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Mobile phone radiation causes brain tumors and should be classified as a probable human carcinogen (2A) (Review)


Abstract and Figures

Quickly changing technologies and intensive uses of radiofrequency electromagnetic field (RF-EMF)‑emitting phones pose a challenge to public health. Mobile phone users and uses and exposures to other wireless transmitting devices (WTDs) have increased in the past few years. We consider that CERENAT, a French national study, provides an important addition to the literature evaluating the use of mobile phones and risk of brain tumors. The CERENAT finding of increased risk of glioma is consistent with studies that evaluated use of mobile phones for a decade or longer and corroborate those that have shown a risk of meningioma from mobile phone use. In CERENAT, exposure to RF‑EMF from digitally enhanced cordless telephones (DECTs), used by over half the population of France during the period of this study, was not evaluated. If exposures to DECT phones could have been taken into account, the risks of glioma from mobile phone use in CERENAT are likely to be higher than published. We conclude that radiofrequency fields should be classified as a Group 2A ̔probable̓ human carcinogen under the criteria used by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (Lyon, France). Additional data should be gathered on exposures to mobile and cordless phones, other WTDs, mobile phone base stations and Wi‑Fi routers to evaluate their impact on public health. We advise that the as low as reasonable achievable (ALARA) principle be adopted for uses of this technology, while a major cross‑disciplinary effort is generated to train researchers in bioelectromagnetics and provide monitoring of potential health impacts of RF‑EMF.
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Abstract. Quickly changing technologies and intensive uses
and uses and exposures to other wireless transmitting devices
CERENAT, a French national study, provides an important
addition to the literature evaluating the use of mobile phones
risk of glioma is consistent with studies that evaluated use of
mobile phones for a decade or longer and corroborate those
that have shown a risk of meningioma from mobile phone
       
  
the population of France during the period of this study, was
taken into account, the risks of glioma from mobile phone
 
 
 
researchers in bioelectromagnetics and provide monitoring of
1. Introduction
2. The CERENAT study
3. Underestimation of risk of glioma in CERENAT
 
5. Evidence that electromagnetic radiation can act both as
an initiator and a promoter of tumors
 
7. Conclusions
1. Introduction
In a world where the growth of mobile phone use and other
the issue of brain cancer and radiation from mobile phones
has received considerable attention in the research community
and by the general public. Occupational studies and studies
of atomic bomb survivors indicate that the latency for brain
 
  
 
use resulted in an average use time of ~6 years. Both the
et al
In the past few years a number of investigations have
included those who have used phones for a decade or longer.
a more complete picture of their potential impacts on public
ORs for the highest cumulative hours of exposure for
brain cancer, glioma and acoustic neuroma are doubled or
f particular interest are
cant increases for acoustic neuroma occurred with >2,000
  
Mobile phone radiation causes brain tumors and should be
classied as a probable human carcinogen (2A) (Review)
12, ANNIE SASCO3 and1
Correspondence to:  
 
Key words: brain cancer, carcinogen, precautionary principle,
radiofrequency fields
 et al
studies, increased risks for meningioma were also found at
 
For studies with greater years of use, acoustic neuroma tumor
2. The CERENAT study
Potential confounders considered were the level of
education, smoking, alcohol consumption, and occupational
exposures to pesticides, extremely low frequency electromag
as a potential confounder, separate analyses of exposures to
   
in the questionnaire.
of French mobile phone use in 2004, 2005, and 2006 was 73,
 
 
      
    
Risks were also reported by anatomical region. There was a
   
mobile phone radiation absorbed by the brain, the temporal
The highest risk reported was among heavy mobile phone
users from environments known to have multiple sources of
  
Higher risks were found from reported ipsilateral use, OR
 
tuting a risk factor for glioma, because analogue mobile phones
always radiated maximum power while the digital mobile
phone's adaptive power control circuitry reduces the radiated
power consistent with an acceptable signal to noise ratio.
For several exposure categories there was an increased risk
 
