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Exploring the concept of Vacha (Acorus calamus Linn.) shodhana in Ayurveda



Ayurveda advocates Shodhana (Purificatory procedures) for poisonous substances to render it safe and effective for therapeutics. But mentioning of Shodhana for a non poisonous plant like Vacha is a matter of great curiosity with regards to the purpose of Shodhana. In this review an attempt has been made to analyse the concept and relevance of Vacha Shodhana in view of both classical and modern thoughts.
Bhat Savitha D et al / IJRAP 3(3), May Jun 2012
Review Article
Bhat Savitha D1*, BK Ashok2, Acharya Rabinarayan3
1Lecturer, Department of Dravyaguna, Muniyal Institute of Ayurveda Medical Sciences, Manipal, Karnataka, India
2Research Assistant, Pharmacology laboratory, IPGT & RA, Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar, India
3Associate Professor, Department of Dravyaguna, IPGT & RA, Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar, India
Received on: 06/03/12 Revised on: 11/04/12 Accepted on: 09/05/12
*Corresponding author
Dr. Savitha Bhat, Lecturer, Department of Dravyaguna, Muniyal Institute of Ayurveda Medical Sciences, Manipal, Karnataka, India
Ayurveda advocates Shodhana (Purificatory procedures) for poisonous substances to render it safe and effective for therapeutics. But mentioning of
Shodhana for a non poisonous plant like Vacha is a matter of great curiosity with regards to the purpose of Shodhana. In this review an attempt has
been made to analyse the concept and relevance of Vacha Shodhana in view of both classical and modern thoughts.
Keywords: Shodhana, Vacha, Carcinogenic, Chakradatta, Purification.
Vacha (Acorus calamus Linn.), an indigenous drug of
India belongs to family Acoraceae. It is delineated under
various therapeutical groups like Lekhaneeya,
Triptighna, Arshoghna dashemani etc., by Acharya
Charaka1, Pippalyadi, Vachadi etc., ganas by Acharya
Sushruta2 and Mustadi, Vatsakadietc., gana by
Vagbhata3. The pharmacognostical characters of Vacha
are described through various synonyms like
Shadgrantha (Having six nodes), Ugragandha (Having
strong aroma), Lomasha (Having small hairs), Golomi
(Having small hairs like cow) etc. It has important
pharmacological properties like Deepana (Appetizer),
Pachana (Digestive), Vamaka (Emetic), Medhya (brain
tonic), Kanthya (Good for throat), Sanjnasthapana
(Restores lost conciousness), Vedanasthapana (Anodyne)
etc., and hence used extensively in therapeutics4-6.
Classics like Chakradatta and Bhaishajya Ratnavali have
given emphasis on Shodana (purification process) of
Vacha using different media like Gomutra (Cows urine),
Mundi Kwatha (Decoction of Sphaeranthus indicus
Linn), Gandhodaka (Decoction of six aromatic herbs) etc7,
8. Some folklore traditions of Karnataka and Kerala also
practise Vacha Shodhana through Goksheera (Cows
milk) and Mastu (Curd whey) respectively. The concept
of Shodhana for Vacha is further supported by the
references from Ayurvedic Pharmacopeia of India and
Herb directory of Indian System of Medicine and
Homeopathy, that it should be used after Shodhana for
therapeutics9, 10.
Concept of Shodhana
The Shodhana concept is prevalent in two contexts, be it
the human body or a dravya, it literally refers to
Purification or to purify11. Shodhana for the body
refers to removal of excess and vitiated doshas through
different routes of the body. Similarly Shodhana of a
dravya refers to removal of unwanted properties or
impurities from a substance through different
pharmaceutical procedures12. There are references in
Charaka Samhita where Shuddhi (purification) of Dhatu
and Ratnas are carried out using hairbrush, washing with
water and cloth which indicate that procedures involving
cleaning and processing also mean Shodhana13.
Shodhana procedures have been advocated for both herbal
as well as mineral drugs based on their toxic nature.
