... Signs of a resurgent pragmatism have been apparent since Richard Rorty, Richard Bernstein and other 'neo-pragmatist' philosophers published their accounts of the power of pragmatism in the 1980s (Bernstein, 1989(Bernstein, , 1992Rorty, [2009Unger, 2007). The neo-pragmatist perspective has selectively diffused into various areas of social research, such as social psychology (Shibutani, 2017), sociology ( Joas, 1993;Shalin, 1986), political science (Bohman, 1999a(Bohman, , 1999bFestenstein, 1997), public administration (Ansell, 2011;Dieleman, 2014;Shields, 2003Shields, , 2008, medical social science (Tolletsen, 2000), human geo graphy Wood and Smith, 2008), urban studies (Lake, 2016, planning theory Hoch, 1984), business studies (Wicks and Freeman, 1998) and economics (Nelson, 2003). Perhaps not surprisingly, take-up has been greatest in the humanities and applied arts, such as law (Posner, 2003), education (Biesta, 2015), history (Kloppenberg, 1989), literature (Mitchell, 1982), theology and philosophy (Misak, 2002), where the quest for certainty was already much less secure. ...