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Commercial cut flower production in Nepal had its origin during late eighties of last century. This paper deals with history of commercial cut flowers production in Nepal and the current situation of cut flower production in Nepal with special reference to types of cut flowers grown, area under various cut flowers, production system (in-door or out-door) and location of production area in the country. Status of four most important cut flowers of Nepal is also described. This paper has revealed steady increase in the area of production and spread of growing area from within the Kathmandu valley to other parts of the country. The types of cut flowers grown in Nepal has also diversified and production changed for high value cut flowers from open field cultivation to semi to fully protected cultivation system. Keywords: Floriculture, inventory, production system, protective production J. Inst. Agric. Anim. Sci. 25:17-21 2004
... Mr. Rajendra Rai, an educationist by profession and a keen gardener, was Nepal's first commercial cut flower grower. Mr. Rai began working on parijat in 1988 (Pun, 2007). ...
The study has been carried out to explore the diversity of ornamental plants along with their trade state and cut flower trade in Biratnagar Metropolitan City, Morang, Nepal. The data was collected from September 2021 to March 2022 by interviewing nursery owner and staff, cut flower retailers by preparing semi structured questionnaire and secondary data were collected by literature review and books. The study has documented about 90 species of ornamental plants belonging to 54 genera and 27 families, and their trade quite good in state. Among all, Chalathea ornata, Chamaendorea elegans, Dracaena angolensis, Monstera adansoni, Gymnocalcium mihanvichii, Neprolepis exaltata, Curio herreanus etc. were highest price, whereas Petunia axillaris, Petunia integrifolia, Petunia exserta, Chrysanthemum indicum, Dahlia hybrid, Dahlia pinnata were least expensive. As for cut flowers, nine genera were found and their trade was also in good condition. During off-season, most of the cut flowers are imported from India.
... Flowers are always in demand for variety of occasions, including weddings, festivals, and floral arrangements. At religious and social gatherings, flowers are offered to gods and goddesses and are also used to make garlands (Pun, 2004). The marigold flower has held significant importance since ancient times often considered the favorite bloom of the gods. ...
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The field was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with 5 treatments (T1-no pinching, T2-pinching at 10 DAT, T3-pinching at 20 DAT, T4-pinching at 30 DAT and T5- pinching at 40 DAT) and four replications. Five plants were randomly selected from each treatment to record growth, flowering parameters and economics of marigold cultivation. Among the treatments, T1 (no pinching) recorded the maximum plant height (89.05cm), earliest bud initiation (29.75 days), earliest appearance of first flower (40.25 days) and minimum days to 50% flowering (50 days). Similarly, maximum flower diameter (5.53 g), maximum fresh weight (5.08 g) and maximum dry weight of flower (2.11 g) was also recorded with this treatment. Further, the maximum number of primary branches per plant (19.25), secondary branches per plant (46.25), plant spread (59.20 cm) and maximum number of flowers (124.96), flower yield per plant (549.9 g), flower yield per plot (8.25 kg) and total flower yield (229.14 q/ha) were recorded at T5 (pinching at 40DAT). Hence, it can be concluded that pinching at 40 DAT is the most effective practice for yield and number of flowers and no-pinching can be recommended if early and big sized flowers are required.
... FAN (2008) reported that majority of them are ignorant with the use and importance of proper postharvest handling practices even within Kathmandu valley and in its periphery. Pun (2003) also stated that all the stakeholders are confronted with the limited knowledge related to postharvest technologies in Nepal. At present, the cut flower production and marketing have been extended to many parts of the country but due to lack of proper postharvest management the country in not getting enough supply and quality products. ...
... It is ranked fourth in the global cut flower trade, behind carnations, chrysanthemums, and roses (Farhat, 2004). Gladiolus is the first cut flower crop to be grown commercially, and it leads the way in Nepal in terms of both production and consumption (Pun, 2004). ...
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Proper nitrogen management in Gladiolus is crucial for optimal development and productivity. Balancing nutrient supply is essential for vigorous vegetative growth, quality spikes, and abundant florets, maximizing yield without causing environmental harm. This experiment was done to assess the effect of different doses of nitrogen on gladiolus (Gladiolus grandiflorus L.) cv. American Beauty production in Chitwan. The randomized complete block design (RCBD) method was carried out at the horticultural farm of Nepal Polytechnic Institute (NPI), Bharatpur, Chitwan, from November 2021 to April 2022. Medium-sized corms (4-5 cm) of gladiolus were selected, planted, and subjected to five different levels of nitrogen treatments, i.e., 30 gm/m 2 (T2), 40 gm/m 2 (T3), 50 gm/m 2 (T4), 60 gm/m 2 (T5), and control (T1), and replicated four times. Observations were recorded for both vegetative and floral parameters. Results show that different doses of nitrogen significantly affected plant height, number of leaves, leaf length, spike emergence, spike length, number of florets per spike, number of corms and cormels, corm's size, and weight. The highest plant height (102.45 cm), highest leaf length (38.30 cm), highest number of leaves per plant (7.75), highest spike length (80.40 cm), maximum number of florets per spike (15.40), maximum number of corm per plant (1.62), weight of corm (59.09 gm), and size of corm (5.73 cm) were observed at 50 gm N/m 2 (T4). The late spike emergence (92.20 days) was recorded at 50 gm N/m 2 (T4). The result shows that using 50 gm N/m 2 can improve the growth, flowering, and corm production of gladiolus.
