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Methods of Psychological Research Online 2002, Vol.7, No.1 Institute for Science Education
Internet: © 2002 IPN Kiel
Misinterpretations of Significance:
A Problem Students Share with Their Teachers?
Heiko Haller1 & Stefan Krauss2
The use of significance tests in science has been debated from the invention of these
tests until the present time. Apart from theoretical critiques on their appropriateness for
evaluating scientific hypotheses, significance tests also receive criticism for inviting mi-
sinterpretations. We presented six common misinterpretations to psychologists who
work in German universities and found out that they are still surprisingly widespread –
even among instructors who teach statistics to psychology students. Although these mi-
sinterpretations are well documented among students, until now there has been little
research on pedagogical methods to remove them. Rather, they are considered “hard
facts” that are impervious to correction. We discuss the roots of these misinterpretations
and propose a pedagogical concept to teach significance tests, which involves explaining
the meaning of statistical significance in an appropriate way.
1. Introduction
The current debate about null hypothesis significance testing (often referred to as
NHST) reminds us of a struggle that ends in an impasse between the critics and the
defenders. The widely reported criticisms of NHST address – among other issues – its
weight in social science, its mathematical principle, its ease of misinterpretation and its
mindless use (for a review on the “significance test debate” see, for instance, Nickerson,
2000). At present, both parties seem to have won: On the one hand, the critics of NHST
1 Free University of Berlin, Dept. of Educational Science and Psychology, Otto-von-Simson-Straße 19,
14195 Berlin; E-Mail:
2 Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Lentzeallee 94, 14195 Berlin;
2MPR-Online 2002, Vol. 7, No. 1
because much of their critique is substantial and largely uncontradicted (Sedlmeier,
1996; Carver, 1993) and on the other, the defenders because NHST is still taught to
psychology students at universities as the method for evaluating scientific hypotheses.
This article does not comment on this debate (for recent contributions concerning the
debate on NHST in this journal see Sedlmeier, 1996; Iseler, 1997; Sedlmeier, 1998; Ha-
ger, 2000). Rather, we take the teaching of NHST as a given fact and focus on impro-
ving it. Unfortunately, literature suggests that after a statistics course the avarage stu-
dent cannot describe the underlying idea of NHST (Falk and Greenbaum, 1995; Gige-
renzer and Krauss, 2001). What is mastered is the mere calculation of a significance
test. Yet, in our view the teaching of NHST can only be justified if students are able to
grasp the meaning of what they are doing.
The lack of understanding NHST can be demonstrated by asking students the follo-
wing question: “What does the statement that a statistical measure is significant at the
5% level mean?” It is not very likely to receive the correct answer, namely: “The proba-
bility of the available (or of even less likely) data, given that the null hypothesis is true,
is less than 5%.” Tragically, this answer is not just an answer to an inconsequential sta-
tistical question. Rather, this answer represents the understanding of the underlying
idea of the whole inference approach.
An overview of students’ misinterpretations of this question reveals that there are ba-
sically two main classes: The first class contains “meaningless answers” like: “It means,
that the measure lies 5% above the random-percentage”. The second class of misinter-
pretations contains the belief that with NHST the probability of hypotheses can be as-
sessed.3 Furthermore, there are individual cases deviating from these classes, such as the
statement that significance says something about the replicability of a significant test
result. It is important to note that most students showing such misinterpretations have
mastered the formal procedure of significance testing.
The aim of this article is twofold: In the first section, we describe possible sources of
the widespread confusion. The commonly accepted view seems to be that psychology
students – who are not interested in statistics – show a natural confusion about an in-
herently difficult concept that invites misunderstandings regardless of the way it is
3 For a collection of wrong beliefs stemming from a written undergraduate examination (Vordiplom) in
psychology see Gigerenzer and Krauss (2001, pp. 53-54).
