
The Economics of Location

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... mountains, rivers), even as they are obviously also political and socio-economic in nature (Fall, 2017). The border-as-barrier circumstance stands in the way of economic optima being reached, and provides for a distortion of what would otherwise be a more "natural" logic of locating functions (Lösch, 1954). A border may further be a barrier in the strategic, ideological, migration-related and sanitary-epidemiological contexts (Prescott, 1987). ...
... Peripheries also feature low population density and a limited degree of urbanisation. A feature of state borders is the way they have been associated with discouraged and disincentivised locating of economic activity (Lösch, 1954). These are aspects that go together with active political/policy decisions, with the impacts being depopulation, tangible bans on engagement in economic activity, a very strong protective function for border areas and so on. ...
... In such a process of uneven development one side of a border emerges as more privileged than the other. In the same way, there is typically an asymmetry characterising the two sides of a border (Dołzbłasz, 2015;Lösch, 1954). This is brought to light as we compare borderland areas (Herschell, 2011), and also cities divided by a border (Dołzbłasz, 2015). ...
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The paper develops a conceptual framework for interpreting the process of border changes in Poland since 1945. In this article, the author presents directions of change, and the functions, characterising Poland’s borders. A synthesis of relevant literature on borders shows how the specific functions of borderlands can be categorised into at least four overarching types, including by reference to barriers, peripherality and isolation, line of differentiation, and axis of integration. This then gains verification through empirical analysis of processes actually taking place along the borders of Poland. It proves possible to identify and take account of periods of isolation, transformation and European integration. However, the analysis also takes account of the most recent phenomena characterising the last few years (2020–2024), during which the Polish borders have moved back in a “rebordering” direction. The Author proposes the new concept of dynamic (cyclical) change of border function types after using Polish borders as an example of empirical analysis.
... (i) focusing on cost minimizationas classical or neoclassical location theories (Lösch, 1954;Isard, 1956;McCann & Shepard, 2003); and ...
... Some authors (Lösch, 1954;Isard, 1956;Henry, 1992) take into consideration only the economic factors and excluding non-economic factors such as legal aspects, socio-cultural and psychological factors, or agglomeration effects. An important economic factor is access to transportation means. ...
... While analyzing the importance of the transportation factor, the majority of the surveyed papers address only the transportation of raw materials or other goods (Lösch, 1954;Isard, 1956;Krugman, 1991;Porter, 1998;McCann & Shepard, 2003). Recent research related to evolution of the travel industry in the post corona-virus period predicts the acceleration of travel innovation (Bremner, 2020). ...
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The driving role of technology in building a sustainable and resilient future has been long acknowledged. As one of the most resilient industries, the hospitality sector is the focus of this research, particularlythe hotel lodging industry in the Bucharest metropolitan area (Romania’s capital city) as it relates to passenger traffic at two important international transportation hubs: the international airport and railway station. The site selection, or selection of an appropriate location for lodging, is astrategic choice. The distinction between success and failure is also determined by other external factors as well as internal company factors. There is a wealth of literature on business location, and the main approaches are highlighted in the section onliterature reviews. Future research will need to address the issue of business location in relation to transportation hubs that can attract potential customers. There are two specific questions to reach the research objective: to find out if the traffic from the transit terminals influences the number of accommodation facilities and if there is a specific pattern for choosing the location of tourist accommodation facilities (hotels) in the studied area. The investigation methodology consists of both secondary sources and primary research, respectively: national statistics as well as international databases such as Google Maps and OpenStreetMap, extensively use the geographic information system (GIS) database and software tools (QGIS 3.22 and Google Earth Pro The intent is to find whether there is a relationship between the two databases studied. It can be concluded that the number of tourist accommodation facilities and its locations are related to the main passenger traffic flows from/to the Bucharest “Henry Coanda” International Airport OTP and Bucharest North Railway station. The results, which are presented in both tabular and dynamic graphical formats, are beneficial for scholars and mostly for practitioners and businesspeople. Besides, the findings from this study is valuable for policymakers and strategists at a macroeconomic level, as well as for tourism and hospitality entrepreneurs and managers. The implications are highlighted, and recommendations are presented in this paper.
... Parallel to Christaller, a similar theory suggested by Lösch-The Nature of Economic Regions [51] and further The Economics of Location [52]-aimed to understand spatial locations and create a general theory of location. Lösch's views were more complex than Christaller's, illustrating a whole equilibrium system explaining the interrelationship of all locations, including much more complex network relationships than the hierarchy network of Christaller. ...
... The economic growth perspective emphasizes different roles in space perception, shifting from regional growth to local development into local growth theories [67]. Either way, Christaller [49] and Lösch [51,52] formed the principal basis of regional spatial organization. First and foremost, they show that cities are not scattered randomly over space, and secondly, the functioning of cities cannot be understood without considering their surroundings. ...
... This is true for all spatial scales. These flows, mentioned by Christaller [49] and Lösch [51,52], are affected by the size of attraction and distance between them. Moreover, this so-called attractiveness has a dual effect, reflecting scaling hierarchical structures of city sizes and services scope [75], along with a hierarchy of market areas (hinterlands) [62]. ...
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Spatial accessibility is fundamentally related to the functional, economic and social performances of cities and geographical systems and, therefore, constitutes an essential aspect for spatial planning. Despite the significant progress made in accessibility research, little attention is given to the central role of accessibility in space organization and structuration. This study aimed to fill this gap. Based on an intensive literature review, our work shows the critical role of accessibility in space organization at different scales and sizes, starting from the basic concept of accessibility and its foundations in the classical locational theories and further to the methods and theories at the forefront of research. These processes also point to a unique contribution of multiscale accessibility in space structuration. Accordingly, we offer a conceptual framework to describe the multiscale process of space structuration with respect to local-urban, regional and national scales. We believe this framework may help in studying space and, more importantly, in understanding space. We hope this perspective forms an additional tier at the conceptual and methodological levels concerning accessibility and spatial organization and will encourage empirical studies in light of the suggested view.
... The flow approach follows the classic economic geographers, like Losch (1940) and Giersch (1949), with the physical flow of (trading) activities playing a key role. Its main focus on rationality and physical distance is still resourceful in the contemporary studies of borderlands and cross-border trade. ...
... Its main focus on rationality and physical distance is still resourceful in the contemporary studies of borderlands and cross-border trade. Losch (1940) noted that economics of location envisages the benefits of border locations. It argues that state tariffs at national borders lengthens the economic distance between two countries. ...
The establishment of African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement (AfCFTA) in 2018 paved the way for trade to commence on 1 January 2021. The main goal of AfCFTA is to boost intra-African trade by removing tariff and non-tariff barriers to create a single liberalised market for goods and services in Africa. The border regions are expected to play a central role for this initiative, but unfortunately they are pervaded by issues such as infrastructural marginalisation, multiple checkpoints, insurgency, transnational organised crime, border disputes and border porosity. Borderlands in the ECOWAS region are not exempted from these concerns which pose a significant challenge to cross-border trade in the region. This chapter analyses border issues in the ECOWAS region and the challenges they pose to cross-border trade which ordinarily should serve as an interface for the domestication of AfCFTA in the region. An ethnographic research approach was adopted, using observation and interviews as instruments for data collection. Other sources of data include documents, books and journal articles on the theme of borders and border-related issues. Three theoretical strands used in human geography vis-à-vis flow approach, cross-border cooperation approach and people approach were employed to explain cross-border socioeconomic activities in the region.KeywordsAfCFTAECOWASCross-border cooperationCross-border tradeIntra- African tradeRegional integration
... The idea of taking into account the transport factor in the model of an agricultural enterprise location was expanded and refined for application to industrial enterprises by W. Launhardt, in whose works the idea of the "three-point problem" was presented, that is, the problem of establishing the optimal location for an enterprise that produces one type of product at constant unit production costs, in terms of production orientation to a particular market and considering only two sources of raw materials. The theory took a generalized form in the results of A. Weber's research [19], where the decisive criteria for choosing the optimal location were determined by the minimum relative costs of production and marketing, namely wage costs, raw materials costs and fuel and transport costs (determined by the distance and cargo weight) as well as economic benefits of reduced fixed capital provision. The location theory gained its further development by W. Christaller [6], who based on empirical data on southern Germany, formed the Central Place Theory (CPT). ...
