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Abstract and Figures

Due to the computerization of assessment tests, the use of Item Response Theory (IRT) has become commonplace for educational assessment development, evaluation, and refinement. When used appropriately by a Learning Management System (LMS), IRT can improve the assessment quality, increase the efficiency of the testing process, and provide in-depth descriptions of item properties. This paper introduces a methodological and architectural framework which embeds an IRT analysis tool in an LMS so as to extend its functionality with assessment optimisation support. By applying a set of validity rules to the statistical indices produced by the IRT analysis, the enhanced LMS is able to detect several defective items from an item pool which are then reported for reviewing of their content. Assessment refinement is achieved by repeatedly employing this process until all flawed items are eliminated.
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LMS Assessment: using IRT analysis to detect defective
multiple-choice test items
Panagiotis Fotaris*
School of Arts and Digital Industries,
University of East London,
Docklands Campus, University Way,
London E16 2RD, UK
* Corresponding author
Theodoros Mastoras
Department of Applied Informatics,
University of Macedonia,
156 Egnatia str., 54006 Thessaloniki, Greece
Abstract: Due to the computerization of assessment tests, the use of Item Response
Theory (IRT) has become commonplace for educational assessment development,
evaluation, and refinement. When used appropriately by a Learning Management
System (LMS), IRT can improve the assessment quality, increase the efficiency of
the testing process, and provide in-depth descriptions of item properties. This paper
introduces a methodological and architectural framework which embeds an IRT
analysis tool in an LMS so as to extend its functionality with assessment
optimisation support. By applying a set of validity rules to the statistical indices
produced by the IRT analysis, the enhanced LMS is able to detect several defective
items from an item pool which are then reported for reviewing of their content.
Assessment refinement is achieved by repeatedly employing this process until all
flawed items are eliminated.
Keywords: e-learning; item pool optimisation; item response theory; IRT;
computer aided assessment; Learning Management System; technology enhanced
learning; Massive Open Online Courses; MOOCs.
Biographical notes: Panagiotis Fotaris, PhD, is a Lecturer and the Programme Leader of
the BSc (Hons) in Digital Media Design at the School of Arts and Digital Industries,
University of East London. He completed his doctorate in Applied Informatics with an
emphasis in Technology Enhanced Learning at University of Macedonia and also holds an
MA in Graphic Design / Multimedia and an MSc in Distributed and Multimedia
Information Systems. His teaching, research, training and consulting interests include
gamification, learning analytics, UX design, and the integration of novel technology into
the teaching and learning environment.
Theodoros Mastoras, PhD, holds a Diploma in Computer Engineering and Informatics from
the University of Patras and a Doctor's degree in Applied Informatics from the University
of Macedonia, Greece. His research interests include the areas of data analysis, learning
analytics, gamification, e-learning standards, and semantic web technologies. He has given
presentations in various international conferences and has published research papers at
international journals and conference proceedings.
1 Introduction
Due to the widespread use of software applications and web-based
technologies for the administration, documentation, tracking, reporting,
and delivery of e-learning education courses (Learning Management
Systems LMS) (Ellis, 2009), as well as the booming development of
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), the use of Computer Aided
Assessment (CAA) tools has become a major trend in academic
institutions worldwide (Anantatmula and Stankosky, 2008; Rego et al.,
2009; Virtanen, 2009). Through these systems, tests composed of various
question types can be presented to students in order to assess their
knowledge (Hindi et al., 2008). However, there has been considerable
criticism of the test quality, with both research and experience showing
that many test items are flawed at the initial stage of their development
due to deviation from widely accepted item-writing guidelines, such as
putting the central idea of the question into the stem and avoiding the use
of negation whenever possible (Haladyna et al., 2002), long/complex
sentences, ineffective distractors (incorrect answers), items with poor
discriminatory power or high/low difficulty level etc. Test developers can
expect about 50% of the items in their item pool to fail to perform as
intended, which may eventually lead to unreliable results of examinee
performance (Haladyna, 1999). Thus a critical challenge lies in how to
enhance an LMS with a tool which investigates the statistical properties of
individual test items and ensures that they are of the highest quality
possible, since inferior items yield scores of questionable value that are
inappropriate to use as a basis of evaluating student achievement and
could therefore threaten the overall effectiveness of the test.
