... Although a full review of research correlating (or failing to correlate) IP use with social and personal problems is beyond the scope of this paper, existing studies associate IP use with greater anxiety (Voon et al., 2014), shyness (Luster, Nelson, Poulsen, & Willoughby, 2013), depression (Weaver et al., 2011), poorer academic performance (Beyens, Vandenbosch, & Eggermont, 2015), ADHD (Reid, Davtian, Lenartowicz, Torrevillas, & Fong, 2013), and relationship dissatisfaction (Morgan, 2011). Researchers have also linked IP use with arousal, attraction, and sexual performance problems, including difficulty orgasming and erectile dysfunction (ED) (Sutton, Stratton, Pytyck, Kolla, & Cantor, 2015;Wéry & Billieux, 2016;Voon et al., 2014, Porto, 2016, negative effects on partnered sex (Poulsen, Busby, & Galovan, 2013;Sun, Bridges, Johnason, & Ezzell, 2014), a need for stronger pornographic material (Wéry & Billieux, 2016), and a preference for using IP to achieve and maintain arousal rather than having sex with a partner (Sun, Miezan, Lee, & Shim, 2015). ...