
Phenomenological Research Method

... This qualitative study sought to elicit the lived experiences, or meaning, of older adults with SLE related to social connections and emotional health using a descriptive phenomenological approach as part of a broad exploration of the lived experiences of older adults with SLE with the ultimate goal of providing data that could inform future interventions aimed at promoting healthy aging in this population. [8][9][10][11] PATIENTS AND METHODS Study design and participants. We used a descriptive phenomenological design involving semistructured interviews for qualitative data collection. ...
... We used a descriptive phenomenological design involving semistructured interviews for qualitative data collection. [8][9][10]12 Inspired by the tradition of Merleau-Ponty, we leveraged a descriptive approach to thematic analysis to describe the lived experience of individuals aging with SLE. 10,12 We followed the Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research to report our methods and results. ...
... 13 We chose a descriptive phenomenological approach to allow us to distill the meaning of participants' experiences of aging with SLE regarding their social connections and emotional health. [8][9][10]12 We employed a purposive sampling strategy incorporating the following eligibility criteria 8,14 : adults ≥65 years of age, with validated SLE based on American College of Rheumatology (ACR)/European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology (EULAR) SLE classification criteria 15 and seen by a rheumatologist at our single tertiary care center. We excluded individuals who could not communicate in English. ...
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Objective Interpersonal relationships are crucial to healthy aging. Social isolation is associated with multiple adverse health outcomes in older adults, including depression. Those with chronic conditions, such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), may be particularly vulnerable to social isolation. In this qualitative study, we elicited lived experiences of older adults with SLE related to social connections and emotional health. Methods Adults ≥65 years of age with SLE participated in semistructured interviews based on a descriptive phenomenological design to describe the experience of aging with SLE. We collected self‐reported data on sociodemographic and disease characteristics, social networks, and health‐related quality of life. We probed participants regarding their interpersonal relationships and the effect of SLE on general health in the context of aging. We analyzed qualitative data thematically. Results Among 30 participants with a mean age of 71.3 years, three themes emerged as essential to characterizing aging with SLE: (1) social isolation, (2) perceived burden to loved ones, and (3) adverse mental health effects of SLE. Participants frequently reported social isolation, often related to SLE disease manifestations rather than unavailability of social networks and situated within the context of burdening loved ones and mental health effects of SLE. Conclusion Social isolation was commonly reported by older adults with SLE. Larger observational studies are needed to improve characterization of social isolation in this population and understand its association with depression and other adverse health outcomes. Investigational studies integrating strategies to improve social isolation in older adults with SLE may improve their health and well‐being.
... Semi-structured interviews offer the flexibility needed for participants to fully articulate their experiences while enabling the researcher to probe for additional details, which is a key advantage in qualitative research (Kvale & Brinkmann, 2009). This method aligns well with phenomenological research, which seeks to understand the essence of participants' lived experiences (Moustakas, 1994). ...
... This study employs a phenomenological approach to explore the lived experiences of K-12 physical education instructors regarding the use of instructional technology. As outlined by Moustakas (1994), phenomenology is a qualitative research methodology focused on understanding and describing the essence of participants' experiences from their own perspectives. The goal of phenomenological research is to uncover the meaning and significance that individuals attach to their lived experiences, providing a deep and nuanced understanding of the phenomenon being studied. ...
... The phenomenological method, as articulated by Moustakas (1994), involves several key steps that guide the researcher in uncovering the essence of participants' lived experiences:  Epoche (Bracketing): The researcher begins by setting aside any preconceived notions and biases related to the research topic, a process known as "epoche" or "bracketing." This step involves a conscious effort to remain neutral and open to participants' perspectives, ensuring that the data collected reflects their true experiences without influence from the researcher's preconceptions (Moustakas, 1994). ...
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The COVID-19 pandemic significantly altered K-12 education, compelling physical education (PE) instructors to adapt swiftly to remote teaching. This dissertation explores the integration of instructional technology among Missouri PE teachers, analyzing practices before, during, and after the pandemic. Utilizing a phenomenological approach, the study surveyed 106 educators and conducted 12 in-depth interviews, revealing widespread use of technologies such as heart rate monitors, fitness apps, and platforms like Google Classroom. Findings highlight that school climate, access to resources, and teacher training are pivotal in technology adoption. Veteran teachers demonstrated greater proficiency with advanced tools, while novices showed adaptability but required foundational support. Technology use positively impacted student engagement and activity levels, transforming PE instruction into a more interactive experience. This study underscores the need for ongoing professional development and equitable resource distribution to sustain effective technology integration in PE. The findings offer valuable insights for educators, policymakers, and curriculum developers aiming to enhance PE through innovative digital tools.
... The phenomenological approach focuses on the meaning of experiences central to this approach (Creswell, 2016). Transcendental phenomenology helps the researcher understand what an experience means for the persons who have had the experience and can provide a comprehensive description of it (Moustakas, 1994). The design was considered appropriate in exploring the challenges experienced by parents and guardians in new normal education. ...
... In this study, Moustakas' (1994) data analysis technique of phenomenological reduction was used. The transcripts of all participants gathered from the interviews were analyzed using the methods of Moustakas. ...
... Horizons, which are the remaining sections after the data has been polished, were considered constituent and significant parts of the phenomenon. According to Moustakas, "horizons are unlimited, and horizontalization is a never-ending process" (Moustakas, 1994). ...
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Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many parents and children had to change their daily routines after spending years staying at home. In this connection, some parents and guardians also see the return of traditional classroom schooling as the start of new habits. This study explored the challenges parents and guardians of learners in the Tagoloan Central School, District of Tagoloan, Division of Misamis Oriental, Philippines, experienced when their children transitioned from distance education to face-to-face schooling and employed a qualitative methodology with a phenomenological research design. Thirty participants participated through purposive sampling. An Interview Guide has used in gathering the data that were subsequently analyzed using the Moustakas’ method of data analysis. The face-to-face interview has done during the data collection. Four themes emerged in this study: learners having difficulty returning to school; the difficulty of parents balancing work and school responsibilities; difficulty resulting from unstable finances and employment of parents; and multiple duties as a result of solo parenting. The study concludes that parents and guardians have faced some adjustments and difficulties posed by transitioning from distance schooling to face-to-face schooling after the onset of COVID-19. Tagoloan Central School administrators and teachers have recommended prioritizing the best school programs to address these challenges and adjustments of parents and guardians when their children transition from distance learning to face-to-face schooling. Keywords: face-to-face schooling, guardians, lived experiences, phenomenological research, Philippines
... In view of the problems presented, this study is part of a qualitative paradigm, using van Kaam's (1959) descriptive phenomenology and van Kaam's data analysis method modified by Moustakas (1994) [28,40]. Phenomenology means the study of phenomena, the study of what appears in consciousness, promoting access to the pre-reflected world as we experience it. ...
