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Comparison of Supervised and Unsupervised Learning Algorithms for Pattern Classification


Abstract and Figures

This paper presents a comparative account of unsupervised and supervised learning models and their pattern classification evaluations as applied to the higher education scenario. Classification plays a vital role in machine based learning algorithms and in the present study, we found that, though the error back-propagation learning algorithm as provided by supervised learning model is very efficient for a number of non-linear real-time problems, KSOM of unsupervised learning model, offers efficient solution and classification in the present study.
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(IJARAI) International Journal of Advanced Research in Artificial Intelligence,
Vol. 2, No. 2, 2013
34 | P a g e
Comparison of Supervised and Unsupervised
Learning Algorithms for Pattern Classification
R. Sathya
Professor, Dept. of MCA,
Jyoti Nivas College (Autonomous), Professor and Head,
Dept. of Mathematics,
Bangalore, India.
Annamma Abraham
Professor and Head, Dept. of Mathematics
B.M.S.Institute of Technology,
Bangalore, India.
Abstract: This paper presents a comparative account of
unsupervised and supervised learning models and their pattern
classification evaluations as applied to the higher education
scenario. Classification plays a vital role in machine based
learning algorithms and in the present study, we found that,
though the error back-propagation learning algorithm as
provided by supervised learning model is very efficient for a
number of non-linear real-time problems, KSOM of
unsupervised learning model, offers efficient solution and
classification in the present study.
Keywords Classification; Clustering; Learning; MLP; SOM;
Supervised learning; Unsupervised learning;
Introduction of cognitive reasoning into a conventional
computer can solve problems by example mapping like pattern
recognition, classification and forecasting. Artificial Neural
Networks (ANN) provides these types of models. These are
essentially mathematical models describing a function; but,
they are associated with a particular learning algorithm or a
rule to emulate human actions. ANN is characterized by three
types of parameters; (a) based on its interconnection property
(as feed forward network and recurrent network); (b) on its
application function (as Classification model, Association
model, Optimization model and Self-organizing model) and
(c) based on the learning rule (supervised/ unsupervised
/reinforcement etc.,) [1].
All these ANN models are unique in nature and each offers
advantages of its own. The profound theoretical and practical
implications of ANN have diverse applications. Among these,
much of the research effort on ANN has focused on pattern
classification. ANN performs classification tasks obviously
and efficiently because of its structural design and learning
methods. There is no unique algorithm to design and train
ANN models because, learning algorithm differs from each
other in their learning ability and degree of inference. Hence,
in this paper, we try to evaluate the supervised and
unsupervised learning rules and their classification efficiency
using specific example [3].
The overall organization of the paper is as follows. After
the introduction, we present the various learning algorithms
used in ANN for pattern classification problems and more
specifically the learning strategies of supervised and
unsupervised algorithms in section II.
Section III introduces classification and its requirements in
applications and discusses the familiarity distinction between
supervised and unsupervised learning on the pattern-class
information. Also, we lay foundation for the construction of
classification network for education problem of our interest.
Experimental setup and its outcome of the current study are
presented in Section IV. In Section V we discuss the end
results of these two algorithms of the study from different
perspective. Section VI concludes with some final thoughts on
supervised and unsupervised learning algorithm for
educational classification problem.
Learning can refer to either acquiring or enhancing
knowledge. As Herbert Simon says, Machine Learning
denotes changes in the system that are adaptive in the sense
that they enable the system to do the same task or tasks drawn
from the same population more efficiently and more
effectively the next time.
ANN learning paradigms can be classified as supervised,
unsupervised and reinforcement learning. Supervised learning
model assumes the availability of a teacher or supervisor who
classifies the training examples into classes and utilizes the
information on the class membership of each training instance,
whereas, Unsupervised learning model identify the pattern
class information heuristically and Reinforcement learning
learns through trial and error interactions with its environment
(reward/penalty assignment).
Though these models address learning in different ways,
learning depends on the space of interconnection neurons.
That is, supervised learning learns by adjusting its inter
connection weight combinations with the help of error signals
where as unsupervised learning uses information associated
with a group of neurons and reinforcement learning uses
reinforcement function to modify local weight parameters.
Thus, learning occurs in an ANN by adjusting the free
parameters of the network that are adapted where the ANN is
This parameter adjustment plays key role in differentiating
the learning algorithm as supervised or unsupervised models
or other models. Also, these learning algorithms are facilitated
by various learning rules as shown in the Fig 1 [2].
(IJARAI) International Journal of Advanced Research in Artificial Intelligence,
Vol. 2, No. 2, 2013
35 | P a g e
Fig. 1. Learning Rules Of ANN
A. Supervised Learning
Supervised learning is based on training a data sample
from data source with correct classification already assigned.