Poisonous plants like Vatsanabha (Aconitum ferox Wall.),
Kupilu (Strychnos nux-vomica Linn.) etc are effectively
used for medicinal purpose after passing through a series
of purification (Shodhana)14. The classical quotes also
reveal that Shodhana not only refers to purification
procedures but also to different samskaras through which
there is gunaantardhana (transformation in properties) in
the primary substance rendering it safe as well as many
desired qualities are imbibed in it15. For example,
Shodhita Guggulu (Commiphora mukul Engl.) was found
to be more effective than Ashodhita Guggulu in inhibiting
the spasms induced by acetylcholine in experimental
models16. Studies have shown that Shodhana can reverse
the pharmacological actions of a drug by altering its
phytoconstituents. The raw Kupilu seeds showed
convulsions in experimental animals while convulsions
were absent in animals administered with Ksheera
Shodhita Kupilu17. It is true in case of Vatsanabha also
where Shodhita Vatsanabha (aconite detoxified in cow's
urine) is converted into cardiac stimulant, whereas crude
Vatsanabha is claimed to be cardiac depressant18. Hence
the ultimate objective of the Shodhana process is to
increase the biological availability of the drug further
potentiating the biological efficacy.
Shodhana in Modern Perspective
Though there is no clear concept of Shodhana found in
modern pharmacy, certain procedures are adapted to
detoxify or to modify the quality as well as the quantity of
the phyto constituent. Various methods like sifting,
elutriation, lixiviation, acidification, precipitation,
alkalization etc are adopted. With column
chromatography the required percentage of phyto
constituent could be achieved and thereafter, the drug can
be used as medicine. Recent advances in analytical
techniques such as spectroscopy, electron microscopy,
crystallography etc. can provide useful information about
structural as well as compositional change in the raw
Bhat Savitha D et al / IJRAP 3(3), May Jun 2012
material during the different steps of Shodhana and its
end product19, 20.
Importance of Media in Shodhana
It is an amazing fact that even in olden days; classical
texts have advocated particular media for each herb to be
converted into a potent therapeutic agent without the aid
of analytical or spectroscopic methods. Most of the toxic
constituents are said to be transferred when the drug is
processed in a particular media. It is also evident in the
recent researches that toxic alkaloids like Scopalamine
and Hyosciamine in Dattura (Datura metel Linn.) were
transferred to the milk (taken as a media) thereby
rendering it safe21. Similarly Triphala kwatha Shodhita
Guggulu showed better antispasmodic activity than
distilled water Shodhita Guggulu14. In another
experimental study, better antimicrobial activity was
observed in Kanji Shodhita Gunja seeds than other
media22. For drugs like Vatsanabha, Kupilu and
Bhallataka (Semecarpus anacardium Linn.) a number of
media have been used for purification indicating that
particular media were selected so as to obtain a desired
pharmacological action23.
Need of Vacha Shodhana
Shodhana has also been advocated for certain plants and
plant materials even though they do not come under the
classical Visha varga (group of poisonous drugs). Some
of them are Vacha, Hingu (Ferula narthex Linn.),
Lashuna (Allium sativum Linn.) and Haridra (Curcuma
longa Linn.)24. References pertaining to Shodhana of
these dravyas are not mentioned in Brihatrayees
(Foremost classical texts like Charaka Samhita, Sushruta
Samhita and Ashtangasangraha) leading to a debatable
question whether Shodhana is required or not for these
commonly utilized, rather safe drugs.
Even though Acorus calamus Linn. is used extensively in
Indian medicine, U.S food and Drug administration has
considered it to be unsafe for human consumption since
1968, based upon cancerous tumours found in laboratory
animals when treated with β-asarone - an active
constituent of the plant25, 26. Also, some adverse effects
like disturbed digestion, gastroenteritis, persistent
constipation followed by diarrhoea and passage of blood
into the faeces were observed in some studies27. In 1981,
Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives
evaluated β-asarone and did not establish an acceptable
daily intake but recommended that calamus oil used in
food should contain lowest possible amount of β-asarone.
Scientific Committee on Food evaluated beta asarone in
2001 and concluded that beta asarone has a weak
carcinogenic effect but did not rule out the possibility of
genotoxicity28, 29. The Council of Europe Committee of
Experts on Flavouring substances recommended limits of
β-asarone as 0.1mg/kg in foods and beverages with the
exceptions of 1mg/kg in Alcoholic beverages containing
Acorus calamus30. European Medicines Agency has
suggested an exposure limit of 115 μg/day (2 μg/kg
bw/day) for β-asarone in herbal medicinal products29. In
view of the toxicity of β-asarone, attempts are being done
to reduce its concentration in herbal medicinal products to
a minimum extent and diploid varieties like American
diploid variety of calamus without β-asarone is always
preferred for therapeutics and other industries31, 32.