H. Haller & S. Krauss: Misinterpretation of Significance 3
taught. In the first section, our questions are: Do instructors of methodology (i.e.,
people who are responsible for teaching NHST to psychology students) address and cla-
rify the meaning of NHST in their lectures? Furthermore: Are they aware of the correct
interpretation of a significant test result at all? Our empirical results reveal that cla-
rifying the meaning of NHST to psychology students in Germany is usually not a mat-
ter of statistics education. We found that most methodology instructors do not even
know the correct interpretation but rather share the misconceptions of their students.
Although this lack of insight – at least among students – can be considered a well-
known fact, there is astoundingly little pedagogical effort to eliminate these misconcep-
tions. In the second section, we provide a pedagogical concept of how to teach signifi-
cance testing that is explicitly designed to do away with the typical misinterpretations.
Where do the Misconceptions come from?
As previous experimental studies show, almost all students (Falk & Greenbaum,
1995) and even most academic psychologists (Oakes, 1986) have no real insight into the
meaning of a significant test result. Does this confusion principally arise in students’
minds or is it supported – or even implemented – from outside? For the implementation
assumption, we basically have two suspects, namely (1) statistical textbooks or (2) sta-
tistics teachers.
Indeed textbooks have already been detected as a possible source of misconcepti-
ons. An especially striking example is the book by Nunally (1975) Introduction to stati-
stics for psychology and education. Within three pages (pp. 194-196), he provides the
following eight interpretations of a significant test result that all are wrong:
- “the improbability of observed results being due to error”
- “the probability that an observed difference is real”
- “if the probability is low, the null hypothesis is improbable”
- “the statistical confidence ... with odds of 95 out of 100 that the observed difference
will hold up in investigations”
- “the degree to which experimental results are taken ‘seriously’”
- “the danger of accepting a statistical result as real when it is actually due only to
- “the degree of faith that can be placed in the reality of the finding”
4MPR-Online 2002, Vol. 7, No. 1
- “the investigator can have 95 percent confidence that the sample mean actually dif-
fers from the population mean”
Finally, Nunally (1975) concludes: “All of these are different ways to say the same
thing”. Even if this amount of explicit teaching of confusion is an exception, almost all
statistical textbooks put more weight on the execution of formal procedures than on the
understanding of the meaning of the results. Taking into account that these books are
written by psychologists, this is an astounding fact. Although a warning like “a signifi-
cant test result can tell us nothing about the probability of H0 or H1 being true” could
easily contribute to clarification, it is missing in most textbooks. Sedlmeier and Gigeren-
zer (1989, p. 314) provide references of authors as well as editors of journals who explici-
tely give wrong interpretatons of significance.4 Be that as it may, things could be
straightened out in university lectures: Our emprirical research addresses the question of
whether the second group of suspects, the statistics teachers, remove misunderstandings
or contribute further to the confusion about NHST.
2. Survey
2.1. Method
In 6 German universities, we asked participants from psychology departments if they
would fill out a short questionnaire. We sorted them into three groups: The group me-
thodology instructors (N = 30) consisted of university teachers who taught psychological
methods including statistics and NHST to psychology students. In Germany, some of
these teachers are scientific staff (including professors who work in the area of metho-
dology and statistics), and some are advanced students who teach statistics to beginners
(so called “tutors”). The group scientific psychologists (N = 39) consisted of professors
and other scientific staff who are not involved in the teaching of statistics. The last
group consisted of psychology students (N = 44).
4 Of course there are also many competent statistics text books. An excellent example, for instance, is
Hays (1963).
H. Haller & S. Krauss: Misinterpretation of Significance 5
To all three groups, we presented the following questionnaire consisting of six state-
ments representing common illusions of the meaning of a significant test result:5
2.2. The Questionnaire
Suppose you have a treatment that you suspect may alter performance on a certain task. You compare
the means of your control and experimental groups (say 20 subjects in each sample). Further, suppose
you use a simple independent means t-test and your result is (t = 2.7, d.f. = 18, p = 0.01). Please mark
each of the statements below as “true” or “false”. “False” means that the statement does not follow logi-
cally from the above premises. Also note that several or none of the statements may be correct.
