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Five ways to hack and cheat with bring-your-own-device electronic examinations

British Journal of Educational Technology


Bring-your-own-device electronic examinations (BYOD e-exams) are a relatively new type of assessment where students sit an in-person exam under invigilated conditions with their own laptop. Special software restricts student access to prohibited computer functions and files, and provides access to any resources or software the examiner approves. In this study, the decades-old computer security principle that ‘software security depends on hardware security’ is applied to a range of BYOD e-exam tools. Five potential hacks are examined, four of which are confirmed to work against at least one BYOD e-exam tool. The consequences of these hacks are significant, ranging from removal of the exam paper from the venue through to receiving live assistance from an outside expert. Potential mitigation strategies are proposed; however, these are unlikely to completely protect the integrity of BYOD e-exams. Educational institutions are urged to balance the additional affordances of BYOD e-exams for examiners against the potential affordances for cheaters.
This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Dawson, P. (2016). Five
ways to hack and cheat with bring-your-own-device electronic examinations. British
Journal of Educational Technology, 47(4), 592-600. doi:10.1111/bjet.12246, which
has been published in final form at This article may be
used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions
for Use of Self-Archived Versions.
Five ways to hack and cheat with bring your own device
electronic examinations
Phillip Dawson
Bring Your Own Device electronic examinations (BYOD eExams) are a relatively
new type of assessment where students sit an in-person exam under invigilated
conditions with their own laptop. Special software restricts student access to
prohibited computer functions and files, and provides access to any resources or
software the examiner approves. In this study, the decades-old computer security
principle that software security depends on hardware security is applied to a range
of BYOD eExam tools. Five potential hacks are examined, four of which are
confirmed to work against at least one BYOD eExam tool. The consequences of these
hacks are significant, ranging from removal of the exam paper from the venue
through to receiving live assistance from an outside expert. Potential mitigation
strategies are proposed, however these are unlikely to completely protect the integrity
of BYOD eExams. Educational institutions are urged to balance the additional
affordances of BYOD eExams for examiners against the potential affordances for
Practitioner Notes
What is already known about this topic
Bring Your Own Device electronic examinations (BYOD eExams) allow
students to sit an invigilated exam with their own laptop in an exam hall
BYOD eExams provide a range of additional affordances not available in pen-
and-paper exams, such as rich media and specialist software
Examiners can choose which features of the student’s computer they wish to
allow, and ‘lock down’ everything else
What this paper adds
The computer security principle software security depends on hardware
security’ is applied to BYOD eExams
Four attacks against BYOD eExams are confirmed to work, and one attack is
theoretically possible but untested
These attacks provide a range of potential cheating options for students,
including: bringing their study notes into the exam; having live access to an
external expert; and removing the exam paper from the venue.
Implications for practice and/or policy
Potential approaches to mitigate against the attacks are presented
Educational institutions should balance the risks to exam integrity against the
additional affordances of BYOD eExams
BYOD eExams may be better suited to low-stakes formative tasks than high
stakes summative ones where exam integrity is paramount
Invigilated written examinations hold a special place in education, and particularly in
higher education. The exam is regarded by some as a particularly trustworthy type of
task, representing “continuity and stability” (Carless, 2009, p. 82). Although critiques
of examinations from a variety of perspectives abound (for example Biggs, 1999;
Carless & Lam, 2012; Nelson & Dawson, 2014), we can say with relative certainty
that we know who has undertaken an exam and the circumstances they were in.
Recently a trend has emerged to allow students to bring their laptops into the exam
hall and conduct the exam through special software that restricts access to only certain
computer functions. This article uses computer science principles and proof-of-
concept attacks to argue that student-provided hardware reduces any perceived
trustworthiness provided by exam hall invigilation.
