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Bringing Color into the Picture: Using Digital Repeat Photography to Investigate Phenology Controls of the Carbon Dioxide Exchange in a Boreal Mire


Abstract and Figures

Mire vegetation phenology is closely linked to the ecosystem carbon cycle but rarely monitored and quantified with high temporal resolution. In this study, we use digital repeat photography to explore phenology as a control of the carbon dioxide (CO2) exchange measured by eddy covariance (EC) in a minerogenic boreal mire in northern Sweden over 2 years (2011–2012). Strong correlations and seasonal hysteresis effects were observed between the green chromatic coordinate (g cc) derived from the digital image archive and leaf area index, day length, and growing degree-day sum (GDDS). Differences in GDDS between the 2 years were the main control on the between-year variations in the spring patterns of g cc. Periods with lower water table level coincided with an increase of the red chromatic coordinate. The onset and magnitudes of EC-derived photosynthetic CO2 uptake (that is, gross ecosystem production, GEP) and net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) during the spring green-up of vascular plants were more closely related to those of g cc than to those of air temperature and photosynthetically active radiation. In contrast, abiotic variables controlled GEP during the summer period when vascular plant canopy cover was fully developed. Stepwise regression analysis suggested that g cc contributed substantially in explaining variations in GEP during spring and autumn. Over both growing seasons, g cc was well correlated with GEP (r 2 = 0.68), NEE (r 2 = 0.58), and ecosystem respiration (r 2 = 0.50). Overall, we show that digital repeat photography provides an inexpensive and effective method for the continuous quantification of the phenological patterns of the vascular plant community in mire ecosystems. Our results suggest that vegetation phenology is an important control of the mire CO2 exchange and should be considered in both experimental and modeling studies to better account for the separate effects of phenology and abiotic drivers on mire carbon dynamics.
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Bringing Color into the Picture:
Using Digital Repeat Photography
to Investigate Phenology Controls
of the Carbon Dioxide Exchange
in a Boreal Mire
Matthias Peichl,
* Oliver Sonnentag,
and Mats B. Nilsson
Department of Forest Ecology and Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Umea
˚, 90183 Umea
˚, Sweden;
´partement de ge
´ographie, Universite
´de Montre
´al, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Mire vegetation phenology is closely linked to the
ecosystem carbon cycle but rarely monitored and
quantified with high temporal resolution. In this
study, we use digital repeat photography to explore
phenology as a control of the carbon dioxide (CO
exchange measured by eddy covariance (EC) in a
minerogenic boreal mire in northern Sweden over
2 years (2011–2012). Strong correlations and sea-
sonal hysteresis effects were observed between the
green chromatic coordinate (g
) derived from the
digital image archive and leaf area index, day
length, and growing degree-day sum (GDDS). Dif-
ferences in GDDS between the 2 years were the
main control on the between-year variations in the
spring patterns of g
. Periods with lower water
table level coincided with an increase of the red
chromatic coordinate. The onset and magnitudes of
EC-derived photosynthetic CO
uptake (that is,
gross ecosystem production, GEP) and net ecosys-
tem CO
exchange (NEE) during the spring green-
up of vascular plants were more closely related to
those of g
than to those of air temperature and
photosynthetically active radiation. In contrast,
abiotic variables controlled GEP during the summer
period when vascular plant canopy cover was fully
developed. Stepwise regression analysis suggested
that g
contributed substantially in explaining
variations in GEP during spring and autumn. Over
both growing seasons, g
was well correlated with
GEP (r
= 0.68), NEE (r
= 0.58), and ecosystem
respiration (r
= 0.50). Overall, we show that dig-
ital repeat photography provides an inexpensive
and effective method for the continuous quantifi-
cation of the phenological patterns of the vascular
plant community in mire ecosystems. Our results
suggest that vegetation phenology is an important
control of the mire CO
exchange and should be
considered in both experimental and modeling
studies to better account for the separate effects of
phenology and abiotic drivers on mire carbon
Key words: boreal landscape; climate; canopy
greenness; carbon cycle; eddy covariance; digital
repeat photography; peatland; phenology; RGB
chromatic coordinates.
Received 14 December 2013; accepted 2 September 2014;
published online 13 November 2014
Author contributions MP designed the study, analyzed the data,
wrote the paper, OS designed the study, contributed to data analysis,
contributed to the paper writing, MBN designed the study, contributed to
the paper writing, provided funding for the study.
*Corresponding author; e-mail:
Ecosystems (2015) 18: 115–131
DOI: 10.1007/s10021-014-9815-z
2014 Springer Science+Business Media New York
Boreal mires cover 3% of the land area but con-
stitute about a fourth to a third of the global pool of
soil organic carbon (Gorham 1991; Turunen and
others 2002) providing a small but persistent con-
temporary net carbon uptake of 15–30 gCm
(Gorham 1991; Turunen and others 2002; Roulet
and others 2007; Nilsson and others 2008). How-
ever, the mire carbon balance and specifically the
biosphere–atmosphere exchange of one of the most
important greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide (CO
is highly sensitive to both biotic and abiotic controls
(Gorham 1991; Dise 2009; Lund and others 2010;
Bu and others 2011). Abiotic variables such as
precipitation (Robroek and others 2009), temper-
ature (Lindroth and others 2007; Lund and others
2010), and water table level (Yurova and others
2007; Robroek and others 2009; Sulman and others
2010) have been commonly suggested as the main
drivers of mire carbon dynamics. The biotic con-
trols related to temporal vegetation dynamics may,
however, also substantially affect the mire CO
exchange (Lund and others 2010; Bu and others
2011; Laine and others 2012). Consequently, the
relationships between CO
fluxes and abiotic con-
trols vary seasonally as a result of vegetation
development (Savage and others 2013). Although
abiotic effects on the mire CO
exchange have been
investigated by numerous previous studies, the role
of phenology, defined as the study of the timing of
recurring biological life cycle events and the causes
of their temporal change due to abiotic and biotic
forces (Lieth 1974), has been less examined.
Understanding the feedbacks between the CO
exchange and its two main controls, that is, abiotic
drivers and vegetation phenology (Figure 1), is
essential to estimate the development of mire
ecosystem structure and carbon balance given the
predicted changes in future climate (IPCC 2013;
Richardson and others 2013).
Vegetation phenology describes the temporal
development of vegetation properties including
biomass, species composition, leaf area index (LAI),
canopy height, and leaf physiology (for example,
nitrogen, chlorophyll, and carotenoid contents)
(Migliavacca and others 2011; Sonnentag and
others 2011,2012; Bauerle and others 2012). These
temporal changes in vegetation structure and
physiology drive CO
exchange processes via their
control on photosynthesis, autotrophic respiration,
and plant litter production. In addition, vegetation
structure affects the efficiency of how plants absorb
and reflect incoming light, especially over green
wavelengths (Vogelmann and Moss 1993; Bubier
and others 1997; Sonnentag and others 2007a).
Consequently, a strong correlation may be ex-
pected between canopy greenness related to phe-
nological events or stages and the ecosystem-scale
exchanges (Graham and others 2006; Ahrends
and others 2009; Migliavacca and others 2011). On
the other hand, vegetation phenology itself is dri-
ven by abiotic controls such as temperature, water
availability, and photoperiod (Bryant and Baird
¨rner and Basler 2010). Specifically, the
concept of the growing degree-day sum (GDDS)
has been traditionally used within the wide field of
phenological research as main predictor of phe-
nology in other natural and managed terrestrial
ecosystems (Russelle and others 1984; Richardson
and others 2013).
Tracking the temporal evolution of vegetation
status through repeated measurements of biomass,
LAI, and leaf chemical properties usually requires
labor-intensive and/or destructive methods
including the manual recording of key phenologi-
cal events through visual observation and/or the
sampling of vegetation through clipping (Wilson
and others 2007; Crimmins and Crimmins 2008;
Richardson and O’Keefe 2009; Richardson and
others 2013). Alternatively, a variety of costly
ground-based radiometers provide spectral vegeta-
tion properties that were shown to be linked to
plant physiology and ecosystem CO
(Eklundh and others 2011; Migliavacca and others
2011; Chojnicki 2013). Remote sensing phenology
products from satellite and airborne imagery are
valuable but limited to a coarse temporal and spa-
tial resolution (Schubert and others 2010; Harris
Figure 1. Conceptual diagram of the three-way interac-
tions among phenology, climate, and ecosystem carbon
dioxide (CO
) exchange components.
116 M. Peichl and others
and Dash 2011). Thus, there is a need for an
inexpensive, simple, and automated method for the
continuous quantification of phenological infor-
mation on daily time and ecosystem spatial scales.
