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Reference Ranges for Uterine Artery
Pulsatility Index during the Menstrual Cycle:
A Cross-Sectional Study
Luís Guedes-Martins
*, Rita Gaio
, Joaquim Saraiva
, Sofia Cerdeira
Liliana Matos
, Elisabete Silva
, Filipe Macedo
, Henrique Almeida
1Department of Experimental Biology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto, 4200–319 Porto, Portugal,
2IBMC-Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Celular, 4150–180 Porto, Portugal, 3Centro Hospitalar do Porto
EPE, Departamento da Mulher e da Medicina Reprodutiva, Largo Prof. Abel Salazar,4099–001 Porto,
Portugal, 4Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto, Rua do Campo Alegre,
4169–007 Porto, Portugal, 5CMUP-Centre of Mathematics, University of Porto, Rua do Campo Alegre,
4169–007 Porto, Portugal, 6Obstetrics-Gynecology, Private Hospital Trofa, 4785–409 Trofa, Portugal,
7Gulbenkian Program for Advanced Medical Education, 1067–001 Lisbon, Portugal, 8Department of
Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, United
States of America, 9Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences, University of Porto, Rua Dr. Roberto Frias,
4200–465 Porto, Portugal, 10 Department of Cardiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto, 4200–319
Porto, Portugal, 11 Obstetrics-Gynecology, Hospital-CUF Porto, 4100–180 Porto, Portugal
Cyclic endometrial neoangiogenesis contributes to changes in local vascular patterns and
is amenable to non-invasive assessment with Doppler sonography. We hypothesize that
the uterine artery (UtA) impedance, measured by its pulsatility index (PI), exhibits a regular
pattern during the normal menstrual cycle. Therefore, the main study objective was to derive
normative new day-cycle-based reference ranges for the UtA-PI during the entire cycle from
days 1 to 34 according to the isolated time effect and potential confounders such as age
and parity.
From January 2009 to December 2012, a cross-sectional study of 1,821 healthy women un-
dergoing routine gynaecological ultrasound was performed. The Doppler flow of the right
and left UtA-PI was studied transvaginally by colour and pulsed Doppler imaging. The mean
right and left values and the presence or absence of a bilateral protodiastolic notch were re-
corded. Reference intervals for the PI according to the cycle day were generated by classi-
cal linear regression.
The majority of patients (97.5%) presented unilateral or bilateral UtA notches. The crude
5th, 50th, and 95th reference percentile curves of the UtA-PI at 1–34 days of the normal
PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0119103 March 5, 2015 1/18
Citation: Guedes-Martins L, Gaio R, Saraiva J,
Cerdeira S, Matos L, Silva E, et al. (2015) Reference
Ranges for Uterine Artery Pulsatility Index during the
Menstrual Cycle: A Cross-Sectional Study. PLoS
ONE 10(3): e0119103. doi:10.1371/journal.
Academic Editor: Fatima Crispi-Brillas, University of
Barcelona, SPAIN
Received: September 26, 2014
Accepted: January 28, 2015
Published: March 5, 2015
Copyright: © 2015 Guedes-Martins et al. This is an
open access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original author and source are
Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are
within the paper and its Supporting Information file.
Funding: The authors have no support or funding to
Competing Interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.
menstrual cycle were derived. In all curves, a progressive significant decrease occurred
during the first 13 days, followed by an increase and recovery in the UtA-PI. The adjusted
5th, 50th, and 95th reference percentile curves for the effects of age and parity were also
obtained. These two conditions generated an approximately identical UtA-PI pattern during
the cycle, except with small but significant reductions at the temporal extremes.
The median, 5th, and the 95th percentiles of the UtA-PI decrease during the first third of the
menstrual cycle and recover to their initial values during the last two thirds of the cycle. The
rates of decrease and recovery depend significantly on age and parity.
The uterus requires an adequate blood supply to fulfil its essential role in human reproduction.
As the uterine artery (UtA) provides most of the perfusion, assessment of its vascular proper-
ties is expected to provide important information on the uterine ability to allow the fertilized
ovum to implant and pregnancy to progress. Doppler ultrasound has become a mainstay in the
assessment of such properties because of the development of adequate, non-invasive proce-
dures and easy-to-use equipment. Using Doppler ultrasound, a variety of circulatory data can
be estimated and integrated into a quantitative determination of different impedance parame-
ters. Of these, major importance has been attributed to the pulsatility index (PI) because it ap-
pears to more appropriately describe the blood velocity waveform [1].
