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BS5-5 Black seed (Nigella sativa) regulates glucose, insulin level and lipid profile in patients with Type 2 diabetes

  • Institute of Food & Nutritional Sciences; PMAS - Arid Agriculture University
Incretin secretion is independent of glucokinase function
Rinki Murphy 1,2 ,P.M.Clark3,J.J.Holst4, A.T. Hattersley 1
1Insitute of Clinical & Biomedical Sciences, Peninsula Medical School,
Exeter, UK, 2Auckland Diabetes Centre, Greenlane Clinical Centre,
Auckland, New Zealand, 3Regional Endocrine Laboratory, University
Hospital Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, UK, 4Department of
Medical Physiology, University of Copenhagen, Panum Institute,
Aims: Incretin hormones glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and
gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP) are released from intestinal cells
in response to luminal but not systemic glucose, and act to
potentiate glucose stimulated insulin release by the pancreatic
beta cell. Incretin secretion and function are reduced in Type 2
diabetes and are the targets of novel treatments. The enzyme
glucokinase (GCK) which is the glucose sensor in pancreatic beta
cells has also been proposed as the main glucose sensor in the
gut. Subjects with diabetes as a result of a mutation in the
GCK gene are a good model for studying this proposition. We
hypothesized that the secretion of incretins in response to a
75g oral glucose load would be lower in GCK mutation carriers
compared to controls.
Methods: We studied 79 adult subjects, 28 with GCK mutations
and 51 familial controls without diabetes. We measured glucose,
insulin, c-peptide, GLP-1 and GIP at 5 time points during a
75g OGTT (0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes) and also measured
anthropometric data.
Results: GCK mutation carriers had higher mean plasma
glucose concentrations compared with non-carriers (9.9 vs 6.5
mmol/L, p<0.001). Insulin and c-peptide profiles were similar be-
tween mutation carriers and non-carriers (p=0.07 and p=0.20). GIP
and GLP-1 profiles during the OGTT were not different between
GCK mutation carriers and non carriers (p=0.70 and p=0.32). Peak
GIP or GLP-1 did not alter with age, sex, BMI or peak plasma
Conclusions: GCK mutation carriers have higher plasma glu-
cose but equivalent insulin and c-peptide profiles during OGTT
than non-mutation carriers, consistent with reduced plasma glu-
cose sensing function of pancreatic beta cell GCK.GCK mutation
carriers had similar incretin secretion in response to 75g oral
glucose load compared with controls, suggesting that GCK is not
the main luminal glucose sensor in the gut.
Dexamethasone inhibits insulin stimulated glucose uptake
by reducing akt substrate of 160 kDa (AS160)
phosphorylation in human adipocytes
Sherry Ngo, Janelle Barry, John Prins, Jon Whitehead
Diamantina Institute for Cancer, Immunology & Metabolic Medicine,
University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Background: Glucocorticoids are widely used in clinical ther-
apy. However, they cause adverse effects, including insulin re-
sistance and Type 2 diabetes, by as yet unclear mechanisms.
Insulin stimulates glucose uptake via the insulin receptor sub-
strate (IRS) 1/phosphoinostide-3-kinase (PI3K)/protein kinase B
(Akt) pathway and promotes the redistribution of glucose trans-
porter (GLUT) 4 from intracellular storage compartments to the
plasma membrane. Akt was reported to play a role in the late
step of GLUT4 trafficking. Akt substrate of 160 kDa (AS160) was
recently identified as a Rab-GAP involved in GLUT4 trafficking.
Insulin stimulated phosphorylation of AS160 is downstream of
Akt and appears to be essential for exposure of GLUT4 at the
plasma membrane (PM) and glucose uptake. This is mediated
through the association of phosphorylated A160 with 14-3-3
in the cytosol. We hypothesise that dexamethasone inhibits
insulin-stimulated glucose uptake at a level distal to Akt by
dys-regulation of AS160.
