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Energy Efficiency: What it is, Why it is Important, and How to Assess it

  • University Paris Cité


Faced with increasing production costs and with high prices of industrial energies such as crude oil, of which market price has risen from about 20perbarrelatthestartof2000seven10 per barrel at the start of 2000s - even 10 /b in 1998 - to about 100 $/b as of end of 2013, our one important means of action is the energy efficiency of industrial processes. This is nothing new as show all the engineering and fundamental works done to reduce the steam engine coal consumption in the early industrial revolution. The book deals with this large topic first by defining exactly what is the energy efficiency of a system. Even if its boundary and flows are well-defined the value(s) of its efficiency depends on the indicator choice. The typical agro-ethanol factory in Brazil is the most or least efficient relative to the American factories, depending on the definition of the indicator. Because modern economy and population have thrived owing to cheap and abundant useful energies (and products derived from them like ammonia) efficiency of processes is important, even vital, to maintain these flows. However, it may encounter some fundamental limitations. It is also crucial to convert large natural resource into these useful flows. The book suggests a methodology to assess the efficiency at the system level from the data - flows and established knowledge - found at the process level. This analysis determines the dependence of the system efficiency on some physical characteristics of its processes. It permits to avoid large errors and to fix the range of actions for improvement. Finally the book deals with the energy conservation and its consequences. Historic exploitation of underground coal could not run for its operations a steam engine which requires more coal than it can lift. Can the agro-ethanol industry operate without external energies, i.e. it is more than self-reliant?
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Xavier Chavanne1
Equipe Dynamique des Fluides Géologiques.
Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Univ. Paris Diderot,
Sorbonne Paris Cité, UMR 7154 CNRS.
Case postale 7011 - F75205 Paris cedex 13, France
September 2013
1E-mail address:
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Energy efficiency: What it is, why it is important, and how to assess it 1
PACS 05.45-a, 52.35.Mw, 96.50.Fm. Keywords: Energy efficiency, industrial processes,
consumption rate, dissipation rate, steam engine, energy intensive economic units, demog-
raphy and energy, consumer behavior, energy resources.
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1 Preface 3
2 Introduction 9
1. First Mentions of Energy Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2. Structure of the Present Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
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Chapter 1
The topic of this book is the energy efficiency in industry, i.e. the potential reduction of
the energy dissipated along a chain of processes from the natural resources extracted by
humans, or primary energy, to the useful forms of energy such as electricity, transport fuels,
mechanical energy, heat or even ammonia. It also deals with the energy required to pro-
duce consumer goods like phones and capital items like tractors, or to provide services like
freight shipments, and information and communication technologies.
The search on better energy efficiency of processes started even before the very notion
of energy, or the equivalence of heat and work, was established. Indeed the first improve-
ments on the steam engine to reduce its coal requirement at identical work took place before
the foundation of the thermodynamic theory.
The present study does not cover new developments in the field of energy conversion,
as was the fundamental understanding of work production from heat in the steam engine
(which was at the origin of the thermodynamic theory). Instead, it gathers and analyzes
critically established knowledge and data in both fundamental and engineering sciences to
determine the efficiency of any industrial system (from coal exploitation to phone manufac-
turing), and to compare between possible designs for potential gains.
The book aims equally to bridge a growing gap between this specialized and complex
information about processes, and questions about energy efficiency at the economy or soci-
ety level. Consequently it intends to address a large audience from physicists and engineers
to economists, executives and teachers, i.e. anyone with an interest in energy.
What is Energy Efficiency?
The chapter of the book following the introduction shows that, even for a well-defined
system and its materials and energy flows, the assessment of energy efficiency is not as
simple as it may appear at first.
Within the book the efficiency/inefficiency of the system is defined by the energy re-
quired per unit of its resource input or its production output. However, the rate changes with
the choice for the denominator and with what are considered energy requirements. Is the
energy consumed to manufacture the equipments and materials, or to produce the electricity
and fuels used by the system, included in the requirements? Must we count all the energy
consumed or only that dissipated in the processes? Are the requirements limited to external
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4 Xavier Chavanne
primary energy?
Moreover, a practical rate like the energy consumed per unit of joule J of ethanol pro-
duced can give a value higher than one. It does not mean that there is any violation of the
energy conservation, or the system dissipates more energy than it extracts. A more funda-
mental rate can be established based on the thermodynamic laws. It leads to the notion of
the self-reliant energy system, which uses only the energy resource it extracts and processes
to meet all its requirements, both fuel and feedstock. By its mere existence our whole en-
ergy system, from petroleum industry to hydroelectric production, is self-reliant. But not
each of its components is necessarily self-reliant. The notion is important not only in terms
of the fundamental significance of the efficiency of a system, but also for the viability of
entire societies and their thriving economies, as the example of an ancient coal exploitation
Why is Energy Efficiency Important?