 
Consistent with what is expected if there is a causal
association between risks of glioma with different estimated
 
increased risk.
3. Underestimation of risk of glioma in CERENAT and
There are two principal reasons why the CERENAT find
ings as well as those of INTERPHONE are likely to have
underestimated the risks of glioma from mobile phone use.
  
    
nor in CERENAT were these exposures evaluated. However
Hardell et al
 
    
were listed as a potential confounder, questions were not asked
Industry records reveal that the estimated prevalence of
A second factor that could contribute to an underestima
tion of risk is that the participation rate in CERENAT was
The authors of the INTERPHONE study acknowledged the
possible selection bias from low participation rates and calcu
the overall underestimation of glioma and meningioma risk
  
the CERENAT authors provided corrected calculations,
 
 By using the
correction the OR for the highest cumulative hours of use for
glioma doubled.
Figure 1. Risks among heavy mobile phone users with increasing years of use.
For glioma, all ipsilateral ORs were greater than contra
         
meningioma. Because ipsilateral use results in higher exposure
than contralateral, this is consistent what is expected if mobile
phone use is a risk for glioma and meningioma.
4. Meningioma elevated risk in CERENAT
     
  
  
 
  
    
  
  
     
  
     
 et al   
     
  
   
Per 100 h Hardell et al    
 et al    
     
  
    
  
>2,376 Carlberg et al    
 et al   
Coureau et al    
Years of use
     
  
10+ Hardell et al    
 et al    
>25 Hardell et al   
 et al   
>20 Hardell et al   
Per year Hardell et al    
analogue phone
 et al    
 
Risk by age used
     
ipsilateral use
     
ipsilateral use
     
ipsilateral use
 et al
5. Evidence that electromagnetic radiation can act both as
an initiator and a promoter of tumors
For an agent that initiates a tumor, a long time to detection is
expected. Thus, brain tumors generally are believed to have a
 
average times. In contrast, for an agent that acts at the later
stages of carcinogenesis, an earlier diagnosis of already initi
et a l
 
et al
increased risk of glioma with >2 years of mobile phone use, OR
 
   
Hardell et al
     
 
 
exposure indicated an early effect in glioma development,
which is an increased risk with long latency. However, we also
found an increased risk with short latency, indicating a late
effect in tumor development...these results could be compatible
 rated
in Fig. 2.
6. Discussion
In reviewing the epidemiological evidence on mobile phone use
noted the limited data available from epidemiological studies
at that time though noting that Hardell et al have conducted
the most detailed and largest number of studies on the risks for
 et al    
  
 
radiofrequency fields were possible human carcinogens,
          et al       
Coureau et al
 
 
Exposures Ipsilaterala Contralateralb Ipsilaterala Contralateralb
   
Cumulative hours
of use
Not regular use Referent Referent Referent Referent
    
    
    
    
    
Cumulative hours
of use corrected
Not regular use Referent Referent Referent Referent
    
    
    
    
    
aSide of use was considered as ipsilateral if the phone was used on the same side as the tumor or on both sides. b
  
published of experimental results showing that radiofrequency
with cancer risk. In our view these results and several epide
 
 
  
  
ipsilateral risk is higher than contralateral risk.
Thus, evidence published since the IARC review provides
additional support, based on IARC criteria, for concluding
  
At the time of the IARC review it was known that when
mobile phone use began as a teenager, the risks were higher
evidence has accrued of an increased risk to children. In the
CEFALO study, using operator reported data, an OR of 2.15
  