There are two major approaches to item evaluation using item response
data and, sample size permitting, both can be used. The first approach uses
Item Analysis (IA) (Hambleton, 1994; Yu and Wong, 2003); it focuses on
traditional item indices appearing in Classical Test Theory (CTT)
(SCOREPAK, 2005), which include item difficulty, item discrimination
(item effectiveness), and the distribution of examinee responses across the
alternative responses. The second approach uses Item Response Theory
(IRT) (Lord, 1980), a framework originally developed to overcome the
limitations of CTT, in order to estimate the parameters of an item-
characteristic curve (ICC) which maps the probability that an item will be
answered correctly based on the examinee’s ability level as measured by
the test.
The natural scale for item difficulty in IA is the percentage of
examinees correctly answering the item. One descriptor of item difficulty
is p-value, which stands for the proportion of the percentage of examinees
correctly answering the item. Every item has a natural difficulty based on
the performance of all individuals undertaking the test; however, this p-
value is quite difficult to estimate accurately unless a highly representative
group of test-takers is being tested. If, for example, the sample contains
well-instructed, highly able or highly trained individuals, then the test and
its items will appear very easy. Alternatively, if the sample contains
uninstructed, low-ability or untrained individuals, then the same test will
appear very hard. Therefore, the p-value is not an invariant characteristic
of the item, but it is potentially biased by the sample on which the estimate
of item difficulty is based. As a result, the characterization of an item or
test is examinee (sample) dependent (Hambleton et al., 1991), while with
IRT the composition of the sample is generally immaterial, and item
difficulty can be estimated without bias, which can be quite useful when
reusing a test a number of times. From the ICC it is clear how the items
work and which ability an examinee has that performs well on each item.
In comparison to IRT, IA is also not as sensitive to items that
discriminate differentially across different levels of ability, does not work
as well when different examinees take different sets of items, and is not as
effective in identifying items that are statistically biased (Hambleton &
Jones, 1993; Hambleton & Swaminathan, 1987; Schmeiser & Welch,
2006). Hence, the use of IRT when designing tests in an LMS is likely to
produce more reliable results.
Although within IRT there are numerous models, including uni- and
multi- dimensional models as well as a mixture of distribution models,
three prominent equations termed 1PL, 2PL, and 3PL (parameter logistic)
models are presently used to make predictions. These use one parameter
(theta – θ) to measure how much of a latent trait an examinee has (i.e., the
amount of ability, trait, proficiency or attribute level possessed by an
individual). In 3PL, each item is characterized by the three parameters, α,
b and c respectively.
In a cognitive task, the α parameter indicates the degree to which an
examinees’ response to an item varies with, or relates to their trait level or
ability (Nenty, 2004). It is a measure of the discriminating power of the
item. Although it is defined theoretically on the scale (-, +) with the
usual range seen in practice being -2.80 to 2.80 (Baker, 2001), negatively
discriminating items are discarded from ability tests. If for example, the
probability of answering an item correctly decreases as examinee ability
increases, something is wrong with that particular item (such as mis-
The b parameter is the amount of trait inherent in an item and represents
the cognitive resistance of the item or task. It serves as an index of item
difficulty and increases in value as items become more difficult. The
theoretical range of values is (-, +), however typical values are ranged
between [-3, 3] (Baker, 2001). In contrast to the p-value used in IA, b is
theoretically not dependent on the ability level of the sample of students
Finally, the c parameter is commonly called the guessing or the pseudo-
guessing parameter and characterises the lower asymptote at which a
person completely lacking in the trait will overcome or answer the item
correctly. The latter term is used in order to emphasize that guessing, in
particular random guessing on selected-response (e.g. multiple-choice) test
items, may not be the psychological mechanism by which very low ability
examinees are producing correct answers. For example, for a 4-choice
item, random guessing would produce a probability of producing a correct
response of 0.25. However, it is not uncommon for c to assume values
smaller than 0.25 because examinees with partial knowledge are attracted
by well-constructed distractors that reflect their misunderstandings (Lord,
1974). The c parameter has a theoretical range of [0, 1], but in practice
values above 0.35 are not considered acceptable (Baker, 2001).
