
Urban Youth in the Reconstruction of Social Order in Ouagadougou: Generational mobility as an indicator of social dynamics

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The aim of this paper is to analyze information based on a survey of young urban people in the city of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, looking at the way in which their position is clearly articulated in urban social dynamics. The hypothesis defended is that the emergence and evolution of the youth group stresses a movement which is at the heart of the reproduction and transformation of the entire society. To better understand the historical function of youths, the sketch of this sociology of generations will revisit the theoretical notions and make a critical comparison of this polysemic conceptualisation of a practical process in the roots of evolution. This dynamics is only visible in the observation of individual and collective strategies, but simultaneously represents the ratio of youths in the ancient order of things. It is the collective social position, the youthful social ideal and the forms of generational stabilization in the general course of history. The paper ends with a presentation of a theoretical attempt to formulate a strictly sociological design of the concept of “youths”, which will enable practical usage of a category hitherto marked a priori by common sense.

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... Although youth is identified as the functional item of economic and social structure, the concept of youth evolved very late, even in western societies (Ouédraogo, 2010). As far as the origin of civilized societies is compared, the concept of youth is not a very old concept. ...
The post-liberalization era in India has illustrated two significant characteristics of Indian youth labour market. First, it signifies ‘Demographic Dividend’, youth representing the highest share in total as well as the working-age population and is expected to continue till the year 2040 (Mehrotra et al., 2013), and, second, accelerated economic growth of Indian economy has resulted in the expansion of higher education (Thomas, 2015). As a result, the younger population reflects a bifold perspective of Indian economy. On one side, it represents potential human capital, whereas, on the other side, it marks a momentous challenge for the economy to create and provide ample and equitable opportunities for growth and development—employment and education being a few of them.
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Quitter ses parents, entrer dans la vie active, construire son autonomie : comment devient-on vraiment un adulte ? Cet ouvrage est le fruit d'une vaste enquête comparative sur les expériences contemporaines du passage à l'âge adulte, conduite au Danemark, au Royaume-Uni, en France et en Espagne. Il s'attache à analyser, sous l'apparente multiplicité des itinéraires familiaux, professionnels et identitaires, les logiques sociales fondamentales qui sous-tendent les différentes formes de ce passage en Europe occidentale.
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Au regard d’une société, à partir de quand est-on considéré adulte ? A quel âge et en fonction de quel statut sont censées s’opérer la sortie de la sphère familiale et l’entrée dans la vie active ? Où se situent les frontières légitimes entre l’enfant dépendant et le citoyen intégré, entre l’être à socialiser et l’individu éduqué ? Cet ouvrage s’est proposé, dans un tour d’horizon européen, d’identifier les expériences contemporaines du « devenir adulte », en lien avec leurs principaux fondements politiques, économiques ou culturels. Au terme de cette comparaison, l'Europe des jeunesses s'est révélée plurielle : chacune des quatre sociétés analysées, le Danemark, le Royaume- Uni, la France et l'Espagne, définit un chemin privilégié de ce passage, en fonction des modes d’intervention publique, des systèmes éducatifs et des cultures familiales qui s’y agencent. D’un point de vue comparatif, l’« allongement de la jeunesse » est donc loin de revêtir transversalement les mêmes traits d’une société à l’autre. Cette structuration sociétale des trajectoires ne remet pas en cause l'existence d'autres clivages internes ou transversaux, qu'ils soient sexués, sociaux ou régionaux. Toutefois, même tempérée par ces multiples dimensions, la frontière sociétale s’est imposée, tout au long de ce travail, comme une ligne de différenciation particulièrement structurante des trajectoires de passage à l'âge adulte en Europe occidentale. Quatre formes contrastées d’expériences de la jeunesse ont ainsi été successivement explorées au cours des développements précédents ; chacune d'entre elles entretient des « affinités électives » avec des caractéristiques identifiées des sociétés étudiées. Or, ces fondements politiques, sociaux ou familiaux, ne sont pas spécifiques au panel des quatre pays comparés, et se retrouvent, à des degrés divers, dans d'autres agencements sociétaux européens. Cette comparaison se prolonge donc par une carte étendue des parcours de jeunesse, qui soulève, en dernière analyse, la question de l'homogénéité potentielle d'une génération européenne pourvue d'un destin commun, ou de l’irréductibilité de ses déclinaisons sociétales.