1) You have absolutely disproved the null hypothesis (that is, there is no difference between the popula-
tion means). [ ] true / false [ ]
2) You have found the probability of the null hypothesis being true. [ ] true / false [ ]
3) You have absolutely proved your experimental hypothesis (that there is a difference between the po-
pulation means). [ ] true / false [ ]
4) You can deduce the probability of the experimental hypothesis being true. [ ] true / false [ ]
5) You know, if you decide to reject the null hypothesis, the probability that you are making the wrong
decision. [ ] true / false [ ]
6) You have a reliable experimental finding in the sense that if, hypothetically, the experiment were
repeated a great number of times, you would obtain a significant result on 99% of occasions.
[ ] true / false [ ]
In the introduction, we already provided the real meaning of a statistical test result that
is significant at the 5% level. A p-value consequently is the probability of the available
(or of even less likely) data, given that the null hypothesis is true. Before presenting our
results, let us see why all six statements are wrong.
5 Our questionnaire was a german adaptation of Oakes‘ (1986) who tested 68 academic psychologists. In
Oakes’ version, the hint that “several or none of the statements may be correct” was not included.
6MPR-Online 2002, Vol. 7, No. 1
Statements 1 and 3
Statements 1 and 3 are easily classified as being false: Significance tests can never
prove (or disprove) hypotheses. Significance tests provide probabilistic information and
can, therefore, at best be used to corroborate theories.
Statements 2, 4, and 5
It is generally impossible to assign a probability to any hypothesis by applying signi-
ficance tests: One can neither assign it a probability of 1 (statements 1 and 3) nor any
other probability (statements 2 and 4). Therefore, statements 2 and 4 should be classi-
fied as false. Making statements about probabilities of hypotheses is only possible in the
alternative approach of Bayesian statistics. We will later pick up on this approach as a
basic element of our pedagogical concept on how to clarify what a significant test result
does mean and what it does not mean.
Statement 5 may look similar to the definition of an error of Type I (i.e., the proba-
bility of rejecting the H0 although it is in fact true), but having actually rejected the H0
(as in statement 5), this decision would be wrong, if and only if the H0 were true. Thus
the probability in statement 5 (“...that you are making the wrong decision”) is p(H0),
and this probability – as we learned from statement 2 – cannot be derived with NHST.
Statement 6
Statement 6 reflects the so-called “replication fallacy”. In Neyman and Pearson’s pa-
radigm, one could interpret
= .01 in a frequentistic framework as relative frequency of
rejections of H0 if H0 is true. The example however gives no evidence of the H0 being
true. “In the minds of many, 1 - p erroneously turned into the relative frequency of re-
jections of H0, that is, into the probability that significant results could be replicated”
(Gigerenzer, 1993a). A well-known example of this fallacy came from the former editor
of the Journal of Experimental Psychology, A.W. Melton (1962, p. 553): “The level of
significance measures the confidence that the results of the experiment would be repea-
table under the conditions described”.
H. Haller & S. Krauss: Misinterpretation of Significance 7
2.3. Results
The percentage of participants in each group who erroneously classified at least one
of the statements as correct is shown in Figure 1. Oakes’ (1986) original findings are
displayed on the far right.
Figure 1: Percentages of participants in each group who made at least one mistake, in
comparison to Oakes’ original study (1986).
100% 97%
(N = 30)
(N = 44)
(Oakes, 1986)
not teaching
(N = 39)
Astonishingly, despite the fact that 15 years have passed since the publication of Oa-
kes' book and despite publication of numerous articles on the misunderstandings connec-
ted with significance testing, nothing seems to have changed. Nearly 90% of the scienti-
fic psychologists perceive at least one of the false “meanings” of a p-value as true.
