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Comparative Phytochemical Analyses of Resins of Boswellia Species ( B. papyrifera (Del.) Hochst., B. neglecta S. Moore, and B. rivae Engl.) from Northwestern, Southern, and Southeastern Ethiopia


Abstract and Figures

Oleogum resins of B. papyrifera, B. neglecta, and B. rivae were collected from northwestern, southern, and southeastern Ethiopia, and their respective methanol extracts and essential oils were extracted and analyzed by gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The investigation on essential oils led to the identification of 6, 7, and 8 constituents for B. papyrifera, B. neglecta, and B. rivae, respectively. The essential oil of B. papyrifera is mainly characterized by the presence of octyl acetate (57.1–65.7%) and n-octanol (3.4–8.8%). B. neglecta is rich in α-pinene (32.6–50.7%) followed by terpinen-4-ol (17.5–29.9%) and α-thujene (12.7–16.5%), whereas B. rivae was predominated by α-pinene (32.5–66.2%) followed by p-cymene (5.7–21.1%) and limonene (1.1–19.6%). Methanol extracts of the three Boswellia species were found to consist of diterpines (incensole, incensyl acetate and verticilla-4(20),7,11-triene), triterpenes (β-amyrin, α-amyrin, β-amyrenone, and α-amyrenone), nortriterpenes (24-noroleana-3,12-diene and 24-norursa-3,12-diene), and α-boswellic acid. The investigation on the methanol extract showed that only B. papyrifera contains diterpenes and nortriterpenes, whereas B. rivae and B. neglecta consist of only triterpenes. The results indicate that the three Boswellia species were characterized by some terpenes and these terpenoic constituents could be recognized as chemotaxonomical markers for each species.
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Research Article
Comparative Phytochemical Analyses of Resins of
Boswellia Species (B. papyrifera (Del.) Hochst., B. neglecta S.
Moore, and B. rivae Engl.) from Northwestern, Southern, and
Southeastern Ethiopia
Deribachew Bekana,1Tesfahun Kebede,1Mulugeta Assefa,1and Habtemariam Kassa2
1Department of Chemistry, College of Natural and Computational Sciences, Haramaya University, P.O. Box 138, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia
2Centre for International Forestry Research, Ethiopia Oce, P.O. Box 5689, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Correspondence should be addressed to Deribachew Bekana; gado
Received  September ; Accepted  November ; Published  February 
Academic Editors: A. Bouklouze, A. Garcia Asuero, and R. N. Rao
Copyright ©  Deribachew Bekana et al. is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
Oleogum resins of B. papyrifera,B. neglecta,andB. rivae were collected from northwestern, southern, and southeastern Ethiopia,
and their respective methanol extracts and essential oils were extracted and analyzed by gas chromatography (GC) and gas
chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). e investigation on essential oils led to the identication of , , and  constituents
for B. papyrifera,B. neglecta,andB. rivae, respectively. e essential oil of B. papyrifera is mainly characterized by the presence of
octyl acetate (.–.%) and n-octanol (.–.%). B. neglecta is rich in 𝛼-pinene (.–.%) followed by terpinen--ol (.–
.%) and 𝛼-thujene (.–.%), whereas B. rivae was predominated by 𝛼-pinene (.–.%) followed by p-cymene (.–.%)
and limonene (.–.%). Methanol extracts of the three Boswellia species were found to consist of diterpines (incensole, incensyl
acetate and verticilla-(),,-triene), triterpenes (𝛽-amyrin, 𝛼-amyrin, 𝛽-amyrenone, and 𝛼-amyrenone), nortriterpenes (-
noroleana-,-diene and -norursa-,-diene), and 𝛼-boswellic acid. e investigation on the methanol extract showed that
only B. papyrifera contains diterpenes and nortriterpenes, whereas B. rivae and B. neglecta consist of only triterpenes. e results
indicate that the three Boswellia species were characterized by some terpenes and these terpenoic constituents could be recognized
as chemotaxonomical markers for each species.
1. Introduction
e family Burseraceae is represented by  genera and –
 species, widespread in tropical and subtropical regions.
e genus Boswellia has about  species of small trees and
shrubs occurring in dry land regions from west Africa to
Arabia and from south to northeast Tanzania, in India, and
one species in Madagascar. e genus is centered in northeast
Africa where about % of the species are endemic to the area.
are strongly aromatic [,].
Frankincense, gum olibanum, or olibanum are the
common names given to the oleogum resin which is
obtained through incisions made in the trunks of trees of
the genus Boswellia (family Burseraceae). It is plant product
and belongs to a group of aromatic gums and resins which
contain odiferous substances [].
Frankincense consists of essential oils, gum, and ter-
penoids []. It is a complex of –% alcohol soluble
resins (diterpenes, triterpenes), –% essential oil, which
is soluble in organic solvents, and the rest is made up of
polysaccharides (gum), which are soluble in water []. Its
essential oil portion is composed of ester (.%), alco-
hol (.%), monoterpene hydrocarbons (.%), diterpenes
(.%) [], and sesquiterpenes. Gum fraction is composed
of pentose and hexose sugar and resin portion is mainly
composed of pentacyclic triterpene acid of which boswellic
acidistheactivemoiety[]. Mono- and sesquiterpenes are
highly volatile compounds, diterpenes exhibit low volatility,
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
ISRN Analytical Chemistry
Volume 2014, Article ID 374678, 9 pages
ISRN Analytical Chemistry
triterpenes exhibit very low volatility, and polysaccharides are
not volatile [].
Dierent commercial varieties of frankincense can be
distinguished by the chemical constituents of their essential
oil. e constituents of the essential oil of frankincense were
rst investigated by Stenhouse [] and he identied fourteen
monoterpenoic constituents. Chemical investigation by Basar
[]ontheessentialoilofB. neglecta and B. rivae led to
isolation and identication of monoterpenes. e major
compounds identied in B. neglecta were 𝛼-thujene (.%),
𝛼-pinene (.%), sabinene (.%), Δ--carene (.%), p-
cymene (.%), terpinen--ol (.%), and verbenone (.%).