... Theories of J.G. von Thünen, W. Launhardt, A. Weber and W. Christaller, which are considered to be classical location theories, have two common features, namely: firstly, an assumption of complete information about all the location factors necessary to determine the optimal enterprise location and secondly, an object of a study is an individual enterprise without taking into account such external factors as tax policy and consumer demand. Thus, a shift of the subject shifting in a scale of a research subject of from ЕКОНОМІЧНІ ІННОВАЦІЇ Том 24, Вип. 2 (83) 209 a level of a single enterprise to a level of economic region took place within a formation of the spatial economic equilibrium theory by A. Lösch [19], which in his presentation is considered neoclassical. Lösch expanded a range of factors influencing the optimal location of enterprises, supplementing the classical location theories with various tools of macroeconomics (taxes, duties, effects of different competition conditions, etc.) and, by means of calculations, proved that as you move away from the center to the periphery of the market area, transport costs increase, prices for goods and services increase, and at the same time there is a decrease in demand. ...
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Topicality. The article explores the issue of determining the direction in which the region should develop its foreign economic relations, how to rebuild a regional economic system in order to realize their resources and opportunities for growth in the globalized international economy in the most effective way. Theoretical and conceptual foundations of the regional foreign economic relations development, analysed in this article, determine a role of commodity exports, imports of modern technologies, investment (including foreign capital), innovation, institutional environment and entrepreneurship for regional development. Among other issues addressed in this article, special attention was paid to analysis of changes in regional development paradigms.Aim and tasks. The aim of the article is to study theoretical and conceptual foundations of regional development through by means of regional foreign economic relations amplification. In addition, the objectives of the current study include: highlighting changes of scientific views on paradigms of regional development in terms of areas of amplification of regional foreign economic relations, identification of the main contradictions and temporal context of the proposed theories and concepts of regional development, addition to the main trends in the theoretical and conceptual basis of regional development in recent years.Research results. The article considers a formation of theories and concepts of regional development, which provide for the intensification of regional foreign economic relations. The analysis of theoretical and conceptual bases of regional foreign economic relations amplification testifies the transformation of paradigms of regional development according to a context of times in which there were changes of scientific views on the reasons and consequences of regional growth. The article examines the evolutionary transformation of regional economic development paradigms through the following theories: spatial location theory, theory of international (interregional) trade, Keynesian theories (export base theory and input-output model), neoclassical theories of regional economic development, concepts of economic rationalism, comparative, competitive and common advantages, theories of globalization, sustainable development, regional self-help and endogenous development, a new growth theory. Based on the analysis of the regional development theoretical foundations, the article establishes that the main theories and concepts of regional foreign economic relations mostly focused on consideration of such incentives as: capital investment, technological innovation, foreign trade, agglomeration effect (economies of scale), as well as a level of institution development.Conclusion. The article states that there is no single generally accepted theory for providing scientific approaches to a complementary amplification of regional foreign economic relations. Certain theories and concepts, which form theoretical foundations for the regional foreign economic relations amplification, have relatively practical application only in specific cases. Thus, by means of an application of the postulates of the theory of international and interregional trade, the optimal structure of the external trade turnover of the region and the parameters of determining the commodity positions for import substitution are determined; neoclassical theory of spatial equilibrium serves as a theoretical basis for choosing investment attraction’ direction in prioritized regional production and infrastructure facilities; new regional growth theories (including, of endogenous regional development concept) serve as a theoretical background for choosing tools for foreign economic activity intensification in order to ensure regional development. At the same time, achieving regional growth, in the modern sense, is not possible without considering principles of sustainable development and self-sufficiency of a territory, therefore, an amplification of foreign economic relations in the region, even in a globalized world, should be based mainly on endogenous factors, while strengthening its development with an innovation and investment components from the external environment.
... Seguindo a mesma linha de pensamento, Lösch (1954) partiu para o desenvolvimento da sua teoria que buscava explicar o surgimento da hierarquia de cidades. Este procura incorporar ao raciocínio ideias relacionadas à teoria da localização das atividades econômicas, demonstrando como, a partir dessas localizações, haveria uma tendência ao aparecimento do sistema de lugares centrais. ...
... Este procura incorporar ao raciocínio ideias relacionadas à teoria da localização das atividades econômicas, demonstrando como, a partir dessas localizações, haveria uma tendência ao aparecimento do sistema de lugares centrais. Lösch (1954) consegue traçar uma dinâmica produtiva e econômica através de seu modelo, que conduz à formação de uma área de mercado em função dos custos de produção juntamente com os custos de transportes e a capacidade de ampliação das economias de escala que os produtores passam a gerar. Estas últimas favorecem a expansão dos municípios, em razão da expansão das atividades produtivas, possibilitada pelo crescimento de suas respectivas áreas de mercado. ...
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Capítulo publicado no Livro Economia e Desenvolvimento Local Cap. 01 - O desenvolvimento endógeno como forma de articulação entre políticas locais de desenvolvimento e atores locais: Políticas e projetos de desenvolvimento que se articulam com atores locais no âmbito de um processo acentuado de mercados globalizados podem ser considerados como base para compreender os aspectos conceituais do desenvolvimento endógeno. Para além de políticas e projetos, é somente a partir do objetivo da sustentabilidade deste desenvolvimento, que se torna possível pensar de forma concreta a articulação com atores locais...
... The fundamental studies of the regularities of the spatial arrangement of social activities and their reflection in the settlement structure are based on principles described in localization theories [26][27][28][29] and much later in theories of the new economic geography (NEG) which brings a more realistic view of the conditionality of population distribution and economic activities in space due to taking into account a number of additional influencing factors (see e.g. [30,31], or [32]). ...
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Geolocation data is a widely used source of the spatial information about the population. Their great potential might be also used for population mobility research to identify spatial interactions forming the hierarchical structure of the settlement system. For this purpose, a model of data acquisition and their preliminary analysis was developed. This model represents an effective tool for mapping the mobility behavior of the population. Using the example of Czechia, primary commuting links are identified, which are subsequently analyzed in detail using GIS tools in both desktop and online environments. Therefore, important commuting centers of different hierarchical levels are defined by the volume and nature of spatial interactions. This approach is used as a source of important expertise for the proposals on subsequent administration reform in Czechia. Nevertheless, the entire model is generally transferable, and the entire method of using the geolocation data for mapping the hierarchy within the settlement system can be replicated in other countries as well.