Methods of Vacha Shodhana
Shodhana for Vacha has been mentioned in Chakradatta
for the first time and later in Bhaishajya Ratnavali. As per
the classical reference, the rhizomes are to be boiled
successively in Gomutra (Cows urine), Alambusha and
Panchapallava kwatha followed by bashpa swedana
(fomentation) using Surabhitoya33.
As per the views of commentator Shri Nischalakara of
Ratnaprabha commentary for Chakradatta, Alambusha is
considered as Mundi and Surabhitoya as Gandhodaka. A
detail method for preparation of Gandhodaka is also
described in the same chapter. Several herbs like
Twakpatri (Cinnamomum zeylanicum Breyn.), Patraka
(Cinnamomum tamala N.), Ushira (Vetiveria zizanoides
Linn.), Musta (Cyperus rotundus Linn,) and Balamula
(Sida cordifolia Linn.) are taken in the amount of 25 pala
(1250g) each. Kushta (Saussurea lappa C. B. Clarke.) is
taken in the amount of ardhapala (612g). They are boiled
in 25 prastha (18.750litres) of water and reduced to half to
obtain Gandhodaka34.
Other than classical methods of Shodhana, there are
certain folklore methods practised in states like Karnataka
and Kerala. In Sirsi taluk of Uttara Kannada district in
Karnataka, Vacha rhizomes are soaked in appropriate
amount of Cows milk for overnight, then washed in
warm water and dried in sun. A similar method is
followed in Ottappalam (Kottayam) of Palakkad district,
Kerala state where Vacha is soaked in Dadhi mastu for
overnight, then washed in warm water and dried in sun.
Vacha was known to mankind before 3000 years and its
growing popularity by the passing years is evident by the
fact that there are numerous therapeutic utilities involving
the drug35. This popularity was tainted in European
countries because of some carcinogenicity reports in
experimental animals due to administration of an isolated
compound called β-asarone and ban on Vacha
henceforth25. However, it was revised by several
committees but none of them ruled out the possibility of
carcinogenic and genotoxic potential of β-asarone28, 29.
In India, the scenario is different; Vacha is frequently
used in clinical practice without any reports of adverse
effects or toxicity. It is commonly used in the form of
powder and occasionally decoction. The herb is composed
of several active principles with divergent
pharmacological activities. There is possibility that these
principles act in a synchronized fashion and exert a
cumulative beneficiary effect on the human system. But
the isolated constituents of the plant drug may not give
the same clinical response as the crude preparation of that
plant drug. Very often, they produce side effects. For
example, ephedrine an isolated herbal constituent has the
well-known side-effect of speeding up the heart rate, but
the whole plant Ephedra sinica Staph. does not has this
effect as, apart from ephedrine, it contains other alkaloids
that slows down the heart rate. Also toxicity could largely
be due to misidentification and overdosing of certain
In case of Apasmara (Epilepsy), it is advised to take
Vacha for a longer duration of time indicating that
prolonged administration may not cause adverse effects37.
Bhat Savitha D et al / IJRAP 3(3), May Jun 2012
Also, Vacha Shodhana has not been noted in Brihatrayees
(1500BC-550AD) but was mentioned for the first time in
Chakradatta (11th century), a text devoted to therapeutic
formulations, whereas it is also observed that many texts
or Nighantus (Material medica) concerned with the drug
profile have not reported its contraindications or
Shodhana. These facts make us to assume that intension
of Acharyas behind explaining the Shodhana methods,
probably were meant to reduce any toxicity observed
when Vacha was given for a long time or some other
plant having toxicity potential was being used in the name
of Vacha during that period. It is also possible that
Shodhana was intended to reduce the Teekshnata
(Sharp/irritant nature) of the drug so that it can be
administered safely in children or was aimed to increase
its potency without increasing the dose because increase
in the dose of Vacha will cause emesis38.
