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Effects of Kettlebell Training on Aerobic Capacity



This study examined the effects of a kettlebell training program on aerobic capacity. Seventeen female NCAA Division I collegiate soccer players (age 19.7 +/- 1.0 years, height 166.1 +/- 6.4 cm, body mass 64.2 +/- 8.2 kg) completed a graded exercise test to determine maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max). Participants were placed into a kettlebell intervention (KB) group (n = 9) or a circuit weight training control (CWT) group (n = 8). Participants in the KB group completed a kettlebell snatch test to determine individual snatch repetitions. Both groups trained 3 days a week for 4 weeks in addition to their off-season strength and conditioning program. The KB group performed the 15:15 MVO2 protocol (20 min of kettlebell snatching with 15 s work and rest intervals). The CWT group performed multiple free weight and dynamic body weight exercises as part of a continuous circuit program for 20 min. The 15:15 MVO2 protocol significantly increased VO2max in the KB group. The average increase was 2.3 ml[middle dot]kg-1[middle dot]min-1, or approximately a 6% gain. There was no significant change in VO2max in the CWT control group. Thus, the 4-week 15:15 MVO2 kettlebell protocol, using high intensity kettlebell snatches, significantly improved aerobic capacity in female intercollegiate soccer players and could be used as an alternative mode to maintain or improve cardiovascular conditioning. Copyright (C) 2015 by the National Strength & Conditioning Association.
Department of Kinesiology, San Jose´State University, San Jose´, California;
Intercollegiate Athletics, Cal Poly, San Luis
Obispo, California; and
Department of Athletics, Idaho State University, Pocatello, Idaho
Falatic, JA, Plato, PA, Holder, C, Finch, D, Han, K, and Cisar, CJ.
Effects of kettlebell training on aerobic capacity. J Strength Cond
Res 29(7): 1943–1947, 2015—This study examined the effects of
a kettlebell training program on aerobic capacity. Seventeen
female National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I colle-
giate soccer players (age: 19.7 61.0 years, height: 166.1 6
6.4 cm, weight: 64.2 68.2 kg) completed a graded exercise test
to determine maximal oxygen consumption (V
max). Participants
were assigned to a kettlebell intervention group (KB) (n=9)or
a circuit weight-training (CWT) control group (n= 8). Participants
in the KB group completed a kettlebell snatch test to determine
individual snatch repetitions. Both groups trained 3 days a week
for 4 weeks in addition to their off-season strength and condition-
ing program. The KB group performed the 15:15 MVO
(20 minutes of kettlebell snatching with 15 seconds of work and
rest intervals). The CWT group performed multiple free-weight
and dynamic body-weight exercises as part of a continuous circuit
program for 20 minutes. The 15:15 MVO
protocol significantly
increased V
max in the KB group. The average increase was 2.3
, or approximately a 6% gain. There was no sig-
nificant change in V
max in the CWT control group. Thus, the 4-
week 15:15 MVO
kettlebell protocol, using high-intensity kettle-
bell snatches, significantly improved aerobic capacity in female
intercollegiate soccer players and could be used as an alternative
mode to maintain or improve cardiovascular conditioning.
KEY WORDS aerobic conditioning, interval training, V
In the past decade, kettlebell (KB) training has gained
popularity in the United States and become a viable
option for strength training and conditioning. Kettle-
bells are an ideal tool for ballistic full-body exercises
using high muscle forces, making them potentially useful for
improving muscular strength and cardiorespiratory fitness
(11). Studies have examined the cardiovascular and meta-
bolic effects of a kettlebell workout (1,2,5,10,13,16). Specifics
of the workout routines have varied (i.e., kettlebell weight,
exercises, sets, repetitions, duration, and rest); however, most
results indicate that the intensity is sufficient to improve
cardiorespiratory fitness. Performing 12 minutes of continu-
ous kettlebell swings provided a metabolic challenge of suf-
ficient intensity, 87% of maximal heart rate (HR
) and 65%
of maximal oxygen consumption (V
max), to increase
aerobic capacity (4), with gains greater than that seen with
traditional circuit weight training (CWT). Similar results
have been reported with interval kettlebell training. Using
the kettlebell snatch, clean to press, and swing, heart rates
averaged 88% of age-predicted HR
and 90% of V
during three 6-min cycles of 30 seconds of work and rest
intervals (5). During the workout, perceived exertion was
rated as hard (15 on the Borg’s 6-20 scale). Using multiple
5- to 7-minute cycles of 9 kettlebell exercises performed at
a self-selected pace, V
and HR were comparable with
commonly used modes of aerobic exercise, such as incline
walking, stationary cycling, and running (2). Jay (11) devel-
oped a conditioning protocol designed to improve aerobic
capacity that uses high-intensity kettlebell snatch intervals.
Dubbed the 15:15 MVO
protocol, it involves multiple sets
of 15 seconds of kettlebell snatching alternating with 15
seconds of rest. Average heart rate was 93% of HR
oxygen consumption was 78% of V
max when performing
the 15:15 MVO
protocol for 20 minutes (16–17). According
to the American College of Sports Medicine, exercise inten-
sities between 77 and 90% of HR
or above 40–50% of
oxygen uptake reserve are sufficient to improve cardiorespi-
ratory fitness (20). Thus, the 15:15 MVO
protocol should
improve aerobic fitness and increase V
Higher exercise intensities have been shown to elicit
greater improvements in V
max than lower exercise inten-
sities (6). High-intensity interval training (HIIT) requires
working at or near maximal intensity for shorter periods.
Interval running at 90–95% of HR
improved V
max in
untrained and moderately trained individuals more than
training at 70–80% of HR
(9,19). Similarly, performing
HIIT programs on a cycle ergometer at supramaximal
Address correspondence to Jonathan A. Falatic,
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Ó2015 National Strength and Conditioning Association
VOLUME 29 | NUMBER 7 | JULY 2015 | 1943
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
intensities (120–170% V
max) increased aerobic capacity
more than low-intensity continuous work (7,18). Enhancing
aerobic capacity through HIIT can also lead to improvements
in athletic performance. After 4 weeks of HIIT, well-trained
rowers significantly improved their 2,000 m times, (3) whereas
cyclists improved their 40-km time trials (14). Additionally,
HIIT increased the aerobic capacity of soccer players and
enhanced multiple variables of soccer performance (8).
