor
nerve for reconstruction of motor nerve injuries based on the
hypothesis that motor and sensory Schwann cell specificity
would markedly improve regeneration [21]. However, subse-
quent experimental work revealed that nerve architecture and
endoneurial tube size are likely more important factors in
facilitating nerve regeneration [23,34]. Our current indica-
tions for harvesting a motor nerve as a graft source are there-
fore limited to critical motor nerve reconstruction not amena-
ble to motor transfer, such as the deep ulnar motor branch in
the hand and the spinal accessory nerve.
The advent of distal nerve transfers has limited our require-
ments for long nerve grafts. Our improved understanding of
nerve injury and regeneration now cautions us against the use
of long grafts (>6 cm) whenever possible [42]. A state of
Schwann cell senescence following denervation was recently
described and correlated with failures of axonal regeneration
through long nerve grafts [42]. Irreversible arrest of prolifer-
ation, altered gene expression, and changes in the secretory
profile characterize the senescent state [2,6,7,10,12,14,18,
24,32,33,37,39,43,47,48]. Compared with short grafts,
long and large diameter nerve grafts expose distal Schwann
cells to prolonged ischemia-related oxidative stress and
prolonged denervation, which may induce Schwann cell se-
nescence [42,49,50]. This phenomenon may explain poor
Fig. 3 Algorithm for sural alternatives. Flow diagram representing our
algorithm for choosing donor nerves. ANA acellular nerve allograft, DCU
dorsal cutaneous branch of ulnar nerve, LABC lateral antebrachial
cutaneous nerve, MABC medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve, PCM
palmar cutaneous branch of median nerve, TWM third webspace branch
of median nerve
72 HAND (2015) 10:6875
regeneration across long grafts and grafts without immediate
distal repair [17,20,25].
Based on this knowledge, we prefer to acutely manage
single nerve injuries in the upper arm with distal nerve or
tendon transfers rather than direct repair with nerve grafting
(Table 3). Increased experience with nerve transfer and the use
of MABC as graft material has reduced the need for sural
nerve graft. We now only address a proximal single nerve
injury if there is neuropathic pain. In these situations, rather
than directly repair the nerve with a nerve graft, we address the
injury with neuroma excision, and crushing the nerve
proximal to the injury to create a neurotmetic injury
and thus, resetthe regenerative process. Finally, the nerve
end is transposed into an adjacent muscle for pain control. As
a result, even if nerve grafts are needed to complete a portion
of reconstruction, donors from the upper extremity typically
suffice. Sural nerve grafting is reserved for multiple major
nerve transection injuries, where distal nerve or tendon trans-
fers are not possible.
In summary, upper-extremity nerve reconstruction can be
successfully accomplished using nerve donors from the ipsi-
lateral limb in the majority of cases. Judicious selection of
nerve donors can reduce patient morbidity and operative time
but necessitates a thorough understanding of nerve anatomy
and topography. While the sural nerve remains a useful
donor for extensive, multiple nerve injury reconstruc-
tion, a growing body of scientific and clinical evidence
suggests that in situations requiring large amounts of
nerve autograft, alternative reconstructions such as nerve
transfers may provide better results [16,36]. In cases of
distal injury requiring interposition grafting, we recom-
mend use of alternative graft material including TWM
and DCU for median and ulnar nerve injuries respec-
Conflict of Interest Louis H. Poppler declares that he has no conflict of
Kristen Davidge declares that she has no conflict of interest.
Johnny C.Y. Lu declares that he has no conflict of interest.
Jim Armstrong declares that he has no conflict of interest.
Ida K. Fox declares that she has no conflict of interest.
Susan E. Mackinnon declares that she has no conflict of interest.
Statement of Human and Animal Rights The Institutional Review
Board at Washington University approved this study and ensured that all
data collection and analysis was performed with respect to human rights.
Statement of Informed Consent All data in this study had nopersonal
identifiers and therefore informed consent was not necessary.
