
Improved Meshless Local Boundary Integral Equation Method

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Combining the local boundary integral equation with the improved moving least-square method, an improved meshless local boundary integral equation method is presented. In the improved moving least-square method, the weighted orthogonal functions are used as basis ones so that the matrix inverse at each quadrature point is avoided and the algebra equations system is not ill-conditioned. In addition, the improved meshless local boundary integral equation method is applied to linear elasticity problems, the corresponding discrete equations are derived. Some numerical results to demonstrate the efficiency of the method are presented. Compared with the conventional local boundary integral equation method, the present method has higher computational efficiency and precision, and will not form ill-conditioned or singular equations.

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In order to obtain a more effective and accurate method to study the fracture behavior of the piezoelectric materials, an interpolating element-free Galerkin scaled boundary method (IEFG-SBM) is proposed for two-dimensional fracture analysis of piezoelectric material based on the improved interpolating moving least-squares (IIMLS) method. This method allows the stress and electric displacement intensity factors to be calculated directly from their definitions. Only the boundary of the computational domain requires to be discretized by the element-free Galerkin (EFG) method and thus the spatial dimension is reduced by one. However, in contrast to the boundary element method, no fundamental solution is required. The solution in the radial direction is analytical, therefore the simulation precision of this method is relatively high. In the IIMLS method, the shape functions satisfy Kronecker delta property and the weight function involved is nonsingular. Moreover, the number of unknown coefficients in the trial function of the IIMLS method is less than that of the conventional moving least-squares (MLS) approximation. At last, numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness and correctness of the proposed method for fracture analysis of piezoelectric material.
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In this paper, the local boundary integral equation (LBIE) for a Kirchhoff elastic plate is formulated. In order to get rid of the unknown functions Mn(x) and Vn(x) in the integrals along local boundaries the companion solution is introduced into the LBIE of the thin plate. In this work, first, the companion solution associated with the fundamental solution of the thin plate is given, then all the other known functions related to the companion solution and required in the meshless LBIE are presented.
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