Pregnancy is the most impressive change that occurs in the uterus. The nutritionally de-
manding growing foetus necessitates a large and progressive adaptation in the pelvic circula-
tion, which includes the UtA and the internal iliac artery, from where it is derived [2]. In the
non-pregnant condition, the UtA Doppler waveform velocity shows a systolic flow rapid rise
and sudden fall that is immediately followed by a notch during early diastole [3]; however, this
high impedance feature progressively disappears during pregnancy and is present in only 5%
of women from 25 weeks onwards [1]. In this context, the most important change in the UtA-
PI is its progressive decrement [1,4]. This change is related to major changes at the placental
bed and in the uterine artery itself, which shifts from a resistance vessel to a capacitance vessel
to cope with the foetal demands. Such change is so important that, during the second trimester,
the uterine artery PI increases rather than decreases, and combined with the notch presence, is
considered a good predictor of preeclampsia and severe intra-uterine growth restriction [5].
The monthly cyclic changes in the non-pregnant genital tract also suggest that regulated
changes occur in the uterine blood supply to endow the endometrium with the ability to receive
the ovum, should fertilization occur. Indeed, such cyclic changes were the subject of a number
of studies measuring circulatory data in the UtA and its distal branches such as the radial and
spiral arteries. The reports, however, evidenced complex temporal relationships and sometimes
conflicting results.
Both a lack of significant UtA impedance changes during the cycle [6] and higher UtA-PI
early and late in the cycle, with a comparatively lower level during the mid-cycle period or lute-
al phase, were reported [7,8]. In addition, other reports have found small peaks at mid-cycle
just before ovulation [9] that appeared to interrupt the seeming regularity of UtA-PI trends. In-
terestingly, studies of the UtA distal branches indicated low impedance to flow during the late
follicular and midluteal phases [8,10], times when the endometrial thickness and vascularity
UtA-PI during the Menstrual Cycle
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increased [11]. The decreased UtA-PI, particularly during the luteal phase, together with the
increased blood velocity in the UtA and its vascular network, indicated increased uterine perfu-
sion in preparation for implantation [8,9]. In fact, low PI of the uterine artery [12] and endo-
metrial flow [13] were associated with improved implantation rates, further supporting the
view that increased local perfusion favours successful establishment of pregnancy.
It should be emphasized that, in contrast to the UtA distal branches, the data for the UtA it-
self have been less consistent. While some studies failed to evidence any association [13–15],
others reported an association between the lower UtA-PI at mid-cycle, higher pregnancy rates
[12,16,17], and fewer miscarriage events [18]. These findings indicate that a more in-depth
knowledge of the uterine circulation during the normal menstrual cycle (NMC) will provide
relevant insights on reproductive physiological changes and allow the recognition of abnormal
patterns; in turn, these data would prove useful in the management of reproductive disorders
such as polycystic ovary syndrome, miscarriage, and repeated abortion.
Notwithstanding the gains afforded by previous investigations in unveiling UtA impedance
variations during the menstrual cycle, these studies were limited by the number of women en-
rolled and the duration that each cycle was evaluated. In addition, day-cycle-based reference
ranges for the mean UtA-PI have not been established using well-established methodological
guidelines [19–21], which would prove helpful in the management of fertility disorders such as
those mentioned above.
These shortcomings led us to determine normative new reference ranges for the UtA-PI
based on the day-cycle from days 1 to 34 of the NMC, while also isolating the time effect and
adjusting the findings for potential confounders such as age and parity.
Materials and Methods
The research protocol was approved by the ethics committee (IRB protocol number: 150–13
[096-DEFI/122-CES]) of Centro Hospitalar do Porto, Unidade Maternidade Júlio Dinis (CHP-
MJD), and all subjects provided written informed consent.
A cross-sectional study of 1821 healthy women undergoing routine gynaecological ultra-
sound examination was performed from January 2009 to December 2012. During the first ap-
pointment that coincided with the ultrasound evaluation, subjects were examined by a senior
specialist who reviewed the patient’s history, and verified the absence of previous hypertension,
structural heart disease, diabetes and other endocrine disorders, immune disease, renal and
haematological conditions, and chronic infections. A detailed gynaecological examination
ruled out the presence of any pelvic or gynaecological abnormality. Inclusion criteria were:
identification of the first day of the most recent menstrual period (day 1); regular menstrual cy-
cles; absence of gynaecological disorders, menorrhagia, and established pelvic pathology on
transvaginal ultrasound examination (including fibroids, abnormal sizes or clusters of ovarian
cysts, and tubal disease); no chronic medication, including hormonal contraception, for the
preceding 4 months; and absence of pregnancy as confirmed by ultrasound.
