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Pedagogical variations in service-learning and student outcomes.

... Th ese benefits do not affect each student group equally. Academic achievement and career preparation are perhaps more likely to be positively influenced by modern, career-building volunteering (Mabry 1998 Eyler, Giles, Stenson & Gray (2001) Qualitative research on volunteering university students has detected the development of conscious citizenship, better tolerance of differences, stronger institutional cohesion, positive attitudes to voluntary work and the community, as well as a more powerful self-image and self-identity (Eyler et al. 2001). the documentation of which is a prerequisite for issuing a certificate of secondary education. ...
... International research into volunteering seeks to determine the student outcome indicators on which volunteering has a positive effect, controlling for social background and other variables. Mabry (1998) has found that the effects of volunteering are influenced by many of its circumstances, such as the duration of the service, whether there is frequent contact with the beneficiaries, whether there is weekly in-class reflection and ongoing written reflection, and whether service experiences are discussed with both instructors and site supervisors. Altogether, the following positive effects of volunteering have been found by international researchers (Astin & Sax 1998;Hesser 1995;Eyler et al. 1997;Mabry 1998;Astin et al. 2000 ...
... Mabry (1998) has found that the effects of volunteering are influenced by many of its circumstances, such as the duration of the service, whether there is frequent contact with the beneficiaries, whether there is weekly in-class reflection and ongoing written reflection, and whether service experiences are discussed with both instructors and site supervisors. Altogether, the following positive effects of volunteering have been found by international researchers (Astin & Sax 1998;Hesser 1995;Eyler et al. 1997;Mabry 1998;Astin et al. 2000 ...
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There are various international encyclopedias and handbooks on the sociology of education available to education researchers worldwide, encompassing an immense and irreproducible body of knowledge. However, education is as much embedded in a certain region’s society as it is within global phenomena. This volume has been compiled by a group of education researchers, and aims to identify the most important factors affecting the processes of education, based on research on the social reality of the Central and Eastern European region. The chapters of this book are arranged into three thematic units. i)Theories in the sociology of education, ii)Communities involved in education. iii) The contexts of education. This volume gives a comprehensive picture not only in terms of its subject matter but also with respect to the wide range of international literature referred to. Its use as a textbook at various levels of higher education is facilitated by definitions of the key concepts at the beginning of each chapter, as well as by a set of questions and tasks, in addition to recommended further reading at the end of each chapter. As is the case with all books, the full meaning of the words and sentences unfolds through readers’ interpretations; therefore, all readers are kindly invited to join the interpretive community of the sociologists of education.
... Rigorous reflection questions that encourage service-learning participants to analyze the need for the service, to explore critically the causes of the issue surrounding the service and how to address the issue in a structural and systemic way as well as personal assumptions and stereotypes that students have regarding the issue are important and need to be included in the reflections. In an effort to more fully understand the relationship between reflective practices and academic outcomes, Mabry (1998) examined how student outcomes are affected by the frequency and variety of reflection activities. She found that adequate time, contact, in-class reflection, and engaging communicatively with others impacts a students' civic and academic outcomes. ...
... While we recognize the value of the concepts within Kiely's model that address the context of transformative learning, we believe that transformative learning requires an educator that is highly supportive, patient, and skilled in reflective questioning. Noting that transformative learning often occurs gradually and requires adequate time and space for reflection, both privately and through discussion with others (Mabry, 1998), helping students navigate the possible disequilibrium that often accompanies service-learning experiences through reflective activities is essential. Reflective questions that encourage students to move from lower cognitive ways of thinking to questions that encourage students to explore a more critical analysis of a situation, often by acknowledging various perspectives and positions, increase the likelihood that a more transformative experience might occur. ...
... According to Astin andSax (1998) Hesser (1995), Eyler et al. (1997) and Mabry (1998), volunteering in higher education develops several competences. It supports academic progress and professional development, and it also develops skills and competences needed later in life (e.g. ...
