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First Mover Advantage



First mover advantage is derived from a firm's ability to gain early entry into a new market. Significant payoffs exist when barriers to entry are created. In the early days of the PC industry, Microsoft created high barriers to entry by collaborating with Intel. Today, Microsoft still holds a dominant position with 90% market share of the PC operating system market. Lockheed Martin's early technological and partnership advantage with Russian aerospace companies allowed it to secure a leadership position in the global market for commercial space launches, servicing the satellite industry. The timing of strategic moves into international markets may be critical for success as a result of the positive advantages accruing to first movers. The set of advantages to be gained are costs advantages, preemption of geographic space, technological advantages, differentiation advantages, and political advantages. For first mover advantage, to materialize, it is necessary to create high barriers for competitors to enter the market, be the first to introduce new systems and to, exploit first mover advantage to achieve customer loyalty. There is no first mover advantage where there are low or zero barriers to entry by competitors. Indeed, it may involve much greater risk than being an early follower.
rst mover advantage
Tanya Sammut-Bonnici and Derek F.
First mover advantage is the benet derived
from a rm’s ability to gain early entry into
a new market. Lockheed Martin was the rst
Western aerospace rm to collaborate with
Russian aerospace companies. Its early techno-
logical and partnership advantage allowed it to
secure a leadership position in the global market
for commercial space launches, servicing the
satellite industry. Volkswagen moved into the
Chinese car industry in the early 1980s and has
secured its position among the leaders in the
country’s domestic market. Royal Dutch Shell
was one of the rst corporations to extract crude
oil in Nigeria in the middle of the last century
and it has retained a dominant position in the
country to this day.
Signicant payoffs exist when barriers to entry
are created. In the early days of the PC industry,
Microsoft created high barriers to entry for
computer operating systems by collaborating
with Intel to make Windows 95 exclusively
compatible with Intel x86 microprocessor archi-
tecture and vice versa. All PCs produced with
the chip came with a complementary installation
of the Windows operating system, which led
to an unprecedented global distribution of the
operating system. The media coined the effect
the “Wintel Advantage.” Microsoft still holds
a dominant position with 90% market share of
the PC operating system market as at November
The timing of strategic moves into interna-
tional markets may be critical for success as a
result of the positive advantages accruing to rst
movers. The set of advantages to be gained are
as follows:
Cost advantages associated with operating,
producing, or retailing in an overseas
market. Early entry can tie up key raw mate-
rial sources, distribution channels, and other
Preemption of geographic space such as for
key retail locations or international industry
Technological advantages gained by
capturing local skills and resources.
Differentiation advantages obtained from
operating in other countries pertaining
to variance in the methods of operation,
product, and service offering compares to
the host country’s resources.
Political advantages gained from a more
favorable regulatory environment in the host
For rst mover advantage, to materialize, it is
necessary to
create high barriers for competitors to enter
the market;
redene the business to use technology to
fundamentally transform the existing way
of operating, usually to provide a superior
quality of service at a signicantly reduced
be the rst to introduce new systems,
including the necessary investment to
achieve rapid growth to preempt the position
of any followers;
exploit rst mover advantage to achieve
customer loyalty to a brand position, which
will remain after competitors attempt to
There is no rst mover advantage where there
are low or zero barriers to entry by competitors.
Being rst is no guarantee of success. Indeed,
it may involve much greater risk than being an
early follower. For example, rst mover advan-
tage did not occur in the internet browser wars
for global dominance in the 1990s. Netscape,
which was the rst mover, lost its market share
to Internet Explorer within a few years of incep-
tion. Internet Explorer’s lead in global market
share is now being challenged by the rapid rise
of Chrome.
First mover disadvantages occur when
skills and know-how of rst movers are easy
to replicate;
copying is easy and customer switching costs
are low;
pioneering is expensive and experience
effects are low;
technological change is so rapid that early
investments rapidly become obsolete.
Wiley Encyclopedia of Management, edited by Professor Sir Cary L Cooper.
Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
See also advantage matrix;barriers to entry and
exit;competitive advantage;time-based competition
Dobrev, S.D. and Gotsopoulos, A. (2010) Legitimacy
vacuum, structural imprinting and the rst mover
disadvantage. Academy of Management Journal,53 (5),
1153– 1174.
Frynas, J.G., Mellahi, K. and Pigman, G.A. (2006)
First mover advantages in international business and
rm-specic political resources. Strategic Manage-
ment Journal,27 (4), 321 –345.
Porter, M. (1980) Competitive Strategy, The Free Press,
New York, pp. 232– 233.