All three parameters are present in the following equation called Item
Response Function (IRF) that defines the 3PL model for dichotomous
data. IRF gives the probability of a correct response to item i by an
examinee with ability θ:
In Equation (1), Xi is the score for item i, with Xi = 1 for a correct
response and Xi = 0 for an incorrect response. θ is the examinee’s
proficiency, αi, bi, and ci are item parameters, and D is a scaling constant,
In the case of a typical test item, this probability will be small for
examinees of low ability and large for examinees of high ability. If one
plotted P(θ) as a function of ability, the result would be the Item
Characteristic Curve, a smooth S-shaped curve which describes the
relationship between the probability of a correct response to an item and
the ability scale (Baker, 2001). The difficulty of an item describes where
the item functions along the ability scale, e.g., an easy item functions
among the low-ability examinees and a hard item among the high-ability
examinees, respectively. The item’s discrimination is proportional to the
slope of the ICC at θ = b, and the lower limit of the ICC is the value of the
guessing parameter c (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1: 3PL Item Response Function (α = 1, b = 0, c = 0.2)
A satisfactory pool of items for testing is one characterized by items
with high discrimination (α > 1), a rectangular distribution of difficulty
(b), and low guessing (c < 0.2) parameters (Baker, 1992; Flaugher, 2000).
The information provided by the item analysis assists not only in
evaluating performance but in improving item quality as well. Test
developers can use these results to discriminate whether an item can be
reused as is, should be revised before reuse, or should be taken out of the
active item pool. What makes an item’s performance acceptable should be
defined in the test specifications within the context of the test purpose and
The present paper introduces a comprehensible way to present IRT
analysis results to test developers without delving into unnecessary details.
Instead of executing complex commands and memorising scenarios from
technical manuals in an effort to construct a test with high-quality items,
test developers can easily detect problematic multiple choice questions
from the familiar user interface of an LMS.
The latter can automatically calculate the limits and rules for the α
(discrimination), b (difficulty), and c (guessing) parameters (Lord, 1980)
based on the percentage of questions wanted for revision. Regarding the
examinee’s proficiency (θ), while it can be measured on a scale having a
midpoint of zero, a unit measurement of one, and a range from negative
infinity to positive infinity, practical considerations usually limit the range
of values from -3 to +3 (Baker, 2001). However, since these scores
include negative ability estimates which will undoubtedly confuse many
users, they can optionally be normalized to a 0…100 range scale score.
2 Related Work
Students’ increasing demand for more flexible learning options during
the last decade has led to the widespread use of LMS and CAA tools in
education, and, more recently, to the rapid expansion of MOOCs
distributed in platforms such as Coursera, Udacity, FutureLearn, and EdX.
However, there is serious concern around the assessment of student
learning due to the fact that only a small fraction of the aforementioned
systems supports an assessment quality control process based on the
interpretation of item statistic parameters. Popular e-learning platforms
such as Moodle and Blackboard have plug-ins or separate modules that
provide statistics for test items, but apart from that they offer no
suggestions to test developers on how to improve their item pool.
Similarly, although new web technologies allow for scalable ways to
deliver video lectures, implement social fora, and track student progress in
MOOCs (Piech et al., 2013), there is limited feedback regarding the
quality of the test items and the accuracy of the assessment results.
Therefore, many researchers have recently endeavoured to provide
mechanisms for assessment optimisation.
Hsieh et al. (2003) introduced a model that presents test statistics and
collects students’ learning behaviours for generating analysis result and
feedback to tutors. Hung et al. (2004) proposed an analysis model based
on Item Analysis (IA) that collects information such as item difficulty and
discrimination indices, questionnaire and question style, etc. These data
are combined with a set of rules in order to detect defective items, which
are signalled using traffic lights. Costagliola et al.’s eWorkbook system
(2008) improved this approach by using fuzzy rules to measure item
quality, detect anomalies on the items, and suggest improvements.
Nevertheless, all of the aforementioned works preferred IA to IRT due to
its ease of use without taking into consideration its numerous deficiencies.
On the other hand, IRT has been mainly applied in the Computerized
Adaptive Test (CAT) domain for personalized test construction based on
individual ability (Chen et al., 2004; Ho and Yen, 2005; Yen and
Fitzpatrick, 2006; Meyer and Zhu, 2013). Despite its high degree of
support among theoreticians and some practitioners, IRT’s complexity and
dependence on unidimensional test data and large samples often relegate
its application to experimental purposes only. While a literature review
can reveal many different IRT estimation algorithms, they all involve
heavy mathematics and are unsuitable for implementation in a scripting
language designed for web development (e.g., PHP). As a result, their
integration in internet applications such as LMSs is very limited. A way to
address this issue is to have a web page call the open-source analysis tool
ICL (Hanson, 2002) to carry out the estimation process and then import its
results for display. The present paper showcases in detail a framework
proposed by Fotaris & Mastoras (2013) that follows this exact method in
order to extend an LMS with IRT analysis services at no additional
programming cost.