Tabl e 3 Recipesfor high-level
nerve injuries as alternatives to
sural graft
Used with permission from
Mackinnon SE, ed. Nerve
Surgery. New York, NY: Thieme;
AIN anterior interosseous nerve,
ETE end-to-end, ETS end-to-side,
DCU dorsal cutaneous branch of
ulnar nerve, PCM palmar cutane-
ous branch of median, SBR radial
sensory nerve, TWM third
webspace branch of median nerve
All motor transfers are end-to-
Priorities Reconstruction technique
Median AIN function
Thumb opposition
Motor nerve transfers
- Brachialis or supinator to AIN
Sensory transfers
- DCU to thumb and radial index sensory fascicles ETE
- TWM and distal DCU to ulnar sensory fascicles ETS
Tendon transfers
Radial Wrist, finger, and thumb extension
Motor nerve transfers
Sensory transfers
- SBR to median ETS
Tendon transfers
- PT to ECRB for early wrist extension (optional)
Ulnar Intrinsic function
Ring and small finger flexion
Motor nerve transfers
- AIN to ulnar motor
Sensory transfers
- TWM to ulnar sensory fascicles ETE
- PCM to DCU ETE or DCU to median ETS
Tendon transfers
- Tenodesis of FDP tendons
HAND (2015) 10:6875 73
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... Additionally, autologous nerve graft donor sites are limited and their harvesting leaves the donor sites asensory. While sural nerve grafts are still the standard of care, their length may be insufficient for large defects while autologous alternatives are mostly paid for with higher donor site sequelae [13]. From the structural point of view, only fresh allografts provide identical nerve graft structure including living Schwann cells. ...
... However, autologous nerve graft donor sites are limited in length and diameter and their harvesting leaves asensory donor sites. Different strategies for their use such as inclusion in flaps or avoiding third party donor sites have been addressed [13,[22][23][24][25]. While sural nerve grafts are still the best standard of care, their availability is limited in large defects and their use mostly paid for with higher donor site sequelae [13]. ...
... Different strategies for their use such as inclusion in flaps or avoiding third party donor sites have been addressed [13,[22][23][24][25]. While sural nerve grafts are still the best standard of care, their availability is limited in large defects and their use mostly paid for with higher donor site sequelae [13]. From the structural point of view, fresh allografts provide identical nerve graft structure including living Schwann cells. ...
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Objectives The availability of appropriate conduits remains an obstacle for successful reconstruction of long-distance nerve defects. In previous sheep trials, we were able to bridge 6 cm nerve gaps with nerve conduits based on spider silk fibers with full functional outcomes. Here, we describe the first application of spider silk for nerve repair in humans. Methods Four patients with extended nerve defects (>20 cm) underwent nerve reconstruction by interposition of conduits that were composed of spider silk fibers contained in autologous veins. The longitudinal luminal fibers (approx. 2500 fibers per graft) consisted of drag line silk from Trichonephila spiders. All patients were evaluated between 2 and 10 years postreconstruction, clinically, and by neurography. Results In all patients, primary wound healing and no adverse reactions to the implanted spider silk material were observed. Patients regained the following relevant functions: protective sensibility, full flexor function with near-normal grasp and powerful function after microvascular gracilis muscle transfer, and key grip function and gross finger flexion after additional tenodesis. One patient with sciatic nerve reconstruction developed protective sensibility of the lower leg, foot, and gait, enabling normal walking and jogging. No neuroma formation or neuropathic or chronic pain occurred in any of the patients. Conclusions For patients with extended peripheral nerve defects in the extremities, use of conduits based on spider silk fibers offers the possibility of restoring sensory function and protection from neuroma. This kind of nerve bridges provides new perspectives for the reconstruction of complex and long-distance nerve defects.
... Nerve autografts are currently the preferred method of gap repair; however, they are associated with donor site scarring, potential sensory deficits, and the possibility of new neuroma formation. 37 The sural nerve is the most common donor site; however, other cutaneous nerves such as the saphenous, lateral femoral cutaneous, and superficial peroneal are also potential donors in the lower extremity. 4,32,37 Kon and Bloem reported on 18 patients with 42 neuromas of the fingers treated with microsurgical neurectomy and centrocentral anastomosis. ...
... 37 The sural nerve is the most common donor site; however, other cutaneous nerves such as the saphenous, lateral femoral cutaneous, and superficial peroneal are also potential donors in the lower extremity. 4,32,37 Kon and Bloem reported on 18 patients with 42 neuromas of the fingers treated with microsurgical neurectomy and centrocentral anastomosis. 30 This microsurgical technique uses nerve allograft to connect proximal and distal nerve stumps or fascicular groups. ...