The sort of Bring Your Own Device Electronic Examination (BYOD eExam) this
article is concerned with occurs in an exam hall, under the supervision of an
invigilator or proctor, on hardware that the student has brought with them. Examples
of this sort of approach can be found in Europe (Digabi, 2014), Northern America
(ExamSoft, 2014) and Australia (Transforming Exams, 2014). In a BYOD eExam, the
examiner can configure the software to allow students access to certain computer
features (such as calculator or dictionary tools) and deny access to others (such as
parts of the Internet).
This new type of exam has a number of advantages over paper-based examinations.
An examiner can provide students with rich media, such as an x-ray for a medical
imaging task, or an audio file for a foreign-language test. Typing may have several
benefits over writing: many students prefer to type in exams (Mogey, Cowan,
Paterson, & Purcell, 2012); typing has been correlated with clearer sentence structure
in mock examinations (Mogey & Hartley, 2013); and students tended to write more
on a computer than paper in one small-scale study (Charman, 2014). It is even
possible to correct student misconceptions immediately through feedback, an
approach that counteracts some of the negative effects of multiple-choice testing
(Butler & Roediger, 2008). Markers have reason to prefer eExams too: there is no
more messy handwriting to mark, and it is possible for parts of the test to be
computer-marked before the student leaves the exam hall. For an in-depth exposition
of the benefits of BYOD eExams, see Hillier and Fluck (2013).
Bring Your Own Device eExam vendors are somewhat aware of potential threats to
exam integrity from students subverting their software to make it perform contrary to
the examiner’s wishes; or in other words, ‘hacking’. Historical data from online exam
hacking forums tells a story of one commercial vendor, ExamSoft, learning of hacks
and finding ways to not only protect against them, but also to detect and prosecute
hacking. They also appear to have engaged in an online public relations campaign to
change public perception about cheating in eExams. The open-source community,
particularly the Finnish Exam board, appears to have a different philosophy about
hacking, even going to the extent of holding hacking competitions (Digabi, 2014). But
even their best efforts are undermined by the basic computer security principle that
All software security depends on hardware security. If the hardware can be stolen or
surreptitiously replaced, secure software will not help.” (Barkley, 1994) When we
invite students to bring hardware we do not control to the exam, we cannot claim with
certainty that the software we ask them to run will perform as we expect.
Rather than privately disclose these vulnerabilities to BYOD eExam vendors, this
article makes a full public disclosure (Schneier, 2007), so that all involved in
decision-making about this class of tools are informed. The full disclosure philosophy
argues that it is very unlikely that a single security researcher is the only person aware
of a particular vulnerability, and that the best way to force a vendor to fix a problem is
to make it public. This paper does not however reveal which tools are vulnerable to
which attacks, nor does it provide a ‘how-to’ for potential cheating students.
Given that computer security principles suggest that, in theory, BYOD eExams may
be insecure, this paper investigates the following research question:
What types of attack are BYOD eExams vulnerable to, and what is the potential effect
of those attacks?
Before outlining the different types of attack, some background technical explanation
is necessary.
A brief technical primer
The BYOD eExam tools explored in this paper fall into two categories: those that run
as a program on a student’s existing operating system; and those that boot (usually
from a USB drive) into a completely separate operating system.
eExams that run on a host operating system
Some BYOD eExam tools are programs that provide an examination environment
within an existing installation of Windows or Mac OS. They attempt to ‘lock down’
the student’s computer and prevent unauthorized use of hardware, software, files,
network and other computer functions. One tool in this category is ExamSoft, which
is used to administer examinations for university courses and entrance into
professional societies. Although these sorts of approaches appear to be secure, it is
difficult to know how much cheating is happening in secret. Parallels can be drawn to
cheating in computer games: developers do their best to detect cheat programs (such
as ‘aimbots’ that help players aim in shooting games) but some gamers pay
substantial sums of money to secretly exploit vulnerabilities the developer is not yet
aware of (Wendel, 2012). Without complete control over a computer such as
university-owned computer laboratories it is not possible to control exactly what
software is running on a machine (Barkley, 1994).