B.rivae resin oil composition is quite similar to that
of B. neglecta which consists of cara-,-diene (.%), 𝛼-
thujene (.%), 𝛼-pinene (.%), o-cymene (.%), Δ--
carene (.%), p-cymene (.%), and limonene (.%). In
the study, triterpenoic constituents, namely, 𝛼-amyrin (.%),
𝛽-amyrin (.%), epi-𝛼-amyrin (.%), 𝛽-amyrenone (.%),
𝛼-and𝛽-amyrin (-,-dien-𝛼-amyrin (.%), and -,-
dien-𝛽-amyrin (.%), were also identied from pyrolysate
of B. neglecta. Similarly, -norursa-,-diene (.%), 𝛼-
amyrin (.%), 𝛽-amyrin (.%), 𝛼-amyrenone (.%), 𝛽-
amyrenone (.%), and epi-𝛽-amyrin (.%) were detected
in the pyrolysate of B. rivae. Dekebo et al. []reportedthe
essential oil constituents of the resin of B. papyrifera and
identied n-hexyl acetate (%), 𝛼-pinene (.%), limonene
(.%), n-octanol (.%), linalool (.%), octyl acetate (%),
caryophyllene oxide (%), and 𝛽-elemene (%).
Although Ethiopia is one of the few countries that are
endowed with large frankincense resources, little proper
exploitation of this resource has been made so far (i.e.,
the export market from Ethiopia has been weakened) due
to inconsistent supply and ambiguity of grades []. Of
the three Boswellia species found in Ethiopia, frankincense
resin obtained from B. papyrifera is the most widely traded
frankincense accounting for over % of the natural gum
exported. e frankincense obtained from B. rivae and
B. neglecta species is yet not of export standard []. As
reported by Assefa et al. [] basis for selection of export
item and the respective price quotations need to be revised
to reect contents of ingredients sought aer by buyers.
Ethiopia will be more beneted from the export of these
items provided eorts are made to develop these resources
more than the current situation. However, there is paucity
of information on chemical quality variations between the
export standard frankincense (B. papyrifera) and the other
two Boswellia species (B. rivae and B. neglecta)whichare
not of export standard. is study is, therefore, initiated
for comparative purpose, where essential oil and methanol
extract composition of one species were contrasted with the
other(s) to characterize the chemical classes of constituents
present and to nd chemotaxonomical markers, among these
constituents, for the three Boswellia species.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Description of Sampling Sites and Sample Collection. e
resin samples of frankincense (Boswellia species) used for this
study were collected in August  from northwestern and
southeastern Ethiopia. From northwestern Ethiopia, three
sites were selected: Metema from Amhara region, Humera
from Tigray regional state, and Metekel from Benishangul
Gumuz regional state. From these sites, exudates were col-
lected from B. papyrifera. Samples from southeastern part
of the country were collected from three districts, namely,
Mega, Dubuluk, and Wachile from Borana zone of Oromiya
region. In these entire three sites, one dominant species
known as B. neglecta is widely grown. en samples were
also collected from Filtu, Chereti, and Dolo Odo districts of
Somalia regional state. In these sites, B. rivae was dominant.
e studied samples were an authentic sample which are
certied for their authenticity by Agricultural Department
of the Ethiopian Government Natural Gum Processing and
Marketing Enterprise. e geographical locations of the
districts are given in Table .
2.2. Chemicals and Reagents. All chemicals and reagents used
were of analytical grade. Chloroform (.%) and methanol
(.%) were purchased from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany).
Anhydrous sodium sulfate was purchased from Fluka (Buchs,
2.3. Equipment and Instruments. Polyethylene plastic bags,
ceramic mortar and pestle (Haldenwanger, Germany),
a digital analytical balance (Mettler Toledo, Model AG
, Switzerland), round bottom ask (Mumbai, India),
Clevenger apparatus (Rac, India), rotary evaporator and
heating mantle (Buchi, Switzerland), Gas chromatography
(Monza, Italy), Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
(PerkinElmer, USA), and syringes (Hamilton Bonaduz AG,
Switzerland) are among the equipment and instruments that
were used in the study.
2.4. Methanol Extraction and Isolation of Essential Oils. e
resins of the three Boswellia species were air-dried at room
temperature for  weeks, grinded and homogenized to a
uniform powder by ceramic mortar and pestle, and sieved.
Two grams of grinded and homogenized resins powder was
extracted with  mL of methanol at room temperature. e
extracts were concentrated using a rotary evaporator and
analyzed by GC-MS. For essential oils, the ground resins of
the three Boswellia species: B. papyrifera,B. neglecta,and
B. rivae were submitted for  h to hydrodistillation using a
Clevenger-type apparatus. e obtained oils were allowed to
dry over anhydrous sodium sulphate. Aer ltration, the oils
were stored at +Cuntilanalyzed[].
2.5. Gas Chromatography. GC analyses were performed
on Dani model  Gas chromatography (Monza, Italy)
equipped with ame ionization detector (FID). e analysis
was carried out on a fused silica capillary column coated with
HP- column length  m, internal diameter . mm, lm
thickness . micron, and % phenyl % methyl polysilox-
ane as stationary phase. e oven was programmed at –
C/min using N2as carrier gas; injector
and detector (FID) temperatures were Cand
ISRN Analytical Chemistry
T : Geographical locations of the study areas.
Region Areas Latitude and longitude
Metema 󸀠.󸀠󸀠 N
󸀠.󸀠󸀠 E
Metekel 󸀠.󸀠󸀠 N
󸀠.󸀠󸀠 E
Humera 󸀠.󸀠󸀠 N
󸀠.󸀠󸀠 E
Wachile 󸀠.󸀠󸀠 N
󸀠.󸀠󸀠 E
Dubuluk 󸀠.󸀠󸀠 N
󸀠.󸀠󸀠 E
Mega 󸀠.󸀠󸀠 N
󸀠.󸀠󸀠 E
Filtu 󸀠.󸀠󸀠 N
󸀠.󸀠󸀠 E
Dolo Odo 󸀠.󸀠󸀠 N
󸀠.󸀠󸀠 E
Chereti 󸀠.󸀠󸀠 N
󸀠.󸀠󸀠 E
T : Chemical compositions (%) of essential oils of three
B.neglecta resins.