... Variability of vascular anatomy also needs to be taken into account [11]. The sural nerve is by far the most used among the VNGs as it owns several favorable characteristics [12][13][14][15]. Its anatomy is constant: it arises from the union of the medial and lateral cutaneous nerve of the calf or from the tibial and common peroneal; also, it can be removed without sacrificing a main vascular axis and with an acceptable functional morbidity. ...
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Background: Vascularized nerve grafts (VNGs) have been proposed as a superior alternative to free nerve grafts (FNGs) for complex nerve defects. A greater regenerative potential has been suggested by clinical and experimental studies, but conclusive evidence is still lacking. Methods: In this experimental study, 10 adult male Wistar rats received a non-vascularized orthotopic sciatic nerve graft on their right side, and a vascularized orthotopic sciatic nerve graft nerve on their left side. Functional outcome following nerve regeneration was evaluated through electrodiagnostic studies, target muscles weight and histomorphology, and data of VNGs and FNGs were compared. Results: The results of this study showed a significant difference in the motor unit number of Gastrocnemius Medialis (GM) estimated by MUNE in the VNG side compared to the FNG side. No other significant differences in axonal regeneration and muscle reinnervation were evident at either electrodiagnostic, histomorphology studies or muscle weight. Conclusions: This experimental model showed slight differences in nerve regeneration between VNGs and FNGs, but cannot support a high clinical advantage for VNGs. The results of this study show that VNGs are not strongly superior to FNGs in the rat model, even in avascular beds. Clinical advantages of VNGs are likely to be limited to extensive and thick nerve defects and can only be assessed on experimental model with bigger animals. Also, we showed that the MUNE technique provided a reliable and reproducible evaluation of functional outcomes in the rat sciatic nerve and defined a reproducible protocol for functional evaluation of muscle reinnervation.
... Nerve autografts are the historical standard for bridging peripheral nerve defects. 1 Common nerve autograft sources include sural, medial, and lateral antebrachial cutaneous, and posterior and anterior interosseous nerves; however, the sural nerve is the most commonly harvested nerve autograft. [1][2][3] Although good outcomes of nerve autografts have been reported, drawbacks include anatomical variations, inconsistent outcomes, 4,5 and donor-site morbidity. 6 Anatomical variations in autografts include sural nerve diameter (ranging 7 from 2.0 to 4.0 mm), branching patterns, 8 and the number of fascicles (ranging 7 from nine to 14 fascicles). ...
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Background The use of multiple cables of sural nerve autograft is common for peripheral nerve reconstruction when injured nerve caliber exceeds the nerve graft caliber. Although the optimal matching of neural to nonneural elements and its association with functional outcomes are unknown, it is reasonable to consider maximizing the neural tissue structure available for nerve regeneration. No prior studies have compared directly the cross-sectional fascicular area between cabled nerve autografts and size-selected nerve allografts. This study evaluated the cross-sectional fascicular area between native nerve stumps and two reconstructive nerve grafting methods: cabled sural nerve autograft (CSNA) and processed nerve allograft (PNA). Methods CSNA from matched cadaveric specimens and PNA were used to reconstruct nerve defects in the median and ulnar nerves of six pairs of cadaveric specimens. Nerve reconstructions were done by fellowship-trained hand surgeons. The total nerve area, fascicular area, and nonfascicular area were measured histologically. Results The CSNA grafts had significantly less fascicular area than PNA and caliber-matched native nerve. The PNA grafts had a significantly higher percent fascicular area compared with the intercalary CNSA graft. Conclusions Fascicular area was significantly greater in PNA versus CSNA. The PNA consistently demonstrated a match in fascicular area closer to the native nerve stumps than CSNA, where CSNA had significantly smaller fascicular area compared with native nerve stumps.