However, our novel finding that even among the methodology instructors 80% share the-
se misinterpretations is flabbergasting.6 Since it can be assumed that the topic of “signi-
ficance” is addressed frequently during their lectures, this fact is difficult to believe.
Group comparisons reveal that – as expected – the performance of the methodology
instructors is nevertheless somewhat better than the performance of the other scientists,
6 The make up of the methodology instructors group (N = 30) roughly reflects the relationship in which
statistics in Germany is actually taught to psychology students: Apart from 3 professors, we had in this
sample 17 scientists and 10 advanced students (“tutors”) who teach statistics. This relationship of stati-
stics teachers (3-6 scientists and tutors per professor) is not unusual for larger German universites. It is,
however, important to note that the 6 methodology instructors (= 20%) who correctly de-masked all six
statements as being wrong included all three professors examined.
8MPR-Online 2002, Vol. 7, No. 1
while the performance of psychology students is the worst. This order is also reflected in
the mean number of wrongly endorsed statements: It was 1.9 for the methodology in-
structors, 2.0 for the other scientists, and 2.5 for the psychology students.
In any case, we can summarize: Teaching statistics to psychology students in German
universities does not include effective enlightenment about the meaning of significance:
Four out of every five methodology instructors share misconceptions about this concept
with their students.
Let us consider each statement separately. Which statements were especially hard to
de-mask, and which were easy to see through? Table 1 shows our findings broken down
into single statements.
Table 1: Percentages of different wrong answers (i.e., statements marked as true) in the
various groups and in comparison to Oakes’ original study (1986)
Germany 2000
Psychological Departments of
German Universities
USA 1986
Statements (abbreviated)
1) H0 is absolutely disproved 10 15 34 1
2) Probability of H0 is found 17 26 32 36
3) H1 is absolutely proved 10 13 20 6
4) Probability of H1 is found 33 33 59 66
5) Probability of Type I error 73 67 68 86
6) Probability of replication 37 49 41 60
H. Haller & S. Krauss: Misinterpretation of Significance 9
Across all groups, the first three statements were easier to de-mask than the last
three. Although statements 2 and 4 must either both be wrong or both be true,7 they
were not checked consistently, but statement 4 was endorsed more frequently. This
might be due to wishful thinking because in psychological experiments H1 is usually the
more interesting hypothesis. Furthermore, Table 1 reveals that statement 5 is the most
popular one.
What can we do to counteract the belief in these six statements? In the following sec-
tion we provide a pedagogical concept that helps make clear to students what a signifi-
cant test result does mean, what it does not mean and, why not.
3. How can we Avoid Misconceptions in Students' Minds?
Falk and Greenbaum (1995) report that it is not much help to simply point out the
misinterpretations to students. In a study, they recruited 53 students and used state-
ments similar to Oakes’. Although their students read Bakan’s (1966) article, which ex-
plicitly warns against wrong conclusions, and although the right alternative (“None of
the statements is correct”) was among their statements, only 13% of their participants
opted for the right alternative. Falk and Greenbaum (1995) suggest “that unless strong
measures in teaching statistics are taken, the chances of overcoming this misconception
appear low at present” (p. 93).
The main aim of the pedagogical approach we suggest is to contrast NHST with
Bayes’ rule by highlighting the differences between both approaches: If one wants to
prevent students belief that NHST says something about the probability of hypotheses,
one should explicate the approach that actually can.
Unfortunately, in textbooks – as well as in students’ minds – both statistical approa-
ches are completely separate. If at all, Bayes’ rule is taught just as a formula without
mentioning that it is the basis for an alternative approach of hypothesis testing. Often,
even the symbols for data (D) and hypotheses (H) are not used in the formula, but in-
stead just two arbitrary events A and B are represented. In order to establish a link
between both approaches, the idea of NHST should be expressed - just like Bayes' rule -
in terms of conditional probabilities, and Bayes’ rule should be taught including the
7 Because p(H1) = 1 - p(H0), knowing the probability of one hypothesis also means knowing the probabili-
ty of the complementary hypothesis.
