This paper proposes a new man-machine technique for operator's consoles at plant control centers. The technique is direct manipulation of objects in real motion pictures taken by monitor cameras. Operators can manipulate devices placed in a plant, such as buttons and sliders, with pick and drag operations on the real motion pictures. They can also get information related to objects which they pick on the real motion pictures. The virtues of the technique are: (1) The operators intuitively understand what they are doing and what is going on as the result of their manipulation because of the realty of the pictures, as compared with graphic interfaces. (2) The consistent interface to real motion pictures and to graphics is established. Operators can manipulate objects shown either in real motion pictures or in graphics in the same direct manipulation manner. A prototype man-machine interface with the technique is presented to show how the technique is applied to plant control centers. © 1991, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. All rights reserved.