... In view of the problems presented, this study is part of a qualitative paradigm, using van Kaam's (1959) descriptive phenomenology and van Kaam's data analysis method modified by Moustakas (1994) [28,40]. Phenomenology means the study of phenomena, the study of what appears in consciousness, promoting access to the pre-reflected world as we experience it. ...
... The diary was also an important tool for the notes (the researcher's sensory perceptions, non-verbal language and ideas) that resulted from the researcher's observations and reflections during the interviews, which helped in analysing and discussing the data [40]. ...
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Background/Objectives: Parents who accompany their children with a complex chronic illness until their death experience a unique situation, with vulnerabilities, specific needs and enormous suffering. The aim of the study was to describe the lived experience of parents who accompanied their children with a complex chronic illness until their death, in a paediatric palliative care setting. Methods: We opted for a qualitative methodology, with a descriptive phenomenological orientation. Phenomenological interviews were carried out with nine intentionally selected mothers, with the support of a paediatric palliative care hospital team. The procedural phases of van Kaam’s method, modified by Moustakas, were used to analyse the data. Results: An understanding of the essential structure of the phenomenon is revealed in a description made up of three essential themes: ‘facing the harbinger of illness’; ‘living (together) with a sick child’; and ‘starting again without ever forgetting: living with an absent child’, the latter being the subject of this article. Conclusions: The participants attribute a self-transforming meaning to their lived experience of accompanying their children. Nurses will be able to access the lived experience of these mothers and improve their intervention in the process of their children’s illness, as well as in their bereavement process. There are also contributions to research and teaching in palliative care in the area of child and paediatric health.
... This was a descriptive phenomenological inquiry conducted in two hospitals in the Nkangala District Municipality of Mpumalanga Province, South Africa. Phenomenology is a strategy of inquiry in which the researcher identifies the essence of human experiences about a phenomenon as described by the people involved [22,23]. Phenomenology was best suited to examine the research problem in the current study, which aimed to explore and understand the experiences of women with high-risk pregnancies waiting for childbirth. ...
... All interviews were conducted after written informed consent had been obtained from the women. Each interview was audio recorded with consent from the participants and lasted for about 60-90 min, in line with intense phenomenological conversational interviews [22]. ...
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Research and obstetric medicine often ignore the emotional aspect of high-risk pregnant women in clinical management and care. Even more so, research does not adequately address psychosocial well-being in high-risk pregnancies, particularly in low and middle-income countries, including South Africa. Thus, this study aimed to explore and describe the experiences and psychosocial support needs of women waiting for childbirth in high-risk pregnancies. We conducted a descriptive phenomenological inquiry in special clinics in two hospitals in the Nkangala District Municipality of Mpumalanga Province, South Africa. A purposive sampling strategy was used to select 15 women aged 22 to 43 years, and in-depth interviews were conducted. An inductive thematic analysis approach was used. The women experience high levels of negative emotions such as shock and disbelief, fear, pain and sorrow, lack of control and hopelessness, and anxiety following a diagnosis of high-risk pregnancy. Fear was the most expressed feeling by the women; their thoughts were dominated by fear, and they lived in constant fear throughout the pregnancy journey due to the unpredictable pregnancy outcomes and the potential risks in high-risk pregnancies. Overall, the negative emotions are interlinked and bonded in the experiences of women with high-risk pregnancies, are experienced throughout the journey of waiting for childbirth, and contribute to high levels of stress and anxiety. Further exploration is needed to identify effective ways to support these women.
... Phenomenology focuses on describing the essence of a shared phenomenon from multiple individuals' first-person points of view (Moustakas, 1994). This will allow for developing a richer understanding of how students experience and perceive the phenomenon of the language-based literature instruction approach. ...
... This will allow for developing a richer understanding of how students experience and perceive the phenomenon of the language-based literature instruction approach. Interview data will be analysed using horizontalisation, cluster of meanings, and textural and structural descriptions to derive the phenomenon's essence without making causal inferences (Moustakas, 1994). Findings will illuminate students' voices regarding engagement, learning, and meaning-making. ...
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This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of implementing a Language-Based Approach (LBA) in enhancing the literary competence of EFL students. The study employed an experimental design to compare an experiment group to a control group. The students' level of literary competence was assessed based on reading comprehension, understanding of literary conventions, terminology, analysis, and interpretation. Statistical analysis revealed a significant improvement for the experiment group compared to the control group, indicating that the language-based approach positively impacted the literary competence of the learners. In conclusion, this research establishes that the Language-Based Approach is a potent pedagogical tool for nurturing literary competence among EFL students.
... The large sample size proved beneficial in gaining a comprehensive understanding of the complex nature of cyberbullying and contributed valuable insights to the field. This research lays a solid foundation for future educational policies and interventions aimed at addressing cyberbullying (Creswell & Poth, 2018;Van Manen, 2016;Moustakas, 1994). ...
... Inter-rater reliability was calculated, yielding coefficients of 85%, 85.7%, and 84.8%, ensuring the robustness and validity of the identified themes (Creswell & Poth, 2018). This approach, which considered demographic diversity, provided a comprehensive understanding of cyberbullying and laid a solid foundation for developing educational policies and interventions (Finlay, 2014;Van Manen, 2016;Moustakas, 1994). ...
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Purpose: This study aims to cultivate awareness of the phenomena of bullying and security within the framework of cyber psychology. In line with this primary objective, the experiences and awareness levels of participating school administrators and teachers were examined. Method: A descriptive phenomenological design, supported by a large sample, was employed to explore the semantic spectrum of cyber security and cyber bullying concepts. The study group consisted of 192 teachers and 64 school administrators, selected through purposeful sampling, specifically convenience sampling. A semi-structured online interview form served as the data collection tool. Content analysis was conducted with the goal of conceptualizing the data and identifying themes that describe the phenomenon. The findings are presented through descriptive narratives. Findings: The findings reveal the significant emotional distress and security concerns negatively influenced by cyber psychology. Additionally, it has been found that cyberbullying and security issues lead to serious consequences for individuals, such as loss of self-confidence, social isolation, persistent anxiety, and long-term psychological trauma.The data reveal that females are the gender most frequently subjected to cyber bullying, with the most vulnerable age group being 14-18, followed by the 11-14 age range. The identified sub-themes of cyber bullying include fraud, hacking, violation of privacy, verbal abuse, blackmail, threatening and psychological violence. Highlights: By examining the experiences of participants across a large sample, the study broadens the understanding of cyber bullying and security concepts. The detailed analysis of sub-themes provides both theoretical insights and practical recommendations for policymakers and practitioners. The study serves as an important reference to enhance awareness among teachers and school administrators who are the closest to children and youth in school and to develop measures that address the increasing challenges of internet use in education.
