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A New Pleurothallis from Colombia, with a Note on Ancipitia and Colombiana (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae)


Abstract and Figures

Abstract— A new species of Pleurothallis from Valle del Cauca, Colombia, is described and illustrated. Pleurothallis ottocari is similar to the Ecuadorian P. scoparum, but differs in the widely elliptic leaf, the smaller flowers, the incurved dorsal sepal, the purplish-tinted petals, which are conspicuously curved downwards above the middle, and the basally sub-truncate lip. Brief comments are given as to the reason for not using the generic names Ancipitia and Colombiana, to which the new species would otherwise belong.
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A New Pleurothallis from Colombia, with a Note on Ancipitia and Colombiana
(Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae)
Source: Systematic Botany, 40(1):75-78.
Published By: The American Society of Plant Taxonomists
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Systematic Botany (2015), 40(1): pp. 75–78
©Copyright 2015 by the American Society of Plant Taxonomists
DOI 10.1600/036364415X686350
Date of publication February 12, 2015
A New Pleurothallis from Colombia, with a Note on Ancipitia
and Colombiana (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae)
Lizeth Rodrı
Cristian Rinco
and Adam P. Karremans
Universidad Nacional de Colombia-sede Palmira, Carrera 32 No 12 - 00 Valle del Cauca, Colombia.
Lankester Botanical Garden, University of Costa Rica, P. O. Box 302-7050 Cartago, Costa Rica.
Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden University, PO Box 9517, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands.
Author for correspondence (
Communicating Editor: Jimmy Triplett
Abstract—A new species of Pleurothallis from Valle del Cauca, Colombia, is described and illustrated. Pleurothallis ottocari is similar to the
Ecuadorian P. scoparum, but differs in the widely elliptic leaf, the smaller flowers, the incurved dorsal sepal, the purplish-tinted petals, which
are conspicuously curved downwards above the middle, and the basally sub-truncate lip. Brief comments are given as to the reason for not
using the generic names Ancipitia and Colombiana, to which the new species would otherwise belong.
Keywords—New species, Pleurothallis ottocari, Valle del Cauca.
Colombia is one of the most biologically diverse countries
worldwide. Unfortunately, the increase in knowledge of that
diversity has been below expectations and a large effort is still
needed in order to get a better perspective of its current state
´n et al. 2002). The accelerated rate of human impact
on the natural ecosystems makes that knowledge of diversity
essential for conservation efforts (Salinas and Betancur 2005).
The Valle del Cauca occupies just under 2% of the territory of
Colombia, but with several hundred species it is one of the
richest areas in orchid species diversity in the world
(Kolanowska and Szlachetko 2012). Located in the south-
western part of the country, it is an area of great ecosystem
complexity derived from the Central and Western mountain
ranges, producing high endemism in its flora. During a field
inventory of Orchidaceae diversity in Valle del Cauca an
undescribed species belonging to subtribe Pleurothallidinae
was discovered and is described here (Figs. 1, 2).
The new species is only the ninth of a group of species
closely related to Pleurothallis scoparum Rchb. f., and allo-
cated to Pleurothallis subgen. Scopula Luer (Luer 1989). Spe-
cies of Pl. subgen. Scopula are easily recognized by “the tuft
of single-flowered peduncles emerging near the apex of the
leaf from the median sulcus,” a feature that also precipitated
their generic recognition as Colombiana Ospina (Ospina 1974).
However, aside from the aberrant emergence position of the
inflorescence, plant and flower morphology are very similar
to other species of Pleurothallis R. Br. (in the sense of its type
Pleurothallis ruscifolia (Jacq.) R. Br.), and especially species
of Pleurothallis subgen. Ancipitia Luer (Luer 1989), a close
relationship that is confirmed by DNA data (Pridgeon et al.
2001; Karremans et al. 2013; Wilson et al. 2013).
Luer (1989) noted that the inflorescence of Pl. subgen.
Scopula “suggests some relationship with subgen. Ancipitia,”
and in turn about Pl.subgen.Ancipitia that “the leaves are
ovate and sessile, sometimes decurrent on the ramicaul,
which suggests some relationship with subgen. Scopula
which is very similar florally,” but maintained that the
“ancipitous ramicaul distinguishes subgen. Ancipitia.” He
would later segregate both from Pleurothallis,elevatingthe
subgenus to generic level as Ancipitia (Luer) Luer, and recog-
nizing the generic name Colombiana for the species of subgen.
Scopula (Luer 2004).