10 MPR-Online 2002, Vol. 7, No. 1
concepts of hypothesis (H) and data (D). Thus, our pedagogical concept includes te-
aching the following steps:
3.1. Four Steps Towards an Understanding of the Meaning of NHST
3.1.1. Step one: Teach students that there are two statistical inference paradigms
based on conditional probabilities
To check the “fit” between our data (D) and a hypothesis (H), probability theory
provides two approaches relying on conditional probabilities, namely NHST and Baye-
sian Statistics.
3.1.2. Step two: Teach students the underlying idea of NHST: Considering p(D | H)
The probability of data (D) given a hypothesis (H) is assessed in significance testing:
In Fisher’s paradigm, D represents the presently available data (or data that are even
less likely) and H represents the null hypothesis.8 Expressing the result of NHST in
terms of conditional probabilities – namely as p(DH0) – makes two facts salient: First,
only statements concerning the probability of data can be obtained, and, second, H0
functions as a given fact. This latter issue indicates that any paraphrasing of a signifi-
cant test result must refer to this fact, e.g.: “... given H0 is true”.
3.1.3. Step three: Teach students the underlying idea of the Bayesian inference
approach: Considering p(H | D)
To find out the probability of a hypothesis (H) given data (D), we can apply Bayes’
(D | H) (H)
(H | D)= (D | H) (H) (D | H) ( H)
pppp p
8 This p(DH0) is exactly the p-value we get from NHST: the probability of the available (or of even less
likely) data, given that the null hypothesis is true. It is important to note that the notation of a p-value
as p(DH0) only makes sense if 1) H0 is interpreted as an event and if 2) H0 is a point hypothesis: If H0
were a composite hypothesis, we would have to calculate the maximum of the probability of rejection
across all parameters in the parameter space. Only if H0 were specified with exactly this parameter, one
could derive a p-value, which then admittedly could not be expressed as p(DH0).
H. Haller & S. Krauss: Misinterpretation of Significance 11
Bayesian statistics, which is based on this formula, is the only methodology that al-
lows us to make statements about the (conditional) probabilities of hypotheses.9 The
probability of hypotheses is what we have in mind when testing hypotheses.10 Our claim
is that only when students learn the meaning of p(H | D) as derived from Bayes’ rule,
will they no longer believe that this probability is what results from NHST. Rather,
they will understand this probability as being inverse to the concept of p-values.
3.1.4. Step four: Insight by comparison
Now we are ready to elucidate misinterpretations concerning NHST by contrasting
the antonyms:
(a) p(D | H0) is what you derive from NHST.
p(H | D) can be obtained by Bayesian Statistics.
Our claim is that presenting these two propositions will facilitate the understanding
of the crucial essence of NHST. Note that presenting the underlying idea of Bayesian
statistics – assessing p(H | D) – here is sufficient. In depth instruction in Bayesian stati-
stics is not required. Of course, also the paradigm of Neyman and Pearson can be ex-
pressed in this way and added to the list:
(c) p(D | H0) and p(D | H1) are taken into account with H1 being the experimental
The contrasting of paradigms (a) and (c), by the way, counteracts the problematic
“hybridisation” of NHST (according to Fisher) and hypothesis testing including a speci-
fic alternative hypothesis (according to Neyman and Pearson). Gigerenzer (1993a) used
the term “hybridisation” to point out that despite many conflicts, both paradigms are
mixed in most statistics text books. This practice blurs the crucial underlying differen-
ces. This “hybridisation” of two – intrinsically incompatible – inference approaches can
9 For a detailed discussion of the Bayesian inference approach see, for instance, Edwards, Lindman and
Savage (1963) or Howson and Urbach (1989).