Methods: Differentiated human SGBS adipocytes were treated
–/+ 1 µmol/l dexamethasone for 24h –/+ co-treatment with 10
µmol/l RU486, the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) antagonist. Cells
were incubated with 1 nmol/l insulin for 20 min at 37°C to
stimulate glucose transport. Insulin-stimulated GLUT4 activity
was measured by [3H]-2-deoxyglucose uptake. GLUT4 translo-
cation was assessed by immunoblotting of PM, high and low
density membrane fractions. GLUT4 expression at the PM was
further validated using the plasma membrane lawn assay in 3T3-
L1 adipocytes. Akt activation and AS160 phosphorylation were
examined by immunoblotting using phosphospecific antibodies.
AS160 interaction with 14-3-3 was assessed by immunoblotting
of AS160 immunoprecipitates.
Results: Dexamethasone significantly inhibited insulin-
stimulated glucose uptake by 50% (p<0.001) in SGBS adipocytes,
but was without effect on expression or phosphorylation of prox-
imal signalling molecules (IRS-1, PI3K, Akt) or GLUT4. Dexam-
ethasone decreased insulin-stimulated translocation of GLUT4
to the PM as assessed by PM lawn assay and subcellular
fractionation/immunoblotting. AS160 phosphorylation at T642
residue (a key Akt phosphorylation site) significantly decreased
by 50% (p<0.01). Consequently, insulin-stimulated AS160 as-
sociation with 14-3-3 was dramatically decreased. This defect
was completely restored by RU486 indicating the involvement
of GR-mediated mechanisms. At 1 nmol/l insulin, AS160-T642
phosphorylation is maximal at sub-maximal glucose uptake
i.e. its phosphorylation is not a limiting factor. RU486 did not
completely rescue the dexamethasone-mediated inhibition on
insulin-stimulated glucose uptake.
Conclusions: Collectively, these results suggest that defects at
the level of AS160 phosphorylation contribute to dexamethasone-
induced inhibition of glucose uptake. Our finding that the
GR antagonist completely abrogates dexamethasone effect on
AS160 phosphorylation, but only partially restores glucose up-
take, are consistent with additional dexamethasone-induced
defects. AS160 presents a novel target in the improvement of
glucocorticoid-induced insulin resistance.
Black seed (Nigella sativa) regulates glucose, insulin level
and lipid profile in patients with Type 2 diabetes
Ahmad Bilal 1, Tariq Masud 1, Arshad Mahmood Uppal 2
1University of Arid Agriculture Rawalpindi, Pakistan, 2District Head
Quarter Teaching Hospital Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Background: Black seed (Nigella sativa (NS)) has been tried as
an anti diabetic agent in animal models of Type 2 diabetes
with considerable efficacy, but no systematic research has been
reported on humans. However NS in combination with various
herbs have been studied on human patients for the treatment of
diabetes This study investigated the effects of NS seed powder
on the levels of blood glucose, insulin and lipids in patients with
Type 2 diabetes in order to investigate possible side effects such
as a fall in leukocyte and platelet counts. This was the first ever
study of its type on human subjects that was initiated following
approval from the Directorate of Advanced Studies and Research
Board, University of Arid Agriculture, Rawalpindi, Pakistan. The
study included 46 patients with Type 2 diabetes.
Methods: Selection criteria 1) Patients of either sex with
known Type 2 diabetes. 2) Fasting blood glucose greater than
normal values, even with their usual diabetes control medicine.
3) Age between 30-60 years. 4) Patients not on insulin therapy.
5) Patients not suffering from any other chronic disease. 6) Not
taking any medication other than that for diabetes. 7) Not taking
black seed in any form or any other herbal treatment. 8) Preg-
nant women were not included in this study. All the registered
patients signed a consent form before the start of study. Nigella
sativa seeds were identified at “Herbarium Medicinal Botanic
Centre; Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
(P.C.S.I.R.) Laboratories Complex, Peshawar, Pakistan”. A voucher
specimen No. (PES): 9747 was deposited there for future refer-
ence. All patients consumed NS seed powder for 40 days followed
by a placebo for another 40 days. Fasting blood samples were
collected from each subject on 0, 40th and 80th day of the study.