 
 
an ipsilateral risk with >4 years of cumulative duration of
As the young adult brain is not fully myelinated, and
wireless radiation has been shown to induce demyelination
experimentally, it is plausible that wireless radiation could
have a stronger impact on the developing brain than on older
It has been suggested that if mobile phone use was causing
brain cancer, with so many people using mobile phones there
should be an increase in brain cancer, but there has been
  
 
was reported from the United States using data from three
     
brain cancer for the three
anatomical regions that absorb the greatest proportion of the
Also showing incidence increases is an Australian study
        
et al
  
   
        
      
preferred methodology for studying brain cancer risk tied
with mobile phone use, as with any relatively rare disease
with extensive exposure. The latency reported between
known causes of brain cancer and development of the disease
appears to range from 10 to 50 years. Because brain cancer is
a relatively rare disease with a relatively long latency, and the
reported relative risk associated with mobile phone use thus
  
detect a real increase in risk associated with mobile phone use,
prospective cohort studies would have to include >3 million
   
studies of glioma a nd mobile phone radiation. Adapted from Fig. 3 in Hardell
 
  
 APC of                
 et al
  
      
      
Temporal +2.0 0.010 +1.9 0.026 +1.3 0.027
      
 et al
A retrospective cohort study of ~400,000 cell phone users
 
excluded business users from the exposed contending they
were unable to know if a phone registered to a business user
was solely used by that person, including these same business
users in the unexposed category. This misclassification of
exposure impairs the ability of the study to detect an increase
in risk, while it lacks statistical power, as it involves a small
cohort for which exposure information has not been updated
for 20 years.
7. Conclusions
The CERENAT study corroborates the significant risks
of glioma associated with exposure to radiofrequency
INTERPHONE study, and adds weight to the epidemio
 
International Agency for Research on Cancer as a Group 2B
   
 
brain cancer was found from mobile phone use overall with an
of >10 million, many in the rapidly developing world where
medical treatment problematic. CERENAT also corroborates
those few studies that have shown a risk of meningioma from
mobile phone use.
The growth of mobile phone use worldwide has reached the
level that in many nations there are more phones than adults.
Exposures today can occur simultaneously from a number
that the exposure limit is measured at 20 cm distance from
Until further evidence is available, it is prudent for poli
exposures to the ALARA standard used in pediatric radiology.
The ALARA approach would require hardware and software
regarding simple advisories about safer use within devices.
In the meantime, we urge that serious national programs of
training and research be established to train experts in evalu
ating this technology and establish appropriate monitoring
and surveillance systems such as those in place for pharma
ceuticals and other agents. This program could be funded by
a fee of 2 centsmonth to be paid equally from consumers,
manufacturers, and providers into an independently operated
research and training program.
policy institution, for supporting this effort.
1.   
tumors and salivary gland cancers among cellular telephone
2.        
    
  
3.   
    
   
4.  
        
5. 
   
6. Coureau G, Bouvier G, Lebailly P, et al
    
7. 
between vestibular schwannomas and mobile phone use. Tumour
              
9.        
 
10. 
11. 
12.       
 
         
13.          
 
14. 
     
  
15. 
16.     
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17.        
     
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on cellular and cordless telephones and the risk for acoustic
        
19.    
20.          
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21. 
for evaluating strengths of evidence of the risk for brain tumors
associated with use of mobile and cordless phones. Rev Environ
22.  
23. 
phones and the risk of benign brain tumours diagnosed during
24.  et al
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25.     
   
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26. 
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Comparison of epidemiological study results with incidence
27.       
Incidence trends in the anatomic location of primary
  
 
  