Objective: : To enhance the outcomes of surgical treatment for chronic ulnar nerve injuries by performing one-stage correction. Methods: From 2015 to 2023, 11 patients with chronic ulnar neurovascular bundle (NVB) injuries underwent one-stage reconstruction to restore hand function. The operations were performed on 8 men and 3 women aged 16 to 23. The duration of treatment for patients from the time of injury varied from 1.2 years to 5 years Results: In cases where there was a diastasis between the neural ends of no more than 3 cm in the upper third of the forearm due to nerve damage, restoration of the nerve with epineural suture was performed in 2 patients, while in two other cases with more significant gaps of 3.5 and 5 cm, epineural repair was carried out after anterior transposition of the nerve trunk. In one case of nerve damage in the middle third of the forearm, epineural sutures were applied to a 2.5 cm gap. Among 6 patients with damage to the ulnar NVB in the lower third of the forearm, 4 received epineural restoration of the ulnar nerve, and autologous neuroplasty was performed in gaps exceeding 3 cm in 2 patients. In cases of damage to the ulnar artery, 3 patients received autologous vein grafting, while in 3 other cases, there were no indications for vascular reconstruction. No infectious or inflammatory complications were observed in the immediate postoperative period, and there were no cases of thrombosis of autologous vein grafts of the ulnar artery. After evaluating all patients for 6 months to 2 years, it was found that 9 cases showed favorable and satisfactory long-term functional outcomes, while 2 cases exhibited unsatisfactory results. Conclusion: Restoring hand function after damage to the ulnar nerve is greatly influenced by the location, extent, and type of the damage, as well as the choice of an appropriate reconstruction method. Breaking the procedure into multiple stages can prolong patient recovery and negatively impact treatment outcomes. Conversely, performing the operation in a single stage within a relatively short timeframe can restore hand function and significantly reduce overall treatment and rehabilitation time Keywords: Ulnar nerve, neurovascular bundle, injury, tendon-muscular transfer, epineural suture
Background Nerve interposition grafting is an important technique in nerve reconstructive surgery that is used when a primary repair is not feasible without significant tension. This study sought to evaluate the long-term morbidity of the medial antebrachial cutaneous (MABC) nerve as an alternative donor nerve in comparison with sural nerve harvest. Methods A single surgeon and institution retrospective chart review was performed to identify all patients who underwent nerve autografting using the sural and MABC as donor nerves between January 1, 2000 and December 31, 2019. Surveys assessed overall patient satisfaction with surgery, as well as donor and recipient site morbidity, satisfaction, pain, numbness, and cold sensitivity. Results Of the 73 patients contacted, 54 agreed to participate, and 43 of 73 (58.9%) ultimately completed the survey: 28 MABC (65.1%) and 15 sural (34.9%). There were no significant differences between the sural and MABC groups in overall satisfaction with surgery, donor and recipient site satisfaction, pain, cold sensitivity, and effect on quality of life. Even though 66.7% of sural donor sites and 75% of MABC donor sites had residual numbness, the effect this had on quality of life was very low (2 and 3, respectively). Conclusion The MABC is a safe alternative to the traditional sural nerve autograft. A small subset of patients undergoing nerve autograft harvest will experience long-term morbidity in the form of pain. Conversely, the more common presence of numbness is not reported as bothersome.
Background: Complex injuries involving the nerves and other soft tissues in the forearm and hand lead to functional and aesthetic defects. In such situations, multiple types of nerve autografts and flap donor sites are available. However, multiple donor sites cause donor morbidity in different locations and may lead to awkward operational positions. Therefore, based on the anatomical characterization, we aimed to modify the utilization of the lateral arm donor site for reconstruction, which restricts donor morbidity in the affected upper extremity. Methods: We report a case series (N = 6) using a lateral arm flap (LAF) to reconstruct complex soft tissue defects in the forearm, palm, and finger. The posterior antebrachial cutaneous nerve (PACN) is the primary option for nerve bridging, whereas the LAF can carry the lower lateral brachial cutaneous nerve (LBCN) as a sensory flap. Once the PACN was insufficient, the LBCN was harvested simultaneously. All the cases included in this study were performed between January 2012 and August 2021. Demographic information, flap and nerve characteristics, complications, and hand function were analyzed. Results: The LAF plus PACN or plus LBCN as nerve autograft, both successfully repaired 6 complex injuries: 2 cases in the forearm side, 1 in the hand palm, and 3 in the finger defects. Posterior antebrachial cutaneous nerve was the most used (8-15 cm), and LBCN plus PACN was used to bridge nerve defects when necessary (in total, 20 and 21 cm). The average follow-up time was 19.7 months. The disabilities of the arm, shoulder and hand score ranged between 6 and 12, and the mean 2-point discrimination values ranged between 6 and 12. The Semmes-Weinstein monofilament test result was under 5.46. In addition, 2 patients underwent a secondary debulking surgery. The average length of hospital stay was 10.4 days. Hematoma occurred in 2 cases, and all patients reported numbness in the donor nerve innervated areas. Conclusions: This surgical refinement can reconstruct complex injuries in the forearm and hand. In addition, this approach restricts donor morbidity in the affected limb, comforts the operational position, and is achieved under brachial plexus anesthesia.