On the day of ultrasound examination, a menstrual calendar was handed to the patient, and
a subsequent clinical appointment was scheduled 60–90 days later. The date and duration of
the most recent menstruation and the date of the ultrasound evaluation were recorded on the
menstrual calendar. Additionally, patients were instructed to write the dates of subsequent
menstruation. Patients failing to complete the menstrual calendar or those becoming pregnant
during follow-up were excluded.
UtA-PI during the Menstrual Cycle
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Doppler flow assessment
The ultrasound examination was performed with the woman in the lithotomy position and at
any time of day. Uterine artery Doppler evaluation was performed using a Voluson 730 Pro
(GE Healthcare Technologies, Milwaukee, WI, USA) ultrasound unit containing multifrequen-
cy transvaginal and transabdominal transducers. Assessments were performed by a single op-
erator with vast experience in Doppler ultrasound to avoid inter-observer variability using a
transvaginal transducer. A sagittal image of the uterus that included the cervical canal and in-
ternal cervical os was obtained. The transducer was then gently tilted from side to side, and col-
our flow mapping was used to identify each uterine artery at the level of the internal os. Pulsed
wave Doppler was used with a sampling gate set at 2 mm to image the entire vessel and ensure
that the angle of insonation was less than 30°. UtA-PIs were measured automatically as follows:
PI ¼systolic peak velocity end diastolic velocity
mean velocity during cardiac cycle
Three similar consecutive waveforms were obtained, and the mean PI of the left and right
arteries was calculated. The presence or absence of a bilateral early protodiastolic notch in UtA
was evaluated. A positive notch was defined as a persistent decrease in the blood flow velocity
during early diastole that was less than the diastolic peak velocity in at least one UtA Doppler
ultrasound spectrum. Absence of the notch was defined by its bilateral absence.
Intraobserver reliability was obtained from two readings performed at the beginning and
end of the examination during the first 100 recordings of pulsatility indices in the
uterine arteries.
Statistical analysis
The Chi-squared test assessed the homogeneity of proportions for categorical variables. The
population reference intervals for PI were derived by regression modelling of the PI values over
time during the menstrual cycle. The response was log-transformed because of the positive
skewness observed in the empirical distribution (Fig. 1). Age group, Body Mass Index (BMI),
parity status (primiparous vs multiparous), and smoking were considered potential time-effect
confounders. However, adequate adjustment for these variables identified age and parity as the
only statistically significant confounders. The crude and adjusted (for age group and parity)
trends of the PI during the menstrual cycle were identified.
To study the crude effect of the menstrual cycle progression on the UtA-PI, a cubic polyno-
mial fit the data significantly better than did a quadratic. No polynomial of a degree higher
than three was considered, as those curves may exhibit unrealistic features such as waviness or
sharp deviation at extreme values of the days [19]. Each day of the menstrual cycle was denoted
as d, and a fitted model was generated as follows:
Eðlog PIðÞjdÞ¼b0þb1
10 þb2
with constants β
and a rescaling in the variable dto avoid very small regression coeffi-
cients. This equation was rewritten using multiplicative effects as follows:
EðPI jdÞ¼Ceg1dþg2d2þg3d3
with C¼eb0;g1¼b1
10 ;g2¼b2
102and g3¼b3
103. The letter Ein both equations denoted
the conditional expected value.
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Every centile curve for PI was then estimated by the following equation:
Here, d
logðPIÞðdÞis the predicted response at day dof model (1), K is the corresponding centile
of the standard Gaussian distribution, and b
sd is the standard deviation of the unscaled residuals
of model (1).
To obtain centile curves stratified by age group (group 1, 18–26 years; group 2, 27–35 years;
group 3, 36–50 years) and parity (nulliparous vs parous), the above regression procedure was
refined. For age group aand parity status p, the best fitted model was as follows:
Elog PIðÞjd;a;pðÞðÞ¼b0a;pðÞþb1aðÞd
10 þb2aðÞ d
with β
depending on the two considered factors, β
and β
depending only on the age group,
and β
designated as a constant. The reference categories corresponded to the youngest and the
nulliparous classes.
Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) and 95% confidence intervals were calculated using
a two-way mixed-effects model with absolute agreement. The reliability coefficient, which is
the difference value exceeded by only 5% of pairs of measurements in a single subject, was cal-
culated as 1.96 times the standard deviation of the difference between pairs of repeated mea-
surements [22].