multiforme and meningioma, and decreasing incidence of
29.            
September 22, 2014.
30. 
... Data on the impact of cell phone radiation on the growth of CNS tumors is still controversial. Some authors categorically state that it is one of the factors of carcinogenesis and should be restricted [33]. Moon .93], a region exposed to close contact with the phone during conversation [34]. ...
... These levels are important for the information signaling system of the brain. Exposure to electromagnetic waves for a very long period of time risks increasing changes in nerve cells of the central nervous system, including nerve cell apoptosis, changes in nerve myelin function and ion channels and induction with high doses acting as a source of stress on the brain and other disorders that have a high risk of triggering death in the brainstem [21,[24][25][26]. ...
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Exposure to electromagnetic waves has been reported to have an adverse impact on human brain health. Various claims have revealed the impact of long-term exposure to electromagnetic waves clinically and nonclinically, but there are no comprehensive studies that explain the effects of electromagnetic wave exposure on human brain health. This study aimed to identify the effects of electromagnetic wave exposure on human brain health. Using a meta-synthesis approach and bibliometric analysis. A total of 271 articles from Scopus, Web of Science and PubMed were screened to obtain 148 terms and analyzed descriptively. The findings from 2004–2024 articles that met the selection criteria resulted in 10 major clusters, 903 networks and 4,020 network strengths. The terms "1800 MHz mobile phone”, "900 MHz”, "acute exposure”, "assessment”, "behavior”, "bioeffect”, "biological effect”, "biological tissue”, "blood brain barrier”, "cell phone radiation”, "cellular phone”, "cellular telephone”, "central nervous system”, "child”, "chronic exposure" and others were most studied. Increased use of electronic devices and wireless technology significantly affects information processing and storage; disrupts synaptic communication and neuronal signaling; causes cognitive decline; disrupts the integrity of the blood‒brain barrier; and causes hypersensitivity through disruption of monoamine neurotransmitter metabolism, decreased dopamine levels, norepinephrine and epinephrine levels, 5-hydroxytryptamine "serotonin", excitatory amino acid neurotransmitters and acetylcholine esterase (AChE). The increased use of electronic devices and wireless technology significantly affects brain performance and health. Thus, it is important to minimize the effects of exposure to electromagnetic waves.
... These levels are important for the information signaling system of the brain. Exposure to electromagnetic waves for a very long period of time risks increasing changes in nerve cells of the central nervous system, including nerve cell apoptosis, changes in nerve myelin function and ion channels and induction with high doses acting as a source of stress on the brain and other disorders that have a high risk of triggering death in the brainstem [21,[24][25][26]. ...
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Exposure to electromagnetic waves has been reported to have an adverse impact on human brain health. Various claims have revealed the impact of long-term exposure to electromagnetic waves clinically and nonclinically, but there are no comprehensive studies that explain the effects of electromagnetic wave exposure on human brain health. This study aimed to identify the effects of electromagnetic wave exposure on human brain health. Using a meta-synthesis approach and bibliometric analysis. A total of 271 articles from Scopus, Web of Science and PubMed were screened to obtain 148 terms and analyzed descriptively. The findings from 2004–2024 articles that met the selection criteria resulted in 10 major clusters, 903 networks and 4,020 network strengths. The terms "1800 MHz mobile phone”, "900 MHz”, "acute exposure”, "assessment”, "behavior”, "bioeffect”, "biological effect”, "biological tissue”, "blood brain barrier”, "cell phone radiation”, "cellular phone”, "cellular telephone”, "central nervous system”, "child”, "chronic exposure" and others were most studied. Increased use of electronic devices and wireless technology significantly affects information processing and storage; disrupts synaptic communication and neuronal signaling; causes cognitive decline; disrupts the integrity of the blood‒brain barrier; and causes hypersensitivity through disruption of monoamine neurotransmitter metabolism, decreased dopamine levels, norepinephrine and epinephrine levels, 5-hydroxytryptamine "serotonin", excitatory amino acid neurotransmitters and acetylcholine esterase (AChE). The increased use of electronic devices and wireless technology significantly affects brain performance and health. Thus, it is important to minimize the effects of exposure to electromagnetic waves.
