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The problem of motion of different test particles, charged and spinning objects with a constant spin tensor in different versions of the bimetric theory of gravity is considered by deriving their corresponding path and path deviation equations using a modified Bazanski Lagrangian. Such a Lagrangian, as in the framework of Riemannian geometry, has a capability to obtain path and path deviations of any object simultaneously. This method enables us to derive the path and path deviation equations of different objects orbiting in very strong gravitational fields.
arXiv:1502.04415v1 [gr-qc] 16 Feb 2015
Motion in Bimetric Type Theories of Gravity
February 17, 2015
M.E.Kahil1 2
The problem of motion for different test particles , charged and spinning objects
of constant spinning tensor in different versions of bimetric theory of gravity is
obtained by deriving their corresponding path and path deviation equations, using
a modified Bazanski in presence of Riemannian geometry. This method enables us
to find path and path deviation equations of different objects orbiting very strong
gravitational fields.
1 Bimetric Theories: A brief introduction
General relativity is considered a land mark in history of science of being, during the last
century, a pioneer non-linear theory of gravity[1]. Yet, some problems have been remained
unsolved due to applying Riemannian geometry in its explanation. One of these difficul-
ties is related to the law of conservation of energy and momentum [2], which is dealt by
considering the metrical tensor as flat one at great distances from the gravitational source.
Rosen [3,4]introduced a remedy to this problem by proposing two different metrics gµν
representing the gravitational source and giving a curved space and γµν describing a phys-
ical one expressing an inertial frame and becoming a flat space. Using this assumption,
it can be found that the field equations of Einstein imply to a theory of gravitation in
flat space . A problem arises because the pseudo-tensor quantities in Orthodox General
Relativity then turn out to be tensorial ones [2]. This led Yalmoz [5] to examine a new
class of solutions for the field equations of Rosen’s theory of gravitation to solve the dif-
ficulty of dealing with the flat metric. But, a slight problem has emerged in that, the
speed of light is no longer constant as confirmed experimentally in the realm of Special
Relativity. Such a problem is counted to be a virtue by expressing Moffat’s approach of
a bi-metric theory of gravity for a variable speed of light, as it helps to reveal the puzzle
of dark energy problem. This approach may be expressed by means of two metrics are
likened to each other in terms of gradients of scalar /biscalar fields to explain the rapid
expansion of galaxies is due to change of speed of light from one epoch to another that
1Scientific Thinking Division, The American University in Cairo, New Cairo, Egypt
2Egyptian Relativity Group. Cairo, Egypt
i.e. dark energy can be interpreted This type of theories are expressing how inflation
senecio of the universe is due to Bi-metric version of variable speed of light [7] . Some
applications using the Moffat formalism of bi-metric theory of gravity are explaining the
causal description of quantum entanglement [8] and testing the propagation of neutrinos
using OPERA experiment [9].
Another problem in GR is inability to explain the rotation curves of spiral galaxies.
Milgram [10] proposed a specific treatment by performing a modified Newtonian Dynam-
ics paradigm (MOND)that was able to explain its causality, apart from appealing to dark
matter problem. A new step has been taken successively to extend MOND to be expressed
in terms of bi-metric theory to be produce BIMOND [11] by having two field equations
describing matter and twin-matter[12] may be used for examining the existence of gravita-
tional waves and explaining two interacting 4D membranes[13]. Recently, Hassan-Rosen
[14] developed an extension of the present bi-metric theory using the concept of bi-gravity,
which used two metrics describing their gravitational fields. In doing so, they discard the
earlier bimetric theories metrics in which one metric describes gravity while the other is
physical. Accordingly, a new massive gravity theory for spin-2 , free from ghosts, has been
obtained [15]. Several applications of these types of theories are viable in dealing with
obtaining field equations for very strong gravitational fields of neutron stars [16], which
suggests the possibility to examine black holes and super-massive black holes e.g Sgr A*
by studying the stability of objects orbiting in these fields. This hypothesis is essentially
to be examined.
2 Motion in Bimetric theories
Theories of gravity may help to explain the functioning of different objects. For example,
Rosen[3] obtained the equation of motion in bimetric theory of gravitation for a test
particle. These equations were solved by Isrealit[17] in order to examine their behavior
in the case of small velocities and weak fields using past Newtonian approximation .