Such techniques are utilized in feedforward or MultiLayer
Perceptron (MLP) models. These MLP has three distinctive
1. One or more layers of hidden neurons that are not
part of the input or output layers of the network that
enable the network to learn and solve any complex
2. The nonlinearity reflected in the neuronal activity is
differentiable and,
3. The interconnection model of the network exhibits a
high degree of connectivity
These characteristics along with learning through training
solve difficult and diverse problems. Learning through
training in a supervised ANN model also called as error back-
propagation algorithm. The error correction-learning
algorithm trains the network based on the input-output
samples and finds error signal, which is the difference of the
output calculated and the desired output and adjusts the
synaptic weights of the neurons that is proportional to the
product of the error signal and the input instance of the
synaptic weight. Based on this principle, error back
propagation learning occurs in two passes:
Forward Pass: Here, input vector is presented to the
network. This input signal propagates forward, neuron by
neuron through the network and emerges at the output end of
the network as output signal: y(n) = φ(v(n)) where v(n) is the
induced local field of a neuron defined by v(n) =Σ w(n)y(n).
The output that is calculated at the output layer o(n) is
compared with the desired response d(n) and finds the error
e(n) for that neuron. The synaptic weights of the network
during this pass are remains same.
Backward Pass: The error signal that is originated at the
output neuron of that layer is propagated backward through
network. This calculates the local gradient for each neuron in
each layer and allows the synaptic weights of the network to
undergo changes in accordance with the delta rule as:
Δw(n) = η * δ(n) * y(n).
This recursive computation is continued, with forward
pass followed by the backward pass for each input pattern till
the network is converged [4-7].
Supervised learning paradigm of an ANN is efficient and
finds solutions to several linear and non-linear problems such
as classification, plant control, forecasting, prediction,
robotics etc [8-9]
B. Unsupervised Learning
Self-Organizing neural networks learn using unsupervised
learning algorithm to identify hidden patterns in unlabelled
input data. This unsupervised refers to the ability to learn and
organize information without providing an error signal to
evaluate the potential solution. The lack of direction for the
learning algorithm in unsupervised learning can sometime be
advantageous, since it lets the algorithm to look back for
patterns that have not been previously considered [10]. The
main characteristics of Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) are:
1. It transforms an incoming signal pattern of arbitrary
dimension into one or 2 dimensional map and
perform this transformation adaptively
2. The network represents feedforward structure with a
single computational layer consisting of neurons
arranged in rows and columns.
3. At each stage of representation, each input signal is
kept in its proper context and,
4. Neurons dealing with closely related pieces of
information are close together and they communicate
through synaptic connections.
The computational layer is also called as competitive layer
since the neurons in the layer compete with each other to
become active. Hence, this learning algorithm is called
competitive algorithm. Unsupervised algorithm in SOM
works in three phases:
Competition phase: for each input pattern x, presented to
the network, inner product with synaptic weight w is
calculated and the neurons in the competitive layer finds a
discriminant function that induce competition among the
neurons and the synaptic weight vector that is close to the
input vector in the Euclidean distance is announced as winner
in the competition. That neuron is called best matching neuron,
i.e. x = arg min ║x - w║.
Cooperative phase: the winning neuron determines the
center of a topological neighborhood h of cooperating neurons.
This is performed by the lateral interaction d among the
cooperative neurons. This topological neighborhood reduces
its size over a time period.
Adaptive phase: enables the winning neuron and its
neighborhood neurons to increase their individual values of
the discriminant function in relation to the input pattern
through suitable synaptic weight adjustments, Δw = ηh(x)(x
Upon repeated presentation of the training patterns, the
synaptic weight vectors tend to follow the distribution of the
input patterns due to the neighborhood updating and thus
ANN learns without supervisor [2].
(IJARAI) International Journal of Advanced Research in Artificial Intelligence,
Vol. 2, No. 2, 2013
36 | P a g e
Self-Organizing Model naturally represents the neuro-
biological behavior, and hence is used in many real world
applications such as clustering, speech recognition, texture
segmentation, vector coding etc [11-13].
Classification is one of the most frequently encountered
decision making tasks of human activity. A classification
problem occurs when an object needs to be assigned into a
predefined group or class based on a number of observed
attributes related to that object. There are many industrial
problems identified as classification problems. For examples,
Stock market prediction, Weather forecasting, Bankruptcy
prediction, Medical diagnosis, Speech recognition, Character
recognitions to name a few [14-18]. These classification
problems can be solved both mathematically and in a non-
linear fashion. The difficulty of solving such problem
mathematically lies in the accuracy and distribution of data
properties and model capabilities [19].
The recent research activities in ANN prove, ANN as best
classification model due to the non-linear, adaptive and
functional approximation principles. A Neural Network
classifies a given object according to the output activation. In
a MLP, when a set of input patterns are presented to the
network, the nodes in the hidden layers of the network extract
the features of the pattern presented. For example, in a 2
hidden layers ANN model, the hidden nodes in the first hidden
layer forms boundaries between the pattern classes and the
hidden nodes in the second layer forms a decision region of
the hyper planes that was formed in the previous layer. Now,
the nodes in the output layer logically combines the decision
region made by the nodes in the hidden layer and classifies
them into class 1 or class 2 according to the number of classes
described in the training with fewest errors on average.
