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Psychology Research and Behavior Management 2015:8 71–79
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Current perspectives on attachment and bonding
in the dog–human dyad
Elyssa Payne1
Pauleen C Bennett2
Paul D McGreevy1
1Faculty of Veterinary Science,
University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW,
Australia; 2School of Psychological
Science, La Trobe University, Bendigo,
VIC, Australia
Correspondence: Elyssa Payne
RMC Gunn Building, University
of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Tel +61 4 0222 5335
Abstract: This article reviews recent research concerning dog–human relationships and how
attributes that arise from them can be measured. It highlights the influence of human charac-
teristics on dog behavior, and consequently, the dog–human bond. Of particular importance
are the influences of human attitudes and personality. These themes have received surprisingly
little attention from researchers. Identifying human attributes that contribute to successful dog–
human relationships could assist in the development of a behavioral template to ensure dyadic
potential is optimized. Additionally, this article reveals how dyadic functionality and working
performance may not necessarily be mutually inclusive. Potential underpinnings of various dog–
human relationships and how these may influence dogs’ perceptions of their handlers are also
discussed. The article considers attachment bonds between humans and dogs, how these may
potentially clash with or complement each other, and the effects of different bonds on the dog–
human dyad as a whole. We review existing tools designed to measure the dog–human bond and
offer potential refinements to improve their accuracy. Positive attitudes and affiliative interac-
tions seem to contribute to the enhanced well-being of both species, as reflected in resultant
physiological changes. Thus, promoting positive dog–human relationships would capitalize on
these benefits, thereby improving animal welfare. Finally, this article proposes future research
directions that may assist in disambiguating what constitutes successful bonding between dogs
and the humans in their lives.
Keywords: human–animal bond, personality, attitudes, social learning, affective state, dog
Symbiotic relationships between dogs and humans are thought to date back at least
18,000 years.1 Although it has been argued that the tendency for dogs to form close
relationships with humans can be attributed to social dominance, with dogs seeing
humans as surrogate pack leaders,2 social and associative learning appear highly rel-
evant to dog–human interactions.3–5 Dogs seem to possess an ability to interpret and
respond to human signaling that exceeds that of chimpanzees.6–8 The proficiency of
dogs and extensively socialized wolves at such tasks is thought to reflect their adept-
ness at social scavenging or cooperation and associating certain human gestures with
the provision of food, both of which can facilitate rapid learning.9,10 These days, dogs
are used in various contexts that exploit their responsiveness to human direction, such
as security work, moving livestock, and assisting humans with disabilities. It may be
argued that working dog–human relationships are unidirectional, as they depend only
on the function the dog performs. However, given that relational factors can affect
dog performance,11 it is likely that, as with companion dog–owner relationships,
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Payne et al
these relationships are bidirectional.12 In light of this, the
current article will discuss dog–human relationships on a
general level, with particular emphasis on companion dogs
and their owners.
An attachment bond is a close, emotional relationship
between two individuals.13 The dog–human dyad is believed
to involve attachment bonds similar to those that characterize
human caregiver–infant relationships.14 Dogs have shown
behaviors indicative of an attachment relationship, defined
according to Bowlby.13 One such behavior is proximity
seeking, where the animal will seek out the attachment figure
as a means of coping with stress.15 Conversely, the absence
of an attachment figure can trigger behaviors indicative of
separation-related distress in dogs.16 The presence of a human
can also attenuate the effect of a stressful event, thereby
constituting the so-called safe haven effect of attachment
theory.17 Dogs have also demonstrated the so-called secure
base effect, where the presence of an attachment figure allows
dogs to more freely investigate novel objects.18 Therefore,
the dog–human attachment bond is characterized by all four
features of attachment bonds that arise in human caregiver–
infant relationships. Moreover, there is some evidence of
interactions between owner and dog attachment patterns,19
although this is disputed.20 What remains unknown are the
factors that influence the nature of attachment bonds dogs
develop with their human handlers or owners. If certain
attachment styles are beneficial in different working dog
contexts, human behaviors could be tailored accordingly to
produce more functional dyads.
