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Ionic Conduction Mechanism of Solid Biodegradable Polymer Electrolytes Based Carboxymethyl Cellulose Doped Ammonium Thiocyanate



A conducting solid biodegradable polymer electrolytes based carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) doped ammonium thiocyanate (NH4SCN) system with concentration in the range 0 – 25 wt.% of NH4SCN have been prepared via solution casting method. The impedance study of CMC-NH4SCN system was measured via Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) in the temperature range 303 K – 353 K. The highest ionic conductivity at room temperature (303 K) is 6.48 x 10⁻⁵ Scm⁻¹ for sample containing 25 wt.% NH4SCN. The temperature dependence of CMC-NH4SCN system was found to obey the Arrhenius behaviour where the ionic conductivity increases with increase of temperature. Dielectric data were analyzed using complex permittivity, Ɛi for sample with the highest ionic conductivity at various temperatures and found was non Debye behavior. The conduction mechanism of the charge carrier of CMC-NH4SCN system can be presented by quantum mechanical tunneling (QMT) model.
Ionic Conduction Mechanism of Solid Biodegradable Polymer
Electrolytes Based Carboxymethyl Cellulose
Doped Ammonium Thiocyanate
M.I.N. Isa1,2,a and N.A.M. Noor 1,b
1Advanced Materials Research Group, School of Fundamental Science, Universiti Malaysia
Terengganu, 21030 Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia
2Corporate Communication and Image Development Center, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu,
21030 Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu, Malaysia,
Keywords: solid biodegradable polymer electrolytes; CMC-NH4SCN system; ionic conductivity
Abstract. A conducting solid biodegradable polymer electrolytes based carboxymethyl cellulose
(CMC) doped ammonium thiocyanate (NH4SCN) system with concentration in the range
0 – 25 wt.% of NH4SCN have been prepared via solution casting method. The impedance study of
CMC-NH4SCN system was measured via Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) in the
temperature range 303 K 353 K. The highest ionic conductivity at room temperature (303 K) is
6.48 x 10-5 Scm-1 for sample containing 25 wt.% NH4SCN. The temperature dependence of
CMC-NH4SCN system was found to obey the Arrhenius behaviour where the ionic conductivity
increases with increase of temperature. Dielectric data were analyzed using complex permittivity, Ɛi
for sample with the highest ionic conductivity at various temperatures and found was non Debye
behavior. The conduction mechanism of the charge carrier of CMC-NH4SCN system can be
presented by quantum mechanical tunneling (QMT) model.
The pioneering work in the field of solid polymer electrolytes (SPE) was carried out by Wright
and co-workers in 1975, who reported ionic conductivity of the order of 10-5 Scm-1 at 330 K in
highly crystalline PEO-NaSCN complexes [1]. Since then, studies on SPE have been progressing
actively due to their possible application as solid electrolytes in a variety of electrochemical devices
such as energy conversion units (batteries/fuel cells), electrochromic display devices,
photochemical solar cells, supercapacitors and sensors [2]. Among the advantages of SPE as
compared to conventional liquid electrolytes include prevention of internal short-circuiting due to
formation of dendrites, leakage of electrolyte and volume expansion due to electrochemical
reactions on the electrolyte/electrode interface and reactive explosion. The development of SPE has
led to improved overall safety, portability and durability of various electrochemical devices [3].
Several polymers have been studied as polymer hosts in SPE, such as poly(ethylene oxide)
(PEO), poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA), poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) and poly(acrylo nitrile) (PAN). Over
the past few years, researchers have been working in the development of natural polymers due to
their renewable, sustainable and biodegradable properties. Many natural polymers have been
extensively studied as polymer hosts in electrolytes, such as chitosan, starch and cellulose with its
derivative [4]. This present study focused on developing CMC as polymer host doped with
NH4SCN as ionic dopant of solid biodegradable polymer electrolytes (SBPE). Polymer host from
cellulose or cellulose derivative which is carboxyl methylcellulose ( CMC) was choosen because of
its superior properties such as provide a good electrode electrolyte contact, a water soluble
materials, abundant in nature, low cost material and biodegradable [5]. The effect of temperature on
conductivity, dielectric and AC conductivity were investigated to study the conduction mechanism
of the CMC-NH4SCN system.
Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols. 719-720 (2015) pp 114-118 Submitted: 28.08.2014
© (2015) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland Accepted: 03.11.2014
All rights reserved. No part of contents of this paper may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of TTP, (ID:,05:24:28)
Sample preparation. The CMC-NH4SCN films were prepared via solution casting method. 2 g of
CMC (Acros Organic Co.) was dissolved in 100 ml distilled water. The CMC solution was stirrer
continuosly with magnetic stirrer for several hours at room temperature until the CMC have
completely dissolved. Then, the various concentration of NH4SCN (0 - 25 wt.%) was added to
CMC solution and stirred until homogenous solution were obtained. The mixture were poured into
petri dish and left to dry at room temperature for films to form. The films were kept in dessicators
for further drying to ensure there is no water content in films.
Characterization. Impedance analysis of the CMC-NH4SCN films was characterized via HIOKI-
LCR Hi-tester 3525-50 interfaced to a computer in frequency of 50 Hz - 1 MHz. The measurement
were carried out at the temperature range of 303 K to 353 K. The CMC-NH4SCN films was
sandwiched between two stainless steel electrodes with diameter 2 cm under spring pressure. The
ionic conductivity of CMC-NH4SCN films can be calculated using equation.
σ = t / Rb A (1)
Here A (cm2) is the electrode-electrolyte contact area of the film, t (cm) is thickness of film and Rb
is bulk resistance. Rb was obtained from the complex impedance plot (Cole-Cole plot) at the
intersection of the imaginary and the real impedance axis.
The dielectric loss (the imaginary part of complex permittivity), Ɛi is defined as,
Ɛi (ω) = Zr /ωCo (Zi2 + Zr2) (2)
where Co= Ɛo A/t, Ɛo is permittivity of free space, ω = 2πf (f is frequency), Zr is the real part of the
complex permittivity and Zi is the imaginary part of the complex permittivity.
Results and Discussion
Ionic conductivity analysis. Conductivity is related to the number of charge carriers (ƞ) and their
mobility (µ) according to the following equation:
σ = Ʃ ƞ . q . µ (3)
where q is the charge on each charge carrier. The ionic conductivity of CMC-NH4SCN system at
room temperature is depicted in Fig. 1. It can be observed from Fig. 1, by increasing the ionic
dopant contentration, the conductivity was found to increase. This is may be due to the increase in
the number of mobile charge carriers [6]. The highest ionic conductivity obtained is
6.48 x 10-5 Scm-1 for sample containing 25 wt% NH4SCN.
Fig. 1. Ionic conductivity of CMC-NH4SCN system at room temperature.
Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols. 719-720 115
The temperature dependence of ionic conductivity measurements have also been carried out to
examine the conductivity mechanism of the CMC-NH4SCN system. The plot of log conductivity vs
1000/T was constructed for various concentration of CMC-NH4SCN system in temperature ranges
from 303 - 353K depicted in Fig. 2. It can be observed in Fig. 2, conductivity increases when
temperature was increase. The increase in conductivity with temperature can be attributed to the
increase in number density of ions and or increase in mobility of ions [7]. The conductivity-
temperature relationship for CMC-NH4SCN system obeys Arrhenius behaviour where regression
value is almost unity (R2 ~ 1) suggesting that all points lie on a straight line indicating that the
conductivity mechanism is thermally assisted [8].
Fig. 2. Temperature dependence for ionic conductivity of CMC-NH4SCN system.
Conduction mechanism analysis. The study of dielectric in polymer electrolytes is a powerful
approach for obtaining information about the characteristics of ionic and molecular interactions.
From dielectric study, some of the physical and chemical properties of the polymer can evaluate and
help in understanding the conductive behavior of polymer electrolytes [9]. Fig. 3 presents frequency
dependence of dielectric loss for highest ionic conductivity of CMC-NH4SCN system at various
temperature. From Fig. 3, it can be observed that the dielectric loss rise sharply at low frequencies
indicating that electrode polarization and space charge effects have occurred confirming non-Debye
dependence. On the other hand, at high frequencies, periodic reversal of the electric field occurs so
fast that there is no excess ion diffusion in the direction of the field. Polarization due to charge
accumulation decreases, leading to the observed decrease in dielectric loss [10].
Fig. 3. Dielectric loss versus log frequency for the highest ionic conductivity of
CMC-NH4SCN system at various temperature.