... IPA is a qualitative approach which aims to provide detailed examinations of personal lived experience (Smith, 2008). Moreover, it is helpful because of the painstaking attention the research design gives to enabling the guidance advocates to recount as full an account as possible of their lived experiences (Moustakas, 1994). Furthermore, the main goal of the study is to provide a thorough explanation of this transactional gap and its consequences. ...
... Purposive sampling directed the participant recruiting process, following Patton (1990) advice. With the use of this technique, a targeted and relevant participant pool was ensured by carefully choosing eight guidance advocates who had a significant amount of experience (Moustakas, 1994) with transactional distance. ...
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Introduction In order to document and understand the lived experiences of guidance advocates navigating transactional distance in education, this phenomenological study examined the experiences of advocates in the Philippines. Methods This study examined how clients and guidance advocates interact in online learning environments, with a particular emphasis on the experiences of eight individuals who underwent online counseling (OC). These individuals provided firsthand experiences that elaborated the phenomenon. Results The study, which has its roots in Transactional Distance Theory (TDT), finds interesting connections between the variables and the experiences of the individuals. Among these variables are: (i) discourse that mirrors the exchanges between a counselor and a client; (ii) framework, which includes OC dynamics and changing communication requirements; and (iii) learner autonomy, which stands for the involvement of clients in online learning. Discussion A community-based framework for developing students is formed by these variables. The data shared by participants reveal complex issues as they struggle with the limitations and realities of applying standards in multimodal counseling sessions. This change emphasizes how important it is for students to have a strong support system. The study, which focused on guidance advocate-client relations, took inspiration from the eight participants’ OC experiences. The mechanisms that promote a reciprocal, technology-mediated kind of communication are central to this emerging structure.
... This study utilized a phenomenological approach. First, third, and fourth authors utilized an adapted eight-step phenomenological data analysis model, which is based on the classic data analysis strategy (Miles et al., 2014), and Moustakas's (1994) modification of Stevick-Colaizzi-Keen's approach (Lindo et al., 2024). First, the coding team bracketed their assumptions before independently coding a substantial subset of the data. ...
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Positive child–teacher relationships are associated with student success. However, teachers are often overwhelmed and may have limited training in building relationships with young children, especially children with behavioral challenges or with difficult home environments. Currently, we are experiencing a teacher shortage, so teacher support is of utmost importance. Child–Teacher Relationship Training (CTRT) is a play therapy-based mental health intervention. For a larger study, researchers conducted a randomized controlled design study that included a time-control group as well as a business-as-usual group with 18 lead preschool teachers in a predominantly Hispanic preschool in a southwestern state to evaluate the impact of CTRT on lead teachers’ behaviors and experiences. This article focuses on the qualitative data obtained from the six preschool teachers in the intervention (CTRT) group, both postintervention and during a 1-year follow-up. Qualitative data revealed the participants’ reactions to the CTRT were varied but fell into six main themes that included (a) benefits to children’s externalizing behaviors, (b) benefits to children’s internalizing behaviors, (c) benefits to teachers, (d) benefits to relationships; (e) challenges associated with implementing CTRT with fidelity, and (f) wanting more time and support to utilize CTRT. Researchers concluded CTRT was effective in helping teachers build supportive relationships with students.
... La evaluación actitudinal como experiencia docente de la educación superior: prácticas, desafíos y propuestas de saturación del fenómeno se deben tomar entre 3 y 15 participantes heterogéneos entre ellos, a partir de los enunciados expuestos se desarrolla la horizontalización tomando como referencia los argumentos de Moustakas (1994) que consisten en agrupar los significados a partir de las declaraciones encontradas logrando la construcción de una descripción textural deductiva detallada, denominada (NOEMA), es por ello que, en este punto de la sistematización de la información se utiliza el Epojé, lo que permite tomar en cuenta la experiencia vivida que tienen los sujetos acerca del fenómeno para que la percepción del mismo no dependa de las interpretaciones teóricas como un juicio del conocimiento previo que tiene el investigador acerca del mismo. Se describieron con precisión los significados comunes entre varios sujetos (Creswell & Poth, 2018). ...
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Este articulo se enfoca en la evaluación de la dimensión formativa o actitudinal en el modelo por competencia de las IES
... Grubu: Fenomenolojik araştırmalarda katılımcıların araştırılan fenomene ilişkin algı ve deneyimlerine sahip olması oldukça elzemdir (Moustakas, 1994). Ancak bu özelliklere sahip katılımcılar bir araştırma sorusunun formüle edilmesine ve çözülmesine yardımcı olur (Tekindal & Şerife, 2020). ...
Takım kaptanı, takım başarısı ve sportif performans üzerinde önemli bir etkiye sahiptir. Çünkü takım kaptanı, resmi sporcu liderdir. Ayrıca kaptan, teknik direktörün liderliğine katkıda bulunan bir konumdadır. Bu önem çerçevesinde yapılan araştırmanın amacı, Türkiye'de profesyonel erkek futbolda (2022-2023 sezonu, TFF 2. ve 3. lig) takım kaptanının liderlik görev ve sorumluluklarını teknik direktör perspektifinden incelemektir. Araştırmada nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden fenomenolojik desen kullanılmıştır. Yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu aracılığıyla 10 erkek teknik direktörle bireysel görüşme yapılmıştır. Veriler, yorumlayıcı fenomenolojik analiz kullanılarak içerik analizi tekniğiyle değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda teknik direktörlerin takım kaptanına saha içinde görev lideri ve motivasyonel liderlik rolleri, saha dışında ise sosyal ve dış liderlik rolleriyle ilgili görev ve sorumluluklar yüklediği görülmüştür. Antrenör- kaptan ilişkilerinde takım kaptanına; takım ve futbolcu hakkında karşılıklı bilgi alışverişi, temsilci ve iletişim köprüsü, teknik direktör yardımcısı, takımda hiyerarşiyi sağlama ve sürdürme, antrenöre iletmeden sorunları çözme ve örnek oyuncu olma ile ilgili görev ve sorumluluklar atfedildiği belirlenmiştir. Kulüp yönetimi-kaptan ilişkilerinde ise kaptanın takım ve futbolcu adına temsilci ile iletişim köprüsü olarak değerlendirildiği saptanmıştır. Sonuçta futbolda kaptanın sporcu liderliğinin etkililiği için kulüp yöneticilerinin ve antrenörlerin, profesyonelizm ile paylaşılan liderliği dikkate alması gerektiği sonucuna varılmıştır.