Most of the ingredients used in Shodhana have similar
properties that of Vacha. Gomutra has been proved to be
anti cancerous39 and using it as one of the media might
restrict the chances of carcinogenicity if any. Mundi, well
known for its Mutrala (diuretic), Shothahara (reducing
oedema) and Medhya properties40, may potentiate Vacha
further. Panchapallava is used in the Kshalana
(washing/cleaning) of Gandha dravya (aromatic herbs)
which can be considered as a type of Shodhana. These
Gandha dravyas have Vacha as ingredient41 and hence its
cleaning or processing done by Panchapallava kwatha
suggests that Panchapallava is capable of doing Shodhana
of Vacha as a single entity. Gandhodaka contains most of
the drugs which are aromatic and having essential oils.
Bashpa swedana with Gandhodaka might be aimed to
imbibe certain essential oil components into the drug
which might have been lost after Shodhana. The
Gandhodaka also contain herbs like Bala and Musta
which are vatahara further potentiating vatahara karmas
of Vacha42.
The reason to select milk as one of the media by the
folklore practitioners might be that, Vacha is administered
to children for improving speech and milk is compatible
to most of the children since birth. Mastu, another media
of Shodhana, has been used as an ingredient along with
Vacha in several yogas indicating its compatible nature
when mixed with Vacha43. This also shows that folklore
method of Shodhana which involves both Mastu and
Vacha may not produce any adverse effects when
combined. Also Mastu is Kaphavatahara44, 45 which
further potentiates the action of Vacha.
Shodhana for Vacha seems to be an uncommon procedure
in the Ayurvedic armamentarium because of its only
reference in Chakradatta. Also lack of therapeutic
indications particularly for Shodhita Vacha makes us to
assume that Shodhana was not particularly intended to
reduce the toxicity, but alter its pharmacological activity
desirably. Since there is lack of reported data suggesting
the methods for Shodhana of Vacha or its outcome, it can
be considered as one of the essential subject to be
scientifically evaluated through modern parameters and
clinical trials to establish these facts.
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... Kaushik et al., (2012) reported the presence of carbohydrate, tannin, terpenoids, glycoside, saponin, flavonoid, and the absence of amino acid, alkaloid and steroid. Ashok et al., (2012) reported the presence of carbohydrate, flavonoid, steroids, glycosides, alkaloids, tannin, and the absence of saponin. Savitha et al., (2010) reported the presence of alkaloid, carbohydrate, protein, glycosides, phenol, tannin, and the absence of amino acid, steroid, saponin and terpenoids, where as in the present studies the extracts showed the presence of alkaloid, flavonoid, tannin, protein, glycosides, phenols, steroids, and the absence of carbohydrate and saponin. ...
... Shodhana is not just a purification process, it is a process of enhancement of drug quality as per Ayurveda. 15 On the other hand the classical (Ayurvedic) principle drug act as a whole there is no need for isolation of primary and secondary plant metabolite due to belief in the holistic sense 16 which counteract modern science selecting one -two marker to ignore complexity of herbal medicine 17 . Accepting the extraction technique of selected samples to find comparative effect of natural α-amylase and α-glycosidase inhibitors in quest of finding the comparative anti-diabetic efficacy of raw and all shodhita. ...
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Turmeric (Haridra) is one of the versatile herb for spices, condiment and anti-diabetic activity in Indian System of medicine and tropical country. To compare the in-vitro enzymatic inhibitory effect (α-amylase and α-glycosidase) for supporting purified (shodhita) and raw turmeric samples. Authenticate unprocessed and processed (ayurvedic classic) turmeric powder extracts prepared by maceration with methanol and subjected (in different level concentration) to the anti-hyperglycemic selective enzymatic activity and colour reaction was measured by UV-VIS spectroscopy. This study proves the alteration in the inhibitory effect of raw and shodhita samples of Haridra on α-amylase of IC50 in decreasing order TZ (113.72) < TW (119.22) < TR (121.861) < TT (161.35) < TGM (218.85) and α-glycosidase TZ (121.32) < TW (139.48) < TR (145.29) < TT (185.51) < TGM (276.12) respectively. Purified turmeric samples gives better effect than raw sample. In that way shodhan effect established indirectly synergistic and supra-additive effect of turmeric in context to antidiabetic.
... There are several Gandhaka Shodhana methods mentioned in Rasasastra texts. The ultimate objective of Shodhana process is to increase the biological availability of the drug further potentiating the biological efficacy 5 . Some of the minerals such as sulphur do not require Marana (incineration) as they are very soft in their natural form. ...