Background: After a radial nerve injury, patients must weigh a complicated set of advantages and disadvantages to observation or surgery. We conducted semistructured interviews to characterize the decision-making process that these patients undertake. Methods: We recruited participants who were treated with expectant management (nonoperatively), received only a tendon transfer, or received a nerve transfer. Participants completed a semistructured interview that was transcribed and coded to identify recurring themes, to describe the influence of qualitative findings on treatment decision-making. Results: We interviewed 15 participants (5 expectant management, 5 tendon transfer only, and 5 nerve transfer). Participants' primary concerns were returning to work, hand appearance, regaining motion, resuming activities of daily living, and enjoying hobbies. Delayed diagnosis and/or insurance coverage led 3 participants to change treatment from nerve transfer to isolated tendon transfer. Interactions with providers early in diagnosis and treatment had strong effects on how members of the care team were perceived. The hand therapist was the primary person who shaped expectations, provided encouragement, and prompted referral to the treating surgeon. Participants valued debate among the care team members regarding treatment, provided that medical terminology was explained. Conclusions: This study highlights the importance of initial, collaborative care in setting expectations for patients with radial nerve injuries. Many participants named returning to work and hand appearance as primary concerns. Hand therapists were the primary source of support and information during recovery. Level of evidence: Therapeutic Level IV. See Instructions for Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.
Background: Nerve injury following arthroscopic shoulder procedures is a rare complication. Most patients will have gradual resolution of symptoms. Operative management may be required in the setting of complete nerve injury. Purpose: We present a case detailing our experience managing a patient with a complete median nerve transection following shoulder arthroscopy for a rotator cuff injury. Case Description: A thirty-nine-year-old female was referred to our office five months after undergoing a shoulder arthroscopy for a rotator cuff repair. Upon waking up from her initial surgery, she reported pain, numbness, and weakness in her right arm and hand, including the inability to make a fist or fully flex her first or second fingers. She was found to have right thenar eminence atrophy. Motor exam revealed profound weakness in flexors of the thumb and index finger. Because of the high likelihood of median nerve injury given the patient’s clinical presentation and surgical history along with an unremarkable brachial plexus MRI, surgery was recommended. Upon surgical exposure, the median nerve was found to be completely transected with a large neuroma. The neuroma was removed, and the nerve ends were trimmed with a sural nerve graft used to complete the repair. At her one and a half year follow up, she continued to demonstrate improvement although still complained of numbness in her first three fingers and weakness in her right hand. However, unlike preoperatively, her pain was well-controlled. Conclusion: Although distal neuropathies are a common preoperative complaint of patients with rotator cuff injuries, new onset nerve injuries as a complication from surgical repair should not be overlooked. Prevention of nerve injury is critical through adequate exposure and positioning during surgery. If a nerve injury does occur, examination during follow up visits are critical for monitoring the progression of symptoms and need for additional interventions.