... Nessa mesma perspectiva fenomenológica-hermenêutica, mas em um viés empírico, identificaram-se nove estudos que apresentavam instrumentos para a coleta de dados, aliando o método fenomenológico de diferentes autores a entrevistas e dinâmicas de grupo para coleta de dados. Quanto às demais pesquisas, cada uma se amparou por métodos fenomenológicos de análise diferentes, como: a) método fenomenológico de Sanders, b) análise fenomenológica interpretativa de Breakwell et al (2010), c) método fenomenológico proposto por Clark Moustakas (1994), d) método fenomenológico de Trindade, Menandro e Gianórdoli-Nascimento (2007), e) método fenomenológico de orientação semiótica. Esses, de forma geral, evidenciam uma estrutura semelhante entre si, uma vez que dividem o método fenomenológico em quatro partes/fases. ...
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Realizou-se uma revisão sistemática qualitativa da literatura sobre como as Psicoterapias Humanistas, Fenomenológicas e Existenciais têm lidado com o método fenomenológico com relação à pesquisa qualitativa em Psicologia e à prática clínica, visando averiguar como procedem. Selecionou-se artigos em português, completos e referentes ao período de 2011 a 2021, a partir de buscas nas bases de dados LILACS, PePSIC e SciELO-Brasil. Como palavras chave: (método fenomenológico) AND (psicoterapia OR clínica). O corpus foi constituído por 45 artigos, os quais foram analisados quanti (Distribuição de artigos publicados; Desempenho dos periódicos brasileiros; Ranque dos psicólogos com maior índice de publicação; Filiações institucionais dos autores e coautores) e qualitativamente em função das dimensões: (I) desenho metodológico empregado, (II) análise de dados, (III) método fenomenológico no fazer terapêutico. Os resultados apontam: maior produção de artigos em 2020; concentração de publicações em um periódico de orientação humanista; predominância de autores e universidades cearenses e predominância de produções empíricas. O instrumento mais utilizado para coleta de dados a entrevista semiestruturada; para análise de dados muito se recorreu ao proposto por Giorgi e Sousa (2010), sendo o método de análise mais citado nas pesquisas o fenomenológico existencial-hermenêutico, que se baseou em diferentes autores. Os conceitos filosóficos propostos por Husserl aparecem de forma diferente daquela explorada pelo filósofo, aparecendo como: postura (profissional), atitude de compreensão tomada pelo psicólogo, evidenciando seu modo de intervenção. Ainda, os autores tratam como sinônimos as ideias de epoché, redução, redução fenomenológica, com um significado geral de atitude/postura. Parece incoerente aplicar o método fenomenológico diretamente como recurso psicoterapêutico, tendo em vista sua elaboração e desenvolvimento como método de investigação e validação dos fenômenos, tarefa particularmente introspectiva, racional e reflexiva.
... This study employs a qualitative phenomenological approach to deeply understand the phenomena of code-switching communication and the formation of cross-cultural identity among adolescents in Jakarta, particularly within the context of a post-colonial urban environment. The phenomenological qualitative approach was chosen for its ability to capture the subjective experiences and personal interpretations of adolescents related to the studied phenomena, allowing researchers to delve into how these teenagers interpret and attribute meaning to their experiences (Moustakas, 1994). Observations were conducted at several universities and popular hangout spots in major cities with colonial histories. ...
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This research aims to analyze the use of code-switching in the daily communications of urban adolescents in Jakarta's post-colonial urban environment and its impact on forming their cross-cultural identities. The study focuses on adolescents aged 18-20 years living in Jakarta, a post-colonial urban setting with diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds. The research subjects include their daily interactions and social media usage, which are the primary arenas for code-switching. A qualitative approach, utilizing phenomenological methods, participatory observation, and in-depth interviews, was employed. Five teenagers were selected through purposive sampling for in-depth interviews to understand their personal experiences with code-switching and its impact on their identities. These individuals are of mixed heritage residing in Indonesia. Data was thematically analyzed to identify key patterns and themes. The findings suggest that code-switching in communication serves not only as a practical communication tool but also as a crucial means of negotiating identity and group membership. Adolescents often use code-switching to adapt to different social contexts. These findings have implications for education and social policy, particularly in designing programs that support cultural and linguistic diversity in urban environments.
... This approach was used to uncover the nature and essence of nurses' care experiences and to provide a comprehensive description of the ethical problems they encountered while caring for injured affected by the earthquake (Heidegger, 1962;Reiners, 2012). "Phenomenological research" is rooted in a philosophical method known as phenomenology, which primarily seeks to comprehend and elucidate individuals' lived experiences and viewpoints (Moustakas, 1994;Polkinghorne, 1989;van Manen, 1990). ...
... We also documented the description of the phenomenon from traditional practitioners through semi-structured questions (Creswell & Poth, 2018). The exploration of religious moderation values in this study was conducted using a phenomenological approach, revealing what they experienced and how they experienced it (Moustakas, 2011). ...
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The diversity of tribes, races, and languages is a privilege, and harmonious living is necessary. This study aims to navigate the values contained, supporting and inhibiting factors and efforts to preserve cultural heritage. This article uses a qualitative approach, including a literature review, interviews, and observations. The study results indicate that efforts to preserve cultural heritage are carried out by providing protection, development, and utilization. Of the three efforts, the community has not been able to develop and utilize it optimally. This is due to the lack of financial resources, and there is no direction for commercialization policies for tourism, economic, and business interests to improve community welfare. Furthermore, in preserving cultural heritage, some supporting factors include high community participation and government support but a lack of financial assistance and an inadequate development and economic-interest administrative system. The values of religious moderation contained in the preservation of cultural heritage include respect for tradition and tolerance, the creation of balanced justice, and prioritizing the public interest. The theoretical implications contribute to preserving cultural heritage by adding added value and practically advising the community to utilize their cultural wealth by continuing to transform existing developments.
... This research was a phenomenological study (Moustakas, 1994) whose central phenomenon was the lived experience of SBAE teachers who identify as LGBTQ+. We used a constructivist lens as each participant's experience relating to gender and sexuality was constructed through unique social interactions that may or may not be shared (Creswell & Creswell, 2018). ...
The purpose of this study was to collaborate with School-Based Agriscience Education (SBAE) teachers who identify as LGBTQ+ to examine the unique interactions between their chosen career and their sexual and/or gender minority identities. This phenomenology utilized queer theory to analyze data from semi-structured interviews with individuals who had taught at least one year in the SBAE classroom, identified as LGBTQ+, and were employed to teach SBAE or professionally supervise an SBAE teacher. Participants consisted of six gay men, one lesbian woman, and one transgender man from eight different states across the U.S. Findings indicated three themes: 1) the three-hurdle race from closeted to proud, 2) Taking the elevator to avoid the “state” SBAE level, and 3) Affirmation and representation - the importance of being out. While the findings in this study are not generalizable, we begin to uncover the hurdles that our LGBTQ+ SBAE teachers face. Findings from this study have the potential to inform policy and culture reform to create more inclusive and equitable spaces for SBAE teachers from underserved communities. Of note, individual state SBAE associations should be particularly prompt in assessing these issues since these spaces have been identified by participants as particularly egregious when it comes to a lack of inclusion.