Because of the importance of the energy - and subsequently of energy efficiency in terms of
energy savings - for the activities of our own society and for our personal life, the book in
the third chapter also deals with these connections between industrial efficiencies and the
economy or the human well-being.
The energy efficiency issue has gained renewed importance with the recent rise of hy-
drocarbon prices. France, the author’s country, imported roughly 85 G$ - billion dollars
- worth of crude oil, refined petroleum products and gas in 2012. At the end of 90s the
annual trade bill amounted to a mere 20 G$ (in constant $ value). This rise represents 2 to
3% of the annual France Gross Domestic Product GDP, small as a percentage but with a
staggering impact on economic growth and national debt levels. Further improvements in
efficiency in the transport sector or in the thermal insulation of buildings could significantly
alleviate this financial burden.
The objective of the third chapter is equally to distinguish among the various energy
related notions in economic and social themes those that are not relevant to the energy
efficiency in its strict definition.
Thus an economic system is judged efficient if it generates a large added value. The
latter represents the sales of the system outputs less the cost of its inputs. The added value
is distributed in salaries, taxes and surplus capital. In the long run, especially for basic
industries such as electricity generation and ammonia industry, the value benefited from the
improvements of the manufacturing processes and the lowering of their energy and material
consumption rates. Along with rising productivities in labor and capital investments, these
gains in the basic industries permitted to decrease the unit price of their products, on which
the whole economic activity has drawn to thrive. The price reached such a low level that
it reduced the weight of the economic value of these industries in the GDP, less than 10
percent in developed countries.
However, the unit price can equally be driven by the balance, or imbalance, between
demand and supply, or, in the short term, by government ill-defined regulations or by spec-
ulative markets, as observed in the case of the industry and market of the photovoltaic
modules since 2000. Mechanisms of price fixing add another layer of complexity, which
may well hide fundamental trends in the efficiency of processes and so in the long-term cost
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Energy efficiency: What it is, why it is important, and how to assess it 5
of products.
Thermodynamic theory, which has explained and guided the 250 fold efficiency gains
of the steam engine since its inception, also determines the limit to these gains, as seen
in the last chapter of the book. For the last decades the extraction and transformation of
each barrel of crude oil have required increasing amounts of physical resources - energy,
equipment...-, despite evident progress in the specific efficiencies of the processes involved.
Because of the oil high demand - except during crises - due to its essential function in
running nearly all economic activities, its prices have definitely followed the physical
trend. Only the thorough technical study of extraction processes and their improvements
as well as that of the characteristics of the deposits to be developed to maintain production
can reveal future developments. In summary, not only "it’s the economy, stupid", but also
"it’s thermodynamics and engineering, stupid".
At the consumer level energy saving can also be obtained by the decision to drive less, to
buy a smaller car, or to reduce the heating temperature in his/her house·· · , which is in fact
independent of efficiency. It is more often than not motivated by the final price of the useful
energies like electricity and transport fuel, as the behavior of the typical American drivers
proves. They are essential consumer costs which governments try to control to deflect the
social pressure.
Moreover, the price paid by the consumer for other goods and services such as cars
and insurances has little relationship to the energy costs to produce them. As a result of
productivity and efficiency gains of basic industries the energy cost component is generally
similar to the one in the country GDP. At the personal level incentives for saving energy
are thus reduced.
At first glance the abundance of the energy resources on Earth surface, or close to it, is
independent of the efficiency of the processes employed to extract and make them useful.
The resource base is actually huge compared with the human demand, either in terms of
energy of flows, like solar radiation, or energy stores such as fossil organic carbon in the
crust of Earth. However, only a very tiny fraction of this energy resource is amendable to
exploitation. Its characteristics - concentration, accessibility, state... - do allow the use of
efficient process. Other portions of the resource can require more energy to extract and
transform them than they actually contain, making their extraction physically non-viable.
How to Assess Energy Efficiency?