Colombiana and Ancipitia, although recognized by Luer
(2004, 2006, 2011), have otherwise received little support as
distinct genera (Pridgeon et al. 2001; Pridgeon 2005). The
authors of the present paper agree that species of Ancipitia
and Colombiana are closely related to each other, in fact find
that the morphological differences among the members of
Ancipitia are greater than between some species of Ancipitia
and the species of Colombiana. The ancipitous ramicaul used
as a diagnostic feature for Ancipitia is however lost in species
such as Pleurothallis eumecocaulon Schltr. and P. instar Luer.
Meanwhile, Pleurothallis inornata Luer & Hirtz and
Pleurothallis dubbeldamiana Karremans & Rinco
placed in Ancipitia as well (Luer 2004; 2011), do not share the
brush-like inflorescence made of long pedicels, and the long
lanceolate sepals and petals with a relatively small lip, typical
of most other species of both Ancipitia and Colombiana.
The unclear generic and subgeneric delimitations among
the segregates of Pleurothallis was suggested by Karremans
and Mun
˜oz (2011) when describing Pleurothallis silvae-pacis
Karremans, a species with some Ancipitia-like features. Like-
wise we consider that species of Ancipitia and Colombiana
are likely to be interrelated, and as currently defined are also
difficult to distinguish from species of Pleurothallis, and
therefore prefer to use the latter in a more conservative
approach. A thorough phylogenetic study of this group cou-
pling DNA data with a morphological analysis might help
establish the relationships among these species.
Materials and Methods
This study was conducted between 2012 and 2014 in Valle del Cauca,
Colombia. The plants were preserved in alcohol prior to drying the
plants. Individual plants were photographed, illustrated, and preserved
as herbarium specimens deposited at COL (holotype) and VALLE
(paratype). Phenology data was recorded in the field. Morphological
studies were carried out using a Zeiss DV4 stereomicroscope provided
by each herbarium. The new species was described and illustrated by
composite line-drawings from the preserved material. Images were
diagrammed using Adobe PhotoshopÒ. The distribution map was pro-
duced using ArcGIS.
Taxonomic Treatment
Pleurothallis ottocari Rodr.-Martı
´nez, Rinco
´n-Useche &
Karremans, sp. nov.—TYPE: COLOMBIA. Valle del Cauca:
Dagua, San Jose
´del Salado, remnant cloud forests at
1,850 m elevation, temperature 20C. March 3, 2014,
L. Rodrı
´nez & C. Rinco
´n-Useche 057 (holo-
type: COL!).
Fig. 1. Pleurothallis ottocarii Pleurothallis ottocarii Rodr.-Martı
´nez, Rinco
´n-Useche & Karremans. A. Habit. B. Flower. C. Dissected perianth. D. Column
and lip, lateral view. E. Lip details. F. Anther. Drawings by Lizeth Martı
´guez from the holotype (L. Rodrı
´nez & C. Rinco
´n-Useche 016).
Pleurothallis ottocarii is similar to P. scoparum but can be
recognized by the widely elliptic (vs. narrowly-elliptic) leaves,
the immaculate white (vs. white to pinkish with purple
spots) sepals, which are shorter and narrower, the dorsal is
2 mm (vs. 8–9
3 mm) and the synsepal is 4.6
2.3 mm
(vs. 7– 9
3 mm). The dorsal sepal has an incurved apex
(vs. apex not incurved). The petals are white with large
dark-purple spots on the basal half (vs. many small pinkish
dots) and are shorter and narrower (4.5
1.3 vs. 7–8
2 mm),
they are strongly curved downward especially above the
middle (vs. almost horizontal). The lip is suborbicular (vs.
ovate), denticulate-serrulate (vs. fimbriate) and smaller, 1.5
1.2 mm (vs. 2.5
2.0 mm).
Plant epiphytic, herbaceous, erect, up to 35 cm tall; roots
flexuous, thin, 0.30.5 mm diameter, densely fasciculate.