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Background: In treating patients with brachial plexus injury, there are no comparative data on the outcomes of nerve
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The detailed outcome of surgical repair of high isolated clean sharp (HICS) ulnar nerve lesions has become relevant in view of the recent development of distal nerve transfer. Our goal was to determine the outcome of HICS ulnar nerve repair in order to create a basis for the optimal management of these lesions. High ulnar nerve lesions are defined as localized in the area ranging from the proximal forearm to the axilla just distal to the branching of the medial cord of the brachial plexus. A meta-analysis of the literature concerning high ulnar nerve injuries was performed. Additionally, a retrospective study of the outcome of nerve repair of HICS ulnar nerve injuries at our institution was performed. The Rotterdam Intrinsic Hand Myometer and the Rosén-Lundborg protocol were used. The literature review identified 46 papers. Many articles presented outcomes of mixed lesion groups consisting of combined ulnar and median nerves, or the outcome of high and low level injuries was pooled. In addition, outcome was expressed using different scoring systems. 40 patients with HICS ulnar nerve lesions were found with sufficient data for further analysis. In our institution, 15 patients had nerve repair with a median interval between trauma and reconstruction of 17 days (range 0-516). The mean score of the motor and sensory domain of the Rosen's Scale instrument was 58% and 38% of the unaffected arm, respectively. Two-point discrimination never reached less then 12 mm. From the literature, it was not possible to draw a definitive conclusion on outcome of surgical repair of HICS ulnar nerve lesions. Detailed neurological function assessment of our own patients showed that some ulnar nerve function returned. Intrinsic muscle strength recovery was generally poor. Based on this study, one might cautiously argue that repair strategies of HICS ulnar nerve lesions need to be improved.
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Background An intact digital nerve is obligatory for hand function. When transected, the hand surgeon has several options. However, there is no hard evidence which technique to choose. Objective The aim of this study was to provide an evidence-based overview of the effectiveness of interventions used in reconstruction and post-surgical management of digital nerve injuries. Methods The Cochrane Library, PubMed, EMBASE, CINAHL and PEDro databases were searched. Two reviewers independently applied the inclusion criteria to select potential relevant randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and controlled clinical trials (CCTs), extracted data and performed a methodological quality assessment of the included studies. The Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) method was used to summarise the results. Results Eight RCTs were included, five on surgical and three on post-surgical interventions. Low-quality evidence was found for effectiveness in favour of a polyglycolic acid conduit compared to primary neurrorhaphy or autologous graft, in digital nerve gaps of ≤4 mm and ≥8 mm at long-term follow-up. Very low quality of evidence was found for effectiveness in favour of EMLA crème, compared to placebo, in enhancing sensory relearning for the short-term, but not for the long-term outcomes. Low quality of evidence was found for effectiveness in favour of sensory re-education compared with control at long-term follow-up. For other interventions, no evidence for effectiveness was found. Conclusions Indications for effectiveness of some treatment strategies in digital nerve repair were found, but due to a minimal number of RCTs in this field no firm conclusions could be drawn for the different techniques. More high-quality RCTs are needed for a more confident estimate of effect. Level of evidence Therapeutic II.
The role of neurotrophic factors in the maintenance and survival of peripheral neuronal cells has been the subject of numerous studies. Administration of exogenous neurotrophic factors after nerve injury has been shown to mimic the effect of target organ-derived trophic factors on neuronal cells. After axotomy and during peripheral nerve regeneration, the neurotrophins NGF, NT-3 and BDNF show a well defined and selective beneficial effect on the survival and phenotypic expression of primary sensory neurons in dorsal root ganglia and of motoneurons in spinal cord. Other neurotrophic factors such as CNTF, GDNF and LIF also exert a variety of actions on neuronal cells, which appear to overlap and complement those of the neurotrophins. In addition, there is an indirect contribution of GGF to nerve regeneration. GGF is produced by neurons and stimulates proliferation of Schwann cells, underlining the close interaction between neuronal and glial cells during peripheral nerve regeneration. Different possibilities have been investigated for the delivery of growth factors to the injured neurons, in search of a suitable system for clinical applications. The studies reviewed in this article show the therapeutic potential of neurotrophic factors for the treatment of peripheral nerve injury and for neuropathies.
Schwann cells have a unique role in regulating the growth of axons during regeneration and presumably during development. Here we show that Schwann cells are the best substrate yet identified for promoting process growth in vitro by peripheral motor neurons. To determine the molecular interactions responsible for Schwann cell regulation of axon growth, we have examined the effects of specific antibodies on process growth in vitro, and have identified three glycoproteins that play major roles. These are the Ca2+-independent cell adhesion molecule (CAM), L1/Ng-CAM; the Ca2+-dependent CAM, N-cadherin; and members of the integrin extracellular matrix receptor superfamily. Two other CAMs present on neurons and/or Schwann cells-N-CAM and myelin-associated glycoprotein-do not appear to be important in regulating process growth. Our results imply that neuronal growth cones use integrin-class extracellular matrix receptors and at least two CAMs--N-cadherin and L1/Ng-CAM-for growth on Schwann cells in vitro and establish each of these glycoproteins as a strong candidate for regulating axon growth and guidance in vivo.