... The study adopted purposive sampling as a method of participant selection. This approach was chosen because it ensures that persons chosen to engage in the phenomenological study possess substantial and relevant experiences related to the topic under investigation (Creswell, 2013;Moustakas, 1994). ...
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Moral formation constitutes a fundamental undertaking of every educational system. The absence of adequate moral principles among the learners invariably impedes progress for both the learner and the teacher. As a consequence, numerous strategies are consistently implemented to confront moral deficiencies in a learning environment. The purpose of this study was to explore teachers’ lived experiences in regard to alternatives to corporal punishment in mitigating moral decline among learners in secondary schools in Bungoma County, Kenya. The study objective was as to explore teachers' lived experiences with regard to alternatives to corporal punishment in addressing moral decline in secondary schools in Bungoma County, Kenya. The study was grounded on a communitarian philosophy, which examine the way shared conceptions of the good are formed, transmitted, justified, and enforced. An interpretive phenomenological design was utilised. The study employed two philosophical methods for the purpose of bringing out methodological triangulation. Hermeneutic phenomenology was utilized in order to extract the lived experiences of the teachers handling discipline in secondary schools. Philosophical analysis was aimed at facilitating Socratic dialogue and establishing logical coherence from the extracted lived experiences. The target population comprised of deputy principals and heads of guidance and counselling from secondary schools in Bungoma County. To provide a representative sample, this study utilised purposive sampling in choosing schools. A sample size of four deputy principals and four heads of guidance and counselling was chosen. The sample size was guided by the principles of hermeneutic phenomenological research which is concerned mainly with the depth and not the breadth of the information. Information utilised in this study was sourced from both primary and secondary data. Primary data was collected using unstructured phenomenological interviews. Secondary data was gathered from articles from peer referred journals, government policy documents and reports, thematic text books, internet sources, pioneer projects, theses and newspaper articles that allude to issues of moral concern in the Kenyan context. Primary data was analyzed through IPA and secondary through document analysis. The study established that, based on the logic of Kants metaphysics of morals, the alternatives to corporal punishment as stipulated were not sufficient to address the moral decline among secondary school learners in Kenya. The study concluded that without a philosophical foundation, the proposed alternatives to corporal punishment in secondary schools in Bungoma County, Kenya, are insufficiently effective in addressing moral decline. The study therefore recommended that alternatives to corporal punishment should be anchored on communitarianism for them to be effective enough in handling learners behavioural problems. Additionally, Socratic mode of teaching should be emphasized in order to prepare teachers for moral development among the learners.
... This study employed a transcendental phenomenological research design to explore the lived experiences of elementary teachers in distance teaching. In-depth interviews were conducted with teacher respondents who had firsthand experience in elementary distance teaching, focusing on understanding the essential structures of consciousness in their experiences (Moustakas, 1994). ...
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This study explored the lived experiences of elementary teachers handling Grade 2 pupils in Gandara District under modular distance learning, focusing on their challenges and coping strategies. Using a transcendental phenomenological approach, in-depth interviews were conducted with Grade 2 teachers from nine interior schools to gain insights into their experiences. The findings revealed significant challenges, including difficulties in addressing diverse learning styles, adapting teaching strategies, and ensuring student engagement. Teachers emphasized the need to tailor instructional materials to students' individual levels rather than using standardized content, highlighting the importance of differentiated instruction. Parental involvement emerged as a crucial factor in bridging learning gaps and providing additional support. The study also highlighted the emotional and professional impact on teachers, who experienced both fulfillment and exhaustion in their efforts to facilitate learning remotely. Key themes identified include the need for flexible monitoring, home visitations, early literacy support, and adaptive teaching methods. Despite the challenges, teachers remained committed and resilient, motivated by their dedication to student development. The study concludes that effective distance teaching requires a comprehensive approach that considers the challenges faced by educators, the diverse needs of students, and the crucial role of parental support. Recommendations include continuous professional development, well-prepared instructional materials, and improved monitoring systems to enhance the effectiveness of distance education in rural areas.
... The phenomenological study is considered an appropriate research design to explore the experiences of Physics teachers in making assessments about their students (Santoso et al., 2022). Several expert views in Moustakas (1994) guided us in processing the obtained data. Phenomenology is an approach that involves returning to experiences to obtain a comprehensive description (Van Kaam, 1967) that describes what is felt, sensed, and known by consciousness (Kockelmans, 1987) in the form of naive and general descriptions (Giorgi, 1985) to reveal the structure of meaning and how that meaning is created (Von Eckartsberg, 1986). ...
Misconception is the difference between a student's idea and his scientific concept. Physics learning needs to be designed by teachers to minimize misconceptions. Different diagnostic tools have been developed and used by researchers to identify student misconceptions. This study addressed to uncover the experiences of eight physics teachers on how they apply diagnostic tools to detect misconceptions experienced by students investigated through phenomenological studies. Physics teachers are invited to volunteer to participate in this research. Physics teachers involved in this research have diversity based on the period of experience teaching physics, geographical area, and the level of students faced. A semi-structured interview (duration of 40 to 60 minutes) through virtually was conducted by the author for all physics teachers involved in this study. Personal Practice Theories (PPTs) by Cornett was chosen as a framework to reveal the experiences and perspectives of physics teachers in making judgments about students' misconceptions of Physics. The findings revealed that four themes were obtained. These themes are (1) personal experiences of Physics teachers, (2) Physics teachers' knowledge, (3) practices in assessing Physics misconceptions, and (4) teachers' reflections on future assessment practice.
... The findings included annotations of the responses from the three teachers, identified as P1, P2, and P3. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to gather data, providing a deeper understanding of the overall experience compared to structured components alone (Moustakas, 1994). End-of-term holiday closures led to interviews conducted via online meeting rooms via Google Meet. ...
Digitally agile teachers are capable to deal with new experience flexibly and rapidly by trying new behaviors and making quick adjustment so that learning can take place even they have constraints especially in using technologies. Flexible teachers are capable to adjust their plan on the fly and make changes to suit current demand. This preliminary study explores the role of flexibility in supporting teachers’ digital learning agility. The study employed qualitative approach with three in-service teachers through semi-structured interviews. Findings suggest that flexibility helped teachers to become digitally agile by developing more effective and strategic behaviors to overcome difficulties in online learning. This study emphasizes the value of flexibility in enhancing teachers' digital learning agility and offers suggestions for personal and professional development.
... This article applied a qualitative research approach. A qualitative approach and phenomenological research design were employed for the purpose of understanding perceptions and self-reported OCBs by EFL instructors working at a state university in Konya as the research aimed at unraveling the essence of the instructors' perceptions and common themes that emerge from their narratives (Creswell, 2013;Campbell et al., 2013;Moustakas, 1994;Van Manen, 1990). ...