Similarly, in SOM, classification happens by extracting
features by transforming of m-dimensional observation input
pattern into q-dimensional feature output space and thus
grouping of objects according to the similarity of the input
The purpose of this study is to present the conceptual
framework of well known Supervised and Unsupervised
learning algorithms in pattern classification scenario and to
discuss the efficiency of these models in an education industry
as a sample study. Since any classification system seeks a
functional relationship between the group association and
attribute of the object, grouping of students in a course for
their enhancement can be viewed as a classification problem
[20-22]. As higher education has gained increasing importance
due to competitive environment, both the students as well as
the education institutions are at crossroads to evaluate the
performance and ranking respectively. While trying to retain
its high ranking in the education industry, each institution is
trying to identify potential students and their skill sets and
group them in order to improve their performance and hence
improve their own ranking. Therefore, we take this
classification problem and study how the two learning
algorithms are addressing this problem.
In any ANN model that is used for classification problem,
the principle is learning from observation. As the objective of
the paper is to observe the pattern classification properties of
those two algorithms, we developed Supervised ANN and
Unsupervised ANN for the problem mentioned above. A Data
set consists of 10 important attributes that are observed as
qualification to pursue Master of Computer Applications
(MCA), by a university/institution is taken. These attributes
explains, the students’ academic scores, priori mathematics
knowledge, score of eligibility test conducted by the
university. Three classes of groups are discovered by the input
observation [3]. Following sections presents the structural
design of ANN models, their training process and observed
results of those learning ANN model.
A. Supervised ANN
A 11-4-3 fully connected MLP was designed with error
back-propagation learning algorithm. The ANN was trained
with 300 data set taken from the domain and 50 were used to
test and verify the performance of the system. A pattern is
randomly selected and presented to the input layer along with
bias and the desired output at the output layer. Initially each
synaptic weight vectors to the neurons are assigned randomly
between the range [-1,1] and modified during backward pass
according to the local error, and at each epoch the values are
Hyperbolic tangent function is used as a non-linear
activation function. Different learning rate were tested and
finally assigned between [0.05 - 0.1] and sequential mode of
back propagation learning is implemented. The convergence
of the learning algorithm is tested with average squared error
per epoch that lies in the range of [0.01 0.1]. The input
patterns are classified into the three output patterns available
in the output layer. Table I shows the different trial and error
process that was carried out to model the ANN architecture.
B. Unsupervised ANN
Kohonen’s Self Organizing Model (KSOM), which is an
unsupervised ANN, designed with 10 input neurons and 3
output neurons. Data set used in supervised model is used to
train the network. The synaptic weights are initialized with
1/√ (number of input attributes) to have a unit length initially
and modified according to the adaptability.
No. of
No. of
squared error
on training
5000 -
0.31 0.33
5000 -
80% - 85%
5000 -
0.30 0.39
80% - 87%
(IJARAI) International Journal of Advanced Research in Artificial Intelligence,
Vol. 2, No. 2, 2013
37 | P a g e
Results of the network depends on the presentation pattern
of the input vector for small amount of training data hence, the
training patterns are presented sequentially to the NN.
Euclidean distance measure was calculated at each
iteration to find the winning neuron. The learning rate
parameter initially set to 0.1, decreased over time, but not
decreased below 0.01. At convergence phase it was
maintained to 0.01 [11]. As the competitive layer is one
dimensional vector of 3 neurons, the neighborhood parameter
has not much influence on the activation. The convergence of
the network is calculated when there were no considerable
changes in the adaptation. The following table illustrates the
No. of
Correctness on
.3 - .01
1000 - 2000
.1 - .01
1000 - 3000
85% - 89%
In the classification process, we observed that both
learning models grouped students under certain characteristics
say, students who possess good academic score and eligibility
score in one group, students who come from under privileged
quota are grouped in one class and students who are average in
the academics are into one class.
The observation on the two results favors unsupervised
learning algorithms for classification problems since the
correctness percentage is high compared to the supervised
algorithm. Though, the differences are not much to start the
comparison and having one more hidden layer could have
increased the correctness of the supervised algorithm, the time
taken to build the network compared to KSOM was more;
other issues we faced and managed with back-propagation
algorithm are:
1. Network Size: Generally, for any linear classification
problem hidden layer is not required. But, the input
patterns need 3 classifications hence, on trail and
error basis we were confined with 1 hidden layer.
Similarly, selection of number of neurons in the
hidden layer is another problem we faced. As in the
Table I, we calculated the performance of the system
in terms of number of neurons in the hidden layer we
selected 4 hidden neurons as it provides best result.
2. Local gradient descent: Gradient descent is used to
minimize the output error by gradually adjusting the
weights. The change in the weight vector may cause
the error to get stuck in a range and cannot reduce
further. This problem is called local minima. We
overcame this problem by initializing weight vectors
randomly and after each iteration, the error of current
pattern is used to update the weight vector.