The fourth chapter describes a methodology to assess the rate of energy consumption of a
complex system and the dependence of this indicator on a variety of physical and technical
The methodology rests on the decomposition of the system on its much simpler parts
for which a local consumption rate - a priori independent of the system one - is defined and
calculated from available and accurate information (flow data and established relationships
at process level). Thus is isolated the mechanized operations at the farm in an agro-ethanol
industry. Its efficiency is expressed with the volume of diesel required per unit of cultivated
surface. From the local rate of the operation is determined the operation contribution to the
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6 Xavier Chavanne
global rate of consumption. The relation between both rates provides some of the variables
of the system efficiency. The conversion from the consumption of diesel per ha of crop
acreage to the consumption per joule of ethanol requires the yield of crops per hectare, the
mass of sugar or starch in the harvest and the fraction of sugar converted into ethanol. The
physical analyses of these variables and others from different operations define possible
future gains or limitations on the final efficiency of the agro-ethanol industry.
The fifth and last chapter dwells on the self-sufficiency of energy systems, or in other
words, whether systems can only rely on the resource they extract for their operations. Coal
extraction from underground mines necessitated efficient steam engines to lift the coal and
pump the excess water. These engines had to consume only a fraction of the coal lifted at
the surface for coal exploitation to be viable and self-reliant.
Agro-ethanol industry is a more complex energy system as it requires the outputs of
other energy systems - diesel, electricity, ammoniac... -, and consequently depends on
their efficiency. From the industry actual direct consumptions (electricity, fuels...) and by
replacing existing processes to produce internally these requirements, the system can be
made self-reliant, consuming its own production and/or resource. Hence its real efficiency
can be determined. It may well be possible that the industry does not produce enough
energy to fuel its own processes.
And More
The reader is invited to learn more about the agro-ethanol industry and its efficiency
throughout the book. Other examples like steam engines, the ammonia industry, phone
manufacture... are also used to illustrate and support the various arguments developed in
this book about energy efficiency.
Feedbacks on this study are welcome. Oversights on such a complex matter cannot be
ruled out.
The author thanks the prof. J.-P. Frangi, director of the Institut Universitaire Profession-
nel Génie de l’Environnement at the university of Paris Diderot for his help and remarks.
Without him this work would not have been possible.
He is also grateful to P. Brocorens, P. Alba and B. Durand for their thorough review. P.
Brocorens is a young researcher on advanced chemistry at the University of Mons working
on the properties of new materials like conjugated polymers and composites. P. Alba is a
retired engineer of Elf Aquitaine where among various positions he had been in charge of
the economic studies of the company. B. Durand is an expert of petroleum geochemistry
and had been responsible of the geology-geochemistry department at Institut Français du
Pétrole (IFP). He had been also director of Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Géologie in
This book also benefited from the review of J. Heissner, promoter of a novel project of
a self-sustainable village in New-Zealand. I wish him success in his project.
X. Chavanne
Physicist (PhD, member of Société Française de Physique) and research engineer. He
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Energy efficiency: What it is, why it is important, and how to assess it 7
worked on various topics in academic and applied areas: study of the turbulent natural
convection both experimentally and theoretically, modeling of the convection in glass
furnaces at St Gobain company (with physical models and theory), development of
soil moisture sensors for both fundamental and industrial objectives (use of a dielectric
principle). Since 2004 study of the efficiencies of different industrial systems in areas from
the telecommunications to basic industries and to transport.
September 2013
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Chapter 2
1. First Mentions of Energy Efficiency
The first evocations of the efficiency of an industrial system in modern terms can be associ-
ated with the improvements of the steam engine by J. Watt, and with the work of S. Carnot
to establish a theory of fire machines at the turn of the nineteenth century. Both J. Watt and
S. Carnot used as an indicator of efficiency the quantity of coal burnt, or its calories, per unit
of the product of mass of water lifted by the height. Indeed, the notion of energy itself was
introduced later by the experiments of J. Joule and the establishment of the thermodynamic
theory by R. Clausius and W. Thomson.
The steam engine was first developed successfully in Great Britain in 1712 by T. New-
comen to access water filled coal mines [1, 2]. Because of the wood disappearance and the
easy access at the surface or shallow depths of peat and coal in some regions of Europe
(Holland, Great Britain, Wallonie region in Belgium, the basin of la Loire in France...), the
fossil resources were exploited as early as the thirteenth century. Due to a rising demand
the production had to be increased.
The Newcomen machine had a very low yield in terms of conversion of coal heat into
work (less than 0.3% as established later; see the details in the chapter ??). Successors of
T. Newcomen managed to increase this efficiency, most notably J. Watt after 1769 (sepa-
rate condenser among various modifications). One of Watt’s sale pitches was that his new
machine was able to save 75% of coal by comparison with the previous design [3]. The ef-
ficiency was all the more important as J. Watt’s improvements and modifications allow the
use of the steam engine in other industries (textile, iron...) to provide mechanical energy.