The Orange Revolution and the Euromaidan protests led to a significant increase in civic engagement among the Ukrainian population. After the turn of the millennium, civic participation among the Hungarian minority in Transcarpathia also expanded. During the Russo-Ukrainian war in 2022, young people from Transcarpathia played an important role as volunteers in helping refugees in Transcarpathia, on the Ukrainian–Hungarian border, and in Hungary. In our exploratory study, we conducted semi-structured interviews with young volunteers from Transcarpathia. In the thematic analysis, we explored the interviewees’ pre-war volunteer experience, their voluntary activities during the war, their motivations for volunteering, and finally, the potential returns to volunteering. The interviews were also used to carry out type analysis, delimiting three volunteer types based on motivations and frequency of volunteering. According to our most important result, despite the social tensions caused by the war, young volunteers in Transcarpathia show strong solidarity with Ukrainian refugees from central regions, and the activity has generally increased volunteers’ well-being. Another important implication could be that the group of interviewees who only started volunteering during the war may be open to helping others in the future, which could further spread the culture of volunteering in the region.
... This study aimed to respond to Mabry (1998) and Gilbride-Brown's (2011) concern that the intricacies of service-learning have not been fully explored in research. Specifically, this study allowed for engagement with a significant data set to examine the practice of service-learning. ...
Seeking to advance knowledge and understanding of service-learning, this study analyzed how 270 syllabi from 193 four-year institutions that were recipients of the Carnegie Elective Classification for Community Engagement communicated frameworks and expectations of service-learning courses. Findings revealed variance in how syllabi identified, defined, and discussed service-learning as well as differences in how syllabi communicated the work and expectations of service experiences tied to courses. Specifically, findings revealed that numerous terms and definitions invoked throughout syllabi are used to describe academic work linked to community-based experiences. Findings also revealed a lack of clarity within syllabi regarding community work (e.g., whether service was mandatory or optional, the time required in service, whether credit was awarded for service) as well as a lack of specifics on community partnerships. Through this survey of the field, syllabi were used to visualize service-learning practice, explore its contours, and raise pertinent questions that invite further examination about the field.
... ein Verständnis für die Notwendigkeit einer Orientierung praktischen Handelns an fundiertem Wissen aufzubauen (Deeley, 2010;Hirschinger-Blank & Kenyon, 2009). Nach Mabry (1998) können Effekte bei keinem oder wenig direktem Kontakt mit den Praxispartner*innen (indirekter Service) ausbleiben oder gering ausgeprägt sein. ...
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Der Orientierungsrahmen Digitale Kompetenzen für das Lehramt in den Naturwissenschaften (kurz: DiKoLAN) ermöglicht das Ableiten von Curricula für die universitäre Phase der Lehrkräftebildung und bietet eine theoretische Hintergrundfolie für die Evaluierung der Kompetenzstände und Entwicklungsprozesse von Lehramtsstudierenden. An Hochschulen entsteht eine entsprechende Fülle an naturwissenschaftsdidaktisch begründeten Lehr-Lern-Szenarien und Unterrichtsideen für den Einsatz digitaler Medien, die praktizierende Lehrkräfte als Innovationsträger*innen von heute nicht in gleichem Maß erreicht. In den Projekten Methoden und Medien im Biologieunterricht (MuM) und Methoden des Biologieunterrichts digital umsetzen (MeBiDi) konnten angehende Biologielehrkräfte in hochschulischen Lehrveranstaltungen der Universitäten Kassel und Hamburg Erfahrungen mit digitalen Tools sammeln und erproben, wie sich darüber Methoden ihres Fachunterrichts digital umsetzen bzw. unterstützen lassen. Ihr Wissen und die dazugehörigen Umsetzungstipps gaben die Studierenden im Rahmen von Erklärvideos, Mikrofortbildungen und Praxisartikeln an praktizierende Biologielehrkräfte weiter. Hinter diesem didaktischen Konzept steht das Bildungsprogramm Service Learning (Lernen durch Engagement): Biologielehramtsstudierende verknüpfen ihr theoretisches Lernen an der Universität mit der Durchführung praktischer Projekte, die dem Gemeinwohl dienen. Zugleich bieten sie Praxispartner*innen aus dem Bereich Bildung eine Dienstleistung, die besonders in Zeiten von Distanz-und Hybridunterricht einem echten gesellschaftlichen Bedarf entspricht. In der hier präsentierten Studie wurden zwei Durchführungsvarianten eines digitalisierungsbezogenen Service-Learning-Seminars in einem Eingruppen-Pretest-Posttest-Design (N = 78 Biologielehramtsstudierende) mit quantitativen Forschungsmethoden untersucht. Bei beiden Studierendengruppen zeigen sich auf Ebene des Lernerfolgs positive Effekte auf selbsteingeschätzte Kompetenzen zum technologisch-pädagogischen Inhaltswissen, technologischen und technologisch-pädagogischen Wissen sowie zu unterrichtlichen Selbstwirksamkeitserwartungen.