Although many kettlebell workouts incorporate work and
rest cycles consistent with HIIT and intensities sufficient to
improve aerobic capacity, to our knowledge, only 1 study
has measured changes in aerobic capacity resulting from
a kettlebell training program. Jay et al. (12) measured aerobic
training effects in relatively inactive individuals with neck
and low back pain. Participants performed 10 repetitions of
kettlebell swings and deadlifts with 30–60 seconds of rest
between sets, 3 days a week for 8 weeks. Kettlebell weight
or repetitions were progressively increased. There were
significant reductions in neck, shoulder, and low back pain
compared with an inactive control group; however, there
was no change in V
max, measured using A
˚strand’s sub-
maximal cycling test.
Although Schnettler et al. (17) reported that the 15:15
protocol elicits intensities sufficient to improve
max, no studies have examined the effects of this training
protocol on aerobic capacity. The kettlebell snatch is
a common exercise used by those who regularly train with
kettlebells and has considerable carryover to physical activ-
ities such as running and jumping (21). Thus, this form of
training may be appropriate for athletes and provide an alter-
native mode of exercise to enhance aerobic capacity. During
the snatch, the kettlebell travels from between an individual’s
legs to a lockout position above the head. This motion is
reversed and repeated at a rapid pace, increasing the velocity
that the kettlebell travels. As velocity increases, power out-
put increases, resulting in a higher caloric expenditure and
oxygen consumption (11). The purpose of this study was to
examine the effects of a high-intensity 4-week kettlebell
training program on aerobic capacity in collegiate female
soccer athletes. It was hypothesized that the kettlebell train-
ing program would increase aerobic capacity, with gains
greater than that observed in a CWT control group.
Experimental Approach to the Problem
To evaluate the effects of the kettlebell training program on
aerobic capacity, athletes were assigned to a KB training
group or a CWT control group. Aerobic capacity was
measured during a maximal graded exercise test (GXT) on
a bicycle ergometer before and after the 4-week training
program. Eighteen female collegiate soccer players were
recruited as participants and assigned to either the KB or
CWT group. Athletes in the KB group implemented a kettle-
bell protocol as part of an off-season workout, whereas
athletes in the CWT group followed a typical strength and
conditioning program. Kettlebell training was conducted 3
days per week for 4 weeks.
All subjects were on the roster of a National Collegiate
Athletic Association Division I collegiate women’s soccer
team; 21 athletes were eligible to participate. Approval was
obtained from the University’s Institutional Review Board for
Human Subjects, and all athletes provided written consent and
an updated medical history before testing. Within the year, all
athletes had undergone a medical examination and were
cleared for athletic participation. Two athletes had injuries that
prevented pretesting; a third athlete sustained an injury after
completing the pretesting. Thus, 18 athletes were assigned to
a training group. Those assigned to the KB group (n=10)
demonstrated safe and efficient technique when performing
the kettlebell snatch. This was assessed by a Russian Kettlebell
Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (RKC/CSCS).
Athletes not selected for the KB group were assigned to the
CWTgroup (n= 8). All athletes frequently trained with kettle-
bells as part of their seasonal strength and conditioning
program, although the kettlebell snatch was not an exercise
routinely implemented. One athlete in the KB group com-
pleted the training sessions but sustained an injury before the
posttest. She was cleared to participate, but during the posttest,
she reported symptoms, and the GXT was stopped before she
reached maximal effort. Because of this, her data were
excluded from the analyses. Thus, data are reported for 17
participants, 9 in the KB group and 8 in the CWT group.
Test Session 1. During the first test session, weight and height
were measured using a platform scale and stadiometer,
respectively. Aerobic capacity was measured during a max-
imal GXT using an Ultima metabolic cart (Medical Graphics
Corp., St. Paul, MN, USA) and a Lode Excalibur electronic
cycle ergometer. Heart rate and rhythm were monitored
from a 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG). Seat height was
adjusted parallel to the participants’ greater trochanter while
standing next to the cycle ergometer. Resting blood pressure
and ECG were recorded while seated on the ergometer.
Athletes were connected to the metabolic cart by an air-
tight facemask fitted with a pneumotach and sampling line.
Ventilation and oxygen and carbon dioxide concentrations in
the expired air were measured with each breath. Subjects
selected a comfortable pedaling rate and were encouraged
to maintain that cadence throughout the test. After a 2-
minute unloaded warm-up, resistance increased by 25 W
each minute until the athlete could not continue. Blood
pressure was manually measured every 2 minutes during
the GXT, and ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) were ob-
tained each minute using Borg’s 6-20 scale. Athletes were
considered to have achieved a maximal effort if 2 of the
following criteria were met: (a) a heart rate within
12 b$min
of age-predicted maximal heart rate, calculated
as 207 2(0.7 3age in years); (b) a respiratory exchange
Effects of Kettlebell Training
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
ratio .1.10 or an RPE $17 (20). To evaluate aerobic training
effects, the same GXT protocol was repeated after the
4-week training period.
Test Session 2. During the second test session, individual
kettlebell snatch repetitions were determined for athletes in
the KB group. A continuous 5-minute kettlebell snatch
procedure was used, with the snatch cadence increasing
each minute. Athletes used a 12-kg Russian Kettlebell to
perform their snatches after a 5-minute warm-up, performing
kettlebell swings at their own intensity. During each minute
of the test, athletes switched arms, with the dominant arm
starting the test. During the first minute, athletes performed
10 snatches or 1 snatch every 6.0 seconds. Snatch cadence
increased each successive minute. During the second, third,
and fourth minute, athletes performed 14, 18, and 22
snatches, respectively. This corresponded to a snatch
cadence of 1 snatch every 4.2, 3.3, and 2.7 seconds,
respectively. The test administrator cued athletes by calling
“swing” in time with the set cadence. During the fifth minute,
athletes performed as many kettlebell snatches as possible,
with this number divided by 4. The resulting number repre-
sented the kettlebell repetitions performed during each
15-second work interval of the kettlebell training interven-
tion. A Gymboss interval timer (Gymboss; St. Clair, Monta-
na) was used to maintain work and rest intervals (15 seconds
each). The number of kettlebell snatches performed during
each work interval ranged between 7 and 9 repetitions; 6
athletes performed 9 snatches, 2 performed 8 snatches, and
1 performed 7 snatches during each 15-second work interval.