Retention time (min) Components Dubuluk Mega Wachile
. 𝛼-ujene . . .
. 𝛼-Pinene . . .
.  𝛽-Pinene . . .
. Sabinene . . .
. p-Cymene . . .
. Terpinen--ol . . .
. Verbenone . . .
Components identied from the essential oil of same sample reported in
our previous study [].
respectively. Calculation of peak area percentage was per-
formed on basis of the FID signal using the GC HP-
Chemstation soware (Agilent Technologies).
2.6. Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry. GC-MS analy-
ses were performed using a  series PerkinElmer Clarus GC
coupled with Perkin Elmer Clarus MS quadrupole analyzer
mass spectrometer at  eV. Fused silica capillary column type
was DB- ( m ×. mm i.d.) and the oven temperature
was programmed at –Catarateof
C/min using
helium as carrier gas; injector and detector (FID) tempera-
tures were both maintained at C. e constituents were
identied by matching their  eV mass spectra with NIST
Wiley databases and user generated mass spectral libraries,
by comparing their corresponding retention time (𝑡𝑅)on
the chromatogram, by interpretation of the mass spectra
fragmentation data, and by comparison of the mass spectra
obtained with those of the published literature data [,,
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Chemical Compositions of the Essential Oils. e essential
oils of the resins of B. neglecta,B. rivae,andB. papyrifera were
obtained by hydrodistillation. e essential oils obtained as
such were analyzed by GC and their corresponding results
(chromatograms) are presented subsequently in Figures ,,
and and Tables ,,and.
56 7 8 9 10111213141516
Intensity (a.u.)
Retention time (min)
Wach i l e
F : Comparison of chromatogram of essential oil of three B.
neglecta resins.
67 8 9 1011121314
Intensity (a.u.)
Retention time (min)
Dolo Odo
F : Comparison of chromatogram of essential oil of three B.
rivae resins.
3.2. Chemical Composition of the Methanol Extracts. Frank-
incense is a complex mixture of essential oils and alcohol
soluble resins, and the remaining are water-soluble gums
sitions of methanol extract of resins of the three Boswellia
species were investigated by GC-MS and their corresponding
chromatograms are presented in Figures .
e chromatogram (Figure ) for the methanol extract of
resin of B. neglecta collected from Wachile area revealed one
monoterpene: 𝛼-pinene and three triterpenoic constituents:
𝛽-amyrenone, 𝛼-amyrenone, and 𝛼-amyrin. e rst peak
which appeared at .min was identied as 𝛼-pinene.
e components having retention time of ., ., and
. min were identied as 𝛽-amyrenone, 𝛼-amyrenone,
and 𝛼-amyrin, respectively. e chromatographic prole
(Figure ) of the methanol extract of B.rivae resin collected
ISRN Analytical Chemistry
67 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Intensity (a.u.)
Retention time (min)
F : Comparison of chromatogram of essential oil of three of
B.papyrifera resins.
T : Chemical compositions (%) of essential oils of three of
B.rivae resins.
time (min) Components Dolo Odo Filtu Chereti
. 𝛼-ujene . . .
. 𝛼-Pinene . . .
.  o-Cymene . . .
. Δ--Carene . . .
. p-Cymene . . .
. Limonene . . .
. 𝛼-Campholene aldehyde . . .
. trans-Verbenol . . .
Components identied from the essential oil of same sample reported in
our previous study [].
T : Chemical compositions (%) of essential oils of three of
B.papyrifera resins.
time (min) Components Metekel Metema Humera
. 𝛼-Pinene . . .
. Limonene . . .
. n-Octanol . . .
. Linalool . . .
. Octyl acetate . . .
. Geraniol . . .
Components identied from the essential oil of same sample reported in
our previous study [].
from Chereti area evidenced the presence of one monoter-
pene: 𝛼-pinene and two triterpenoic constituents: 𝛽-amyrin
and 𝛼-amyrin. e components which had retention time
of ., . and . min were identied as 𝛼-pinene, 𝛽-
amyrin and 𝛼-amyrin, respectively.
6.00 11.00 16.00 21.00 26.00 31.00 36.00
28.88 36.78
F : Chromatogram of methanol extract of B. neglecta resin
ofWachile origin.
6.00 11.00 16.00 21.00 26.00 31.00 36.00
F : Chromatogram of methanol extract of B. rivae resin of
Chereti origin.
Another species studied was B. papyrifera,theresinof
which was collected from northern part of Ethiopia (Metema,
Metekel, and Humera areas). e methanol extract of B.
papyrifera resinwasfoundtobecomposingonediter-
pene and three triterpenes. e chromatogram (Figure )
of methanol extract of B. papyrifera resin collected from
Humera area revealed components with retention time
of ., ., ., and . min which were identi-
ed as incensyl acetate, 𝛽-amyrenone, 𝛽-amyrin, and 𝛼-
amyrin, respectively. For those, collected from Metekel area,
the chromatographic prole (Figure )revealedcompo-
nents with retention time of ., ., ., ., and
. min and were recognized as verticilla-(),,-triene,
incensole, incensyl acetate, -noroleana-,-diene, and -
norursa-,-diene, respectively, whereas the chromatogram
(Figure ) of methanol extract of B. papyrifera resin collected
from Metema area revealed components with retention time
of . and . min and these were identied as incensyl
acetate and 𝛼-boswellic acid, respectively.
3.3. Interpretation of Mass Spectra of the Identied Compo-
nents. In the present study, the identied components were
conrmed by interpretation of their mass spectra (MS).
ISRN Analytical Chemistry
3.00 7.00 11.00 15.00 19.00 23.00 27.00 31.00
F : Chromatogram of methanol extract of B. papyrifera resin
of Humera origin.
6.00 11.00 16.00 21.00 26.00 31.00 36.00
F : Chromatogram of methanol extract of B. papyrifera resin
of Metekel origin.