Also, Falik and Opher [18] applied the bimetric theory of gravity to find the field
equations associated with spinning neutron stars as an example of strong gravitational
field . This achievement opens the way to examine motion of different charged objects
and spinning ones in presence of a strong gravitational field as defined by Bi-metric type
theories. This led us to obtain the corresponding path and path deviation of different
objects , such as test particles, charged particle, spinning objects. These results are
determined by introducing a Lagrangian with a specific feature for obtaining the path
and path deviations. Therefore, the key role to this approach is based to obtain path and
path deviation equations for each of these objects using a specified Lagrangian for each
case. The aim of our study is obtaining equations of motion for objects using bimetric
theory originated from two metrics in one stands for gravitational field and the other
defines physical matter or both represent gravity.
2.1 Path and Path Deviation Equations: The Bazanski Ap-
Geodesic and geodesic deviation equations can be obtained from the following Bazanski
Lagrangian [19]:
Ds ,(1)
where Uαis a four vector velocity, Ψβits deviation vector, D
DS is a covariant derivative
with respect to gµν . If one takes the variation with respect to the deviation vector Ψρto
obtain geodesic equations:
dS + Γα
µν UµUν= 0,(2)
where Γα
µν is the Levi-Civita affine connection. Also, the same technique can be applied to
obtain the variation with respect to the tangent vector Uρto obtain the geodesic deviation
equations: DΨα
Where Rα
.βγδ the curvature of space time defined by the affine connection Γα
µν . The
above method has been applied in different geometries than the Riemannian one e.g.
non-Riemannian geometries admitting non-vanishing curvature and torsion tensors si-
multaneously [20-22]. This approach helps to implement the concept of geometrization
to include not only physics but also biological epidemic curves [23] as well as economic
complex systems in terms of information geometry [24]. Also, this Lagrangian has been
modified to describe the path equation of charged object to take the following form [25];
Ds +e
mFαβ UαΨβ(4)
to give
S+ Γα
µν UµUν=e
where Fµν is an electromagnetic tensor, e
mthe ratio between charge to mass of an object.
and its corresponding deviation equation becomes:
.µνρ UµUνΨρ+e
Ds +Fα
In the mean time the corresponding Papapetrou Equation for spinning objects with con-
stant spinning tensor [26] is obtained from the following Lagrangian :
DS +1
2mRαβγσUαΨβSγσ (7)
where Sµν is a spin tensor of a spinning object. By taking variation with respect to the
Ψαto obtain dUα
dS + Γα
µν UµUν=1
.µνρ Sρν Uµ(8)
and taking the variation with respect to Uαto obtain its deviation equation:
.µνρ UµUνΨρ+1
.µνρ Sνρ DΨν
Ds +Rα
µνλ Sµλ
µνλ;ρSν λUµΨρ),(9)
as well as the Dixon equation for spinning charged objects is expressed as [27]
dS + Γα
µν UµUν=e
.µνρ Sρν Uµ,(10)
while, its corresponding deviation equation becomes
.µνρ UµUνΨρ+e
Ds +Fα
;ρUνΨρ) + 1
.µνρ UµUνΨρ
.µνρ Sνρ DΨν
Ds +Rα
µνλ Sµλ
µνλ;ρSν λUµΨρ) (11)
The Papapetrou equation of a spinning object with precession [28]is obtained by a
modified Bazanski Lagrangian [29] :
Ds +1
2RαβγδSγ δ UβΨα(12)
to obtain equation of a spinning object by taking the variation with respect to the devi-
ation vector Ψα
DS (mU α+Uβ
DS ) = 1
.µνρ Sρν Uµ(13)
and its deviation equation can be obtained by taking the variation with respect to Uαto
.µνρ Uµ(mUν+Uβ
Ds ρ+gασ gνλ (mUλ+Uβ
Ds );σ
.µνρ Sνρ DΨµ
Ds +Rα
µνλ Sνλ
µνλ;ρSν λUµΨρ).(14)
2.2 Path and Path Deviation Equations in Weyl geometry
It is well known that in Weyl geometry the gravitational potential tensor is associated
with such a scalar field. From this perspective one can define a combined gravitation
potential tensor in the following manner [30]:
¯gµν =eφgµν ,(15)
Where ¯gµν is the Weyl gravitational potential, and φa scalar field, which may give raise to
introduce disformal transformation of any gravitational theory having two metrics defined
in the following way [31]
¯gµν = [Agµν +¯
φ ] (16)
where Aand ¯
Aare arbitrary constants .