Training. After completing all pretesting, athletes continued
their off-season strength and conditioning program under the
supervision of the RKC/CSCS. At the time of the study,
athletes had already completed 4 weeks of the hypertrophy
phase of their periodized strength program. Much of the
program was focused on the hips and legs, with standard
linear periodization progressions for traditional resistance
training. All volumes and load assignments fell under
hypertrophy-specific adaptations. Each resistance session
lasted approximately 1 hour. After each resistance session,
the soccer team finished each training session with aerobic/
anaerobic cardiovascular training. The training week con-
sisted of 4 days of on-the-field work. Mondays were heavy
aerobic days that repeated each week. Tuesdays consisted of
a mix of aerobic and anaerobic soccer-specific skill drills.
Thursdays were a speed day involving very high anaerobic
sprint bouts. Fridays were programmed for game play. To
keep their soccer skills refined, athletes were divided into 2
teams for scrimmages. Independent of the KB and CWT
interventions, training was rigorous, and players were inten-
tionally placed under significant amounts of fatiguing work.
Both the KB and CWT groups followed the same
resistance training routine. The 20-minute KB or CWT
protocols were performed between strength training and on-
the-field training sessions. The KB group performed the
kettlebell snatch protocol, whereas the CWT group per-
formed a circuit workout consisting of multiple free-weight
and body-weight exercises. Athletes performed the KB or
CWT intervention on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays in
weeks 1, 2, and 4. In week 3, the intervention sessions were
on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday because of a schedule
change. Athletes in the KB group performed the 15:15
kettlebell snatch protocol with 15-second work and
rest intervals using a 12-kg kettlebell. For every 15-second
work interval, athletes performed their individual snatch ca-
dences that were calculated at test session 2. They were
instructed to perform their snatches as fast as possible. The
first work interval was performed with the dominant arm,
with arms switched for each subsequent 15-second work
interval. This was repeated for 20 minutes, although the total
work time was 10 minutes.
The CWT group performed different free-weight and
dynamic body-weight exercises as part of a circuit during the
20-minute training sessions. The circuit incorporated multi-
ple muscle groups and was developed by the RKC/CSCS.
Athletes completed 5 exercises
in succession (1 set), and a total
of 5 sets, for a work time of
10 minutes. The 5 exercises
included 20 ball squats, 20 sit
ups, 10 windmills, 10 jump
squats, and a 400-m sprint/
run. Each set of 5 exercises
was completed in 2 minutes,
with a 2-minute rest period
between sets. Athletes per-
formed ball squats and jump
squats by deep squatting to
a medicine ball, using body
weight only. During jump
squats, athletes jumped explo-
sively out of the deep squat
TABLE 1. Demographics and aerobic capacity.*
KB group (n= 9) CWT group (n=8)
Age (yrs) 19.9 (1.1) 19.5 (1.1)
Height (cm) 170.1 (4.3)161.7 (5.5)
Weight, before (kg) 68.1 (9.4)59.9 (3.4)
Weight, after (kg) 67.2 (8.9)59.9 (3.4)
max, pre (ml$kg
) 36.2 (3.2) 37.8 (3.1)
max, post (ml$kg
) 38.5 (3.9)z38.1 (2.5)
Change, pre to post (ml$kg
) 2.3 (2.0) 0.3 (2.9)
*Values are presented as mean (SD).
p#0.05 compared with CWT group.
zp= 0.008 compared with pre-V
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
VOLUME 29 | NUMBER 7 | JULY 2015 | 1945
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
position. Windmills were performed by side bending while
stabilizing a 12-kg kettlebell overhead. Because this exercise
did not involve ballistic movements with the kettlebell, it was
not classified as kettlebell training in this study. Both groups
were supervised and encouraged to work as hard as possible.
All athletes completed at least 75% of the training sessions.
Statistical Analyses
Descriptive statistics (mean and SD) were calculated for age,
height, weight, and pre-V
max and post-V
max values. A
two-way repeated-measures analysis of variance (ANOVA)
was planned to evaluate differences in V
max between the
KB and CWT groups over time, with the alpha level set at
p#0.05. However, the normality assumption for the 2-way
repeated-measures ANOVA was not met; thus, t-tests were
used to examine differences in the pre-V
max and post-
max values for the KB and CWT groups. With alpha
set at p#0.05, statistical power was 0.84 and 0.05 for the
KB and CWT groups, respectively.
Demographic and V
max data are reported in Table 1. In
general, athletes in the KB group were taller and heavier than
those in the CWT group. There was no significant difference
in aerobic capacity between the KB and CWT groups before
the intervention (t
=1.027,p= 0.321) or after the inter-
vention (t
=20.299, p= 0.769). The 4-week intervention
did not significantly increase aerobic capacity in the CWT
group (t
=20.253, p= 0.808); however, there was a signif-
icant increase in the KB group (t
=23.482, p= 0.008). The
average increase was 2.3 ml$kg
, or approximately
a 6% gain. Additionally, the change in aerobic capacity was
compared between the KB and CWT groups. The data did
not meet the normality assumption for a t-test; thus, the
difference in median values between the groups was exam-
ined using a Mann-Whitney rank-sum test. The median
change for the KB and CWT groups was 2.1 and 0.15
, respectively (Mann-Whitney Ustatistic =
58.0, p= 0.038); the increase in aerobic capacity in the KB
group was significantly greater than the increase in the CWT
group. Thus, kettlebells can be used as a training modality
within a high-intensity interval training program to improve
aerobic capacity in female collegiate soccer players.
