Fix a positive integer
m. The game of \emph{
m-Wythoff Nim} (A.S. Fraenkel, 1982) is a well-known extension of \emph{Wythoff Nim}, a.k.a 'Corner the Queen'. Its set of
P-positions may be represented by a pair of increasing sequences of non-negative integers. It is well-known that these sequences are so-called \emph{complementary homogeneous} \emph{Beatty sequences}, that is they satisfy
... [Show full abstract] Beatty's theorem. For a positive integer p, we generalize the solution of m-Wythoff Nim to a pair of \emph{p-complementary}---each positive integer occurs exactly p times---homogeneous Beatty sequences a = (a_n)_{n\in \M} and b = (b_n)_{n\in \M}, which, for all n, satisfies . By the latter property, we show that a and b are unique among \emph{all} pairs of non-decreasing p-complementary sequences. We prove that such pairs can be partitioned into p pairs of complementary Beatty sequences. Our main results are that \{\{a_n,b_n\}\mid n\in \M\} represents the solution to three new 'p-restrictions' of m-Wythoff Nim---of which one has a \emph{blocking maneuver} on the \emph{rook-type} options. C. Kimberling has shown that the solution of Wythoff Nim satisfies the \emph{complementary equation} . We generalize this formula to a certain 'p-complementary equation' satisfied by our pair a and b. We also show that one may obtain our new pair of sequences by three so-called \emph{Minimal EXclusive} algorithms. We conclude with an Appendix by Aviezri Fraenkel. Comment: 22 pages, 2 figures, Games of No Chance 4, Appendix by Aviezri Fraenkel