For most species, aging promotes a host of degenerative pathologies that are characterized by debilitating losses of tissue or cellular function. However, especially among vertebrates, aging also promotes hyperplastic pathologies, the most deadly of which is cancer. In contrast to the loss of function that characterizes degenerating cells and tissues, malignant (cancerous) cells must acquire new (albeit aberrant) functions that allow them to develop into a lethal tumor. This review discusses the idea that, despite seemingly opposite characteristics, the degenerative and hyperplastic pathologies of aging are at least partly linked by a common biological phenomenon: a cellular stress response known as cellular senescence. The senescence response is widely recognized as a potent tumor suppressive mechanism. However, recent evidence strengthens the idea that it also drives both degenerative and hyperplastic pathologies, most likely by promoting chronic inflammation. Thus, the senescence response may be the result of antagonistically pleiotropic gene action. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Physiology Volume 75 is February 10, 2013. Please see for revised estimates.
Axotomy of a peripheral nerve leads to interruption of axon continuity with Wallerian degeneration in the distal segment and regenerative events in the proximal remaining neuron. Local inflammation is a consequence of trauma in general and signal molecules regulating inflammation, such as cytokines, participate in the outcome of nerve trauma. We studied a broad set of potent immunoregulatory cytokines after transection of rat sciatic nerve. The endoneurium of the transected rat sciatic nerve was taken from both proximal and distal stumps. The pooled endoneurium of 6 rats was studied using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT–PCR) after 14 h; 1, 3, 5, 7 days; 2 and 4 weeks after transection. A new observation was that TNF-α mRNA showed phasic expression pattern; three distinct peaks were seen, immediately (14 h), after 5 days and in the distal part also after 2 weeks. This phenomenon may be related to the breakdown of the blood–nerve barrier and to the recruitment of circulating macrophages. We further noticed that IFN-γ mRNA was expressed between 5 days and 2 weeks. This suggests that T-cells may also take part in the regenerative processes. Furthermore, we observed that IL-10 mRNA is expressed continuously during Wallerian degeneration. The continuous expression of IL-10 mRNA may attenuate the production of inflammatory cytokines by macrophages and other cells.
Reconstruction of peripheral nerve discontinuities with processed nerve allograft has become increasingly relevant. The RANGER Study registry was initiated in 2007 to study the use of processed nerve allografts in contemporary clinical practice. We undertook this study to analyze outcomes for upper extremity nerve repairs contained in the registry database. We identified an upper extremity-specific population within the RANGER Study registry database consisting of 71 nerves repaired with processed nerve allograft. This group was composed of 56 subjects with a mean age of 40 ± 17 years (range, 18-86 y). We analyzed data to determine the safety and efficacy of processed nerve allograft. Quantitative data were available on 51 subjects with 35 sensory, 13 mixed, and 3 motor nerves. The mean gap length was 23 ± 12 mm (range, 5-50 mm). We performed an analysis to evaluate response-to-treatment and to examine sensory and motor recovery according to the international standards for motor and sensory nerve recovery. There were no reported implant complications, tissue rejections, or adverse experiences related to the use of the processed nerve allografts. Overall recovery, S3 or M4 and above, was achieved in 86% of the procedures. Subgroup analysis demonstrated meaningful levels of recovery in sensory, mixed, and motor nerve repairs with graft lengths between 5 and 50 mm. The study also found meaningful levels of recovery in 89% of digital nerve repairs, 75% of median nerve repairs, and 67% of ulnar nerve repairs. Our data suggest that processed nerve allografts offer a safe and effective method of reconstructing peripheral nerve gaps from 5 to 50 mm in length. These outcomes compare favorably with those reported in the literature for nerve autograft, and exceed those reported for tube conduits. Therapeutic III.