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Aquatic Mammals 2015, 41(1), 1, DOI 10.1578/AM.41.1.2015.1
Letter of Introduction to the Biologically Important Areas Issue
Guest Editor: Sofie M. Van Parijs, Ph.D.
NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center
This special issue on Biologically Important Areas
(BIAs) has been a long time in the making. It has taken
considerable effort from all of the authors involved,
in addition to a large body of diverse reviewers,
to produce these papers. This issue originated as a
side bar to the Cetacean Density and Distribution
Mapping (CetMap) Working Group, a part of the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s
(NOAA) CetSound program (http://cetsound.noaa.
gov). The CetMap Working Group created a mapping
tool that provides cetacean density and distribution
maps that are time-, region-, and species-specific.
Additionally, our CetMap tool highlights areas, sea-
sons, and species for which there are clear data gaps.
The CetMap Working Group recognized the
necessity of creating BIAs to incorporate addi-
tional information into the mapping tool by identi-
fying areas where cetacean species or populations
are known to concentrate for specific behaviors,
or are range-limited, but for which there are insuf-
ficient data for their importance to be reflected
in the quantitative mapping effort. The result of
the BIA assessment process includes narratives,
maps, and tables that provide additional context
within which to examine potential interactions
between cetaceans and human activities. Our aim
for this assessment is to combine expert judgment
with available data (published or unpublished) to
delineate BIAs for each species and each region.
Our goal is not to define marine protected areas.
Rather, we are identifying sites where cetaceans
engage in activities at certain times that contrib-
ute to an individual’s health and fitness and, ulti-
mately, to the fecundity and survivorship of the
population. During the conservation and manage-
ment decision-making process, BIAs should be
considered in addition to existing density esti-
mates, range-wide distribution data, information
on population trends and life history parameters,
known threats to the population, and other rele-
vant information.
The review process for these BIA chapters was
extensive and thorough. Dr. Kathleen Dudzinski
served as the main editor and I as guest editor for
this issue. Prior to submission, each chapter was
reviewed by between 12 to 30 regional experts
from within and outside NOAA (both scientists
and managers), including some of the CetMap
Working Group members. Upon submission to
Aquatic Mammals, Dr. Dudzinski reviewed all
manuscripts with an eye to promoting consistency
and accuracy across all the BIAs, in addition to
soliciting reviews from two to three external
reviewers for each chapter through the journal’s
review process.
There are eight chapters in this special issue, an
introduction and seven regional manuscripts cov-
ering the U.S. East Coast, Gulf of Mexico, U.S.
West Coast, Hawai‘i, Gulf of Alaska, Aleutian
Islands and Bering Sea, and the Arctic. There are
a total of 131 BIAs covering 24 species. Each
chapter was written by scientific experts who
have a thorough knowledge of the species and
region in question. Although a common theme
unites all chapters, there are regional variations
in the amount and type of information available
to undertake the assessment and the number and
types of species covered. It was not feasible to
create BIAs for every species due to either the
lack of information to support the delineation or,
in some cases, simply due to the time available
for this effort. However, these BIAs are meant
to be living documents that should be routinely
reviewed and revised to expand the number of
species covered and to update the existing BIAs
as new information becomes available.
In that light, it is critical to start this special
issue where all good things should start, at the
beginning. The BIA special issue begins with an
introductory chapter that highlights the rationale
and decisions made during this inaugural BIA
assessment process. This is a MUST read before
you delve further into a regional chapter. The
“Overview and Rationale” includes all the BIA
criteria and caveats and summarizes these in a
digestible series of tables. We hope that this BIA
special issue will be of use to scientists and man-
agers alike and will assist with planning, analyses,
and decisions regarding how to reduce adverse
impacts to cetaceans resulting from human
Aquatic Mammals 2015, 41(1), 2-16, DOI 10.1578/AM.41.1.2015.2
1. Biologically Important Areas for Cetaceans
Within U.S. Waters – Overview and Rationale
Megan C. Ferguson,1 Corrie Curtice,2 Jolie Harrison,3 and Sofie M. Van Parijs4
1NOAA Fisheries, Alaska Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Mammal Laboratory,
7600 Sand Point Way NE F/AKC3, Seattle, WA 98115-6349, USA
2Marine Geospatial Ecology Lab, Duke University, Beaufort, NC 28516, USA
3NOAA Fisheries, Office of Protected Resources, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910, USA
4NOAA Fisheries, Northeast Fisheries Science Center, 166 Water Street, Woods Hole, MA 02543, USA
We outline the rationale and process used by
the Cetacean Density and Distribution Mapping
(CetMap) Working Group to identify Biologically
Important Areas (BIAs) for 24 cetacean species,
stocks, or populations in seven regions within U.S.
waters. BIAs are reproductive areas, feeding areas,
migratory corridors, and areas in which small and
resident populations are concentrated. BIAs are
region-, species-, and time-specific. Information
provided for each BIA includes the following:
(1) a written narrative describing the information,
assumptions, and logic used to delineate the BIA;
(2) a map of the BIA; (3) a list of references used
in the assessment; and (4) a metadata table that
concisely details the type and quantity of informa-
tion used to define a BIA, providing transparency
in how BIAs were designated in a quick reference
table format. BIAs were identified through an expert
elicitation process. The delineation of BIAs does not
have direct or immediate regulatory consequences.
Rather, the BIA assessment is intended to provide
the best available science to help inform regulatory
and management decisions under existing authori-
ties about some, though not all, important cetacean
areas in order to minimize the impacts of anthropo-
genic activities on cetaceans and to achieve conser-
vation and protection goals. In addition, the BIAs
and associated information may be used to identify
information gaps and prioritize future research and
modeling efforts to better understand cetaceans,
their habitat, and ecosystems.
Key Words: anthropogenic activity, anthropogenic
sound, CetMap, BIA, distribution, behavior, con-
servation, management, Arctic, Aleutian Islands,
Bering Sea, North Pacific Ocean, Gulf of Alaska,
Washington, Oregon, California, Hawaiian Islands,
Gulf of Mexico, Northwest Atlantic Ocean
Anthropogenic activities in the marine environ-
ment are increasing in number, geographic extent,
and often duration, resulting in increased potential
risk to marine ecosystems worldwide (Hooker &
Gerber, 2004; Convention on Biological Diversity
[CBD], 2009; Reeves et al., 2013). Activities of
concern for the conservation and management
of marine species are diverse and include energy
development (e.g., wind farm installation; oil and
gas exploration, development, and production),
military testing and training (e.g., sonar exercises
and equipment prototyping), shipping, fishing,
tourism, and coastal construction, among others.
This special issue focuses on the potential effects
of human activities on cetaceans. Several compo-
nents of the activities mentioned above have the
potential to adversely affect cetaceans, including
the possibility of vessel strike; bycatch or entan-
glement; alteration of habitat through physical
changes, chemical pollution, or introduction of
alien invasive species; and indirect effects related
to prey distribution and abundance. However, one
common component of these activities is under-
water noise, which is present to some degree in
almost every marine activity and can affect large
areas over long periods of time.