Thanks to Watt and other inventors the steam engine became more efficient - still less than
5% in 1824 - while more available and reliable to produce energy than other means such
as muscular work, windmill or even water mill. After 1830 with the locomotive the steam
engine was used in the transportation of freight and people.
Around 1820 the aim of the physicist S. Carnot was to determine the ideal transforma-
tions along a cycle in a "fire" machine (not only a steam engine) to produce a maximum
of work from a fixed amount of heat [4]. It was equivalent to solving an efficiency
problem with the deduction of the fundamental factors, chiefly the temperature difference
between the hot and cold sources rather than the level of gas pressure as believed at that
time, to be most important (at least for an ideal cycle). His study founded the theory
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10 Xavier Chavanne
of thermodynamics with notions like thermodynamic cycles, reversible transformations,
adiabatic and isothermal compressions or dilatations of a perfect gas... Thanks to his
work large and fast improvements were made possible with the existing machines (the
steam engine benefited of the theory as shown in the chapter ??), and new machines were
conceived (internal combustion engine, gas turbine). Some modern steam engines in
power plants can reach a yield of 45% and gas fired plants can surpass 55% owing to two
combined cycles.
2. Structure of the Present Book
In the early industrial revolution energy efficiency of processes was one of the major preoc-
cupations of engineers to save expensive coal or to increase the outputs of an industry with
the same amount of coal. Energy efficiency has always been a priority when the supply of
energy is restricted resulting in high prices, as observed in the beginning of 19th century for
coal and nowadays for crude oil. Obviously, as it was also the case in the nineteenth century,
energy efficiency is not the only factor to consider when developing a process or a system
at the industrial scale. They must also fulfill economic or environmental constraints such as
labor and equipment productivity, which can further impact the energy consumptions.
The purpose of the book is not to present new developments on energy conversion, as
was the understanding of work production from heat in the steam engine. But rather it
will show how to gather and analyze critically already established knowledge and data of
both fundamental and engineering sciences to determine the efficiency of a large range of
industrial systems.
It also deals with the role of the energy efficiency in the economy and human societies.
The book in the second chapter establishes first a definition of the efficiency for any
system. It is expressed with an indicator based on the rate of consumption of the system,
i.e. its energy consumed per unit of its output. It turns out that different indicators for a
system and its flows are possible. A practical rate is estimated from the direct inputs and
outputs of the industry, like coal and lift work in the case of the steam engine. Its scope
can be enlarged to include indirect consumptions like those to extract and clean the coal
used by the steam engine. However, in the case of energy systems like steam engine or
coal exploitation, the application of the energy conservation suggests a different and more
fundamental rate based in the energy dissipated.
The third chapter shows how the efficiency gains and its limitations still play an impor-
tant role in our societies, its economy, human well-being and comfort, and our extraction
of natural resources although it is not as apparent as it was in the times of Watt and Carnot
due to the very progresses of efficiency since then. Other factors have also to be considered
like the cost of production in monetary value, the prices of energies and products, energy
conservation by end consumers, as well as the abundance and characteristics of the energy
The fourth chapter is dedicated to a methodology and its mathematical tools to derive
a rate for the system under study and the dependences of this rate. Energy efficiency can
be studied for quite simple systems like the steam engine as well as for more complex ones
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Energy efficiency: What it is, why it is important, and how to assess it 11
such as the production of ethanol from agriculture - agro-ethanol - or the phone manu-
facture. The main principles of the analysis are the decomposition of the system towards
simpler operations of few processes or even just one, and the determination of the natural
rates of consumption of these operations. These local rates, deduced only from data at op-
eration level, are much less variable than the rate of the whole system. A reverse process
allows to derive from the local rates the latter rate. As a result of the process, the physical
and technical variables on which the system rate depends are identified. In the process, and
thanks to different sources and/or established knowledge in sciences and technologies, large
errors on data and on assumptions are tracked. The suggested methodology also provides
tools to propagate the remaining uncertainties from the raw data to the system rate. This
allows to quantify the compromise between the accuracy on the rates and the time required
for data gathering and analysis.