This is one of the first studies to investigate the effects of
kettlebell training on aerobic capacity. Previous studies have
measured HR and V
responses during a single kettlebell
exercise session, with results indicating that the intensity is
sufficient to improve aerobic capacity (4,17). However, Jay
et al. (12) found no gain in aerobic capacity after an 8-week
progressive kettlebell program. Participants in the study by
Jay et al. were relatively inactive and had no previous kettle-
bell experience. The kettlebell exercises included swings and
deadlifts, which are appropriate exercises for beginners. In
contrast, participants in this study were intercollegiate ath-
letes who regularly trained with kettlebells, and the training
protocol used high-intensity kettlebell snatches. Although
this study used a 4-week training program compared with
the 8-week program used by Jay et al. (12), the exercise
intensity was likely much greater. The 15:15 MVO
is a high-intensity workout with 15-second work and rest
intervals. Athletes in this study performed this protocol for
20 minutes (10 minutes exercise and 10 minutes rest), 3 days
a week. In contrast, Jay et al. (12) used a progressive kettle-
bell program with 3 sets of 10 repetitions, and a 30- to
60-second rest between sets. Additionally, Jay et al. used
a submaximal test to estimate aerobic capacity, whereas this
study measured oxygen consumption during a maximal
GXT. Results from this study are consistent with research
showing that high-exercise intensities elicit improvements in
max (6,9). Additionally, Helgerud et al. (8) found that
improving V
max in soccer players enhanced their on-
field performance by increasing total distance covered,
number of sprints, and number of involvements with the ball.
Athletes in the CWT group served as an exercising control
group. The CWT was chosen because of its potential to
enhance aerobic capacity (15). To equate training time, par-
ticipants in the CWT group performed a circuit workout
consisting of sprints, free-weight, and body-weight exercises
for the same exercise duration. In contrast to the 0.3
increase in V
max in the CWT group,
the KB group gained 2.3 ml$kg
, or a 6.4% increase
in maximal aerobic capacity. When expressed relative to
body weight, gains in V
max may result from an increase
in muscle oxidative capacity or a loss of body weight. There
was no change in body weight for the CWT group over the
4-week intervention; however, the KB group lost an average
of 0.9 kg. The average gain in absolute V
max for the KB
group was 0.115 L$min
, which represents a 4.7% increase.
Thus, the increase in maximal aerobic capacity in the KB
group was primarily because of an increase in muscle oxida-
tive capacity, rather than a loss of body weight during the 4-
week intervention. The results support the hypothesis that
the KB intervention would result in a significant gain in
aerobic capacity. Training with kettlebells is becoming
increasingly popular; understanding the acute responses
and long-term physiological adaptations to this type of train-
ing is crucial. Specifically, additional research is needed to
evaluate the effects of kettlebell training on aerobic and
anaerobic metabolism, strength and power development,
and sport performance. The 12-kg kettlebells used in this
study were approximately 18% of the average body mass
of athletes in the KB training group. To stress the aerobic
system, Fung and Shore (5) recommended using a kettlebell
weight #13% of body mass. Metabolic data were not col-
lected during the kettlebell training workouts; however, the
15-second work and rest intervals required short bursts of
high-intensity exercise. This type of exercise activates anaer-
obic energy systems; however, continuing the workout for
Effects of Kettlebell Training
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
20 minutes resulted in an aerobic training adaptation evi-
denced by the increase in V
Because this study used the kettlebell snatch, a dynamic and
advanced kettlebell exercise, these findings should only be
generalized to individuals who are trained and have experience
using kettlebells. Additionally, to reduce the risk of injury,
athletes were not randomly assigned to the KB and CWT
groups; those who exhibited proper technique for the kettle-
bell snatch were assigned to the KB group. The CWT group
performed a CWT program for the same duration as the KB
group. In contrast to the KB group, the CWT group did not
show a significant gain in aerobic capacity. This could be due
to a difference in exercise intensity and total work, as both of
these variables were not directly calculated or compared.
Because the KB and CWT interventions were included in the
off-season strength and conditioning program, controlling
athletes’ total work and exercise intensity was not possible.
Athletes performed a resistance session for approximately 1
hour, then the 20-minute KB or CWT intervention (10 minutes
of exercise and 10 minutes of rest), followed by aerobic/anaer-
obic cardiovascular training. The only difference in the training
program between groups was the KB or CWT intervention.
Thus, the gain in aerobic capacity in the KB group, with no
change seen in the CWT group, can be attributed to the rel-
atively brief KB intervention (10 minutes of exercise, 3 days
a week). Although the KB group increased aerobic capacity,
the training duration was only 4 weeks. A longer training
program may result in greater aerobic adaptations.
Kettlebells are a unique and practical tool for training and
conditioning. Athletes who use a high-intensity intermittent
training program, such as the 15:15 MVO
kettlebell pro-
tocol, may increase aerobic capacity in a short amount of
time. This protocol may also be used during injury rehabil-
itation. Athletes who have sustained a lower extremity injury
that warrants little to no impact can perform this protocol as
an alternative to maintain aerobic conditioning. The kettle-
bell snatch is a low-impact dynamic exercise that provides
sufficient resistance for muscle strengthening, in addition to
enhancing aerobic capacity.
Results of this study do not constitute endorsement of the
product by the authors or the National Strength and
Conditioning Association.
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21. Tsatsouline, P. Enter the Kettlebell! St. Paul, MN: Dragon Door, 2006.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
VOLUME 29 | NUMBER 7 | JULY 2015 | 1947
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
... All subjects were instructed to perform 100 repetitions in the best possible time, with a time limit (TLim) of 5 min (300 s). The test TLim was suggested based on the test time used in the study by Falatic et al., (Falatic et al., 2015), as well as previous TLim studies proposed by Billat et al., (Billat et al., 1994) sufficient to reach VO2Max (Billat et al., 1994). The swing cadence was freely organized by the participant, but it was suggested to increase every 30 s, as a means of extracting maximum effort. ...