116 Materials and Engineering Technology
The phenomenon of ac conductivity can be analyzed using Jonscher’s universal power law (UPL)
σ(ω) = Aωs + σdc (4)
Here, tan δ is the loss tangent. Substituting Ɛr tan δ = Ɛi,
σac = Ɛo Ɛi ω (5)
where A is a parameter dependent on temperature, s is the power law exponent with value in the
range between 0 and 1. The value of s can be evaluated from the following relation:
ln Ɛi = ln A/Ɛo + (s-1) ln ω (6)
From the Fig. 4, exponent s can be calculated from the slope at high frequency region. The
acceptable range was at high frequency where there is no minimal space charge polarization. In this
frequency, the electronic hops between pairs of sites can be explained when the relaxation process
occur with local character. It was contributed by the superposition of the potential which yield a
single ion potential that is actually felt by ion [11]. In this work, the acceptable frequency range is
from 11< ln ω < 16.
Fig. 4. Ln Ɛi versus ln ω for the highest ionic conductivity of CMC-NH4SCN system at various
Up to now, a few of theoretical models have been proposed based on the analysis of ac conductivity
such as quantum mechanical tunneling (QMT), overlapping large polaron tunneling (OLPT), small
polaron hopping (SPH) and correlated barrier hopping (CBH) [12]. Fig. 5 illustrates the variation of
frequency exponent s versus temperature. Thus, it can be inferred that QMT model is most suitable
in explaining the conduction mechanism of CMC-NH4SCN system due to the variation of the index
s with temperature. In this QMT model, it can be assumed that the polarons (in this case is made up
of the protons and their stress fields) are able to tunnel through the potential barrier that exists
between two possible complexation sites [13].
Applied Mechanics and Materials Vols. 719-720 117
Fig. 5. Variation of exponent s versus temperature for the highest conductivity of CMC-NH4SCN
Solid biodegradable polymer electrolytes based on CMC and NH4SCN were successfully
prepared via solution casting method and found to be transparent film. The CMC-NH4SCN system
obtained the highest conductivity of 6.48 x 10-5 Scm-1 at room temperature for sample with
NH4SCN concentration of 25 wt.%. The temperature dependence of ionic conductivity of the CMC-
NH4SCN system exhibits Arrhenius behavior. The conduction mechanism of the CMC-NH4SCN
system can be best presented by QMT model.
The author would like to thank Advanced Materials Team members, Ministry of Education
Malaysia (MOE) for the FRGS Grant (Vot. 59271) and MyPhD Scholarship and School of
Fundamental Science, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu for technical and financial supports given
for this work to be successfully completed.
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... Due to the rise in temperature, it also enhances segmental ion mobility, and also lead to the increase in free volume. As a result, it leads to an increase in conductivity [45]. According to the Arrhenius behaviour of the dc conductivity values (Regression value, R 2 ), the conductivity mechanism is a thermally activated process [44]. ...
Solution casting techniques have been used to create a solid biopolymer electrolyte (SBEs) based on 2-hydroxyethyl cellulose (2HEC) doped with varying amounts of ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) to investigate the potential of NH4Cl in enhancing the ionic conductivity of SBE. Electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) was used to measure the impedance of the electrolytes between 50 Hz and 1 MHz in frequency. At room temperature, ionic conductivity was at its highest for 16% weight percent of NH4Cl which was 1.74 x 10-3 Scm-1. The temperature dependence data of 2HEC-NH4Cl SBEs abides Arrhenius behaviour. Complex electrical modulus and complex permittivity were used to assess the dielectric data for the sample at various temperatures.
... This phenomenon has led to an increase in ammonium ions in the polymer matrix provided by the NH 4 SCN [38]. The incorporation of NH 4 SCN salt reported an increment of room temperature conductivity for the carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC)-based polymer electrolyte up to 6.48 × 10 −5 S/cm [39]. Besides, Premalatha et al. [40] have also reported that the blend of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and polyacrylic nitrile (PAN) films have achieved the maximum conductivity of 3.25 × 10 −3 S/cm at room temperature with the addition of NH 4 SCN salt. ...