10 Regarding the discrepancy between the outcome of NHST and researchers’ actual interest, Cohen (1994,
S. 997) made the following famous remark: “What’s wrong with significance testing? Well, among many
other things, it does not tell us what we want to know, and we so much want to know what we want to
know that, out of desperation, we nevertheless believe in that it does! What we want to know is ‘given
these data, what is the probability that H0 is true?’ But as most of us know, what it tells us is ‘given that
H0 is true, what is the probability of these (or more extreme) data?’.”
12 MPR-Online 2002, Vol. 7, No. 1
be considered another potential cause of students’ confusion. Our didactical lineup cle-
arly separates both approaches: Whereas in (a) the probability of data is just considered
in one possible “world” (namely H0), in (c) two possible “worlds” are explicitly taken
into account (H0 and H1).
Having internalized these four steps, how would a student now react to the six
statements? Statements 1-5 all belong to the Bayesian world.11 Furthermore, as we have
already learned, the notion of conditional probabilities reveals that NHST always refers
to a “world” in which the H0 is true. Because this is not a trivial statistical matter of
course, without this specification a description of a result of NHST can never be correct.
Since this requirement is reflected in none of the statements, all six statements (inclu-
ding statement 6) must be wrong.
3.2. Supporting measures
The four steps proposed on how to overcome an ‘amazing persistence of a probabili-
stic misconception’ (Falk & Greenbaum, 1995) should be accompanied by measures that
inform students about the background of NHST. In addition to the correct paraphra-
sing, this will guarantee a well-informed evaluation of a significant test result. Therefore,
teaching NHST to psychology students should dispel the following three myths that can
be observed in students’ thinking (taken from Gigerenzer and Krauss, 2001):
3.2.1. Myth 1: The level of significance is a well-defined concept
The confusion of p(D | H) with p(H | D) is not the only statistical fog in students’
minds. An additional problem often is making the clear distinction between the level of
significance α and a p-value. We propose presenting the historical development of these
concepts. Deliberate comparing of conflicting approaches might not only result in a clear
distinction of the differences, but, furthermore, can give statistics an interesting face.
The following table can animate students to think thoroughly about the term “level of
Table 2 reveals that confusion about the level of significance is not something to be
ashamed about: Even Sir Ronald Fisher changed his mind concerning this concept. Ta-
11 In the first statement p(H | D) = 0 and in the third statement p(H | D) = 1.
12 The “whole story” on the struggle accompanying the invention of significance tests can be found in
Gigerenzer et al. (1989).
H. Haller & S. Krauss: Misinterpretation of Significance 13
ble 2, furthermore, allows us to associate ideas with names rather than just with defini-
Table 2: Interpretations of “level of significance”
“Early” Fisher (1935) “Late” Fisher (1956) Neyman and Pearson
The level of signifi-
cance has to be de-
termined before con-
ducting a test (in the
sense of a convention,
e.g. α = 5%). Thus,
the level of signifi-
cance is a property of
the test.
The exact level of si-
gnificance has to be
calculated after a test is
conducted (p-value).
Here, the level of signi-
ficance is a property of
the data. An arbitra-
rily determined conven-
tion is no longer requi-
α and β have to be determined
before conducting a test. α and
β are the relative frequencies of
an error of the first or second
kind and are therefore properties
of the test. Yet, to determine α
and β no convention is required,
but rather a cost-benefit estima-
tion of the severity of the two
kinds of error.
3.2.2. Myth 2: NHST are scientifically taboo
NHST are usually taught as if they were undisputed as, for instance, geometrical
theorems. Yet, presenting NHST as an uncontroversial method is not telling the whole
truth. Indeed, the end of the debate about NHST cannot be foreseen. Without telling
students about this ongoing struggle, one cannot blame them for believing that NHST is
established like geometry. The following articles – collected from the last ten years – are
a good way of showing students that statistics is not geometry:
Table 3: Significance testing is not geometry
Loftus, G.R. (1991): On the tyranny of hypothesis testing in the social sciences.
Gigerenzer, G. (1993b): Über den mechanischen Umgang mit statistischen Methoden.
Cohen, J. (1994): The earth is round (p < .05).