Human factors that contribute to dog behavior and train-
ing outcomes are the focus of a growing body of research.
Several of these factors are likely to influence dogs’ affective,
or emotional, states and thereby influence their behavioral
output. Many human interventions, such as use of positive
reinforcement21 and affiliative interactions,22 are likely to
produce a positive affective state in a dog, leading to more
favorable behavioral responses, such as obedience during
training. However, it is important to note that expert tim-
ing of these interventions is essential for training success.23
Hence, the expert application of such attributes is suitable for
encouraging certain behaviors in dogs and likely contributes
to a positive emotional bond. Focusing on improving these
characteristics offers a promising solution for dog owners
with relatively suboptimal dog-handling ability, or dogman-
ship, defined as an individual’s ability to interact with and
train dogs. However, the influence of human psychological
characteristics, such as personality and attitudes, on dog-
manship and the dog–human relationship remains unclear.
Thus far, the tantalizing notion that certain personality
dimensions may predispose an individual to interact skillfully
with dogs remains unconfirmed.
The physiological and emotional benefits that ensue
from a positive dog–human relationship extend to both
members of the dyad. For dogs, humans seem to represent
a social partner that, in addition to providing information
pertinent to food acquisition, can be a source of emotional
fulfilment and attachment.16 Similarly, forming relationships
with, or simply interacting with, dogs has been associated
with several emotional and psychological health benefits
for humans.24,25 Hence, fostering secure, positive emo-
tional bonds between humans and dogs generally promotes
well-being. This article aims to review current literature
on the dog–human relationship, especially that regarding
attachment and bonding. Assessing dog–human relationships
through the use of a scientifically validated tool may reveal
which dyads successfully capitalize on mutual benefits and
those that may require intervention. This article will review
existing tools designed to measure the dog–human bond.
Including all possible measures of dog–human relationships,
especially those that focus only on a singular aspect of these
relationships, such as dog–human attachment, is well beyond
the scope of this article (for reviews see Wilson and Netting26
and Anderson27). So, we will attempt to focus primarily on
those measures that reflect a significant portion of the dog–
human relationship.
A greater understanding of the mechanisms of well-
matched dog–human dyads may foster the promotion of
successful dyads through the skillful application of certain
behaviors on the part of the human. Moreover, this may
reduce the incidence of dysfunctional dog–human relation-
ships, which can be harmful to both dyadic members,28,29
as well as the broader community.30
Perceptions and attitudes of dog
owners towards dogs
The influence of owner attitudes to or viewpoints on dog
behavior and welfare represents a relatively recent avenue
of research. Dogs belonging to those who regard their
animals as social partners or meaningful companions
have been shown to have relatively low salivary cortisol
concentrations.15 This suggests that positive owner attitudes
may moderate stress in canine companions. Furthermore,
Norwegian dog owners with more positive attitudes towards
their dogs also had higher animal empathy scores, which
correlated with how they rated pain in dogs.31 Hence,
empathetic dog owners with positive attitudes may be more
Psychology Research and Behavior Management 2015:8 submit your manuscript |
Attachment and bonding in the dog–human dyad
aware of pain in their animal and readily respond to it, thus
minimizing stress. Such handlers may have what Blouin
described as humanistic views of their animals, regarding
them as surrogate humans that offer affective benefits, or
protectionistic views of their animals, regarding them as
valuable companions with their own interests.32 Blouin
also identified a third perspective, dominionistic, whereby
animals are viewed with low regard and valued only for
their usefulness.32 One would predict that dominionistic
handlers would have less positive attitudes towards their
pets, and consequently, the affective benefits to either dog
or human may be limited.