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There is demand for application of polymer materials in electrochemical devices, especially natural polymers, because of their superiority in mechanical integrity, affordability and biodegradability. In this work, solid biopolymer electrolyte (SBEs) comprising 2-hydroxyethyl cellulose (2-HEC) doped with different weight percentage of ammonium thiocyanate, NH4SCN (0 – 44 wt.%) were prepared using a facile solution casting technique. The effects of NH4SCN on ionic conductivity and dielectric properties of SBEs were investigated using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The ionic conductivity recorded at room temperature showed massive improvement for pure 2-HEC from the value of 5.93 x 10-8 S cm-1 to 1.16 ×10-4 S cm-1, comprising 36 wt.% NH4SCN. Meanwhile, at elevated temperatures, the ionic conductivity revealed the Arrhenius behaviour, where it increased proportional to the temperatures. In addition, by introducing NH4SCN content as a proton donor, it also effectively reduced the activation energy of the SBEs, which further support enhancing the ionic conductivity. In dielectric permittivity study, the εr and εi increased as the NH4SCN content increased, revealing the non-Debye dependency of the SBEs, which indicates that the SBEs are ionic conductors. The addition of the optimum value of NH4SCN content showed good characteristic for electrochemical devices applications.
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In this work, a free standing and flexible solid polymer electrolyte (SPE) based on non-hazardous and environmental friendly material, carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) was successfully produced in order to overcome environmental and pollution issues. The effect of doping ammonium thiocyanate (NH 4 SCN) into SPE based on carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) on transport, thermal and electrochemical stability window properties have been investigated for potential application in electrochemical devices. CMC-NH 4 SCN SPE was prepared via solution casting technique. The properties of the prepared CMC-NH 4 SCN SPE were characterized via Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) deconvolution, transference number measurement (TNM), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) techniques. FTIR deconvolution was performed in order to investigate the dissociation of ions and transport properties of CMC-NH 4 SCN SPE system and it can be correlated with the ionic conductivity of CMC-NH 4 SCN SPE system. The result of TNM was obtained via a DC polarization method where the ionic transference number for the highest conducting CMC-NH 4 SCN SPE was found to be 0.93. Thus, it can be suggested that the conducting species for the highest conducting CMC-NH 4 SCN SPE are mainly due to ions. TGA was performed to investigate the thermal stability of CMC-NH 4 SCN SPE. The value of glass transition temperature of CMC-NH 4 SCN SPE was obtained from DSC analysis. Electrochemical stability window of the highest conducting CMC-NH 4 SCN SPE obtained from LSV technique was up to 1.6 V. As a result, it can be inferred that the highest conducting CMC-NH 4 SCN SPE had shown a promising performance and has a great potential to be applied in electrochemical devices application such as proton batteries.
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This paper present the development of solid biopolymer electrolytes (SBEs) system which has been accomplished by incorporating various composition of ionic dopant namely ammonium bromide (NH4Br) with alginate solution casting method. The prepared sample of SBEs has been analyzed via electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) showed that the ionic conductivity at room temperature was increased from 4.67 x 10⁻⁷ S cm⁻¹ for un-doped sample to optimum value at 4.41 x 10⁻⁵ S cm⁻¹ for composition of 20 wt. % NH4Br. The SBEs system was found to obey the Arrhenius characteristics with R²~1where all sample is thermally activated when increasing temperature. The dielectric behavior of the alginate-NH4Br SBEs system were measured using complex permittivity (ε*) and complex electrical modulus (M*) and shown the non-debye behavior where no single relaxation was found for present SBEs system.
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We have demonstrated the loading of curcumin onto starch maleate (SM) under mild conditions by mixing dissolved curcumin and SM nanoparticles separately in absolute ethanol and ethanol/aqueous (40: 60 v/v), respectively. Curcumin-loaded starch-maleate (CurSM) nanoparticles were subsequently precipitated from a homogeneous mixture of these solutions in absolute ethanol based on the solvent exchange method. TEM analysis indicated that the diameters of CurSM nanoparticles were ranged between 30 nm and 110 nm with a mean diameter of 50 nm. The curcumin loading capacity of SM as a function of loading duration was investigated using the UV-visible spectrophotometer. The loading of curcumin onto SM increased rapidly initially with loading duration, and the curcumin loading capacity of 15 mg/g was reached within 12 hours. CurSM nanoparticles exhibited substantially higher water solubility of 6.0 × 10-2 mg/mL which is about 300 times higher than that of pure curcumin. With enhanced water solubility and bioaccessibility of curcumin, the potential utility of CurSM nanoparticles in various biomedical applications is therefore envisaged.