Thus, in this type of geometry it can be defined its corresponding affine connection to
become :
βσ = Γα
βσ +1
2gαδ(gσδφ+gδβ φgβσ φ ) (17)
In order to obtain the geodesic equation in the following which can be obtained by applying
the action principle on the following Lagrangian:
L= ¯gµν UµUν(18)
to give
dS +¯
βσ UβUσ= 0,(19)
which is obtained by taking the variation with respect to Ψµon its a developed Lagrangian
mentioned in [32] :
L= ¯gµν Uµ(dΨν
dS +¯
And its corresponding deviation equation is obtained by taking the variation with respect
to Uµto become: ¯
.µνρ UµUνΨρ(21)
where ¯
.µνρ =¯
µρ,ν ¯
µν,ρ +¯
µρ ¯
σρ ¯
µρ ¯
(ii) Dixon-like Equation for spinning charged objects of Weyl geometry: Similarely,
we can obtain the Dixon -like path equation
dS +¯
µν UµUν=e
.µνρ Sρν Uµ(22)
and its corresponding deviation equation becomes:
.µνρ UµUνΨρ+e
DS +Fα
;ρUνΨρ) + 1
.µνρ UµUνΨρ
.µνρ Sνρ DΨν
Ds +¯
µνλ Sµλ
µνλ;ρSν λUµΨρ) (23)
2.3 Path and Path Deviation Equations of MOND
In this part, it is worth mentioning the path and path deviation of MOND paradigm
due to its vital role in explaining the vague regions due to dark matter problem that
are unknown by Newtonian/Einsteinain formulations i.e. revealing the nature of rotation
curves of spiral galaxies [33] Accordingly, some authors have studied motion of a test in
MOND [34]. This has led us to apply the Bazanski method in order to obtain the path
and path deviation equations for any test particle related to this paradigm.
L=gµν UαDΨβ
Ds +1
to give its path equation
dS + Γα
µν UµUν=1
and its deviation equation in the following way:
DS (26)
3 Path and Path deviation of Bimetric Theories
3.1 Path Equation and Path Deviation of Rosen’s Approach
Equations of motion of test particles subject to bimetric theory of gravity were obtained
by Rosen [4] in the following way:
dS + ∆µ
νσ UνUσ= 0,(27)
νσ = [Γµ
νσ γµ
νσ ],
and γµ
νσ is an affine connection defined by γµν .
Following the Rosen approach, Isrealit (1976) solved this type of motion using PPN ap-
proximation to be compared with the previous findings in GR. Lately, Foukzon et al [35]
studied the bimetric theory of gravitational inertial field in Riemannain and its relation-
ship with Finsler-Lagrange geometry and obtained the same path equation, which can be
obtained from the following Lagrangian:
L= (gµν γµν )UµUν.(28)
In an alternative way, we suggest its corresponding lagrangian which follows the Bazanki
Lagrangian to obtain the sets of equations of geodesic and geodesic deviation by taking
the ovation with respect to Ψ to obtain
L= (gµν γµν )UµDΨν
DS (29)
While, taking the variation with respect Uαwe obtain
S2= (Rα
βγσ Pα
where Ψν
dS + ∆µ
νσ ΨνUσ
and Pα
βγσ is the curvature tensor obtained by the affine connection γα
βδ [3].