Some sheepdog handlers reportedly regard dogs domin-
ionistically, as tools that will eagerly please the pack leader
(the human) by driving stock towards them.33 More plausibly,
the dogs in question drive stock chiefly because this is a
self-rewarding behavior.23 Similarly, it has been reported that
dog handlers often misinterpret several aspects of their dog’s
behavior or temperament, such as trainability,34 play signals,35
emotional arousal,36 and acute stress.37 A survey of 565 dog
owners revealed that most participants overestimated the
cognitive capabilities of dogs,38 reflecting how widespread
unrealistic expectations of companion animals can be. Such
misunderstandings, in the absence of psychological evidence,
such as believing certain dog behaviors to be indicative of the
animal’s guilt, may be responsible for instances of conflict
in dog–human relationships and contribute to relationship
breakdowns.39 These studies appear to be indicative of a
general lack of understanding of dog behavior among dog
owners and handlers that, if rectified, could improve dog
handling, or dogmanship, on a broader scale.
Owner factors affecting
dog–human relationships
The operant conditioning quadrant that a dog handler tends
to use when training a dog can influence the dog’s affective
state, relative arousal, and ultimately, its behavioral output.40
Generally, producing a positive affective state and moder-
ate arousal in a dog maximizes the probability of that dog
demonstrating the desired behavior.40 In a broader sense,
human behavior can likewise influence dog behavior by
changing emotional valence and arousal. In the literature,
human behaviors that likely contribute to a more positive
affective state and consequently more positive expectations
in dogs are often those that provide the dog with resources
of emotional value, such as affiliation,22 human attention,41
and safety.17 However, the influence of human attachment on
dog behavior remains ambiguous. An owner with an avoidant
attachment to their dog is reported to have more negative
expectations regarding the behavior of their dog.42
As owner attitudes have been connected to dog behavior
and stress,15 insecure human–dog relationships may be related
to poor stress coping in dogs, thereby compromising welfare
and contributing to relinquishment. Aligning with this, own-
ers relinquishing their dogs at animal shelters tend to score
lower on companion animal attachment compared with exist-
ing dog owners.43 Additionally, owners who are predisposed
to view their interactions with their dog as negative may be
more likely to fall victim to such miscommunication and
then consider relinquishment.
A study investigating the influence of certain owner fac-
tors on the dog–human relationship found a significant nega-
tive correlation between owners using the dog for ‘company
only’ and emotional closeness.44 The authors defined
‘company only’ as non-participation in herding, hunting,
agility, dog shows, or working dog training. Time spent as
a dyad may have a critical influence on this observation, as
the activities cited by Meyer and Forkman44 would arguably
require more owner engagement with the dog, an attribute
that has been reported as critical in the dog–human relation-
ship.11,45 Additionally, humans using their dogs for company
alone may arguably have a dominionistic viewpoint of their
dogs and hence may be more likely to experience relation-
ship dysfunction than those who are more willing to engage
in activities with their animal.
Investigating the effect of human personality on dog–
human relationships is of particular relevance when conceptu-
alizing dogmanship as it holds promise of identifying specific
characteristics of individuals who are outstanding with their
dogs. More specifically, current research suggests the Big
Five personality dimension of neuroticism may provide some
preliminary indication of the dogmanship of an individual
dog owner. High neuroticism scores in dog owners have
been associated with poor canine performance in operational
tasks,15,46 handlers’ use of excessive signaling during
training,47 and delayed responses to owner commands.47
Taken together, these results suggest that high neuroticism
in dog owners contributes to poor dyadic functionality and
that individuals with good dogmanship are likely to score
low on this trait. Nevertheless, owners with high neuroticism
have been observed to be more socially attractive to their
dogs,48 with these dyads being rated as being more friendly
than other dyads by experimental observers46 and having
lower salivary cortisol concentrations in dogs.15 Additionally,
owners in these dyads were more likely to consider their dogs
as social supporters or partners.15 These observations suggest
Psychology Research and Behavior Management 2015:8
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Payne et al
that quality of life for both members of the dog–human dyad
does not necessarily relate to performance in practical tasks.