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The increasing interest in green energy storage materials for electrochemical devices with the development of polymer as electrolytes candidate has attracted great attention recently. It can offer a number of high-value opportunities, provided that lower costs can be obtained besides environmental friendly. Due to this attention, the development of biodegradable polymer electrolytes (BPEs) has been accomplished in this work by incorporating various composition of dodecyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (DTAB) with carboxy methylcellulose (CMC) via solution casting method. The highest ionic conductivity of the BPEs obtained at room temperature is 7.72 x 10-4 S cm-1. The solid-state battery were fabricated with the configuration of Zn + ZnSO4.7H2O | BPEs | MnO2 for the highest conductivity. The open-circuit voltage (OCV) of the fabricated battery with the best performance is 1.33 V at ambient temperature. The performance of the battery at ambient and selected temperature is evaluated to ascertain the effective and viability of these BPEs in solid-state batteries.
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Solid polymer electrolytes based on polyacrylonitrile (PAN) doped with ammonium thiocyanate (NH4SCN) in different molar ratios of polymer and salt have been prepared by solution-casting method using DMF as solvent. The increase in amorphous nature of the polymer electrolytes has been confirmed by XRD analysis. A shift in glass transition temperature (T g) of the PAN : NH4SCN electrolytes has been observed from the DSC thermograms which indicates the interaction between the polymer and the salt. From the AC impedance spectroscopic analysis, the ionic conductivity has been found to increase with increasing salt concentration up to 30 mol% of NH4SCN beyond which the conductivity decreases and the highest ambient temperature conductivity has been found to be 5.79 × 10−3 S cm−1. The temperature-dependent conductivity of the polymer electrolyte follows an Arrhenius relationship which shows hopping of ions in the polymer matrix. The dielectric loss curves for the sample 70 mol% PAN : 30 mol% NH4SCN reveal the low-frequency β-relaxation peak pronounced at high temperature, and it may be caused by side group dipoles. The ionic transference number of polymer electrolyte has been estimated by Wagner’s polarization method, and the results reveal that the conductivity species are predominantly ions.
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In this work, polymer electrolytes have been prepared by doping starch with lithium iodide (LiI). The incorporation of 30 wt% LiI optimizes the room temperature conductivity of the electrolyte at (1.83 ± 0.47) × 10−4 S cm−1. Further conductivity enhancement to (9.56 ± 1.19) × 10−4 S cm−1 is obtained with the addition of 30 wt% glycerol. X-ray diffraction analysis indicates that the conductivity enhancement is due to the increase in amorphous content. The activation energy, Ea, of 70 wt% starch–30 wt% LiI electrolyte is 0.26 eV, while 49 wt% starch–21 wt% LiI–30 wt% glycerol electrolyte exhibits an Ea of 0.16 eV. Dielectric studies show that all the electrolytes obey non-Debye behavior. The power law exponent s is obtained from the variation of dielectric loss, εi, with frequency at different temperatures. The conduction mechanism of 70 wt% starch–30 wt% LiI electrolyte can be explained by the correlated barrier hopping model, while the conduction mechanism for 49 wt% starch–21 wt% LiI–30 wt% glycerol electrolyte can be represented by the quantum mechanical tunneling model.
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A new solid polymer electrolyte, (PEG)xLiClO4, consisting of poly(ethylene)glycol of molecular weight 2000 and LiClO4 was prepared and characterized using XRD, IR, SEM, DSC, NMR and impedance spectroscopy techniques. XRD and IR results show the formation of the polymer-salt complex. The samples with higher salt concentration are softer, less opaque and less smooth compared to the low salt concentration samples. DSC studies show an increase in the glass transition temperature and a decrease in the degree of crystallinity with increase in the salt concentration. Melting temperature of SPEs is lower than the pure PEG 2000. Room temperature1H and7Li NMR studies were also carried out for the (PEG)xLiClO4 system. The1H linewidth decreases as salt concentration increases in a similar way to the decrease in the crystalline fraction and reaches a minimum at aroundx = 46 and then increases.7Li linewidth was found to decrease first and then to slightly increase after reaching a minimum atx = 46 signifying the highest mobility of Li ions for this composition. Room temperature conductivity first increases with salt concentration and reaches a maximum value (σ = 7.3 × 10−7 S/cm) atx = 46 and subsequently decreases. The temperature dependence of the conductivity can be fitted to the Arrhenius and the VTF equations in different temperature ranges. The ionic conductivity reaches a high value of ∼10 −4S/cm close to the melting temperature.