The last chapter deals more specifically with the energy systems. Among them are ex-
amined self-reliant systems. The resource they use must provide both the fuel consumed
in their processes and their feedstock. Historic industries such as the exploitation of a coal
basin offer examples of autonomy due to the necessity themselves to use local resources
for production. Significantly, in industrial times only fossils fuels show their ability to ap-
proach self-sufficiency. If they are to be substituted for conventional and dominant systems,
alternatives systems like the agro-ethanol production must also demonstrate this capability.
This can be achieved thanks to modifications of present systems with existing processes.
However, the resulting rate of dissipation expressed as the energy dissipated per unit of to-
tal input of the system must be lower than one in order for the self-reliant system to produce
a surplus output.
Note about Unit Symbols Due to the difficulty to define an equivalence between the
different forms of energy such as between final and primary energies, the unit of each form
of energy is accompanied by a subscript informing about the form.
Thus the subscript LHV in JLHV stands for the low heat value of a fuel, HHV in JHHV
for its high heat value, ein Jefor electricity, min Jmfor the mechanical energy, th in Jth
for the thermal energy, ph in Jph for the energy of photons, EF in JEF for the final energy -
part of the direct requirements ED- consumed by the system under study, EP in JEP for the
overall primary energy EEP used to produce EDby the system aux...
The subscripts of units are also used for other quantities if necessary. For instance the
volume of water lifted over a fixed height is measured by m3
The use of subscripts for the symbol of units is not recommended by the Comité In-
ternational des Poids et Mesures (CIPM) in charge of defining the Système international
d’unités (SI) [52]. All energies have a unique (derived) SI unit, joule, based on their equiv-
alence in terms of heat value. But, as we have seen, the different forms are not equivalent
in terms of usefulness for the consumer. Otherwise the notion of efficiency itself can be
Notations like J of electricity or J of primary energy could be used. But for concision
we prefer to use the convention introduced above. We follow the rest of the norms enacted
by the CIPM.
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... A process based method is used to assess the energy and other material requirements of the ethanol industry (chap. 4 of [9]). It offers some flexibility and transparency about the analysis on industry operations and their consumptions. ...
... Moreover, the separation between direct and auxiliary operations permits to study the possibility of a self-reliant industry like the petroleum industry and, by necessity of energy conservation, the global energy system (See chap. 5 of [9]). Ethanol can be used to produce steam and other requirements of system direct operations with β j expressed in MJ OH · k −1 st or MJ OH · MJ −1 e . ...
... We do not take into account energies to manufacture chemicals consumed at the factory and the equipment of the industry. We assume them negligible relative to the energy consumptions in use, which is the case for equipment used at their capacity during their normal life time (see the case of a tractor in Chap. 4 of [9]). However, it does not mean that these contributions are small when looking at the industry financial balance. ...
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The chapter examines one of the product derived from sugar beets, i.e., ethanol from agriculture plants used as a transportation fuel, or agro-ethanol. This substitute for gasoline has been advocated since as early as the beginning of 20th century, as in the case of other crops such as cane and corn. But, without some help-subsidizes and incorporation mandates-it remains difficult to compete with petroleum products, even when price of crude oil reaches $100 per barrel as it is presently. Nevertheless, ethanol offers beet producers a protected market, which will no longer be possible in the case of the global sugar market. The topic is mainly described in the context of France, one of the largest producers of sugar beets and its products. The chapter first provides some statistics of production on sugar beet harvests, sugar from cane and beet and agro-ethanol in the world, France and other major producers. The quantity of ethanol from sugar beet is still very modest by comparison with ethanol production from cane (0,5 M tonne oil equivalent in 2012 against 12 Mtoe). The chapter then describes the chain of processes from the farm to fuel dispenser and assesses their energy requirements to produce one joule of agro-ethanol, taking into account gains from by-products. The analysis determines the different physical and technical parameters on which the industry efficiency depends: The specific consumptions of the modern processes, concentrations of sugar, ethanol and dry matter in the different liquids produced along the chain of processes, yields of conversion... In spite of major efforts to save energy and increase the yields, consumption of final energy by the industry is still large, equivalent to about 66% of the heat value of its production. Further gains are more difficult as lot of limitations are intrinsic to beets. By comparison, the production of ethanol from sugar cane requires only about 15%, thanks to the fiber constituent of cane, bagasse, which is used as a fuel in a co-generation system at the factory. With efficient processes, bagasse use can even generate an electricity surplus. Beet residues are in too small amount and do not suit fuel specifications to achieve the same role. PACS 05.45-a, 52.35. Mw, 96.50. Fm.
... However, this very high EROI resource was used very inefficiently. As time progressed, the EROI decreased and efficiency increased (Ayres and Warr 2009;Chavanne 2013). Innovative uses were found for all this energy. ...