Time series of simple color indices such as excess
green (ExG; Woebbecke and others 1995)orthe
green chromatic coordinate (g
; Gillespie and
others 1987) derived from the red–green–blue
(RGB) color channel information of the digital
image archive have been used to relate changes of
canopy greenness to those of canopy structure (for
example, LAI) and CO
fluxes (primarily GEP) in
croplands (Meyer and Neto 2008; Sakamoto and
others 2012), deciduous and coniferous forests
(Richardson and others 2007,2009; Ahrends and
others 2009), grasslands and pastures (Migliavacca
and others 2011; Sonnentag and others 2011), and
arctic tundra (Westergaard-Nielsen and others
2013). Compared to the ExG, chromatic indices
have the advantage of suppressing effects from
changes in illumination scenes (Sonnentag and
others 2012). Moreover, color and reflectance
properties of Sphagnum mosses are strongly influ-
enced by their moisture content over the red and
near infrared wavelengths (Bryant and Baird 2003;
Gaalen and others 2007). Thus, the red chromatic
coordinate (r
) might be useful in identifying
periods of vegetation moisture status related to
changes in the water table level (WTL) and its ef-
fects on vegetation phenology and CO
in peatland ecosystems. To our knowledge, how-
ever, so far no study has examined the link be-
tween peatland canopy color changes, water
availability, and CO
fluxes. Possible complications
due to complex and differential contributions and
interactions of color information from each of the
vascular plant canopy and non-vascular moss
ground cover (Bubier and others 1997; Graham
and others 2006; Sonnentag and others 2007a)
may have hampered the interest in applying this
technique in peatland ecosystems in the past.
In this study, we examined the link between
vegetation phenology and mire CO
using digital repeat photography and eddy covari-
ance (EC) measurements over 2 years made over a
boreal minerogenic mire in northern Sweden. The
main objectives were (i) to investigate the useful-
ness of chromatic coordinates (specifically g
) de-
rived from a digital image archive to describe
changes in mire phenology, (ii) to determine con-
trols from ecosystem vegetation structure (for
example, LAI, canopy roughness length) and abi-
otic variables (for example, temperature, radiation)
on g
and mire phenology, and (iii) to investigate
the relationship between mire phenology and
ecosystem CO
exchange. Our hypotheses were
that (i) g
derived from digital repeat photography
provides a useful method for continuous and
automatic quantification of the vegetation phe-
nology in mire ecosystems, (ii) phenology as de-
scribed by g
is closely related to ecosystem
vegetation structure, (iii) changes in the WTL and
associated plant moisture status are reflected in the
patterns of the r
, and (iv) phenology is a major
control on the mire CO
fluxes, especially on GEP
during the spring green-up of vascular plants.
Site Description
The study was conducted at Degero
(6411¢N, 1933¢E), an oligotrophic, minerogenic,
mixed mire system covering 6.5 km
and located in
the Kulba
¨cksliden Experimental Forest of the
Svartberget Long-Term Experimental Research
(LTER) facility near the town of Vindeln, county of
¨sterbotten, Sweden. The mire area is situated on
a highland 270 m.a.s.l. between two major rivers,
¨lven and Vindela
¨lven, approximately 70 km
from the Gulf of Bothnia. The depth of the peat is
generally between 3 and 4 m, but depths up to 8 m
have been measured. The deepest organic deposits
correspond to an age of approximately 8000 years
and peat accumulation was initiated about 5500
BP. The mire catchment is predominantly drained
by the small creek Vargstugba
¨cken toward north-
west (Nilsson and others 2008).
The micro-topography is dominated by an irreg-
ular mosaic of carpets and lawns, with only sparse
occurrences of hummocks. The vascular plant
community of the mire consists mainly of cotton-
grass (Eriophorum vaginatum L.), tufted bulrush
(Trichophorum cespitosum L. Hartm.), cranberry
(Vaccinium oxycoccos L.), bog rosemary (Andromeda
polifolia L.), and cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus L.)
with both mud sedge (Carex limosa L.) and Rannon
rush (Scheuzeria palustris L.) occurring more spar-
sely. In addition, Sphagnum majus Russ. C. Jens is
found on the bottom of the carpets whereas
Sphagnum lindbergii Schimp. and Sphagnum balticum
Russ. C. Jens are common for the lawns. The
hummocks are dominated by Sphagnum fuscum
Schimp. Klinggr. and Sphagnum rubellum Wils.
(Nilsson and others 2008; Laine and others 2012).
Total (moss capitula and vascular plants) above-
ground biomass is 141 ±45 g m
(Laine and
others 2012).
The 30-year (1961–1990) mean annual precipi-
tation and air temperature are 523 mm and +1.2C,
Phenology Controls on Peatland Carbon Dioxide Exchange 117
respectively, whereas the mean air temperatures in
July and January are +14.7 and -12.4C, respec-
tively (Alexandersson and others 1991). The length
of the vegetation period (defined as the period
during which the mean daily temperature remains
above +5C) is 156 ±15 days. The snow cover
normally reaches a depth of up to 0.6 m and lasts
for approximately 6 months.
Eddy Covariance Measurements
The EC technique was used to measure the net
exchange of CO
at a sampling frequency of 20 Hz.
The system consisted of a three-dimensional sonic
anemometer (model 1012R3 Solent, Gill Instru-
ments, Lymington, UK) and a closed path infrared
gas analyzer (IRGA; model 6262, LI-COR, Lincoln,
NE, USA). The sonic anemometer was mounted on
the tower at a height of 1.8 m on a 1.0-m-long
boom and heated during the winter months. Fluxes
were calculated in real-time by the EcoFlux soft-
ware (In Situ Flux AB, Ockelbo, Sweden) according
to the EUROFLUX methodology (Aubinet and
others 1999) and stored as 30 min averages. Raw
data processing included a twofold coordinate
rotation by planar fit and a frequency correction for
the signal attenuation in the sampling path. The
measurements from the IRGA were calibrated
against two reference gases approximately every
2 weeks. The energy balance closure was previ-
ously estimated to be 96% at this site (Sagerfors
and others 2008; Peichl and others 2013). More
details regarding instrumental set up and data
processing were previously outlined by Sagerfors
and others (2008) and Nilsson and others (2008).
Based on different estimates from three different
footprint models (Schuepp and others 1990; Hsieh
and others 2000; Kljun and others 2004), the
distances of the mean growing season peak source
and 90% fetch of the measured fluxes to the tower
during daytime (nighttime) ranged between
15–21 m (22–26 m) and 82–215 m (117–375 m),
respectively (Peichl and others 2014).
Missing half-hourly NEE data (due to instrument
and power failure, and so on) of up to 2 h were
filled with linear interpolation. Larger gaps during
the winter season were filled with the mean diurnal
variation (MDV) approach using a 14-day window
(described by Sagerfors and others 2008). During
the summer, NEE was filled by using standard
empirical regression relationships with air temper-
ature and radiation (Reichstein and others 2005).
Filled data represented 22 and 9% of the annual
time series for the years 2011 and 2012, respec-
tively. Separate estimates of GEP and ecosystem
respiration (ER) were derived with the procedure
described by Barr and others (2004). Negative NEE
values indicate net CO
uptake whereas positive
NEE values indicate emission of CO
. To facilitate
the direct comparison between the two component
fluxes, both GEP (by definition a negative flux) and
ER are presented as positive fluxes.
Abiotic Measurements
Instruments for measurements of abiotic variables
were mounted on the same tower as the EC sen-
sors. Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) was
measured as photosynthetic photon flux density by
a quantum sensor (SKP 215, Skye Instruments Ltd,
Powys, UK) mounted at the top of the tower (that is,
4 m above the ground). In addition, air temperature
) and relative humidity (RH) were measured by a
MP100 temperature and moisture sensor (Rotronic
AG, Bassersdorf, Switzerland) inside a self-venti-
lated radiation shield mounted 1.8 m above the
ground. The T
and RH data were used to derive the
atmospheric vapor pressure deficit (VPD). Rainfall
was measured using a tipping-bucket (ARG 100,
Campbell Scientific, Logan, Utah, USA) 4 m away
from the tower during April–October and corrected
for a (10%) underestimation of the precipitation (P)
(Sagerfors and others 2008). For the remaining part
of the year, P data were obtained from a nearby
(1 km) standard meteorological station which is
part of a reference climate monitoring program at
the Vindeln experimental forests. Gaps in the time
series of abiotic variables (due to instrument failure)
were filled either directly (that is, for P) or with
seasonal regression relationships (that is, for PAR,
, and RH) with respective data from the nearby
(13 km away) meteorological station at the
Svartberget Research Station. Soil temperatures (T
at 2, 10, 18, 26, 34, and 42 cm depths were mea-
sured by thermistors mounted in sealed, water-
proof, stainless steel tubes (TOJO Skogsteknik,
¨kneboda, Sweden) in a lawn community 100 m
northeast of the flux tower. The WTL below the
peat surface was measured in a lawn community
100 m northeast of the flux tower using a float and
counterweight system attached to a potentiometer
(Roulet and others 1991). All abiotic data were
collected at 10-s intervals and averaged to 30 min
mean values. Day length was determined from day
of year, latitude, and obliquity of the ecliptic
(Forsythe and others 1995). Growing degree days
(GDD) were calculated for each day (i) by taking the
average of the daily maximum and minimum T
and T
, respectively) and subtracting a base
temperature (T
)of10C, with negative GDD
118 M. Peichl and others
values set to zero (that is, GDD = 0 for all days with
mean daily T
£10C) (equation 1a). For each
year, the GDDS was subsequently derived from the
cumulative sum of the GDD for all days between the
first day (that is, January 1, i= 1) and the last day
(j) of the summation period (equation 1b):
GDDi¼max 0;Tmaxi þTmini
Estimation of Vegetation Canopy
To investigate the relationship between canopy
greenness and vegetation structure, we determined
the surface roughness length (z
) as proxy for
canopy height and the vascular plant LAI. Surface
roughness length was estimated using the hori-
zontal wind speed at measurement height and
iteration (n= 50) of the zero-displacement height
and z
as described by Sonnentag and others
(2011). LAI was determined in a nearby experi-
mental plot bordering the main footprint area by
clipping and scanning the biomass of seven micro-
plots every 2–3 weeks from May to October.