The (chitosan–PVA)–NH4I electrolytes have been prepared by the solution casting method. The prepared electrolytes are analyzed using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy in order to determine the interaction between salt and the polymer blend hosts which can be deduced from the band shifting. From infrared spectra, shifts are observed at the amine, carboxamide, carbonyl and hydroxyl bands of chitosan and PVA. These shifts indicate that complexation has occurred. The crystallinity/amorphousness of the blended electrolytes has been examined by X-ray diffraction (XRD). XRD pattern shows that the crystallinity of chitosan–NH4I electrolyte increases with PVA concentration. Impedance of the electrolytes has been measured using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) over the frequency range from 50Hz to 1MHz. The highest conducting sample 55wt.% (chitosan–PVA)–45wt.% NH4I has conductivity of 1.77×10−6Scm−1. The chitosan:PVA ratio is 1:1. This is higher than the conductivity for the unblended electrolyte 55wt.% chitosan–45wt.% NH4I which is 3.73×10−7Scm−1. From ln τ versus 103/T plot, the activation energy for relaxation process is 0.87eV. This is different from activation energy for dc conductivity which is 0.38eV. Ion conduction is by hopping.
Ionic conductivity for the chitosan-NH4CF3SO3 system was conducted over a wide range of frequency and at temperatures between 298 and 313K. Dielectric data were analyzed using complex permittivity ε* and complex electrical modulus M* for the sample with the highest ionic conductivity at various temperatures. The temperature-dependent conductivity data obeys Arrhenius relationship. Jonschers universal power law was used to analyze AC conductivity of the sample. Hopping frequency was determined and activation energy of hopping is almost equal to the activation energy of conduction. The AC conductivity master curve was obtained for the highest conducting sample when scaled vertically by σDC and horizontally by ωP.
Dielectric and AC conductivity studies have been carried out for chitosan-based proton-conducting electrolytes. Chitosan-phosphoric acid (CP) and chitosan composite (CPS) electrolytes were prepared using the solution cast method. In both systems, the frequency dependence of epsilon(r), M-i and tan delta is non-Debye type. The AC conductivity in both electrolytes follows the Jonscher power law. Conduction mechanism studies show that the CP sample follows the quantum mechanical tunneling (QMT) model and the CPS electrolyte follows the overlapping large polaron-tunneling (OLPT) model. (c) 2006 Elsevier BN. All rights reserved.
Chitosan–NH4I and chitosan–NH4I–EC films have been prepared by solution cast technique. The sample containing 45 wt% ammonium iodide (NH4I) exhibited the highest room temperature conductivity of 3.7×10−7 S cm−1. The conductivity of the sample increased to 7.6×10−6 S cm−1 when 40 wt% ethylene carbonate (EC) was added to the 55 wt% chitosan-45 wt% NH4I sample. The conductivity–temperature relationship is Arrhenian. From dielectric loss variation with frequency, the power law exponent was obtained. The temperature dependence of the power law exponent for chitosan–NH4I system follows the correlated barrier hopping (CBH) model while conduction mechanism of the plasticized system can be represented by the small polaron hopping (SPH) model.
Plasticized polymer electrolytes composed of chitosan as the host polymer, oleic acid (OA) as the plasticizer and lithium acetate (LiOAc) as the doping salt were prepared by the solution cast technique. These complexes with different amounts of salts and plasticizers were investigated as possible ionic conducting polymers. The highest ionic conductivity of the plasticized chitosan–LiOAc was ∼10−5 S cm−1 for the film containing 40.0 wt.% LiOAc and 10.0 wt.% of OA. Conductivity for the plasticized LiOAc-doped chitosan polymer was also studied as a function of temperature between 300 and 363 K. The plot of ln(σT) versus 103/T for each sample obeys Arrhenius rule indicating the conductivity to be thermally assisted. XRD and FTIR spectroscopy techniques have been used for the structural studies.