Some chemical compositions of methanol extract of frank-
incense samples examined were found to be very similar,
and the identied compounds have already been reported
fromsimilarandotherspeciesofBoswellia as well as in
other plants. Most of them are triterpenes which belong to
the oleanane or ursane series and are characterized by a
base peak at 𝑚/𝑧 = 218. Hence, to avoid confusion on
interpreting mass spectra of terpenes identied, analytical
review on the base peaks, main fragments, and fragmentation
patterns of the skeleton of terpenes identied was presented.
e fragmentation patterns of pentacyclic triterpenoid com-
pounds having a double bond at position  (-oleanane
type and -ursane type) show similar fragment at 𝑚/𝑧 =
218 which is formed by Retro-Diels-Alder (RDA) fragment.
e MS of -ursane type triterpene resembles that of -
oleanene type. e compounds have been identied by their
retention time and mass spectral comparison. -Ursane and
-oleanene type pentacyclic triterpenes undergo primarily
RDA fragmentation. e RDA fragment including rings D
and E of both types of compounds altered only in the
position of a single methyl group at C-. In -ursane type
triterpenes C-, C-, and C- were occupied with methyl
groups whereas in -oleanene types C- was occupied
with two methyl groups. e retention time is inuenced
3.00 7.00 11.00 15.00 19.00 23.00 27.00 31.00
F : Chromatogram of methanol extract of B. papyrifera resin
of Metema origin.
by the number and the type of functional groups present
and generally increases with increasing molecular weight of
triterpenes []. Depending on the absolute conguration,
𝛼-conguration (ursane type) was found to have longer
retention time than 𝛽-conguration (oleanane type) due to
shi of the CH3group from an axial conformation at C-
in oleanane structures to an equatorial conformation at C-
in ursane type compounds which caused an increase in the
planarity of the molecules that related to their retention time
[]. Comparison in their MS between peaks at 𝑚/𝑧 = 203 and
𝑚/𝑧 = 189 allows making the distinction between oleanane
produced the signal at 𝑚/𝑧 = 203 for both compounds.
However, the later fragment was more abundant in the mass
spectrum of oleanane type than ursane type. is happens
oleanane type of triterpenes than the secondary carbenium
cleavage []. As reported by Mathe et al. [], for oleanene
derivative, the fragment ion at 𝑚/𝑧 = 203 is more intense
than the peak at 𝑚/𝑧 = 189, while for identical ursane
derivatives both peaks have almost similar intensities in their
mass spectra.
Accordingly, the two components identied, in this study,
as 𝛽-amyrenone and 𝛼-amyrenone showed molecular ion
peaks (M+)at𝑚/𝑧 = 424 in their mass spectrum which is
consistent with molecular formula of C30H48O. However, the
abundant ions at 𝑚/𝑧, , , , and  are typical for
the fragmentation of 𝛽-amyrenone and 𝛼-amyrenone. Both
compounds showed similar MS and their mass spectrum
shows a typical fragmentation pattern of ursane and oleanane
type triterpenes. Finally, identication was made by compar-
ing their retention time and intensity of signal at 𝑚/𝑧 = 189
and 𝑚/𝑧 = 203. erefore, the component which had shorter
retention time and more intense peak at 𝑚/𝑧 = 203 was
assigned as 𝛽-amyrenone and 𝛼-amyrenone was found to
be compound with longer retention time and similar peak
signal intensity at 𝑚/𝑧 = 189and . Possible fragmentation
pattern for 𝛽-amyrenone is presented in Figure .
Compounds identied as 𝛽-amyrin and 𝛼-amyrin pro-
duced molecular ion peak signal at 𝑚/𝑧 = 426 in their mass
ISRN Analytical Chemistry
CH3m/z = 409
m/z = 424
m/z = 218
m/z = 203
m/z = 189
Om/z = 205
F : Possible fragmentation patterns for 𝛽-amyrenone.
m/z = 426
m/z = 411
m/z = 218
m/z = 203
m/z = 189
m/z = 393
m/z = 207
m/z = 409
F : Possible fragmentation patterns for 𝛼-amyrin.
spectrum that corresponded to an elemental composition
of C30H50O. Similar to that of amyrenone derivative, they
produced similar MS. e dierence of two in the mass
unit indicates exchange of a keto group for a hydroxy group
which leads to an increase of molecular weight and polarity.
As a consequence, this compound had longer retention
time than derivative of amyrenone. 𝛼-and𝛽-Amyrin were
dierentiated by examination of the relative intensities of
the peaks at 𝑚/𝑧 = 189 and . 𝛽-Amyr in had hi gh
intensity peak at 𝑚/𝑧 = 203 which is around twice that
of 𝑚/𝑧 = 189 peak, while 𝛼-amyrin spectra show similar
intensity for both peaks which was consistent with the earlier
results []. Generally, the 𝛼-amyrin triterpene possesses a
basicskeletonoftheursanetypeandthe𝛽-amyrin triterpene
possesses a basic skeleton of the oleanane type, and the only
dierence between them is the methyl position in the E-ring.
Accordingly, the possible fragmentation pattern for 𝛼-amyrin
is shown in Figure .
Two nortriterpenes (-norursa-,-diene and -
noroleana-,-diene) identied from resin of B. papyrifera
produced molecular ion (M+)peaksignalat𝑚/𝑧 = 394
composition of C29H46.Bothcompoundsshowedsimilar
m/z = 394
m/z = 218
m/z = 203
m/z = 175
m/z = 161
F : Possible fragmentation patterns for -norursa-,-
diene [].
m/z = 306 m/z = 263
F : Possible fragmentation patterns of incensole.
MS and their mass spectrum showed a similar fragmentation
pattern to ursane and oleanane type triterpenes having a
double bond at position . For both compounds, the RDA
reaction revealed a fragment ion signal at 𝑚/𝑧 = 218 and a
further methyl cleavage from this fragment formed signal at
𝑚/𝑧 = 203. But the intensity of the fragment ion signal at
𝑚/𝑧 = 203 produced by -norursa-,-diene was found
to be greater almost by % than that produced by -
noroleana-,-diene because the former is ursane derivative
of the latter. As such, the two nortriterpenes were identied.