Digital Repeat Photography
In April 2011, we installed a digital point-and-
shoot camera (A480, Canon, Tokyo, Japan) 50 m
away from the flux tower roughly overseeing the
EC footprint area from a south-eastern viewing
direction (Figure 2). The digital camera was con-
tained in an outdoor camera housing (VT-EH10;
Vitek Industrial Video Products, Valencia, CA,
USA) mounted on a vertical pole at 3 m height
above the ground surface with a downward looking
viewing angle of 15. Images from the digital
camera were taken at hourly intervals and stored as
uncompressed 24-bit JPEG files on 4 GB memory
flash cards. To perform repeat photography with
the Canon A480, we wrote an intervalometer script
for the Canon Hack Development Kit (http://chdk. The camera set up was in place from
about mid-April (just before snowmelt) to the mid/
end of November (until just after the first snowfall
event) in both years.
Chromatic Coordinates
To describe changes in peatland canopy color while
suppressing the effects of changes in scene illumi-
nation, we followed the procedure outlined in
Sonnentag and others (2012). In brief, for each
image of the digital image archive we calculated the
Figure 2. Seasonal color
changes at the Degero
Stormyr mire; red frame
indicates the region of
interest used for the
image analysis (Color
figure online).
Phenology Controls on Peatland Carbon Dioxide Exchange 119
red, green, and blue chromatic coordinates (r
and b
rcc ¼R
gcc ¼G
bcc ¼B
where R,G, and Bare the digital numbers (0–255)
of the red, green, and blue image channels. Next,
we created 3-day r
time series for
2011 and 2012 by assigning the 90th percentile of
all available hourly r
, and b
values within a
3-day window to the center day of a discrete (non-
overlapping) moving window (Sonnentag and
others 2012).
Regression Analysis of Biotic and Abiotic
Controls on the CO
We used a stepwise approach of nonlinear regres-
sion analysis to test the explanatory power of biotic
and abiotic variables for estimating GEP and ER
following Shaver and others (2007). As a first step,
the best function type (that is, linear, exponential,
or hyperbolic) between predicted variable and each
explanatory variable was selected based on the
coefficient of determination (r
) and root mean
square error (RMSE). In the second step, multiple
nonlinear abiotic models were developed by adding
one explanatory variable at a time to a multiplica-
tive model until no further increase in r
was ob-
served. The final abiotic models selected for GEP
(equation 3) and ER (equation 4) were
c1PAR þc2
ðc3exp c4Ta
ERa¼c7exp c8Ta
where c
represent the model coefficients and
subscript aindicates the abiotic model estimate. As
a final step, the functional relationship between
fluxes and g
was added as biotic control to
create biotic–abiotic models for each GEP and ER
(equations 5,6)
GEPba ¼c1c2PAR
c1PAR þc2
ðc3exp c4Ta
ERba ¼ðc9exp c10 Ta
Þðc11 þc12 gccÞ;ð6Þ
where the subscript ba indicates the biotic–abiotic
model estimate. A similar analysis was conducted
to identify the relative importance of the main
abiotic controls for explaining variations in g
. All
data processing was performed using the NonLin- function in the statistical toolbox of
the software package MATLAB 2012b (The Math-
Works Inc., Natick, Massachusetts, USA).
Ecosystem Vegetation Structure and
Abiotic Controls on Mire Canopy Color
The temporal development of the destructively
sampled vascular plant LAI was synchronous with
(Figure 3A). Overall, g
explained 82% of the
Figure 3. ATemporal patterns of 3-day averages of the green chromatic coordinate (g
) and destructively sampled leaf
area index (LAI) in 2012 and Bregression relationship between g
and LAI for the entire growing season (black line) and
spring (green line and symbols) and autumn (yellow line and symbols). Regression equation and r
are given for the entire
growing season regression (Color figure online).
120 M. Peichl and others
variation in LAI in 2012 (Figure 3B). Moreover, the
exponential relationship between LAI and g
showed a hysteresis pattern with lower LAI at gi-
ven g
during the early growing season compared
to the late growing season.
The surface roughness length (z
) started to in-
crease by about 2–3 weeks earlier than the onset of
(Figure 4). From May onward, z
and g
coupled showing a similar slope of increase and
simultaneous peak in July. However, z
and g
started to diverge again in August and remained
decoupled during the rest of the autumn period
when vascular plant vegetation turned from green
to brown while maintaining its vertical structure
and thus its surface drag effect.
The g
was closely related to day length with
similar hysteresis loops in both years (Figure 5).
Deviations from this trajectory were related to be-
tween-year variations in abiotic conditions causing
differences in the onset of the spring green-up,
maximum g
, and the termination date for the
vegetation period. However, the onset of senes-
cence (that is, the decline of g
) occurred at the
same time in both years, that is, when day length
decreased to below 18 h.
The differences in the onset of spring green-up
(that is, rise in g
) were also reflected by patterns of
the GDDS, which increased earlier in 2011 than in
2012 (Figure 6). We noted that a threshold of
about 50 GDDS was required as a trigger for a rise
Figure 4. Temporal
patterns of 3-day averages
for green chromatic
coordinate (g
) and
surface roughness length
) in 2011. Line indicates
polynomial fit through z
data points for visual
Figure 5. Hysteresis type
regression relationship
between day length and
Agreen chromatic
coordinate (g
) and B
gross ecosystem
production (GEP) in 2011
and 2012. Red dotted lines
visualize the mean
trajectory line; red arrows
indicate trajectory
direction from spring to
autumn; upward and
downward arrows indicate
the onset of spring
vegetation green-up and
senescence, respectively
(Color figure online).
Phenology Controls on Peatland Carbon Dioxide Exchange 121
in g
and the associated start of the vegetation
green-up period.
Regression analysis determined T
as the main
control on g
explaining 77% of its variance alone
in form of an exponential relationship, compared to
day length and PAR which explained 59 and 34%,
respectively (Table 1). Combined models of T
, day
length and PAR did not further increase the
explanatory power of the T
The between-year differences (2011 relative to
2012) of the 3-day mean red chromatic index (r
and WTL were negatively correlated (Figure 7).
Other ecosystem vegetation structure or abiotic
controls on r
were not observed.
Relationship Between Mire Phenology,
Abiotic Variables, and Ecosystem CO
The net uptake of CO
in 2011 started about
2 weeks earlier in spring, reached a greater maxi-
mum uptake of CO
in the summer and decreased
by about 2 weeks earlier at the end of the growing
season compared to 2012 (Figure 8A). An earlier
spring onset and autumn decrease, higher spring/
early summer values and summer maxima were
also observed for GEP and ER in 2011 than in 2012
(Figure 8B, C). Similarly to the CO
flux patterns,
showed an earlier onset of the vegetation green-
up, higher spring/early summer values and earlier
senescence in 2011 than in 2012 (Figure 8D). In
contrast to the CO
fluxes, however, the magni-
tudes of the summer maxima of g
were similar in
2011 and 2012. In both years, r
steadily increased
throughout the growing season and started to de-
cline only in the late autumn when soil tempera-
ture reached the freezing point (Figure 8E, I).