Sound is critical to cetaceans for communicat-
ing, detecting predators and prey, navigating, and
sensing other important environmental cues. A
soundscape is comprised of all of the sounds in a
place, including geophysical, biological, and man-
made contributions. When examined from the per-
spective of the animals experiencing and using it,
a soundscape may also be referred to as an “acous-
tic habitat” (Clark et al., 2009, p. 203). Increased
anthropogenic sound from single or multiple
sources can have deleterious effects on cetaceans’
acoustic habitats, reducing their ability to detect
3 BIAs for Cetaceans: Overview and Rationale
critical sounds, often across large areas and long
periods of time. In addition to these more chronic
acoustic habitat impacts, anthropogenic noise can
cause direct, or acute, effects ranging from alter-
ing important behaviors and threshold shifts in
hearing, to injury, or even death, in certain circum-
stances. The probability, nature, and extent of an
animal’s response to sound depends on a variety of
contextual factors, including the activity or behav-
ior in which the animal is engaged at the time of
sound exposure (e.g., feeding, breeding, resting,
migrating, nursing), the nature and novelty of the
sound, and the location of the sound source rela-
tive to the animal (Ellison et al., 2012). However,
both chronic and acute effects of noise have the
potential to negatively affect an individual’s health
and fitness in certain circumstances, ultimately
leading to effects on a population’s fecundity or
Following on the earlier work of a U.S.
National Research Council (NRC) (2005) com-
mittee, New et al. (2014), in an effort termed the
Potential Consequences of Disturbance, outlined
an updated conceptual model of the relationships
linking disturbance to changes in behavior, physi-
ology, health, vital rates, and population dynam-
ics. Further, New et al. created an energetic model
for southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) to
study links between disturbance and population-
level effects. Based on extensive morphological,
environmental, and tag data, and biological sam-
ples, the model predicts the quantitative transfer
functions (i.e., mathematical relationships) among
reduced foraging success (potentially the result of
context-specific disturbance events), adult mass,
pup wean mass, and pup survival. It is clear that
understanding the behaviors and activities ani-
mals are involved in when exposed to stressors
may affect both their immediate response and
the ultimate effect of that response. Ellison et al.
(2012) suggested that federal agencies responsible
for regulating entities producing sound with the
potential to affect marine mammals should incor-
porate behavioral context where possible into
their impact assessments.
In the United States, the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is charged
with implementing multiple federal statutes,
including the Marine Mammal Protection Act
(MMPA) (16 USC § 1361 et seq.), the Endangered
Species Act (ESA) (16 USC § 1531 et seq.), and
the National Marine Sanctuaries Act (NMSA)
(16 U.S.C. § 1431 et seq.), which contain pro-
visions for the protection and conservation of
marine mammals. These statutes all have sections
that address federal or public activities with the
potential for disturbing or harming marine mam-
mals, their populations, or their habitat, and in
many cases necessitate a consultation or coordi-
nation between NOAA and the entity planning
to conduct the activity. Additionally, the entities
seeking approvals from NOAA pursuant to these
statutes are required to provide information and
impact analyses with their requests. Separately,
the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
(42 USC § 4321 et seq.) requires all federal agen-
cies to analyze the potential impacts of their
activities on the environment, including marine
mammals, and to consider enacting mitigation
NOAA must ultimately reach conclusions, spe-
cific to each statute, regarding the scope and sig-
nificance of the anticipated impacts of a proposed
activity to the affected individuals and their habitat,
and how the effects to individual marine mammals
may impact populations. The analyses inform the
development and requirement of appropriate miti-
gation and monitoring measures. The conclusions
can affect whether the entities conducting the activ-
ities can proceed with their activities as planned
or need to modify their activities. These processes
typically culminate in the issuance or denial of an
authorization, permit, exemption, or recommen-
dation letter from NOAA or other agencies with
jurisdiction over specific activities. As noted above,
the ability to characterize cetacean behaviors or
activities in given areas or times is important in the
assessment of likely impacts of a proposed activ-
ity and the development of appropriate mitigation
strategies. Furthermore, this ability would be valu-
able to both regulators and regulated entities.
The focus of this issue largely relates to under-
standing activities in which cetaceans, in particular,
are likely to be engaged at a certain time and place,
which is indicative of an area’s biological impor-
tance for purposes of impact analysis and manage-
ment. The idea for this undertaking was conceived in
2011 when NOAA convened the Cetacean Density
and Distribution Mapping (CetMap) Working Group
( to map cetacean den-
sity and distribution within U.S. waters. CetMap
members were affiliated with government agencies,
nongovernmental organizations, academic institu-
tions, and private research or environmental consult-
ing firms. CetMap members brought a diversity of
experience in cetacean ecology, conservation, and
management to the project, ranging from policy to
modeling to field work. The primary goal of CetMap
was to create and compile comprehensive and easily
accessible regional cetacean density and distribu-
tion maps that are time- and species-specific, ideally
using survey data and models that estimate density
using predictive environmental factors. CetMap con-
sidered predictive habitat-based density (HD) models
to be the best tool for addressing spatially and tem-
porally explicit questions on cetacean abundance,
4 Ferguson et al.
density, or distribution; however, HD models require
a considerable amount of relatively high-quality
data, which is available for only a limited number of
species, regions, and time periods (Kot et al., 2010;
Kaschner et al., 2012). Furthermore, HD models
typically do not provide direct information on activ-
ity state, nor do they provide information on animal
distribution at the relevant time and space scales that
can be obtained from primary information sources
such as acoustic, sighting, genetic, and tagging data
and expert knowledge. Therefore, it is important to
supplement areas that might be identified through
HD models with additional information.
To augment CetMap’s quantitative density
and distribution mapping effort and to provide
additional context for cetacean impact analyses,
CetMap undertook a process to identify, through
expert consultation, Biologically Important Areas
(BIAs). BIAs are reproductive areas, feeding
areas, migratory corridors, and areas in which
small and resident populations are concentrated.
Similar to other products on the CetMap website,
the cetacean BIAs are region-, species-, and time-
specific. Although all products on the CetMap
website are restricted to cetaceans, the tools could
be extended to include other marine mammals
such as pinnipeds (seals, sea lions, fur seals, and
walruses), sirenians (manatees and dugongs), and
fissipeds (sea otters and polar bears).
BIAs were created to aid NOAA, other fed-
eral agencies, and the public in the analyses and
planning that are required under multiple U.S.
statutes to characterize and minimize the impacts
of anthropogenic activities on cetaceans and to
achieve conservation and protection goals. In
addition, the BIAs and associated information
may be used to identify information gaps and
prioritize future research and modeling efforts
to better understand cetaceans, their habitat, and
ecosystems. Because this is a scientific effort,
the identification of BIAs does not have direct or
immediate regulatory consequences. Rather, the
BIA assessment is intended to provide the best
available science to help inform regulatory and
management decisions under existing authorities
about some, though not all, important cetacean
areas. For decision-making purposes, the BIAs
identified here should be evaluated in combina-
tion with areas identified as having high cetacean
density; the present effort is meant to augment,
not displace, cetacean density analyses.
Herein, we describe the process that CetMap
implemented to delineate BIAs; summarize the
resulting BIAs; discuss strengths and limitations
of the existing BIAs and assessment process; and
suggest ways in which this BIA assessment can be
improved in the future. Furthermore, we compare
CetMap’s BIA assessment to similar international
assessments such as the International Union for
Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) Key Biodiversity
Areas (KBAs) and Important Marine Mammal Areas
(IMMAs), Convention on Biological Diversity’s
Ecologically or Biologically Significant Areas
(EBSAs), Pacific WildLife Foundation’s (PWLF)
Important Cetacean Areas (ICAs), and Australia’s
Biologically Important Areas.