... Of the sample, three teachers were male and nine were female. The number of participants in our sample seemed appropriate to achieve in-depth exploration of the phenomenon via a qualitative design (Moustakas, 1994;Clandinin, 2006). ...
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Self-regulated learning (SRL) is associated with adaptable, critical, lifelong thinking skills. Teachers are essential to promoting SRL in learners, yet infrequently teach these learning strategies in classrooms. We addressed three research questions: (1) How do K–5 teachers implement SRL in their teaching?, (2) How is the use of SRL strategies linked to their self-efficacy or confidence in teaching?, and (3) How do teachers differ in their use of SRL depending on school type (public vs. private)? Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 12 primary in-service teachers, sampled equally from one public and one private school, to explore their SRL practices. They frequently utilized SRL in implicit ways. Further themes included setting goals based on student needs, monitoring student progress, and thereby adapting instruction. Teachers were largely confident about incorporating SRL into their instruction. Public school participants relied on time management and tracked student progress in more summative ways than their private school counterparts.
... A qualitative approach allows for an in-depth exploration of the meanings and subjective experiences of individuals or groups related to a phenomenon (Creswell, 2013). Meanwhile, the phenomenological approach focuses on understanding individuals' lived experiences as they encounter specific phenomena (Clark Moustakas, 1994). In this context, it examines how South Korean society views halal products and their certification. ...
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This study explores the institutionalization of halal certification in South Korea, addressing challenges like social resistance, regulatory fragmentation, and public misconceptions. The institutionalization of halal certification involves gradually embedding halal standards into a country's economic, regulatory, and social systems, making them widely accepted within societal and industrial norms. Using a qualitative phenomenological approach, this research examines the impact of certification body inconsistencies on domestic and global markets. The findings highlight strategic opportunities in Muslim-friendly tourism and exports, emphasizing the need for regulatory harmonization and public education to optimize South Korea's halal industry competitiveness globally.
The purpose of this study was to describe the lived experiences of middle managers in the banking industry practicing self-directed, lifelong learning. The theory guiding this study is Deci and Ryan’s self-determination theory and its relationship with lifelong learning. This study aimed to answer the following question: What are the lived experiences of middle managers in the banking industry practicing heutagogy to develop lifelong learning skills? Data collected from individual interviews, focus groups, and journal prompts were synthesized using inductive coding to identify patterns and connections in the resulting data. Following an in-depth analysis of the collected data, five major themes emerged. Learning and employment growth, lifelong learning and adaptation, organizational implementation of learning, referrals and career advancement, and personal growth through experience and accomplishment offer a valuable perspective into middle managers’ experiences in the banking industry practicing self-directed learning. These themes provide insight into the various aspects of their personal and professional growth journey. The study concludes by discussing the implications and findings for future research.
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This study aimed to understand how agriscience teachers' lived experiences during an international experience influenced their perspective changes on globally competent teaching one year later. Using a phenomenological approach, four themes emerged-(1) personal growth, (2) intellectual growth, (3) professional growth, and (4) advocacy growth. By drawing on transformational learning theory, the themes demonstrated the phenomenon's essence-one year after an international experience in Costa Rica, the Louisiana agriscience teachers matured in their perspectives regarding globally competent teaching, which inspired a transformation in their personal and professional lives. Despite this, we concluded the teachers' global competence, knowledge, and skills remained emergent and not fully formed. As such, we recommend future research examine strategies that could be used to continue to support agriscience teachers' global competence and pedagogical development after returning from an international experience. Nevertheless, the growth experienced by the teachers should be further considered. Moving forward, we also recommend future research obtain evidence regarding the extent to which the teachers have integrated global concepts into their curriculum to develop an understanding of the breadth and depth of their perspective changes.
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School counselors are responsible for students’ mental health and their increasingly complex issues. However, little is known about school counseling services in the Kingdom of Bhutan. This study conducted 28 semi-structured interviews with school guidance counselors in Bhutan, 19 online and 9 in-person, to investigate their perceived challenges and resources. The data were analyzed using a phenomenological approach to inquiry and thematic analysis proposed by Braun and Clarke (Qualitative Research in Psychology 3(2):77-101, 2006). The identified challenges and resources were grouped for further analysis according to Martin et al.’s (International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling 37(4):305-318, 2015) model of 11 factors influencing school counseling. The most often mentioned challenges were insufficient resources to cope with rising mental health needs and cultural barriers to the implementation of school guidance counseling, such as stigma and the role of corporal punishment. The most often mentioned resources were the importance of material resources, such as having a separate counseling room within the school, and the importance of support from external professionals, such as clinical counselors. In sum, the results revealed the need for (1) more resources to cope with the mental health needs of students, such as additional training, (2) more organization to systemize stakeholder collaboration and to clarify the school guidance counselors’ roles, (3) more awareness in the general population about school guidance counseling, including overcoming stigma towards mental health issues, and (4) more time for this profession to establish itself in the Kingdom.
i>In the face of increasing major emergencies, higher education administrators must strategically recalibrate institutional policies and leadership practices to enhance resilience. While contemporary scholarship underscores the pivotal role of leaders in fostering resilience, further evidence is needed to understand this relationship within higher education, and the impact of department chairs on faculty resilience remains underexplored. This phenomenological study utilized semi-structured interviews with full-time instructional faculty to explore faculty's lived experiences during recurring traumatic events, COVID-19 and Hurricane Ian, at a public university in Southwest Florida, achieving data saturation through the depth and richness of the interviews. Themes emerged through constant comparative thematic analysis, revealing the significant role of department chairs in fostering faculty resilience. Positive leadership support strengthened resilience and community cohesion, while inadequate support weakened the relationship between faculty and the institution, thus impacting the resilience of the faculty and organization. These themes underscore the need for academic leaders to develop strategies that bolster faculty support, positioning department chairs as central to fostering and cultivating resilience in higher education.</i
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2011 yılında Suriye’de başlayan iç savaş nedeniyle üç buçuk milyondan fazla Suriyeli göçmen Türkiye’ye göç etmiş, bu göçmenler için beş ilde yedi Geçici Barınma Merkezi (GBM) kurulmuştur. Bu merkezlerde göçmenlerin beslenme, barınma, güvenlik, sağlık ve eğitim gibi temel ihtiyaçları karşılanmaya çalışılmaktadır. Göçmenlerin yaklaşık yarısı (%48,8) okul çağındaki çocuklardan oluşmakta ve aralarında özel gereksinimli olanlar da bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Türkiye'nin Suriye sınırına yakın bir ilindeki GBM'de bulunan okullarda Suriyeli göçmen özel gereksinimli öğrencilerle (SGÖGÖ) çalışan sekiz özel eğitim öğretmeninin deneyimleri incelenmektedir. Nitel araştırma yöntemi desenlerinden fenomenolojiyle tasarlanan çalışmada, veriler yarı yapılandırılmış görüşmelerle toplanmış ve betimleyici fenomenolojik analizle incelenerek yedi tema ve 19 alt tema elde edilmiştir. Sonuçlar incelendiğinde özel eğitim öğretmenlerinin çalıştıkları ortamın fiziksel özelliklerini yeterli buldukları ancak dil ve kültür farklılıkları nedeniyle SGÖGÖ’lerle çalışırken zorlandıklarını ve nitelikli bir eğitim veremediklerini ifade ettikleri görülmüştür. Ayrıca öğretmenler, Suriyeli göçmen ebeveynlerin çocuklarının özel gereksinim durumuna kaderci bir yaklaşım sergilemelerinin ve çocuklarının eğitimine yeterince önem vermemelerinin, SGÖGÖ’lerin eğitim yaşamlarını olumsuz etkilediğini belirtmişlerdir. Bu nedenle öğretmenler, Suriyeli göçmen ebeveynlerin özel eğitim hakkında bilinçlendirilmesi için çalışmalar yapılmasını ve gereksinim duydukları desteklerin sağlanmasını önermişlerdir.