Meanwhile, b
decreased throughout the growing
season to a minimum in July and subsequently
increased during autumn (Figure 8F). Between-
Figure 6. ASeasonal patterns of 3-day averages for
green chromatic coordinate (g
) and growing degree-day
sum (GDDS) and Bregression relationship between g
and GDDS in 2011 and 2012. Dotted black line visualizes
the approximate GDDS threshold for spring vegetation
Figure 7. Regression relationship of the between-year
(2011 relative to 2012) differences of the growing season
3-day mean red chromatic coordinate (r
cc diff
) and water
table level (WTL
Table 1. Regression Analysis of Variables (That
is, Air Temperature, T
; Photosynthetically Active
Radiation, PAR; and Day Length, DL) Explaining
the Green Chromatic Coordinate (g
Model Adj. R
(PAR) 0.34 0.023
(DL) 0.59 0.018
) 0.77 0.014
(DL) 9f
(PAR) 0.78 0.013
=a9exp(b 9x).
RMSE = root mean square error; Adj. R
= adjusted coefficient of determination.
All regressions are significant at P <0.05.
122 M. Peichl and others
year differences in the r
and b
time series oc-
curred during July, October, and November, cor-
responding to periods with pronounced differences
in WTL (that is, lower WTL in 2011 was associated
with higher r
and lower b
than in 2012;
Figure 8E, F, J). Photosynthetically active radiation
Figure 8. Between-year variability in the 3-day averages of Anet ecosystem exchange (NEE), Bgross ecosystem pro-
duction (GEP), Cecosystem respiration (ER), Dgreen chromatic coordinate (g
), Ered chromatic coordinate (r
), Fblue
chromatic coordinate (b
), Gair temperature (T
), Hsoil temperature (T
) at 2 cm depth, Iphotosynthetically active
radiation (PAR), and Jwater table level (WTL) in 2011 and 2012. Dotted horizontal line in A,Hand Jindicates zero line;
dashed vertical line in ACindicates separate contributions from mosses and vascular vegetation to NEE, GEP, ER, and g
The color-shaded boxes highlight different periods with notable between-year differences in the respective variable (Color
figure online).
Phenology Controls on Peatland Carbon Dioxide Exchange 123
Figure 9. Temporal patterns for normalized 3-day averages of gross ecosystem production (GEP), green chromatic
coordinate (g
), air and soil temperature (T
), and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) for 2011 and 2012. Arrows
indicate the timing of the spring onset (defined as the timing when the normalized time series curve rises above the zero
line) of PAR, T
, GEP, and g
, respectively.
Figure 8. continued
124 M. Peichl and others
was higher in late April and July of 2011 than for
the same period in 2012 (Figure 8G). Air temper-
ature increased earlier and remained higher during
April in 2011 than in 2012 (Figure 8H). For the
remaining growing season, T
was similar for both
years except for a few warmer events in 2011.
Based on T
at 2 cm depth, shallow soil thaw and
freezing occurred 1–2 weeks earlier and later,
respectively, in 2011 compared to 2012 (Figure 8I).
The spring onset (defined as the timing when the
normalized time series curve rises above the zero
line) of GEP lagged that of T
and PAR but coin-
cided with the shallow soil thawing and the onset
of the green-up (that is, increase in g
) in both
years (Figure 9). Noteworthy, GEP started even
before shallow soil thawing and the onset of the
green-up in 2011, which indicates a contribution to
GEP from the uppermost moss capitula and/or al-
gae exposed to warmer T
and standing snowmelt
water on top of the frozen soil layer. The rate of
increase in GEP during the subsequent green-up
generally followed that of g
, whereas day-to-day
variations in GEP were further modified by fluc-
tuations in T
and PAR as indicated by the simul-
taneous timing of their peaks and drops.
Furthermore, the timing of peak GEP and g
synchronous with that of T
. Relative to 2012, a
faster decline of GEP occurred in autumn 2011
which corresponded to earlier decreases in PAR and
, whereas autumn T
was similar in both years.
The pooled data from both years suggested a
strong correlation (r
= 0.68, P<0.001) between
and GEP (Figure 10A). This link was especially
strong in spring and autumn but less pronounced
during the summer period when g
reached its
maximum values. Moreover, there was a hysteresis
in the correlation between g
and GEP with higher
GEP in spring than in autumn at the same g
Furthermore, g
was also correlated with ER
= 0.50, P<0.01) and NEE (r
= 0.58,
P<0.001) although not as strongly as compared
with GEP (Figure 10B, C).
The stepwise nonlinear regression analysis sug-
gested that including g
as an explanatory variable
into a biotic–abiotic model for estimating GEP im-
proved the explanatory power for the spring
= 0.88) and autumn periods (r
= 0.97) com-
pared to that of the abiotic model (r
= 0.77 and
0.74 in spring and autumn, respectively) (Table 2).
Relative to the abiotic model, no further improve-
ment was obtained by including g
during the
summer (r
= 0.85 and 0.85, respectively) and for
the entire growing season (r
= 0.93 and 0.94,
respectively). In contrast to GEP, ER was well ex-
plained by T
alone during spring, summer, and the
entire growing season (r
= 0.79, 0.83, and 0.87,
respectively). However, including g
improved the
ER model during the autumn period (from
= 0.71 to 0.89).
Ecosystem Vegetation Structure and
Abiotic Controls on Mire Phenology
We observed abiotic controls on all three chromatic
coordinates, that is, g
. For instance,
between-year differences in r
and b
during periods with contrasting WTL. It is likely
that differences in the moisture content of the
moss and physiological changes in the vascular
plants during moisture stress resulted in differences
in the absorption and reflectance of the red and
blue fraction of incoming light by both vascular
and non-vascular vegetation (Vogelmann and
Figure 10. Growing season (all data points) and seasonal
(refer to colors) regression relationships between the 3-
day means of the green chromatic coordinate (g
) and A
net ecosystem exchange (NEE), Bgross ecosystem pro-
duction (GEP), and Cecosystem respiration (ER) in 2011
(circles) and 2012 (triangles) (Color figure online).
Phenology Controls on Peatland Carbon Dioxide Exchange 125
Moss 1993; Bryant and Baird 2003; Graham and
others 2006; Gaalen and others 2007). For in-
stance, Graham and others (2006) observed larger
reflectance at red wavelengths (with the maximum
difference occurring at 675 nm) in dry moss (Tor-
tula princeps) compared to moist moss, which agrees
well with the response of higher r
during periods
with lower WTL observed in our study. Our find-
ings also suggest a link between the low WTL and
high r
during July and the subsequent earlier
decline of GEP in August of 2011, compared to
2012. This finding indicates some potential in using
the r
as indicator for plant moisture stress.
Moisture-related changes in the reflectance over
the red and near infrared wavelength have been
previously identified for peatland vegetation (Bry-
ant and Baird 2003; Gaalen and others 2007). Less
information exists on moisture effects on plant
reflectance over blue wavelengths. However, given
that the g
was similar during the dry periods in
both years in our study, the moisture response of
the b
observed in our study might have also
simply resulted from a residual effect due to
changes in r
at constant g
. Thus, more work is
needed to better understand the separate effects
from vascular and non-vascular plant communities
on chromatic coordinates and phenology in mire
ecosystems. Overall, out of the three chromatic
coordinates investigated in this study, g
senting the overall peatland canopy greenness
proved the most useful proxy for mire phenology
and CO
exchange. Given the strong control of g
on the ecosystem CO
fluxes, it is thus also nec-
essary to further understand the drivers of mire
phenology itself.
Among the main ecosystem properties, LAI was
the one most closely related to g
. Other ongoing
work at the site recently indicated that the corre-
lation between LAI and g
appears to be consistent
also across years (unpublished data). These findings
further suggest that mire canopy greenness is dri-
ven primarily by changes in the vascular plant
canopy development. The observed seasonal hys-
teresis in this correlation might result from seasonal
changes in leaf nitrogen and/or chlorophyll con-
tents causing additional variations in peatland
canopy color (Keenan and others 2014; Yang and
others 2014). Thus, further improvements in the
understating of temporal patterns in g
could pos-
sibly be achieved by including additional informa-
tion on leaf nitrogen and/or chlorophyll contents as
previously suggested for forest ecosystems (Keenan
and others 2014). Nevertheless, our results suggest
that g
may, after initial calibration against manual
measurements, serve as a useful proxy for LAI and
thus mire vegetation development.