Live booting operating systems
When a computer is booted it looks for an operating system, such as Windows, Linux
or Mac OS. This usually exists on the computer’s internal hard disk, but most
computers can be configured to first look for an operating system on an external USB
device instead. Versions of all major operating systems have been produced which
can run entirely off a USB disk. BYOD eExam tools that use a live booting method
run a customized, locked down version of the operating system, configurable by the
examiner. It is possible to give students an operating system that disallows access to
their computer’s hard disk; limits their access to the Internet; or provides them with
only certain programs to use.
Similar approaches are used in the corporate world for some employee BYOD
programs. Individuals purchase their own laptop, and to use it at work they boot from
a USB drive provided by their employer. However it is possible to set a computer up
such that it does not do what the USB BYOD environment expects. Advocates of
BYOD approaches use caution when expounding the security of BYOD approaches
for the corporate world (James & Griffiths, 2012).
Five attacks against BYOD eExams
In this section the five attacks against BYOD eExams are described. These have been
broken into two groups: those attacks that have been confirmed to work with one or
more eExam tools by myself or other researchers, and those attacks that are at this
stage theoretical. They are roughly ordered by degree of difficulty for a student to
implement the attack. Table 1 provides a summary of the five attacks, which are then
expressed through vignette and an explanation.
Table 1: Summary of the five attacks
Skill required
to develop
required by
student in
exam hall
of USB to
hard disk
takes exam
paper out of
exam hall;
copy of
software is
Copying files
can be
to run the
when the
USB drive
is inserted
Skill required
to develop
required by
student in
exam hall
Student has
control of
can access
programs or
the Internet
can be
to run the
when the
USB drive
is inserted
Student has
access to any
text, eg notes
Editing a text
Student has
control of
can access
programs or
the Internet
or scripting
can be
to run the
when the
USB drive
is inserted
Cold boot
takes exam
paper out of
exam hall;
copy of
software is
knowledge of
hardware and
Confirmed attacks
Copying contents of USB to hard disk
A student walks into the examination hall, takes out her laptop, opens it up, and puts
in the USB key when instructed to. Her computer appears to boot up and function
identically to her peers’ but when she leaves the exam she takes a copy of the exam
paper with her.
Some BYOD eExam tools use the USB key for distributing the exam software and the
exam paper. If the contents of the USB key leave the exam hall, then this includes the
exam paper and the eExam software. The threat of students removing the exam paper
from the venue is not unique to eExams; papers occasionally get physically taken
from venues or copied on mobile phone cameras. However, the eExam provides a
new attack vector. An unsophisticated version of this attack would simply involve the
student dragging and dropping the files from the USB to their own computer. A
student who was afraid of being caught by an invigilator could instead use a script
(saved sequence of commands) that automatically copies the disk when it is inserted,
all while displaying a blank screen as if the computer was off, then automatically
reboots and runs the exam software.
An obvious solution to this attack is to not distribute the exam paper via USB, and
that is the approach taken by Digabi and Examsoft. Examiners who wish to keep their
exam papers ‘secret’ (perhaps so they can reuse parts each year) would be wise to
avoid tools that include the exam paper on a USB given to students. An alternative is
for the examiner to accept the exam papers will eventually leak, and proactively share
them to deny cheaters any advantage.
Virtual machine
Another student walks into the exam hall with a laptop that looks like any other, but
when the exam software ‘boots’ it is actually running inside a virtual machine on
another operating system. He puts his headphones on, ostensibly to listen to a
multimedia portion of the paper. In the background he is running a one-way Skype
call and sharing his screen over a cellular Internet connection. His exam coach on
the other end takes a look at the exam paper and starts dictating…
Virtualisation software allows a user to run one operating system inside another
through the creation of a Virtual Machine (VM). An example use of this is to run
Windows inside the virtualization tool Parallels on a Mac running OSX, which is a
common approach to providing access to Windows-only software to Mac users. A
student could use this same technology to run the eExam software within a VM, all
while retaining the affordances of a full operating system running in the background.