Glucose, insulin, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL choles-
terol, triglycerides, total leukocyte count and platelet count were
analysed using standard methods. Data collected from all the
patients were analysed using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social
Sciences) Version-12. The results are expressed as mean ±SEM.
Where necessary, 95% confidence intervals on differences (95%
CI) are given. For each parameter, mean values were compared
by paired sample test. Correlations between different parameters
were analysed by the Chi Square test.
Results: A highly significant decrease in fasting blood glucose
(p<0.001), total cholesterol (p<0.001), LDL cholesterol (p=0.001),
triglycerides (p<0.001) and increase in insulin (p<0.001) and HDL
(p=0.011) was observed after treatment with NS seed powder. All
values except HDL reversed significantly again at the end of the
placebo phase, indicating that these changes were due to the
treatment with the NS seed powder. No significant change was
observed in total leukocyte and platelet count throughout the
Conclusion: Our results demonstrate that NS seed powder
improves the levels of blood glucose and insulin and lipid profile
in patients with Type 2 diabetes with reasonable safety. We also
recommend further human studies on a pilot scale.
Diabetes in the Western Pacific region
Surveillance of Type 2 diabetes in China: a subgroup
analysis of diabetes duration in the DIABCARE 2006 study
Changyu Pan 1, Wenying Yang 2, Weiping Jia 3, Jianping Weng 4,
Hui Tian 1
1Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing,2China-Japan Friendship
Hospital, Beijing, 3Shang Hai No.6 People’s Hospital, Shanghai, 4The
First Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yet San University, Guangzhou, China
Background and aims: The DIABCARE 2006 project, with the in-
tention of the Western Pacific Declaration on Diabetes, was a
part of DIABCARE studies initiated from 1998. DIABCARE 2006
is important for understanding current diabetes control, dia-
betes management and diabetes complications status, thereby
improving diabetes care in China.
Materials and methods: A subgroup of 2699 Chinese subjects
with Type 2 diabetes, who registered for management of dia-
betes for more than 12 months at 60 hospitals in 18 cities were
classified into three groups based on diabetes duration (years):
5 (n=917), 5-10 (n=801) and >10 group (n=981). Data were col-
lected on a retrospective manner by reviewing medical records,
interview and laboratory assessments. A centralised analysis
for HbA1c was carried out. All data were tabulated followed by
descriptive statistical analysis.
Results: The mean ages of subjects were 57.8, 61.7 and 65.9
years in the diabetes duration groups of 5, 5-10 and >10 years,
respectively. The onset age of diabetes was approximately 55
yearsinbothgroupsof5 years and 5-10 years, and 50 years
in the group of >10 years. The waist-hip ratio (0.90) and BMI
(>24.5kg/m2) were comparable in the three groups. The overall
mean HbA1c in 2006 was significantly lower than that in 1998
(8.7±2.0%). The mean HbA1c was highest in the group of >10
years (7.8±1.5%) and lowest in the group of 5 years (7.3±1.6%).