Table 2. Stepwise Nonlinear Regression Analysis of Variables (That is, Green Chromatic Coordinate, g
; Air
Temperature, T
; Photosynthetically Active Radiation, PAR; and Water Table Level, WTL) Explaining Gross
Ecosystem Production (GEP) and Ecosystem Respiration (ER)
Model Spring Summer Autumn Growing season
Adj. R
Single variable model
GEP = f
) 0.70 0.47 n.s. n.s. 0.91 0.14 0.68 0.83
GEP = f
) 0.77 0.47 0.69 0.82 0.59 0.31 0.82 0.61
GEP = f
(PAR) 0.31 0.80 0.59 0.95 0.74 0.25 0.52 1.00
GEP = f
(WTL) 0.22 0.43 0.47 1.09 0.16 0.45 0.54 1.07
Abiotic model
GEP = f
(PAR) 9f
(WTL) 0.77 0.24 0.85 0.59 0.74 0.27 0.93 0.44
Biotic–abiotic model
GEP = f
(PAR) 9f
(WTL) 0.88 0.17 0.85 0.59 0.97 0.10 0.94 0.39
Single variable model
ER = f
) 0.55 0.29 n.s. n.s. 0.89 0.11 0.60 0.63
ER = f
) 0.79 0.25 0.83 0.48 0.71 0.19 0.87 0.36
Biotic–abiotic model
ER = f
) 0.64 0.26 n.s. n.s. 0.89 0.12 0.89 0.32
Model function f
=a+b9x; f
=a9exp(b 9x); f3¼abx
RMSE = root mean square error; Adj. R
= adjusted coefficient of determination; n.s. = not significant at P <0.05.
126 M. Peichl and others
Estimating leaf area in peatland ecosystems using
spectral or color indices of vegetation remains
challenging because of the short and multi-layer
canopy structure overlaying a non-vascular plant
community background (Sonnentag and others
2007a,b). Moreover, conventional optical leaf area
meters (for example, LAI-2200 Plant Canopy Ana-
lyzer by LI-COR) are limited to estimating the plant
area index including non-photosynthesizing plant
components and require comprehensive correction
algorithms (Ryu and others 2010). Our comparison
of g
with the surface roughness length (z
) showed
a divergence in autumn caused by the increasing
presence of dead stand biomass. Furthermore, WTL
draw-down following spring flood, exposing non-
photosynthesizing vegetation material, resulted in
an immediate increase of the z
that might be
interpreted mistakenly as an earlier onset of vege-
tation development than actually observed in g
and GEP. Thus, the use of g
may serve as a better
proxy for green leaf area and thus photosyntheti-
cally active tissue compared to conventional leaf
area meters or canopy roughness estimates.
Day length and the circadian clock have been
previously identified as important controls on the
seasonal patterns of plant photosynthesis (Romero
and Valverde 2009; Bauerle and others 2012). Re-
cently, Bauerle and others (2012) reported that the
autumn decline in photosynthesis of tree saplings
was caused by photoperiodic down-regulation
overriding the effects from vegetation greenness
and phenological stage. In our study, we found that
the seasonal development of g
also generally fol-
lowed day length in both years indicating an
internal control of vegetation development, which
is further modified by between-year differences in
abiotic drivers, that is, T
and cloudiness effects on
PAR. However, although a similar hysteresis was
observed between day length and GEP, the devia-
tions of GEP from this trajectory were closely
associated with those of g
. For instance, the
slower decline of GEP in autumn 2012 (with day
length decreasing from 19 to 17 h) matched the
slower decline of g
during the same period. Fur-
thermore, the marginal contribution of day length
in explaining variations in GEP in the stepwise
regression analysis suggests that photoperiodic
down-regulation of plant photosynthesis in au-
tumn may be less important than vegetation phe-
nology in this northern peatland ecosystem.
Possibly, given that maximum day length occurs
before the growing season peak at high latitudes,
the onset of vegetation senescence might lag the
seasonal cycle of day length to extend and maxi-
mize the length of the plant CO
uptake period in
northern boreal mires.
Our findings suggest that the concept of the
GDDS is also useful in explaining and predicting
vegetation phenology in mire ecosystems. Overall,
we found that T
expressed as GDDS best explained
and between-year differences in the onset of the
spring vegetation green-up. Similarly, Ide and
Oguma (2010) reported a strong correlation be-
tween inter-annual variations in green-up dates
and local spring temperature in forested dry and
wetland ecosystems in Japan. Furthermore, a cer-
tain GDDS threshold, which has long been known
to exist for various plant species (Russelle and
others 1984), may also exist for the mire vascular
plant community. Thus, temperature patterns prior
to the growing season appear to be important with
respect to determining the timing of the GDDS
threshold required for triggering the vegetation
green-up. This further implies that future climatic
changes in the pre-growing season temperature
patterns may potentially result in significant alter-
ations of mire phenology and CO
Relationship Between Mire Phenology,
Abiotic Variables and Ecosystem CO
We observed a strong correlation between g
rived from the digital image archive and the mire
ecosystem CO
exchange, especially with GEP. The
between-year differences in the onset and devel-
opment of GEP during the spring vegetation green-
up period were strongly correlated with g
. Fur-
thermore, vegetation phenology, described by g
was identified as an important control on GEP
during the early growing season. During this green-
up period, vegetation development may therefore
be considered as the limiting factor setting a po-
tential baseline for GEP, which then is further
modified by fluctuations in the abiotic drivers such
as PAR and T
. Thus, greater GEP, ER, and en-
hanced net CO
uptake in 2011 compared to 2012
were likely the results of both earlier and enhanced
vegetation development during spring and more
favorable abiotic conditions during summer
weather events with higher T
and PAR.
In contrast, vegetation greenness played a less
important role in controlling the temporal pattern
of GEP in the summer period during which LAI and
chlorophyll content remain relatively constant at
their maximum. At this stage, variations in abiotic
controls govern the CO
flux patterns. For instance,
reduced PAR during a cloudy period in July 2012
Phenology Controls on Peatland Carbon Dioxide Exchange 127
was directly reflected in simultaneous reductions in
NEE, GEP, and ER. Moreover, similar maxima of
the g
suggest that between-year differences in
abiotic controls primarily determined the different
magnitudes of the growing season maxima of the
ecosystem CO
The observed correlations of g
with NEE and ER
might have resulted from temporal changes in GEP
and plant biomass which affected NEE but also ER
via the autotrophic respiration component (Chapin
and others 2006). Because both the heterotrophic
respiration component of ER and plant growth are
temperature driven (commonly resulting in a
strong temporal autocorrelation between T
plant biomass during the summer), ER is usually
related to T
. This is further supported in this study
where T
was statistically the strongest predictor of
ER. However, it is important to note that a con-
siderable amount of ER is produced from auto-
trophic plant respiration even in peatland
ecosystems (Hardie and others 2009) and thus di-
rectly linked to biomass, rather than to T
. Fur-
thermore, the between-year pattern and timing of
the switch from continuously higher net CO
take, GEP, and ER fluxes during the early summer
to lower net CO
uptake, GEP, and ER fluxes dur-
ing the later summer in 2011 (relative to 2012)
corresponded directly to those observed for g
comparison, this clear between-year pattern was
not apparent in the T
and PAR time series. Thus,
differences in the amount and development of
plant biomass, as described by g
, were a major
driver of the between-year variations in NEE, GEP,
and ER in this study.
It is noteworthy that, although vegetation
development and hence canopy greenness ap-
peared as an important control for the spring onset
and temporal patterns of the ecosystem CO
(specifically GEP) during certain periods (that is,
spring and autumn) in this study, vegetation phe-
nology itself was related to abiotic controls, which
thus indirectly exerts effects on the ecosystem CO
exchange. Disentangling interactions among biotic
and abiotic controls and their direct and indirect
effects on the mire ecosystem CO
exchange re-
mains therefore a future research challenge (Tekl-
emariam and others 2010).
We used chromatic coordinates derived from a
digital image archive to investigate mire phenology
and its control on the CO
exchange estimated with
the EC method over 2 years (2011–2012) in a
minerogenic mire in northern Sweden. Based on
our findings we conclude:
Seasonal patterns of the green and red chromatic
coordinates (g
and r
) were well related to those
of the destructively sampled vascular plant leaf
area and of the water table level, respectively.
Moreover, the g
was able to distinguish green
plant biomass from non-photosynthesizing plant
material. In addition, the r
might provide useful
additional information on the water table dynam-
ics and related plant moisture status. Thus, the use
of chromatic coordinates derived from digital
repeat photography may serve as an inexpensive,
simple but effective method for the automated
and continuous quantification of mire phenology.
The main control on g
and on the onset of the
spring vegetation green-up was air temperature
expressed as the growing degree-day sum (GDDS).
The existence of a GDDS threshold as trigger for
mire vascular plant green-up suggests that pre-
growing season temperature patterns and its
modification by future climatic changes may have
significant implications for mire phenology and
Between-year differences in the timing of the
onset and flux magnitudes of net ecosystem CO
uptake (NEE), gross ecosystem production (GEP),
and ecosystem respiration (ER) in spring could be
well explained by the differences in mire phenol-
ogy, described by g
. Moreover, g
was also an
important control on GEP and ER during the
autumn senescence period. In contrast, between-
year differences in the growing season maxima
and short-term fluctuations in NEE, GEP, and ER
were predominantly governed by abiotic controls,
specifically by air temperature and incoming
photosynthetically active radiation. Thus, mire
vegetation development might control and set the
potential baseline, whereas abiotic drivers further
determine peak magnitudes and short-term vari-
ations in the net exchange of CO
and its compo-
nent fluxes, GEP and ER, in peatland ecosystems.