An unsophisticated version of this attack would involve the graphical interface of a
free virtualization tool; this takes roughly the same amount of time as booting directly
into the eExam tool. A student concerned about being seen by an invigilator using a
virtualization tool could script a more sophisticated version of this attack: show a
blank screen, wait for the USB to be inserted, then automatically run the VM
software, which appears the same as a normal boot sequence. Creating this script is
within the grasp of a typical information technology student.
By having access to the operating system running in the background, a student has
access to all of the features the eExam system is trying to hide: files, the Internet and
any prohibited programs such as screen sharing or chat tools. There are guaranteed
methods to block outside wireless network access, however they are extreme.
Converting exam halls into Faraday cages would semi-permanently block all wireless
communications from entering the space; but this would also block emergency
communications. Signal jamming equipment is a non-permanent solution, but it is
illegal to own and/or operate in many countries, including Australia, the UK and the
One eExam vendor has made particular efforts to combat against this attack by having
their software refuse to run if it detects it is operating within a VM. However, it is
theoretically and increasingly, practically possible to run an operating system
inside a VM that is transparent. Ironically, creating an undetectable VM environment
that appears exactly the same to the software running inside it as ‘bare metal’
hardware is a pursuit of the computer security community. Researchers who
investigate computer viruses use VMs to quarantine malware for study. This has
prompted malware authors to deactivate their malware when running on virtual
machines, to thwart attempts at analysis. As computer security researchers pursue the
undetectable VM for studying viruses, they may also assist dishonest students seeking
to run their eExams in a VM.
This issue has been rated Critical The vulnerability has severe consequences and
may undermine the whole project by one computer security researcher who
participated in the Digabi hacking competition (Sintonen, 2013). He further noted
There is no obvious way to prevent an attack of this kind, unless if there is some way
to guarantee the integrity of the hardware. It is extremely unlikely such integrity could
be guaranteed in the environment envisioned”
USB keyboard hacks
This student’s laptop looks like any other, but one of its internal USB ports has a
special device attached. The computer thinks it is a keyboard, but it is actually a USB
key injector, which she bought for $40 online. She has stored her study notes on it,
and five minutes into the exam her ‘internal keyboard’ will type them out instantly for
her reference.
All major eExam tools considered allow the use of external keyboards, and for good
reasons: it would be torturous to type at a laptop keyboard for two or three hours at
exam pace. However, computers tend to trust that any device claiming to be a USB
keyboard is a keyboard. It’s possible to build or buy a variety of devices that tell the
OS they are USB keyboards but they are something else: remote controls, gamepads,
or USB key injectors.
USB key injectors are programmed to transmit certain keypresses under certain
conditions (HakShop, 2014). A simple usage in a BYOD eExam would be to type out
a set of study notes into whatever text box was selected a certain number of minutes
into the exam. Having a USB dongle sticking out from the computer could look
suspicious, but many laptop computers also have internal USB capabilities. On some
laptops, hiding this device is as simple as unscrewing half a dozen screws and
plugging the device in to an exposed USB port.
Denying students access to USB keyboards is not really an option, for technical and
accessibility issues. Many laptop internal keyboards now use USB to connect to the
motherboard, and are thus indistinguishable from a key injector. Further, forcing
students to type for hours on a small laptop keyboard risks injury or complaint. It is
difficult to formulate a solution to this attack that does not involve a visual
examination of the interior of every student’s laptop internals. However, an
alternative may be to move towards electronic ‘open book’ exams where students are
able to bring their own notes.
Modifying software
This student boots up her laptop to the eExam software, just like her peers except
that she is running a modified copy pre-installed on her computer. Her version of the
eExam software uses the same instructions to load the exam paper from the USB or
network, but also includes a set of pre-made essays and some tools to hide her copy-
Some BYOD eExam tools are open source and based on the Linux operating system.
This means that it is perfectly legal to make and distribute derivative operating
systems including one that is designed to help students cheat. This type of attack
would provide the same affordances to a cheating student that the VM based attacks
would, however without the complication of having to hide the VM functionality
from the operating system.