Due to Rosen’s approach the curvature tensor Pα
βγσ = 0 which let equation (..) reduces
to 2Ψν
Also, for charged objects in bimetric theory of gravity, Falik and Rosen [36] obtained
their corresponding field equations , which led us to introduces the following Lagrangian
to obtain their corresponding path and path deviation equations:
L= (gµν γµν )UµΨν
mFµν UµΨν(30)
to give Uα
and its corresponding deviation equation becomes:
.µνρ UµUνΨρ+e
Moreover, Avakian et al.[16] studied the field equations of a spinning bodies in the
presence of Bimetric theory. Accordingly its the corresponding spinning equation can be
obtained from the following Lagrangian:
L= (gαβ γαβ)UαΨβ
2m(Rαβγσ Pαβγσ )UαΨβSγ σ (33)
we can apply its Bazanski approach to obtain its path equation:
dS + ∆α
µν UµUν=1
.µνρ Pα
.µνρ )Sρν UµUν(34)
and its corresponding deviation equation:
S2= (Rα
.µνρ Pα
.µνρ )UµUνΨρ+1
.µνρ Pα
.µνρ )Sνρ DΨν
+ (Rα
µνλ Sµλ
µνλ Sµλ
.|ρ)UνΨρ+ (Rα
µνλ|ρ)Sν λUµΨρ(35)
Thus, if we take into consideration that Pα
βγδ = 0, path equation becomes:
dS + ∆α
µν UµUν=1
.µνρ Sρν UµUν(36)
and its corresponding deviation equation becomes:
.µνρ UµUνΨρ+1
.µνρ Sνρ DΨν
Ds +1
µνλ (Sµλ
µνλ;ρSν λUµΨρ
3.2 Path and Path Deviation Equations of Moffat’s Approach
Moffat [6] presented the framework of VSL satisfying bimetric theory and its causality
to reveal the problem of dark energy due to VSL by introducing such a metric in the
following way.
ˆgµν =gµν +B∂µφ∂νφ(38)
where ˆgµν defines a specific matter metric tensor of a given matter field, Bis an arbitrary
constant has a dimension of [length]2and chosen to be positive and φis a biscalar field .
The inverse metrics gµν ˆgµν satisfy
gµνgµρ =δν
ˆgµν =gµν +B∂µφ∂νφ(40)
ˆgµν ˆgµρ =δν
Yet, the modification processes to control the casual propagation of the biscalar field led
to redefine (40) to become:
ˆgµν =gµν +B
Kµφνφ+KBqTµν ,(42)
where Kis an arbitrary constant and Tµν is a given energy-momentum tensor to control
the causal propagation of the biscalar field [9].
Consequently, the equation of geodesic can be obtained from taking the action on the
following Lagrangian
L= ˆgµν UµUν(43)
to become dUν
dS +ˆ
µρUρUµ= 0,(44)
µρ =1
2ˆgσν gρσ,µ + ˆgµσ,ρ ˆgρµ,σ)
Also, we suggest its corresponding lagrangian which follows the Bazanki lagrangian to
obtain the sets of equations of geodesic and geodesic deviation by taking the ovation with
respect to Ψαto obtain (44)
L= ˆgµν Uµˆ
DS (45)
While, taking the variation with respect to Uαto obtain:
where ˆ
βγδ =ˆ
βδ,γ ˆ
βδ ˆ
νγ ˆ
βγ ˆ
3.3 Path equations and Path deviation of BIMOND Type The-
In this section, we present the corresponding path and path deviation equation for test
particles or spinning objects in the presence of BIMOND theories. Accordingly , it is worth
mentioning at the beginning the above corresponding paths and there deviation equation
in MOND paradigm to be extended in case of its BIMOND version its corresponding path
equation becomes:
dS + (Γα
βγ ¯
βγ )UβUγ= 0
which can be formed from the following lagrangian by taking the variation with respect
to Ψα:
L= ˆgµν
where: DΨα
DS =dΨα
ds + (Γα
βγ ¯
βγ βUγ
and its corresponding deviation equation becomes;
DS2= (Rα
βγδ ¯
βγ δ γUδUβ
In case of BIMOND , Milgram [14] introduced the relationship between the two affine
connections as defined by gµν and γµν to become:
βρ = Γαβρ ¯
Γαβρ ,
such that [,,, ]:
, gµν;ρ=gδν Cδ
µρ +gδµCδ
γµν|ρ=γδν Cδ
µρ γδµCδ
νρ .