3 Open-source IRT Analysis Tool ICL
Several computer programs that provide estimates of IRT parameters
are currently available for a variety of computer environments, including
RUMM and WINMIRA to name a few that are easily obtainable (Meyer
and Zhu, 2013). Despite being the de facto standard for dichotomous IRT
model estimation, BILOG is a commercial product and limited in other
ways. Hanson (2002) provided an alternative stand-alone software for
estimating the parameters of IRT models called IRT Command Language
(ICL). A recent comparison between BILOG-MG and ICL (Mead et al.,
2007) showed that both programs are equally precise and reliable in their
estimations. However, ICL is free, open-source, and licensed in a way that
allows it to be modified and extended. In fact, ICL is actually IRT
estimation functions embedded into a fully-featured programming
language called TCL that supports relatively complex operations.
Additionally, ICL’s command line nature enables it to run in the
background and produce analysis results in the form of text files. Since the
proposed framework uses only a binary-scoring 3PL model, ICL proves
more than sufficient for our purpose and was therefore selected to
complement the LMS for item pool optimisation.
4 Integrating IRT Analysis in Dokeos
Dokeos is an open-source LMS implemented in PHP that requires
Apache acting as a web server and MySQL as a Database Management
System. It has been serving the needs of two academic courses at the
University of Macedonia for over six years, receiving satisfactory
feedback from both instructors and students. In order to extend its
functionality with IRT analysis and item pool optimisation functions, we
had to modify its source code so as to support the following features:
1. After completing a test session, the LMS stores in its database the
examinee’s response to each test item instead of keeping only a final
score by default.
2. Test developers define the acceptable limits for the following IRT
analysis parameters: item discrimination (α), item difficulty (b), and
guessing (c). To cater for test developers who are unaware of the 3PL
model parameters’ meaning, the LMS offers online help documentation
and guidelines regarding how to set the parameters’ valid ranges. It also
provides the option of choosing from a small selection of predefined
limit values. The LMS stores these values as validity rules for each
assessment. There is an additional choice of having these limits set
automatically by the system in order to rule out a specific percentage of
questions (Fig. 2.1).
3. Every time the LMS is asked to perform an IRT analysis, it displays a
page with the estimated difficulty, discrimination and guessing
parameters for each test item. If the latter violates any of the validity
rules already defined in the assessment profile, it is flagged for review
of its content (Fig. 2.2). Once item responses are evaluated, test
developers can discard, revise or retain items for future use.
4. In addition to a total score, the assessment report screen displays the
proficiency θ per examinee as derived from the IRT analysis (Fig. 2.3).
Fig. 2. Functionality features supported in the extended version of Dokeos
The proposed methodology consists of four steps, with each one of them
being an action performed by the LMS (Fig. 3). Additionally, the initial
database schema has been extended in order to support some extra
functions. Once an update of the IRT results is called for, the LMS exports
the proper data files and TCL scripts. It then performs a number of calls to
the ICL using PHP and after parsing the analysis results, it imports them to
its database. A detailed description of the four methodology steps follows:
Normalized θ
Fig. 3. System architecture
1. The LMS exports the assessment results to a data file and generates a
TCL script to process them (parameter estimation script) (Fig. 4).
……… one row per examinee ………
output -no_print
allocate_items_dist 40
read_examinees test0140.dat 40i1
EM_steps -max_iter 200
print -item_param
Fig. 4. (a) Assessment results (test0140.dat file). (b) Parameter Estimation Script (test0140.tcl
2. The LMS then calls up ICL with the parameter estimation script passed
as a parameter in order to create a data file containing the α, b, and c
values for each test item. At the same time it prepares a second TCL
script to process these IRT parameters (θ estimation script) (Fig. 5).
3. The LMS calls up ICL with the θ estimation script passed as a
parameter so as to make a data file with the examinees’ θ values (Fig.