All statistical analyses were carried out using the R language and software environment for
statistical computation, version 2.12.1 [23]. The significance level was fixed at 0.05.
Fig 1. Plot of PI (left panel) and the log(PI) (right panel) measured in the uterine artery during the menstrual cycle. PI, pulsatility index.
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The study adhered to the STROBE (Strengthening the Reporting of Observational studies in
Epidemiology) guidelines for observational studies, and all recommendations were included in
the study [S1 Table].
A total of 1821 healthy women were considered eligible for this study. Of these, 153 were ex-
cluded (8.4%); 128 women did not have clinical records in the menstrual calendar according to
the study protocol; 11 women were pregnant at the time of ultrasound assessment; in 10 cases,
the pulsatility index in the uterine arteries could not be measured because of technical difficul-
ties; and four women refused to participate in the study.
The demographic characteristics of the 1668 women included in the study are summarized
in Table 1. Their ages ranged from 18 to 50 years old, and 41.4% were older than 35 years. Ad-
ditionally, 39.1% were nulliparous, and the majority of the patients (97.5%) exhibited a notch
in the uterine arteries (unilaterally or bilaterally).
UtA-PI during the normal menstrual cycle
The reliability coefficient for the UtA-PI was 0.434. The ICC for the intraobserver reliability of
the UtA-PI measurements was 0.984, with a 95% confidence interval ranging from 0.976 to
Table 1. Demographic characteristics of the 1668 women included in the study.
Age (intervals in years) Group 1. 18–26 251 (15.0)
Group 2. 27–35 727 (43.6)
Group 3. 36–50 690 (41.4)
Body Mass Index
)16–24 1032 (61.9)
25–29 480 (28.8)
30–39 156 (9.3)
Parity 0 653 (39.1)
1 1015 (60.9)
Age at menarche, years (mean±SD) 12.1 (1.17) -
Age at first sexual intercourse (years±SD) 17.9 (2.33) -
History of miscarriage No 1479 (88.7)
Yes 188 (11.3)
History of preeclampsia No 1644 (98.6)
Yes 24 (1.4)
Smoking No 1380 (82.7)
Yes 288 (17.3)
Presence of bilateral notching No 100 (6.0)
Yes 1568 (94.0)
Presence of unilateral notching No 42(2.5)
Yes 1626 (97.5)
Menstrual cycle length, days (mean±SD) 28.8(4.2) -
Menstrual period length, days (mean±SD) 5.0(1.7) -
SD, standard deviation
Body Mass Index (BMI) was measured immediately before Doppler assessment.
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The days evaluated in the menstrual cycle varied from 1 to 34, and the collected data
were slightly unbalanced. The least frequently assessed point was day 34 (39 patients), and
the most frequently assessed were days 22 and 26 (54 patients each) (Table 2). However,
the empirical distribution for the day number was essentially uniform, with a sample
mean ± standard deviation of 17.3 ± 9.7 compared with 17.0 ± 9.8 expected in a
uniform distribution.
Concerning the fitting of model (1), visual inspection of the normality and homosce-
dasticity of the residuals was performed (Fig. 2, Panel A). There were no serious depar-
tures from normality except at a few extreme points, mostly located on the left tail. Data
with an absolute value of the standardized residuals greater than three were removed. A
total of 11 data points were removed (eight on the left tail), corresponding to less than 1%
of the total sample size. The highest and lowest cutoff values for PI in these women were
7.26 and 1.03, respectively.
All parameter estimates of the final fitted model were statistically significant (Table 3). Stan-
dard errors of the estimates were up to 3% smaller than the errors in the model using the total
data. Residual plots exhibited reasonable properties for normality adherence (Fig. 2, Panel B):
89% of the standardized residuals lay between-1.645 and 1.645; the boxplot revealed an approx-
imately symmetric distribution with the median line at approximately the centre of the
box and symmetric whiskers; and the quantile-quantile (Q-Q) plot of the studentized residuals
showed little departure from the confidence band for the correspondent tdistribution. In addi-
tion, the Lilliefors-corrected Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test provided a p-value of 0.002;
this statistical significance was overlooked because of the large sample size (n = 1657). The out-
liers were again removed, but the results were no better.