3. Stopping Criteria: Normally ANN model stops
training once it learns all the patterns successfully.
This is identified by calculating the total mean
squared error of the learning. Unfortunately, the total
error of the classification with 4 hidden neuron is
0.28, which could not be reduced further. When it is
tried to reduce minimum the validation error starts
increasing. Hence, we stopped the system on the
basis of correctness of the validation data that is
shown in the table 89%. Adding one more neuron in
the hidden layer as in the last row of Table I increase
the chance of over fitting on the train data set but less
performance on validation.
4. The only problem we faced in training of KSOM is
the declaration of learning rate parameter and its
reduction. We decreased it exponentially over time
period and also we tried to learn the system with
different parameter set up and content with 0.1 to
train and 0.01 at convergence time as in Table II.
Also, unlike the MLP model of classification, the
unsupervised KSOM uses single-pass learning and potentially
fast and accurate than multi-pass supervised algorithms. This
reason suggests the suitability of KSOM unsupervised
algorithm for classification problems.
As classification is one of the most active decision making
tasks of human, in our education situation, this classification
might help the institution to mentor the students and improve
their performance by proper attention and training. Similarly,
this helps students to know about their lack of domain and can
improve in that skill which will benefit both institution and
Designing a classification network of given patterns is a
form of learning from observation. Such observation can
declare a new class or assign a new class to an existing class.
This classification facilitates new theories and knowledge that
is embedded in the input patterns. Learning behavior of the
neural network model enhances the classification properties.
This paper considered the two learning algorithms namely
supervised and unsupervised and investigated its properties in
the classification of post graduate students according to their
performance during the admission period. We found out that
though the error back-propagation supervised learning
algorithm is very efficient for many non- linear real time
problems, in the case of student classification KSOM the
unsupervised model performs efficiently than the supervised
learning algorithm.
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... Here we utilize unsupervised machine learning (also referred to as cluster analysis) to determine if there are any patterns formed with the distribution of cellulosomes on the bacterial cell wall as well as on cellulose. Unlike supervised machine learning, unsupervised learning does not utilize a training set, but instead finds previously unknown patterns within the dataset without pre-existing labels, and is widely used in clustering, dimension reduction and data representations [33,34]. Within the field of unsupervised machine learning, there exist multiple techniques ranging from hierarchical clustering, k-means, Density Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN) and Ordering Points To Identify the Clustering Structures (OPTICS) and others. ...
... Multiple software packages were used in the analysis of these datasets, including Matlab for the processing of the PALM/STORM raw data, ImageJ fiji [34], as well as python with the following packages: pandas, opencv, pillow, numpy and matplotlib. Fiji was primarily used to view the processed images generated from the Matlab code as well as the white light images. ...
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Clostridium thermocellum is one of the most efficient microorganisms for the deconstruction of cellulosic biomass. To achieve this high level of cellulolytic activity, C. thermocellum uses large multienzyme complexes known as cellulosomes to break down complex polysaccharides found in plant cell walls. The attachment of bacterial cells to the nearby substrate via the cellulosome has been hypothesized to be the reason for this high efficiency. The region lying between the cell and the substrate has shown great variation and dynamics that are affected by the growth stage of cells and the biomass used for growth. Here, we utilized both photoactivation localization microscopy and stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy in combination with modeling to study the distribution of C. thermocellum cellulosomes at different stages of growth when actively growing on insoluble substrates, providing a clearer picture of the dynamics of cellulosome populations at the enzyme microbe substrate interface. This research demonstrates the prevailing theories regarding the mechanisms of cellulosomes and their potential to shuttle onto the biomass for the attachment of C. thermocellum to improve deconstruction.
... Supervised learning depends on gaining from a bunch of marked models in the preparation set so it able to recognize unlabeled models in the test-set by the most noteworthy conceivable precision. The worldview of this learning is productive and it generally discovers answers for linear and non-linear issues like grouping, plant control, anticipating, forecast, mechanical technology thus numerous others [8]. ...
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Education is one of the necessities of an individual"s life, as it enhances the self-morality and nobility that leads one towards the challenging pathways of the competitive world. In the agricultural based country, education is scarce among the children of the farmers as they suffer from poverty. After affecting with COVID-19, study dropout rate of farmers" children is increased. We collected raw data from rural areas of different countries, and pre-processed this data before applying the machine learning algorithm to improve the performance. We used advanced machine learning models to predict whether farmer"s children will run or drop out of their education. Based on the outcomes it was viewed that, machine learning strategies substantiate to be suitable in this area. This research proposes preventive steps for dropping out of the farmers' children. It also shows that, the Random Forest being the highest reliable model for foreseeing dropout rate and education level.
... ML is typically broken into two categories: supervised and unsupervised learning, which differ on the information the algorithms are fed and the tasks they can perform. In supervised learning, algorithms are trained on labeled data to predict outcomes or classify events in new datasets (Preeti, 2017;Sathya & Abraham, 2013;Suzuki et al., 2012). On the other hand, unsupervised learning recognizes patterns intrinsic to the dataset to, for example, cluster similar events or identify anomalies within the data. ...