Loftus, G.R. (1994): Why psychology will never be a real science until we change
the way we analyze data.
Dar, R., Serlin, D., & Omer, H.
Misuse of statistical tests in three decades of psychotherapy
Falk, R., & Greenbaum, W.
Significance tests die hard.
14 MPR-Online 2002, Vol. 7, No. 1
After reading one or more of these articles, students will interpret results of NHST in
a more careful way and will consider NHST to be what it is: A mathematical tool that
can weaken or corroborate scientific hypotheses. Students will appreciate that NHST is
no panacea which per se fits every problem and – most importantly – that it cannot
replace statistical thinking. As suggested by their titles, many articles criticising NHST
are highly emotional. As a teacher, it is important to remain as neutral as possible when
introducing students to this debate. Meehl (1978), as a counter example, condemned
NHST unequivocally: “I believe that the almost universal reliance on merely refuting
the null hypothesis ... is ... one of the worst things that ever happened in the history of
psychology” (p. 817). Adopting such statements as one’s own is of little help in impro-
ving students’ statistical understanding.
Nevertheless, introducing the debate on NHST into teaching is not only indispensable
if we want to teach the truth, it furthermore has motivational advantages. Gigerenzer
(1993a, p. 327) writes: “Some statistics teachers protest that raising these disputes
would only confuse students. I believe that pointing out these conflicting views would
make statistics much more interesting to students who enjoy thinking rather than being
told what to do next.”
This view, by the way, fits pedagogical theories well. Berlyne (1965), for instance, di-
cussed the concept of “epistemic curiosity”. He hypothesized that epistemic curiosity
results from conceptual conflict, as is the case when new information appears to contra-
dict earlier understandings (see also Slavin, 1994, p. 370).
From experience in seminars, we can report that students indeed do participate in the
“scientific fight” on hypothesis testing with a great deal of attention and curiosity.
3.2.3. Myth 3: NHST is the only way to test scientific hypotheses
The counter example of myth 3 is already included in our pedagogical concept that
required the introduction of Bayes’ rule. The US-American National Council of Teachers
of Mathematics (NCTM) in 2000 published new guidelines for improving the teaching of
mathematics that generally propagate pluralism of methods – not only in the field of
statistics. According to this NCTM-Standards 2000, students should be able to “apply a
wide variety of strategies” and “to select and use various types of reasoning and proof
as appropriate”. Teachers should take care to “discuss various approaches to solve pro-
blems”. A collection of alternative methods is given by Sedlmeier (1996) in this journal.
This collection is particularly appropriate, since it contains a lot of intuitive methods –
H. Haller & S. Krauss: Misinterpretation of Significance 15
like error-bars, effect-sizes or various kinds of explorative data analysis (e.g., box-plots).
Unlike NHST or advanced Bayesian methods, most of these methods can be taught with
little effort and are easy to understand.
Asked why they perform NHST, most students would probably answer: “Because it is
the rule”. It is important to note that statistical thinking, which is promoted in this ar-
ticle, is not based on which statistical method is applied, or, whether any method is
applied at all. Of course, all mentioned statistical methods can be applied routinely by
just following a recipe. Sound statistical thinking includes beyond it the ability to justify
the respective procedure – whichever was chosen. Let us take as an example for this
claim the present article.