... From another perspective, from a physiological point of view, it appears that KBS training appears to be related to the oxidative capacity of skeletal muscle, with the task having a positive impact on performance. Falatic et al, (Falatic et al., 2015), when comparing aerobic capacity between two groups, one of which performed circuit weight training (n=9), characterized as the control group, and KBS training (n=8), matched by age (19 years), demonstrated that, in contrast to the increase of 0.3 ml kg -1 min -1 in VO2Max in the circuit weight training group, the KB group gained 2.3 ml kg -1 min -1 , representing a relative increase of 6.4% in maximum aerobic capacity. This suggests that the strength endurance demand generated by the KBS task elicits significant responses from VO2Max, therefore, associating themselves. ...
... sports modality(Conti et al., 2020; Wagener et al., 2020), new scientific investigations have been proposed in the context of physical conditioning, adding new approaches as an alternative means of aerobic development(Mcweeny et al., 2020). Kettlebell training, which entails strength exercises, often ballistic in nature, combining the development of multiple physical valences, has been employed in different configurations(clean, snatch, swings, and their variations) for the enhancement of aerobic conditioning, given that the powerful execution speed elicits satisfactory responses close to VO2Max(Chan et al., 2020;Falatic et al., 2015; Vancini et al., 2019). Concurrently, the kettlebell training strategy, especially from the kettlebell swing (KBS) movement, has been proposed to increase specific muscular strength (Vuk; Pajtak, 2023), regarding running(Vancini et al., 2019). ...
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Determinar se o desempenho do Kettlebell Swing (KBS) é preditor da corrida de 5 quilometros (5KM) e da potência aeróbia máxima (VPico) em praticantes recreacionais de corrida. Secundariamente, analisaremos a relação entre a VPico e o desempenho de 5KM. 22 universitários treinados recreativamente para corrida compareceram a 4 visitas. A primeira visita consistiu na caracterização da amostra por bioimpedância e familiarização para o teste de desempenho de 100KBS. A segunda visita consistiu em um teste de exercício incremental máximo em esteira. Na terceira visita foi realizado o teste de desempenho de corrida contrarrelógio de 5KM em esteira (all out). Por fim, na quarta visita, foi realizado o procedimento de repetições de 100KBS em 5 min. O teste de desempenho de corrida de 5KM apresentou tempo médio de 24,9 ± 2,8 min. O melhor modelo preditor foi representado pelas múltiplas variáveis (KBS, idade e massa corporal), apresentando significativa resposta preditiva da performance de 5KM [F(1,20) = 6,179; p = 0,004; R2 = 0,507]. Similarmente, o modelo preditivo utilizando KBS para predizer VPico apresentou significativa resposta [F(1,20) = 23,854; p = 0,001; R2 = 0,544]. A relação entre VPico e o desempenho de 5KM apresentou excelente capacidade preditiva [F(1,20) = 90,799; p = 0,001; R2 = 0,819]. O desempenho de KBS explicou de forma significativa 50% do rendimento de 5KM. Similarmente, KBS mostrou-se como um preditor moderado de VPico. A VPico apresentou-se como um forte preditor do desempenho de 5KM para praticantes recreacionais.
... [13][14][15][16] However, studies showing the effects of kettlebell training on aerobic fitness are scarce. 17 For example, Falatic et al 17 demonstrated a 6.4% increase in aerobic fitness (V̇O 2 max) of high school athletes (women) using an interval training program with a kettlebell, with 3 d.wk À1 for 4 weeks. ...
... À1 for 4 weeks. 17 On the other hand, Jay et al 8 did not find a significant increase in the aerobic capacity of men and women with a prevalence of pain after training with a kettlebell with 3 d.wk À1 , during 8 weeks. ...
... À1 , during 8 weeks. 8 It is important to note that these results may have been influenced by factors associated with external load (ie, number of repetitions, kettlebell weight, and session duration) 10,14,15,17 and internal load (ie, session intensity). ...
... The weight of kettlebells in this study started from 4 kg, 6 kg, and 8 kg; there are no definite research reports on effective kettlebell weights to increase boxer flexibility. Previous studies have only described kettlebell weight, and there is no specific benchmark in determining kettlebell weight (Duncan et al., 2015;Falatic et al., 2015;Vuk & Pajtak, 2023). However, there are similar research study results in this research, namely that a 6 kg kettlebell weight can strengthen the shoulder and back muscles when doing overhead presses (Błażkiewicz & Hadamus, 2022). ...
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This study aims to analyze the effect of kettlebell training for six weeks on the flexibility of youth category boxing athletes. The design of this study was a pre-experimental two-group pretest-posttest. The sample of this study was 26 boxers (18 male and 8 female) divided into 13 boxers in the Kettlebell Group (KG) and 13 boxers in the Control Group (CG). Characteristics of boxers were as follow: aged 17.3±5.7; had 3.1±7.2 years training experience; height and weight of male boxers were 168.3±0.4 cm and 57.7±6.2 kg; height and weight of female boxers were 163.7±4.7 cm and 51.2±1.8 kg. Back flexibility test used sit and reach, and the shoulder and wrist flexibility test used static flexibility test-shoulder and wrist. This type of kettlebell exercises is Goblet Squat, Sumo Squat, Romanian Deadlift, Uneven Lunge, Bent Over Row, Over Head Press, Single Arm Chest, Tricep Diamond Press, Squat to Press. Then, the weight of the kettlebell is 4 kg, 6 kg, 8 kg; Intensity 60%-80%; while in CG the boxer only trains as usual. The results of the study using the t-test showed that there was an effect between back flexibility, shoulder flexibility and wrist flexibility in KG and CG (p<0.05). However, during the independent t-test, there was a difference in the results of KG and CG training on back flexibility of 0.027 or p<0.05; then there was a difference in the results of KG and CG training on shoulder and wrist flexibility of 0.009 or p<0.05. The results of this study can provide insight, especially for boxing trainers and athletes who practice kettlebell. However, it is necessary to pay attention in terms of volume and intensity so that the increase in training results using kettlebell can be significant. Article visualizations: </p
... Kettlebell training is a popular resistance training type that received a lot of attention over recent years [12]. Kettlebell training is suitable for the performance of ballistic full-body movements with the usage of a cannonballshaped iron object. ...