The plot of the logarithmized UtA-PI values against the days of the cycle did not show any
substantive changes in the standard deviations of the values along the menstrual cycle (Fig. 1);
however, a formal statistical model for this relationship was applied. The linear regression of
the scaled absolute residuals (SARs), defined as the product of ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
pby the absolute residuals,
on a polynomial of degree 1 in the variable Day was statistically significant (p <0.001), and no
higher-order terms were identified. As this regression only explained approximately 1% of the
SARs’total variability, it was considered redundant, and therefore the residual homoscedastici-
ty of model (1) did not appear violated.
The predicted 5
, and 95
percentile regression curves are presented in Table 2 and
plotted in Fig. 3. The expected ovulation date (EOD) was calculated in each patient assuming
that the luteal phase lasted approximately 2 weeks (i.e., E0D = menstrual cycle length−14). Ac-
cordingly, the 50
centile curve for PI, which under the normality assumption coincides with
the mean curve, began at day 1 at its maximum value (3.40) and decreased until reaching its
minimum value at day 12–13. From this day onwards, the curve increased until reaching 3.20
centile) at the end of the menstrual cycle (day 34). If the curve failed to stop at day 34, it
continued to decrease afterwards. Day 34 corresponded to the local maximum of the
defined function.
As the 5
and the 95
centile curves were simply the product of the 50
percentile and a
constant value, they showed the same monotonicity behaviour as the 50
centile curve, with
maximum and minimum values attained on the same days (Table 2). The 5
centile curve
began at 2.08, ended at a similar PI value of 1.96, and had a minimum PI value of 1.60. The
centile curve began at 5.55, ended at 5.23, and had a minimum PI value of 4.27. The stee-
pest decrease in the PI during the first 12–13 days of the menstrual cycle occurred in the 95
centile curve, and the smallest decrease occurred in the 5
centile curve (Fig. 3).
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Effect of maternal age and parity on UtA-PI during normal menstrual
To obtain centile curves stratified by age group and parity status, the regression procedure was
refined taking these factors into consideration, while also excluding the same 11 data points as
previously. The best fitted model is described in model (2), and the estimated regression coeffi-
cients and corresponding 95% confidence intervals are summarized in Table 4. All estimates
Table 2. Observed and predicted percentiles of the uterine artery pulsatility index on each cycle day.
Observed Predicted
Cycle (days) n EOD
(n) 5
centile 50
centile 95
centile 5
centile 50
centile 95
1 50 0 1.74 3.37 5.55 2.08 3.40 5.55
2 50 0 2.00 3.04 4.59 1.99 3.24 5.29
3 49 0 1.88 3.02 4.90 1.90 3.11 5.07
4 48 0 1.83 3.17 4.60 1.83 2.99 4.89
5 51 0 1.94 3.25 5.00 1.78 2.90 4.73
6 52 1 1.88 3.15 5.77 1.73 2.82 4.60
7 46 20 1.80 3.12 5.37 1.69 2.76 4.50
8 52 46 1.59 2.41 4.03 1.66 2.71 4.42
9 50 107 1.83 2.48 4.64 1.63 2.67 4.36
10 52 110 1.09 2.21 3.93 1.62 2.64 4.31
11 49 136 1.24 2.40 4.48 1.61 2.62 4.28
12 48 131 1.05 2.60 4.10 1.60 2.61 4.27
13 49 103 1.52 2.62 4.18 1.60 2.61 4.26
14 53 209 1.81 2.33 4.09 1.60 2.62 4.27
15 46 160 1.42 2.56 3.66 1.61 2.63 4.29
16 50 71 1.43 2.60 4.87 1.62 2.65 4.32
17 52 104 1.36 2.33 3.93 1.63 2.67 4.36
18 52 103 1.93 2.99 4.66 1.65 2.70 4.40
19 49 67 1.62 2.88 3.96 1.67 2.73 4.45
20 49 99 1.89 2.74 4.78 1.69 2.76 4.51
21 50 96 1.85 2.72 4.31 1.72 2.80 4.57
22 54 61 2.14 3.01 4.18 1.74 2.84 4.64
23 48 19 2.30 2.86 5.03 1.77 2.88 4.70
24 45 21 1.56 2.91 4.81 1.79 2.92 4.77
25 51 4 1.81 3.07 4.73 1.82 2.97 4.84
26 54 0 1.87 2.96 4.30 1.84 3.01 4.91
27 46 0 2.08 2.86 4.71 1.87 3.05 4.98
28 47 0 1.67 2.94 4.52 1.89 3.09 5.04
29 47 0 2.16 2.90 4.58 1.91 3.12 5.09
30 50 0 1.97 3.00 4.61 1.93 3.15 5.14
31 43 0 2.19 2.94 4.90 1.94 3.17 5.18
32 49 0 2.16 3.25 4.95 1.95 3.19 5.21
33 48 0 2.41 3.14 4.29 1.96 3.20 5.23
34 39 0 2.11 3.21 5.42 1.96 3.20 5.23
For each patient, the expected ovulation date (EOD) was calculated assuming that the luteal phase exhibited a consistent duration of approximately 2
weeks, i.e., E0D =menstrual cycle length—14.