Thus, we suggest the following Lagrangian path and path deviation equations becomes
L=gµν Uµ¯
DS2+γµν UµD2Φν
2m(Rα.µνρ ¯
Rα.µνρ )Sνρ UµΨα
In case of spinning object
DU α
DS =1
.µνρ ¯
.µνρ )Sρν Uµ(46)
and its deviation equation can be obtained by taking the variation with respect to Uαto
become: D2Ψα
.µνρ UµUνΨρ+1
.µνρ ¯
.µνρ )
.µνρ Sνρ DΨν
Ds +(Rα
.µνρ Sµλ
.µνρ Sµλ
µνλ|ρ)Sν λUµΨρ
3.4 Generalized Path equations and Path Deviation of Bimetric
Hossenfelder [35] introduced an alternative version of bi-metric theory, having two different
metrics gand hof Lorentzian signature on a manifold Mone is defined in tangential space
TM and the other is in its co-tangential space T*M respectively. These can be regarded as
two sorts of matter and twin matter, existing individually , each of them has its own field
equations as defined within Riemannian geometry. In this part we are gong to present a
generalized form which can be present different types of path and path deviation which
can be explained for any bimetric theory which has two different metrics and curvatures
as defined by Riemannian geometry . Their Corresponding Lagrangian can be expressed
in the following way:
L=gµν Ψ;νUν+γµν Φ|νVµ,(48)
By considering
ds = 0 it will lead to two separate sets of path equations owing to each
parameter by applying the following Bazanski-like lagrangian:
L=gµν Ψ;νUνγµν Φ|νVµVν
DU α
DS = 0,(49)
and DV α
= 0 (50)
and their corresponding path deviation equations:
βγ δ UγUβΨδ,(51)
and D2Φα
βγ δ VγVβΦδ,(52)
Thus we suggest, the corresponding lagrangian to describe two independent sets of a
generalized path and path deviation equations:
L=gµν Ψ;νUνγµν Φ|νVµVν+fµΨµ+ˆ
m(eFµν +1
2Rµνρσ Sρσ )Uν
m(eFµν +1
2Sµνρσ Sρσ )Vν
. By taking the variation of Ψαand Φαwe obtain the generalized set of path deviation
DU α
DS =fα,(54)
and DV α
and taking the variation with respect to Uαand Vαto obtain the set of their corresponding
path deviation equations:
βγ δ UγUβΨδ+fα
DS (56)
and D2Φα
|ρΦρ+γαρ ¯
3.5 Path Equations and Path Deviation of Bi-gravity Type The-
Recently, Arkami et al[30] have suggested two independent metrics to explain bi-gravity
ds2=gµν dxµdxν
2=hµν dxµdxν
Thus, the variational method to obtain geodesic-like equations of bigravity theory is
expressed in the following way [36] :
Φα) + (
dS )2(d
Φα) = 0
to give the same results as mentioned by Arkani et al (2014)
DU µ
DS +hµν (
dS )DU µ
= 0 (58)
Applying the same technique of the Bazanski approach, we obtain its deviation equa-
tions to obtain:
βδγ UγUβΨδ] + (
dS )
βδγ VγVβΦδ],= 0 (59)
If one considers
ds 6= 0, the two metrics can be related to each other by means of a
quasimetric one [31].
˜gµν =gµν hµν +αg(gµν UµUν) + αh(hµν VµVν),(60)
such that
L= ˜gαβUα˜
DS ,(61)
βσ =1
2˜gαδgσδ,β + ˜gδβ ˜gβσ,δ)
and its corresponding Lagrangian:
L= ˜gµν Uµ(dΨν
dS +˜
ρδΨρUδ) (62)
Thus, equation of its path equation can be obtained by taking the variation respect to ψµ
to obtain: ˜
DU α
DS2= 0 (63)
while taking the variation with respect to Uµto obtain its corresponding path deviation
equation: ˜
.µνρ UµUνΨρ(64)
where ˜
.µνρ =˜
µρ,ν ˜
µν,ρ +˜
µρ ˜
σρ ˜
µρ ˜
Consequently, the following path and path deviation of charged and spinning objects of
constant spinning tensor are explained as follows
L= ˜gαβ Uα˜
DS +e
mFαβ UαΨβ(65)
to give ˜
DU α
DS =e
and its corresponding deviation equation becomes:
.µνρ UµUνΨρ+e
Ds +Fα
where || represents the covariant derivative with respect to affine connection Γα
βσ . Also,
the generalized path and path deviation equations for spinning objects are obtained from
the following Lagrangian:
L= ˜gµν
DS +1
Rαµνρ Sνρ UµΨα(68)
By taking the variation with respect Ψαthe to obtain its corresponding path equation:
DU α
DS =1
βµν Sµν Uβ,(69)
and taking the variation with respect Uαto obtain its path deviation equation:
βγ δ UγUβΨδ+1
βµν Sµν Uβ)||ρΨρ+1
βµν Sµν UβUρ
DS (70)
4 Discussion and Concluding Remarks
In this study, we have obtained the corresponding equations of path and path deviation
equations for test particles, charged and spinning objects -constant spinning tensor- in
different versions of Bimetric theories of gravity using a modified Bazanski Lagrangian.