The final products of CetMap’s BIA assess-
ment comprise the subsequent articles in this
special issue that are presented as seven chapters,
separated based on regional divisions that reflect
Large Marine Ecosystem delineations (Sherman
& Alexander, 1986) (Figure 1.1). These regions
are comprised of the U.S. East Coast, Gulf of
Mexico, West Coast, Hawai‘i, Gulf of Alaska,
Aleutian Islands and Bering Sea, and the Arctic
(encompassing the northeastern Chukchi and
western Beaufort Seas). The abbreviations used in
this special issue are defined in Table 1.1.
The CetMap BIA assessment is a species-focused,
science-based process that is restricted to U.S.
waters. Areas are delineated based on their impor-
tance to specific species, stocks, or populations.
(Hereafter, “species” will be used to represent
species, stocks, and populations, unless a sub-
specific unit is essential for interpretation.) This
inaugural BIA assessment is not comprehensive
in the species evaluated. Rather, it incorporates
a large number of species representing a range
of habitats, foraging methods, social structures,
movement patterns, life history strategies, and
population sizes. This strategy of completing a
trial assessment with a limited suite of representa-
tive species is similar to some of the international
assessments described below. The best available
science is used to evaluate candidate species and
areas according to the BIA criteria listed below.
The assessment is free from legal, socioeconomic,
and political constraints, with the exception that
it is limited to U.S. waters for practical purposes.
Any use of these BIAs in regulatory decisions will
be subject to the standard processes of analysis
and review under the applicable statutes. CetMap
defines “U.S. waters” as the region shoreward
of the offshore boundary of the U.S. Exclusive
Economic Zone (EEZ); therefore, U.S. waters
under this definition include state waters.
CetMap BIA Criteria
The BIA criteria are guidelines for delineating
areas of biological importance for cetaceans. The
criteria allow the flexibility to assess ecologically
diverse species using the information available,
which spans a wide range in quality, quantity,
BIAs for Cetaceans: Overview and Rationale 5
and type. The criteria are not based on thresh-
olds. CetMap considers an area to be biologically
important for cetacean species, stocks, or popu-
lations (denoted by “species” in the criteria) if it
meets at least one of the following four criteria
(see also Table 1.2):
1. Reproductive Areas – Areas and times within
which a particular species selectively mates,
gives birth, or is found with neonates or calves
2. Feeding Areas – Areas and times within
which aggregations of a particular species
preferentially feed. These either may be per-
sistent in space and time or associated with
ephemeral features that are less predictable
but are located within a larger area that can be
Migratory Corridors – Areas and times within
which a substantial portion of a species is known
to migrate; the corridor is spatially restricted.
4. Small and Resident Population – Areas and
times within which small and resident popula-
tions occupy a limited geographic extent
Figure 1.1. Overview of study area, showing the seven regions within which Biologically
Important Areas (BIAs) were assessed. All BIAs were delineated solely within the US waters,
which we define as the region shoreward of the offshore boundary of the US Exclusive
Economic Zone, including state waters. The seven regions are labeled from east to west/north: A.
East Coast (Section 2 in this issue); B. Gulf of Mexico (Section 3 in this issue); C. West Coast
(Section 4 in this issue); D. Hawaiian Islands (Section 5 in this issue); E. Gulf of Alaska
Gulf of
Sea Beaufort
0 1,200600
United States
0 1,000500
0 1,000500
US EEZ Bound ary
Figure 1.1. Overview of study area, showing the seven regions within which Biologically Important Areas (BIAs) were
assessed. All BIAs were delineated solely within the U.S. waters, which we define as the region shoreward of the offshore
boundary of the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), including state waters. The seven regions are labeled clockwise
starting in the east: A. East Coast (Chapter 2 in this issue); B. Gulf of Mexico (Chapter 3 in this issue); C. West Coast
(Chapter 4 in this issue); D. Hawai‘i (Chapter 5 in this issue); E. Gulf of Alaska (Chapter 6 in this issue); F. Aleutian Islands
and Bering Sea (Chapter 7 in this issue); and G. Arctic (Chapter 8 in this issue).
6 Ferguson et al.
U.S. state abbreviations
ashington, DCW
North Carolina
New Hampshire
New Jersey
Rhode Island
South Carolina
Abundance and Status of
Whale and Ecosystem Research
International Union for Conservation of Nature
and Atmospheric Administration
Apex Predator
Abbreviations used in this special issue; the state abbreviations are used in many of the figures.
Marine Mammal Protection Act
Minerals Management Service
Northeast Fisheries Science Center
National Environmental Policy Act
National Marine Fisheries Service
National Marine Mammal Laboratory
National Marine Sanctuaries Act
Whaling International
Northern North Carolina Estuarine System
Provincetown Center for Coastal Studies
Alaska Coastal System
Pacific Coast Feeding Group
Pacific RIght whale Ecology ST
Alaska Fairbanks Gulf
IWC-Pacific Ocean
Biodiversity Areas
Mitochondrial DNA
Nautical mile(s)
Pacific W
Stock Assessment
Study of Northern
Southern North Carolina Estuarine System
SOund SUrveillance System
Structure of Populations, Levels of
University of
Western North Pacific
Arctic Marine Mammals
gy Management
Important Area
Whale Feeding Ecology Study
California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries
Convention on Biological Diversity
Assessment ProgramT
Cascadia Research Collective
ariationof V
Environmental Impact Statement
Species Act
Ecologically or Biologically Significant
Alaska Line-transect Survey
Bays, Sounds, Estuaries
Aerial Surveys of
Bureau of Ocean Ener
Beaufort Stock
Cetacean and
Cook Inlet Belugas
Deoxyribonucleic acid
Distinct Population Segment
Eastern Chuckchi Sea
Exclusive Economic Zone
Eastern North Pacific
Federal Register
Geo-Marine, Inc.
Habitat-based density
Gulf of
Important Marine Mammal
able 1.1.
BIAs for Cetaceans: Overview and Rationale 7
Certain qualifying statements are included in the BIA
criteria. For example, the migratory corridor crite-
rion designates a “substantial portion of a species”
that migrates in a “spatially restricted” area. Within
the context of informing conservation and manage-
ment decisions, it is less useful to know that a small
portion of a species might regularly use a 1,000-km
swath of the Pacific Ocean to travel from California
to Hawai‘i than it is to know that 100% of a spe-
cies migrates through the waters of the Bering Strait
(~80 km wide) twice each year. Additionally, CetMap
restricts the fourth type of BIA to “small and resi-
dent” populations “that occupy a limited geographic
extent” because NOAA’s Marine Mammal Stock
Assessment Reports already cite the range and abun-
dance of all recognized U.S. marine mammal species
or populations, including small or resident popula-
tions whose range is either unknown or relatively
large. The North Pacific right whale is an example
of a small population that did not qualify for a small
and resident BIA because their range is relatively
large. The Gulf of Mexico resident sperm whale is
an example of a resident population whose overall
spatial extent was too large to be defined as a BIA.
While CetMap does not explicitly define “small” and
“limited geographic extent,” we delineate BIAs for
populations or stocks whose range spans only a bay,
an area around one or several islands, or a portion
of what CetMap defines as a region. Each regional
chapter provides an explicit definition of “resident”
for each small and resident BIA delineated.
Areas that NOAA has officially designated as
Critical Habitat are included as BIAs, either in
part or whole, only if they meet at least one of
the BIA criteria stated above. The development of
Critical Habitat considers a complex combination
of factors that do not always match the simple
definition of BIAs; therefore, not everything iden-
tified as Critical Habitat will meet the BIA criteria
and vice versa. Where BIAs have been designated
in regions for species that have Critical Habitat,
the Critical Habitat is identified, and its relation-
ship to the BIA is described (i.e., completely, par-
tially, or not overlapping) and mapped.