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Fig 2. Residual plots for the fitted models; from top to bottom and from left to right: boxplot of the standardized residuals, histogram of the
standardized residuals, plot of the standardized residuals against the predicted values, and QQ-plot of the studentized residuals. Panel A employs
the entire dataset; Panel B eliminates data from 11 outliers.
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but one (a quadratic term on days of the menstrual cycle for women aged 27–35 years, p =
0.089) were statistically significant.
No significant interaction effects involving parity were identified. No serious outliers or evi-
dence of violations in normality and homoscedasticity assumptions were detected within each
age-parity sub-model (Figs. 4and 5). The residual regression on the explanatory variables, with
a linear dependence on the cycle days, presented a value for the coefficient of determination
) of approximately 1% and did not identify the effect of age group as statistically significant.
As before, the residual homoscedasticity of the model did not appear compromised. The resid-
ual normality could only be rejected for nulliparous women aged 27–35 years (Fig. 4).
The standard deviation of the residuals of model (2) did not significantly change during the
menstrual cycle; therefore, the coefficient significance in Table 4 remained true for all
centile curves.
For any fixed age group and centile curve, a significant difference between the intercepts of
the curves for nulliparous and parous women was identified, with the menstrual cycle in nullip-
arous women beginning at higher UtA-PI values. Similarly, for any fixed parity status and cen-
tile curve, there were significant differences between the intercept of the age group 2 (or 3)
curve and that of age group 1 (Fig. 5).
Overall, the PI values exhibited a soft wave-like trend during the menstrual cycle within
each maternal age and parity group. The values decreased until approximately the first third of
the menstrual cycle and then increased to approximately the original value over the remainder
of the cycle. This trend was independent from the parity status but was significantly dependent
on the maternal age at the linear and quadratic levels. As the age increased, the minimum UtA-
PI was reached more quickly, the range of the PI values decreased, and the curves became flat-
ter (Fig. 5).
Transvaginal assessment of UtA perfusion employing Doppler ultrasound offers several advan-
tages over the transabdominal route [24]. The vessel is easily identified and located at close
proximity, thus yielding clearer waveforms, and the insonation angle is near 0°, which results
in high reproducibility [24,25]. Despite the diversity of features that may be determined
through arterial resistance, it is impedance, the combination of forward and reflected blood
flow, that is measured [26]. This is accomplished by indirectly measuring the UtA-PI, a tech-
nique that has gained popularity in recent studies compared with other Doppler indices such
as resistance index [1,27] and other scoring systems [28,29].
These principles were applied in the current study to generate Doppler colour-based refer-
ence ranges for the mean UtA-PI between days 1 and 34 of the NMC in an appropriately large
Table 3. Estimates of the regression coefficients and corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CI)
of model (1) fitted without the 11 identified outliers.
Variables Regression Coefficients 95% CI
Intercept 1.279 (1.214, 1.344)*
Day/10 -0.573 (-0.730, -0.416)*
0.310 (0.206, 0.414)*
-0.044 (-0.064, -0.024)*
*Significant at the 0.05 level.
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Fig 3. (A) Observed (circles) and predicted 5
, and 95
percentile regression curves for the pulsatility index during the menstrual cycle.
Histogram (B) and boxplot (C) of the expected ovulation date (EOD). For each patient, the EOD was calculated assuming that the luteal phase exhibited a
consistent duration of approximately 2 weeks, i.e., E0D = menstrual cycle length—14.
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sample of healthy women. In addition, the effects of age and parity were assessed for each day
during the NMC.
The reliability evaluation demonstrated that UtA-PI measurement was highly repeatable as in-
dicated by the ICC. There is sufficient scientific consensus that an ICC >0.7 reflects very low
measurement error [22,30].
Stringer and validated methodological guidelines were used to construct the reference
curves from the collected data [19–21,31]; a cross-sectional design was used as such studies are
easier to perform and combine with clinical practice; and finally, the good intraobserver repro-
ducibility in our study suggests that the mean UtA-PI is a reliable parameter in a clinical set-
ting. The overarching principle is that a reference interval is the range of values encompassed
by a pair of symmetrically placed extreme centiles, such as the 2.5
and 97.5
centiles for a
95% interval [19]. Values lying outside the reference limits are considered unusual or extreme.