This study was financed by the Swedish Research
Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences
and Spatial Planning (Grant No. 2007-666). We
also acknowledge the Kempe Foundation for the
grants supporting the micrometeorological instru-
mentation. Support from the Integrated Carbon
Observation System (ICOS) Sweden research
infrastructure (Swedish Research Council) is also
acknowledged. We thank Pernilla Lo
¨fvenius for the
128 M. Peichl and others
maintenance of the digital camera set-up and
management of the digital image archive. We also
thank Jo
¨rgen Sagerfors, Paul Smith, and Mikaell
Ottosson Lo
¨fvenius for helpful discussions of this
research work and for maintenance of the eddy
covariance and meteorological instrumentation at
the field site.
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Phenology Controls on Peatland Carbon Dioxide Exchange 131
... Automated and continuous imagery with minimal cloud-related disruptions provided by phenocam, making it a cost-effective method for monitoring vegetation dynamics (Richardson et al., 2009). The seasonal changes of GCC, obtained from red, green, and blue pixels, has been demonstrated to closely correlate with eddy covariance GPP across various studies (Linkosalmi et al., 2016;Peichl et al., 2014;Saitoh et al., 2012). Light use efficiency (LUE) models have employed the GCC derived from phenocam to simulate canopy GPP (Zhou et al., 2019;Zhou et al., 2020). ...
Vegetation phenology serves as an important indicator for climate change and plays a crucial role in affecting the terrestrial water, energy, and carbon cycles. The green chromatic coordinate (GCC) obtained from digital repeat photographs has been widely applied in estimating phenology from the perspective of greenness, while the performance of satellite derived GCC is not well understood. We used flux tower GPP from seven deciduous broadleaf forest (DBF) and three grassland (GRA) sites over the Northern Hemisphere. The aim was to compare phenological events with GCC (obtained from digital repeat photographs and satellite remote sensing (GCC MO-DIS)) and the enhanced vegetation index (EVI). Meanwhile, we also explored the performance of these three indices in simulating GPP utilizing the light use efficiency (LUE) model at the DBF and GRA sites. Phenology retrieved by GCC, GCC MODIS , and EVI was all significantly correlated with GPP-estimated values at all sites (P < 0.001). It indicates the comparable performance of GCC, GCC MODIS , and EVI in estimating phenological events. The RMSE values between the GPP and three indices-estimated phenological events revealed that the three indices excelled in estimating the start of growing season (SOS) compared to the end of growing season (EOS) and the length of growing season (GSL). In terms of GPP estimation performance, the R 2 values of GCC MODIS and EVI-estimated GPP increased by 2 % and 1 %, respectively, compared to GCC-simulated GPP. Meanwhile, the RMSE values for GCC MODIS and EVI reduced by 0.08, and the bias values were reduced by 0.06 and 0.12, respectively. This study showed that GCC obtained from satellite remote sensing data could be utilized as an effective tool in extracting phenology and has a great potential to estimate GPP, at least across the DBF and GRA regions.
... Leaf phenology plays a key role in ecosystem productivity, by controlling photosynthetic rates and carbon cycle (Reich, 1995;Richardson et al., 2013;Piao et al., 2019). Camera-derived G cc index is widely used to track phenological leafing transitions and has been related to gross primary productivity in temperate forests, and grasslands (Peichl et al., 2015;Toomey et al., 2015), and more recently to tropical ecosystems (Alberton et al., 2023). ...
... Changes in both vegetation structure and leaf area development are relevant in altering ecosystem productivity (Bu et al., 2011;Koebsch et al., 2020;Mäkiranta et al., 2018;Peichl et al., 2015;Wilson et al., 2007). There are some indications that climate change could lengthen the phenological growing season of peatland vegetation, partly because of the extended period of conditions suitable for plant growth (Mäkiranta et al., 2018), and partly due to species turnover (Korrensalo et al., 2018). ...
Climate warming and projected increase in summer droughts puts northern peatlands under pressure by subjecting them to a combination of gradual drying and extreme weather events. The combined effect of those on peatland functions is poorly known. Here, we studied the impact of long-term water level drawdown (WLD) and contrasting weather conditions on leaf phenology and biomass production of ground level vegetation in boreal peatlands. Data were collected during two contrasting growing seasons from a WLD experiment including a rich and a poor fen and an ombrotrophic bog. Results showed that WLD had a strong effect on both leaf area development and biomass production, and these responses differed between peatland types. In the poor fen and the bog, WLD increased plant growth, while in the rich fen, WLD reduced the growth of ground level vegetation. Plant groups differed in their response, as WLD reduced the growth of graminoids, while shrubs and tree seedlings benefited from it. In addition, the vegetation adjusted to the lower WTs, was more responsive to short-term climatic variations. The warmer summer resulted in a greater maximum and earlier peaking of leaf area index, and greater biomass production by vascular plants and Sphagnum mosses at WLD sites. In particular, graminoids benefitted from the warmer conditions. The change towards greater production in the WLD sites in general and during the warmer weather in particular, was related to the observed transition in plant functional type composition towards arboreal vegetation.
... The photosynthesizing biomass of different plant functional types was also important to consider in NEE (Laine et al., 2012). This motivated the use of different satellite-derived vegetation indices (Schubert et al., 2010;Wißkirchen et al., 2013;Zhou S. et al., 2016) or digital repeat photography based chromatic coordinates (Peichl et al., 2015) to explain phenology effects on C fluxes. Remote sensing land surface temperature products were also used to estimate Reco (Ai et al., 2018). ...
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Boreal peatlands represent a biogeochemically unique and diverse environment in high-latitude landscape. They represent a long-term globally significant sink for carbon dioxide and a source of methane, hence playing an important role in regulating the global climate. There is an increasing interest in deciphering peatland biogeochemical processes to improve our understanding of how anthropogenic and climate change effects regulate the peatland biogeochemistry and greenhouse gas balances. At present, most studies investigating land-atmosphere exchanges of peatland ecosystems are commonly based on single-tower setups, which require the assumption of homogeneous conditions during upscaling to the landscape. However, the spatial organization of peatland complexes might feature large heterogeneity due to its varying underlying topography and vegetation composition. Little is known about how well single site studies represent the spatial variations of biogeochemical processes across entire peatland complexes. The recently established Kulbäcksliden Research Infrastructure (KRI) includes five peatland study sites located less than 3 km apart, thus providing a unique opportunity to explore the spatial variation in ecosystem-scale processes across a typical boreal peatland complex. All KRI sites are equipped with eddy covariance flux towers combined with installations for detailed monitoring of biotic and abiotic variables, as well as catchment-scale hydrology and hydrochemistry. Here, we review studies that were conducted in the Kulbäcksliden area and provide a description of the site characteristics as well as the instrumentation available at the KRI. We highlight the value of long-term infrastructures with ecosystem-scale and replicated experimental sites to advance our understanding of peatland biogeochemistry, hydrology, ecology, and its feedbacks on the environment and climate system.
... Such effects can be either positive (Tveraa et al. 2013) or negative (Kerby and Post 2013), depending on the underlying mechanism of action. Advancing onset of greening can also lead to mismatching phenologies for migratory species with implications of population trends (e.g., Saino et al. 2011), and influence CO2 exchange in boreal mires (Peichl et al. 2015). Although studies are accumulating documenting many such direct effects of changes in onset of greening, there are still significant shortcomings in our understanding across ecosystems, especially of lagged effects (see for instance Buermann et al. 2018). ...