... Most of these guidelines, however, are backed up only by anecdotal evidence or long-time practice, or, at best, by small-scale studies. Mabry (1998) demonstrated that service-learning is more effective when students undertake at least 15-20 hours of service, keep frequent contact with their service beneficiaries, introspect with weekly in-class reflection, maintain ongoing and summative written reflection, and carry out discussions of their service experiences with both instructors and site supervisors. Astin et al. (2000) found that the most important factor associated with a positive service-learning experience is the student's degree of interest in the course matter, followed by class discussion, connecting the service experience to the course matter, and the amount of training received prior to service. ...
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As a high-impact educational practice, service-learning has demonstrated success in positively influencing students’ overall development, and much work has been done on investigating student learning outcomes from service-learning. A particular direction is to model students’ learning outcomes in the context of their learning experience, i.e., the various student, course, and pedagogical elements. It contributes to a better understanding of the learning process, a more accurate prediction of students’ attainments on the learning outcomes, and improvements in the design of learning activities to maximize student learning. However, most of the existing work in this area relies on statistical analysis that makes assumptions about attribute independence or simple linear dependence, which may not accurately reflect real-life scenarios. In contrast, the study described in this paper adopted a neural network-based approach to investigate the impact of students’ learning experience on different service-learning outcomes. A neural network with attention mechanisms was constructed to predict students’ service-learning outcomes by modeling the contextual information from their various learning experiences. In-depth evaluation experiments on a large-scale dataset collected from more than 10,000 students showed that this proposed model achieved better accuracy on predicting service-learning outcomes. More importantly, it could capture the interdependence between different aspects of student learning experience and the learning outcomes. We believe that this framework can be extended to student modeling for other types of learning activities.
... Nemzetközi kutatások szerint (Astin -Sax 1998;Hesser 1995;Eyler et al. 1997;Mabry 1998) az önkéntesség a felsőoktatásban számos kompetenciát fejleszt. Többek közt segíti a tanulmányi előmenetelt és szakmai fejlődést (például az önkéntes tevékenységet is végző diákoknak jobbak a tanulmányi eredményei, fejlődik a tanulmányi önképük és intellektuális önbizalmuk, többen vállalnak extrakurrikuláris munkát, jobb a tanárokkal való kapcsolatuk). ...
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A 2022-es orosz-ukrán háború idején fontos szerep hárul a kárpátaljai fiatalokra, akik önkéntesként segítik a menekülteket Kárpátalján, az ukrán-magyar határon és Magyarországon. A narancsos forradalom és a Majdan téri tüntetéssorozat következtében jelentősen nőtt az ukrán lakosság civil aktivitása, illetve Kárpátalján a magyar kisebbségi lét is felerősítette a civil részvételt az ezredforduló után. Kutatásunk célcsoportját indokolja, hogy Ukrajnában a fiatalok alkotják az önkéntesek legnagyobb csoportját. Feltáró kutatásunkban félig strukturált interjúkat készítettünk kárpátaljai fiatal önkéntesekkel, melynek során azt vizsgáltuk, hogy milyen háború előtti önkéntes tapasztalatokkal rendelkeztek, mi jellemző a háború alatti önkéntes tevékenységükre, mi motiválta őket azönkéntességre, és milyen formában térülhet meg számukra. Az interjúk mentén témaanalízis mellett típusanalízist is készítettünk, melynek során három önkéntes-típust határoltunk körül (altruista motivációjú rendszeres önkéntesek, vegyes motivációjú rendszeres önkéntesek és vegyes motivációjú alkalmi önkéntesek). Kutatásunk legfontosabb eredménye, hogy a háború következtében kialakuló társadalmi feszültség ellenére a kárpátaljai önkéntes fiatalokra erős szolidaritás a jellemző az ország belsejéből érkező ukrán menekültekkel kapcsolatban. Másik fontos következmény lehet, hogy az interjúalanyok azon csoportja, akik csak a háború idején kezdtek el önkéntes tevékenységet végezni, feltehetőleg a jövőben is nyitottak lesznek mások megsegítésére, melynek következtében még inkább terjed az önkéntesség kultúrája a vizsgált térségben.