... Farmers were considered as having a high-risk job [22]. High-risk residential areas were defined as living close to electromagnetic fields, cell phone and broadcast antennas during the last 10 years [23]. In addition, use of fried foods canned foods and barbecue at least twice per week was considered as risk factors. ...
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Although the association of individual foods and nutrients with glioma have been investigated, studies on the association of major dietary patterns and glioma are scarce. The aim of this study was to examine the association between major dietary patterns and risk of glioma in a group of Iranian adults. In this hospital-based case–control design, we recruited 128 newly diagnosed glioma cases and 256 controls in Tehran from 2009 to 2011. A Willett-format-validated 126-item semi-quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) was used to assess participants' dietary intake. Factor analysis was used to identify major dietary patterns. We identified 3 major dietary patterns using factor analysis: high protein, vegetarian and western dietary pattern. After several adjustments for potential confounders, adherence to the high protein dietary pattern was inversely associated with risk of glioma (OR: 0.47; 95% CI: 0.23, 0.95). Consumption of vegetarian dietary pattern was also associated with a reduced risk of glioma (OR: 0.16; 95% CI: 0.07, 0.34). Greater adherence to the western dietary pattern was associated with a greater chance of glioma (OR: 3.30; 95% CI: 1.52, 7.17). We found that high protein, vegetarian and western dietary pattern were significantly associated with glioma risk. Further prospective studies are needed to confirm these findings.
... Basic personal information mainly included age, sex, occupation, education level, and household income. Lifestyle habits mainly include high-risk residential areas [26], smoking status, alcohol consumption, and physical activity. Based on existing questionnaires, metabolic equivalent was calculated to assess physical activity [27]. ...
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Recent studies have revealed a putative relationship between diet and glioma development and prognosis, but few studies have examined the association between overall diet and glioma risk. This study, conducted in China, employed a hospital-based case-control approach. The researchers utilized an a priori method based on dietary data to evaluate compliance scores for five healthy dietary patterns (the Mediterranean diet, the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet, the Mediterranean-DASH diet Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay (MIND) diet, the Paleolithic diet, and the Planetary Health Diet) in 1012 participants. At the same time, data-driven methods were used to explore the association between dietary patterns and glioma via principal component analysis (PCA). In the multivariate model, adhering to the Mediterranean diet (odds ratio (OR) = 0.29; 95% confidence interval (95% CI): 0.17–0.52), the DASH diet (OR = 0.09; 95% CI: 0.04–0.18), the MIND diet (OR = 0.25; 95% CI: 0.14–0.44), and the Paleolithic diet (OR = 0.13; 95% CI: 0.06–0.25) was associated with a reduced glioma risk. The results of PCA suggested that increasing the intake of plant-based foods and fish and limiting foods rich in carbohydrates, fats, and salts were associated with a reduced glioma risk. There was a substantial nonlinear dose–response association between glioma and the Mediterranean diet score. However, the DASH diet score, the MIND diet score, and the Paleolithic diet score exhibited linear dose–response relationships. Therefore, this study finds that dietary patterns may be an influencing factor for glioma risk.
... T oday, children are among the frequent users of mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets. Mobile phones [1][2][3][4], mobile phone base stations [5,6], cordless phones [7,8], Wi-Fi connected devices [9][10][11][12], and power lines [13] are among the main sources of our daily exposures to electromagnetic fields. The rapid growth of wireless technology use has raised global public concerns especially for children [14]. ...
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This comprehensive review delves into the potential health risks and cognitive implications of radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation (RF-EMF) exposure in children and adolescents, particularly from mobile phone usage. The studies assessed reveal varying outcomes, with some highlighting potential cognitive and behavioral impacts, while others remain inconclusive. Notably, while some evidence points toward the detrimental effects of RF-EMF exposure on young individuals, there is a lack of consensus across studies. As mobile technology continues to permeate daily life and even educational settings, understanding the ramifications of prolonged exposure becomes crucial. Given these findings, the necessity for public awareness and precautionary measures is underscored, especially for vulnerable young populations.