Ramicaul erect, thin, cylindrical, up to 1423 cm long, covered
by tubular papyraceous bracts close to the base; leaf sub-erect,
sessile, coriaceous, broadly-elliptic, 5– 10
2.5– 3.5 cm. Inflo-
rescence a fascicle of successive, single-flowered peduncles,
up to 7 cm long, born close to the apex of the leaf; peduncle
5– 10 cm long, pedicels 40–80, persistent, 1.6–2.3 cm long,
floral bracts 4, 2.1–5.8 mm long; ovary 4.8 mm long; flowers
translucent white, with dark purple spots and stains, succes-
sive, up to at least 7 open at once; sepals immaculate white, the
dorsal one semi-erect, 3-veined, 4.7–5.1
1.8– 2.1 mm; lateral
sepals fully fused into a synsepal, concave, narrow towards
the apex, 4-veined, 4.6–5.0
2.2– 2.4 mm; petals white,
heavily tainted with dark purple below the middle, conspicu-
ously curved above the middle, basally hispid, 4.0–4.5
1.2 mm; lip white, heavily spotted with dark-purple in the
middle, articulate to the column foot, sub-orbicular, thickened
in the middle with a central depression, margin dentate-
serrate, apiculate, 1.3–1.6
0.7–1.2 mm, column white with
a pinkish suffusion apically, cylindrical, slightly arched
above, with a short column foot, 1.31.9
0.8 mm. Anther
and stigma apical; rostellum conspicuous, erect, triangular;
pollinia 2, narrowly ovoid, joint by a bubble-like viscidium.
Figure 1.
Distribution and Ecology—It is known only from two
collections from around the mountains of San Jose
Fig. 2. Pleurothallis ottocarii Rodr.-Martı
´nez, Rinco
´n-Useche & Karremans photographed in situ by Cristian Rinco
´n-Useche (L. Rodrı
´guez Martı
´nez &
C. Rinco
´n-Useche 057). A & B show different angles of the inflorescence.
Fig. 3. Distribution map of Pleurothallis ottocarii Rodr.-Martı
´n-Useche & Karremans in Colombia.
2015] RODRI
Salado, Dagua municipality, in the Valle del Cauca, Colombia
(Fig. 3), at elevations around 1,850 m. It is found as an
epiphyte in the cloud forests on the occidental mountain
range. Both specimens were found growing on Tibouchina
sp. (Melastomataceae).
Eponymy—The name honors professor Ottocar Reina Barth,
who allowed access to the type locality and who has pro-
moted conservation efforts of the orchids of Valle del Cauca.
Additional Specimens Examined—COLOMBIA. Valle del Cauca:
Dagua, San Jose
´del Salado, remnant cloud forests at 1,850 m elevation,
temperature 20C. September 21, 2012. L. Rodrı
´nez & C. Rinco
Useche 016 (paratype: VALLE!).
Acknowledgments. LRM and CRU thank the Universidad Nacional
de Colombia– Palmira, and the dean of the Agricultural Science faculty,
Nora Cristina Mesa. APK thanks the Vice-Presidency of Research of the
University of Costa Rica for providing support through the projects
“Inventario y taxonomı
´a de la flora epı
´fita de la regio
´n Mesoamericana”
(814-A7-015), “Flora Costaricensis: Taxonomı
´a y Filogenia de la subtribu
Pleurothallidinae (Orchidaceae) en Costa Rica” (814-BO-052) and
´a, filogenia molecular, aislamiento reproductivo y diferenciacio
de nichos de Specklinia endotrachys” (814-B3-075). The authors are very
thankful to Luis Eduardo Forero, director of VALLE herbarium, for
his support.
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... Estas dos especies se compararon con todas las especies descritas en el subgénero Ancipitia para confi rmar la novedad (Luer 1989(Luer , 1992(Luer , 2011Rodríguez-Martínez et al., 2015;Wilson et al., 2017). Se prepararon placas digitales compuestas de Lankester (LCDP) como se describe por Wilson et al. (2016). ...
... Este fenómeno es aún más pronunciado en el subgénero Scopula, como en P. aspergillum Luer & Hirtz, donde los pedúnculos pueden surgir de una espata en o cerca de la punta de la hoja. Rodríguez-Martínez et al. (2015) han sugerido que, basándose en la morfología, las especies de Ancipitia y Scopula deben considerarse como un único grupo taxonómico. Suponiendo que las especies de los dos subgéneros estén estrechamente relacionadas, la corta decurrencia de la base foliar en el ramicaule en P. eduardoi y P. tetragona puede representar un estado anterior en la evolución hacia la hoja de larga decurrencia en especies como P. aspergillum . ...
... These two species were compared to all described species in subgenus Ancipitia to confi rm novelty (Luer 1989(Luer , 1992(Luer , 2011Rodríguez-Martínez et al. 2015;Wilson et al. 2017). Lankester composite digital plates (LCDPs) were prepared as described by Wilson et al. (2016). ...