Technical Report
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The panel-based assessment of ecosystem condition (PAEC) is an evidence-based ap-proach to assess the condition of Norwegian ecosystems. The assessment is carried out by an expert panel with broad expertise in the ecosystems to be assessed and is inspired by approaches used in international assessments such as IPCC and IPBES. The assessment follows an earlier developed protocol. In this report, PAEC is piloted for major terrestrial ecosystems in the county of Trøndelag; forest, alpine, open-lowlands, and wetlands. For each ecosystem, a list of indicators of change in ecosystem condition in response to anthropogenic drivers is developed. The indicators fall within seven main ecosystem char-acteristics: primary production, biomass distribution among trophic levels, functional groups within trophic levels, functionally important species, biological diversity, landscape ecologi-cal patterns, and abiotic factors. The expected change in indicators in response to anthro-pogenic drivers are termed phenomena, and their selection is based on published literature, including reference to the confidence of a change being observed in response to anthropo-genic drivers and the mechanism leading to a deterioration in ecosystem state. Datasets to quantify each indicator are identified and collated and the quality of each dataset is assessed in terms of its spatial and temporal appropriateness. In the first assessment step, the validity (VP) of each phenomenon is scored and used to infer confidence in the causal relationship between changes in the indicator and anthropo-genic drivers. The next step is an evaluation of the biological and statistical significance of the evidence for the occurrence of each phenomenon, termed evidence (EP) of the phe-nomenon. The third step is a consolidated assessment of the ecological state based on the associated indicators and phenomena, first for each ecosystem characteristic, and subse-quently for the ecosystem as a whole. The assessment is based on the validity, the quality of the evidence, and the data quality for each phenomenon. This provides a qualitative as-sessment of deviation from the reference condition of “no deviation”, “limited deviation” or “substantial deviation”. The assessments are each supported by narrative accounts. The pilot assessment involved analysis of 24 datasets documenting 41 indicators. Several indi-cators were included in multiple ecosystems. In total there were 27 indicators used for forest ecosystems, 24 for alpine ecosystems, and 16 in each of wetlands and open lowlands. In the forest ecosystems, substantial deviation from the reference condition was identified for five of the ecosystem characteristics. The two exceptions were primary productivity where there was a limited deviation from the reference condition, and biological diversity where there was no deviation from the reference condition (but the latter was based on a single indicator and hence an entirely inadequate indicator coverage). The deviations were found primarily in climatic variables, cervids and their forage and predators, and dead wood. Overall, the forest ecosystem was assessed as having a substantial deviation from the ref-erence condition. In the alpine ecosystems, substantial deviation from the reference condition was identified for the abiotic ecosystem characteristic, largely attributed to indicators associated with tem-perature, seasonality, and snow. Limited deviation from the reference condition was as-sessed for functionally important species and primary productivity (both based on a partially NINA Report 2094 4 adequate indicator coverage) and for biological diversity, functional groups within trophic levels and landscape ecological patterns (but these were based on an inadequate indicator coverage). For the ecosystem characteristic biomass distribution among trophic levels, the quality of evidence was insufficient to conclude regarding the condition of the single indicator involved, and no overall assessment of this ecosystem characteristic could be undertaken. Overall, the alpine ecosystem was assessed as having limited deviation from the reference condition. For both open lowland and wetland ecosystems, several ecosystem characteristics were not assessed due to a lack of relevant indicator datasets. For this reason, no overall assess-ment of the ecosystems as a whole could be undertaken. However, for both ecosystems, there was a substantial deviation from the reference condition for abiotic factors (tempera-ture, seasonality, and snow). In open lowlands, there was a substantial deviation in func-tionally important species (ungulates) and limited deviation in primary productivity and bio-logical diversity. In wetlands, there was a limited deviation from the reference condition in primary productivity, biological diversity, and landscape ecological patterns. Most challenges encountered during this pilot assessment related to the inadequacy of the datasets for assessing ecosystem condition. Reasons behind this include that ecosystem ex-tents are not adequately mapped, particularly those characterised by small and fragmented patches, and a taxonomic or geographical limitation of datasets and environmental monitoring. The report suggests further development of indicators for operational application. Finally, the report also suggests knowledge needs and prioritisation for further research to support the future implementation of ecosystem assessments in Norway.
... In Europe, M. Peichl et al. used rephotography for phenology and climate research: They monitored vegetation phenology in a boreal mire in northern Sweden [19]. Furthermore, they found that rephotography is a valuable tool to measure both mire phenology and carbon dioxide exchange. ...
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Repeat photography, the process of locating the camera position of an old photo and taking a new photo from this position, is utilized to protect our natural heritage, by measuring landscape changes between old and new image, and to conserve and recover our architectural and archaeological heritage, by observing changes between images taken before, during, and after conservation efforts or destructive events. Most importantly, repeat photography—in short, rephotography—is connecting us to our heritage on all levels from personal to global: while rephotographing, we connect with the old image and its creator and—when viewing and comparing the old image and the rephotograph—we connect with the tangible, intangible, and natural heritage shown in the images by observing changes and continuities. In this paper, we review publications and applications employing rephotography. We discuss the organization, retrieval, and presentation of rephotographic compilations, their generation by different image registration techniques, and their conservation as rephotographic heritage. Further, we describe challenges in rephotography, discuss how they differ from standard challenges in photography, computer vision, and image registration and present both analog and digital solutions and tools used in practice by rephotographers to address said challenges.
... To assess the effects of vegetation development on GHG fluxes, we determined the ground vegetation areal coverage defined as the projected area of vegetation over a unit of land (m 2 m − 2 ). In addition, we took overhead images of each frame in October 2018 and in July 2019 to derive a vegetation greenness index defined by the green chromatic coordinate (g cc ) (Järveoja et al., 2016a;Peichl et al., 2015;Sonnentag et al., 2012) (Eq. (2)). ...
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Ditch cleaning (DC) is a well-established forestry practice across Fennoscandia to lower water table levels (WTL) and thereby facilitate the establishment of tree seedlings following clear-cutting. However, the implications from these activities for ecosystem-atmosphere greenhouse gas (GHG) exchanges are poorly understood at present. We assessed the initial DC effects on the GHG fluxes in a forest clear-cut on a drained fertile peatland in hemiboreal Sweden, by comparing chamber measurements of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes from soil and ditches in DC and uncleaned (UC) areas over the first two post-harvest years. We also evaluated spatial effects by comparing fluxes at 4 m and 40 m from ditches. We found that 2 years after DC, mean (±standard error) WTL of −65 ± 2 cm was significantly lower in the DC area compared to −56 ± 2 cm in the UC area. We further observed lower gross primary production and ecosystem respiration in the first year after DC which coincided with delayed development of herbaceous ground vegetation. We also found higher CH4 uptake but no difference in N2O fluxes after DC. Greater CH4 uptake occurred at 4 m compared to 40 m away from both cleaned and uncleaned ditches. Model extrapolation suggests that total annual GHG emissions in the second year were reduced from 49.4 ± 17.0 t-CO2-eq-ha⁻¹-year⁻¹ in the UC area to 27.8 ± 10.3 t-CO2-eq-ha⁻¹-year⁻¹ in the DC area. A flux partitioning approach suggested that this was likely caused by decreased heterotrophic respiration, possibly because of enhanced soil dryness following DC during the dry meteorological conditions. CH4 and N2O fluxes from clear-cut areas contributed <2 % to the total (soil, ditches) GHG budget. Similarly the area-weighted contributions by CO2 and CH4 emissions from both cleaned and uncleaned ditches were <2 %. Thus, our study highlights that DC may considerably alter the post-harvest GHG fluxes of drained peatland forests. However, long-term observations under various site conditions and forest rotation stages are warranted to better understand DC effects on the forest GHG balance.
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The paper focuses on the seasonal oil accumulation in traditional and super-high density (SHD) olive plantations and its modelling employing image-based linear models. For these purposes, at 7-10-day intervals, fruit samples (cultivar Arbequina, Fasola, Frantoio, Koroneiki, Leccino, Maiatica) were pictured and images segmented to extract the Red (R), Green (G), and Blue (B) mean pixel values which were re-arranged in 35 RGB-derived colorimetric indexes (CIs). After imaging, the samples were crushed and oil concentration was determined (NIR). The analysis of the correlation between oil and CIs revealed a differential hysteretic behavior depending on the covariates (CI and cultivar). The hysteresis area (Hyst) was then quantified and used to rank the CIs under the hypothesis that CIs with the maximum or minimum Hyst had the highest correlation coefficient and were the most suitable predictors within a general linear model. The results show that the predictors selected according to Hyst-based criteria had high accuracy as determined using a Global Performance Indicator (GPI) accounting for various performance metrics (R ², RSME, MAE). The use of a general linear model here presented is a new computational option integrating current methods mostly based on artificial neural networks. RGB-based image phenotyping can effectively predict key quality traits in olive fruit supporting the transition of the olive sector towards a digital agriculture domain.