... We emphasized this in our previous publications (Stadnicki, 2018;Stadnicki & Terebukh, 2020; Volume 13 • Number 3 • September 2022 Stadnicki & Terebukh, 2022), and the world-famous researcher of the history of economic thought, Mark Blaug, explained this situation by the continued disregard by scientists of the spatial factor in economics, as well as the dominance of description in studies on the spatial organization of the economy [3,4] (Blaug, 1979;2006). Descriptiveness was characteristic of scientists who preferred qualitative rather than quantitative analysis, because they believed that the lack of relevant information would always be a problem for reliable calculations (Beckmann, 1968;Hoover, 1948;Losch, 1954;Marshall, 1890). The main drawback of theoretical approaches to the problem of optimal location of production is the lack of a systematic approach to take into account the analysis of potential sales markets (PSM). ...
... RGCs offer a great potential for rural economic growth, therefore the government should promote and support this potential until the process of development becomes sustainable and equitable (Manyanhaire, 2011). Christaller (1933) and Losch (1940) propounded the Central Place concept, which is associated with the functional specialisation, quantity, size and distribution of human settlements. The original concept has been later expanded by regional scholars such as Hirschman (1958), Boudeville (1968) and Friedman (1970) to include the dimension of geographic space. ...
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In developing countries like India, even after having a prolonged history of rural development planning, villages are still struggling to access most basic amenities and services. This study aims to establish the existing hierarchy of rural settlements in the Singrauli district of Madhya Pradesh by identifying the existing Rural Growth Centres (RGCs). The study is based on secondary data obtained from the District Census Handbook, 2011. In order to find out the four-tier hierarchical arrangement of all the 727 villages in the study area, the Centrality Score (CS) has been calculated by considering 31 services at the village level. Five settlements recording CS value of more than 10.00 have been designated as RGCs which constitutes only 0.68 per cent of the total inhabited villages. The base of the hierarchical pyramid of rural settlements is significantly wider which shows the largest concentration of settlements under the lowest category, which constitutes more than 75 per cent villages of the study area. This study provides a base for village level planning and can help to ensure that rural development is both sustainable and equitable.
... As instituições financeiras, ao decidirem abrir novas filiais (agências bancárias) em outros mercados e adquirir/fundir-se com outra instituição já atuante localmente, levam em consideração aspectos federalizados para posterior privatização, 5 reestruturados com recursos do PROES e apenas 3 não participaram do programa, conforme dados de julho de 1998. Esses conceitos se aderem à teoria da localização que, segundo Weber (1929) e Losch (1954), baseia-se na hipótese de que toda empresa escolhe a localização que lhe ofereça o maior lucro esperado. Ou seja, ao escolherem a ocupação geográfica de atuação, as empresas buscam se beneficiar de economias de escopo e densidade empresarial. ...
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O presente artigo objetiva avaliar os indicadores de concentração para o setor bancário brasileiro entre os anos de 1994 a 2018, visando capturar como as principais mudanças na economia após o Plano Real afetaram a definição da estratégia de mercado dos bancos. Além disso, busca-se, também, verificar se os principais indicadores bancários apresentam dependência espacial e, em caso afirmativo, entender como essa dependência afeta o nível de concentração do setor na ótica local. Para tal, o trabalho utilizou como estratégia metodológica o cálculo dos índices de Herfindahl-Hirschman e Entropia de Theil normalizados e Razão de Concentração para a avaliação da concentração nacional. Para entendimento da dependência espacial e concentração local realizou-se a Análise Exploratória de Dados Espaciais a partir da estatística I de Moran e Indicador Local de Associação Espacial. Os resultados encontrados indicam que a consolidação do setor financeiro foi acompanhada pela tendência de elevações da concentração entre os principais players de mercado após o Plano Real. Além disso, constatou-se que a atuação dos bancos possui dependência espacial.
... In classical location theory, founded and developed by Johann von Thünen, Alfred Weber, and August Lösch, as well as in its modern developments, the geographical effects of resource allocation are emphasized, and locational decision-making behaviors of economic agents are studied according to the principle of efficiency through the analysis of factors such as costs and profits (Lösch, 2010;Thünen, 1986;Weber, 1990). However, characterized by non-profit and government-led characteristics with the objective of maximizing social benefits and welfare, public facilities face the question of how to achieve a balanced spatial layout within the framework of the fiscal budget. ...
Based on data collected from residential aged care facility websites and the Sixth China National Population Census, this paper studies the spatial pattern of Beijing's aged care resources in the framework of spatial location of public facilities. The results show that at the township/street level, the overall distribution of public aged care resources is relatively balanced, showing positive spatial autocorrelation, while private aged care resources show partially negative spatial autocorrelation. Spatial regression analysis indicates that the dispersed and clustered distribution of private aged care resources are more sensitive to the density of local elderly population, although the distribution of two types of resources is affected by the absolute number of service objects in respective administrative areas. In short, the spatial distribution pattern of public and private aged care resources reflects the contrast between efficiency and equity in providing aging care in China, a fact that is shaped by both administrative and market forces.
... Em termos gerais, não há destaque, dentre as preocupações da economia, para a explicação dessas dinâmicas de regionalização das relações espaciais no processo de organização econômica e da hierarquização dos núcleos urbanos 1 . De tal forma, que é facilmente possível indicar as contribuições episódicas nesse campo de análise, o que, inequivocamente, inclui as contribuições seminais do economista Lösch (1954), que apresenta um modelo de redes urbanas cujos conceitos e resultados são muito semelhantes aos da Teoria do Lugar Central, desenvolvida por Christäller (1966). Tais formulações se firmaram como fundamentos para modelagens que caracterizam as redes urbanas a partir dos fluxos mercantis. ...
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O artigo apresenta uma análise das transações comerciais entre os núcleos urbanos do Pará, a partir dos registros administrativos das notas fiscais eletrônicas (NFe). Esses registros possibilitam uma análise pouco usual sobre a estrutura de abastecimentos das cidades do estado, auxiliando na identificação das hierarquias urbanas, relações de dependência, formação de agrupamentos e regionalizações. A análise desses dados fornece elementos empíricos para a consideração de Carajás como uma região específica e permite precisar suas características particulares de heterogeneidade e homogeneidade. A estrutura de abastecimento e de vendas dessa região é apresentada de forma detalhada, evidenciando sua baixa conexão com o resto do estado e elevada dependência para com o resto do Brasil.
... Second, specialized locations that serve the specific needs of the wider public and therefore can attract people from diverse neighborhoods tend to situate in the center of cities. The central place theory originally developed for the inter-urban scale by Christaller (1933) andLösch (1954) explains the hierarchy of cities and towns through their size and the range of functions that they provide. Higher-order centers share most of the functions (goods and services) of lower order centers and some specialised functions that attract population from a larger area. ...
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Cities host diverse people and their mixing is the engine of prosperity. In turn, segregation and inequalities are common features of most cities and locations that enable the meeting of people with different socio-economic status are key for urban inclusion. In this study, we adopt the concept of economic complexity to quantify the sophistication of amenity supply at urban locations. We propose that neighborhood complexity and amenity complexity are connected to the ability of locations to attract diverse visitors from various socio-economic backgrounds across the city. We construct the measures of amenity complexity based on the local portfolio of diverse and non-ubiquitous amenities in Budapest, Hungary. Socio-economic mixing at visited third places is investigated by tracing the daily mobility of individuals and by characterizing their status by the real-estate price of their home locations. Results suggest that measures of ubiquity and diversity of amenities do not, but neighborhood complexity and amenity complexity are correlated with the urban centrality of locations. Urban centrality is a strong predictor of socio-economic mixing, but both neighborhood complexity and amenity complexity add further explanatory power to our models. Our work combines urban mobility data with economic complexity thinking to show that the diversity of non-ubiquitous amenities, central locations, and the potentials for socio-economic mixing are interrelated.