Flow cytometry is a high‐throughput, high‐dimensional technique that generates large sets of single‐cell data. Prior to analyzing this data, it is common to exclude any events that contain two or more cells, multiplets, to ensure downstream analysis and quantification is of single‐cell events, singlets, only. The process of singlet discrimination is critical yet fundamentally subjective and time‐consuming; it is performed manually by the user, where the proper exclusion of multiplets depends on the user's expertise and often varies from experiment to experiment. To address this problem, we have developed an algorithm to automatically discriminate singlets from other unwanted events such as multiplets and debris. Using parameters derived from imaging, the algorithm first identifies high‐density clusters of events using a density‐based clustering algorithm, and then classifies the clusters based on their properties. Multiplets are discarded in the first step, while singlets are distinguished from debris in the second step. The algorithm can use different strategies on imaging feature selection‐based user's preferences and imaging features available. In addition, the relative importance of singlets precision vs. sensitivity can be further tweaked via a density coefficient adjustment. Twenty‐two datasets from various sites and of various cell types acquired on the BD FACSDiscover™ S8 Cell Sorter with CellView™ Image Technology were used to develop and validate the algorithm across multiple imaging feature sets. A consistent singlets precision >97% with a solid >88% sensitivity has been demonstrated with a LightLoss feature set and the default density coefficient. This work yields a high‐precision, high‐sensitivity algorithm capable of objective and automated singlet discrimination across multiple cell types using various imaging‐derived parameters. A free FlowJo™ Software plugin implementation is available for simple and reproducible singlet discrimination for use at the beginning of any user's workflow.
... The process is iterative with a learning algorithm. In the literature for ANNs there are supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning algorithms [39][40][41][42]. Each type of learning algorithm serves different purposes: supervised learning uses labeled data, unsupervised learning finds patterns in unlabeled data, and reinforcement learning learns through interactions with an environment. ...
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Buildings exchange heat with different environmental elements: the sun, the outside air, the sky, and outside surfaces (including the walls of environmental buildings and the ground). To correctly account for building energy performance, radiative cooling potential, and other technical considerations, it is essential to evaluate sky temperature. It is an important parameter for the weather files used by energy building simulation software for calculating the longwave radiation heat exchange between exterior surfaces and the sky. In the literature, there are several models to estimate sky temperature. However, these models have not been completely satisfactory for the hot and humid climate in which the sky temperature remains overestimated. The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the sky temperature measurement conducted, for the first time, in Djibouti, with a pyrgeometer, a tool designed to measure longwave radiation as a component of thermal radiation, and an artificial neural network (ANN) model for improved sky temperature forecasting. A systematic comparison of known correlations for sky temperature estimation under various climatic conditions revealed their limited accuracy in the region, as indicated by low R2 values and root mean square errors (RMSEs). To address these limitations, an ANN model was trained, validated, and tested on the collected data to capture complex patterns and relationships in the data. The ANN model demonstrated superior performance over existing empirical correlations, providing more accurate and reliable sky temperature predictions for Djibouti’s hot and humid climate. This study showcases the effectiveness of an integrated approach using pyrgeometer-based sky temperature measurements and advanced machine learning techniques ANNs for sky temperature forecasting in Djibouti to overcome the limitations of existing correlations and improve the accuracy of sky temperature predictions, particularly in hot and humid climates.
... O aprendizado supervisionado baseia-se no treinamento de uma amostra de dados com a classificação correta previamente estabelecida, ao passo que o não supervisionado diz respeito à habilidade de assimilar e estruturar informações sem a atribuição da classificação apropriada (Sathya et al., 2013). Durante a etapa de avaliação, o modelo é confrontado com as informações de teste e os resultados são produzidos. ...
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Ferramentas computacionais têm desempenhado um papel crescente no suporte às atividades industriais, possibilitando a coleta, o processamento e a análise de dados do processo produtivo de forma cada vez mais eficaz e precisa. O presente trabalho implementou um script de automação de aprendizado de máquina para a previsão da criticidade de manutenções em uma usina hidrelétrica, utilizando um modelo baseado em árvore de decisão. Os dados foram coletados a partir do sistema SAP-PM, abrangendo registros de manutenção entre 2021 e 2024, totalizando 10.761 amostras. Foram selecionados quatro atributos principais: Unidade_Geradora, Sistema, Cod_Prioridade e Cod_Criticidade, sendo este último o alvo da predição. O algoritmo foi desenvolvido em Python, e o conjunto de dados foi dividido em 70% para treinamento e 30% para testes. A acurácia obtida no conjunto de treino foi de 100%, sugerindo a ocorrência de overfitting, com uma acurácia de 78,12% nos testes de validação, utilizando 160 novas amostras. Os resultados indicam que, embora o algoritmo tenha mostrado bom desempenho nos dados de treino, sua capacidade de generalização foi limitada ao ser aplicado a novos dados. Para mitigar o overfitting e melhorar o desempenho do modelo, foram sugeridas estratégias como a regularização dos dados, aumento da base de treinamento e a utilização de validação cruzada. Este estudo demonstra o potencial de aplicação de algoritmos de aprendizado de máquina na automação da tomada de decisão em processos de manutenção industrial.
