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Environmental drivers of the distribution and density of the European badger (Meles meles): a review


Abstract and Figures

Knowing the environmental factors affecting species’ distribution is an important basic step in ecological research. Here, we present a literature review on the environmental factors influencing European badger (Meles meles) distribution and density. According to the published literature, the badger is a highly adaptive species, capable of using different environmental services and adapting to different conditions. However, when studying badger populations across their distribution, a general pattern of preferred environmental characteristics and influencing factors arises. These environmental characteristics may indicate the badger’s realised niche and may potentially give an approximation of its fundamental niche. A combination of environmental factors favouring both sett (burrow) location and food availability appears to drive local badger success: terrain characteristics (both suitable soil type for sett excavation and terrain heterogeneity for visual hiding), wood coverage and earthworm-rich grassland. The presence and density of badgers vary depending on the geographic study area and the relative importance of these specific environmental drivers. We discuss how these insights can assist spatial modelling studies, conservation and management, and future research on habitat suitability and badger density. We stress that more research is needed to understand how each component of the life cycle of badgers is affected by environmental drivers, and what the cumulative effect is on their spatial population dynamics.
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Piza Roca et al. / Lutra 2014 57 (2): 87-109 87
e European badger (Meles meles) is present
in almost all European countries, from the
British Islands eastwards to the west bank of
the River Volga (gure 1). e species belongs
to the family of Mustelidae, in the order of
Carnivora. Recent studies showed that the
genus Meles includes several distinct species,
while this was considered only one species in
the past, the Eurasian badger. Accordingly,
the European badger is now described as a
distinct species from the Asian badger (Meles
leucurus) and the Japanese badger (Meles
anakuma) (Abramov 2001, 2003, Wozen-
cra 2005, Abramov & Puzachenko 2005,
2006). e Asian badger occurs from the
east of the Volga River to China and Korea,
till the border of the distribution of the Euro-
pean badger throughout the Lower and Mid-
dle Volga and the interuves of the Volga
and Kama (Abramov & Puzachenko 2006).
A clear geographic border in the northern
Caucasus between Meles leucurus and Meles
meles has not yet been clearly dened, as they
Environmental drivers of the distribution and
density of the European badger (Meles meles):
a review
Carme Piza Roca1,2, Maurice J.J. La Haye1,2 & Eelke Jongejans1
1Radboud University Nijmegen, Institute for Water and Wetland Research, Animal Ecology and
Ecophysiology group, P.O. Box 9100 (mail box 31), NL-6500 GL Nijmegen, the Netherlands,
2Dutch Mammal Society, P.O. Box 6531, NL-6503 GA Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Abstract: Knowing the environmental factors aecting species’ distribution is an important basic step in ecologi-
cal research. Here, we present a literature review on the environmental factors inuencing European badger (Meles
meles) distribution and density. According to the published literature, the badger is a highly adaptive species, capa-
ble of using dierent environmental services and adapting to dierent conditions. However, when studying badger
populations across their distribution, a general pattern of preferred environmental characteristics and inuencing
factors arises. ese environmental characteristics may indicate the badger’s realised niche and may potentially
give an approximation of its fundamental niche. A combination of environmental factors favouring both sett (bur-
row) location and food availability appears to drive local badger success: terrain characteristics (both suitable soil
type for sett excavation and terrain heterogeneity for visual hiding), wood coverage and earthworm-rich grassland.
e presence and density of badgers vary depending on the geographic study area and the relative importance of
these specic environmental drivers. We discuss how these insights can assist spatial modelling studies, conserva-
tion and management, and future research on habitat suitability and badger density. We stress that more research
is needed to understand how each component of the life cycle of badgers is aected by environmental drivers, and
what the cumulative eect is on their spatial population dynamics.
Key words: environmental factors, European badger, fundamental niche, Meles meles, occurrence, review, sett.
© 2014 Zoogdiervereniging. Lutra articles also on the
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88 Piza Roca et al. / Lutra 2014 57 (2): 87-109
can occur sympatrically and may even repro-
duce, giving hybrids with mixed characters
(Abramov & Puzachenko 2007). e Japanese
badger occurs on the Japanese Islands (Bary-
shnikov et al. 2003). Finally, Del Cerro et al.