... The central place theory, introduced by Christaller (1933), also underlines the role of transport cost on final sale price, naturally pushing economic agents to cluster and concentrate over space. Lösch (1954) suggests that the spatial distribution of economic activities (supply) lies on the (spatial) distribution and the frequency of the demand. As such, local economic activities, such as bakery and barber shops, can be found in any city since the demand is frequent. ...
... Marshall (1890 [1982]) destaca a existência de retornos crescentes de escala relacionados a ganhos pecuniários, tecnológicos e de mercado de trabalho proporcionados pela proximidade e pela troca de informação entre os agentes econômicos. Weber (1929), Lösch (1954) de dispersão para demonstrar que mesmo sob a hipótese de homogeneidade espacial pode haver concentração territorial das atividades produtivas. ...
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O objetivo do artigo é identificar os determinantes da arrecadação do ISS e sua relação com grau de dependência municipal das transferências intergovernamentais. São utilizados dados fornecidos pela STN-FINBRA e pelo IBGE para estimar modelos de dados em painel para os municípios brasileiros entre 2005-2015. Os resultados evidenciam uma relação positiva entre arrecadação do ISS e dinamismo local e uma relação negativa entre a arrecadação do ISS e os indicadores de importância relativa das transferências intergovernamentais para a composição das receitas correntes dos municípios.
... Weber's analytical model focuses on three main location factors: transportation, labor and raw materials [32]. Based on this, there are at least four different basic theories that explain the key principles of industrial location, including the maximum income location principle [33], the maximum profit location principle [34], behavioral approaches and location [35], structural approaches and location [36]. With the indepth development of location theory research, we discovered that resources factor (land, raw materials), capital factor, market factor, institution factor, technology factor and other factors (such as the individual behavior factor, level of economic development and economic structure) gradually enter the industrial location analysis framework [37]. ...
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Quantitative identification of the location of cultural and creative industries has always been an important issue in the study of micro-locations in human geography. However, most of the previous studies on the location of cultural and creative industries focused on the macro description of the existing cultural and creative industry and lacked quantitative identification of micro-locations suitable for cultivating and developing cultural and creative industries. Therefore, based on the relevant location theory of cultural and creative industries, the urban creative field strength and its quantitative model are proposed. From the perspective of the built environment, 500 m × 500 m grids were established as analysis units based on multi-source data, including society, economy and geography data, using the geographic information system (GIS) analysis technology and spatial entropy weight overlay method to describe and visualize the micro-locations of urban cultural and creative industries. Based on the empirical study in Hangzhou, the following can be concluded: (1) the study method of “single index measurement–entropy method weighting–space weighted summation–hot spot analysis” constructed can quantitatively identify the micro-location of urban cultural and creative industries. It proves that the research framework proposed is scientifically valid. (2) The overall field strength of the creative field in Hangzhou has a circular structure with multiple centers, gradually decreasing outward from the main urban area of Hangzhou, with the sub-centers of the creative field scattered around the core urban area. The most suitable location for the cultivation and development of cultural and creative industries in Hangzhou is located in Wensan District as the core area, which includes Wensan Road, Xueyuan Road, Wulin Square, Hangzhou Future City-Xixi Wetland, etc. (3) The location around the provincial/city/district government land is the core area of creative field strength, which is more suitable for the development of cultural and creative industries. The farther from the core area, the smaller the creative field strength is, and the more obvious the attenuation of distance is.
... La localización espacial óptima (Christaller, 1933;Lösch, 1954;Thünen, 1910) aporta con teorías, leyes y modelos para los estudios de transporte y accesibilidad. A través de los años, sus aplicaciones han tenido bastante éxito y trascendencia para la toma de decisiones en política y planificación urbana, debido a que en la práctica resulta eficaz y clara para la evaluación de planes y proyectos (Jirón y Mansilla, 2013). ...
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Desde la perspectiva del giro espacial en las ciencias sociales, el presente trabajo se aproxima a la comprensión sobre los cambios en la movilidad cotidiana y las barreras de accesibilidad que han surgido producto de la pandemia de COVID-19. Desde una perspectiva fenomenológica, este enfoque teórico-metodológico permite explorar la espacialidad de la vida cotidiana, mediante la observación de las experiencias de movilidad y accesibilidad de los trabajadores de temporada asociados a la industria frutícola en la comuna de San Fernando, Chile. En primera instancia, el estudio introduce a la problemática desde el concepto de la movilidad y su relación con el trabajo. Luego, aborda el giro de la movilidad y accesibilidad desde la perspectiva socioespacial de los sujetos. Posteriormente, se trabaja metodológicamente con etnografías móviles y mapas tiempo-espacio, para continuar con la experiencia de movilidad, mostrándose ejemplos de tres sujetos de estudio que trabajan por temporadas en empresas de exportación frutícola. Los resultados permiten identificar los cambios en la movilidad cotidiana que han oprimido las relaciones sociales, mientras que surgieron nuevas barreras de accesibilidad, como “barreras de seguridad” y “barreras regulatorias”, que antes de la pandemia no existían.
... One important exception that is specific to urban economics is the influence of regional science, rooted in Walter Isard's (1956) work. As Fujita et al. (1999) note, many ideas from regional science have been incorporated into mainstream urban economics, including the central place theory of Christaller (1933) and Losch (1940) and the market potential analysis of C. Harris (1954). ...
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An “urban” subfield exists in virtually every social science discipline, but these subfields seldom engage one another. We asked scholars from five urban subfields to respond to questions about the state of urban research within their discipline. This article consists of their consequent essays and reflections on their responses. The questions posed included the discipline’s conception of “urban,” the main concerns motivating the subfield, the primary methodologies pursued, the extent to which their subfield interacted with or was informed by research in other urban subfields, and the main concepts or approaches it had to offer to other subfields or might take away from them. In our reflections, we particularly note the intellectual and institutional difficulties in creating a broader field of urban research or of engaging in truly inter-disciplinary research. We also highlight the desirability of greater engagement across these subfields through encouraging a “republic of conversation” among them.
... However, one of the first theories of industrial location was developed by Alfred Weber in 1909 (23). More modern and comprehensive scholars of the location of industrial activity were Ohlin, Hoover, Losch, and Isard (17), (8), (15), (10), (11), ( 12). ...
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A mathematical analysis of optimum locations for frozen green pea processing was conducted. Inputs to the model included: raw product costs, procurement costs, economies of scale in freezing and freezer storage, labor costs, fuel and electrical costs, state, local and federal taxes, length of the pea processing season, length of the total processing season, weighted regional consumption by state, and transportation costs to market centers (states). Analytical procedures used Stollsteimer’s method for number and sizes of plants combined with a transhipment model to compare regions. The results suggest that the numbers of processing plants within an area are significantly less important than cost differentials between areas. The models developed were sensitive to changes in many costs – raw product costs, wage rates, length of season, allocation of overhead, freight costs, and in some states, state and local taxes. The optimum solution called for a few large plants in each of the Eastern, Midwestern and Western regions. The Washington-Oregon-Idaho complex would predominate with approximately 59 percent of total production, followed by Maryland-Delaware with 14 percent and Wisconsin with 10 percent.
