Tay, C. H., Rajagopalan, K., McEvoy-Bowe, E., Tock, E. P. C. and Da Costa, J. L. (Departments of Medicine, Biochemistry and Pathology, University of Singapore, Singapore, and the Skin Clinic, General Hospital, Johore Bahru, West Malaysia). A recessive disorder with growth and mental retardation, peculiar facies, abnormal pigmentation, hepatic cirrhosis and aminoaciduria. Acta Paediatr Scand, 63: 777, 1974.—Two Indian teenage sisters from West Malaysia were recently found to have a previously undescribed syndrome consisting of (1) growth retardation and hypogonad-ism, (2) mental deficiency, (3) peculiar fades consisting of microcephely, triangular shaped face, prominent eyes, hypoplastic alae nasi, small ‘pinched’ nose., tiny mouth and large, pegged-shaped incisors, (4) abnormal pigmentations such as cafäau-lait spots, multiple lentigines, peripheral vitiligo and premature canities, (5) abnormal limbs consisting of trident hands, hypoplastic transverse palmar creases, large big toes and short, stubbed small toes, (6) liver involvement with fatty infiltration and hepatic cirrhosis with hypersplenism, (7) raised serum globulins and serum immunoglobulins, and (8) hyperaminoaciduria mainly of taurine, β-aminoisobutyric acid and glycine. This syndrome is probably due to a recessive autosomal trait.
The relationship of this to other similar conditions, especially the ‘Bird-Headed Dwarfism’ is briefly discussed.