BIAs are delineated at the minimum spatial
and temporal scales that available information
can support. Coastal BIA assessments were con-
ducted using GSHHS, Version 2.2.4 (full resolution,
level L1) (Wessel & Smith, 1996). Most BIAs were
defined by month, but some could only be identi-
fied by a particular season, which was typically a
3- to 4-mo period. For each region, species, and time
period with delineated areas of biological impor-
tance, four products were created and compiled
into the regional chapters in this issue: (1) a written
narrative describing the information, assumptions,
and logic used to delineate the BIA; (2) a map of
the BIA; (3) a list of references used in the assess-
ment (see the “Literature Cited” section at the end
of the issue); and (4) a metadata table (see online
supplemental tables associated with each region).
The metadata table concisely details the type and
quantity of information used to define a BIA, pro-
viding transparency in how BIAs were designated
in a quick reference table format. In addition, the
metadata table allows an efficient way to update a
BIA as new information becomes available.
Early in the BIA assessment process, CetMap
considered defining a ranked categorical scale for
BIAs based on the strength of supporting infor-
mation. One obstacle to creating a single ordinal
categorization scheme is that the collection of
Table 1.2. The criteria defined below are guidelines for delineating Biologically Important Areas (BIAs) in U.S. waters for
cetaceans. The criteria are not based on quantitative thresholds. CetMap considers an area to be biologically important for
a cetacean species, stock, or population (denoted by “species” in the criteria) if it meets at least one of these four criteria.
Criteria Definition Map color1
Reproductive Area Areas and times within which a particular species selectively mates, gives birth,
or is found with neonates or calves
Feeding Area Areas and times within which aggregations of a particular species preferentially
feed. These either may be persistent in space and time or associated with
ephemeral features that are less predictable but are located within a larger area
that can be delineated.
Migratory Corridor Areas and times within which a substantial portion of a species is known to
migrate; the corridor is spatially restricted.
Small and Resident
Areas and times within which small and resident populations occupy a limited
geographic extent
same color scheme is used with horizontal or vertical lines. All depths shown are in meters, unless otherwise noted. The U.S.
Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) is represented as a dashed line ( ) in maps where it is visible.
In figures where there is more than one BIA of the same type, or where multiple BIAs are included and overlapping, the
8 Ferguson et al.
all potential applications for BIAs is broad, and
a single scheme is unlikely to weight each con-
tributing factor appropriately for all scenarios.
Additionally, due to limited understanding of
the linkages between individual- and population-
level effects, CetMap did not rank the BIAs based
on relative importance inferred from known or
assumed impacts associated with disruption of
specific behaviors or other threats to the species.
The Working Group concluded that information
would be lost in a simple ranking process, and that
it is better to document the assumptions and rea-
soning in each BIA narrative, and to compile the
relevant detailed information in associated meta-
data tables and the list of references.
Expert Elicitation and Review Processes
The data that can be used to characterize BIAs
varies considerably in availability, quality, quan-
tity, and type (i.e., sampling methodology used
to collect it); therefore, expert interpretation and
integration of existing information, based on
broad and detailed knowledge of regions, spe-
cies, and the assumptions associated with dif-
ferent datasets, is needed to characterize these
areas. The elicitation process was designed based
on an expert panel approach to foster pooling of
knowledge. CetMap defined a regional expert as
an individual or research group that was actively
conducting scientific research (field work and
analyses) in the region, was internationally rec-
ognized, and had a large body of peer-reviewed
publications on the species in question and/or the
region. The experts were affiliated with a range
of institutions, including academic institutions,
governmental agencies, and nongovernmental
organizations, including a nonprofit research con-
sortium. The amount of experience in cetacean
ecology that each expert who led the drafting of
the BIAs brought to the panel ranged from one to
over three decades. These regional experts were
asked to compile the best available information
(e.g., sighting, acoustic, tagging, genetic, photo-
identification) from scientific literature (including
books, peer-reviewed articles, and government
or contract reports), unpublished data, personal
experience, and other experts’ knowledge to
delineate the BIAs and create the associated nar-
ratives, maps, and metadata tables.
CetMap sought additional review of the BIAs.
CetMap recognized the need for support of the BIA
assessment process by other scientists, managers,
and relevant experts. The scientific community
has accepted the peer-review process conducted
by scientific journals as a way to evaluate science
and syntheses. The review process also helped to
ensure that the BIA narratives, maps, and metadata
tables were accurate, based on the best available
science, presented consistently across regions, and
supported by the references cited. BIA drafts were
reviewed by CetMap members and by other sci-
entific experts external to the process with experi-
ence in particular species and regions, including
individuals able to convey traditional ecological
knowledge and reviewers who operated under the
established guidelines of this journal.
In total, from drafting the original BIA narra-
tives, maps, and metadata tables through the end
of the journal’s peer-review process, each BIA
was reviewed by approximately 7 to 20 experts.
The entire assessment was conducted by experts
communicating and exchanging information
online, over the telephone, or in person.
Assessment Summary
This inaugural assessment identified 131 BIAs for
24 species (including multiple stocks for some spe-
cies) within the seven regions. These BIAs were
based on extensive review and synthesis of pub-
lished and unpublished information by upwards of
70 experts. To put this assessment into perspec-
tive, NOAA Fisheries’ Marine Mammal Stock
Assessment Reports recognize approximately
34 large whale, 61 small whale, and 76 dolphin
and porpoise stocks in U.S. waters. A summary
of the BIAs identified by region, species, BIA
type, and area is provided in Table 1.3. The geo-
graphic extent of the BIAs in all regions ranges
from 117 km2 for one Gulf of Mexico bottlenose
dolphin small and resident BIA (see LaBrecque
et al., 2015) to 373,000 km2 for the fin whale feed-
ing BIA in the Bering Sea (see Ferguson et al.,
2015c). The best estimates of abundance for the
small and resident populations identified across
all regions range from 10 (belugas in Yakutat Bay,
Gulf of Alaska; Ferguson et al., 2015a) to ~2,500
to 3,000 (belugas in Bristol Bay, Alaska; Ferguson
et al., 2015c). The spatial extent of the small and
resident populations’ overall ranges is on the order
of 4,000 km2, though were as small as 117 km2
for the Gulf of Mexico bottlenose dolphin stock
mentioned above and as large as 31,500 km2 for
the Bristol Bay belugas.
There was insufficient available information
or time to identify BIAs for the species listed by
region below. These species should be considered
in subsequent BIA assessments. In the East Coast,
common dolphin (Delphinus delphis), long- and
short-finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas
and G. macrorhynchus, respectively), Risso’s
dolphin (Grampus griseus), Atlantic white-sided
dolphin (Lagenorhynchus acutus), Atlantic spot-
ted dolphin (Stenella frontalis), and several stocks
of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) did
not have enough information to be assessed. The
BIAs for Cetaceans: Overview and Rationale 9
possibility of a minke whale migratory corridor in
the East Coast region should be considered in the
future as more acoustic data are evaluated.
There was not enough information for most of
the cetacean species in the Gulf of Mexico to eval-
uate whether BIAs should be delineated. Future
BIA assessments for the Gulf of Mexico should
evaluate potential residency patterns of the sperm
whale (Physeter macrocephalus) and other deep
diving cetaceans that utilize the canyons and shelf
break. In the Gulf of Mexico, several stocks of
bottlenose dolphin also were not evaluated.