This type of study has imposed us to determine prior to its procedure some relevant path
and path deviation for different objcts equations in Weyl geometry and MOND paradigm
to be counted as an introductory step to visualize the different stages of path and path
deviation equations that must be included before dealing with different bimetric theories
of gravity. The study may give rise to search of a possible geometry able to express
bimetric theory of gravity. It can be sought that Finslerian geometry is a good candidate
to express bi-metric theory of gravity as an extension of Riemannian geometry [33]. In the
mean time, path and path deviation equations using the Bazanski Lagrangian in Finsler
geometry is in preparation [37]. Also, the above treatment of utilizing symmetric affine
connection, can be extended into another version of bimetric theory of gravity following
Einstein-Cartan geometry,as an extended approach of Drummond [38] which gives rise to
different types of torsion and how does it propagate with respect to metric propagation
due bimetric formalism. Finally, this work will enable us to examine, the stability of
objects orbiting very strong gravitational field by solving the spin and spin deviation
The author would like to thank Professors T.Harko , G. De Young, M.I.Wanas , M. Abdel
Megied and his colleague Dr. E. Hassan for their remarks and comments.
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... Equations of geodesic and geodesic deviation equations in Riemannian geometry are required to examine many problems of motion for different test particles in gravitational fields. This led many authors to derive them by various methods, one of the most applicable ones is the Bazanski approach [27] in which from one single Lagrangian one can obtain simultaneously equation of geodesic and geodesic deviations which has been applied in different theories of gravity [4][5][6][7][8][9],and [28][29][30]. Thus, by analogy this technique in case of Poly-vectors to become [31], ...
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Spinning equations of bi-metric type theories of gravity, the counterpart of the Papapetrou equations of motion are derived as well as their corresponding spinning deviation equations, by means of introducing different types of bi-metric theories. The influence of different curvatures based on different connections is illustrated. A specific Lagrangian function for each type theory is proposed, in order to derive the set of spinning motion and their corresponding spinning deviation equations.
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Equations of non-geodesic and non-geodesic deviations for different particles are obtained, using a specific type of classes of the Bazanski Lagrangian. Such type of paths has been found to describe the problem of variable mass in the presence of Riemannian geometry. This may give rise to detect the effect of dark matter which reveals the mystery of motion of celestial objects that are not responding neither to Newtonian nor Einsteinian gravity. An important link between non-geodesic equations and the dipolar particle or fluids has been introduced to apply the concept of geometization of physics. This concept has been already extended to represent the hydrodynamic equations in a geometric way. Such an approach, demands to seek for an appropriate theory of gravity able to describe different regions, eligible for detecting dark matter. Using different versions of bi-metric theory of gravity, to examine their associate non-geodesic paths. Due to implementing the geometrization concept, the stability problem of non-geodesic equations are essential to be studied for detecting the behavior of those objects in the presence of dark matter.
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Path equations of different orbiting objects in the presence of very strong gravitational fields are essential to examine the impact of its gravitational effect on the stability of each system. Implementing an analogous method, used to examine the stability of planetary systems by solving the geodesic deviation equations to obtain a finite value of the magnitude of its corresponding deviation vectors. Thus, in order to know whether a system is stable or not, the solution of corresponding deviation equations may give an indication about the status of the stability for orbiting systems.Accordingly, two questions must be addressed based on the status of stability of stellar objects orbiting super-massive black holes in the galactic center. 1. Would the deviation equations play the same relevant role of orbiting planetary systems for massive spinning objects such as neutron stars or black holes? 2. What type of field theory which describes such a strong gravitational field ?
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We investigate the possibility that the observed behavior of test particles outside galaxies, which is usually explained by assuming the presence of dark matter, is the result of the dynamical evolution of particles in higher dimensional spacetimes. Hence, dark matter may be a direct consequence of the presence of an extra force, generated by the presence of extra dimensions, which modifies the dynamic law of motion, but does not change the intrinsic properties of the particles, like, for example, the mass (inertia). We discuss in some detail several possible particular forms for the extra force, and the acceleration law of the particles is derived. Therefore, the constancy of the galactic rotation curves may be considered as an empirical evidence for the existence of the extra dimensions.