Sammut-Bonnici, T. and McGee, J. (2002) Network
strategies for the new economy. European Business
Journal,14 (1), 174 –185.
Short, J.C. and Payne, G.T. (2008) First movers and
performance: Timing is everything. Academy of
Management Review,33 (1), 267– 269.
Suarez, F.F. and Lanzolla, G. (2008) The role of envi-
ronmental dynamics in building a rst mover advan-
tage theory. Academy of Management Review,33 (1),
269– 270.
... Compared to later movers, in most cases, first movers face a long-term disadvantage in terms of profit (Bolton, 2007). To ensure a first-mover advantage, it is necessary to create high barriers to entering the market for competitors (Bonnici & Channon, 2015). ...
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By reviewing the existing literature, this paper aims to investigate linear economy and recycling as a necessary component of a circular economy in a transition economy such as the Kosovo case. Initially, the paper investigates the legal framework for the environment, waste management, recycling industry, circular economy, and green entrepreneurship in Kosovo. This paper is a qualitative research based on a single case study approach aiming to investigate the motivations and obstacles of the first Kosovan entrant firm in the recycling industry, as well as the variety of the products and future plans. The research reveals that the company has implemented a plastic waste recycling initiative, utilizing it for the manufacturing of plastic products. This strategic move aims to minimize costs in comparison to relying solely on imported plastic raw materials. Furthermore, the company’s shift towards recycling has significant positive implications for the environment. Among the main obstacles that the company encountered were the lack of adequate and experienced staff in this industry, as well as equipment, but it also mentions power outages as quite harmful for equipment and production. Finally, the conclusions and policy implications are drawn, the research paper limitations are presented and the gaps for further studies are identified
... First mover brands often enjoy more desirable market positioning and larger, more sustained market shares than later entrants (Hotelling, 1929;Robinson, 1988;Robinson & Fornell, 1985;Urban, Carter, Gaskin, & Mucha, 1986). For example, first movers can form partnerships, attain patents, and build infrastructure which raise barriers to entry for followers (Sammut-Bonnici & Channon, 2015). Earlier and more frequent exposure to first mover brands also causes consumers to remember first movers better and form more favorable attitudes towards them (Kardes & Kalyanaram, 1992;Kardes, Kalyanaram, Chandrashekaran, & Dornoff, 1993;Robinson, Kalyanaram, & Urban, 1994). ...
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In a correlational pilot study, we examine the association between perceived entry order (i.e., first mover or follower), motive inferences, and downstream brand evaluations in the context of a real cause‐marketing product. We presented participants with images and information about a real prosocial follower (BOBS) and investigated whether pre‐existing familiarity with its corresponding first mover (TOMS) predicted motive inferences and brand evaluations. We thus capitalized on variation in participants’ existing knowledge about entry order to provide an initial test of our predictions. We suspected that participants who believed BOBS to be a follower would see its buy‐one, give‐one program as less purely motivated and evaluate the brand more negatively.
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This study examines the impact of first-mover advantage on firms' innovation processes from a microeconomic perspective, with a particular focus on game theory and the game of chicken. The primary research question is to ascertain how the timing of innovation affects a firm's competitive advantage. The objective of the study is to gain insight into the factors that contribute to a successful first-mover strategy and to elucidate the manner in which these factors interact within the framework of game theory. Methodologically, the study employs game theory to analyse strategic decision-making in innovation, with a particular focus on the game of chicken to illustrate conflict scenarios in which firms compete for market advantage. The research examines the characteristics of firms, markets and products through a review of the literature in order to identify the key variables that contribute to first-mover advantage. The findings demonstrate that a number of internal factors (such as managerial capacity for innovation and the firm's overall innovation capability), external factors (including participation in innovation networks and market orientation) and product characteristics (such as product class and environmental awareness) are significantly associated with an increased likelihood of a firm achieving first-mover advantage. In conclusion, the study confirms that firms that effectively manage these factors gain a competitive advantage by being the first to market.