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The evolution of retail unquestionably justifies the growing interest shown by research in this essential function of the economic system of metropolises, particularly in West Africa. In Dakar, the reshaping of the commercial space has attracted the interest of the government, researchers and economic players, especially in recent years, following the arrival of French food retailers, Auchan in particular. This situation has begun to reshape the structure of retailing, sparking fear among local small-scale retailers, who are adopting adaptive strategies. After all, commerce is both an economic and a social foundation for thousands of manages, including women. While markets, local stores and street stalls continue to be the preferred places for the majority of Dakar residents to do their shopping, the breakthrough of Auchan supermarkets is real for consumers, who are regaining freedom of choice in their purchasing actions.
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Bangladesh is predominantly an agro-based economy where the rural economy is the linchpin of her development. Rural market i.e., rural growth centres serve as a hub of the rural economy. This study assessed the challenges and opportunities of growth centres in Bangladesh from the perspective of rural development. Twelve rural growth centres were randomly selected from the six Upazilas of Kushtia district of Bangladesh, and information was gathered from various stakeholders of those rural growth centres via a survey questionnaire. Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) with buyers and sellers as well as Key Informants Interviews (KIIs) with market committee members and chairman/members of the pertinent locality were held for this purpose. An indicator-based assessment technique developed to elucidate the connection between the growth centres and rural development. Furthermore, a Priority Index (PI) also utilized to rank the need for further investment in growth centres. The findings unveil that storage, loading/unloading facilities, and a women's toilet arrangement were essentially non-existent in the studied regions. Furthermore, the state of the connecting roadways from the farm to the market is unsuitable for market vendors. Finally, indicator-based assessment signifies that rural development elements are profoundly impacted by the growth centre. The policy implication is that, after acknowledging the real scenario of growth centres, we should rethink and rearrange investment policies from the standpoint of rural development.
The problem of food security is always relevant for society, but it is even more acute for the inhabitants of northern territories due to unfavorable agricultural conditions. The use of forest food resources, which are abundant in northern regions, and the development of agroforestry help to solve this problem. Agroforestry in this context is seen as an intensive system of sustainable forest management that has a goal-oriented concept tailored to local ecological and socio-economic conditions and integrates both agricultural and forestry practices. This article aims to explore the potential and role of forest food resources in achieving self-sufficiency for the inhabitants of the Arkhangelsk region, as well as the feasibility of implementing agroforestry practices in forestry. The following objectives were pursued and addressed to achieve the research goal: reviewing journal articles, research results, and statistical data on the use of wild plants; conducting original research to understand and evaluate the role and place of wild plants in the dietary habits of the Arkhangelsk region’s population, as well as the goals and characteristics of plant harvesting; assessing the potential of berry cultivation in the region; identifying challenges and prospects associated with the use and development of forest food resources. The study employed a combination of theoretical, empirical, and comprehensive research methods, including document analysis, marketing research in the form of a survey of Arkhangelsk region residents, and SWOT analysis. The comprehensive study generated conclusions and recommendations regarding the utilization of forest food resources in agroforestry, as well as the need for further research on predictive models for berry yields and interactive maps showcasing the locations of wild plants accessible to the local population. A practical innovation proposed in this study is the development of interactive GIS maps to be used by the region’s inhabitants that display the localization of wild plants based on a network of fixed testing sites. This approach aims to foster sustainable and multifaceted forest management development.
This article addresses the challenges associated with establishing a system of key settlements as one of the tools to ensure balanced spatial development of the country. In 2022, the Government of the Russian Federation approved methodological recommendations for classifying settlements as key ones, and corresponding lists were compiled in each region. The purpose of this article is to assess the practical applicability of these methodological recommendations as a mechanism for managing spatial development, using the regions of the European North of Russia as a case study. The study employs research methods such as synthesis, generalization, statistical analysis, spatial analysis, and content analysis. The study is based on works by Russian and international authors on spatial and regional economics, statistical data, and regulatory documents issued by public authorities. The research examines the role of key settlements in the socio-economic development of regions and tests the officially approved methodological recommendations in the European North of Russia. A list of small towns, semi-urban settlements, and villages that meet the specified criteria has been compiled. Based on a content analysis of the regulatory documents regarding the regions of European North of Russia, the towns and settlements were identified that had been classified as key ones. It is observed that authorities often do not fully adhere to the official requirements outlined in the methodological recommendations, mainly due to their general nature and the lack of consideration for regional features. Another issue lies in the absence of a hierarchy of key settlements. The novelty of this research is associated with providing an assessment of the practical applicability of the approved methodological recommendations for selecting key settlements. The results of the study have scientific value and practical applicability within relevant fields of study and can also be used by federal authorities and local governments when developing measures for the formation and development of a network of key settlements on the territory of the European North of Russia.
The development of workforce potential is closely intertwined with the issues of assessing its quality, which encompasses a set of requirements determining its suitability to meet the needs of the Arctic and national economies. The goal of this study was to develop science-based recommendations for shaping public administration priorities to develop workforce potential in Russia’s Arctic regions. The objectives included identifying the formation issues, current state, and utilization of workforce potential in Russia’s Arctic regions and formulating theoretical and practical recommendations for the development of public administration mechanisms. The research methodology is based on the integral method previously developed by the authors for assessing workforce potential quality, whose algorithm can also identify the actions to perform in order to influence the elements of workforce potential. As a result of the study, the role of the government in solving the problems identified was substantiated, and the priorities for controlling the development process of workforce potential in Russia’s Arctic were determined. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the elaboration of science-based practical recommendations for shaping public administration priorities in the development of workforce potential in Russia’s Arctic based on a comprehensive assessment of its quality. The practical significance of this research lies in its potential application in further studies on the theory and practice of the public management of workforce potential in Russia’s Arctic regions. Further research prospects in this area are driven by the need to formulate regional concepts for workforce potential management.
The purpose of this study is to enhance the empirical and theoretical understanding of the local aspects of resilience, which makes it possible to assess resilience levels in rural communities in the Russian North under new economic conditions. The study shows that during the Soviet era, the state provided economic support to sustain the viability of northern villages. As a result of the market reforms of the past century, most collective and state farms fell into decline, which led to labor migration. Despite negative demographic trends, the difficult economic situation, and limited transportation access, there is still a permanent resident population in northern villages. Based on the theory of resilience, methodological approaches to its assessment,and the results of field studies conducted in villages located on the island and coastal territories of the Primorsky district in the Arkhangelsk region between 2017 and 2022, the authors identify factors that determine the resilience of rural communities in the new economic conditions. These include location, local economy, and social capital. Indicators were established for each of the factors to propose a methodology for their assessment. As a result, an integrated resilience index was calculated for rural communities in the island and coastal territories of the Primorsky district in the Arkhangelsk region. It is concluded that the assessment of resilience levels of rural communities can provide information about society’s preparedness to face external challenges and identify which resources (economic, social, or natural) are robust or vulnerable. The novelty of the research lies in considering resilience as a new research paradigm for studying social systems and validating a methodology for its assessment based on qualitative indicators. The results of the study can be used to develop new strategies for the social and economic progress of rural areas and specific plans to facilitate the adaptation of rural residents in the Russian North to emerging economic challenges.