Future analyses should focus on examining various dog–
human interactions with owners of different personality types
and dog training experience levels, to clarify whether high
neuroticism correlates with canine welfare and the implica-
tions this has for dog training.
Accounting for dog and human personalities when match-
ing dogs with humans has potential to reduce behavioral
conflict in the dog–human dyad by preventing mismatches.
Significant correlations have been observed between the
personality facets of openness and agreeableness and owner
satisfaction with the dog–human relationship.49 Similarly,
Curb et al50 reported that owner satisfaction correlated with
dog-and-owner matching on certain behavioral traits, such
as having an active lifestyle and creativity, which correlate
with extraversion51 and openness,52 respectively. To further
investigate dog–owner personality matching, future studies
should use validated personality dimensions in their assess-
ment, accompanied by direct behavioral observations of dog
personality to prevent owner bias.
Dog perceptions of the
dog–human relationship
To effectively assess dog–human relationships, canine fac-
tors must be considered. It has been hypothesized that dogs
have been selected for increased deference to humans and
that the dog–human relationship has a defined social hier-
archy.12,53 Although intraspecific dominance relationships
have been observed in dogs, evidence suggests that dogs do
not generally view humans as surrogate dogs; thus, social
dominance may not apply in the dog–human dyad.54 Despite
engaging in interactions with other dogs, intraspecific play
does not suppress the motivation for dogs to interact with
owners,55 suggesting each interaction fulfils a different role.
Furthermore, unlike the presence of a familiar dog, the pres-
ence of a familiar human has been shown to reduce plasma
cortisol concentrations in dogs in a novel environment.56 As
such, it is likely dog–dog and dog–human interactions are
motivationally as well as functionally distinct, and thus, it
is unlikely that dog–human interactions operate as part of a
dominance hierarchy. It may be that, rather than deference
to humans, reduced fear of humans may have had a selection
advantage, with these animals being more likely to scavenge
from humans.
There are several hypotheses regarding the domestica-
tion of the dog and the particular behavioral traits that had
a selection advantage. It has been argued that dogs have
been selected for their ability to perceive human signals
and cooperate with humans.10 Dogs have been shown to
outperform wolves in establishing eye contact with humans
and adapting their behavior to human attitudes.57,58 However,
given that socialized wolves do seem to interact with their
human raisers as social partners, this cooperation may be
more due to environment and ontogenic events than human-
directed selection.9 Additionally, wolves can outperform dogs
in social-learning tasks with a conspecific demonstrator.59
This suggests that wolves may be more cooperative with
conspecifics than dogs. Consequently, it has been suggested
that dog–human cooperation has evolved on the foundation
of wolf–wolf cooperation, and during the domestication pro-
cess, dogs have become less cooperative with each other.12
This canine cooperation theory aligns with current research.
However, given that existing dog–wolf comparisons compare
companion dogs to wolves with limited socialization7 or
wolves that have been clicker-trained,9 there is a need for
more balanced comparisons.60 Future studies should incor-
porate bigger, more diverse sample sizes of dogs and wolves
to assess whether these variations exist between breeds
and entire versus desexed animals. Moreover, the modern
wolf is genetically distinct from the ancestor of the modern
dog.61 As such, given that modern wolves may not resemble
their ancient counterparts, using dog–wolf comparisons to
investigate the domestication of the dog may be of limited
There are early reports that social learning in the form of
Do As I Do (DAID) training can be as successful as shaping
and clicker-training methods in the training of simple com-
mands and superior to them in the training of complex or
sequential commands.62 These results highlight that imitation
can occur in dog–human dyads. However, it is important to note
that the authors did not measure the behavior of the human;
thus, it is possible that demonstrators may have inadvertently
reinforced certain actions. That said, the protocol did involve
control conditions, such as the ‘do it’ command being given
by an individual who was unfamiliar with the demonstration,
thus preventing a Clever Hans effect. However, to the authors’
knowledge, there is no documented evidence of imitation
occurring naturally in dog–human relationships; thus, its rel-
evance is questionable. Despite this, the ability of dogs to dem-
onstrate social referencing, adapting their behavior according
to human emotional signals,57,63 further reinforces the relevance
of social learning in the dog–human relationship. Therefore,
it is reasonable to postulate that dogs view humans as peers
who often provide salient information about the surrounding
environment but are distinct from conspecifics.
