
Primary Nasal Tuberculosis: Case Report

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... Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method helps the identification of mycobacteria in a short time of 48 hours and it has sensitivity and specificity as 84% and 100% [7]. Culture remains the gold standard diagnostic test for tuberculosis and it has sensitivity and specificity as 63% and 98% [6,7]. ...
... Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method helps the identification of mycobacteria in a short time of 48 hours and it has sensitivity and specificity as 84% and 100% [7]. Culture remains the gold standard diagnostic test for tuberculosis and it has sensitivity and specificity as 63% and 98% [6,7]. ...
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Primary or secondary nasal tuberculosis is rare and usually, it is considered as an extra pulmonary form of tuberculosis. Nasal tuberculosis infection may spread to maxillary palatal region by contagious or haematogenous route causing palatal perforation. In some instance, it may cause septal perforation with nasal obstruction which may give rise to halitosis. We report a case where, there was bilateral nasal mucosal involvement leading to severe nasal obstruction. This rare manifestation should be considered in areas where the disease is prevalent as delay in diagnosis and treatment could lead to serious and life threatening complications due to local spread from the nose to the para nasal sinuses and brain.
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