... Gladiolus is the first commercially grown cut flower crop and ranked the first position in terms of production and consumption in Nepal (Pun 2004). The area under its cultivation and growth was 18.6 hectare (FAN 2013). ...
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Seven promising genotypes of Gladiolus were experimented during the two consecutive years of 2014/15 and 2015/16 in the field of Horticulture Research Division, Khumaltar, Lalitpur (1332 masl) to evaluate the performances of their vegetative, floral and corm characteristics. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design with four replications. The treatments consisted of seven genotypes (ARSDG-01, ARSDG-02, ARSDG-03, ARSDG-04, ARSDG-05, ARSDG-06 and ARSDG-07). Fifty-four corms of each genotype were planted in the crop geometry of 25 x 25 cm. A total of sixteen characters were observed. The pooled results of two years data indicated significantly different except plant height, spike length, rachis length, number of cormels per mother corm and individual corm weight due to the effects of seven evaluated genotypes. Genotype ARSDG-04 was proven as the earliest one for days to the first spike emergence (73.00 days), the full spike emergence (76.50 days) and the first unfurling of florets (83 days). In contrast, ARSDG-01 and ARSDG-06 were late genotypes for the same three characters. The number of florets/spikes was considerably high in two genotypes viz., ARSDG-06 (21.00) and ARSDG-03 (20.50). The number of daughter corms/mother corm was significantly high in ARSDG-05 (3.10) and ARSDG-04 (2.92) whereas it was minimally low in ARSDG-02 (1.66) and ARSDG-07 (1.69). Summing up all sixteen characters of evaluated genotypes, ARSDG-04 as the first, ARSDG-05 as the second and ARSDG-03 as the third have respectively emerged as superior ones as opposed by those of the rest of evaluated genotypes of Gladiolus.
... Gladiolus is the first commercially grown cut flower crop in Nepal and the most dominating cut flowers in Nepalese cut flower market (Malla 1988& Subedi 2004. It occupied first position in terms of cut flower production and consumption in Nepal for several years (Pun 2004) but lately it has been relegated to third position by carnation and gerbera and the demand of gladiolus spikes is 8000-10000 sticks per day in Kathmandu. ...
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An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of plant growth regulators on corm characteristics and post harvest performance of gladiolus cv. American Beauty at the Agriculture and Forestry University, Rampur, Chitwan during September, 2013 to March, 2014. The study consisted of 10 treatments laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) and replicated three times. Three levels of NAA (50 ppm, 100 ppm and 150 ppm), three levels of GA3 (50 ppm, 100 ppm and 150 ppm), three levels of Kinetin (50 ppm, 100 ppm and 150 ppm) and control (no PGR application) were applied as foliar sprays at 30 and 45 Days after planting. GA3 shows significantly promising results on corm, cormels characteristics, vase life and post harvest behavior of gladiolus spike. GA3 @ 150 ppm resulted maximum corm weight and corm diameter whereas both GA3 @ 100 ppm and NAA @ 150 ppm recorded significantly high number of cormels/plants. GA3 @150 ppm and NAA @ 150 ppm showed significantly maximum corm weight and days to the fist basal floret withering. However, the vase life of gladiolus spike was superior with GA3 @ 150 ppm.
... They are used as a garland and to offer god and goddess [5]. It is also suitable for pot culture, bedding purpose, window boxes, her-baceous boarder to provide color and fill the space [6]. ...
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Marigold (Tagetes patula) is one of the popular annual, herbaceous, attractive flowers. Salicylic acid (SA) is a phenolic phytohor�mone and is found in plants with roles in plant growth and development, photosynthesis, transpiration, ion uptake and transport. This research was conducted to assess the effects of foliar application of salicylic acid on growth and yield of marigold from July 2019 to November 2019. The research was conducted in the horticulture field of IAAS, Lamjung Campus, Nepal under Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications and six treatments viz. (0, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500) ppm of salicylic acid. The marigold flowers were harvested when the outer petals unfold nearly perpendicular to the stem. Parameters like plant height, plant width, days to flowering, number of flower diameter and total yield were observed and analyzed using SPSS. Greater plant height was found on treatment 500 ppm which is statistically on par with 400 ppm and 300 ppm and lowest at 0 ppm. Similarly, plant width is greater in 500 ppm while the lowest in 0ppm. Days to flowering were lower in 500 ppm which is statistically similar with 400 ppm, 300 ppm and 200 ppm and higher in 0 ppm. Best results were found in 500 ppm with the number of flowers, the diameter of the flower, and flower yield. Thus, results revealed that increasing the concentration of salicylic acid increases the production of marigold.