Creating this derivative eExam tool would take more work than just running the tools
in a VM. After scouring online eExam hacking forums I am not aware of a working
hack in this category that has been distributed, although Sintonen (2013) seems to
have successfully executed this sort of attack against Digabi, rating it “High The
vulnerability leads to a full system compromise or other similar dire consequences”. I
have been able to successfully follow his brief instructions and implement it myself.
Theoretical (unconfirmed) attack
Cold boot attack
Part way through the exam, this student’s computer appears to have a hardware
failure and abruptly powers off, then back on again. In the time between the powering
off and booting back to the exam, the student’s computer has silently dumped the
contents of its RAM to a file on her hard disk. At home after the exam is over, the
student uploads this file to sell on the Internet to experts who extract the exam paper
and sell it for a fee.
Cold boot attacks involve extracting the contents of a computer’s RAM after it has
switched off, and examining it forensically. Recent experiments conducted by Gruhn
and Muller (2013) and Halderman, et al. (2009) demonstrate that cold boot attacks are
effective against modern computer hardware; how-to guides and tools are also
available online (Halderman et al., 2009; Rankin, 2009).
A cold boot attack on an eExam would require students to quickly turn their computer
off, dump the contents of RAM to the computer’s hard disk, then boot back into the
eExam tool. A competent later-year IT student could set up a laptop to perform this
sequence of actions if, for instance, the power plug was pulled or the laptop battery
failed. When examined by someone with the appropriate skills, an eExam RAM dump
may contain the entire exam paper, or the software used to run the exam. This attack
works best on older types of memory and is not really feasible on DDR3-based
systems, however DDR3 memory is still vulnerable to warm boot attacks (Gruhn &
Muller, 2013), where the computer is rebooted without cutting power to the
There are no guarantees that any one RAM dump will contain any or all of the
examination, but a set of students working together may be able to assemble the entire
paper. In a sense this approach is similar to the ‘brain dumps’ method used to help
students cheat on certification examinations, where immediately after the exam
students upload as many of the questions as they can remember to a website that
collates them. Brain dump websites currently provide reasonably accurate copies of
tests required for a variety of professional accreditations; perhaps RAM-dump sites
may be their BYOD eExam equivalents.
Discussion and conclusions
This investigation has revealed multiple ways that students can cheat in BYOD
eExams, which collectively bypass all of the restrictions of this class of tool. The
BYOD eExam is by definition less secure than both pen-and-paper examinations, and
examinations held in a computer laboratory, as it has all the vulnerabilities of both
environments, as well as some of its own.
Each of the main BYOD eExam vendors is aware of one or more of these potential
attacks. When I have raised these attacks with proponents of BYOD eExams they
have made counter-arguments that fall in the category of security through obscurity,
for example: nobody would bother doing that for my examination, as the stakes are
low. Another argument, made partially in jest, is that “if a student is clever enough to
do all of that then they deserve to pass”. However, some of these attacks are not
complicated to implement, and others can be bundled up into easy-to-install packages.
If BYOD eExams see widespread adoption, a black market of exam cheating software
may emerge. Proactively engaging with the hacking community may prove more
productive than dismissing them as a threat, or pursuing them with legal action
(Schneier, 2007). In the parallel field of computer game cheating, where the stakes are
much lower, there is already a lucrative market for new hacks to help gamers win. If
BYOD eExams are to persist, they may need to learn from the experiences of
computer entertainment companies. Computer games researchers are currently
exploring technologies like Trusted Computing as a method of preventing attacks
similar to the five presented in this paper (Balfe & Mohammed, 2007).
Although workarounds may be possible against particular implementations of the
attacks presented in this article, they are but symptoms of a larger problem. The need
to control hardware for software to be secure was identified by NIST researchers in
the 1990s (Barkley, 1994), and problems with BYOD systems have been identified by
independent hackers (Sintonen, 2013) and computer security researchers (James &
Griffiths, 2012). Allowing students to control the hardware and initial software state
of the machines they bring in to the exam is a fundamental but necessary design
weakness of BYOD eExams.