Web Server
LMS “Dokeos”
IRT tool “ICL”
Assessment Test
IRT Analysis
1 1,597597 1,506728 0,128515
2 1,377810 -0,876164 0,223903
3 1,258461 0,549362 0,140593
4 1,031856 0,495642 0,079279
5 1,077831 1,004437 0,136324
6 0,479151 1,544218 0,218270
7 1,439241 1,279352 0,082382
8 0,898259 1,310215 0,129570
9 1,837514 1,349520 0,032675
10 0,467694 0,934207 0,206085
11 0,607603 0,265524 0,181212
12 0,240009 1,054301 0,245737
13 0,945631 1,451464 0,050895
……… one row per item ………
output -no_print
allocate_items_dist 40
read_examinees test0140.dat 40i1
read_item_param test0140.par
set estep [new_estep]
estep_compute $estep 1 1
delete_estep $estep
set eapfile [open test0140.theta w]
for {set i 1}{$i <= [num_examinees]}
{incr i} {
close $eapfile
Fig. 5. (a) Estimated parameters (test0140.par file). (b) θ estimation script (test0140t.tcl file).
0,378453 0,434304 19
-0,149162 -0,096175 14
-1,523733 -5,999491 7
-0,238032 -0,172708 15
-0,964941 -1,001566 8
1,658672 1,737581 34
-0,343387 -0,312642 16
-0,665486 -0,666954 12
……… one row per examinee ………
Fig. 6. Estimated theta (test0140.theta file)
4. Finally, the LMS imports the two ICL-produced data files (*.par and
*.theta) to its database for further processing in the context of the aimed
item pool optimisation.
As already mentioned, some modifications to the Dokeos database
schema had to be performed in order for the system to function properly.
More specifically, while the initial schema supported only a total score per
examinee (“track_e_exercices” table), the proposed one requires a detailed
recording of each examinee’s performance per item (Fig. 6). The
additional functionalities of this new schema are outlined in the following
1. Each assessment can have multiple versions based on its revised items.
By monitoring the examinees’ performance on each item, test
developers can determine whether a certain modification of a specific
item affected positively its quality. In practice, each version serves as a
new test for the LMS.
2. Each examinee’s score per item is recorded for every test being
administered. These values are held in the assessment results data file
(*.DAT) used by ICL.
3. Test developers can establish a new set of rules for each version of the
As the main aim of the revised solution is to facilitate further updating
processes, the structure and the fields of the initial LMS database have
been kept intact, with the only change being the addition of two new
1. Table “track_e_answers stores the examinee’s choice per item (fields
answer_ id” and “answer”), whether this choice was correct (field
correct”), and its weight value (field weighting”) (Fig. 7.2).
Moreover, it supports the recording of multiple responses for future
polytomous analyses.
Fig. 7. Entity-Relationship diagram of LMS database extensions
2. Table “quiz_version” records each assessment’s versions and has a one-
to-one relationship to table “quiz” (Fig. 7.1). Additional table entries are
added on two occasions:
(a) When a new assessment is created. In this case the following actions
are performed:
(i) A new record is added to table “quiz”.
(ii) A new record is added to table quiz_version”. This entry
forms the first version of the assessment.
(b) When a new version of an existing assessment is created. When this
occurs, the following course of action is taken:
PK,FK1,I2,I1 question_id
PK,FK2,I3 exercice_id
PK,I1 id
PK,I2 version
U1 quiz_id
PK id
FK1,I1 exe_id
PK,FK1 id
PK exe_id
FK2,I2 exe_user_id
FK1,I1 exe_exo_id
PK,I1 id
PK,FK1,I3,I2 question_id
PK user_id
PK id
Assessment Item Option
Result Score details
Initial LMS database
(relation m-m)
(i) A new record is added to table “quiz_version”. This entry
forms the new version of the assessment.
(ii) A new record is added to table “quiz”.
(iii) All records in table “quiz_rel_question” linking the
previous assessment version with its items are copied, so that
they remain unaltered in the previous version while being
modified in newer versions.
