Seven cases with severe scoliosis (three adult idiopathic scoliosis, one neurofibromatosis, two Marfan's syndrome, one infantile idiopathic scoliosis) were treated using Cotrel-Dubousset Instrumentation (CDI). Preoperatively, the major curves measured an average of 101 degrees, and on the best side bend they average 74 degrees, a 27% degree of flexibility. Postoperatively, curves improved to an average of 57 degrees, a correction of 44%. Four of seven cases were treated by two-staged anterior and posterior spinal fusion. A correction of 50% was obtained in this group. Three curves less than 60 degrees were treated with derotation manuever and four curves more than 60 degrees were treated by the 3 rod method. We concluded that two stage anterior and posterior fusion is of value for the treatment of cases with severe rigid curves.