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In this work, we make the ansatz that economic production is reduced to the energy made available to the economy. In (Illig and Schindler, BioPhys Econ Resour Qual 2(1):1, 2017) the price of oil was expressed as a function of the size of the economy, the cost share of oil, and the quantity of oil extracted. We clarify assumptions needed to use this explicit price equation to study prices. Using the current extraction rate, the previous year’s extraction rate, and interest rates of the Federal Reserve we use linear regression to give a model for oil prices from 1966 to 2018. The model verifies that deductions made from the explicit price equation are consistent with empirical data over the given time period. Our analysis indicates that the contraction phase of world oil extraction began in 2020 and that it will be characterized by relatively low oil prices. We present some challenges and opportunities for building a future economy if our assumptions prove valid.
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The global energy transition represents a pivotal aspect of the pursuit of sustainable development and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The objective of this study was to examine the dynamic relationships between global primary energy consumption and the consumption of individual energy sources (nuclear, oil, coal, natural gas, renewables) from 2011 to 2023. To examine both long-run and short-run relationships between variables, advanced econometric methods were employed, including the Johansen cointegration test and the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM). Furthermore, an Index of Sustainable Energy Transformation (ISTE) was devised to quantify the advancement of the transition to low-carbon energy sources. The analysis confirms the existence of long-term equilibrium relationships between global primary energy consumption and the consumption of individual energy sources. The analysis revealed that renewable energy consumption exerts a considerable influence on primary energy consumption, both in the short and long term. The ISTE index demonstrated a notable increase over the period of 2011 to 2023, indicative of advancement in the global energy transition. The results confirm the existence of a stable long-term equilibrium between global primary energy consumption and the consumption of individual energy sources. The observed increase in the ISTE index indicates progress towards low-carbon energy sources, which has important implications for energy policy and sustainable development. The results can support policymakers in monitoring the progress of the energy transition and shaping policies to accelerate the development of renewable energy sources.
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The global energy crisis, which began in 2021 due to the extraordinary economic recovery after the pandemic and intensified after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, has changed the conditions of energy management, paying more attention to energy efficiency. Natural gas prices have reached record levels and, consequently, so have electricity prices in some markets. Oil prices have reached their highest level since 2008. Higher energy prices have contributed to sharply increased inflation. Households are again becoming interested in buying coal as a source of heat. High energy and gas prices have pushed many families into poverty and forced some factories to cut production or even close. They have also slowed economic growth to the point where some countries are heading for a serious recession. Paradoxically, the negative effects of the energy crisis may accelerate the introduction of cleaner, sustainable, renewable energy such as wind and solar energy. The energy crisis is comparable to the oil crisis of the 1970s, when it contributed to significant advances in energy efficiency. The current crisis has highlighted the importance of investments in renewable energy resources and initiated the process of integrating regional markets, developing energy efficiency and promoting renewable energies. The aim of this article is to comprehensively explore the complex relationship between energy awareness, consumption patterns, and energy efficiency, with a focus on both individual consumers and industries, during the global energy crisis. This paper is based on a literature review, overarching policy documents, energy reports, and other secondary documents. The primary research method was the systematic literature review method, based on which the impact of the global energy crisis on energy efficiency was evaluated. This study emphasizes the diverse influences on energy awareness, ranging from economic factors to consumer preferences and environmental consciousness. The findings of the paper underscore the significant responsibility of industries in contributing to energy-saving efforts and the active role of consumers in the energy market. The responsibility of industries in contributing to energy efficiency is highlighted, with a call for a comprehensive approach that integrates energy-saving criteria into product development and corporate social responsibility.
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Improving energy efficiency indicators and reasonable use of energy resources in the context of the increasing demand for energy are sectors that must definitely be paid attention to. The fight against climate change must start in the construction sector, as buildings are the main consumers of energy. Saving energy through the rational use of energy sources and good thermal insulation of buildings allows you to reduce the amount of heating and/or cooling bills as well as to care for the environment by reducing emissions. This article presents aspects of improving the energy efficiency of a health clinic building in Mszana Dolna through the use of comprehensive thermal modernization of the external envelope. Thermal modernization of the most energy-intensive and leaky external partitions in the building, i.e., the external walls below and above the ground and the ventilated flat roof, managed to save 53% of the building’s thermal energy, which directly translates into lowering the building’s operating costs. We managed to achieve an improvement in energy efficiency ratios from 37% to almost 60%, and a reduction in CO2 emissions at a level of nearly 50%.