Possible fragmentation pattern for -norursa-,-diene is
given in Figure .
e compound which produced molecular ion peak
signal at (M+)𝑚/𝑧 = 306 in its mass spectrum corresponded
to an elemental composition of C20H34O2.Cleavageofthe
isopropyl group from molecular ion at 𝑚/𝑧 = 306 produced
fragment with an elemental composition of C17H27O2which
gave rise to peak at 𝑚/𝑧 = 263. is diterpene is found to be
incensole. Possible fragmentation pattern for incensole was
given in Figure .
Another compound identied in this study produced
molecular ion peaks signal at (M+)𝑚/𝑧 = 348 in its mass
spectrum that corresponded to an elemental composition of
at , , and . Elimination of the isopropyl group from
molecular ion at 𝑚/𝑧 = 348 produced fragment with an
elemental composition of C19H29O3whichgaverisetopeak
at 𝑚/𝑧 = 305, whereas the fragment ion signal 𝑚/𝑧 = 288
is produced by cleavage of acetic acid group from molecular
ion (M+). Fragment ion peak signal at 𝑚/𝑧 = 245 could be
produced by loss of an isopropyl group from 𝑚/𝑧 = 288.
ISRN Analytical Chemistry
m/z = 348 m/z = 305
m/z = 288
m/z = 245
F : Possible fragmentation patterns for incensyl acetate [].
is compound was identied as incensyl acetate. Possible
fragmentation pattern for incensyl acetate was presented in
Figure .
Another pentacyclic triterpene identied from resin of B.
papyrifera produced molecular ion peak signal at (M+)𝑚/𝑧 =
456 in its mass spectrum that corresponded to an elemental
composition of C30H48O3.Whenmethylgroupislostfrom
molecular ion peak signal (𝑚/𝑧 = 456)fragmentwithan
elemental composition of C29H45O3is produced which gave
rise to peak at 𝑚/𝑧 = 441.eRDAreactionproducedpeak
signal at 𝑚/𝑧 = 218which produces peak signal at 𝑚/𝑧 = 203
by loss of methyl group. ese fragmentations hold true for
both 𝛽-boswellic acid and 𝛼-boswellic acid. However, the
fragment at 𝑚/𝑧 = 203 was more abundant in the mass
spectrum of 𝛼-boswellic acid than 𝛽-boswellic acid due to the
more stable ion formed from 𝛼-boswellic acid []. Possible
fragmentation pattern for 𝛼-boswellic acid was presented in
Figure .
Another diterpene was also identied from methanol
extract of B. papyrifera by GC-MS. e compound produced
molecular ion (M+)𝑚/𝑧 = 272 initsmassspectrum
that corresponded to an elemental composition of C20H32.
e fragmentation mechanism shows initially cleavage of
allyl methyl group from the molecular ion which further
undergoes RDA reaction in the cyclohexene ring to produce
peak signal at 𝑚/𝑧 = 257 representing the base peak in its
mass spectra. Accordingly, possible fragmentation pattern for
verticilla-(),,-triene was presented in Figure .
3.4. Comparison of Chemical Compositions of the ree
Boswellia Species. As the concern of this study was com-
parative chemical investigation on resins of three dierent
Boswellia species, the essential oil and methanol extract of
B. papyrifera,B. neglecta,andB. rivae resin were analysed
by GC and GC-MS. is led to the identication of the
chemotaxonomical markers for each species. e GC investi-
gationsoftheessentialoilsofB. papyrifera,B. neglecta,and
B. rivae resin showed that these oils were composed of a
number of monoterpenoic constituents. But investigation on
the methanol extract of three Boswellia species showed that
they are composed of diterpenes and triterpenes. However,
B. papyrifera was identiable by its diterpenoic and nortriter-
penoic constituents.
e essential oil of B. papyrifera was found to be
dominated by octyl acetate (.–.%) followed by high
content of n-octanol (.–.%), linalool (.–.%), and
others monoterpenes. In our previous study, preliminary data
obtained by investigation on resin samples of three types of
Boswellia species collected from very limited area revealed
similar results with the current study []. In the present
study, except for their composition, similar constituents
were identied from the essential oils of the three Boswellia
species []. Surprisingly, similar components with identical
percent composition were obtained for samples collected
from the same areas with samples collected for preliminary
investigation in our previous study. e result obtained in
this study is also consistent with result obtained by other
authors: .% according to Hamm et al. [], .% by
Camarda et al. [], and % by Dekebo et al. []. Assefa
et al. []alsoreportedoctylacetateasmajorcomponent
of B. papyrifera. In addition, incensyl acetate was found
to be dominant component in methanol extract of resins
of B. papyrifera. B. papyrifera was the only species that
was found to contain octyl acetate, n-octanol, linalool, and
geraniol and they are chemotaxonomical markers for this
species. Octyl acetate and n-octanol were reported as they
areresponsibleforacridodouroftheresin[]. Oils from
both B. neglecta and B. rivae were predominantly composed
of 𝛼-pinene. B. neglecta was found to be rich in 𝛼-pinene
(.–.%) followed by terpinen--ol (.–.%) and 𝛼-
thujene (.–.%). Similarly, B. rivae was predominated by
limonene (.–.%).
e methanol extract of the Boswellia species resin sam-
ples had considerable importance because the resin portion
(di-and tri-terpenes) of frankincense is alcohol soluble. e
boswellic acid was identied in frankincense samples as
pentacyclic triterpenoic acids which follow the ursane and
oleanane basic skeletons. e presence of diterpenoic (incen-
sole, incensyl acetate, and verticilla-(),,-triene), nor-
triterpenes (-noroleana-,-diene and -norursa-,-
diene), and pentacyclic triterpene acid (𝛼-boswellic acid)
constituents turned out to be a chemotaxonomical marker
for B. papyrifera. Methanol extract of B. rivae and B. neglecta
was also found to contain monoterpene (𝛼-pinene) and triter-
penes, namely, 𝛽-amyrin, 𝛼-amyrin, 𝛽-amyrenone, and 𝛼-
amyrenone. Most importantly, two monoterpenes (p-cymene
and 𝛼-thujene) were found to be characteristic for the B.
rivae and B. neglecta. Terpinen--ol and verbenone were
two constituents identied as chemotaxonomical markers
of essential oil of B. neglecta, whereas transverbenol and
𝛼-campholene aldehyde are two monoterpenes which were
identied only from essential oil of B. rivae and hence are
characteristic for this species.