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Anandakanda a Rasasastra text of the medieval period illustrated six Gandhaka sodhana (Purification of Sulphur) methods by using different dravyas, yantras, puṭas and samskaras. Among the six methods of sodhana one method is unique and is used for the preparation of Gandhaka Rasayana (rejuvenative Gandhka). This article is a literary review of Gandhaka sodhana methods mentioned in Anandakanda. It also discusses the similarities and variations in Gandhaka soōdhana methods between Anandakanda and its contemporary rasasastra texts. Researching the therapeutic potential of Gandhaka (Sulphur) thus purified in different ways may help in the discovery of newer and safer uses of this pharmaceutical important drug.
... Due to the toxicity of b-asarone, attempts are being made to reduce its concentration in herbal medicines. The diploid varieties such as American diploid varieties lack b-asarone and are always preferred for therapeutics and other industries (Bhat, Ashok, Acharya, et al. 2012). ...
Acorus calamus L., a tall, perennial, grass-like monocot plant from the Acoraceae family, is a well-known plant in Indian traditional medicines for centuries. It is a highly valued herb as it acts as a rejuvenator for brain and nervous system. It is a main medhya drug, which has the property of improving the memory power and intellect. Rhizomes of the plant are widely used in the treatment of number of ailments such as epilepsy, mental ailments, chronic diarrhoea, dysentery, fever, abdominal tumours, kidney and liver troubles, and rheumatism. A. calamus leaves, rhizomes and its essential oil possess many biological activities such as antispasmodic, carminative and are compiled in a simple approach in this review. This review presents a pragmatic description that deals with chemical constituents, toxicology, ethnobotany and pharmacological properties of A. calamus for easy and better understanding of the outstanding medicinal potential of this very special plant and sirens for its conservation.
... The tetraploid variety of A. calamus found in India contains around 75% of -asarone. Due to this, the Ayurvedic system uses Acorus which has undergone the process of sodhana (detoxifi cation/potentiation). [5,6] The aim of this study was to evaluate the chemical changes involved in the classical sodhana prakriya (detoxifi cation process). Also an attempt was made to put forth a modern alternate method for the shodhanaprakriya (S.prakriya) based on the fate of -asarone in the conventional method. ...
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Calamus (Acorus calamus Linn., Araceae) rhizome synonymously called sweet flag or Vacha is an aromatic herb indigenous to Central Asia and Eastern Europe. It has been used by the Ayurvedic practitioners since time immemorial for diseases ranging from weakness of memory to being used as an anthelminthic. Reports of its use have been found in books like Charak Samhita, Sushruta Samhita, etc., The major constituent of the oil of Vacha is a phenyl propanoid called β-asarone, which is reported to show carcinogenic properties. Due to the toxic effects of β-asarone, sodhana prakriya (detoxification process) has been prescribed for Vacha before its inclusion in the Ayurvedic medicines. Shodhanaprakriya (S. prakriya) of Vacha has been mentioned in the Ayurvedic texts. This study was undertaken with an aim to find out the mechanism involved in the S. prakriya of Vacha and also to suggest an alternate method for the conventional one. The conventional method was studied in the laboratory and equivalent alternate methods were designed based on the mechanism involved. Vacha samples were subjected to the conventional method as well as the alternate methods and the content of β-asarone in the different samples was monitored using Gas Chromatography technique. Various alternate methods have been devised based on the mechanism involved in the S. prakriya which have given results comparable with those of the conventional method. The scientific mechanism involved in the S. prakriya of Vacha has been established and alternate methods have been proposed.
Plants play an important role in the medicinal and healthcare regime of the people living in the remote areas of the Himalayan region, which can be attributed to their greater faith in the efficacy of herbal remedies and also the unavailability of modern healthcare facilities. The current study aimed to report the indigenous medicinal knowledge of plants among the indigenous people comprising of local traditional healers, tribal, and non-tribal people of the Churah subdivision of district Chamba, Himachal Pradesh. Despite the gradual sociocultural transformation, these local people still possess substantial knowledge of plants and their uses. Extensive field surveys were conducted to remote villages and interviews were conducted through well-structured questionnaires, interviews, and group meetings. The data generated were examined using various quantitative tools, and an extensive literature review was done to analyze the pharmacological activity and chemical constituents of the targeted plant species. A total of 78 plants were reported to cure 13 ailments with maximum species (42) to cure dermatological problems followed by respiratory problems (20 species) and digestive problems (19 species). New or lesser known therapeutic uses of 21 plant species were reported which emphasizes for its further pharmacological validation.