... Excellent keeping quality, wide range of forms and color, ability to withstand for long distance transportation and to rehydrate along with its lighter weight have made carnation a unique item in cut flower trade. In Nepal, it ranks the third most important cut flower [1]. Carnation can be successfully grown in mild temperature (not more than 30ºc). ...
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Nitrogen (N) is said to be an important limiting factor in carnation. A low level of N causes weak stems and stunted plants whereas excess N causes delayed flowering and reduces post harvest quality of flowers. Present experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of different doses of N on growth and flowering of exotic variety of carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus var. chabaud). Pot experiment was carried out at green house in IAAS, Lamjung during November, 2016 to May, 2017 in Completely Randomized Design with five treatments (0 kg, 100kg, 200 kg, 300 kg and 400 kg N/ha) and three replications each. Parameters including plant height, plant width, length of flower stalk, flower width, number of branches, days to flowering and flower number were observed and analyzed using SPSS. Results were found to be significant for all the parameters and revealed that maximum flower number (9.83) was recorded at 400 kg N/ha whereas minimum (2.16) was found in controlled while 100kg, 200kg and 300 kg application were found to be statistically at par. Maximum day to flowering (115) was recorded with control treatment while minimum day to flowering was recorded with 300 kg N/ha and 0kg, 100kg and 200kg were statistically at par. Maximum plant height, length of flower stalk, number of branches and plant width were recorded at the rate of 400 kg N/ha except flower width which was maximum at the rate of 300 kg N/ha and the minimum was recorded in controlled treatment for all parameters. These results suggested that increasing the doses of N has positive effect on most of the growth and flowering attributing parameters while excess N causes delay in flowering.
... People have been using marigold flowers for different purposes because of its religious and cultural significance. Flowers are used to offer god and goddess and as garland in religious and social functions (Pun, 2004). Garlands are widely used in Nepalese fest and festivals. ...
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A field experiment was conducted to evaluate the growing conditions and cultivars on winter-spring production of marigold at Katunjebeshi Village Development Committee of Kavre district of Nepal. This trial was conducted in two factorial randomized complete block design at open field and under plastic tunnel with four marigold cultivars namely: Calcuttia orange, Marigold garland orange, MSGY and MSNY7. There were eight treatments with three replications. In total, 24 treatments combinations were evaluated. The vegetative parameters of Calcuttia orange were higher with earlier days to 50% flowering at open field. The Calcuttia orange showed earlier days to first harvest and longer duration of flowering under plastic tunnel. The Calcuttia orange showed longer duration of flowering i.e., four months under plastic tunnel and three months at open field. Similarly, a total yield and total number of flower were 1.5 kg plant-1 and 265 plant-1 under plastic tunnels whereas 1 kg plant-1 and 200 flowers plant-1 at open field respectively. It was concluded that Calcuttia orange performed superior on almost all of characters and recommended for winter-spring production.
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An experiment was conducted to evaluate the growth and flowering performances of different colors of roses. Five different treatments, representing different rose colors, were tested: T1 (Red), T2 (Orange), T3 (Dark Pink), T4 (Yellow), and T5 (Light Pink). Each treatment was replicated five times using a Randomized Block Design. This setup allows for a systematic evaluation of how different rose colors impact plant development and flower production. The study monitored various growth parameters, including plant height, leaf number, branch number, bud number, and flower number, at different stages: 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, and 42 days after transplantation (DAT). The results indicated that plant height, leaf number, branch number, and bud number did not significantly vary among the different rose color treatments across most observation periods. Notably, the T3 (Dark Pink) treatment showed good results in plant height and leaf number at later stages. Significant difference was observed at 42DAT in bud numbers where T2(orange) was found to be highest. Significant differences were also observed in flower numbers at 14DAT and 21DAT, with T1 (Red) and T2 (Orange) treatments displaying higher flower counts compared to other treatments. These findings suggest that while certain rose colors may influence flower production and bud numbers at specific growth stages, the overall choice of rose color may not significantly affect other growth parameters like plant height, leaf number and branch number. This research provides insights for growers into selecting rose varieties based on flower color and highlights the need for further investigation into the physiological mechanisms driving these differences.
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