4. Conclusion
In this study, essential oils and methanol extract
of B. papyrifera,B.neglecta,andB. rivae were investigated.
ISRN Analytical Chemistry
m/z = 441
m/z = 203
m/z = 456
m/z = 218
F : Possible fragmentation patterns of 𝛼-boswellic acid.
m/z = 272 m/z = 257m/z = 257
F : Possible fragmentation mechanism for verticilla-(),
,-triene [].
e investigations which were carried out by GC and GC-MS
led to the identication of the chemotaxonomical markers for
each species. Some dierences in their chemical constituents
were observed and are chemotaxonomical markers for each
e chemical investigationsperformed on three Boswellia
species show that they consist of high number of monoter-
penoic constituents and their methanol extract is composed
of diterpenes and triterpenes. e presence of octyl acetate, n-
octanol, and incensyl acetate provided an immediate recog-
nition of B. papyrifera from the other two species. But still it
is dicult to conclude that there is profound chemical quality
variation between B. papyrifera and the other two species
(B.neglecta and B.rivae) that makes them not of export
standard even though further study is required. However,
a further investigation is crucial especially to extract some
chemical information regarding the constituents which might
be reasonable for their dierence in color and physical
Conflict of Interests
e authors declare that there is no conict of interests
regarding the publication of this paper.
e authors would like to thank Center for International
Forestry Research, Ethiopia Oce Addis Ababa; the Central
Laboratory of the Haramaya University; the Department of
Chemistry of Addis Ababa University; Department of Chem-
istry of Indian Institute of Technology; and the Ethiopian
Natural Gum and Marketing Enterprise for their collabora-
tions during the research work that led to the production
of this paper. Most of the expenses of this research work
were funded by the Austrian Development Agency through
CIFOR’s Community Forestry Project in Ethiopia (Project
no. /). e authors are thankful to the people and
Government of Austria.
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... Its genus is known as Boswellia, that is considered as important resin producing plants. The family Burseracea includes 17 genera and 500-600 species (Bekana et al., 2014). The genus of Boswellia contains till now 29 species where the dry parts Africa Horn countries (Somalia, Sudan, Ethiopia, and Eritrea), the Arabian Peninsula (Oman and Yemen), and India are the main distribution areas (Iram et al., 2017). ...
... The essential oil portion is composed of ester, alcohol, monoterpene hydrocarbons, diterpenes and sesquiterpenes. Gum fraction is composed of sugars while the resin portion is mainly composed of pentacyclic triterpene acids (Bekana et al., 2014). Terpenoids are the most abundant metabolites of this gum resin and boswellic acid in particular have been identified as active principles (Katragunta et al.). ...
Olibanum is a resinous extract extracted from several species of Boswellia trees. This works aims to contribute to the research on the chemistry and anti-inflammatory activity of raw, acidic and neutral fractions of different olibanum species to determine the effects of different extraction procedures on the composition of anti-inflammatory constituents. Chemical profiling of different fractions of Boswellia species was attempted using UPLC/MS/MS coupled to chemometric analysis. The anti-inflammatory activity of the tested extracts was assessed on LPS-stimulated WBCs through four pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α, IL-6, IL-1β and IFN-γ) in addition to reveal the efficacy-directed markers using multivariate analysis. UPLC/MS/MS analysis led to the annotation of 77 compounds belonging to several chemical classes. Chemometric models indicated that samples segregation was based on the geographical source of the oleo-gum-resin rather than extraction procedure. Acidic and neutral extracts of B. carterii and B. sacra alcoholic extract were strongly correlated to inhibition of the pro-inflammatory markers IL-1β and TNF-α while there was a strong correlation between the raw extract of B. frere-ana and the alcoholic extract of B. serrata activity to IFN-γ inhibition. Meanwhile, the most active extracts against IL-6 were the acidic and raw extracts of B. serrata and B. frereana.
... Boswellia rivae, B. neglecta, and B. microphylla all occur in the same geographic area as B. ogadensis [1]. Boswellia rivae essential oil is most often dominated by α-pinene, with limonene, δ-3-carene, p-cymene, and β-pinene often present as major components [36][37][38]. Boswellia neglecta essential oil is very similar to that of B. ogadensis, with high levels of α-thujene, α-pinene, p-cymene, and terpinen-4-ol [36][37][38]. The essential oil of B. microphylla has not been characterized. ...
... Boswellia rivae essential oil is most often dominated by α-pinene, with limonene, δ-3-carene, p-cymene, and β-pinene often present as major components [36][37][38]. Boswellia neglecta essential oil is very similar to that of B. ogadensis, with high levels of α-thujene, α-pinene, p-cymene, and terpinen-4-ol [36][37][38]. The essential oil of B. microphylla has not been characterized. ...
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Boswellia ogadensis is a critically endangered species of frankincense tree, restricted to a small area of the Shabelle river valley in southern Ethiopia. It has only been recorded from two botanical collecting trips, in 1972 and 2006, with no indication of the abundance, threats, or population status of the trees, and it was listed on the IUCN Red List of Endangered Species as “Critically Endangered” in 2018. More recent expeditions, in 2019 and 2021, were not able to locate the species, raising concerns about its continued survival. We carried out a field survey in June 2022 to re-locate the species, assess the threat level it is facing, and collect samples of resin for analysis. This survey revealed that B. ogadensis is present in more locations than previously recorded, and is more abundant than thought. While it is facing multiple threats, including grazing, cutting for firewood, and insect attacks, these threats vary geographically, and there are populations that appear to be healthy and regenerating well. While more research is needed, the current survey indicates that downlisting to “Endangered” status may be appropriate. Samples of resin were also collected and analyzed using gas chromatographic techniques, revealing that while the essential oil profile is similar to that of other Boswellia species (dominated by α-thujene, α-pinene, p-cymene, and terpenin-4-ol), there are chemical markers that can distinguish it from other sympatric Boswellia species, indicating the potential for this to be used as a tool to monitor whether B. ogadensis is being harvested alongside other more common Boswellia species.