Psychology Research and Behavior Management 2015:8 submit your manuscript |
Attachment and bonding in the dog–human dyad
In addition to using humans as a social reference point,
dogs have been shown to develop attachment bonds with
humans.14,16 This relationship allows them to interact securely
with their environment in the presence of the owner18 and
show less distress in response to threatening events.17
Interestingly, the secure base effect seems to operate regard-
less of whether the owner is encouraging or passive.18 This
suggests that social referencing does not always operate in
the dog–human dyad. Indeed, dogs seem to struggle to distin-
guish between fearful and neutral emotional messages about
certain objects and to respond appropriately to emotional
messages given by a stranger.63 As such, relational factors
and attachment dimensions probably influence the degree of
social referencing between dogs and owners.
The learning history of a dog may also be relevant to the
attachment relationships it forms and its social referenc-
ing capabilities. For example, trained water rescue dogs
have more difficulty than companion dogs in responding to
the emotional messages of a stranger.64 It remains unclear
whether these results reflect habituation to strangers giving
emotional cues in their training or the dogs’ strong attachment
to their handlers. Further studies of dogs in various working
and companion contexts may disambiguate the relevance
of attachment and learning history in the ability of dogs to
respond to human social cues.
Potential interactions between human and dog attach-
ment patterns require clarification. Rehn et al20 found no
evidence of an interaction between perceived emotional
closeness, assessed via the Monash Dog Owner Relationship
Scale (MDORS), and dog attachment behaviors, assessed
using the Strange Situation Procedure (SSP). In contrast,
Siniscalchi et al19 reported a relationship in which owner
attachment (confident vs unconfident) was measured using
the 9 Attachment Profile (9AP) and dog attachment was
measured using the SSP. These authors reported that dogs
of confident owners displayed more proximity-seeking
behaviors and were more likely to interact with the owner
when a stranger was present compared with dogs of owners
lacking in confidence. Further studies using both the 9AP
and the MDORS, in conjunction with standardized behav-
ioral observations of both dogs and handlers, may assist in
clarifying the existence of such an interaction.
Tools and methods to measure
the dog–human relationship
Identification of high-risk pairings of dogs and humans
offers a means of preventing dysfunction in the dog–human
dyad. Additionally, outstanding dyads can provide models
of dogmanship strategies that could then be applied in
those dyads that tend to struggle. Therefore, a means of
measuring the dog–human relationship has great potential
for reducing disharmony. Although scales of this nature
have been created,26 there is no generally accepted tool to
measure the dog–human bond. One questionnaire designed
to measure the dog–human relationship was not given a name
by researchers.46 Accordingly, for convenience, the authors
of the current review will refer to it as the Modified Person–
Animal Wellness Scale (MPAWS).
Some dog–human relationship assessment tools tend to
focus on the human factors of a dog–human relationship, par-
ticularly attachment. One such measure, the Dog Attachment
Questionnaire (DAQ), was developed to measure human
attachment to their canine companions.65 Given that human fac-
tors generally have more influence on the dog–human bond
than canine factors,44 using measures such as the DAQ seems
appropriate. However, such approaches may be overly sim-
plistic, as attachment dimensions alone may fail to capture the
influence of specific human behaviors, such as affiliation, and
perceptions on the dog–human relationship. Furthermore, as
we are defining the human–animal bond (HAB) as a symbiotic
relationship, affective benefits to the dog, through attachment
or otherwise, should be considered.