Several statistical methods have been used to generate reference intervals: linear regression
(if necessary with modelling of the residual standard deviation), the LMS method [32], the
non-parametric method of Healy, Rabash, and Young (HRY), and non-parametric quantile re-
gression [21]. Each method has its advantages and limitations; however, the method that is
most desired is the one allowing identification of the population centile of a given observation.
Linear regression has that property and is simple and easily implemented by basic statistical
software packages.
Perfusion changes during the normal menstrual cycle
The current study revealed a cyclic variation in the UtA impedance during the NMC; the UtA-
PI was high during the temporal extremes and showed a mid-cycle depression, with the mini-
mal values occurring between days 13 and 17. Independent assessment of the effects of age and
parity also revealed that both conditions were associated with a significant decrease in the UtA
impedance at the extremes of the cycle, but not during the mid-cycle, when the uterus under-
goes impressive structural changes. These circulatory variations include the median, 5
, and
percentiles of the UtA-PI regression curves from the initial through to the final third of
Table 4. Estimates of the regression coefficients and corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CI)
for the model stratified by age and parity.
Variables Regression Coefficients 95% CI
Intercept 1.546 (1.438, 1.654)*
Age Group 2 -0.236 (-0.361, -0.110)*
Age Group 3 -0.335 (-0.463, -0.206)*
Parous -0.066 (-0.098, -0.034)*
Day/10 -0.792 (-0.992, -0.592)*
0.353 (0.244, 0.461)*
-0.042 (-0.062, -0.023)*
(Age Group 2):(Day/10) 0.216 (0.041, 0.391)*
(Age Group 3):(Day/10) 0.365 (0.188, 0.543)*
(Age Group 2):(Day/10)
-0.044 (-0.044, 0.026)
(Age Group 3):(Day/10)
-0.091 (-0.142, -0.039)*
*Significant at the 0.05 level.
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the menstrual cycle. The mechanism underlying such impedance variation is unknown, but it
likely reflects regulatory factors affecting the local vasculature and myometrium function.
Early during the cycle, increased myometrial tone is required to expel the remains of the
sloughing endometrium; for this purpose, the smooth muscle cells contract, which has a nega-
tive effect on uterine perfusion and generates high impedance to UtA blood flow. We suspect
that a similar muscular change underlies the UtA-PI rise near the end of the cycle.
There is evidence that variations in muscular tone reflect circulating levels of female steroid
hormones, particularly oestrogen, which is low early in the cycle but increases later during the
follicular phase. Oestrogen promotes vascular smooth muscle relaxation and reduces sensitivity
to adrenergic stimulation [33]; moreover, in experimental conditions, it was found to depress
uterine contractility both in vivo [34] and in freshly isolated rat uterine specimens [35]. This
decrease in myometrial tone and increasingly thickened endometrium during the proliferative
phase, together with the development of an extensive small vessel network, is the likely cause
for the downward trend in impedance that reaches a minimum near day 13. After ovulation,
progesterone concentration rises through the mid-secretory phase, promoting endometrium
decidualization. Oestrogen decrement [36] and the ability of progesterone to overcome the
Fig 4. Quantile-quantile (Q-Q) plots of the standardized residuals of model (2) for each combination of age and parity groups. Nulliparous women
are presented in the first row, and parous women are presented in the second row. The age group increases from the left to right columns. From left to right
and from top to bottom, the Lilliefors-corrected Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test calculated p-values of 0.738,<0.001, 0.111, 0.954, 0.082, and
0.373, respectively.
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inhibitory action of 17β-oestradiol on smooth muscle contractility [34,35] favour the rise in
Other important molecules, acting independently or under the effect of sex steroids, may
contribute to the circulatory changes. Prostanoids such as prostaglandin F
and latanoprost
promote murine [35,36] and human [35] myometrial contractility, but their blood concentra-
tion variation during the cycle is uncertain. In addition, vasopressin and oxytocin stimulate
uterine contraction via myometrial vasopressin V
and oxytocin receptors [37]. Near the end
of the cycle, although circulating at a lower concentration [38], vasopressin exerts a stronger ef-
fect than oxytocin [37]. Therefore, although the known actions of these compounds on the
myometrium and its perfusion are appealing, their role during the cycle remains to
be established.