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Plants play an important role in the medicinal and healthcare regime of the people living in the remote areas of the Himalayan region, which can be attributed to their greater faith in the efficacy of herbal remedies and also the unavailability of modern healthcare facilities. The current study aimed to report the indigenous medicinal knowledge of plants among the indigenous people comprising of local traditional healers, tribal, and non-tribal people of the Churah subdivision of district Chamba, Himachal Pradesh. Despite the gradual sociocultural transformation, these local people still possess substantial knowledge of plants and their uses. Extensive field surveys were conducted to remote villages and interviews were conducted through well-structured questionnaires, interviews, and group meetings. The data generated were examined using various quantitative tools, and an extensive literature review was done to analyze the pharmacological activity and chemical constituents of the targeted plant species. A total of 78 plants were reported to cure 13 ailments with maximum species (42) to cure dermatological problems followed by respiratory problems (20 species) and digestive problems (19 species). New or lesser known therapeutic uses of 21 plant species were reported which emphasizes for its further pharmacological validation.
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Anandakanda a Rasasastra text of the medieval period illustrated six Gandhaka Shodhana (Puri fication of Sulphur) methods by using different dravyas, yantras, putas and samskaras . A mong the six methods of Shodhana one method is unique and is used for the preparation of Gandhaka Rasayana (rejuve native Gandh a ka) . This article is a literary review of Gandhaka Shodhana methods mentioned in Anandakanda . It also discusses the similarities and variations in Gandhaka Shodhana methods between Anandakanda and its contemporary Rasasastra texts. Researching the therapeutic potential of Gandhaka (Sulphur) thus purified in different ways may help in the discovery of newer and safer uses of this pharmaceutical important drug.
Apart from anti-inflammatory and other pharmacological actions, guggul is used as a binder in ayurvedic tablet formulations. Prior to incorporation into formulations, guggul is subjected to shodhana process. Earlier experiments on marketed triphalaguggulkalpa tablets exhibited delayed in vitro disintegration that might be attributed to shodhana of guggul. The study was focused at standardization of triphalaguggulkalpa tablets, an ayurvedic preparation, consisting of guggul. The main objective was to determine the effect of shodhana process on performance characteristics, namely, disintegration time and hardness of tablets. The study was aimed at optimization of the shodhana process. The study involved shodhana of guggul with triphalaquath, preparation of triphalagugglkalpa tablets by direct compression, and evaluation of the triphalagugglkalpa tablets. The shodhana process was optimized using 3×2 factorial design. The independent variables were volume of triphalaquath and the contact time of triphalaquath with guggul. The dependent variables were disintegration time and hardness of tablets. The preliminary and factorial batches of triphalaguggulkalpa tablets, having different lots of shodhitguggul, revealed considerable variations in disintegration time and hardness of tablets. Increasing the volume of triphalaquath resulted in higher disintegration time and hardness. The mixing time has a complex role in controlling the tablet hardness and disintegration time. The study determined optimum conditions for guggul (10 gm)- 20 ml of triphalaquath and 20 hour contact time- during shodhana process. The findings provided experimental evidence that shodhana process controlled the binding and disintegrating properties of guggul, in turn controlled the hardness and disintegration of triphalaguggulkalpa tablets.
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Dhattura is a well known and frequently used drug in Ayurveda. Since its seeds are considered to be highly toxic, Ayurveda advocates specific procedures called Shodhana (purification procedures) before rendering it into a safe therapeutic drug. The present analytical study was carried out on seeds of two species of Dhattura namely Datura innoxia Mill. and Datura metel Linn. both before and after Shodhana. Parameters like physico-chemical analysis, pH, extractive values, test for various functional groups, thin layer chromatography and GC-MS studies with special reference to hyoscyamine and scopolamine alkaloids were carried out. The Shodhana process resulted in 70 to 90% reduction in hyosciamine content, where as scopolamine content reduced almost to zero. The present study reflects the importance of Shodhana of poisonous plant drugs by means of which one can lessen the toxic constituents.