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Aim of study This study aimed to explore the effects of different types of resistance training using kettlebells versus the own body mass, in comparison to a passive control, on key physical fitness and physiological parameters in young, obese adults. Methods Data from 60 sedentary, obese male college students, aged 17–26, were used for final analyses. Participants were randomly assigned to one of three groups: a control group (CG, n = 20, no training), a kettlebell resistance training group (KRTG, n = 20), or a bodyweight resistance training group (BWRTG, n = 20). Selected measures of physical fitness were tested using the 12-minutes run test, the push-up test, the sit-up test, and the sit-and-reach test. Physiological measures included vital capacity, resting and maximum heart rate (HRmax), mean arterial blood pressure, breath holding time, and respiratory rate. Biochemical variables were measured in the morning, in a fasted state, and comprised high and low density lipoprotein, total cholesterol, and triglycerides. The 12-weeks progressive KRTG and BWRTG were specifically tailored using sets, repetitions, and intensity levels. Results Notable findings include significant body fat reductions in BWRTG (p < 0.001; d = 1.53) and KRTG (p < 0.001; d = 1.43), and a substantial increase in VO2max for BWRTG (p < 0.001; d = 1.32) and KRTG (p < 0.001; d = 1.34) compared to CG. KRTG also showed significant improvements in vital capacity (p < 0.001; d = 1.61) and reductions in resting heart rate (p = 0.024, d = 1.05) and respiratory rate (p = 0.001, d = 1.55), with BWRTG showing similar trends (resting heart rate: p = 0.041, d = 1.35; respiratory rate: p = 0.001, d = 1.98). Both intervention groups significantly improved breath holding time (KRTG: p = 0.001, d = 1.58; BWRTG: p < 0.001, d = 1.98) and reduced total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein levels compared to CG. Conclusions This study demonstrates that both KRTG and BWRTG are effective in improving body composition and selected fitness and physiological measures. Thus, resistance training using kettlebells or bodyweight training are recommended if the goal is to improve body composition and fitness in obese male adults. Trial Registration OSF, September, 28th 2023.
... Execution of 12 minutes of continuous kettlebell swings showed a metabolic challenge of 87% of maximal heart rate and 65% of maximal oxygen consumption to upsurge aerobic capacity with advances larger than that seen with conventional circuit weight training [24]. Heart rate and consumption of oxygen during several five-to seven-minute cycles of self-selected kettlebell workouts were comparatively more to aerobic exercise methods like incline walking, stationary cycling, and running [28]. High-intensity interval-based kettlebell training showed improved grip strength [29]. ...
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A kettlebell is a weight made of cast iron shaped like a ball with a handle. Commercial kettlebells are offered in capacities that vary from 3 pounds to 100 pounds (or more). The kettlebell has a variety of possible clinical applications, including dynamic flexibility exercises and power training. Players' efficacy during the game can be improved by developing their strongest potential prior to exercising and efficiently converting that strength to power as the event draws near. Strengthening has been recommended as an effective means to avoid injuries, build muscle strength, and enhance one's health in relation to performance in the game. This type of training focuses on the hip, thigh, core, and abdominal muscles to help with appropriate lower-limb alignment and the recruitment of muscle patterns. Kettlebell training is a flexible and useful strategy for improving players' performance in a variety of sports. It adds value to athlete training programs by enhancing strength, power, endurance, explosive power, and postural coordination.
... To the best of our knowledge, our study was the first to evaluate how the manipulation of rest intervals between exercises impacts on cardiorespiratory responses, number of repetitions, and subjective enjoyment during HIRT. Prior studies compared cardiorespiratory responses in HIRT vs. Sprint Interval Cycling (37) or assessed the physiological responses to different types of activity (4,11,12,38), but did not address the potential influence of resting intervals. This is a relevant question, since the recovery between exercises may affect both physiological (27,28,29) and perceptual (26,27) responses. ...
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Physical conditioning programs often apply high-intensity resistance training (HIRT), but there is a lack of research investigating the effects of using fixed or self-selected resting intervals between exercises on the performance, relative intensity, and affective perception during this modality of training. This study compared fixed versus self-selected rest intervals in HIRT sessions on cardiorespiratory responses, number of repetitions, and enjoyment perception in trained young men. Sixteen trained males (27.1 ± 3.9 years; 56.6 ± 7.5⁻¹.min⁻¹) performed HIRT circuits with 30-s and self-selected recovery interval. The duration of resting intervals was longer in HIRT performed with fixed than self-selected intervals (14.04 ± 5.82 s; p < 0.0001; ES = 3.2). Both sessions elicited similar relative HRR (79.4 ± 6.2 % vs. 81.6 ± 4.2 %; p = 0.14), VO2R (43.0 ± 12.2% vs. 47.7 ± 9.6%; p = 0.10), and enjoyment reflected by scores in the PACES questionnaire (107.9 ± 15.1 vs. 109.2 ± 12.8; p = 0.65). The total number of repetitions (403.4 ± 45.5 vs. 353.1 ± 27.4; p < 0.01, ES = 1.3) and caloric expenditure (154.4 ± 28.6 kcal vs. 121.4 ± 21.6 kcal; p < 0.001, ES = 0.13) were greater in HIRT performed with fixed vs. self-selected intervals. In conclusion, HIRT performed with fixed and self-selected rest intervals elicited similar relative intensity and enjoyment perception. However, the number of repetitions and caloric expenditure were greater in sessions performed with fixed 30-s.