... nelsonii)" complex of subgenus Ancipitia (Fig. 3). Assuming it is not an inter-subgeneric hybrid, this morphology with characteristics of both subgenera supports the proposal by Rodríguez-Martínez et al. (2015) that the species of the two subgenera should probably be considered a single taxonomic group. That proposal is further supported by preliminary phylogenetic analyses of the two subgenera (Wilson unpubl. ...
... The near-apical fascicle of single-flowered flower-bearing stems is a characteristic of subgenus Scopula and the minute, pubescent, tri-lobed lip with apical orifice is characteristic of subgenus Ancipitia. The existence of this species is support for the suggestion by Rodríguez-Martínez et al. (2015) that the species of the two subgenera should probably be considered a single taxonomic group. This species also further supports the conclusion of Wilson et al. (2017a) that not all species with the minute, pubescent, tri-lobed lip with apical orifice are morphotypes of a widely-distributed, morphologically variable P. crocodiliceps. ...
Full-text available
A new species, Pleurothallis ecomingae, from near Chical, Carchi Province, Ecuador, is described and illustrated. This species is unique in that it has characteristics typical of both subgenera Scopula and Ancipitia. The plant has narrowly lanceolate leaves with a near-apical fascicle of single-flowered peduncles, previously only seen in Scopula. And, it has flowers with a minute, pubescent, tri-lobed lip in which the basal lobes are modified into ‘horns’, and an apical orifice in the central lobe, a feature previously only seen in Ancipitia. This intermediate morphology supports the previous suggestion that, at least based on morphology, the two subgenera should be combined.
... There has recently increased interest in the orchid flora of the Department of Valle del Cauca, Colombia (Kolanowska 2014, Kolanowska et al. 2011, Kolanowska & Szlachetcko 2014, Reina-Rodríguez & Tupac-Otero 2011, Rodríguez-Martínez et al. 2015. However, the region is undoubtedly understudied and deserves further attention in order to fully describe the orchid flora before climate change and deforestation cause even more habitat loss (Reina-Rodríguez et al. 2016). ...
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A new species of Pleurothallis from subsection Macrophyllae-Racemosae is described from Valle del Cauca, Colombia. Morphological characteristics to distinguish this species from Pleurothallis bicornis, P. subreniformis and P. torrana are presented. The micromorphology of the lip of the new species was studied utilizing scanning electron microscopy. Labellar micromorphology is discussed in relation to putative pollination mechanisms.
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A new species of Pleurothallis from the Western Andes of Colombia is described and illustrated. The new species belongs to subsection Acroniae of the series Amphigyae, morphologically resembles Pleurothallis amphigya, but differs mainly by the ovate-lanceolate lip, with two divergent, elongate keels, located at the base up to about the middle of the lip (vs. triangular trilobed, the disc with a developed glenion at the base).
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Pleurothallis indecora, P. juvenilis, P. lueriana and P. queremalensis are described from material collected in the municipality of Dagua, department of Valle del Cauca, Colombia. The four species were found during field inventories of the Orchidaceae in San José del Salado and El Queremal, they are illustrated, and a comparison with their closest relatives is provided.
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The floristic, geographical and ecological analysis of the orchid flora of the department of Valle del Cauca are presented. The study area is located in the southwestern Colombia and it covers about 22 140 km2 of land across 4 physiographic units. All analysis are based on the fieldwork and on the revision of the herbarium material. A list of 572 orchid species occurring in the department of Valle del Cauca is presented. Two species, Arundina graminifolia and Vanilla planifolia, are non-native elements of the studied orchid flora. The greatest species diversity is observed in the montane regions of the study area, especially in wet montane forest. The department of Valle del Cauca is characterized by the high level of endemism and domination of the transitional elements within the studied flora. The main problems encountered during the research are discussed in the context of tropical floristic studies.
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Stelis, one of the largest genera within Pleuro- thallidinae, was recently recircumscribed to include a few hundred more species, most of which had previously been assigned to Pleurothallis. Here, a new phylogenetic anal- ysis of Stelis and closely related genera based on DNA sequences from nuclear ITS and chloroplast matK, based on a much larger sample, is presented; it includes more than 100 species assigned to Stelis and covers all proposed groupings within the genus, many of which have not pre- viously been represented. Clades are proposed to enable easier discussion of groups of closely related species; eachclade is characterized morphologically, ecologically, and geographically to explain the evidence found in the molecular analysis. Discussion of the evolutionary trends of character states found in the genus in its broad sense is given. The current taxonomy of the group is given and the possible taxonomical implications of the findings presented here are discussed.