The percentages of subjects who achieved optimal HbA1c target
<6.5% decreased as duration of diabetes increased (5: 32.3%;
5-10: 22.9%; >10: 14.5%). There was also a significant improve-
ment in overall mean fasting plasma glucose (FPG) from 1998
(9.0±3.4mmol/L) to 2006 (7.7±2.5mmol/L) in all subjects. An in-
crease of more than 10% was observed in diabetes complications
when comparing subjects in the group of >10 years with the
group of 5 years. Our data showed more than 75% of sub-
jects with less than 10 years of diabetes used Biguanides or
Sulphonylureas as OAD therapy. Whereas, glucosidase inhibitors
(40%) were the most frequently used in the subjects who had
Type 2 diabetes for more than 10 years. Subjects with a longer
duration of diabetes appeared more likely to be treated with
insulin (5: 30.4%; 5-10: 46.3%; >10: 68.5%) and to have a longer
mean duration of insulin treatment (5: 1.03 years; 5-10: 1.72
years; >10: 3.05 years). The daily insulin units per kilogram
also increased with increased diabetes duration (<5: 0.44U; 5-10:
0.49U; >10 group: 0.57U). Most subjects were treated with twice-
daily injections, regardless of diabetes durations. The number of
self-monitoring blood glucose and urine glucose increased with
diabetes progression. With regards to answers about quality of
life, a preponderance percentage of subjects rated their quality of
life to be good or at least acceptable in all groups. Approximate
half of the subjects expressed psychological insulin resistance to
insulin initiation treatment.
Conclusions: An improvement in glycaemic control was ob-
served in all subgroups of diabetes durations in patients with
Type 2 diabetes. However, insulin therapy and diabetes care
were not satisfactory. The gap between therapeutic guidelines
and glycaemic control strongly indicates promoting awareness
of treat-to-target treatment and continuing medical education in
clinical practice is necessary.
The individual and societal cost of Type 2 diabetes in
Douglas George Falconer 1, Christopher Tarianga 2,
John Tasserei 2, Alexandra Buckley 1, Ruth Colag iuri 1.onbehalf
of the WDF Project Collaborators
1The Diabetes Unit - Australia Health Policy Institute. The University of
Sydney, NSW Australia, 2The Ministry of Health, Vanuatu
Background: Three out of four deaths in Pacific Island countries
(PICs) are due to non communicable diseases (NCDs) with Type 2
diabetes playing a critical role. The precise prevalence of diabetes
in Vanuatu is unknown but a 2005 WHO STEPS survey indicated
high rates of diabetes risk factors and diabetes prevalence is
presumed similar to other PICs e.g. Samoa (22%), Tonga (15%)
and Nauru (16%). The economic cost of NCDs in PICs is reported
to consume US$1.95 million, almost 60% of the health budget of
Tonga, and in Fiji absorbing 39% of the health budget in 2002, but
little definitive information is available on the cost of diabetes.
Aims: This study aimed to determine the individual and
societal cost of Type 2 diabetes in Vanuatu i.e. cost of treatment
(health system cost), cost to people with diabetes (out-of-pocket
expenses) and the impact of diabetes on quality of life.
Methods: This study was modelled on the Diabco$t Australia
study [1]. The “Questionnaire for Persons with Diabetes in Van-
uatu” was adapted locally to ensure relevance to the Vanuatu
health system context and culture, and was administered to a
convenience sample of 199 people with Type 2 diabetes by local
staff who were trained to conduct the survey. A self reported
survey questionnaire asked about respondents’ demographics;
health care access over the previous 3 months (such as prescrip-
tion medications, health care encounters); cost to people with
... After administering black cumin seed oil (5 mL/day) for 8 weeks to healthy individuals, no significant liver, renal, or gastrointestinal side effects were encountered 44,45 . A clinical trial has been performed on 39 significantly obese males and found that receiving three grams of black cumin seeds per day for three months had no discernible adverse effects 46 . Also, the treatment with black cumin seeds (2 gram per day for six weeks) showed no effect on serum parameters such as alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and creatinine levels in adult individuals 46 . ...
... A clinical trial has been performed on 39 significantly obese males and found that receiving three grams of black cumin seeds per day for three months had no discernible adverse effects 46 . Also, the treatment with black cumin seeds (2 gram per day for six weeks) showed no effect on serum parameters such as alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and creatinine levels in adult individuals 46 . Another clinical study found that consuming black cumin seed as supplement powder for 40 days had no effect on total leukocyte or platelet counts 47 . ...