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The pursuit of innovation-driven growth in the Russian Arctic aligns with global trends associated with the advent of a new Kondratieff cycle, which spurs demand for groundbreaking technologies. This article aims to identify significant trends and challenges related to innovation in the Arctic that require focused attention and further research. The concept of national and regional innovation systems serves as the theoretical framework, with a selective comparative study of Russian and international practices as the primary research method. Our analysis demonstrates that Russia lags behind the majority of Arctic nations in terms of innovation ratings, including the quality of institutions, the structure of the economy, and infrastructure development. Research and industrial policy priorities remain unclear. Innovations enter the Russian Arctic through large-scale projects within extractive industries, which rely on imported technologies and raw material exports. However, as Norway’s experience proves, these projects can leverage the research and production potential of the North if government support is provided. The article addresses corporate challenges associated with digitalization in the Arctic using fiber cable installation as a case study. Currently, the only operational lines are the line located off the Alaska North Slope and the first leg of the Russian Polar Express line, which provides Russia with an important competitive edge. We conclude that the government should play a crucial role in promoting innovations in the Russian Arctic, acting through state-owned enterprises, public agencies, and subsidized private entities. The novelty of the study lies in addressing phenomena that have received insufficient attention in Russian research while considering international practices. The practical relevance of the study lies in its potential application to strategic planning for innovation-driven growth in the Arctic. Further research should seek to identify and closely study specific challenges of the Russian Arctic innovation system in comparison with international best practices in order to provide concrete practical recommendations.
In the context of sustainable forestry, biodiversity conservation assessment is a necessary element in asset and service accounting. Logging is an important driver of economic growth in the northern regions of Russia. The past twenty years have seen changes in timber harvesting technologies and forest management principles, which has led to an increase in research interest in identifying ecosystem responses in terms of biodiversity conservation. This study aims to assess changes in biodiversity within the active forest management territory of the Komi Republic, encompassing ten municipal districts and 24 forestry areas. The objectives of the study include evaluating the impact of factors such as population density, road network, and intact area on biodiversity preservation. Statistical analysis methods were utilized to assess the biodiversity status, focusing on the number of rare species threatened by logging. The analysis studied changes in species abundance, territorial distribution across forestry areas, and changes in their conservation status. Using statistical and factor analysis methods, the study identified the impact of forestry and anthropogenic factors on the conservation of species. The novelty of the research consists in identifying the stability degree of ecosystems by analyzing the state of large areas that have experienced long-term anthropogenic impacts on the Komi Republic territory. Most forests within the active forest management zone demonstrated favorable ecosystem conditions, with logging activities causing lichen disappearance and reduced fish numbers only in individual small areas. The anthropogenic impact had minimal influence on the number of rare species due to low population and road network density. Large areas of undisturbed forests contribute to the natural preservation of biodiversity, but their significant reduction in the southern area causes a threat to the existence of rare species. The greatest impact on the change in biodiversity on the territories affected by active forest management is caused by factors such as the level of territorial exploration, the preservation of undisturbed forests, and selective logging. The practical significance of this study lies in the potential application of the proposed algorithm by large Russian forest businesses when conducting their operations.
This Research Communication examines how and why India’s interest in Arctic affairs has evolved since it became an Observer state to the Arctic Council (AC) in 2013. The paper also asks what strengths India can offer to support AC member states to resume joint scientific research involving Russia? The study is based on the analysis of reports and media texts. The graphical method is used to present research results. Our findings demonstrate that India’s interest in Arctic affairs has grown since 2013 and today, in 2023, through achievements in scientific works, India has a goal to establish itself as an influential presence within the Arctic. Since 2011 India has been conducting studies on climate change in the Arctic. After becoming an Observer state in the AC, India actively participates in meetings of the Senior Arctic Officials, contributes to the six working groups of the AC and sustains engagement with the Arctic Energy Summit, Arctic Science Ministerial and Task Forces. India’s focus on cryospheric research has helped improve Arctic oceanography, atmosphere, pollution and microbiology. The study showed that the Arctic region is crucial for India as processes in this region affect atmospheric, oceanographic and biogeochemical cycles of the Earth’s ecosystem, especially in the Himalayas, commonly referred to as the Third Pole. The Arctic and the Himalayas are interconnected and share similar concerns. In considering how India’s activities can aid the Arctic region, we found that India has one of the most advanced space programs in the world and can offer expertise in providing satellite communication in remote areas. We also paid attention to how India may contribute politically to stability between the AC states. We conclude that with India taking over the G20 Presidency in 2022 it is likely that India could potentially act as a creditable and legitimate mediator to restore stability within the Arctic region. The G20 is extremely relevant to the Arctic, as six of the eight AC Permanent members and 12 of the 13 AC Observers are represented at the G20 Forum, and the G20 Forum’s agenda includes climate change, sustainable development, and the environment all of which are threatened by the downsizing of scientific research in the Arctic.
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Nowadays, the social and economic development of both individual countries and the world as a whole is facing a large number of external challenges. One of the key issues today is the achievement of sustainable development while managing the growth in resource consumption. Balancing energy supply with the pressing climate agenda has garnered global attention, particularly within the fuel and energy sector, which is the central pillar of energy supply and will remain so in the near future. In this regard, it is vital to determine its role in ensuring sustainable development and design mechanisms for transformation and adaptation to modern challenges. This issue is particularly acute for both functioning businesses and strategic oil and gas projects to be implemented in the Arctic. The purpose of this article is to study existing methods and potential decarbonization scenarios to determine their applicability within the industry in the context of ensuring the sustainable development of Russia’s Arctic. The article analyzes various scientific and technological approaches to decarbonization in light of the adoption of the Paris Agreement in 2015, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The study investigates the causes of greenhouse gas emissions at each stage of oil and gas operations and proposes a mechanism for choosing decarbonization options. It critically examines global experiences and potential scenarios for reducing greenhouse gas emissions by oil and gas companies in the framework of sustainable development, identifying key trends and problems in this area. The study also presents possible decarbonization scenarios for the Arctic region, including carbon capture and storage (CCS) scenarios, renewable energy scenarios (utilizing renewable energy sources), and technological scenarios (upgrading existing technologies). The findings of this study can inform the development of strategies aimed at achieving carbon neutrality at various levels.
Reindeer products have become an integral element of the culture of indigenous peoples in the Arctic region, playing a significant role in human adaptation to extreme climatic conditions. This study investigated the online sales offerings of reindeer products to identify the Far North regions in Russia that most actively use information and communication technologies to promote their products in the domestic regional and interregional markets. It also aimed to analyze the range of traditional Arctic food products. The research methodology drew on the theoretical approaches of the spatial economics by A. G. Granberg and the free trade theory by P. R. Krugman. Methods for analyzing big data based on social media data mining were applied. The study utilized messages on the Internet related to the sale of reindeer products in Russia’s Far North regions in 2021–2022. The novelty of this study lies in the implementation of big data collection and analysis methods. It required adapting the PolyAnalyst platform to the needs of a specific research field and improving the analysis methodology. The analysis of online sales offerings revealed the most active Arctic regions: the Murmansk region, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the Komi Republic, and the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. The growing interest in the Arctic has contributed to the formation of a wide range of ready-made dishes and venison processing methods, also becoming a catalyst for growth in Arctic food tourism. This creates important conditions for the economic growth of rural Arctic territories. Online platforms expand opportunities for Arctic ethnic entrepreneurship by overcoming the relative isolation of Arctic economic systems and providing a venue for selling products on the Internet. Consequently, future research prospects involve using big data analysis of the reindeer husbandry market to develop measures for managing the sales of reindeer products.