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Economical and efficient use of energy is promoted around the world as a model of conscious care for the environment in which we live. A mere change of habits in the use of energy can reduce its costs by 5% to 15%, and investments in energy-saving technologies can pay for themselves after just a few years. This case study shows how significant steps can be taken in saving energy in the building of public utility buildings through deep thermomodernization using renewable energy sources—compressor heat pumps and photovoltaics. The article presents a comprehensive thermomodernization of a school building made according to Polish regulations.
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Improving energy efficiency includes a number of measures implemented as part of the greening of the energy industry, which in turn is a prerequisite for the creation of a sustainable energy industry to ensure energy and environmental security for the world. Despite the adoption of the EU directives on energy efficiency, there is still insufficient public awareness in this area in Poland and Slovakia. This is particularly surprising because improving energy efficiency not only brings national and global benefits, but also has a significant impact on the well-being of individuals and households. The main purpose of the paper is to analyze the national policies of Poland and Slovakia, which are based on the European Directive 2012/27/EU on energy efficiency, and which introduce new measures aimed not only at increasing energy efficiency, but also at increasing the well-being of households and individuals. Methods of desk research and content analysis were used. The current situation in both countries is illustrated by case studies that document the administrative process (Slovakia) and the calculation of energy savings (Poland) when using renewable energy sources in the case of family houses.
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The increase in energy demand requires urgent investments in sustainable energy. It is vital to the success of the 2030 Agenda, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly. The article aimed to assess the situation of the European Union countries with regard to energy use. Indicators related to the implementation of SDG7 and environmental and resource productivity of the economy were adopted for the study. The research presented in this article fits into contemporary debates on the effectiveness of implementing one of the SDG7: ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all. The analysis included 26 countries that have been in the European Union since 2010. The study’s originality lies in the use of primary data obtained from the Eurostat database for three research periods: 2010, 2015, and 2020, which will allow for assessing the situation of the surveyed EU countries in the area of energy use. In order to achieve the research objective, selected methods of descriptive statistics and vector measurement were used. The application of a vector measure made it possible to rank the studied countries in terms of efficient energy use. Based on the results obtained, there is a significant variation in space and time in the evolution of the energy system of the European Union’s member states toward sustainable development. Rational energy use is primarily the domain of north-western European countries, with Sweden and Austria always leading the rankings. However, this does not mean that in these countries, in spite of their high position in the ranking, the levels of some indicators in 2015 and 2020 as compared with those in 2010 did not deteriorate. Due to this fact, attention should be paid to the energy use process and identification of signals responsible for deteriorating the outcomes. The research results can help diagnose the results obtained so far and correct the European Union’s climate and energy policy in the future.
Kerogen is defined as the insoluble (in relatively unpolar solvents) fraction of sedimentary OM of any kind, ie. ancient or recent sediments etc., and in a dispersed or concentrated form. Its analysis mainly corresponds to an examination of the relations between the hydrocarbons which are solvent extracted from it and the remainder of the sedimentary OM, and therefore it has mainly been done as part of research on the origin of petroleum. But it is also needed as part of the effort to understand all types of sedimentary OM on account of its quantitative importance. Indeed, kerogen represents an average of more than 80% weight of such matter.-fromAuthor
Sedimentary rocks of the earth's crust contain approximately 265 multiplied by 10**1**8 g of carbon in the form of hydrocarbons and 275 multiplied by 10**1**8 g in the form of soluble nonhydrocarbons (asphalt). It is estimated that 9% of the hydrocarbons are in sedimentary rocks that never have been heated above 50 degree C. About 90% are in sedimentary rocks that have been heated from 50 to 200 degree C and 1% are in rocks heated above 200 degree C. The fact that most hydrocarbons are present in fine-grained, nonreservoir rocks at temperatures between 50 and 200 degree C indicates that this is the temperature range in which most petroleum is formed.