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Protest among the Toubou. – Protest, whether spontaneous or codified, against social norms casts a revealing light on the degree to which individuals adhere to their society’s norms. Three cases of spontaneous protest among the Teda-Daza (Toubou) in the central Sahara are analyzed as well as a frequent form of criticism of the adult world during meetings among young people. Before acquiring through marriage and parenthood the rights and obligations of full-fledged adults, young men and women form sorts of clubs with aims contrary to their elders’. All these sorts of protest follow, however, a basic code of honor.
Reflections on youth, from the past to the postcolony Most often construed as a transhistorical, transcultural category, « the youth » have in fact been constituted as a socio-cultural group through the narratives of modernity. However, as ambivalent signifiers, the youth reveal much about the modernist narrative of infinite progress. Although excluded from national and post-Fordist economies, they have gained unprecedented autonomy as a social category, being essential to global cultural production and often overwhelming the nation-state through transnational formations such as urban gangs, cyberpunks and soccer armies – all of which, however, take part in mass commodity cultures.
Resumé Les adolescents ne sont pas des apprentis adultes. L’hospitalité qu’elles se doivent ouvre une vraie relation entre générations.
Neoliberal economic and social changes are radically transforming young people’s experiences of youth and early adulthood in many parts of the world. Young people face a greater range of uncertainties than perhaps in any previous era. This introduction sets out some of the key themes within recent social science research on young people as well as illustrating the contribution to these debates of the articles included in this special issue. The value of interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary work that analyzes young people’s transitions from the perspective of both the First World and Third World are highlighted. Particular emphasis is placed in this introduction on the need to foreground an understanding of social inequalities and the discourses and spaces in and through which inequalities are reproduced, contested, and transformed.
Rising unemployment among educated young men is a key feature of neoliberal economic change. This paper reviews recent research on the strategies of educated unemployed young men in the global south to stress the importance of class, politics and environmental transformation for an understanding of contemporary youth geographies. Transnational reflection on the lives of educated unemployed young men provides an example of how human geographers might combine political economic analysis with recent theorizations of subjectivity formation and fluid identities.
This article offers an analytic review of US youth culture studies, which is defined as research that recognizes the agency of youth - their meaning-making, cultural productions, and social engagements - in relationship to cultural and political contexts. The article focuses on four selected areas of research that are influential in US youth culture studies: developmental research, the ‘youth crisis’ literature, educational research, and subcultural and cultural studies. The discussion of each of the four areas is focused on one or two major theorists and a particularly illuminating question or problem that speaks to the larger question of how theory, methodology, and national context are intertwined. In conclusion, we attempt to develop a framework of ‘youthscapes’ to provide an analytic and methodological link between youth culture and nationalizing or globalizing processes, using our own research as examples. We envision a youthscape as a way of thinking about youth culture studies that revitalizes discussions about youth cultures and social movements, while simultaneously theorizing the political and social uses of youth.
Youth of African descent in South Africa who have greater cultural exposure develop a healthier self-image and greater capacity for civic participation than those with less cultural exposure. Research among black youth in Mamelodi shows the need for more investigation in the following fields: comparing youthful and adult black responses; class-differentiated black responses; gender-related black responses; pre-and post-apartheid black responses and relevant black and white youthful responses; the effects of poverty on the development of South African youth identities; government expenditure on social reconstruction and global financial demands; cultural deprivation among the youth of South Africa; the meaning of education to the youth in South Africa; the failure of education among the youth of South Africa, including continuing inequality in education; youthful perceptions of job prospects; the internal dynamics of youth optimism regarding the future; the degree and dynamics of the political awareness of the youth and youth’s role in building a more cohesive nation in South Africa.
As members of a youth organization called the "Culture Development Club," young men of the Manjaco ethnic group in Guinea-Bissau respond to and try to manage what they perceive to be community collapse in the face of endemic demographic decline. "The Club" is a postcolonial institution whose history reflects the focal appropriation of foreign formats. I suggest, however, that by looking at the various ways youth in the "club" enacted their theories of culture as an ongoing "tradition," we see youth's enduring centrality in the creation of Manjaco social relations.
Popular culture in Africa is increasingly intertwined with the public space of nations. Drawing on contemporary scholarship on popular culture, citizenship, and identity in transnational and global contexts, this article analyzes the phenomenal success of the television show Big Brother Africa in 2003 and argues that people's everyday engagement with popular culture, including television, must be a central component of understanding emergent public spaces and citizenship practices in Africa's present and future.
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