... In addition, the presence of electromagnetic fields, such as broadcast antennas, near the home was defined as a high-risk area, which was also considered a potential confounding factor [24]. ...
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Plant-based diets have been suggested to help prevent various chronic diseases, including cancer. However, there are few reports on central nervous system tumors, and data on dose–response relationships are lacking. This individual-matched case–control study included 506 cases and 506 controls. The overall plant-based diet index (PDI), the healthy plant-based diet index (hPDI), and the unhealthy plant-based diet index (uPDI) were calculated using dietary information collected through a food frequency questionnaire, with higher scores indicating better adherence. We analyzed the relationship of plant-based diets with glioma. After adequate adjustment for confounders, PDI was associated with a reduced glioma risk (OR = 0.42, 95% CI: 0.24–0.72). Conversely, uPDI was associated with an elevated glioma risk (OR = 8.04, 95% CI: 4.15–15.60). However, hPDI was not significantly associated with glioma risk (OR = 0.83, 95% CI: 0.48–1.45). For subgroups, PDI was not significant in analyzing young age, BMI, or any pathological subtypes. The restricted cubic spline function showed a significant dose–response relationship between PDI (p-nonlinearity< 0.0001) and uPDI (p-nonlinearity= 0.0711) and glioma. Further analysis found that refined grains had the greatest effect on gliomas in the less healthy plant-based food group. Therefore, following a plant-based diet was linked to a lower risk of glioma, especially when consuming fewer unhealthy plant-based foods.
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With the rapid development of 5G networks, the influence of the radiofrequency field (RF) generated from 5G communication equipment on human health is drawing increasing attention in public. The study aimed at assessing the effects of long-term exposure to 4.9 GHz (one of the working frequencies of 5G communication) RF field on fecal microbiome and metabolome profiles in adult male C57BL/6 mice. The animals were divided into Sham group and radiofrequency group (RF group). For RF group, the mice were whole body exposed to 4.9 GHz RF field for three weeks, 1 h/d, at average power density (PD) of 50 W/m². After RF exposure, the mice fecal samples were collected to detect gut microorganisms and metabolites by 16S rRNA gene sequencing and LC–MS method, respectively. The results showed that intestinal microbial compositions were altered in RF group, as evidenced by reduced microbial diversity and changed microbial community distribution. Metabolomics profiling identified 258 significantly differentially abundant metabolites in RF group, 57 of which can be classified to Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathways. Besides, functional correlation analysis showed that changes in gut microbiota genera were significantly correlated with changes in fecal metabolites. In summary, the results suggested that altered gut microbiota and metabolic profile are associated with 4.9 GHz radiofrequency exposure.
Background: The association between mobile phone use and incident cancers remains uncertain. We aimed to investigate the relationships of mobile phone use with incident overall and 25 site-specific cancers in men and women. Methods: 431,861 participants aged 38-73 years without prior cancers were included from the UK Biobank. Of these, 46.7% were male. Participants who used a mobile phone at least once per week to make or receive calls were defined as mobile phone users. The study outcomes were incident overall and 25 site-specific cancers. Results: During a median follow-up of 10.7 years, 35,401 (17.5%) men and 30,865 (13.4%) women developed overall cancer. Mobile phone use was significantly associated with higher risks of incident overall cancer (HR, 1.09; 95%CI: 1.06-1.12), nonmelanoma skin cancer (NMSC) (HR, 1.08; 95%CI: 1.03-1.14), urinary tract cancer (HR, 1.18; 95%CI:1.05-1.32) and prostate cancer (HR, 1.19; 95%CI: 1.13-1.25) in men, and incident overall cancer (HR, 1.03; 95%CI: 1.00-1.06), NMSC (HR, 1.07; 95%CI: 1.01-1.13), and vulva cancer (HR,1.74; 95%CI: 1.00-3.02) in women, but not with other cancers. Among mobile phone users, there was a dose-response relationship of length of mobile phone use with incident NMSC in men and women, and prostate cancer in men (all P for trend<0.05). Conclusions: There was a dose-response relationship of length of mobile phone use with incident NMSC in men and women, and prostate cancer in men. Impact: Our findings underscore the importance of limiting mobile phone use or keeping a distance from mobile phone for primary prevention of NMSC and prostate cancer.