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While the concept of compassion has been extensively explored at the individual level, this study takes a new approach by examining the compassion of organizations and, more specifically, the compassion capacity of organizations from an organizational culture perspective. This study develops a unique organizational compassion capacity scale through four field studies using an exploratory sequential mixed-methods research design. The findings unveil that organizational compassion capacity is a multi-dimensional construct with five dimensions: noticing, feeling, responding, collective action, and resource usage-related culture. This study further discusses the theoretical and practical implications of the findings.
Objective: The current study explores how African-American men are socialized about marriage. Background: The literature on African-American men and marriage largely focuses on attitudes toward and motivation to marry, paying little attention to how they come to form their attitudes that drive their motivation. It is important to understand how African-American men are socialized on the topic of marriage to provide a point of intervention and prevention for service providers and policy makers. Method: Focus groups were conducted with 17 African-American men between the ages of 24 and 35 years. They were asked semistructured questions that inquired about how, from whom, and what messages they learned about marriage. Results: Thematic analysis revealed that the men learned about marriage via implicit and explicit messages from their kinship network and media. Three themes emerged regarding messages about marriage: (a) Adherence to traditional gender roles, (b) Basing marriage on religion and spirituality, and (c) Importance of maintaining the family unit at all costs. Conclusion: The findings elucidate competing messages between western norms and Afrocentric norms of marriage and manhood, specific to the definition and operationalization of the provider role of men in marriage. Implications: The findings provide specific points of intervention and inquiry for clinicians and scholars whose work is with African-American men on the issues of marriage, gender roles, and masculine identity development.
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Bu çalışmada kendini kilolu olarak tanımlayan kadınların, romantik ilişki deneyimlerinin ortaya koyulması amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla nitel araştırma yönteminden hareket edilerek 18-65 yaş arası Türkiye’nin farklı bölgelerinde yaşayan ve farklı meslek gruplarından olan 10 kadın ile gerçekleştirilen derinlemesine mülakatlarda kadınların kendini nasıl tanımladıkları, karşı taraftan beklentileri, ilişki deneyimleri ve ilişkide tüketim kültürüne ilişkin pratikleri ortaya konulmuştur. Evlilik kurumunun ve ailenin önem taşıdığı Türkiye’de romantik ilişki deneyimleri evlilik için ve evlilik beklentisi ile şekillenmektedir. Evlilik beklentisinde olan taraflar, birbirlerinin beklentilerine uyum sağlarken sosyal çevrenin kendileri üzerinde yarattığı baskıyı da hissedebilmektedirler. Güzellik algısı ve beden denetimi bu beklentiler arasında yer alabilmektedir. Sosyal inşacı bir perspektiften hareketle yapılan çalışmada verilerin analizinde içerik analizinden faydalanılmıştır. Böylelikle kadınların, kendilerini ilişki içerisinde hem partner hem de çevre tarafından sürekli denetlenirken bulduğu görülmüştür. Bu denetlenmelerin kökeni ilk ergenlik çağına ilişkin olumsuz deneyimlerden oluşabilmektedir. Yakın sosyal çevre ve akrabalar bedenlerine ilişkin anlamların inşasında aktif rol oynayabilmektedir. Olumsuz deneyimler, bireyin sonrasındaki romantik ilişkilere ilişkin inşa ettiği anlamları da etkileyebilmektedir.
In this article, a model of role transition for mid-career women taking maternity and childcare breaks is presented. Three distinct phases of a break in mid-career—opting out, staying home and opting in—are identified and at every stage, women face multifaceted challenges in navigating role transitions. Using transcendental phenomenology, various themes are identified in the lived experiences by interviewing 26 mid-career women who had opted out and opted back in after a minimum of two years. The findings indicate that participants experience both macro and micro transitions during the stages of opting out and opting in, resulting in a range of positive and negative emotions. The resulting model incorporates the environmental factors that affect this process, and results elucidate the nuanced aspects in navigating this complex transition. Emphasising a departure from traditional linear career paths, I recommend adopting the three pillars of the Kaleidoscope Career Path model—authenticity, balance and challenge—as strategies to cope with the uncertainties and challenges of mid-career women’s professional lives.
International students have played an important role in bolstering the soft power of host countries. However, despite their significant contributions to enhancing soft power, Chinese international graduate students, in particular, have faced a less-than-welcoming environment. As US-China geopolitical tensions grow, we know less about the effects on Chinese international graduate students’ experiences and mobility. Through a phenomenology study of eleven Chinese international graduate students’ narratives, this study draws interrelated theories of soft power and the push-pull model to explore how US-China geopolitical tensions shift Chinese students’ experience and mobility. The findings indicate that Chinese students are changing and have more academic and career options. Chinese students have also encountered stereotypes, xenophobia, and Sinophobia, which might shift their decisions on future mobility.
In Türkiye, there are very few studies examining the outcomes of children's homes, which are institutional care services where children/young people in need of protection are cared for, in terms of independent living. This study was designed in line with the question of how young people who have left these homes experience independent living and based on data obtained through in‐depth interviews with a total of 20 young people, 10 men and 10 women, aged between 18 and 24. The young people had experienced children's homes for at least 3 years and had left the children's homes at least 1 year ago. The findings of this research are presented through three main themes: ‘leaving care’, ‘receiving social support’ and ‘receiving public support: employment’. As a result of the research, it was revealed that care leavers may face some problems in aftercare in terms of their age and experiences and may need social support mechanisms and healthy socialization experiences.