... Some of the main pentacyclic triterpene compounds i.e. α-amyrin and β-amyrin were similar to those found in stem bark of Alstonia boonei and exhibit anti-inflammatory activity (Okoye et al. 2014). Similar kind of results has also been observed by Bekana et al. (2014) who reported the presence of triterpenes (β-amyrin and α-amyrin) and nortriterpenes (24-noroleana-3,12-diene and 24-norursa-3,12-diene) in three species of Boswellia (B. papyrifera (Del.) ...
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The present investigation was carried out to characterise bioactive components from G. senegalensis by using Fourier-transform infra-red (FT-IR) spectroscopy, 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The FTIR analysis confirmed the presence of > CH2, -CH3, C = C-C, C-H, C-F, C = C, -C = N-, C-C = N-, and -OH functional groups. The 1H-NMR spectrum revealed the presence of structures of four bioactive compounds i.e. tetratetracontana derivative, β-carotene, amyrin, and terpineol. GC-MS revealed the presence of different types of high and low molecular weight chemical entities with varying quantities including volatile and essential oil, monoterpenoid, tetraterpenoid, carotenoid, terpenoid, triterpenes, and nortriterpenes. From the results, it could be concluded that G. senegalensis contains various bioactive compounds of biological and pharmacological importance. Overall, this study will provide insight into the characterisation and development of drugs from medicinal plants.
... This positions the species well to support expanded market demand without negative ecological impacts. Boswellia neglecta is the only other non-tapped frankincense species, but its essential oil contains high levels of undesirable components such as terpinen-4-ol, limiting its market potential [38]. By contrast, B. rivae has relatively low levels of terpinen-4-ol, but often significant quantities of commonly desirable components such as α-pinene and limonene. ...
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Frankincense is an oleo-gum-resin collected from wild Boswellia spp. trees, and widely used in perfumery, cosmetics, aromatherapy, incense, and other industries. Boswellia rivae, growing in Ethiopia, Somalia, and Kenya, is one source of frankincense, but is little-commercialized compared to species such as B. sacra, B. frereana, and B. papyrifera. In this study, we examine the resin essential oil chemistry and harvesting systems of B. rivae in order to evaluate its potential for increased trade and potential positive livelihood benefits. Boswellia rivae produces an essential oil rich in α-thujene (0.1–12.4%), α-pinene (5.5–56.4%), β-pinene (0.3–13.0%), δ-3-carene (0.1–31.5%), p-cymene (1.4–31.2%), limonene (1.8–37.3%), β-phellandrene (tr-5.6%), trans-pinocarveol (0.1–5.0%), trans-verbenol (0.1–11.2%), and trans-β-elemene (0–5.7%), similar to major commercial species, although it is difficult to detect mixing of B. rivae and Commiphora africana resins from chemistry alone. The B. rivae trees are not actively tapped, so resin collection has a neutral impact on the health of the trees, and resin production is unaffected by drought. Consequently, collecting resins acts as a key income supplementing livestock herding, as well as a safety net protecting pastoral communities from the severe negative effects of climate change-exacerbated drought on livestock. Therefore, Boswellia rivae is well positioned chemically, ecologically, and socially to support expanded trade.
... The dominant compounds among the screened constituents were 3-Oxomanoyl oxide, followed by 24-Norursa-3,12-diene, methyl 7-abieten-18-oate, and β-eudesmol with 10.09%, 8.05%, 7.02%, and 6.39% respectively (Figure 1). These constituents were reported in some species, as described by Bekana et al. [56], and in the genus Scutellaria, earlier reported by Kurkcuoglu et al. [57] Furthermore, the essential oil of the under-study plant contains α-pinene (0.08%), myrcene (0.03%), and heptadecane (0.14%) in fewer amounts as compared to the same constituents, which were earlier reported from S. diffusa and S. heterophylla documented by Cicek et al. [58] at the quantity of 0.2%, 0.5%, and 0.2%, respectively. However, caryophyllene was observed in higher amounts (7.4%), and caryophyllene oxide (6.8%) from various species of the genus Scutellaria reflected in the literature of Formisano et al. [59], while the species of the same genus S. edelbergii depicted the same constituents in low amount with the amount of 2.30% and 3.94%, respectively. ...
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The essential oil obtained by hydrodistillation of frankincense from Boswellia papyrifera was analyzed using GC, GC-MS and NMR. n-Octyl acetate (56%), octanol (8%) and limonene (6.5%) were found to be the major components.
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This study was conducted to contribute to filling the existing knowledge gap on biophysical and chemical properties of frankincense towards revising the national grades being used in the export market. A biophysical and chemical study on resins (frankincense, also known as gum olibanum) of Boswellia species from five regions (Amhara, Benshangol, Oromia, Somali, and Tigray) with special emphasis on the Boswellia papyrifera (Tigray type frankincense) has been conducted using GC-MS, TLC, Pyrolysis methods and odor tests. 111 samples were subjected to different analytical treatments most of which were biophysical and some chemical investigations. GCMS analysis, odor tests by women of three cities (Harar, Nazareth and Addis Ababa), TLC runs and observations of Pyrolysis experiment at 400, below 1000 and over 1200°C were used to see if age of tree, origin (Provenance) and frequency of tapping have had any influence on the quality of frankincense, a major export product of Ethiopia. The data obtained, helped to see origin, age of tree and color of product to have influences on quality of frankincense. Headspace GC-MS analysis of frankincense of B. papyrifera at different collection sites and ages of the trees indicated the presence of n-octylacetate as a major component at varying relative percentage composition. The harvests resins of Boswellia species from Borena and Ogaden, while exhibiting same even better quality frankincense for purpose of similar use, were not processed for international market. This paper also presented the findings of the investigations in such a way that further biophysical and chemical works remain to be performed so as to see conclusively how the three resin types (Tigray, Borena and Ogaden) are similar and/or different for the purpose (international trade) sought.
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The resin of Boswellia neglecta yielded four triterpenes canaric acid, α-amyrin, α-amyrone and epi-α-amyrin. Canaric acid and epi-α-amyrin are isolated here for the first time from the family Burseraceae. The compounds were identified using 1D and 2D NMR techniques.