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We made a pooled analysis of two case-control studies on malignant brain tumours with patients diagnosed during 1997-2003 and 2007-2009. They were aged 20-80 years and 18-75 years, respectively, at the time of diagnosis. Only cases with histopathological verification of the tumour were included. Population-based controls, matched on age and gender, were used. Exposures were assessed by questionnaire. The whole reference group was used in the unconditional regression analysis adjusted for gender, age, year of diagnosis, and socio-economic index. In total, 1498 (89%) cases and 3530 (87%) controls participated. Mobile phone use increased the risk of glioma, OR=1.3, 95% CI=1.1-1.6 overall, increasing to OR=3.0, 95% CI=1.7-5.2 in the >25 year latency group. Use of cordless phones increased the risk to OR=1.4, 95% CI=1.1-1.7, with highest risk in the >15-20 years latency group yielding OR=1.7, 95% CI=1.1-2.5. The OR increased statistically significant both per 100h of cumulative use, and per year of latency for mobile and cordless phone use. Highest ORs overall were found for ipsilateral mobile or cordless phone use, OR=1.8, 95% CI=1.4-2.2 and OR=1.7, 95% CI=1.3-2.1, respectively. The highest risk was found for glioma in the temporal lobe. First use of mobile or cordless phone before the age of 20 gave higher OR for glioma than in later age groups. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
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We have with great interest read the article by Coureau et al 1 on mobile phone use and the risk for glioma and meningioma. However, we are concerned about the results in appendix 2. Side of mobile phone use was defined as ipsilateral for cases if the phone was used on the same side of the brain as the tumour or on both sides. Contralateral …
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Background: Wireless phones, i.e., mobile phones and cordless phones, emit radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) when used. An increased risk of brain tumors is a major concern. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) at the World Health Organization (WHO) evaluated the carcinogenic effect to humans from RF-EMF in May 2011. It was concluded that RF-EMF is a group 2B, i.e., a "possible", human carcinogen. Bradford Hill gave a presidential address at the British Royal Society of Medicine in 1965 on the association or causation that provides a helpful framework for evaluation of the brain tumor risk from RF-EMF. Methods: All nine issues on causation according to Hill were evaluated. Regarding wireless phones, only studies with long-term use were included. In addition, laboratory studies and data on the incidence of brain tumors were considered. Results: The criteria on strength, consistency, specificity, temporality, and biologic gradient for evidence of increased risk for glioma and acoustic neuroma were fulfilled. Additional evidence came from plausibility and analogy based on laboratory studies. Regarding coherence, several studies show increasing incidence of brain tumors, especially in the most exposed area. Support for the experiment came from antioxidants that can alleviate the generation of reactive oxygen species involved in biologic effects, although a direct mechanism for brain tumor carcinogenesis has not been shown. In addition, the finding of no increased risk for brain tumors in subjects using the mobile phone only in a car with an external antenna is supportive evidence. Hill did not consider all the needed nine viewpoints to be essential requirements. Conclusion: Based on the Hill criteria, glioma and acoustic neuroma should be considered to be caused by RF-EMF emissions from wireless phones and regarded as carcinogenic to humans, classifying it as group 1 according to the IARC classification. Current guidelines for exposure need to be urgently revised.
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Vestibular schwannomas (VSs) grow in the region where the energy from mobile phone use is absorbed. We examined the associations of VSs with mobile phone use. This study included 119 patients who had undergone surgical tumor removal. We used two approaches in this investigation. First, a case–control study for the association of mobile phone use and incidence of VSs was conducted. Both cases and controls were investigated with questions based on INTERPHONE guidelines. Amount of mobile phone use according to duration, daily amount, and cumulative hours were compared between two groups. We also conducted a case–case study. The location and volume of the tumors were investigated by MRI. Associations between the estimated amount of mobile phone use and tumor volume and between the laterality of phone use and tumor location were analyzed. In a case–control study, the odds ratio (OR) of tumor incidence according to mobile phone use was 0.956. In the case–case study, tumor volume and estimated cumulative hours showed a strong correlation (r2 = 0.144, p = 0.002), and regular mobile phone users showed tumors of a markedly larger volume than those of non-regular users (p < 0.001). When the analysis was limited to regular users who had serviceable hearing, laterality showed a strong correlation with tumor side (OR = 4.5). We found that tumors may coincide with the more frequently used ear of mobile phones and tumor volume that showed strong correlation with amount of mobile phone use, thus there is a possibility that mobile phone use may affect tumor growth. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s13277-013-1081-8) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