(iv) The entry referring to the previous assessment version in
table “quiz” is deactivated; as a result, only the most recent
version is available to the examinees. This solution guarantees
the preservation of the analysis data related to all previous
versions in an easily retrievable format unaffected by subsequent
5 Item Pool Optimisation Process
The proposed system has been implemented by adding the previous
features to an existing version of Dokeos at the Department of Applied
Informatics, University of Macedonia. A pilot assessment test containing
an item pool of 40 questions on “Fundamentals of Information Systems”
was developed, including two questions that were purposely flawed (i.e.,
their difficulty level was too high and too low, respectively) in order to
test the system’s detector. Since the test was not connected to an actual
university course and contained questions of a general nature, it managed
to attract the attention of 113 students who voluntarily participated in the
pilot assessment. Before administering the test, the acceptable limits for
the IRT parameters were set to α 0.5, -1.7 b 1.7, and c 0.25
respectively (Baker, 2001; Jones & Hurtz, 2004).
The IRT analysis following the completion of the assessment test
revealed 9 test items that needed reviewing. In particular, items 6, 10, 12
and 33 showed a low degree of discrimination (Fig. 8), items 21 and 27
appeared too difficult and item 38 deemed too easy (Fig. 9). An extra
couple of items (24, 37) were flagged for revision due to their high
guessing value (Fig. 10).
Fig. 8. Item Discrimination Parameter Values (α)
Fig. 9. Item Difficulty Parameter Values (b)
Fig. 10. Item Guessing Parameter Values (c)
Initial Item
Revised Item
Problem: Low level of difficulty; the stem provides a clue to the correct answer.
Q: In the paged memory allocation
scheme, the operating system retrieves
data from secondary storage in same-
size blocks called:
A. pages
B. frames
C. segments
D. partitions
Q: In which memory allocation scheme
does the operating system retrieve data
from secondary storage in several blocks
of different sizes?
A. segmented
B. paged
C. demand paging
D. partitioned
Problem: Low degree of discrimination; the key answer confused examinees of both high
and low abilities.
Q: The transfer layer protocol of
TCP/IP is called:
D. A and B
Q: The transfer layer protocol of TCP/IP
is called:
Problem: High guessing value probably due to the graduated answers.
Q: How many are the basic control
structures in programming?
A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four
Q: The control structure used to choose
among alternative courses of action is
A. sequence
B. repetition
C. selection
D. iteration
Table 1. Initial and revised versions of defective test items
To elaborate, Table 1 presents 3 test items that were flagged for
reviewing based on the IRT analysis results along with their revised
Once an initial item pool has been optimised, examinees can be tested
routinely. Such a programme of testing is likely to generate a need to retire
flawed, obsolete, or frequently used items, and to replace these with new
ones. The extended LMS under consideration detects these problem areas,
thus making it easier for test developers to improve the quality of their
tests provided that they investigate these issues further and focus on
addressing the root cause of the problem in each case (e.g., obscure or
ambiguous phrases, obvious correct answer, typographic or logical errors,
a lack of essential information, etc.). In addition, the LMS allows them to
create a new version of the assessment test effortlessly by copying the
previous iteration and either correcting or replacing whichever items have
been flagged as defective. Subsequently, once the revised examination
cycle is completed, a new analysis report will ascertain whether all items
conform to the validity rules. The number of times a specific assessment
must be repeated before leading to a final version with all the problematic
items eliminated relies on the comprehension of the analysis results. The
faster test developers identify the actual cause of each problem and come
up with an appropriate solution, the fewer the necessary iterations.
6 Evaluating the detector
Based on a concept by Baker et al. (2008), we considered a set of four
potential criteria in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed
system as a detector of defective multiple-choice test items:
First, an ideal detector should accurately identify poorly written
multiple-choice test items, e.g., items that contain clues to the correct
answer, are too easy, are worded ambiguously, or are purposely flawed so
as to test the detector.
Second, provided that flawed items are removed or corrected once
identified, successive applications of the detector to the same set of items
should yield no more defective items.
Third, the detector should be applicable to any kind of multiple-choice
test, regardless of its size or its subject-matter area.
Fourth, after an item is flagged by the detector, it should be relatively
easy for the test developer to deduce the item’s defect, e.g., great
difficulty, low discrimination etc.