For the West Coast region, fin whales
(Balaenoptera physalus) were discussed but no BIAs
defined due to limited or conflicting information.
Other species found in the West Coast region but
not evaluated were the minke whale (Balaenoptera
acutorostrata), killer whale (Orcinus orca), beaked
whales (family Ziphiidae), and sperm whale.
The main information gaps in the Hawai‘i
region were most species within the Northwestern
Hawaiian Islands, and some species within the
western half or along the windward sides of the
main Hawaiian Islands.
Species inhabiting the Gulf of Alaska and
Aleutian Islands and Bering Sea regions but not
evaluated include Dall’s porpoise (Phocoenoides
dalli), Pacific white-sided dolphin (Lagenorhynchus
obliquidens), killer whale, beaked whales, sperm
whale, minke whale, sei whale (Balaenoptera bore-
alis), and harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena).
Additional information gaps identified during the
assessment of the Gulf of Alaska region include
(1) reproductive areas for fin, gray (Eschrichtius
robustus), and North Pacific right (Eubalaena
japonica) whales; (2) detailed information on the
migration routes of all species; (3) detailed infor-
mation on the migratory timing of all species except
humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae); and
(4) cetacean distribution, density, and behavior
in U.S. Gulf of Alaska waters off the continen-
tal shelf. Information gaps identified during the
assessment of the Aleutian Islands and Bering Sea
region include (1) reproductive areas for all species;
(2) detailed information on the migration routes and
timing of all species; and (3) cetacean distribution,
density, and behavior in U.S. Bering Sea waters off
the continental shelf.
For the Arctic region, species lacking suf-
ficient information for assessment include fin,
humpback, minke, and killer whales, and harbor
porpoise. Other information gaps that were iden-
tified during the Arctic BIA process include
(1) bowhead whale use of the western Beaufort
Sea in summer (e.g., feeding, migration timing,
movement rates); (2) the existence or extent of
a bowhead whale fall migratory corridor in the
Chukchi Sea; (3) the extent and nature of beluga
use of outer continental shelf and slope habitat in
the Beaufort Sea; (4) the existence or location of
gray whale migratory corridors in spring and fall;
and (5) the degree to which gray whales move
between known feeding hotspots.
Strengths and Limitations of CetMap BIAs
CetMap made every effort to minimize biases in
the BIAs by requiring that the information used
to identify each BIA was fully documented in the
references and metadata tables and by undertak-
ing multiple levels of review by qualified experts.
Nevertheless, it is the responsibility of the user to
understand and keep in mind the following cave-
ats when using the BIAs in planning and decision-
making (see also Table 1.4):
• Only U.S. waters were evaluated as part of
the BIA assessment; however, available infor-
mation for non-U.S. areas was considered in
identifying BIAs. Therefore, absence of BIA
designations outside U.S. waters should not
be interpreted as an absence of BIAs in those
• Only areas and periods for which sufficient
information was available to determine biolog-
ical importance, under the criteria established
above, were considered for BIA delineation.
Therefore, other areas of biological importance
to cetaceans exist within U.S. waters but were
not included due to insufficient information
because data collection and analyses to identify
such areas are ongoing or because of time limi-
tations of the assessment process.
The quantity and type of information used to
delineate BIAs within U.S. waters were spatially
and temporally heterogeneous and included data
derived from visual sightings, passive acoustic
monitoring, tagging, genetic samples, photo-
identification, and expert knowledge.
• TheBIAnarrativesandmetadatatablesshould
be consulted to determine which regions and
periods were considered, what data support the
designations, and where and when information
is lacking.
• TheBIAdesignationisnotequivalenttohabi-
tat or range. BIAs do not identify the physical
and biological factors that characterize a spe-
cies’ habitat. Feeding, migration, and repro-
duction BIAs highlight specific locations and
periods within which critical behaviors occur
and likely represent only a fraction of a species’
overall range. BIAs may represent only the
period when a peak number of individuals use
an area. A small and resident population BIA
may encompass all or most of the population’s
10 Ferguson et al.
Table 1.3. Count and total area (in km2) of BIAs by region, species, and BIA type. A total of 131 BIAs (58 feeding, 15
migration, 10 reproduction, and 48 small and resident) were defined for 24 species across seven regions in U.S. waters,
resulting in a total area of 2,798,466 km2.
Species’ scientific name
Species’ common name
BIA type
# of
Total BIA
size (km2)
East Coast Balaenoptera acutorostrata Minke whale Feeding 2 56,597
Balaenoptera borealis Sei whale Feeding 1 56,609
Balaenoptera physalus Fin whale Feeding 3 27,094
Eubalaena glacialis North Atlantic right whale Feeding 3 16,098
Eubalaena glacialis North Atlantic right whale Migration 1 269,448
Eubalaena glacialis North Atlantic right whale Reproduction 2 51,997
Megaptera novaeangliae Humpback whale Feeding 1 47,701
Phocoena phocoena Harbor porpoise Small and resident 1 12,211
Tursiops truncatus Bottlenose dolphin Small and resident 10 13,867
Total 24 551,622
Gulf of Mexico Balaenoptera edeni Bryde’s whale Small and resident 1 23,559
Tursiops truncatus Bottlenose dolphin Small and resident 11 6,507
Total 12 30,066
West Coast Balaenoptera musculus Blue whale Feeding 9 16,438
Eschrichtius robustus Gray whale Feeding 6 1,927
Eschrichtius robustus Gray whale Migration 4 263,860
Megaptera novaeangliae Humpback whale Feeding 7 23,098
Phocoena phocoena Harbor porpoise Small and resident 2 4,941
Total 28 310,264
Hawai‘i Feresa attenuata Pygmy killer whale Small and resident 1 2,265
Globicephala macrorhynchus Short-finned pilot whale Small and resident 1 2,968
Kogia sima Dwarf sperm whale Small and resident 1 2,675
Megaptera novaeangliae Humpback whale Reproduction 1 5,846
Mesoplodon densirostris Blainville’s beaked whale Small and resident 1 7,442
Peponocephala electra Melon-headed whale Small and resident 1 1,753
Pseudorca crassidens False killer whale Small and resident 1 5,430
Stenella attenuata Pantropical spotted dolphin Small and resident 3 7,252
Stenella longirostris Spinner dolphin Small and resident 5 38,040
Steno bredanensis Rough-toothed dolphin Small and resident 1 7,175
Tursiops truncatus Common bottlenose dolphin Small and resident 4 21,920
Ziphius cavirostris Cuvier’s beaked whale Small and resident 1 23,583
Total 21 126,349
Gulf of Alaska Balaenoptera physalus Fin whale Feeding 1 44,975
Delphinapterus leucas Beluga Small and resident 2 9,209
Eschrichtius robustus Gray whale Feeding 2 7,374
Eschrichtius robustus Gray whale Migration 1 176,921
Eubalaena japonica North Pacific right whale Feeding 1 28,019
Megaptera novaeangliae Humpback whale Feeding 6 93,920
Total 13 360,418
Islands and
Bering Sea
Balaena mysticetus Bowhead whale Feeding 1 2,130
Balaena mysticetus Bowhead whale Migration 1 19,861
Balaenoptera physalus Fin whale Feeding 1 372,961
Delphinapterus leucas Beluga Feeding 1 61,675
Delphinapterus leucas Beluga Migration 1 22,332
Delphinapterus leucas Beluga Small and resident 1 31,567
Eschrichtius robustus Gray whale Feeding 3 47,866
Eschrichtius robustus Gray whale Migration 3 69,599
Eubalaena japonica North Pacific right whale Feeding 1 92,667
Megaptera novaeangliae Humpback whale Feeding 2 109,619
Total 15 830,278
BIAs for Cetaceans: Overview and Rationale 11
entire known range, or may represent high den-
sity areas within a larger known range.