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Purpose of Study: This study aims to identify social practices of literacy and numeracy using the CRT approach in Sociology learning. Methodology: This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach with a phenomenology type. The data source consists of focus group discussion (FGD) results, observation, and document analysis. FGD involves sociology teachers in Soloraya, with the purposive sampling technique used to select informants. Observation was carried out directly by observing the sociology learning process in the class. Document analysis includes teaching modules, sociology learning gain, student worksheets, and other learning sets. Data validity was tested using source and method triangulation. Data analysis was done using Interpretative Phenomenology Analysis, encompassing four stages: bracketing, intuiting, analyzing, and describing. Main Findings: The result of the research shows that teachers get a support system from government regulation, the Merdeka Mengajar platform, the learning community, the supervisor, and the subject teacher working group. Each of the parties plays a role that supports CRT-based literacy and numeracy learning. The learning activity can be identified in three things. Firstly, teachers hold the authority to accustom the students to using numeric data in the context of local culture. Secondly, teachers integrate numeric data from local cultures to make learning more relevant and contextual. Thirdly, teachers create an inclusive learning environment by accommodating numeric data in the context of local culture. Novelty/Originality of Study: By applying CRT, sociology teachers teach literacy and numeracy skills and help students see the relevance of these skills in understanding and participating in social change.
Research has failed to clarify how nontraditional adult learners experience and perceive relationship abuse curriculum designed to teach the warning signs of unhealthy relationship behaviors and encourage bystander action. The purpose of this transcendental phenomenological study was to understand the experiences and perceptions of nontraditional adult learners who completed a 90-minute relationship abuse workshop. The theoretical framework directing the study focused on program theory, adult learners, and care ethics. The question guiding this study: what are the lived experiences and perceptions of nontraditional adult learners who completed the relationship abuse and violence awareness and prevention workshop? The population and sample included nontraditional adult learners who either completed the workshop in 2019, 2020, or 2021 or participated in a focus group in 2022. Data analysis consisted of the modified Stevick-Colaizzi-Keen method. This study found (1) relationship abuse curriculum is relevant for nontraditional adult learners, (2) more research is necessary to understand how to navigate identifying unhealthy relationships when meeting with others in a virtual environment, and (3) discussing the topic of relationship abuse to increase awareness is beneficial. All members within the higher education space can shape campus environments and make difficult conversations the norm by embracing the reality of the far-reaching impact relationship abuse has on communities. Future research recommendations include extending relationship abuse programs to more nontraditional adult learners and developing knowledge-based guidance for navigating relationship abuse recognition and response in a virtual environment.
Entrenched in whiteness and toxic masculinity, the computing field makes it difficult for Latina students to see themselves in computing careers. This phenomenological study explored computing identity development for Latina students at a Hispanic-serving community college (HSCC). Latina students emphasized the importance of leveraging competence and various forms of community cultural wealth to shape computing identities. They also articulated how gendered societal norms and socio-economic concerns influenced their computing identity experiences at the HSCC.
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This article builds on the highly cited 2009 article authored by Professor Emerita Margarete Sandelowski and her colleagues by critically reevaluating the process of quantitizing—transforming qualitative data into quantitative forms—a technique that has surprisingly not proliferated in academic research, presumably due to a shortage of methodological exploration in this area. This article responds to this shortfall by proposing a comprehensive meta-framework using the 5W1H approach, which outlines why, when, what, where, how, and who should engage in quantitizing, thereby integrating several frameworks and models across both mixed and multiple methods research. Central to this framework is the DIME-Driven Model of Quantitizing, which categorizes quantitizing into Descriptive, Inferential, Measurement, and Exploratory types, each enhancing the utility and precision of quantitizing. This innovative model supports the article's broader advocacy for quantitizing as a crucial methodological tool across diverse research traditions. This article explores the application and value of quantitizing across qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research traditions, demonstrating its broad relevance and transformative potential. It discusses the variable adoption of quantitizing based on differing philosophical perspectives related to ontology, epistemology, axiology, and methodology. Despite these differences, only a few research philosophies completely reject quantitizing. The article advocates for a balanced use of quantitizing to complement qualitative analyses and to enhance research clarity and applicability without compromising the richness of qualitative data. It serves as a comprehensive resource for understanding the complexities and utility of quantitizing, aiming to inspire researchers to consider this approach to enrich their analytical tools and to enhance the depth and applicability of their research findings.
The sustainability of the student affairs profession continues to be questioned, as is the conditions influencing attrition and “burnout” of those working in the student affairs profession over time. Therefore, understanding the workplace conditions of midlevel student affairs administrators continues to be an important area of inquiry in both higher education and human resources research. This generic qualitative study explores factors that influence workplace satisfaction of midlevel student affairs administrators working in either the United States or Canada. Data includes narrative based on individual, one hour interviews and is analyzed using the lens of positive organizational scholarship and a workplace satisfaction framework. Findings present factors ultimately influencing participants‘ workplace satisfaction, with implications for practice for midlevel student affairs administrators, human resources divisions, and senior leaders working on university and college campuses.
Through an unsustainable moniker that often receives no reprieve, Black women student affairs professionals become the institutional fixer—the StrongBlackWoman who can do all. Through a raced and gendered expectation, they support the needs of their students, many of whom are students of color. This effort creates a precarious double bind that traps Black women student affairs professionals as they are seen through their strength, not through their humanity. Although there have been numerous studies in student affairs that have connected student affairs burnout and attrition and few others that have connected a raced and gendered experience to that burnout as Black women or folx of color, additional research is needed, especially to examine the connection between the experience of operating within a StrongBlackWoman phenomenon and how that impacts their well-being as Black women student affairs professionals. Rooted within Black feminist thought as a theoretical framework and utilizing a hermeneutic phenomenological approach, this article aims to discuss findings from a recent dissertation that explored the experiences of Black women student affairs professionals, which underscored the StrongBlackWoman phenomenon. The findings from this study discuss the theme that “Black women cannot disengage” and highlight the subtheme of the StrongBlackWoman and the BlackGirlMagic narratives and how they connect the experience of emotional exhaustion. The article concludes with implications for student affairs professionals, as well as recommendations for the area of human resources.
Spiritual perspectives in organizational theory are relatively recent approaches to understanding the behaviors of complex organizations. Emerging in the 1990s, the literature on modern organizations, especially in the United States, saw a rise in individuals questioning if they could find meaning and purpose in their work. This study investigated the application of spiritual perspectives on the complex organizations of higher education institutions. Ideas found in pilgrimage were used to explain how higher education administrators, faculty, and leaders used such experiences to advocate organizational behavioral changes. In using a specific pilgrimage, the essence of these journeys provided lessons and different approaches for working with highly complex, often bureaucratic, higher education institutions. Findings contribute additional knowledge on how spirituality and pilgrimage influence individual behavior in complex organizations.
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