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Bu çalışmanın amacı, işletme kümelerini belirlemek için kullanılan yöntemlere ilişkin bir literatür incelemesi sunmak ve yöntemlerin ürettiği enformasyonu ve kısıtlarını kümelerin kavramsal nitelikleri kapsamında değerlendirmektir. Literatürde yer alan tüm yöntemlerin kendilerine özgü sınırlılıklara sahip olduğu görülmektedir. Bununla birlikte karma yaklaşımların, nicel yöntemlerden yararlanan yukarıdan aşağı yaklaşımlar ve nitel yöntemlerden yararlanan aşağıdan yukarı yaklaşımların tek başına benimsenmesinin neden olduğu sınırlılıkları ortadan kaldırabildiği görülmektedir. Kümelerin en temel niteliği olan etkileşim/bağlantısallık düzeyinin tespit edilmesinde ise sosyal ağ analizinden yararlanılabilir. İşletme kümelerinin ekonomik sistemler içinde belirlenebilmesi kümelere özgü politika önerilerinin geliştirilebilmesi için önem taşımaktadır.
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A numerical procedure capable of obtaining the equilibrium states of oligopoly markets under several assumptions is presented. Horizontal and vertical product differentiation were included by taking into account Euclidean distance in a two-dimensional space and quality characteristics of the product. Different quality preferences of consumers were included in the model. Firms implement two strategies in the market: profit maximization and market share maximization. Numerical discretization of a two-dimensional area was performed for computing the equilibrium prices which allows one to consider any market area and any location of the firms. Four scenarios of oligopoly markets were developed by combining both strategies from one side and competitive behavior and a partial cartel agreement from another side. The main differences between the scenarios are outlined. Profits, market shares and equilibrium prices are presented and compared. The influence of collusion, the existence of participants with a market share maximization strategy and consumer preferences on the firm’s profits and equilibrium prices were examined. Cases whereby firms prefer to leave the cartel were investigated. Best locations for the setting of a new store for profit maximization are shown and discussed.
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The article examines the geographical distribution of economic effects from the implementation of large projects in the Krasnoyarsk region: municipalities are distinguished – growth poles and poles of acceptance of growth effects. Based on the Moran index and the volume of investments in fixed assets calculated for the municipalities of the Krasnoyarsk region, the municipalities – growth poles are identified, local specialization and specifics of projects are analyzed, as well as the impact of these factors on economic growth. Poles of acceptance of effects are allocated on the basis of the number of firms with "production" OKVED per capita, and also classified in accordance with the dynamics of direct and indirect effects manifested in the territory of the municipality. The geographical separation of the poles of acceptance of effects from the growth poles is noted. If the growth pole and the pole of acceptance coincide geographically, then this is a consequence of solving the related tasks of the project (for example, logistics) and does not contribute to the development of the local economy. The economic effects of the implementation of projects for the municipalities of the Krasnoyarsk region are minimal, and mainly affect only the transport, construction, and partly trade industries. More than 90% of the effects from the implementation of projects are concentrated in Krasnoyarsk, since the largest transport and construction companies in the region are registered here, and the main capacities of the manufacturing industry are located. A single and relatively small impact of projects is manifested for small industrial cities of the Krasnoyarsk region (Divnogorsk, Nazarovo), but the projects being implemented do not become an additional growth factor for cities. The level of concentration of firms with "production" OKVED allows us to identify large centers – potential poles of acceptance of effects, but does not guarantee that they are able to master this potential during the implementation of large projects.
20.yüzyıl ortalarına kadar çeşitli süreçler dâhilinde keskin değişimler yaşayan ekonomik coğrafya disiplini son yarım asırda kendisine özgü bir zemin oluşturabilmiştir. Ekonomik coğrafyanın konuları ve bu konuları ele alış biçiminde çeşitli değişimler olmuştur. Yapılagelen klasik tanımların günümüz ekonomik coğrafyasını kapsayıcı bir şekilde açıklamada yetersiz kalmaktadır. Bu çalışma ekonomik coğrafyanın icra sahası olan mekânın; son çeyrek asırda ortaya çıkan sanal/dijital mekânların gerçek mekânlarını da içine alacak şekilde geniş bir yelpazeye yayılmasını odağına almaktadır. Dijitalleşme, ağlar arası etkileşimler ve bilgi toplumu tabanlı yapısı gibi çok daha karmaşık bir mekân anlayışı üzerinden tarihi bir altyapı ile ekonomik coğrafyayı açıklamayı amaçlamaktadır. Araştırma kapsamlı bir literatür taraması çerçevesinde nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden yorumlayıcı araştırma tekniği kullanılmıştır. Çalışmada konunun ana çerçevesini oluşturacak kuramsal bir araştırma sınırı oluşturulmuş, bu kuramsal çerçeve açıklanabilir ve farklı aşamalarda esnetilebilir bir araştırma stratejisine dönüştürülmüştür. Son olarak ele alınan konu okuyucuya gerekçeleri ve açıklanabilirliği ile raporlaştırılmıştır. Çalışmada günümüzün değişen paradigmaları ile örtüşen yeni mekân anlayışının yeni bir ekonomik coğrafya çerçevesi çizdiği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Ekonomik mekânsal örüntüyü oluşturan parçaların sosyal bilimlerin ve bilhassa beşeri coğrafyanın diğer araştırma konuları ile sıkı bir bağlantı içinde olması ekonomik coğrafyanın yeni yaklaşımlarının çok daha geniş bir perspektiften değerlendirme gerekliliğini ortaya çıkarmaktadır.
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Resumen El objetivo de este artículo es identificar la metodología de clusterización más apropiada para aplicarse en el sector restaurantero de la Zona Metropolitana de Guadalajara (ZMG). Se llevó a cabo un recuento de las distintas técnicas de clusterización espacial, para después identificar que la más conveniente es la técnica de Kulldorff, la cual fue utilizada para mapear los clústeres de los restaurantes exis-tentes en la metrópoli. Los resultados muestran diez clústeres de res-taurantes en la ZMG, siete de ellos con alta concentración de unidades económicas. El presente estudio es innovador respecto a la detección de clústeres en la industria restaurantera de la ZMG.
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I examine how neighbourhood-level food store access, proxied by distance to the nearest food store, changed in Sweden between 2000 and 2013, and how this change is correlated with changes in potential market size, proxied by population density. I find that distance has increased in rural and more affluent neighbourhoods. Furthermore, an increase in distance is negatively correlated with an increase in population density and is most pronounced in rural areas. The results are driven by the growing, rather than the declining, regions. Since the latter have often been a target for subsidies over the years, this could suggest that the aid may have had an impact.
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Research Summary Drawing on key concepts from management theory, corporate strategy, and economic geography, we argue that the time has come for “Locational Strategy.” Locational strategy is a framework for understanding how the locational decisions of organizations fit into broader corporate strategy. Locational strategy is particularly relevant given rise of knowledge and talent as key factors of productions and the fact that these inputs are so clustered in space. We lay out several principles to guide further work in this area, and briefly anticipate the role for locational strategy in the post‐pandemic economy. Such an approach is well suited to the study of the sprawling modern firm, the footloose geography of talent, and the hyper‐competitive field of regional economic policy. Managerial Summary Management needs to consider locational strategy as a key element of broader corporate strategy. This is because location and firm location decisions are ever more central to firm strategy. We review key ideas from the academic literature that bear on how managers can get the best access to talent, knowledge, and customers. Access to talent and embeddedness in complex knowledge systems is a defining feature of Locational strategy over and above simple input cost concerns. Furthermore, firms need to consider the actions and reactions of jurisdictions as they decide how to locate and deploy resources across in places across the world. Management training typically does not feature the geographic considerations of location strategy. The authors have refined their approach while teaching students in their course on The City and Business in the MBA program at the University of Toronto's Rotman School.