If BYOD eExams become commonplace, the role of the invigilator may need to
expand to include looking for signs of hacking; they will be on the lookout for a
computer that is on when it shouldn’t be, or a computer that takes a little too long to
boot up. However these are imperfect solutions and would not catch a determined and
crafty cheater. An obvious, albeit more costly, alternative is conducting eExams on
institutional machines, which could provide many of the same affordances and none
of the risks outlined in this article.
So, if BYOD eExams are not actually secure, are they still a useful alternative to the
pen-and-paper examination? It is worth noting that assessment always serves multiple
purposes (Boud, 2000), and although this paper finds numerous problems with BYOD
eExams’ ability to generate rigorous grades, the eExam may be an improvement with
respect to assessment’s other purposes. Assessment should guide students through
tasks that lead to learning; perhaps the additional affordances of the BYOD eExam
may better support this than pen-and-paper. Assessment should lead to learning in the
long term, which might be facilitated by careful use of online peer/self/co assessment
options made available by eExams. Some of the weaknesses of the technology may
even be pedagogical blessings in disguise: we may see more open access to past
examination papers since hiding them is more difficult; and we may see more exams
move toward open-book. Decisions to use one form of assessment over another are
complex and currently poorly understood (Dawson et al., 2013); and despite these
attacks, BYOD eExams may still be the best option in some circumstances.
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... Examination frameworks should be both innovative and user-friendly and capable of adapting to the various socio-economic backgrounds and competencies of students involved in ODL (Moore et al., 2019). Mogey and Fluck (2015) and Dawson (2016) note that online examination frameworks include commercial software and bootable systems installed on students' devices. The high costs associated with purchasing such software and systems may prevent ODL institutions from fully implementing them. ...
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Demand for effective assessment methods in Open and Distance Learning (ODL) is rising due to its adaptable, inclusive approach to diverse student populations. Online examination frameworks have become essential tools for ODL. This study involved a scoping review of current online examination frameworks for ODL to establish how they are implemented in higher education institutions and identify the challenges of applying them in Namibia. Data from six electronic databases for the period 2017-2022 was collected using a scoping review methodology. Of the 97 articles identified, only ten satisfied the inclusion criteria. Six relevant online examination frameworks for ODL were identified and recommendations are made to adapt these for Namibian higher education institutions offering ODL.
... Besides, BYOD is controlled and accessed by the student anywhere he/she wants. As a result, preventing cheating in E-Examination is quite difficult [21], [25]. Based on [26], [27] research study, several research gaps have been discussed in order to improve the secure E-Examination system. ...
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The growth of technologies over the years has been tremendous as it is significant to improve and adapt the education system based on the new norm. Besides, EExamination is getting popular among higher-education institutes in new norm. As a result, standard cheating detection approaches will no longer be completely effective in preventing cheating during exams. Therefore, this research proposes a solution to prevent students from cheating in their examination through the help of Artificial Intelligence and Continuous Authentication. To provide scientifically sound results, a sampling size of 200 respondents which consist of Lecturers and Proctors will be taking part in a survey. They will be sorted out by using the stratified sampling method. As a conclusion, this research could convince many higher education institutes to switch their physical examination to E-Examination which also avoid the possibility of spreading the infection of COVID-19.
... Besides, BYOD is controlled and accessed by the student anywhere he/she wants. As a result, preventing cheating in E-Examination is quite difficult [21], [25]. Based on [26], [27] research study, several research gaps have been discussed in order to improve the secure E-Examination system. ...