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Abstract Our understanding of the impact of climate change on forests is constrained by a lack of long-term phenological monitoring. It is generally carried out via (1) ground observations, (2) satellite-based remote sensing, and (3) near-surface remote sensing (e.g., PhenoCams, unmanned aerial vehicles, etc.). Ground-based observations are limited by space, time, funds, and human observer bias. Satellite-based phenological monitoring does not carry these limitations; however, it is generally associated with larger uncertainties due to atmospheric noise, land cover mixing, and the modifiable area unit problem. In this context, near-surface remote sensing technologies, e.g., PhenoCam, emerge as a promising alternative complementing ground and satellite-based observations. Ground-based phenological observations generally record the following key parameters: leaves (bud stage, mature, abscission), flowers (bud stage, anthesis, abscission), and fruit (bud stage, maturation, and abscission). This review suggests that most of these nine parameters can be recorded using PhenoCam with >90% accuracy. Currently, Phenocameras are situated in the US, Europe, and East Asia, with a stark paucity over Africa, South America, Central, South-East, and South Asia. There is a need to expand PhenoCam monitoring in underrepresented regions, especially in the tropics, to better understand global forest dynamics as well as the impact of global change on forest ecosystems. Here, we spotlight India and discuss the need for a new PhenoCam network covering the diversity of Indian forests and its possible applications in forest management at a local level. Keywords: phenology; Indian PhenoCam; forest management; long term monitoring Weblink:
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Vegetation phenology, which refers to the seasonal changes in plant physiology, biomass and plant cover, is affected by many abiotic factors, such as precipitation, temperature and water availability. Phenology is also associated with the carbon dioxide (CO2) exchange between ecosystems and the atmosphere. We employed digital cameras to monitor the vegetation phenology of three northern boreal peatlands during five growing seasons. We derived a greenness index (green chromatic coordinate, GCC) from the images and combined the results with measurements of CO2 flux, air temperature and high-resolution satellite data (Sentinel-2). From the digital camera images it was possible to extract greenness dynamics on the vegetation community and even species level. The highest GCC and daily maximum gross photosynthetic production (GPPmax) were observed at the site with the highest nutrient availability and richest vegetation. The short-term temperature response of GCC depended on temperature and varied among the sites and months. Although the seasonal development and year-to-year variation in GCC and GPPmax showed consistent patterns, the short-term variation in GPPmax was explained by GCC only during limited periods. GCC clearly indicated the main phases of the growing season, and peatland vegetation showed capability to fully compensate for the impaired growth resulting from a late growing season start. The GCC data derived from Sentinel-2 and digital cameras showed similar seasonal courses, but a reliable timing of different phenological phases depended upon the temporal coverage of satellite data.
The pulse of life with the seasons is a classic theme of biology, equally cap­ turing every man's curiosity about early and late milestones of every year's cycle and the critical physiologist's inquiry into life's subtle signals and responses. Natural historians of ancient and renaissance time as well as today have charted the commonsense facts behind inspired traditions of poetry and practical rules for growing food and fiber. This volume brings together several ways of organizing the basic principles of phenology. These find order in the otherwise overwhelming mass of detail that captures our fleeting attention, like the daily newspaper, and then tends to fade into the overstuffed archives of history. Is this order so obvious and understandable that there is no longer any scien­ tific challenge to "phenology" as a tradition? Or does apparent simplicity mask a complex and ultimately baffling obstacle to the understanding of seasonality in even those few indicator plants and animals we know best, not to men­ tion the less known species or races making up the rest of each major land­ scape unit or ecosystem? Denying both these hasty opinions, we think that this volume well illustrates a range of questions and answers-from soundly established (but not trivial) doctrine to exciting inquiry about how ecosystems are organized.
Digital repeat photography is becoming widely used for near-surface remote sensing of vegetation. Canopy greenness, which has been used extensively for phenological applications, can be readily quantified from camera images. Important questions remain, however, as to whether the observed changes in canopy greenness are directly related to changes in leaf-level traits, changes in canopy structure, or some combination thereof. We investigated relationships between canopy greenness and various metrics of canopy structure and function, using five years (2008–2012) of automated digital imagery, ground observations of phenological transitions, leaf area index (LAI) measurements, and eddy covariance estimates of gross ecosystem photosynthesis from the Harvard Forest, a temperate deciduous forest in the northeastern United States. Additionally, we sampled canopy sunlit leaves on a weekly basis throughout the growing season of 2011. We measured physiological and morphological traits including leaf size, mass (wet/dry), nitrogen content, chlorophyll fluorescence, and spectral reflectance and characterized individual leaf color with flatbed scanner imagery. Our results show that observed spring and autumn phenological transition dates are well captured by information extracted from digital repeat photography. However, spring development of both LAI and the measured physiological and morphological traits are shown to lag behind spring increases in canopy greenness, which rises very quickly to its maximum value before leaves are even half their final size. Based on the hypothesis that changes in canopy greenness represent the aggregate effect of changes in both leaf-level properties (specifically, leaf color) and changes in canopy structure (specifically, LAI), we developed a two end-member mixing model. With just a single free parameter, the model was able to reproduce the observed seasonal trajectory of canopy greenness. This analysis shows that canopy greenness is relatively insensitive to changes in LAI at high LAI levels, which we further demonstrate by assessing the impact of an ice storm on both LAI and canopy greenness. Our study provides new insights into the mechanisms driving seasonal changes in canopy greenness retrieved from digital camera imagery. The nonlinear relationship between canopy greenness and canopy LAI has important implications both for phenological research applications and for assessing responses of vegetation to disturbances.
Color slide images of weeds among various soils and residues were digitized and analyzed for red, green, and blue (RGB) color content. Red, green, and blue chromatic coordinates (rgb) of plants were very different from those of background soils and residue. To distinguish living plant material from a nonplant background, several indices of chromatic coordinates were studied, tested, and were successful in identifying weeds. The indices included r-g, g-b, (g-b)||r-g|, and 2g-r-b. A modified hue was also used to distinguish weeds from non-plant surfaces. The modified hue, 2g-r-b index, and the green chromatic coordinate distinguished weeds from a nonplant background (0.05 level of significance) better than other indices. However, the modified hue was the most computationally intense. These indices worked well for both nonshaded and shaded sunlit conditions. These indices could be used for sensor design for detecting weeds for spot spraying control.
[1] This study investigated patterns and controls of the seasonal and inter-annual variations in energy fluxes (i.e., sensible heat, H, and latent heat, λE) and partitioning of the water budget (i.e., precipitation, P; evapotranspiration, ET; discharge, Q; and soil water storage, ∆S) over five years (2001–2005) in a boreal oligotrophic fen in northern Sweden based on continuous eddy covariance, water table level (WTL), and weir measurements. For the growing season (May 1 to September 31), the 5 year averages (± standard deviation) of the midday (10:00 to 14:00 h) Bowen ratio (β, i.e., H/λE) was 0.86 ± 0.08. Seasonal and inter-annual variability of β was mainly driven by λE which itself was strongly controlled by both weather (i.e., vapor pressure deficit, D, and net radiation, Rn) and physiological parameters (i.e., surface resistance). During the growing season, surface resistance largely exceeded aerodynamic resistance, which together with low mean values of the actual ET to potential ET ratio (0.55 ± 0.05) and Priestley-Taylor α (0.89) suggests significant physiological constrains on ET in this well-watered fen. Among the water budget components, the inter-annual variability of ET was lower (199 to 298 mm) compared to Q (225 to 752 mm), with each accounting on average for 34 and 65% of the ecosystem water loss, respectively. The fraction of P expended into ET was negatively correlated to P and positively to Rn. Although a decrease in WTL caused a reduction of the surface conductance, the overall effect of WTL on ET was limited. Non-growing season (October 1 to April 30) fluxes of H, λE, and Q were significant representing on average −67%, 13%, and 61%, respectively, of their growing season sums (negative sign indicates opposite flux direction between the two seasons). Overall, our findings suggest that plant functional type composition, P and Rn dynamics (i.e., amount and timing) were the major controls on the partitioning of the mire energy and water budgets. This has important implications for the regional climate as well as for ecosystem development, nutrient, and carbon dynamics.
phenology, a sensitive indicator of climate change, influences vegetation-atmosphere interactions by changing the carbon and water cycles from local to global scales. Camera-based phenological observations of the color changes of the vegetation canopy throughout the growing season have become popular in recent years. However, the linkages between camera phenological metrics and leaf biochemical, biophysical, and spectral properties are elusive. We measured key leaf properties including chlorophyll concentration and leaf reflectance on a weekly basis from June to November 2011 in a white oak forest on the island of Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, USA. Concurrently, we used a digital camera to automatically acquire daily pictures of the tree canopies. We found that there was a mismatch between the camera-based phenological metric for the canopy greenness (green chromatic coordinate, gcc) and the total chlorophyll and carotenoids concentration and leaf mass per area during late spring/early summer. The seasonal peak of gcc is approximately 20 days earlier than the peak of the total chlorophyll concentration. During the fall, both canopy and leaf redness were significantly correlated with the vegetation index for anthocyanin concentration, opening a new window to quantify vegetation senescence remotely. Satellite- and camera-based vegetation indices agreed well, suggesting that camera-based observations can be used as the ground validation for satellites. Using the high-temporal resolution dataset of leaf biochemical, biophysical, and spectral properties, our results show the strengths and potential uncertainties to use canopy color as the proxy of ecosystem functioning.