... Unsupervised learning is a technique that makes use of unlabeled data. These self-guided algorithms find hidden relationships between data by identifying different patterns without being provided an output (label) (Sathya & Abraham, 2013). Clustering is the most common category of unsupervised ML. ...
Conference Paper
Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) screening is a process that allows the selection of the best EOR technique for boosting oil recovery from specific reservoirs based on several criteria. With the recent advances in EOR techniques, conventional screening guidelines, including classical look-up tables, might lead to considerable financial and technical risk and uncertainty. This study discusses this problem and its drawbacks and further employs machine learning (ML) algorithms to develop comprehensive EOR screening guidelines for sandstone and carbonate reservoirs. This work applied ML algorithms to relate key reservoir parameters to the various EOR methods, including chemical, solvent, and thermal EOR categories, in sandstones and carbonates. These key reservoir parameters include oil viscosity, oil gravity, temperature, depth, lithology, porosity, permeability, thickness, pressure, oil saturation, and salinity. Some of these parameters are not found as criteria in similar studies. A large worldwide database of EOR projects was collected based on available literature and recent EOR surveys and used to train both supervised and unsupervised ML models to assess the best EOR strategy. 70% of the dataset was used for training and validation while the remaining 30% was kept for blind testing, ensuring the model's generalization capacity. The results showed that the Random Forest algorithm outperformed other classification ML approaches, including Naïve Bayes, tree-based models, and neural networks, in predicting the best EOR method with almost 90% accuracy, while Naïve Bayes achieved the lowest accuracy of 75% among the tested algorithms. Moreover, adding features like salinity, pressure, and thickness improves the robustness of the EOR screening model. While it adds a level of complexity and variability, it does not affect the performance of the prediction. Furthermore, the unsupervised clustering approach improved the Naïve Bayes algorithm's performance, but not the others. Additionally, the work showed that the highly imbalanced distribution of target classes results in considerable shortcomings if not addressed. Finally, the model and its limitations were validated through a detailed sensitivity analysis of feature-class type interactions and EOR domain knowledge. This study is one of the very few that employ ML for EOR screening. This paper addresses shortcomings of previous studies using a comprehensive dataset, including overlooked important EOR-related features, and implementing modern ML and deep-learning algorithms with multiple performance metrics to confirm their efficient utilization, yielding more accurate predictions in a broad range of reservoir properties. This study addresses the imbalanced dataset problem, reducing its uncertainty while predicting specific EOR methods, resulting in a better-generalized model. Based on the proposed approach in this study, a more reliable and quicker EOR screening decision can be made that de-risks and reduces the uncertainty in related field-scale implementations while assessing each feature's impact on the specific EOR methods.
... ML algorithms that rely on Decision Trees or tree ensembles (Random Forests, eXtreme Gradient Boosting) were traditionally used for classifying tabular data as they build accurate models, require limited training and test time, and can be explained fairly easily [32,60]. Alternatively, unsupervised classifiers [29,57,96] do not require labelled data for training; thus, they are applicable whenever labels are not available, too expensive to derive, or when dealing with evolving systems or unknown threats [73,94]. ...
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Machine Learning algorithms that perform classification are increasingly been adopted in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) systems and infrastructures due to their capability to profile their expected behavior and detect anomalies due to ongoing errors or intrusions. Deploying a classifier for a given system requires conducting comparison and sensitivity analyses that are time-consuming, require domain expertise, and may even not achieve satisfactory classification performance, resulting in a waste of money and time for practitioners and stakeholders. This paper predicts the expected performance of classifiers without needing to select, craft, exercise, or compare them, requiring minimal expertise and machinery. Should classification performance be predicted worse than expectations, the users could focus on improving data quality and monitoring systems instead of wasting time in exercising classifiers, saving key time and money. The prediction strategy uses scores of feature rankers, which are processed by regressors to predict metrics such as Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC) and Area Under ROC-Curve (AUC) for quantifying classification performance. We validate our prediction strategy through a massive experimental analysis using up to 12 feature rankers that process features from 23 public datasets, creating additional variants in the process and exercising supervised and unsupervised classifiers. Our findings show that it is possible to predict the value of performance metrics for supervised or unsupervised classifiers with a mean average error (MAE) of residuals lower than 0.1 for many classification tasks. The predictors are publicly available in a Python library whose usage is straightforward and does not require domain-specific skill or expertise.