Population decline is the most serious social problem in Japan. In this paper, a simple linear market over which population is distributed uniformly is considered to evaluate the possibility of service continuity under declining population. The households are guaranteed to enjoy the fixed level of utility derived from land and the 'good'. Starting from the initial allocation with ten sites, we first conduct numerical analysis of the case where uniform distribution of population is maintained after decline. Since negative bid-rents are observed in the vicinity of closed sites, the rent subsidy would become necessary to maintain the uniform distribution. Second, in the case where the lot size is kept at the initial size, collective living emerges. The vertical separation scheme where the government will cover the fixed costs would be relevant. Both schemes require some government intervention.
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Este artigo analisa a atratividade e a disparidade no desenvolvimento socioeconômico dos municípios que compõem as Mesorregiões Diferenciadas Alto do Solimões e Vale do Rio Acre, ambas localizadas na área ocidental do espaço da Amazônia legal brasileira. A metodologia utilizada foi a estimativa dos índices de centralidade e disparidade regional a partir de dados da população, de crescimento e de desenvolvimento socioeconômico. Os resultados demonstraram que os municípios melhoraram seus indicadores de desenvolvimento humano, mas ainda não conseguiram avançar em emprego e renda. A convergência dos indicadores socioeconômicos foi positiva, demonstrando que as mudanças na estrutura produtiva e social dos municípios, melhoraram sua atratividade e diminuíram as disparidades no desenvolvimento socioeconômico. Contudo, continuam bem significativas, sobretudo quando comparadas inter e intrarregionalmente. Palavras-chave: desenvolvimento regional; economia urbana; desenvolvimento econômico; Amazônia; Acre; Solimões. Abstract This paper analyzes the attractiveness and disparity in the socioeconomic development of the municipalities that comprise the Alto do Solimões and Rio Acre Valley Differentiated Regions, both located in the western area of the Brazilian Amazon. The methodology used was the estimation of the centrality and regional disparity indexes based on population, growth and socioeconomic development data. The results showed that the municipalities have improved their human development indicators but have not yet managed to advance in employment and income. The convergence of socioeconomic indicators was positive, demonstrating that changes in the productive and social structure of the municipalities, improved their attractiveness and reduced disparities in socioeconomic development. However, they remain very significant, especially when compared inter and intraregionally.
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How have the border regions of Russia and China integrated since the opening of the national borders? What part of the trade, investment, and migration flows turned out to be observable, and what part fell entirely outside the state surveillance of the Russian Federation? How has Moscow reacted to the splicing of cross-border economies?
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Cities are characterized by the presence of a dense population with a high potential for interactions between individuals of diverse backgrounds. They appear in parallel to the Neolithic revolution a few millennia ago. The advantages brought in terms of agglomeration for economy, innovation, social and cultural advancements have kept them as a major landmark in recent human history. There are many different aspects to study in urban systems from a scientific point of view, one can concentrate in demography and population evolution, mobility, economic output, land use and urban planning, home accessibility and real estate market, energy and water consumption, waste processing, health, education, integration of minorities, just to name a few. In the last decade, the introduction of communication and information technologies have enormously facilitated the collection of datasets on these and other questions, making possible a more quantitative approach to city science. All these topics have been addressed in many works in the literature, and we do not intend to offer here a systematic review. Instead, we will only provide a brief taste of some of these above-mentioned aspects, which could serve as an introduction to the collection ‘Cities as Complex Systems’. Such a non-systematic view will lead us to leave outside many relevant papers, and for this we must apologise.
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Os avanços teóricos e metodológicos associados aos problemas ou às questões urbanas e regionais têm contribuído para a construção de uma análise conjunta do papel das cidades e do território, como instrumentos de planejamento para o desenvolvimento regional. Essa convergência pode ser percebida no confronto de três documentos referenciais, que serão lidos neste artigo de forma integrada ou, pelo menos, articulada. Isso é importante não só do ponto de vista de diagnósticos mais precisos da realidade urbana e regional do país, mas, também, como bases para orientações de políticas públicas no âmbito do desenvolvimento regional brasileiro; sem falar na possibilidade de servir de referência para incentivos ao setor privado na mesma direção.) e do IBGE (2009) compõem, hoje, uma base referencial importante para a análise conjunta da questão urbana e regional no país. Lidos em conjunto, eles compreendem carac-terizações específicas 1 que permitem uma visão complementar e integrada da rede urbana e do território como fontes de orientação para políticas públicas com foco na questão regional, em particular, na busca pela redução das desigualdades socioeconômicas. Não obstante as especificidades de pressupostos conceituais e metodológicos dos estudos, entende-se que eles trazem resultados se não semelhantes, pelo menos complementares, que dão suporte para um tratamento mais refinado e detalhado das questões urbana e regional, possibilitando um diálogo e uma convergência de ações da União com as esferas estaduais e municipais. Como fator comum, eles partem da caracterização da rede urbana nacional e regional, mesmo se utilizando de pressupostos, métodos de análise e objetivos diferenciados. O papel * Os argumentos tratados neste artigo não expressam, necessariamente, as opiniões da Diretoria de Estudos Regionais, Urbanos e Ambientais do Ipea. A responsabilidade nas colocações emitidas é exclusiva do autor.
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Topicality. The events of recent years (the Covid-19 pandemic, hostilities in Ukraine) have led to a significant increase in world food prices. Thus, the FAO price index in February 2022 reached a historic high of 140.7 percentage points. One of the significant factors in this situation is a significant increase in prices for fertilizers for agriculture, which leads to their shortage. This actualizes the search for a solution to the problem of using sewage sludge as biological resource for sustainable agriculture and ensuring the implementation of sustainable development goals, including goals 2, 6, 11, 12, 15. Purpose and tasks. The purpose of the article is to analyze various aspects of the use of sewage sludge in agricultural production as one of the promising ways to achieve sustainable development goals. Results. The content of organic matter in the sludge can improve the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the soil by ensuring better soil cultivation and water retention capacity, especially when dehydrated sewage sludge is used. Biosolids reduce runoff and increase surface water retention. Organic nitrogen in sludge is much less likely to cause groundwater pollution than chemical nitrogen fertilizers. The use of sewage sludge on agricultural land is the best way to recycle the nutrients it contains. Sewage sludge can therefore be considered an important biological resource for sustainable agriculture. Physico-chemical characteristics of sewage sludge of different origin were compared. The concentration of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus were similar. Nevertheless, there are some site-specific factors that make each sewage sludge unique and must be taken into account to predict the outcome of sewage sludge treatment. To achieve the goal, an analysis was made of the effect of sewage sludge on the physico-chemical and microbial properties of the soil; its impact on plants and their roductivity; the problems of using soil sludge in agriculture, taking into account its contamination with various ubstances (heavy metals, microplastics and pharmaceuticals), have been studied. Conclusions. Sewage sludge is a promising fertilizer for sustainable agriculture, taking into account the need for an effective technology for its purification from hazardous substances. Key words: sustainable agriculture, sewage sludge as resource, plant productivity, priorities of economic use of sewage sludge.
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