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The growth of technologies over the years has been tremendous as it is significant to improve and adapt the education system based on the new norm. Besides, EExamination is getting popular among higher-education institutes in new norm. As a result, standard cheating detection approaches will no longer be completely effective in preventing cheating during exams. Therefore, this research proposes a solution to prevent students from cheating in their examination through the help of Artificial Intelligence and Continuous Authentication. To provide scientifically sound results, a sampling size of 200 respondents which consist of Lecturers and Proctors will be taking part in a survey. They will be sorted out by using the stratified sampling method. As a conclusion, this research could convince many higher education institutes to switch their physical examination to E-Examination which also avoid the possibility of spreading the infection of COVID-19
... The risks to academic integrity from technological progress are not new and existed before ChatGPT emerged (Abd-Elaal, Gamage, and Mills 2022;Dawson 2016;Rogerson and Mccarthy 2017). In fact, in 2021, before the GenAI cheating headlines started, it was estimated that 7.9% of students purchased assignments from commercial contract cheating services, and 11.4% of students resorted to acquiring prewritten assignments from commercial file-sharing websites (Curtis et al. 2022). ...
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More than a year has passed since reports of ChatGPT-3.5’s capability to pass exams sent shockwaves through education circles. These initial concerns led to a multi-institutional and multi-disciplinary study to assess the performance of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) against assessment tasks used across 10 engineering subjects, showcasing the capability of GenAI. Assessment types included online quiz, numerical, oral, visual, programming and writing (experimentation, project, reflection and critical thinking, and research). Twelve months later, the study was repeated using new and updated tools ChatGPT-4, Copilot, Gemini, SciSpace and Wolfram. The updated study investigated the performance and capability differences, identifying the best tool for each assessment type. The findings show that increased performance and features can only heighten academic integrity concerns. While cheating concerns are central, opportunities to integrate GenAI to enhance teaching and learning are possible. While each GenAI tool had specific strengths and weaknesses, ChatGPT-4 was well-rounded. A GenAI Assessment Security and Opportunity Matrix is presented to provide the community practical guidance on managing assessment integrity risks and integration opportunities to enhance learning
... Comme l'établit Fize (1997), « le téléphone constitue [pour les jeunes] un formidable instrument de sociabilité et d'identité ». Les rapports qu'ils entretiennent avec cet instrument sont si étroits et significatifs pour eux (Amri et Vacaflor, 2010;Messin, 2005;Dawson, 2016) qu'ils influencent leurs attitudes et transforment leurs pratiques, puis les amènent à défier les règles éthiques et déontologiques qui régissent la gouvernance des institutions. ...
Conference Paper
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This paper presents the argument that e-exams are needed and long overdue for use in high stakes examinations in the tertiary sector. Evidence is drawn from the educational and higher education literature to establish that the environment is ripe for the adoption of e-exams. A set of requirements for a suitable approach to exams is established that takes into consideration the needs of students, the pedagogical concerns of academics, while being sustainable and scalable. An outline of the features such a system will need in order to meet these requirements is discussed, along with a program to implement and trial such a system at a large university. 1-4 December 2013, Sydney, Australia, pp. 385-396.
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Assessment in education is a recent phenomenon. Although there were counterparts in former epochs, the term assessment only began to be spoken about in education after the Second World War; and, since that time, views, strategies and concerns over assessment have proliferated according to an uncomfortable dynamic. We fear that, increasingly, education is assessment-led rather than learning-led and ‘counter to what is desired’ in an ugly judgemental spirit whose moral underpinnings deserve scrutiny. In this article, we seek to historicise assessment and the anxieties of credentialising students. Through this longer history, we present a philosophy of assessment which underlies the development of a new method in assessment-as-learning. We hope that our development of a conversation simulator helps restore the innocence of education as learning-led, while still delivering on the incumbencies of assessment.
Many teachers see major difficulties in maintaining academic standards in today's larger and more diversified classes. The problem becomes more tractable if learning outcomes are seen as more a function of students’ activities than of their fixed characteristics. The teacher's job is then to organise the teaching/learning context so that all students are more likely to use the higher order learning processes which “academic” students use spontaneously. This may be achieved when all components are aligned, so that objectives express the kinds of understanding that we want from students, the teaching context encourages students to undertake the learning activities likely to achieve those understandings, and the assessment tasks tell students what activities are required of them, and tell us how well the objectives have been met. Two examples of aligned teaching systems are described: problem-based learning and the learning portfolio.