Frontiers in Computational Chemistry (Volume 7) offers a comprehensive overview of the latest advances in molecular modeling techniques for drug discovery and development. This book focuses on key computational approaches such as rational drug design, adsorption studies, quantum mechanical calculations, and molecular interactions in drug development. It provides insights into lead generation, optimization, and the creation of novel chemical entities targeting various biological mechanisms, including inflammation. The chapters explore modern computational tools and their applications, particularly in low—and middle-income countries (LMICs). The book is essential for researchers, academics, and professionals in computational chemistry, molecular modeling, and pharmaceutical sciences.Students and researchers.
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The current revolution of generative artificial intelligence is transforming global dynamics which is also essential to petroleum engineers for effectively completing technical tasks. Henceforth the main aim of this study is to investigate the application of generative AI techniques for improving the efficiency of petroleum reservoir management. The outcomes of this study will help in developing and implementing generative AI algorithms tailored for reservoir management tasks, including reservoir modeling, production optimization, and decision support. In this study generative AI technique is employed to integrate with augmented reality (AR) to enhance reservoir management. The methodology involves developing a generative AI model to simulate pore-scale fluid flow, validated against experimental data. AR is utilized to visualize and interact with the simulation results in a real-time, immersive environment. The integration process includes data preprocessing, model training, and AR deployment. Performance metrics such as accuracy, computational efficiency, and user interaction quality are evaluated to assess the effectiveness of the proposed approach in transforming traditional reservoir management practices. The developed generative AI model demonstrated high accuracy in simulating pore-scale fluid flow, closely matching experimental data with a correlation coefficient of 0.95. The AR interface provided an intuitive visualization, significantly improving user comprehension and decision-making efficiency. Computational efficiency was enhanced by 40% compared to traditional methods, enabling real-time simulations and interactions. Moreover, it was observed that Users found the AR-driven approach more engaging and easier to understand, with a reported 30% increase in correct decision-making in reservoir management tasks. The integration of generative AI with AR allowed for dynamic adjustments and immediate feedback, which was particularly beneficial in complex scenarios requiring rapid analysis and response. Concludingly, the combination of generative AI and AR offers a transformative approach to reservoir management, enhancing both the accuracy of simulations and the effectiveness of user interactions. This methodology not only improves computational efficiency but also fosters better decision-making through immersive visualization. Future work will focus on refining the AI model and expanding the AR functionalities to cover a broader range of reservoir conditions and management strategies. This study introduces a novel integration of generative AI and augmented reality (AR) for reservoir management, offering a pioneering approach to pore-scale fluid flow simulation. By combining high-accuracy AI-driven simulations with real-time, immersive AR visualizations, this methodology significantly enhances user interaction and decision-making efficiency. This innovative framework transforms traditional practices, providing a more engaging, efficient, and accurate tool for managing complex reservoir systems.
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This paper compared count series, time series and machine learning models to determine the best data type (between count data and continuous data) and the best model for forecasting the labour market variables. Data from Statistics South Africa’s Quarterly Labour Force Survey (2008–2021) was used to compare ARIMA, Poisson autoregressive (PAR), negative binomial regression (NBR), generalised Poisson regression (GPR), support vector regression (SVR) and the multilayer perceptron (MLP) regressor based on the MAE, RMSE, MAPE, MSE and the plots of the actual values versus the forecasts from the models. The study showed that the most accurate approach to estimating the future values of the labour market variables is to implement PAR to forecast the counts of people who are unemployed, employed, and non-economically active, and then use these forecasts to compute the future values of unemployment rate, absorption rate and labour force participation rate.
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Summary A multilayer perceptron is a feed forward artificial neural network model that maps sets of input data onto a set of appropriate output. It is a modification of the standard linear perceptron in that it uses three or more layers of neurons (nodes) with nonlinear activation functions and is more powerful than the perceptron in that it can distinguish data that is not linearly separable, or separable by a hyper plane. MLP networks are general-purpose, flexible, nonlinear models consisting of a number of units organized into multiple layers. The complexity of the MLP network can be changed by varying the number of layers and the number of units in each layer. Given enough hidden units and enough data, it has been shown that MLPs can approximate virtually any function to any desired accuracy. This study presents the performance comparison between multi-layer perceptron (back propagation, delta rule and perceptron). Perceptron is a steepest descent type algorithm that normally has slow convergence rate and the search for the global minimum often becomes trapped at poor local minima. The current study investigates the performance of three algorithms to train MLP networks. It was found that the back propagation algorithm are much better than others algorithms.