• ThisBIAassessment focused on certain ceta-
cean species. It will be necessary, using other
resources, to supplement the areas identified
herein with those having high densities of these
and other marine mammal species. A similar
process could be established for the cetacean,
pinniped, sirenian, and fissiped species that
were not addressed by this effort.
No Thresholds
To maximize the number of species, areas, and
times that could be evaluated under CetMap’s BIA
criteria, CetMap chose to not incorporate thresholds
(quantitative values) into the criteria. The imple-
mentation of thresholds into assessment processes
requires a considerable amount of data of a certain
type and quality, and those data standards are dif-
ficult to meet in most regions. The variability in
the geographic extent of BIAs in this assessment
(Table 1.3) is partially due to the heterogeneity in
the type and quality of data used; however, each
BIA is substantiated by an associated narrative,
map, and metadata table, allowing transparency
into the delineation process. Furthermore, CetMap
encourages users to incorporate information from
multiple sources, including BIAs and HD models
Table 1.3. Count and total area of BIAs by region, species, and BIA type (continued)
# of Total BIA
Species’ scientific name Species’ common name BIA type BIAs size (km2)
Arctic Balaena mysticetus Bowhead whale Feeding 3 32,998
Balaena mysticetus Bowhead whale Migration 2 193,742
Balaena mysticetus Bowhead whale Reproduction 4 142,755
Delphinapterus leucas Beluga Feeding 1 1,527
Delphinapterus leucas Beluga Migration 2 171,231
Delphinapterus leucas Beluga Reproduction 1 1,527
Eschrichtius robustus Gray whale Feeding 3 27,391
Eschrichtius robustus Gray whale Reproduction 2 18,298
Total 18 589,469
Grand total 131 2,798,466
Table 1.4. The caveats below should be considered when using BIAs in planning or decision-making processes.
1 Only U.S. waters were evaluated as part of the BIA assessment; however, available information for non-U.S. areas
was considered in identifying BIAs. Therefore, absence of BIA designations outside U.S. waters should not be inter-
preted as an absence of BIAs in those waters.
2 Only areas and periods for which sufficient information was available to determine biological importance under the
criteria established above were considered for BIA delineation. Therefore, other areas of biological importance to
cetaceans exist within U.S. waters but were not included due to insufficient information because data collection and
analyses to identify such areas are ongoing or because of time limitations of the assessment process.
3 The quantity and type of information used to delineate BIAs within U.S. waters were spatially and temporally het-
erogeneous and included data derived from visual sightings, passive acoustic monitoring, tagging, genetic samples,
photo-identification, and expert knowledge.
4 The BIA narratives and metadata tables should be consulted to determine which regions and periods were consid-
ered, what data support the designations, and where and when information is lacking.
5 The BIA designation is not equivalent to habitat or range. BIAs do not identify the physical and biological factors
that characterize a species’ habitat. Feeding, migration, and reproduction BIAs highlight specific locations and peri-
ods within which critical behaviors occur and likely represent only a fraction of a species’ overall range. BIAs may
represent only the period when a peak number of individuals use an area. A small and resident population BIA may
encompass all or most of the population’s entire known range, or may represent high density areas within a larger
known range.
6 This BIA assessment focused on certain cetacean species. It will be necessary, using other resources, to supplement
the areas identified here with those having high densities of these and other marine mammal species. A similar pro-
cess could be established for the cetacean, pinniped, sirenian, and fissiped species that were not addressed by this
12 Ferguson et al.
or stratified density estimates, to inform conserva-
tion and management decisions.
Expert Elicitation
The expert elicitation process used in this BIA
assessment is both a strength and a limitation. There
is an urgent need for input into decisions regarding
conservation and management and a lack of data
for quantitative analyses (Kot et al., 2010; Kaschner
et al., 2012). Managers are asked to make decisions
given the best available information (or limitations
thereof), and scientists are asked to provide input
(professional judgments and interpretations) even
when information is limited. Expert elicitation
allows for the interpretation and synthesis of vari-
ous sources of information, such as empirical data,
scientific literature, and personal field experience,
to make existing knowledge directly applicable to
management (Teck et al., 2010).
Expert elicitation is not purely objective, but
neither are empirical data collection and analysis
methods in general. All science requires judgments
to be made at multiple points in the scientific pro-
cess: defining the question; choosing the study
area; creating the study design; deciding on and
implementing data collection methods; analyzing
data, including the identification and treatment of
outliers; deciding on the analytical spatial and tem-
poral extent and scale; subsetting data; identifying
and computing parameters of interest; choosing
an overall analytical paradigm (e.g., frequentist,
Bayesian, or likelihood statistical approaches); and
presenting and interpreting results.
CetMap incorporated safeguards into several
steps of the expert elicitation process: (1) enlist-
ing experts with knowledge about cetaceans in
particular regions, acquired through personal
experience conducting research (field work and
analyses); (2) facilitating transparency of the BIA
assessment process by providing details about
methodology, assumptions, and rationale in the
narratives, and providing details about the infor-
mation used in the narratives, metadata tables, and
references; (3) fostering support for the BIAs by
undertaking an extensive expert review phase for
narratives, maps, and metadata tables, including
reviewers designated by the journal and those who
were external to the journal’s official peer-review
process; and (4) recognizing that this is a first
step in an iterative process, and encouraging these
inaugural BIAs to be reviewed and revised in the
future as new information becomes available.
Future Directions for CetMap BIAs
CetMap’s BIA assessment process should be con-
sidered an iterative process. As noted above, BIAs
are limited by available knowledge, and they are
not intended to provide a complete list of areas
of biological importance for all cetacean species.
NOAA regards the information presented on the
CetMap website, including the BIAs, to be living
resources, which will be maintained and updated as
new information becomes available. This inaugural
set of BIAs represents a snapshot in time. As new
empirical data are gathered, these BIAs can be cali-
brated to determine how closely they correspond
to reality, and they can be updated as necessary.
Future assessments should consider methods for
incorporating uncertainty into the BIA delineation
process. In addition, the number of cetacean species
(within a given region and time period) represented
in the BIA library is likely to expand as knowledge
accumulates. Furthermore, decisionmakers and the
scientific community might find it helpful to have
information about BIAs for pinnipeds, sirenians,
and fissipeds. When planning future BIA assess-
ments, it will be important to account for the time
required to undertake the process. This entire elici-
tation process, starting with CetMap’s initial work-
shop in January 2011 and finishing with publication
in March 2015, took approximately four years.
Comparison to International Assessments
The CetMap BIA assessment is part of a growing
international effort to delineate areas of biological
or ecological importance to inform decisions or
promote actions in the conservation and manage-
ment realm. Herein, we compare CetMap BIAs to
ICAs, and Australian BIAs (Table 1.5). Although
IMMAs are still in development (Corrigan et al.,
2014), and KBA criteria are in revision (IUCN,
2013b), sufficient information exists to compare
the proposed assessment to the collection of exist-
ing assessments. It should be noted that other
detailed regional assessments exist, including the
Bering Strait Marine Life and Subsistence Use Data
Synthesis (Oceana & Kawerak, Inc., 2014) and the
Arctic Synthesis compiled by Audubon Alaska
and Oceana (Smith, 2010). We chose to focus on
the assessments in Table 1.5 because they are most
similar to the CetMap BIA process.