... The administration of powdered N. sativa seeds for 40 days in 46 patients with type 2 DM produced a significant reduction of fasting blood glucose (FBG), total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and triglycerides while increasing the levels of insulin and HDLcholesterol. 12 A prospective observational study found that the administration of 2.5 mL of N. sativa oil 2 times a day in patients taking Atorvastatin 10 mg once daily and Metformin 500 mg twice daily for 6 weeks, resulted in significant improvement in plasma levels of fasting blood glucose, low density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol and total cholesterol. 13 Furthermore, a pilot study of 41 patients with type 2 DM revealed that the consumption of N. sativa oil along with their regular antidiabetic medications for 40 days resulted in significant reduction of fasting blood glucose (FBG) and enhanced insulin levels compared to the control levels. ...
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The use of herbal medicine to manage chronic conditions including diabetes has become a recent global trend. Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a group of metabolic disorders characterized by hyperglycemia. The present review is aimed to analyze the antidiabetic activity of N. sativa as many type 2 diabetic patients use it as a complementary therapy along with their modern allopathic medications or as an alternative therapy. The literature was reviewed in databases like Medline/PubMed Central/PubMed, Google Scholar, Science Direct, EBSCO, Scopus, Web of science, EMBASE, Directory of open access journals (DOAJ), and reference lists to identify relevant articles supporting the use of N. sativa in diabetes management. Numerous clinical and animal studies have demonstrated the antidiabetic efficacy of black seeds (N. sativa) and its major bioactive constituent thymoquinone. Based on these findings patients with diabetes may use N. sativa as an adjuvant therapy, which may help to reduce the dose and incidence of adverse effects of modern antidiabetic medicines.
... The results indicated that there was a realistic liver and kidney safety in diabetes mellitus type 2 patients. The intake of the N. sativa oil did not interfere with the leukocyte or platelet total number (Bilal et al., 2008). Another clinical trial aimed to determine the side effects or rather safety of N. sativa as an anticancer agent in children. ...
... There was a reduction in hypercholesterolemia and hyperlipidemia observed in STZ-diabetic rats administered with black cumin dietary supplementation (El-Bahr et al. 2014). Another breakthrough in exploring the nutraceutical effect of black cumin seed flour was made by Bilal et al. (2008) who reported a remarkable reduction in TC, LDL-C, TG levels and FBG, whereas HDL-C and the insulin levels increased in patients with type 2 diabetes. Desai et al. (2015) explored the potential of black cumin seed flour/powder in inhibiting MDA (malondialdehyde) and SOD (superoxide dismutase). ...
The concept of nutraceutical foods has emerged as a result of several research intercessions. Nigella sativa, commonly known as black cumin, a member of the Ranunculaceae family has widespread abundance across the globe especially in Eastern Europe and West Asia. Out of plants of medicinal importance, it has one of the richest histories since it has been used in the form of medicine having herbal origin by several civilizations. The composition of black cumin seed depends on several factors primarily geographic distribution, harvesting time and agronomic patterns adopted as well. The seeds have been reported to exert positive and beneficial effects on lowering serum lipid profile, triglycerides level and enhancing high-density lipoprotein levels. The significance of this seed is also attributed to thymoquinone which is present to a level of 25% in the seed oil. Black cumin is comprising mainly of proteins, carbohydrates, oil in addition to crude fibre and minerals. Iron, phosphorus, and calcium have been reported to be at high levels while calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, and manganese have been reported in lower amounts. Studies have supported the inclusion of black cumin and its bioac-tive components daily for the overall improvement of health. Nigella sativa seed has been one of the most important antidiabetic plants highly recommended by traditional practitioners. Crude and purified components of Nigella sativa seeds have been known to impart manifold pharmacological effects including antihypertensive,