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This paper presents a continuous development and an extensive validation (Pei & Mai (2006a)) of a heuristic methodology proposed by the first author and her co-authors (Pei (2001); Pei & Smyth (2006a,b); Pei et al. (2005)) for designing multilayer feedforward neural networks in modeling nonlinear restoring forces. The applications of this work are extensive and include identification of nonlinear dynamic systems, neural network-based damage detection and earthquake simulation. It is well known that a foolproof way to determine the perfect architecture to initialize neural network training has not yet been established. However, in function approximation, a good design can be achieved quite frequently by examining the dominant features of the target function. In this and previous studies, the authors do not presume to provide a universal method to approximate any arbitrary function, rather the focus is given to a significant domain function approximation problem. The governing physics of the target function and the strength of the sigmoidal basis function are exploited to determine both a very efficient neural network architecture (e.g., the number of hidden nodes) as well as rational initial weights and biases for those nodes. These efforts lead to a methodology of constructing neural network prototypes for the training initialization. With the use of illuminating mathematical insights as well as a number of training examples, this study demonstrates the usefulness and power of the proposed prototype-based initialization methodology. A procedure to select prototypes and their variants (with compact numerical nomenclature) which can be used to model various nonlinear functions commonly seen in engineering mechanics is provided. Comparisons are made between the proposed methodology and the widely used Nguyen-Widrow initialization to demonstrate the robustness and efficiency of the proposed scheme for the specified applications. Future work is also identified. In particular, multilayer feedforward neural networks are built into OpenSees ( (n.d.)) as a new material class for a future integration of system identification with forward problems (Piyawat (2005); Piyawat & Pei (2005)).
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Neural Network (NN) has emerged over the years and has made remarkable contribution to the advancement of various fields of endeavor. The purpose of this work is to examine neural net-works and their emerging applications in the field of engineering, focusing more on Controls. In this work, we have examined the various architectures of NN and the learning process. The needs for neural networks, training of neural networks, and important algorithms used in realizing neu-ral networks have also been briefly discussed. Neural network application in control engineering has been extensively discussed, whereas its applications in electrical, civil and agricultural engi-neering were also examined. We concluded by identifying limitations, recent advances and prom-ising future research directions.
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Determination of Artificial Neural Networks' classification and parameter estimation with Multinomial Logistic Regression Analysis was examined in this study. One of the modeling types suggested in case of having the dependent variables in categorized/classified structure and the independent variables in different structures such as nominal, ordinal, and intervals etc. in a research pattern is "Multinomial Logistic Regression (MLR)" method. MLR and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) based MLR Analyses' findings were studied comparatively in the model, where the dependent variable performed categorical structure and the independent variables performed mixed (continuous-discrete) structure. For the research, real data that were gathered in the context of the study entitled "Studying Primary School Students' Views on their Communications with the Teachers and the Expected Situation" were used by the "Students' Expectations from their Teachers in Teacher-Student Communication Process Scale" developed by Doğan (2009). Within the context of this study, the total score obtained from the scale was assigned as the dependent variable, and variables such as the school type (public-private), gender, grade, mother's profession, father's profession, mother's educational status, father's educational status, number of brothers/sisters, monthly income, and internet usage time were assigned as independent variables. ANN has classified the dependent variable in high correctness level and showed the model's fit in a higher level than MLR. Moreover, ANN has obtained parameter coefficients unlike MLR. It was considered that the model studied was estimated more consistently and correctly with ANN.
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Intelligent control denotes the capacity to acquire and apply knowledge in control process. The important characteristics of intelligent control systems are information abstraction and knowledge-based decision making. There are different control paradigms available in the literature including Artificial Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic Systems, Genetic Algorithms, Hybrid Models and others. This paper attempts to design open loop controller using Self Organizing Map and studies its nature and accuracy with an example.
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MBA programs search for ways to identify candidates who will be successful in their programs. Several studies have been done that have analyzed the relationship between graduate grade point average and factors that contribute to academic performance, such as Graduate Management Aptitude Test (GMAT) scores, undergraduate GPA, gender and business experience. This paper addresses the relationship between graduate GPA and the traditional variables; however, it will use actual years of business experience instead of a proxy, the method used in other papers. This paper will also look at how enrollment in a one semester prerequisite course for students without undergraduate business degree impacts graduate GPA. A second goal of the study is to analyze students who withdrew from the MBA program before completion. The authors will compare data of these students to students who successfully completed the program to look for potential risk indicators. The analysis shows a significant positive relationship between graduate GPA and GMAT, particularly the quantitative score.
Conference Paper
Neural Network (NN) has emerged over the years and has made remarkable contribution to the advancement of various fields of endeavor. The purpose of this work is to examine neural networks and their emerging applications in the field of engineering, focusing more on Controls. In this work, we have examined the various architectures of NN and the learning process. The needs for neural networks, training of neural networks, and important algorithms used in realizing neural networks have also been briefly discussed. Neural network application in control engineering has been extensively discussed, whereas its applications in electrical, civil and agricultural engineering were also examined. We concluded by identifying limitations, recent advances and promising future research directions.
We saw in the last chapter that multilayered networks are capable of computing a wider range of Boolean functions than networks with a single layer of computing units. However the computational effort needed for finding the correct combination of weights increases substantially when more parameters and more complicated topologies are considered. In this chapter we discuss a popular learning method capable of handling such large learning problems—the backpropagation algorithm. This numerical method was used by different research communities in different contexts, was discovered and rediscovered, until in 1985 it found its way into connectionist AI mainly through the work of the PDP group [382]. It has been one of the most studied and used algorithms for neural networks learning ever since.