A geometric structure (FAP-structure), having both absolute parallelism and Finsler properties, is constructed. The building blocks of this structure are assumed to be functions of position and direction. A nonlinear connection emerges naturally and is defined in terms of the building blocks of the structure. Two linear connections, one of Berwald type and the other of the Cartan type, are defined using the nonlinear connection of the FAP. Both linear connections are nonsymmetric and consequently admit torsion. A metric tensor is defined in terms of the building blocks of the structure. The condition for this metric to be a Finslerian one is obtained. Also, the condition for an FAP-space to be an AP-one is given.
A formalism of integrating the equations of geodesics and of geodesic deviation is examined based upon the Hamilton–Jacobi equation for geodesics. The latter equation has been extended to the case of geodesic deviation and theorems analogous to Jacobi’s theorem on the complete integral has been proved. As a result, a straightforward algorithm of integrating the geodesic deviation equations on Riemannian (or pseudo‐Riemannian) manifolds is obtained.
I consider the weak field limit (WFL) of bimetric MOND (BIMOND): the lowest order in the small departures Hmn and H'mn from double Minkowski space-time. In particular, I look at propagating solutions, for a favorite subclass of BIMOND. The WFL splits into two sectors for two linear combinations, Hmn+ and Hmn-, of Hmn and H'mn. The Hmn+ sector is equivalent to the WFL of general relativity (GR), with its gauge freedom, and has the same vacuum gravitational waves. The Hmn- sector is fully nonlinear even for the weakest Hmn-, and inherits none of the coordinate gauge freedom. The equations of motion are scale invariant in the deep-MOND limit of purely gravitational systems. Despite the strong nonlinearity, an arbitrary pair of harmonic GR wave packets of Hmn and H'mn moving in the same direction, is a solution of the (vacuum) BIMOND WFL.
Rotating neutron stars properties are calculated according to the Bi-Metric Theory of Gravitation for a wide range of equations of state and compared with published results of the General Relativity Theory. It was found that the Bi-Metric Theory allows for appreciably higher masses, moments of inertia, and redshifts than the General Relativity Theory and that stable neutron stars can have: (1) masses greater than that of Cyg X-1, (2) moments of inertia of 10 to the 47th g sq cm or greater, and (3) maximum surface redshifts exceeding 4.
Definitions are proposed for the total momentum vector p^alpha and spin tensor Salphabeta of an extended body in arbitrary gravitational and electromagnetic fields. These are based on the requirement that a symmetry of the external fields should imply conservation of a corresponding component of momentum and spin. The particular case of a test body in a de Sitter universe is considered in detail, and used to support the definition p_betaSalphabeta = 0 for the centre of mass. The total rest energy M is defined as the length of the momentum vector. Using equations of motion to be derived in subsequent papers on the basis of these definitions, the time dependence of M is studied, and shown to be expressible as the sum of two contributions, the change in a potential energy function Phi and a term representing energy inductively absorbed, as in Bondi's illustration of Tweedledum and Tweedledee. For a body satisfying certain conditions described as 'dynamical rigidity', there exists, for motion in arbitrary external fields, a mass constant m such that M = m + 1/2S^kappaOmega_kappa + Phi, where Omega_kappa is the angular velocity of the body and S^kappa its spin vector.
A method for the derivation of the equations of motion of test particles in a given gravitational field is developed. The equations of motion of spinning test particles are derived. The transformation properties are discussed and the equations of motion are written in a covariant form.
A bi-metric theory of gravitation is proposed, satisfying the covariance and equivalence principles. It is based on a simple form of Lagrangian and has a simpler mathematical structure than that of the general theory of relativity. The theory agrees with general relativity up to the accuracy of the observations made up to now. The static spherically symmetric solution of the present field equations does not involve any 'black hole'.
The article deals with the physical parameters of rotating bodies in the bimetric theory of gravitation in second approximation in the angular velocity. The authors present the results of calculations carried out for configurations whose state of matter is described by monoparametric equations of ideal neutron gas and relativistic polytropes. Es werden physikalische Parameter rotierender Körper in der bimetrischen Gravitationstheorie in quadratischer Näherung, bezogen auf die Winkel-geschwindigkeit, untersucht. Dabei werden die Ergebnisse von Rechnungen vorgestellt, die für Konfigurationen durchgeführt wurden, deren Materiezustand durch einparametrige Gleichungen eines idealen Neutronengases und relativistische Polytrope beschrieben wird.