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The leading cause of death worldwide has been identified as chronic illnesses, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Chronic inflammatory conditions such as asthma, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and obesity account for three out of every five deaths. Although many people benefit from using nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs) for pain and inflammation relief, there are significant adverse effects to using these medications. Medicinal plants possess anti-inflammatory properties with minimal or no side effects. Nigella sativa (NS), also known as black cumin, is one of the plants used in traditional medicine the most. Many studies on the NS have shown that their therapeutic properties are attributed to the seed, oil, and secondary metabolites. This plant has been studied extensively and has many medical uses, such as anti-inflammatory. NS or its phytochemical compounds, such as thymoquinone, can cause cell apoptosis via oxidative stress, block efflux pumps, enhance membrane permeability, and exert potent biocidal effects. Notwithstanding the extensively documented anti-inflammatory effectiveness observed in the experimental model, the precise mechanisms underlying its anti-inflammatory effects in diverse chronic inflammatory diseases and its multi-targeting characteristics remain largely unexplored. This review examines NS or its secondary metabolites, a valuable source for the therapeutic development of chronic inflammatory diseases. Most clinical studies were done for diabetes and cardiovascular disease; therefore, more studies are required to examine the NS extracts and phytoconstituents to treat cancer, obesity, diabetes, asthma, neurological disorders, and COVID-19. This study will be a significant resource for clinicians and biologists seeking a pharmaceutical solution for inflammatory diseases.
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Introduction Long used in traditional medicine, Nigella sativa (NS; Ranunculaceae) has shown significant efficacy as an adjuvant therapy for diabetes mellitus (DM) management by improving glucose tolerance, decreasing hepatic gluconeogenesis, normalizing blood sugar and lipid imbalance, and stimulating insulin secretion from pancreatic cells. In this review, the pharmacological and pharmacokinetic properties of NS as a herbal diabetes medication are examined in depth, demonstrating how it counteracts oxidative stress and the onset and progression of DM. Methods This literature review drew on databases such as Google Scholar and PubMed and various gray literature sources using search terms like the etiology of diabetes, conventional versus herbal therapy, subclinical pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, physiology, behavior, and clinical outcomes. Results The efficiency and safety of NS in diabetes, notably its thymoquinone (TQ) rich volatile oil, have drawn great attention from researchers in recent years; the specific therapeutic dose has eluded determination so far. TQ has anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immunomodulatory properties but has not proved druggable. DM’s intimate link with oxidative stress, makes NS therapy relevant since it is a potent antioxidant that energizes the cell’s endogenous arsenal of antioxidant enzymes. NS attenuates insulin resistance, enhances insulin signaling, suppresses cyclooxygenase-2, upregulates insulin-like growth factor-1, and prevents endothelial dysfunction in DM. Conclusion The interaction of NS with mainstream drugs, gut microbiota, and probiotics opens new possibilities for innovative therapies. Despite its strong potential to treat DM, NS and TQ must be examined in more inclusive clinical studies targeting underrepresented patient populations.
Dyslipidemia is the major risk factor for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD), cerebrovascular disease and peripheral artery disease (PAD). It is characterized by higher plasma concentrations of total cholesterol (TC), low density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-c), apolipoprotein B (apoB), very low density lipoprotein-cholesterol (VLDL-c), triglycerides (TGs) and low levels of high density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-c). Herbal medicines are preferred by many across the globe particularly to manage chronic conditions such as dyslipidemia, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and plenty of others. Nigella sativa (Black seeds or Black cumin seeds) is a miracle herb employed within the management of many sicknesses for centuries. Hence, this review focuses on the ameliorative effects of N. sativa on the plasma lipid concentrations of human subjects. Numerous randomized controlled clinical trials (RCTs) and different clinical studies demonstrated that N. sativa possess potential anti-dyslipidemic activity. The patients with dyslipidemia may well be benefited by using N. sativa along with healthy lifestyle changes and statin and other antihyperlipidemic medications as adjuvant therapy if needed.