The suite of assessments listed above and sum-
marized in Table 1.5 share a collection of common
characteristics. First, all of these examples are proac-
tive efforts to identify important areas. They are not
responses to specific actions or developments; rather,
they address multiple existing and growing environ-
mental concerns in the marine, freshwater, or terres-
trial environment. Second, all efforts are based on the
best available science and rely on expert judgment to
shape the criteria and conduct the assessment. Third,
they are all iterative processes. Recognizing that our
understanding of the marine environment is under
BIAs for Cetaceans: Overview and Rationale 13
and marine6
, Regional6
United States
Ecological unit
stocks, species
species, or
ecosystem4, 6
Thresholds. = Quantitative
assessment to five similar international assessments; QT
Small and r
These either may be
: (1) Sites contributing
oductive ar
Areas and times within
Areas and times within which
Areas and times within which
times within which a particular species
selectively mates, gives birth, or is found
with neonates or calves. (2)
aggregations of a particular species
preferentially feed.
persistent in space and time or associated
with ephemeral features that are less
predictable but are located within a lar
area that can be delineated. (3)
which a substantial portion of a species
is known to migrate; the corridor is
oposed criteria
spatially restricted. (4)
small and resident populations occupy a
limited geographic extent
significantly to the global persistence
of threatened biodiversity; (2) Sites
contributing significantly to the global
persistence of geographically restricted
biodiversity; (3) Sites contributing
significantly to the global persistence of
biodiversity because they are exceptional
examples of ecological integrity and
naturalness; (4) Sites contributing
significantly to the global persistence of
outstanding biological processes; and
(5) Sites contributing significantly to
the global persistence of biodiversity
as identified through a comprehensive
quantitative analysis of irreplaceability
BIAs are reproductive
areas, feeding areas,
migratory corridors,
and areas in which
small and resident
populations are
Areas that contribute
significantly to the
global persistence of
Comparison of CetMap’
Oversight body
Cetacean Density
and Distribution
Mapping W
orld W
on Protected
Areas and
Species Survival
Commission Joint
Task Force on
Biodiversity and
Protected Areas
able 1.5.
14 Ferguson et al.
2, 3
2, 3
2, 3
and Southeast
Thresholds. (continued)
Ecological unit
species, or
= Quantitative
assessment to five similar international assessments; QT
(1) Uniqueness or rarity; (2) Special
importance for life history stages of
species; (3) Importance for threatened,
endangered, or declining species
and/or habitats; (4) Vulnerability,
, or slow , sensitivity
recovery; (5) Biological productivity;
Biological diversity; and
(1) Endangered, threatened, or
vulnerable species; (2) Feeding
concentrations; (3) Breeding area or
nursery; (4) Migration corridors; and
Species diversity
and biologically
significant areas are
geographically or
discrete areas that
provide important
services to one
or more species/
populations of an
ecosystem or to
the ecosystem as a
whole, compared to
other surrounding
areas or areas of
similar ecological
characteristics, or
otherwise meet the
criteria as identified
in Annex I to decision
Important Cetacean
Areas (ICAs) are
discrete areas of
ocean that are
of importance to
cetaceans for feeding,
breeding, and
migration activities.
Comparison of CetMap’
Oversight body
Conference of the
Parties (COP) to
the Convention
on Biological
Pacific W
Table 1.5.
BIAs for Cetaceans: Overview and Rationale 15
Thresholds. (continued)
Ecological unit
= Quantitative
marine turtles,
assessment to five similar international assessments; QT
, Population, and Communities (DSEWPaC) (2012)
(1) Breeding; (2) Foraging; (3) Resting;
and (4) Migration10
: (1) Reproductive
, size of populations, and
oposed criteria1
Smaller or resident populations;
Abundance estimates and population
, uniqueness, genetic isolation,
areas and times; (2) Feeding areas
and times; (3) Migration corridors;
structure (with consideration of
temporal aggregations); (6) 3-D habitat
features; and (7) Considerations of
vulnerability and resilience
, Environment, W
important areas
are areas that are
particularly important
for the conservation
of protected
species and where
aggregations of
individuals display
biologically important
behaviour such as
breeding, foraging,
resting, or migration.
Sites that contribute
significantly to the
global persistence
of marine mammal
These are proposed criteria.
Comparison of CetMap’
ask Force
Oversight body
Department of the
IUCN Marine
Protected Areas
able 1.5.T
Corrigan et al. (2014).
Australian Government Department of Sustainability
Australian Government Department of the Environment (2014)
CBD (2008)
CBD (2010)
IUCN (2013a)
IUCN (2013b)
IUCN (2012)
PWLF (2013)
16 Ferguson et al.
continual revision and to ensure that the areas identi-
fied under each assessment continue to represent the
best available science, it is necessary to review and
revise the areas on a cycle that tracks the acquisition
of new information.
There are several noteworthy differences among
the assessments, which are highlighted in Table 1.5.
For example, the ecological units assessed to
delineate KBAs and EBSAs range from genes (for
KBAs) or populations (both) to ecosystems and
consider all taxa and habitats (CBD, 2008; IUCN,
2012, 2013a). ICAs (PWLF, 2013), Australian
BIAs (DSEWPaC, 2012), IMMAs (Corrigan et al.,
2014), and CetMap BIAs are based on populations,
stocks, or species. Australian BIAs are restricted
to marine habitats and include seabirds, cetaceans,
pinnipeds, sirenians, marine turtles, and fishes
(DSEWPaC, 2012). IMMAs will include all species
of cetaceans, pinnipeds, sirenians, and fissipeds,
and will encompass terrestrial, marine, and fresh-
water habitats (Corrigan et al., 2014). ICAs (PWLF,
2013) and CetMap BIAs currently include only
cetaceans. The geographic scope and political scale
vary among the efforts. The KBA (IUCN, 2012),
EBSA (CBD, 2008, 2010), and IMMA (Corrigan
et al., 2014) efforts are global, and areas are identi-
fied at geographic scales ranging from regional (a
portion of a nation), national (at the level of a single
nation), or international (crossing national bound-
aries). ICAs are restricted to waters off British
Columbia and Southeast Alaska (PWLF, 2013).
ICA boundaries can cross national borders but are
also identified at the regional scale (PWLF, 2013).
Australian (DSEWPaC, 2012) and CetMap BIAs
are restricted to national waters but are delineated
at the regional scale. In general, KBAs tend to be
smaller than EBSAs, and IMMAs are expected to
be similar in size to KBAs (Hoyt & Notarbartolo
di Sciara, 2014).
Understanding the goals and the intended use
of the designated sites is critical to understanding
whether and how the different types of areas can be
integrated or nested. KBAs are defined as “areas
that contribute significantly to the global persis-
tence of biodiversity” (IUCN, 2012, p. 10). KBA
delineation is meant to “help national government
agencies, decision makers, resource managers,
local communities, the private sector, donor agen-
cies, and others to target the implementation of
site conservation standards” (IUCN, 2013a, p. 3).