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The insurance business is one of the most competitive and diversified firms dealing with the fast-changing environment, technology, and compliance requirements ensuring the client's satisfaction. As a result of these factors, the insurance industry has already been feeling pressure to use integrated business processes supported by data, applications, computing solutions, and professional service providers. Cloud computing has become a red-hot subject to achieve a competitive advantage and make a proactive decision, even for the insurance industry. Frankly speaking, Cloud Computing has become not just a popularly discussed topic that companies are willing to follow but has become a new necessity for the organizations if they want to enhance their overall business capabilities. The insurance companies are also gently moving to the cloud, but with caution and plan. Their need for moving to the cloud is mainly for agility, promoting market by product (service) innovation, operating efficiencies via human and non-human technology, and reducing overall cost. However, not all insurance companies have the ability and capacity to manage this transition/adoption by themselves, and they seek support from the third-party professional service providers-PSPs. Insurance companies aim to circumnavigate multifaceted risks, establish the framework of compliance and governance of using the cloud and maintain or enhance stakeholders' positive perception/confidence. If they cannot do it by themselves, they often depend on the third-party's expertise. PSPs typically work as a bridge between an insurance company and cloud service provider to manage and handle the challenges related to data privacy and breaches, technological architecture, system security, and other critical success factors before and after the transition to cloud computing. Keeping all of these views into consideration, if an insurance company has to select a PSP, how could they do? I wanted to explore the answer to this question, but there is not much literature; thus, I thought of developing a proposed model. The proposed model constitutes a five-stage analysis with consideration of the business environment.
Free article link valid until March 25, 2016: Abstract This study explores the importance of organizational culture for coopetition, and identifies the cultural profile of coopetitors operating within an innovation network. Although organizational culture's role in interorganizational collaboration is long established, coopetition settings have not received a similar attention. This exploratory study sheds light on the role of culture for coopetition, and scrutinizes organizational culture using the Competing Values Framework. Our findings suggest cultural differences between coopetitors versus non-coopetitors. Coopetitors display a cultural profile typical to hierarchy, as they describe themselves as more stable than flexible and more internally than externally focused in their strategic orientation. Interestingly the culture model typical for coopetitors, has been identified as the most distant for non-coopetitors, while the second typical model for non-coopetitors i.e. adhocracy has been identified as the most distant for coopetitors.
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Unfavorable conditions at founding may result in consistently lower survival chances for new firms. We focus on the effect of market entry in the early years of an industry, when clarity about the form and function of a new category of firms is lacking. This population-level legitimacy vacuum effect not only adversely affects the fates of new entrants in an emerging industry but also becomes imprinted in their organizational structures and persists even as the industry matures. These ideas are integrated with received theory in organizational ecology and help to extend broader notions of structural imprinting and first mover advantage in organization and management theory.
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In this paper we argue that the pace and scale of development in the information and communication technology industries (ICT) has had and continues to have major effects on the industry economics and competitive dynamics generally. We maintain that the size of changes in demand and supply conditions is forcing companies to make significant changes in the way they conceive and implement their strategies. We decompose the ICT industries into four levels, technology standards, supply chains, physical platforms, and consumer networks. The nature of these technologies and their cost characteristics coupled with higher degrees of knowledge specialisation is impelling companies to radical revisions of their attitudes towards cooperation and co-evolution with suppliers and customers. Where interdependencies between customers are particularly strong, we anticipate the possibility of winner-takes-all strategies. In these circumstances industry risks become very high and there will be significant consequences for competitive markets.
In this article the authors answer a critique, published elsewhere in the magazine, of their article "The Role of Environmental Dynamics in Building a First Mover Advantage Theory." They claim that the criticism of their business theory was not valid on the grounds that the critics did not have a firm grasp of the business literature and concepts on which original article was based. They reject the notion posited by the critics that new product management is a function of strategic choice. Aspects of their research and methodology are discussed.
We advance first mover advantage (FMA) theory by examining how the pace of market evolution and technology evolution potentially enables or disables FMA. Integrating several streams of literature, we elaborate on the interplay among these two environmental (macro) conditions and the "isolating mechanisms" that underpin FMA. We model these dynamics to help researchers negotiate the current debate, arising from conflicting empirical evidence, on the conditions necessary for FMA to exist.
In this article the author examines business concepts advanced in the article "The Role of Environmental Dynamics in Building a First Mover Advantage Theory." Noted is the efficacy of the contention that first mover advantage applies to individual types of products and certain industries and that this quality is associated with market share measured against that of the competition. The author of the article examines the importance of lead time on the successful launch of a new product. Also discussed is the business strategy associated with first mover advantage and the cyclical timing associated with the marketing concept.
While the currently prevailing conceptual framework of first mover advantages (FMAs) specifies various market mechanisms through which first movers can gain pioneering benefits, it is incomplete by failing to consider the role of political resources in creating FMAs. In this context, this article aims to add the political mechanism to the current classification of FMA mechanisms. The article further serves as a window to an understanding of the long-term process of acquiring, sustaining, and exploiting firm-specific political resources in international business, which has been neglected in prior studies on business–government relations. Detailed analysis of three case studies suggests that the causal relationship between political resources and FMAs is a complex one; while non-market strategies can be used successfully by first movers, they can also be used by late movers to neutralize FMAs. The article proposes a model for understanding the link between FMAs and political resources. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.