... Forestless landscape stretched toward North FIGURE 8 | Historic spread of copper metallurgy in Eurasia. This map displays the locations of earliest regional centers of smelting copper ores-according to the available archaeological research on the earliest metallurgy (Chernykh, 1966(Chernykh, , 1992(Chernykh, , 2012Sunchugashev, 1975;Zhuravlev, 1977;Sergeyeva, 1981;Prakash and Tripathi, 1986;Rybakov, 1987;Kon'kova, 1989;Thiel, 1989;Mishra, 1994;Reedy, 1997;Kiriushin, 2002;Tylecote, 2002;Nguyen, 1986;Baipakov and Taimagambetov, 2006;Simukhin, 2006;Yanin, 2006;Ciarla, 2007;Hauptmann, 2007;Kaniuth, 2007;Park and Gordon, 2007;Subbotina, 2008;Herva et al., 2009;Roberts et al., 2009;White and Hamilton, 2009;Radivojević et al., 2010;Erb-Satullo, 2011;Higham et al., 2011;Wan, 2011;Potts, 2012;O'Brien, 2014;Garner, 2015;Gelegdorj, 2015;Mei et al., 2015;Hung and Chao, 2016;Huo, 2016;Tripathi, 2018). The routes and timeline of its spread suggests the spread of metallic JHs along with the new homophonic tradition of JH music. ...