Following a suggestion from Loftus (1993) that sometimes “a picture is worth more
than a thousand p-values” we presented the relevant results pictorially: In the present
article it is possible to convey all relevant messages without conducting hypothesis te-
sting. The rationale is the following: Our Survey was conducted to assess the actual
performance of the respective groups. It was not questioned whether methodology in-
structors will perform better than students; this was rather the default assumption. The
interesting point was whether and to what extent methodology instructors exhibit mis-
conceptions. The result that 80% in this group had misconceptions is remarkable – re-
gardless of the performance of other participants. Even if only 50% of the methodology
instructors showed misconceptions, this result would be alarming. Thus, assessing confi-
dence intervals is dispensable. We think that everyone who teaches statistics should
know the meaning of the most frequent word in this subject.13
4. Conclusion
NHST procedures are designed in such a way that allows them to be carried out wi-
thout understanding the underlying principle: Just calculate according to a recipe and
then reject or accept H0. So, do we need an intervention at all to help students‘ under-
standing of the concept of significance? The two physicians Beck-Bornholdt and Dubben
(1998) analyzed the use of significance tests in scientific medical journals. Under the
13 Currently, in the DFG-Project Verbesserung des Stochastikunterrichts in der Schule the present propo-
sals are tested in intervention programs at German secondary schools with pupils of the 12th and 13th
grade. Afterwards, interventions with psychology students will follow and we hope to present these results
in one of the next issues of this journal.
16 MPR-Online 2002, Vol. 7, No. 1
title ‘The unbearable lightness of significance’, they claimed that misunderstanding the
meaning of a significant test result in almost all cases means according ‘significance’ mo-
re importance than it deserves: Sometimes, “significance” is even interpreted as a ma-
thematical proof, making considering further evidence unnecessary. As a consequence,
medication is often introduced that is indeed ineffective or, the reverse effect, a promi-
sing new medication is rated as definitely ineffective because an experiment yields a p-
value of .06.
Of course, medical researchers are not the only ones who do not seem to be aware of
the arbitrariness of the value α = 5%. The American Association of Psychology (APA)
wrote in their Publication Manual 1974: “Caution: Do not infer trends from data that
fail by a small margin to meet the usual levels of significance. Such results are best in-
terpreted as caused by chance and are best reported as such” (S. 19). Most students
would probably espouse this statement which considers NHST as surrogate for statisti-
cal thinking. A more enlightened view was provided by Rosnow and Rosenthal (1989):
“Surely, God loves the .06 nearly as much as the .05”.14
Regarding NHST, when is statistical thinking required? Performing statistical calcula-
tions by following a recipe is not what we understand by statistical thinking: For this
purpose we have computer software. Statistical thinking is required at the beginning –
that is, choosing the appropriate inference method – and at the end – that is, interpre-
ting the result of any statistical inference process. The present pedagogical approach of
comparing different inference paradigms targets at improving the interpretation of a test
result. In order to achieve an improvement of students’ ability to choose the appropriate
method, it is crucial to present fundamentally different problems that require different
When teaching various inference approaches, it is important not to fall for the trap of
dogmatism and just to replace NHST by another method. There is no “best” statistical
inference method per se. Gigerenzer (1993a) points out that “it is our duty to inform
our students about the many good roads to statistical inference that exist, and to teach
them how to use informed judgment to decide which one to follow for a particular pro-
blem” (p. 335). In this journal Iseler (1997) warns “a knife is hardly appropriate to eat
14 Indeed Fisher seems to have determined 5% just because he could not get permission to reprint the
tables of his rival Karl Pearson (the father of Egon Pearson) that also included other levels of significance
(Gigerenzer, 1998).
H. Haller & S. Krauss: Misinterpretation of Significance 17
soup with and a spoon is difficult to cut with. Luckily, that we have both – we should
not play off one against the other”.
To sum up: Teaching statistics to psychology students should not only consist of te-
aching calculations, procedures and formulas, but should focus much more on statistical
thinking and understanding of the methods. Although it can be assumed that this is an
implicit aim of lectures on statistics, our survey suggests that these efforts are not suffi-
cient. Since thinking as well as understanding are genuine matters of scientific psycholo-
gy, it is astounding that these issues have been largely neglected in the methodology
instruction of psychology students.
We want to thank Laura Martignon, Kathryn B. Laskey, Callia Piperides, Anita
Todd, Silke Atmaca, Matthias Licha and two anonymous reviewers for reading the ma-
nuscript and giving helpful comments.
18 MPR-Online 2002, Vol. 7, No. 1
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