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As frações solúveis em hexano dos rizomas ou das folhas de cinco espécies do gênero Dorstenia (Moraceae) (D. bahiensis Kl., D. bryoniifolia Mart ex. Miq., D. carautae C.C.Berg., D. cayapiaa Vell. e D. heringerii Car. & Val.) foram analisadas por HRGC-MS (cromatografia gasosa de alta resolução acoplada a espectrometria de massas). Foram identificados triterpenos pentacíclicos, esteróides e furocumarinas. HRGC-MS mostrou ser uma ferramenta valiosa para a análise dos terpenóides de Dorstenia spp. Estas substâncias podem estar ligadas à utilização tradicional de Dorstenia spp. como plantas anti-ofídicas. The hexane-soluble fractions from the rhizomes or from the leaves from five Dorstenia (Moraceae) species (D. bahiensis Kl., D. bryoniifolia Mart ex. Miq., D. carautae C.C.Berg, D. cayapiaa Vell. and D. heringerii Car. & Val) were analysed by HRGC-MS (high-resolution gas chromatography -mass spectrometry). Pentacyclic triterpenes, steroids and furocoumarins were identified. HRGC-MS is shown to be a valuable tool for the analysis of terpenoidal compounds from Dostenia species. These compounds may be related to the folk utilization of Dorstenia species as antiophidicals.
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Lippia lacunosa and L. rotundifolia (Verbenaceae) are two Brazilian species of complex taxonomic delimitation. The composition of the essential oils from leaves and flowers of these plants was investigated by gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis. The major components of the essential oils of flowers and leaves of L. lacunosa were: myrcene (14.7% and 11.9%), myrcenone (45.2% and 64.2%), Z-ocimenone (5.7% and 5.2%), and E-ocimenone (14.7% and 4.1%), respectively; whereas in L. rotundifolia (flowers and leaves) were a-pinene (8.7% and 1.8%), myrcene (5.1% and 3.6%), limonene (26.0% and 7.9 %), cis-pinocamphone (4.5% and 3.1%) and myrtenal (22.3% and 16.7%), respectively. The essential oils from L. lacunosa exhibited a strong and pleasant mango aroma, which was related to the presence of myrcene and myrcenone. The marked differences in the chemical composition of their essential oils may represent a powerful tool for the botanical classification.
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Salai guggal is an oleo-gum-resin obtained from Boswellia serrata. Its essential oil is a mixture of mono, di and sesquiterpenes while gum fraction composed of pentose and hexose sugar with some digestive enzymes. Resin is the most important fraction of Salai guggal comprising mainly of pentacyclic triterpenic acids namely Boswellic acids. The therapeutic value of Salai guggal predominantly resides in its oleo-resin portion, which possess anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic, anti-rheumatic, anti-diarrhoeal, anti-hyperlipidemic, anti-asthmatic, anti-cancer, anti-microbial and analgesic activity. In addition it has hepatoprotective and immunomodulatory activity as well. Boswellic acids are novel, specific, non-redox inhibitor of 5-lipoxygenase, an enzyme involved in arachidonic acid metabolism. This review focuses on the current state of therapeutic potential and phytochemical profile of Boswellia serrata. INTRODUCTION Salai guggal is an oleo-gum-resin obtained from Boswellia serrata (Family Burseraceae). It is also known as Frankincense in English and Olibanum in Arabian. This tree abundantly growing in dry hilly tracts of India which has been used for variety of therapeutic purposes such as cancer, inflammation, arthritis, asthma, psoriasis, colitis, crohn's diseases and hyperlipidemia (1-8). Alcoholic extract of Salai guggal (AESG) was reported to possess anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic activities in animals which were due to boswellic acids, an ursane type compound with pentacyclic triterpenes (9). Boswellic acids selectively inhibit leukotriene synthesis by inhibiting 5-LOX in an enzyme directed, non-redox, non-competitive mechanism (10-13). Salai guggal contains 8-9 % essential oil, 20-23 % gum, and about 50 % resin (14-16).
The hexane-soluble fractions from the rhizomes or from the leaves from five Dorstenia (Moraceae) species (D. bahiensis Kl., D. bryoniifolia Mart ex. Mig., D. carautae C.C.Berg, D. cayapiaa Veil. and D. heringerii Car. & Val) were analysed by HRGC-MS (high-resolution gas chromatography - mass spectrometry). Pentacyclic triterpenes, steroids and furocoumarins were identified. HRGC-MS is shown to be a valuable tool for the analysis of terpenoidal compounds from Dostenia species. These compounds may be related to the folk utilization of Dorstenia species as antiophidicals.
Acetyl-11-keto-β-boswellic acid (AKAB) from Boswellia serrata and B. carterii acts directly on purified 5-lipoxygenase of human blood leukocytes at a selective site for pentacyclic triterpenes that is different from the arachidonate substrate binding site. The pentacyclic triterpene ring is crucial for binding to the enzyme, whereas functional groups (11-keto function in addition to a hydrophilic group on C 4 of ring A) are essential for the 5-lipoxygenase activity.
Oleo-gum resins such as frankincense and myrrh are some of the economically and culturally valuable products obtained from trees and shrubs of the genera Boswellia and Commiphora, respectively. They are important natural plant products used in several industries that include pharmacology, food, flavour, liqueur and beverage, cosmetics, perfumery and others. Moreover, frankincense and myrrh have several local applications in medicinal, hygienic, and insecticide areas that could be developed through research. They are widely used in traditional medicines ofseveral countries for treatments of a wide variety of ailments from embalming to cancer, leprosy, bronchitis, diarrhea, dysentery, typhoid, mouth ulcers, inflammatory complaints, viral hepatitis, female disorders, infections/wounds, coughs, tumour, and others. Although Ethiopia is one of the few countries that are endowed with large frankincense and myrrh resources, little proper exploitation of these resources has been made so far. In this paper a review is presented on pharmacological and industrial applications of these valuable resources. The information is expected to prompt the enormous economic opportunity that these resources could provide both at national and local levels. Concurrently, this opportunity, if properly exploited, will contribute significantly towards the conservation and management of the vegetation resources that yield frankincense and myrrh as well as their ecosystems.