This article establishes the primary energy balance for making ethanol out of corn in the USA, calculated from the farm to the fuel station, following a methodology described in Chavanne and Frangi (C. R. Geoscience 339 (2007) 519–535). Raw data (direct energy and material consumption as well as their heat value and external costs) come from published papers related to this topic, technical textbooks, as well as reports from the US Departments of Agriculture and Energy. For the 2001 harvest, over the area producing more than 90% of ethanol and for the 2005 network of working refineries, 100 J of ethanol and recovery of by-products (the energy saved by the replacement of animal feed by these by-products is around 12% of the ethanol heat value) needed 86 ± 3 J of energy spending, of which more than 50 J is natural gas and 62 J is used in refineries. A third of the area of Nebraska corn must be irrigated with water pumped from underground, at an added cost of 26 ± 3 J. In 1996, the extra drying required, because of heavy rains, added 6 J. By comparison, 100 J of gasoline cost less than 25 J to be produced out of crude oil. Complementary studies of resource availability are not performed here. The largest possible reduction in energy costs can be achieved at the refinery stage, by fermenting by-products, gas residues, (from 62 J to around 12 J). The article gives also an expression for the expenditure to enable comparison between different energy systems, including everything from biomass to transport. For the ethanol case, the average cost is 130 J for 100 J of corn grain heat.
The different modes of transport used in the agroethanol industry and their energy efficiencies have been studied. Their specific consumption of fuels ttrans in MJ (tload km)−1 is assessed from raw data and from friction force laws. ttrans depends on the mode characteristics, fuel/engine performance, velocity, geometry, total mass, actual load… Lack of precision on them increases the uncertainty on ttrans (variation by a factor up to 8 for pipeline depending on the flow velocity).From ttrans is deduced the consumption of the mode in the industry Rtrans in J for 100 J of the energy content of ethanol Eetoh produced from the load. Rtrans takes also into account the distance of shipment d and the weight of the load in Eetoh, wload. Trucks, ttrans from 7 to 1.4 MJ(tload·km)−1(tload·km)−1, can present the best Rtrans, lower than 0.5 J for 100 J of ethanol, because of trips over small d (less than 100 km) and of low wload (less than 0.04 tload·GJetoh-1 for farm inputs and ethanol). Rtrans of the plant transport to the factory by trucks ranges to 3 J due to larger wload (up to 0.56 tload·GJetoh-1 for sugar cane). Large part of the ethanol is moved from the factory to the local storages over 1000 km more or less depending on the proximity of consumption centers. Efficient modes such as pipeline and sea ships, ttrans as low as 0.05 MJ (tload·km)−1 when optimized, can compensate for these distances with Rtrans around 1 J. Rtrans to export ethanol from Brazil to France would represent less than 5 J, much lower than the difference of consumptions R between sugar cane and sugar beet based ethanol productions.
The article assesses the energy R required by a system to transform a cereal or sugar plant into ethanol. From the specific consumption rj of each process j and its weight wj in the system, process consumption share Rj is deduced and hence R, sum of Rj. Depending on wj definition, Rj and R are relative to either 100 J of ethanol produced or 100 J of plant harvested. Depending on the nature of rj, Rj and R represent either only primary external energies, or all fuel and electricity consumed directly, or external and internal energies. From one definition to another R for average sugar cane based industries is the best or the worst relative to other plants. This results also from the use of cane residues as fuels while operating outdated processes. Through rj the process based analysis allows to examine for each system the impact of modern processes or different use of residues. All systems benefit except sugar beet based industry close to its best efficiency.This flexibility permits even to build a self-sufficient system where existing processes produce from system resources substitutes to external energies. R becomes an unambiguous definition of a system efficiency. It shows that all agroethanol systems are more consuming than petroleum industry. The system can be expanded to the vehicle stage to compare with alternatives to ethanol such as electricity and biogas. Wheat straw burnt to produce electricity used in an electrical vehicle will present R close to that of petroleum industry.
The Transportation Energy Data Book: Edition 30 is a statistical compendium prepared and published by Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) under contract with the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Vehicle Technologies Program. Designed for use as a desk-top reference, the Data Book represents an assembly and display of statistics and information that characterize transportation activity, and presents data on other factors that influence transportation energy use. The purpose of this document is to present relevant statistical data in the form of tables and graphs. The latest edition of the Data Book is available to a larger audience via the Internet ( This edition of the Data Book has 12 chapters which focus on various aspects of the transportation industry. Chapter 1 focuses on petroleum; Chapter 2 energy; Chapter 3 highway vehicles; Chapter 4 light vehicles; Chapter 5 heavy vehicles; Chapter 6 alternative fuel vehicles; Chapter 7 fleet vehicles; Chapter 8 household vehicles; Chapter 9 nonhighway modes; Chapter 10 transportation and the economy; Chapter 11 greenhouse gas emissions; and Chapter 12 criteria pollutant emissions. The sources used represent the latest available data. There are also three appendices which include detailed source information for some tables, measures of conversion, and the definition of Census divisions and regions. A glossary of terms and a title index are also included for the reader s convenience.