There are existing measures of the dog–human bond that
consider canine factors. Schneider et al66 created an inter-
nally consistent measure of the HAB that embraced human
attachment and its potential to bias dog health ratings. While
this measure did consider canine attachment, only one scale
within it was devoted to it, while the remaining five related
to human perceptions of the relationship. When testing the
measure, the authors used a relatively homogenous sample.
Hence, the results are not representative of the general
population. Therefore, the researchers may have failed to
capture some aspects of dog–human relationships. Moreover,
given that the HAB has yet to be used in other studies, its
overall applicability to examine dog–human relationships in
general remains unclear.
The MPAWS42 was developed from the Person–Animal
Wellness Scale (PAWS)67 and the Questionnaire for
Anthropomorphic Attitudes.68 This questionnaire features items
concerning dog attachment and the owner–dog relationship, with
four separate subscales for each of these sections. Additionally,
the MPAWS asks owners about their attitude toward their dog.
Significant associations have been observed within owner
opinion items as well as the shared activities subscale. For
example, neurotic owners reported less engagement in shared
activities with their dogs.46 Moreover, the MPAWS has been
Psychology Research and Behavior Management 2015:8
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Payne et al
used in subsequent studies, identifying significant correlations
between stress hormone concentrations15 and proximity-seeking
behaviors.48 However, aside from a principal component
analysis, the authors reported no further statistical validation.
Furthermore, the sample sizes for these studies were relatively
small (n=22), such that any assumptions or generalizations
from their results must be made with caution as they may not
be applicable to dog–human dyads in general. Furthermore,
many subscales had no significant relationship with dog or
owner factors. Therefore, further refinement and validation of
this questionnaire are required.
The MDORS has had widespread use.20,44,69–71 It was
also tested using an extensive, heterogeneous sample of
participants, which indicates that the initial population was
probably representative of dog owners in general. Unlike
tools such as the MPAWS, this scale has been tested for both
validity and reliability.69 Despite this, it has been suggested
that the MDORS focuses too much on the human member
of the dog–human dyad and, thus, might overlook several
aspects of the relationship that are pertinent to the emotional
wellness of the dog.20 A recent study44 reported that variance
in MDORS scores correlated with only one dog personal-
ity subscale, as determined by Dog Mentality Assessment
(DMA) results. Taken together, these results suggest that,
while the MDORS is currently the most reliable measure
of the dog–human relationship, it has potential to exclude
canine factors. To address this, future studies should combine
the MDORS with behavioral test batteries to categorize dog
temperament effectively and establish its contribution to the
dog–human bond.
Thus far, all tools discussed require owner reports of their
behavior, the behavior of their dog, and their attitudes towards
the relationship. While owner reports are arguably effective,
interobserver reliability has been shown to vary depending on
the particular trait being rated.72,73 Additionally, physical traits
such as ear shape and coat color have been reported to affect
ratings of dog behavior and personality.74 Gosling discusses
several causes for interobserver variation, such as familiarity
with the animal and exposure to the species in question.75
Furthermore, as previously discussed, there is ample evidence
that owners may misinterpret their dog’s behavior and cognitive
capacity. Taken together, this suggests that owner reports alone
may not be a sufficient measure of dog–human relationships.
Future studies should seek to combine owner reports with test
batteries designed to measure dog–human cooperation and
interaction styles. At the very least, studies using question-
naires should collect ratings from more than one individual
and examine interobserver agreement.
There are several tools that assess the dog–human
relationship from the perspective of dog attachment. The
application of Ainsworth’s Strange Situation Test (SST),
a measure originally designed to assess attachment of human
infants to their mothers, has revealed several distinct attach-
ment patterns in dogs.16 This procedure has been used exten-
sively to gauge canine attachment to humans,76,77 with some
authors proposing, by extrapolation, that the dog’s behavior
during the SST is a reflection of the bond it has developed
with its owner.19 Interestingly, human behavior during the
SST has been shown to influence dog behavior and cortisol
concentrations.78 This indicates that owner behavior may bias
dog behavioral observations during the SST to the extent that
results may not reflect dog attachment alone. Future studies
could examine how various owners differ in their behavior
during the SST, such as during reunions, and how these
variations affect dog behavior. Potentially, the SST may be
more useful in assessing the dog–human bond than originally
anticipated, if both dog and human behaviors are coded and
analyzed simultaneously.