KBA size and the location of their boundaries
“should be based on actual or potential manage-
ability for conservation or biodiversity” (IUCN,
2012, p. 21). Therefore, KBA delineation is some-
what constrained by political, socioeconomic, and
legal factors. Furthermore, the proposed KBA cri-
teria are based on quantitative thresholds (IUCN,
In the EBSA delineation process, there is less
focus on management and more emphasis on
ecology and biology. EBSAs are defined as “geo-
graphically or oceanographically discrete areas
that provide important services to one or more
species/populations of an ecosystem or to the eco-
system as a whole, compared to other surrounding
areas or areas of similar ecological characteristics”
(CBD, 2008, p. 181). Furthermore, the Conference
of the Parties to the CBD (2010) noted that “the
application of the ecologically or biologically sig-
nificant areas (EBSAs) criteria is a scientific and
technical exercise” (p. 234) and that “areas found
to meet the criteria may require enhanced con-
servation and management measures” (p. 234).
EBSA delineation does not require the evalua-
tion of quantitative thresholds. Criteria for KBAs
(IUCN, 2013b) and EBSAs (CBD, 2008) include
vulnerability to disturbances, which ultimately
involves assessment of threats, risks, and, poten-
tially, cumulative effects analyses. Although still
in development, IMMAs are anticipated to “nest
fully within what would constitute an EBSA, and
either fully or to at least a large degree within
KBAs” (Corrigan et al., 2014, p. 181; see also
Hoyt & Notarbartolo di Sciara, 2014). KBAs
(IUCN, 2013b), EBSAs (CBD, 2008), and ICAs
(PWLF, 2013) all include a criterion regarding
endangered, threatened, or vulnerable species. In
addition, ICAs include some quantitative thresh-
olds (PWLF, 2013). The Australian (DSEWPaC,
2012) and CetMap BIAs are more similar to
each other than to the other assessments because
they are not based on thresholds, and they do not
directly incorporate vulnerability criteria; rather,
they can be considered purely behavior or activ-
ity “layers” that can be input into management
decisions, cumulative effects models, or other
assessment processes (i.e., KBAs, EBSAs, and/or
IMMAs), along with other factors relevant to the
particular issue at hand.
The CetMap BIAs are one in a growing interna-
tional collection of tools created to assist multiple
stakeholders in the characterization, analysis, and
minimization of anthropogenic impacts on ceta-
ceans, other taxa, and ecosystems. All of the tools
require regular review and revision to track emerg-
ing knowledge and understanding about the spe-
cies and ecosystems of concern. Communication
among those overseeing each assessment process
will be critical in order to share limited resources
(i.e., time, money, and knowledge) and to enhance
understanding of how the products from each
assessment can be integrated.
Aquatic Mammals 2015, 41(1), 104-105, DOI 10.1578/AM.41.1.2015.104
The production of these BIAs has involved many
decisions about the process and approach that would
be taken. These decisions were largely agreed upon
within the Cetacean Density and Distribution
Mapping (CetMap) Working Group that forms
part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) CetSound program (http:// CetMap is comprised of Jay
Barlow, Elizabeth Becker, Danielle Cholewiak,
Jesse Cleary, Megan Ferguson, Karin Forney,
Lance Garrison, Jolie Harrison, Tim Haverland,
Anu Kumar, Sue Moore, Daniel Palacios, Jessica
Redfern, and Sofie Van Parijs. Additionally, regional
and species experts provided detailed review com-
ments. Funding for CetMap was provided by the
NOAA, the Bureau for Ocean Energy Management,
and the U.S. Navy.
Overview and Rationale
The NOAA Alaska Regional Office provided
detailed review comments. We are grateful
to Giuseppe Notarbartolo di Sciara, Kathleen
Dudzinski, one anonymous reviewer, and all
the reviewers of the regional manuscripts for
improvements to the “Overview and Rationale”
and the collection of manuscripts.
East Coast
We are grateful to Danielle Cholewiak, Lance
Garrison, Elizabeth Josephson, Anu Kumar, Keith
Mullen, Debi Palka, and Denise Risch for provid-
ing internal reviews; to Jooke Robbins for pro-
viding a review and unpublished Provincetown
Center for Coastal Studies (PCCS) sighting data
of feeding baleen whales; to Allison Henry for
providing Northeast Fisheries Science Center
(NEFSC) data; and to Tim Cole for providing the
boundaries of the demographic study of poten-
tial North Atlantic right whale mating in the Gulf
of Maine. The Duke and University of North
Carolina Wilmington (UNCW) monitoring teams
provided us with useful discussion on unusual spe-
cies sightings off Cape Hatteras, and potential resi-
dency patterns of delphinids in Onslow Bay and at
the shelf break. We also thank William McLellan,
Kathleen Dudzinski, and one anonymous reviewer
for improvements to the manuscript.
Gulf of Mexico
We are grateful to Lance Garrison, Keith Mullen,
Patty Rosel, and Randy Wells for providing inter-
nal reviews for the Gulf of Mexico region. We also
thank Kathleen Dudzinski and two anonymous
reviewers for improvements to the manuscript.
West Coast
We are grateful to Jay Barlow, Karin Forney,
Jessica Redfern, Greg Schorr, and an anonymous
reviewer for providing valuable comments. Maps
and comparison to habitat-based density (HD)
models were made with the help of Karin Forney,
Jessica Redfern, and T.J. Moore. Funding for the
development and validation of the U.S. West Coast
HD models was provided by Chip Johnson, Julie
Rivers (U.S. Pacific Fleet, U.S. Navy), and Sean
Hanser (Naval Facilities Engineering Command
Pacific, U.S. Navy), with additional funding pro-
vided by the Southwest Fisheries Science Center.
We also thank all of the researchers, photograph
contributors, and funders who contributed to the
West Coast studies.
Hawaiian Islands
Collection of the unpublished data summarized
herein was funded by a variety of sources, includ-
ing the Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center,
the U.S. Navy (Office of Naval Research and
N45), and Dolphin Quest, and was undertaken
under National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)
Scientific Research Permits No. 15330 and 731-
1774. We thank Erin Oleson, Karin Forney, and
several anonymous reviewers for reviews of vari-
ous versions of the manuscript.
Gulf of Alaska
We are grateful to Catherine Berchok, Manuel
Castellote, Phil Clapham, Marilyn Dahlheim,
Chris Gabriele, Amy Kennedy, Sally Mizroch,
Kim Shelden, Jan Straley, Bree Witteveen, and
Alex Zerbini for providing information and
reviews for the Gulf of Alaska region. We also
thank Kathleen Dudzinski and three anonymous
reviewers for their in-depth reviews, and Jim Lee
for providing a thorough technical review of the
105 Acknowledgments
Aleutian Islands and Bering Sea
We are grateful for the detailed review com-
ments provided by the following Aleutian Islands
and Bering Sea regional and species experts:
Catherine Berchok, Phil Clapham, Nancy Friday,
Ellen Garland, Amy Kennedy, Sally Mizroch, and
Kim Shelden. We also thank Kathleen Dudzinski,
Brenda Rone, and Mari Smultea for their in-depth
reviews and helpful comments, and Gary Duker
for his technical review of the manuscript.
We are grateful to Lisanne Aerts, Cynthia
Christman, the NMFS Alaska Regional Office,
and Sue Moore for providing reviews for the
Arctic region. We also thank Gary Duker for pro-
viding a technical review of the manuscript. We are
grateful to Kathleen Dudzinski, Lori Quakenbush,
and one anonymous reviewer for improvements
to the manuscript. The Aerial Surveys of Arctic
Marine Mammals (ASAMM) project was funded
by the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau
of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM, for-
merly MMS), Alaska Outer Continental Shelf
Region, Anchorage, Alaska, through Interagency
Agreement No. M11PG00033 with the Alaska
Fisheries Science Center, NOAA Fisheries.
Aquatic Mammals 2015, 41(1), 106-128, DOI 10.1578/AM.41.1.2015.106
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