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Introduction: Greater side-to-side asymmetry can indicate impaired skill, reduced power production, and an increased risk of injury. Bilateral differences highlight the presence of asymmetries that should be assessed to understand their impact on both injury risk and performance enhancement. Objective: This study aimed to assessment muscle activation and bilateral asymmetry in major trunk and shoulder muscles during a two-armed kettlebell swing exercise. Methods: Twenty-seven participants (age: 24.2 ± 2.6 years; body mass: 82.9 ± 7.7 kg; height: 176.9 ± 7.0 cm) were included in the study. Electromyographic (EMG) data were collected bilaterally from twelve muscles (six muscles per side: anterior deltoid [AD], posterior deltoid [PD], erector spinae longissimus [ESL], erector spinae iliocostalis [ESI], external oblique [EO], and rectus abdominis [RA]). Results: Results indicated that asymmetry indices for the AD, ESL, ESI, and RA muscles during the upward propulsion phase fell within the determined threshold of 15%. However, the asymmetry indices for the PD and EO muscles exceeded this threshold by 3.36% and 2.62%, respectively. The findings suggest that trunk muscle asymmetries during the kettlebell swing are generally less pronounced than those of the shoulder muscles, particularly during the float phase. Conclusion: These results provide valuable insights into bilateral muscle asymmetry during a two-armed kettlebell swing, which can inform the development of targeted training programs. The methods and findings of this study may further contribute to understanding the effects of muscle balance, symmetry, and injury mechanisms in dynamic movements.
Aim: To investigate the impact of kettlebell strength training on the health and physical readiness of female cadets during martial law training. Materials and Methods: The research involved 60 female cadets, 30 each in the experimental (EG) and the control (CG) groups. The EG cadets were engaged in kettlebell exercises during the hours of their sporting and mass participation activities, while the CG cadets were engaged according to the traditional methodology. The health status was assessed by anthropometry and cardiovascular system indicators; physical readiness – by the results of 100 meter run, push-ups, and 1 km run. Results: It was found that at the end of the research, most indicators of health and physical readiness in female cadets engaged in kettlebell exercises were significantly better than those who were engaged in physical exercises according to the traditional methodology. The most pronounced effect of strength loads was found on the development of strength qualities, stabilization of body weight, and improvement of the functional capabilities of the cardiovascular system. In the 4th semester, the female cadets of the EG showed significantly better than in the CG indicators of BMI, SI, heart rate recovery time, LPH, results in push-ups, and 1 km run. Conclusions: It is proved that strength loads in exercises with kettlebells, having several positive features, effectively impact the state of health and development of motor skills in female cadets, as well as contribute to the formation of an aesthetic physique and weight loss.
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Background High-Intensity Multimodal Training (HIMT) refers to all styles of high-intensity combined aerobic, resistance and/or bodyweight exercise. Previous heterogeneity in exercise prescription and reporting in HIMT reduces the understanding of which factors should be considered when prescribing HIMT (e.g., exercise volume, intensity, duration). Previous studies have demonstrated positive effects of HIMT on health and performance outcomes. However, methodological disparities limit comparisons between findings. The objective of this systematic mapping review was to examine which prescriptive considerations and health and performance outcomes have been reported on in HIMT. This review also examined the quantity and trends of research conducted on HIMT. Methods A systematic literature search was conducted using Ovid Medline, SPORTDiscus and Cochrane Library databases and additional sources to identify studies up until February 2023. A total of 37,090 records were retrieved, of which 220 were included for review. 246 individual HIMT protocols were included for categorical analysis against the Consensus on Exercise Reporting Template (CERT) and Applied Research Model for the Sport Sciences (ARMSS). Results A total of 85 unique terms were used to describe HIMT. Included studies most commonly prescribed HIMT using a consistent exercise selection and circuit format. Exercise intensity was inconsistently reported on and a large proportion of studies prescribed ‘high-intensity’ exercise at a level lower than the American College of Sports Medicine criteria for high-intensity (i.e., < 77% heart rate maximum). Participation location, supervision and participation format were the most commonly reported non-training variables. The most frequently reported outcomes were cardiovascular health, perceptual outcomes, body composition and biochemical outcomes. A large proportion of previous HIMT research was experimental in design. Conclusions Previous HIMT research demonstrates a lack of standardisation in reporting. Future studies should seek to follow guidelines (i.e., CERT) to improve reporting rigour. Additionally, forthcoming research should attempt to actively involve practitioners in implementation studies to improve ecological validity among interventions. Finally, future outcome measures should be accessible in practice and reflect common training goals of participants. Registration This review adhered to PRISMA-ScR guidelines. Preregistration:
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Background High-Intensity Multimodal Training (HIMT) refers to all styles of high-intensity combined aerobic, resistance and/ or bodyweight exercise. Previous heterogeneity in exercise prescription and reporting in HIMT reduces the understanding of which factors should be considered when prescribing HIMT (e.g., exercise volume, intensity, duration). Previous studies have demonstrated positive effects of HIMT on health and performance outcomes. However, methodological disparities limit comparisons between findings. The objective of this systematic mapping review was to examine which prescriptive considerations and health and performance outcomes have been reported on in HIMT. This review also examined the quantity and trends of research conducted on HIMT. Methods A systematic literature search was conducted using Ovid Medline, SPORTDiscus and Cochrane Library databases and additional sources to identify studies up until February 2023. A total of 37090 records were retrieved, of which 220 were included for review. 246 individual HIMT protocols were included for categorical analysis against the Consensus on Exercise Reporting Template (CERT) and Applied Research Model for the Sport Sciences (ARMSS). Results A total of 85 unique terms were used to describe HIMT. Included studies most commonly prescribed HIMT using a consistent exercise selection and circuit format. Exercise intensity was inconsistently reported on and a large proportion of studies prescribed ‘high-intensity’ exercise at a level lower than the American College of Sports Medicine criteria for high-intensity (i.e., <77% heart rate maximum). Participation location, supervision and participation format were the most commonly reported non-training variables. The most frequently reported outcomes were cardiovascular health, perceptual outcomes, body composition and biochemical outcomes. A large proportion of previous HIMT research was experimental in design. Conclusions Previous HIMT research demonstrates a lack of standardisation in reporting. Future studies should seek to follow guidelines (i.e., CERT) to improve reporting rigour. Additionally, forthcoming research should attempt to actively involve practitioners in implementation studies to improve ecological validity among interventions. Finally, future outcome measures should be accessible in practice and reflect common training goals of participants. Registration This review adhered to PRISMA-ScR guidelines. Preregistration:
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The aim of this trial was to investigate the effectiveness of a worksite intervention using kettlebell training to improve musculoskeletal and cardiovascular health. This single-blind randomized controlled trial involved 40 adults from occupations with a high prevalence of reported musculoskeletal pain symptoms (mean age 44 years, body mass index 23 kg/m², 85% women, with pain intensity of the neck/shoulders 3.5 and of the low back 2.8 on a scale of 0-10). A blinded assessor took measures at baseline and follow-up. Participants were randomly assigned to training--consisting of ballistic full-body kettlebell exercise 3 times per week for 8 weeks--or a control group. The main outcome measures were pain intensity of the neck/shoulders and low back, isometric muscle strength, and aerobic fitness. Compared with the control group, pain intensity of the neck/shoulders decreased 2.1 points [95% confidence interval (95% CI) -3.7- -0.4] and pain intensity of the low back decreased 1.4 points (95% CI -2.7- -0.02) in the training group. Compared with the control group, the training group increased muscle strength of the trunk extensors (P<0.001), but not of the trunk flexors and shoulders. Aerobic fitness remained unchanged. Worksite intervention using kettlebell training reduces pain in the neck/shoulders and low back and improves muscle strength of the low back among adults from occupations with a high prevalence of reported musculoskeletal pain symptoms. This type of training does not appear to improve aerobic fitness.