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To evaluate the monophyly of subtribe Pleurothallidinae (Epidendreae: Orchidaceae) and the component genera and to reveal evolutionary relationships and trends, we sequenced the nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacers (ITS1 and ITS2) and 5.8S gene for 185 taxa. In addition, to improve the overall assessments along the spine of the topology, we added plastid sequences from matK, the trnL intron, and the trnL-F intergenic spacer for a representative subset of those taxa in the ITS study. All results were highly congruent, and so we then combined the sequence data from all three data sets in a separate analysis of 58 representative taxa. There is strong support in most analyses for the monophyly of Pleurothallidinae and in some for inclusion of Dilomilis and Neocognauxia of Laeliinae. Although most genera in the nine clades identified in the analyses are monophyletic, all data sets are highly congruent in revealing the polyphyly of Pleurothallis and its constitutent subgenera as presently understood. The high degree of homoplasy in morphological characters, especially floral characters, limits their usefulness in phylogenetic reconstruction of the subtribe.
Fifty-eight new species from regions north and west of Brazil are described and illustrated in miscellaneous genera of the Pleurothallidinae. A new combination in Crocodeilanthe, C. bracteosa, is proposed, as well as the new generic name Lalexia to replace the invalid name Loddigesia. A new combination in Lalexia, L. quadrifida is also proposed. Pleurothallis ringens is transferred to Talpinaria and recognized as distinct from Pleurothallis hitchcockii (= Talpinaria hitchcockii). These two species are discussed and described, and the treatment of Talpinaria hitchcockii in Icones Pleurothallidinarum XVI is revised. Porroglossum miguelangelii, originally described for Ecuador, is placed in synonymy with Porroglossum tokachii, a species heretofore known only from Amazonian Peru. In alphabetical order, the new species proposed herein are: Acianthera cornejoi, A. fernandezii, A.tanyae; Acronia miniatura, A. niesseniae, A. rinkei, A. werneri, Alaticaulia amsleri, A. cracens, Ancipitia dubbeldamii, A.renieana, Crocodeilanthe franciscensis, C.juxta, C. mendietae, C. speciosa, C. werneri, Dracula gerhardii, Effusiella werneri, Kraenzlinella rinkei, Lepanthes anemica, L.barclaya, L. brevipedicellata, L. carrilloi, L. chocoënsis, L. ericae, L. eucerca, L. heteroloba, L.juan-felipei, L. lacera, L. macdougalii, L. maria-victoriae, L. medinae, L. pictoris, L. reburra; Luzama dejonghei; Masdevallia odnalorii, M. sentinella; Octomeria werneri; Porroglossum adrianae, P. apoloae, P. dejonghei, P. ecuagenerense, P. myosurotum; Regalia antonii; Restrepia peetersii; Rodrigoa ruthiana; Scaphosepalum rinkei; Stelis compressicauls, S. conduplicata, S. discrepans, S. franciscensis, S. malvina, S. modica, S. pilulosa, S. regia, S. rudolphiana, S. thelephora, and S. tyria.
Libro Rojo de plantas faneró gamas de Colombia Volumen 1: Chrysobalanaceae, Dichapetalaceae y Lecythidaceae
  • Cited Calderó
  • G Galeano
  • N Garcí
Literature Cited Calderó, E., G. Galeano, and N. Garcí. 2002. Libro Rojo de plantas faneró gamas de Colombia. Volumen 1: Chrysobalanaceae, Dichapetalaceae y Lecythidaceae. Serie Libros Rojos de Especies Amenazadas de Colombia. Instituto de Investigació de Recursos Bioló Alexander von Humboldt, Instituto de Ciencias Naturales. Bogotá: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Ministerio del Medio Ambiente, Vivienda y Desarrollo Territorial.
Pleurothallis silvae-pacis (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae): a new species found at the Bosque de Paz Biological Reserve in Costa Rica
  • A P Karremans
  • M Muñ
Karremans, A. P. and M. Muñ oz. 2011. Pleurothallis silvae-pacis (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae): a new species found at the Bosque de Paz Biological Reserve in Costa Rica. Orchid Review 121: 155-159.
Icones Pleurothallidinarum VI Systematics of Pleurothallis subgenus Ancipitia, subgenus Scopula, and Trisetella. Addendum to Porroglossum (Orchidaceae) Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 31
  • C A Luer
Luer, C. A. 1989. Icones Pleurothallidinarum VI. Systematics of Pleurothallis subgenus Ancipitia, subgenus Scopula, and Trisetella. Addendum to Porroglossum (Orchidaceae). Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 31. St. Louis: Missouri Botanical Garden Press.