... The review affirms that it remains unclear as to the optimal amount of time necessary to participate in SL in order to elicit development of empathy among students. Early recommendations (Mabry, 1998) were that at least 15-20 h should be spent in an SL program to allow for student learning, and there has been little evidence of a dose-response relationship since (Conway et al., 2009). Future investigations should consider length of time spent with community partners and its influence on the development of empathy and how this may vary as a function of SL modality. ...
Higher education institutions seek not only to prepare students for their chosen profession, but also to develop graduates that are civic minded and make a positive social impact. The purpose of this paper is to review the literature on whether participation in service-learning leads to students reporting increased empathy. The study also examines the features within a service-learning placement that contribute to development of empathy. The review followed the 2020 Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) statement. The authors searched Scopus, ERIC (EBSCOhost), PsycInfo, CINAHL, Web of Science, Medline Complete, Google Scholar and specific service-learning journals not indexed in major databases for studies published before Nov 23, 2020 that met the Bringle and Hatcher (1995) definition of service-learning and measured change in, or development of, empathy. Of 662 records identified, 35 met the inclusion criteria and were included in the review. Overall, across the 14 studies included in the meta-analysis, there was a significant small effect for increase in empathy for those who participated in service-learning compared to those who did not (g = 0.261) and from pre to post service-learning (g = 0.176). Across the 21 qualitative studies, the main feature which appeared to contribute to the development of students’ empathy was direct interactions with the community. This paper provides insight into the efficacy of service-learning as a pedagogy and contributes to our understanding of the educational value of service-learning for universities. We conclude with avenues for future research and implications for practice.
... Myers-Lipton (1998) found that college students participating in a service-learning experience demonstrated significant changes in their sense of civic responsibility and commitment to civic behaviors in comparison to college students involved in non-course related community service and students not involved at all in community service. Likewise, Mabry's (1998) study of service-learning experiences across 23 different universities found that these experiences had a significant, positive effect upon the civic attitudes of those students with little prior community service experience. Rice and Brown (1998) reported that undergraduate participants in a required service-learning course scored significantly higher on a civic participation scale at the conclusion of the course, and Exley (1996) found that service-learning participants at Miami-dade Community College developed a more positive attitude towards community involvement and citizenship. ...
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Unterbrechungen und Irritationen werden in den meisten Lehr-Lern-Settings als Störungen empfunden. Lehrende versuchen häufig diese zu vermeiden, um die Lernenden nicht zu verunsichern und ihnen einen bestmöglichen Rahmen für deren Lernen zu schaffen. Aus bildungstheoretischer Perspektive besitzen aber gerade Ungewissheiten und Ambiguitäten das Potenzial, ‚erwünschte‘ Irritationen und Unterbrechungen im Denken und Handeln der Lernenden auszulösen. Im ersten Teil des Beitrags werden ausgewählte bildungstheoretische Zugänge vorgestellt, die das Vorhandensein von Irritationen und Unterbrechungen in Lehr-Lern-Settings als wesentliche Gelingensbedingung für erfolgreiche Lern- und Bildungsprozesse deuten. Zudem werden aus diesen Ansätzen gemeinsame Gestaltungsprinzipien zur Förderung einer ‚irritationsfreundlichen‘ Pädagogik abgeleitet. Im zweiten Teil des Beitrages wird Service-Learning als irritationsförderliches Lehr-Lern-Format für Schulen und Hochschulen präsentiert und mit den zuvor skizzierten bildungstheoretischen Ansätzen in Beziehung gesetzt. Im Rahmen von Service-Learning wird versucht die jeweiligen fachlichen Inhalte mit einem gemeinnützigen Engagement zu verbinden. Dabei entstehen Situationen unter Unsicherheit, die vielfältige Lerngelegenheiten bieten. Insgesamt kann aufgezeigt werden, dass Service-Learning besonders dazu geeignet ist, Unterbrechungen und Irritationen entstehen zu lassen, da sich klare Verbindungslinien zwischen diesem Lehr-Lern-Format und den zentralen Aspekten einer ‚irritationsfreundlichen‘ Pädagogik ergeben. Service-Learning eignet sich somit als Beispiel für eine didaktische Modellierung, durch die Irritationen und Unterbrechungen gezielt angestoßen und gefördert werden können.
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