Effect of parity and age on uterine flow impedance
In the current study, in non-pregnant women, the UtA-PI early and late in the cycle was signif-
icantly lower in parous women than in nulliparous women. This point has not been examined
in any known reports previously.
Fig 5. Observed (points) and estimated 5
, and 95
percentile regression curves of the pulsatility index during the menstrual cycle for each
combination of age and parity groups. Nulliparous and parous women are presented in the first and second rows, respectively. The age group increases
from the left to right columns.
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UtA-PI reduction is important because it is accompanied by improved myometrium perfu-
sion, which provides local benefits. Indeed, it has been suggested that impaired uterine perfu-
sion is a cause for unexplained infertility [39] and is reportedly a predictive indicator for the
implantation and pregnancy outcomes [40–42]. Moreover, upon pregnancy establishment,
parous women appear to have improved perfusion. In fact, as early as the first trimester, parous
women exhibited lower UtA-PI and total peripheral resistance compared with those in nullipa-
rous women [43], a finding that was also described in twin pregnancies compared between par-
ous and nulliparous women [44]. Furthermore, all reports indicate that parous women have a
lower prevalence of protodiastolic notching [45,46], a feature whose persistence is associated
with a poor prognosis [5].
The enhanced perfusion in parous women likely results from vascular structural features
that persist after the first pregnancy. Shortly after implantation, the spiral arteries undergo re-
markable structural remodelling, which is necessary to accommodate the increased uteropla-
cental perfusion [47]. At the end of pregnancy, these largely regress, but not entirely; in
contrast to nulliparous women, spiral artery internal elastic lamina duplication or fragmenta-
tion has been observed at the endometrial/myometrial junction of parous women [48]. Such
permanent structural changes endow spiral arteries with reduced impedance that supports the
parity-related UtA-PI reduction here reported.
Similar to parous women, the UtA-PI decreased at the extremes of the cycle in older women
when compared with younger women. Interestingly, uterine stripes from aged non-pregnant
women exhibited reduced contractility either spontaneously or upon exposure to oxytocin
[49], suggesting that reduced uterine muscular tone underlies the lessened UtA impedance.
The cause for this sluggish response in unknown but may be consequent to an age-related
change in local regulation. For example, in the pregnant uterus, the UtA-PI shows a general de-
creasing trend starting at the first trimester [1,2,4]; yet, when the UtA is measured at specific
pregnancy time-points, a slight age-related increase may be observed [50,51]. Degenerative
changes in the UtA wall, present even before menopause [52], or other local factors are the like-
ly contributors to this particular observation.
Therefore, both age and parity similarly affect the UtA-PI of non-pregnant women during
the NMC. Interestingly, the downward trend favours perfusion, which appears to bear repro-
ductive benefits. Infants born to parous women tend to have increased birth weight [43], while
older pregnant women tend to have increased placental weights [53], but the significance of
these trends remains undefined.
Study limitations and future research
(1) The study was conducted in a sample of healthy women. (2) Further studies are necessary
to assess abnormal uterine artery PI as a diagnostic or prognostic tool of reproductive disorders
as the ovulation day was not identified, and the endometrial structure was not examined. (3)
Our data were collected by a single, experienced operator, which could compromise the exter-
nal validity of his results. Because the usefulness of a screening test depends not only on its pre-
dictive ability but also on its reproducibility, future studies are needed to demonstrate the
usefulness of these reference ranges, as well as their applicability.
This cross-sectional study employing a large set of women evidences a clear decrement in the
UtA impedance during the middle of the menstrual cycle compared with its extremities. For
unknown reasons, age and parity do not change this trend; they instead flatten the extremes
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while leaving the mid-cycle unchanged, suggesting that local mechanisms regulate an adequate
uterine perfusion in preparation for implantation.
To the well-known cyclic structural features occurring in the uterus, the current study adds
another cyclic circulatory event. The elucidation of the mechanisms underlying these changes,
apart from providing new insights into the fascinating implantation process, may improve pre-
diction of reproductive and pregnancy disorders, thus enhancing the importance of
UtA assessment.
Supporting Information
S1 Table. STROBE Statement—checklist of items that should be included in reports of ob-
servational studies.
We thank the staff at the Department of Gynaecology of Centro Hospitalar do Porto for their
kind contribution to this work.
Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: LG-M FM. Performed the experiments: LG-M HA.
Analyzed the data: LG-M RG SC LM ES HA. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools:
LG-M JS. Wrote the paper: LG-M HA FM SC. Critical revision of the manuscript: JS SC LM
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