Biochemical and physiological
effects of dog–human interactions
Dyadic interactions between humans and dogs can yield
both mutual and individual positive effects. The dog–human
relationship can be a more influential determinant of canine
salivary cortisol concentrations than environmental stressors,
such as a threatening stranger.15 This is likely mediated by
the safe haven effect or possible social referencing if the
owner is not fearful of the environment. Likewise, human
interaction has been demonstrated to reduce plasma cortisol
concentrations in shelter dogs,79 suggesting human–dog inter-
actions may help dogs to cope with stress, almost regardless
of relationship quality. Alternatively, the stressful shelter
environment may have facilitated the rapid formation of an
attachment bond. The specific nature of the interaction also
seems to be relevant. Border guard dogs that had affiliative
interactions with their handlers showed a more pronounced
reduction in cortisol concentrations than police dogs sub-
jected to authoritative interactions.22 Owners kissing their
dogs reportedly have higher oxytocin concentrations, as do
their dogs, than owners who do not.71 Oxytocin is believed to
have a role in bond formation,80 so frequent affiliative interac-
tions between dogs and humans probably strengthen bond
formation. This may provide a physiological explanation of
why the amount of time that dogs and owners spend together
is often reported to have a critical influence on both dog-
manship11 and functional dog–human relationships.46 These
Psychology Research and Behavior Management 2015:8 submit your manuscript |
Attachment and bonding in the dog–human dyad
results emphasize the importance of affiliative interactions in
the dog–human dyad, and their capacity to reduce stress and
strengthen bond formation in both dogs and owners.
Conclusion and future directions
This review highlights growing evidence that human factors,
including personality and attitudes, influence the dog–human
relationship. In particular, both positive attitudes and affili-
ative behavior seem to contribute to a strong dog–human
bond, as is apparently confirmed by hormonal changes that
emerge in both dyad members. This illustrates the benefits
that can ensue from successful dog–human relationships
and should inspire the cultivation of such relationships. In
contrast, negative attitudes, insecure attachment, and mis-
understanding of dog behavior have the potential to disrupt
relationships and even lead to dog relinquishment. Future
studies should consider the influence of both owner attitudes
and behavior on canine physiology and affective states. Such
investigations may reveal a potential causal relationship
between attitudes and behavior. Interestingly, although the
human personality dimension of neuroticism may relate
to poor dyadic functionality, it may not compromise the
quality of the relationship. Assessing the personality of
working dog handlers in a standardized setting may clarify
whether neuroticism contributes to a given dyad’s struggle
with practical tasks.
Recent studies have highlighted the importance of social
and associative learning in the dog–human dyad. Indeed,
given the ease with which dogs learn complex commands
and behavioral sequences, training methods that exploit
social learning, such as DAID, as a complement to shaping
techniques may provide a means of further capitalizing on
the dogmanship of handlers.
Importantly, the dog–human relationship and attachment
relationships held by both humans and dogs may not be
complementary. The MDORS is currently the most robust
measure of the dog–human relationship, addressing primarily
the human perceptions of the relationship. Future studies inves-
tigating the influence of dog temperament, measured using
an internally consistent, validated scale, on the dog–human
relationship may reveal how the MDORS should be refined
to capture more information on canine members of the dyad.
Moreover, to investigate the relationship between the dog–
human bond and attachment, a measure of canine attachment,
such as the SST, should also be included. The ability to produce
successful dog–human dyads through the identification of fac-
tors contributing to the HAB promises to enhance the welfare
of both species in this unique and ancient dyad.
None of the authors of this paper has a financial or personal
relationship with other people or organizations that could
inappropriately influence or bias the content of the paper.
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Attachment and bonding in the dog–human dyad
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