This study was designed to evaluate the exercise intensity and energy expenditure of a typical kettlebell workout. Ten subjects (8 males, 2 females) completed treadmill VO2 max test to determine their aerobic capacity. Subjects then performed a 5-minute kettlebell VO2max snatch test. Heart rate (HR) and oxygen consumption (V02) were measured and a HR/VO2 regression equation was determined. Subjects performed a 20-minute intermittent kettlebell snatch workout that consisted of 15 seconds of kettlebell snatch followed by 15 seconds of rest. Only HR was measured. There was a significant difference (p < .05) for VO2max values between the treadmill VO2max test and the kettlebell VO2max snatch test (49.7x6.6 vs. 40.3x2.2, respectively). No significant difference was found for maximal HR values between the two tests (180x8.5 vs. 176x12.5 bpm). Average HR for the kettlebell snatch workout was 164x14.7 bpm (93x4.5% of kettlebell VO2max snatch test HRmax) and average VO2 was 31.6x3.71 ml/kg/min (78x8.0% of VO2max) as determined by the HR/VO2 regression equation, Average caloric expenditure was 13.6x3.08 kcal/min. The results show that the kettlebell snatch workout meets ACSM guidelines for exercise intensity and duration. Energy expenditure was likely underestimated due to the inability to accurately calculate anaerobic energy expenditure.
The purpose of this study was to compare metabolic demand of a kettlebell (KB) swing routine with treadmill (TM) running at equivalent rating of perceived exertion (RPE). Thirteen subjects (11 male, 2 female, age = 21.4 ± 2.1 years, weight = 73.0 ± 9.2 kg) completed a 10-minute KB swing routine consisting of 35-second swing intervals followed by 25-second rest intervals. Men used a 16-kg KB, and women used an 8-kg KB. After 48 hours of rest, the subjects completed a 10-minute TM run at equivalent RPEs as measured during the swing workout. Metabolic data were monitored each minute during each exercise using an automated cart, with the final 7 minutes used for analysis. The RPE and heart rate (HR) recorded at minutes 5, 7, 9, and 10 increased by 2-3 and 7-9%, respectively, for each exercise, producing a significantly increasing pattern but no significant difference between exercises. Average HR and RPE were not significantly different between KB and TM and averaged 90 and 89%, respectively, of age-predicted HRmax. Oxygen consumption, METS, pulmonary ventilation, and calorie expenditure were significantly higher for TM (25-39%) than for KB. Respiratory exchange ratio (TM = 0.94 ± 0.04, KB = 0.95 ± 0.05) and respiratory rate (TM = 38 ± 7, KB = 36 ± 4 b·min) were not significantly different between the exercises at any time point. During TM and KB exercises matched for RPE, the subjects are likely to have higher oxygen consumption, work at a higher MET level, and burn more kilocalories per minute during TM running than during KB swings. However, according to the American College of Sports Medicine standards, this KB drill could provide sufficient exercise stress to produce gains in aerobic capacity.
In recent years, kettlebells have re-emerged as a popular training modality for the conditioning of athletes. We sought to quantify the aerobic challenge of one popularly recommended kettlebell workout. Ten college-aged men (age = 20.8 +/- 1.1 years, height = 179 +/- 3 cm, body mass = 77.3 +/- 7.7 kg, Vo2max = 52.78 +/- 6.22 completed a graded exercise test to exhaustion for the determination of Vo2max. Two to 7 days later, subjects completed a kettlebell exercise routine consisting of as many 2-handed swings as could be completed in 12 minutes using a 16-kg kettlebell. During this exercise bout, subjects' expired gases were collected and analyzed for the determination of Vo2, and heart rate (HR) was continuously measured. Percent HRmax and Vo2max achieved during the kettlebell exercise were compared with each other using a paired t-test. Subjects completed 265 +/- 68 swings during the 12 minutes and achieved an average Vo2 of 34.31 +/- 5.67 and an average HR of 165 +/- 13 b.min. The average %HRmax (86.8 +/- 6.0%) during kettlebell exercise was significantly higher (p < 0.001) than the average Vo2max (65.3 +/- 9.8%) that was achieved. Continuous kettlebell swings can impart a metabolic challenge of sufficient intensity to increase Vo2max. Heart rate was substantially higher than Vo2 during kettlebell swings. Kettlebells provide a useful tool with which coaches may improve the cardiorespiratory fitness of their athletes. However, HRs achieved during continuous kettlebell exercise are significantly higher than actual Vo2.