The evaluation of the proposed detector was based on how well it
addressed the four aforementioned criteria when used on a series of 6
tests. The latter comprised of a set of 28-58 randomly selected items from
an item pool of 100. Additionally, each test contained 2 intentionally
flawed items: one with completely implausible distractors, and a second
with an ambiguous stem. After administering the tests to students, their
results were analysed by the detector in order to flag out those items that
needed to be substituted. In each case, the IRT analysis correctly identified
the intentionally flawed items as being too easy and too hard, respectively
(1st criterion). Furthermore, in 3 cases, the detector picked out 4 additional
items whose difficulty or discrimination parameter values exceeded the
acceptable limits. These items were in turn forwarded to the test
developers who were able to identify the root cause of the problem in each
occasion (too plausible distractor, lack of correct answer, ambiguous stem,
implausible distractors) (4th criterion). Subsequently, new tests were
prepared, containing the same items from the previous tests, except for the
discarded ones that were replaced by unused items. These tests were then
administered to a new group of students and their results were submitted
to the detector for analysis. The same process was carried out for 2 more
iterations, when the system eventually ceased to detect new defective
items (2nd criterion). Finally, the 3rd criterion is satisfied due to the
detector’s implementation which allows it to be used for all kinds of tests.
Although there have been several studies on multiple-choice test
development practices, the reasons that make test developers produce
flawed items is still unclear. With that in mind, the proposed detector can
function as a self-reflection tool for teachers that will allow them to
improve their skills in constructing well-written multiple-choice items.
7 Conclusion
The present paper introduced a methodological and architectural
framework for extending an LMS with IRT–based assessment
optimisation. Instead of having web developers implement complex IRT
estimation algorithms within the LMS, the proposed methodology uses
ICL to obtain reliable IRT analysis results. The latter are then
automatically imported into the LMS, thus releasing test developers of this
burdensome duty. By applying a set of validity rules, the enhanced LMS
acts as a detector that identifies several defective items which are then
reported for review of their content. As a result, the suggested approach is
capable of assisting test developers in their continuous effort to optimise
their item pools. Moreover, the user-friendly interface allows users with
no previous expertise in statistics to comprehend and utilise the IRT
analysis results.
According to research focused on IRT sample size effects, a great
number of examinees are needed to obtain accurate results (Bunderson et
al., 1989). For example, Swaminathan and Gifford (1983) concluded that
about 1,000 examinees are required when using the 3PL model. Such
sample size requirements would normally pose a problem for most test
developers due to the fact that the number of examinees in academic
courses rarely exceeds 150. However, in cases where instructors are only
trying to identify items that are either unrelated to the overall score, too
easy, or too difficult, reliable results can be produced even for relatively
small classrooms (Fotaris et al., 2011). MOOCs, on the other hand, enrol
tens of thousands of students which are more than enough to obtain
accurate estimates with any IRT model. As a result, the proposed system
would be ideally suited for a MOOC environment; optimising its extensive
item pools will improve the quality of assessment of student learning and
could possibly drive more institutions to offer course credit for MOOC
completion, thus further expanding the influence of these courses on
higher education throughout the world (Meyer and Zhu, 2013).
This initial research project produced encouraging results, showing that
the system can effectively evaluate item performance and therefore
increase the overall validity of the assessment process. The fact that the
proposed methodology is not limited to Dokeos but can be adopted by
different e-learning environments (e.g., MOOC platforms) makes it very
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... Herein, we proffer a unique approach to test the quality of survey items of the human fingerprint on climate change and environmental sustainability research using the item response theory (IRT) model and the observed responses of individuals in the item characteristic curve (ICC). In using the IRT in improving research tools, we take cue from its successful application in adult psychology dynamics (Fraley et al., 2000) and educational assessment and evaluation (Fotaris and Mastoras, 2014;Glas, 2014;Ogunsakin and Shogbesan, 2018;Sedoc and Ungar, 2020). ...
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he objective of the study was to use the item response theory to improve the quality of survey items used in research on the human fingerprint of climate change in the Beitbridge district, Zimbabwe. Data were collected using questionnaires to 365 randomly selected participants and analysed using the 1; 2- and 3-parameter models. The 1-parameter model showed that concerning item difficulty level, all the survey items on knowledge of human fingerprint on climate change are in the “good” category. Meanwhile, results of the 2-parameter model show that in terms of item discrimination, all the tests were fairly “good”, with a relatively flat slope. The 3-parameter model shows that all the survey items were in the “good” class with a guessing factor of 0% as well as improved discrimination values on most of the items. Therefore, item response theory is an appropriate approach to improve survey-based research methodology and outputs.