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We previously conducted a case-control study of acoustic neuroma. Subjects of both genders aged 20-80 years, diagnosed during 1997-2003 in parts of Sweden, were included, and the results were published. We have since made a further study for the time period 2007-2009 including both men and women aged 18-75 years selected from throughout the country. These new results for acoustic neuroma have not been published to date. Similar methods were used for both study periods. In each, one population-based control, matched on gender and age (within five years), was identified from the Swedish Population Registry. Exposures were assessed by a self-administered questionnaire supplemented by a phone interview. Since the number of acoustic neuroma cases in the new study was low we now present pooled results from both study periods based on 316 participating cases and 3,530 controls. Unconditional logistic regression analysis was performed, adjusting for age, gender, year of diagnosis and socio-economic index (SEI). Use of mobile phones of the analogue type gave odds ratio (OR) = 2.9, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 2.0-4.3, increasing with >20 years latency (time since first exposure) to OR = 7.7, 95% CI = 2.8-21. Digital 2G mobile phone use gave OR = 1.5, 95% CI = 1.1-2.1, increasing with latency >15 years to an OR = 1.8, 95% CI = 0.8-4.2. The results for cordless phone use were OR = 1.5, 95% CI = 1.1-2.1, and, for latency of >20 years, OR = 6.5, 95% CI = 1.7-26. Digital type wireless phones (2G and 3G mobile phones and cordless phones) gave OR = 1.5, 95% CI = 1.1-2.0 increasing to OR = 8.1, 95% CI = 2.0-32 with latency >20 years. For total wireless phone use, the highest risk was calculated for the longest latency time >20 years: OR = 4.4, 95% CI = 2.2-9.0. Several of the calculations in the long latency category were based on low numbers of exposed cases. Ipsilateral use resulted in a higher risk than contralateral for both mobile and cordless phones. OR increased per 100 h cumulative use and per year of latency for mobile phones and cordless phones, though the increase was not statistically significant for cordless phones. The percentage tumour volume increased per year of latency and per 100 h of cumulative use, statistically significant for analogue phones. This study confirmed previous results demonstrating an association between mobile and cordless phone use and acoustic neuroma.
We thank Dr Hardell for his comment1 on our article concerning analyses regarding head position of mobile phone use.2 In our analysis on ipsilateral use, we included cases who used their mobile phone on the same side as the tumour or on both sides of the head, cases who were not regular users (the reference category) and all their matched controls. In our analysis on contralateral use, we used cases who used their mobile phone on the opposite side as the tumour, cases who were not …
The carcinogenic effect of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields in humans remains controversial. However, it has been suggested that they could be involved in the aetiology of some types of brain tumours. The objective was to analyse the association between mobile phone exposure and primary central nervous system tumours (gliomas and meningiomas) in adults. CERENAT is a multicenter case-control study carried out in four areas in France in 2004-2006. Data about mobile phone use were collected through a detailed questionnaire delivered in a face-to-face manner. Conditional logistic regression for matched sets was used to estimate adjusted ORs and 95% CIs. A total of 253 gliomas, 194 meningiomas and 892 matched controls selected from the local electoral rolls were analysed. No association with brain tumours was observed when comparing regular mobile phone users with non-users (OR=1.24; 95% CI 0.86 to 1.77 for gliomas, OR=0.90; 95% CI 0.61 to 1.34 for meningiomas). However, the positive association was statistically significant in the heaviest users when considering life-long cumulative duration (≥896 h, OR=2.89; 95% CI 1.41 to 5.93 for gliomas; OR=2.57; 95% CI 1.02 to 6.44 for meningiomas) and number of calls for gliomas (≥18 360 calls, OR=2.10, 95% CI 1.03 to 4.31). Risks were higher for gliomas, temporal tumours, occupational and urban mobile phone use. These additional data support previous findings concerning a possible association between heavy mobile phone use and brain tumours.