Almost all tertiary educators make assessment choices, for example, when they create an assessment task, design a rubric, or write multiple-choice items. Edu¬ cators potentially have access to a variety of evidence and materials regarding good assessment practice but may not choose to consult them or be success¬ ful in translating these into practice. In this article, we propose a new challenge for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: the need to study the disjunction between proposals for assessment "best practice" and assessment in practice by examining the assessment decision-making of teachers. We suggest that assessment decision-making involves almost all university teachers, occurs at multiple levels, and is influenced by expertise, trust, culture, and policy. Assessment may dictate the curriculum from the student's perspective, and we argue that assess¬ ment decision-making dictates assessment. Copyright © 2013 The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) has become an established business practice, however the practice can increase an organisation's information security risks. The implementation of a BYOD policy for laptops must consider how the information security risks can be mitigated or managed. The selection of an appropriate secure laptop software configuration is an important part of the information security risk mitigation/management strategy. This paper considers how a secure laptop software configuration, the Mobile Execution Environment (MEE) can be used to minimise risks when a BYOD policy for laptops is implemented. In this paper the security and business risks associated with the implementation of such a policy are identified and discussed before giving an overview of a range of laptop software configuration options suitable for the implementation of a secure BYOD policy. The design objectives and security requirements of the MEE are enumerated and its key features described. For each identified risk, the MEE features that mitigate/manage the risk are presented. The paper concludes by considering the type of work for which the MEE is most suited and also how the security features of the MEE can be enhanced when the MEE forms part of a secure portable execution and storage environment.
This small-scale pilot study aimed to establish how the mode of response in an examination affects candidates' performances on items that require an extended answer. The sample comprised 46 17-year-old students from two classes (one in a state secondary school and one in a state sixth-form college), who sat a mock A-level English Literature examination. The analysis compared writing produced on screen and on paper to try to uncover any systematic differences between the two modes of delivery. The study considered the linguistic features of the texts produced in each mode, the marks achieved and the views of the participants regarding the use of computers in essay-based examinations. The study found that the response mode had a small effect on the length of essay produced, in that students using a computer wrote more, and on the type of language used, in that students writing on paper used denser but less varied language. There was very little effect on the marks achieved. Participants expressed a variety of concerns about computer-based examinations, such as noisy keyboards, assessment of spelling, and unfairness towards those who are less comfortable with the technology.
There is much debate about whether or not these days students should be able to word-process essay-type examinations as opposed to handwriting them, particularly when they are asked to word-process everything else. This study used word-processing software to examine the stylistic features of 13 examination essays written by hand and 24 by word-processor in a mock first-year Divinity university examination. Generally speaking, the differences are small but they raise some interesting implications for students and tutors to consider.
Use open-source tools to dump and scan RAM from a target system for encyption keys and other goodies.
Conference Paper
Even though a target machine uses full disk encryption, cold boot attacks can retrieve unencrypted data from RAM. Cold boot attacks are based on the remanence effect of RAM which says that memory contents do not disappear immediately after power is cut, but that they fade gradually over time. This effect can be exploited by rebooting a running machine, or by transplanting its RAM chips into an analysis machine that reads out what is left in memory. In theory, this kind of attack is known since the 1990s. However, only in 2008, Halderman et al. have shown that cold boot attacks can be well deployed in practical scenarios. In the work in hand, we investigate the practicability of cold boot attacks. We verify the claims by Halderman et al. independently in a systematic fashion. For DDR1 and DDR2, we provide results from our experimental measurements that in large part agree with the original results. However, we also point out that we could not reproduce cold boot attacks against modern DDR3 chips. Our test set comprises 17 systems and system configurations, from which 5 are based on DDR3.