Nigella sativa plant from Ranunculaceae family has been commonly used as traditional remedies by the ancient world such as Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians. The plant is also known black seed or black cumin. The plant is highly valued by Muslims all over the world as it has been mentioned by the Islamic Prophet Muhammad that the black seed has the capability of curing all diseases except death. The purpose of this chapter is to provide updated and categorized information on the traditional uses, chemical composition, biological activities, bioavailability, safety, toxicity, and clinical trials of N. sativa in order to explore their therapeutic potential and evaluate future research opportunities. Every part of this plant contains a valuable medicinal feature. It contains different types of active phytoconstituents like carbohydrates, volatiles, alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids, phenolics, glycoside, coumarins, fixed oils, proteins, vitamins, and minerals are present. The use of its seeds, whole plant, and oil is common for treatment of many diseases like hepatoprotective, antidiabetic, antiasthmatic, cardioprotective, analgesic, neuroprotective, antiinflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anticancer effects. N. sativa has potential for the treatment of a wide range of diseases and has been well studied for its phytochemical properties. However, further scientific studies are needed to explore mechanisms of actions, adverse effects of the extracts, the effective therapeutic dose, and the therapeutic effect of major secondary metabolites.
Abstract The concept of nutraceutical foods has emerged as a result of several research intercessions. Nigella sativa, commonly known as black cumin, a member of the Ranunculaceae family has widespread abundance across the globe especially in Eastern Europe and West Asia. Out of plants of medicinal importance, it has one of the richest histories since it has been used in the form of medicine having herbal origin by several civilizations. The composition of black cumin seed depends on several factors primarily geographic distribution, harvesting time and agronomic patterns adopted as well. The seeds have been reported to exert positive and beneficial effects on lowering serum lipid profile, triglycerides level and enhancing high-density lipoprotein levels. The significance of this seed is also attributed to thymoquinone which is present to a level of 25% in the seed oil. Black cumin is comprising mainly of proteins, carbohydrates, oil in addition to crude fibre and minerals. Iron, phosphorus, and calcium have been reported to be at high levels while calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, and manganese have been reported in lower amounts. Studies have supported the inclusion of black cumin and its bioactive components daily for the overall improvement of health. Nigella sativa seed has been one of the most important antidiabetic plants highly recommended by traditional practitioners. Crude and purified components of Nigella sativa seeds have been known to impart manifold pharmacological effects including antihypertensive, hypoglycemic, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and immune strengthening. Nigella sativa seed components have been also used in the production of functional cosmetic and dietary supplements as well. This chapter reports on the nutraceutical uses and applications of Nigella sativa seed flour. Keywords Acute lymphoblastic leukemia · Blood glucose · HbA1c · HOMA-IR · Nutraceutical importance · Food applications
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Objectives Nigella sativa (black seed or black cumin), which belongs to the Ranunculacea family, is an annual herb with many pharmacological properties. Among its many active constituents, thymoquinone (TQ) is the most abundant constituent of the volatile oil of Nigella sativa (N. sativa) seeds, and it is the constituent to which most properties of this herb are attributed. Methods PubMed-Medline, Scopus, and Web of Science databases were searched to identify randomized control trials (RCTs) investigating the therapeutic effects of N. sativa and/or TQ. In this review, we investigated the clinical uses of N. sativa and TQ in the prevention and the treatment of different diseases and morbidity conditions in humans. Results Black seed and TQ are shown to possess multiple useful effects for the treatment of patients with several diseases, such as inflammatory and auto-immune disorders, as well as metabolic syndrome. Also, other advantages, including antimicrobial, anti-nociceptive and anti-epileptic properties, have been documented. The side effects of this herbal medicine appear not to be serious, so it can be applied in clinical trials because of its many advantages. Conclusion Some effects of N. sativa, such as its hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic and bronchodilatory effects, have been sufficiently studied and are sufficiently understood to allow for the next phase of clinical trials or drug developments. However, most of its other effects and applications require further clinical and animal studies.
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