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Shodhana is an important intermediately pharmaceutical process during conversion of metals and minerals into bhasma (ash). Different media are described for the shodhana process of abhraka (Biotite). Shodhana of abhraka was done in the specific mediums i.e. cow‐milk, cow‐urine, decoction of triphala and badari separately. To find out the significance of these media, scanning electron microscopy study and energy dispersive x‐ray analysis of abhraka was carried out. Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) study reveals that the plate late structure of abhraka not only remains intact but also became more granular and appears to be microcrystalline along with reduction in particle size after shodhana process. Energy dispersive x‐ray analysis (EDAX) reflects the compositional variations of elements.
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In Ayurveda, a series of pharmaceutical procedures which converts a poisonous drug into a therapeutically very effective medicine for various ailments is termed as Shodhana. Various medias are being used for processing the herbal poisonous drugs, are quite interesting to understand with modern scientific technology. The analysis of media before and after Shodhana (purification /processing) will give clear rationale behind the selection of the particular media for the particular drug. The change that takes place during the Shodhana process can be explored by modern analytical methods. Researchers have proved the presence of strychnine and brucine in milk after Shodhana of Nux-vomica highlighting the role media for Shodhana. Importance of Shodhana, the role of media used for Shodhana process of few poisonous drugs is dealt briefly with scientific view.
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Sodhana is a particular aspect to be followed meticulously in ayurvedic pharmaceutics. Failure to subject certain ingredients to this process of "purification" can have a negative effect on the efficacy of the preparations(s). This aspect is detail in this article.
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According to ayurvedic texts shodhan vidhi is an important process which enhances the biological activity of a compound and reduces the toxicity at the same time. Before incorporating into formulations, guggul is processed using Shodhan vidhi involving different shodhan dravyas like gulvel, gomutra, triphala, dashmul. We have evaluated the antispasmodic activity of guggul on ileum of guinea pig and Wistar rats. The animals were sacrificed and ileum tissue of guinea pig and rat was isolated and tested for antispasmodic activity using different spasmogens like acetylcholine, histamine and barium chloride. It was observed that the different shodhit guggul (shudha guggul) i.e. processed using different shodhan vidhi, showed good antispasmodic activity as compared to Ashudha guggul. When acetylcholine was used as spasmogen, gulvel and triphala shodhit guggul showed good antispasmodic activity than other shodhit guggul. Thus shodhan vidhi enhances the therapeutic properties of guggul.
Shodhana is an important intermediately pharmaceutical process during conversion of metals and minerals into bhasma (ash). Different media are described for the shodhana process of abhraka (Biotite). Shodhana of abhraka was done in the specific mediums i.e. cow-milk, cow-urine, decoction of triphala and badari separately. To find out the significance of these media, scanning electron microscopy study and energy dispersive x-ray analysis of abhraka was carried out. Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) study reveals that the plate late structure of abhraka not only remains intact but also became more granular and appears to be microcrystalline along with reduction in particle size after shodhana process. Energy dispersive x-ray analysis (EDAX) reflects the compositional variations of elements.
Sweet flag,Acorus calamus, one of the few extratropical members of the Araceae, is a semi-aquatic component of aquatic habitats throughout the temperate to sub-temperate regions of Eurasia and the Americas. The plant has a rich ethnobotanical history dating back possibly to the time of Moses in the Old Testament of the Bible and in early Greek and Roman medicine. Sweet flag, thought to be indigenous to India and spread along trade routes, has been valued for its rhizome and fragrant oils which have been used medicinally, in alcoholic beverages, as a fragrant essence in perfumes and oils, and for insecticidal properties. Current research investigates sweet flag’s value as an insecticidal, antibacterial and antifungal agent. This paper is a comprehensive survey of the past, present and future uses of sweet flag. l’une des rares espèces non tropicales de la famille des Araceae, est une semi-aquatique composante des milieux aquatiques des régions tempérées et sub-tempérées d’Euraore et des Amériques. Cette plante bénéficie d’une riche histoire ethnobotanique datant de l’époque de Moise de l’ancien testament de la Bible et des medecines Romaine et Grecque. Calamus est probablement originaire de la péninsule Indienne etfut distribuée par les commercants pour qui le rhizome riche en huiles aromatiques, sont utilisés en pharmacopée, dans les boissons alcoolisées, la parfumerie et pour ses proprietes insecticides. Actuellement, des recherches sont entreprises pour evaluer les proprietes insecticiden, bactericide et fongicide de cette espece. La presente etude fait une synthese des usages et des potentialites de cette espèce (calamus).