Conference Paper
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Due to the computerization of assessment tests, the use of Item Re-sponse Theory (IRT) has become commonplace for educational assessment de-velopment, evaluation, and refinement. When used appropriately by a Learning Management System (LMS), IRT can improve the assessment quality, increase the efficiency of the testing process, and provide in-depth descriptions of item and test properties. This paper introduces a methodological and architectural framework which embeds an IRT analysis tool in an LMS so as to extend its functionality with assessment optimization support. By applying a set of validi-ty rules to the statistical indices produced by the IRT analysis, the enhanced LMS is able to detect several defective items from an item pool which are then reported for reviewing of their content. Assessment refinement is achieved by repeatedly employing this process until all flawed items are eliminated.
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Although Classical Test Theory has been used by the measurement community for almost a century, Item Response Theory has become commonplace for educational assessment development, evaluation and refinement in recent decades. Its potential for improving test items as well as eliminating the ambiguous or misleading ones is substantial. However, in order to estimate its parameters and produce reliable results, IRT requires a large sample size of examinees, thus limiting its use to large-scale testing programs. Nevertheless, the accuracy of parameter estimates becomes of lesser importance when trying to detect items whose parameters exceed a threshold value. Under this consideration, the present study investigates the application of IRT-based assessment evaluation to small sample sizes through a series of simulations. Additionally, it introduces a set of quality indices, which exhibit the success rate of identifying potentially flawed items in a way that test developers without a significant statistical background can easily comprehend and utilize.
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In spite of the growing popularity of the item response theory (IRT), classical item analysis (CIA) is still frequently employed by psychometricians and teachers for its conceptual and computational simplicity. This article will introduce how SAS can be applied to CIA such as computing p-values, discriminations, point biserial correlations, and logits. In addition, option analysis, which is helpful to both IRT and classical analysis, will be discussed. The purpose of option analysis is to examine clarity and plausibility of distracters in multiple -choice items.
This graduate-level textbook is a tutorial for item response theory that covers both the basics of item response theory and the use of R for preparing graphical presentation in writings about the theory. Item response theory has become one of the most powerful tools used in test construction, yet one of the barriers to learning and applying it is the considerable amount of sophisticated computational effort required to illustrate even the simplest concepts. This text provides the reader access to the basic concepts of item response theory freed of the tedious underlying calculations. It is intended for those who possess limited knowledge of educational measurement and psychometrics. Rather than presenting the full scope of item response theory, this textbook is concise and practical and presents basic concepts without becoming enmeshed in underlying mathematical and computational complexities. Clearly written text and succinct R code allow anyone familiar with statistical concepts to explore and apply item response theory in a practical way. In addition to students of educational measurement, this text will be valuable to measurement specialists working in testing programs at any level and who need an understanding of item response theory in order to evaluate its potential in their settings. • Combines clearly written text and succinct R code • Utilizes a building-block approach from simple to complex, enabling readers to develop a clinical feel for item response theory and how its concepts are interrelated • Includes downloadable R functions that implement various facets of item response theory Frank B. Baker, Ph.D., is Professor Emeritus of the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is author of numerous publications dealing with item response theory and statistical methodology. He received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. Seock-Ho Kim, Ph.D., is Professor in the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Georgia. He is author of numerous publications in psychometrics and applied statistics and is a member of the American Educational Research Association, the American Statistical Association, the National Council on Measurement in Education, and the Psychometric Society, among other organizations. He received his B.A. from Korea University and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Conference Paper
This study reports the results of a survey conducted during 2007, which was mailed to deans of schools of business at institutions of higher education located within the Middle East. Schools of business are now more engaged in assessment activities than a few years ago. Assessment activities are costly and the emphasis seems to be placed on assessing critical thinking, communication skills, technology/computer usage, professional knowledge, and problem solving. Colleges of business are relying heavily on course-embedded measures, followed by indirect measures of assessment. Curriculum and instructional changes were the top-ranked uses of assessment results.
A perennial problem for language testers is the need to construct and select test items with 'good' properties. The difficulty lies in the need to assess the properties of items by trying them out on a sample of subjects whose abilities, in turn, it ought to be possible to measure by observing their response to the items. This paper discusses the more important concepts of item response theory (IRT) - a technique, or set of tech niques, developed over the last 25 years, mainly by psychometricians. (An application of IRT was discussed in a recent issue of this journal (Henning, (1984).) Basic concepts are introduced and their implications considered by concentrating on the simplest IRT tool, the Rasch (1960) Model.
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