(2010) provide evidence for a fourth species of
badger named Meles canescens, distributed in
South-West Asia, from south of the Caspian
see and the Northern Caucasus to Tajikistan.
e taxonomic status of the badger nowadays
admits therefore four distinct species (Abra-
mov & Puzachenko 2013).
e European badger is a generalist, highly
adaptive, species which is capable of exploit-
ing a wide variety of habitats (Feore & Mont-
gomery 1999, Kauhala & Auttila 2010). It is
only absent from arctic zones, high altitude
regions and some islands (Griths & omas
1993). Analyses of the dynamics of an Eng-
lish population have shown that badgers start
breeding at an age of two years, that annual
juvenile survival (63%-77%) is lower than
adult survival (76%-88%), giving a genera-
tion time of 5.8 years, and that by an age of 7.3
years an average female has contributed half
of what she is going to contribute (through
reproduction) to population growth in her
life (Macdonald et al. 2009, van de Kerk et al.
2013). See gure 2 for a graphic representation
of the badger’s life cycle based on the study of
Macdonald et al. (2009).
e European badger is relatively abundant
in Europe, being only uncommon or present
in lower densities in the Netherlands, Bel-
gium, Estonia, Slovakia and Poland (Kranz et
al. 2008). Nevertheless, there is a general con-
cern about this species because it has showed
strong uctuations in numbers in many coun-
tries in the last century (Griths & omas
1993). In the 1970s and 1980s badgers obtained
Figure 1. Distribution range of the European badger (Meles meles), based on the distribution maps of Del Cerro et
al. (2010) and Abramov & Puzachenko (2013).
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Piza Roca et al. / Lutra 2014 57 (2): 87-109 89
a protected status in Britain, Ireland, Spain,
Portugal, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands,
Albania, Greece, Estonia, Luxemburg and
Hungary (Griths 1991b). In 2008 the species
was ranked as Lower Risk/Least Concern on
the European Red List (Baillie & Groombridge
1996, Kranz et al. 2008), which means that pro-
tection had positive results. With its history as
a threatened species it is an interesting object
to formulate and study policy recommenda-
tions. erefore, knowledge is required about
the environmental factors driving the distribu-
tion and density of badger, which makes it pos-
sible to quantify habitat requirements, weigh-
ing management options, and assessing the
impact of habitat change. In broader ecological
studies, it is also of great importance to know
the interaction of the species of interest with its
environment in order to situate the species in
the ecosystem, its used niche and so on.
Figure 2. Matrix projection model for a European badger population near Oxford (Macdonald et al. 2009), based
on post-breeding census data. e rst stage therefore represents newborn cubs (zero-year olds). e population
model consists of ve parameters: age of rst reproduction (2), age of last reproduction (15), juvenile survival
(0.717), adult survival (0.837), and fertility (0.267).
Figure 3. Countries where the studies containing data relevant to the search topic were performed, i.e. the factors
inuencing distribution and density of the European badger as presented in this review.
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90 Piza Roca et al. / Lutra 2014 57 (2): 87-109
Table 1. Main environmental drivers of badger spatial population dynamics.
Components Contribution Potential eect on Eect Literature
Climate Rainfall range Higher seasonality Badger presence, spatial organisation, pop-
ulation size and density and group size.
Negative 1–3
Temperature range Higher seasonality Negative
Rain, temperature between 5– 15ºC
and high air humidity
Favours earthworm availability. Positive 4–8
Cold winters, dry summers and wind Decreases earthworm availability. Negative 9
Spring rainfall and high temperature Increase cub parasitic susceptibility. Negative
Terrain character-
istics and sett site
Suitable geology Facilitates digging and drainage. Badger presence,
size and shape of occupied territory and
spatial organisation.
Limiting fac-
Slope Favours earth removal.
Aspect Selection of sites on south to west-facing
Terrain heterogeneity Visual hiding
Vegetation cover or small landscape
Visual hiding
Groundwater level Sett building
Abandoned old setts Possibility for recolonisation Positive 22
Presence of habited setts Induces construction of new setts.
Habitat type Woodla nd Oers cover, shelter, structural support
for sett building and additional source of
food items.
Population density, group size and terri-
tory size.
Positive 1, 4–5,
Hedgerows and scrub Cover and shelter
Grassland and pasture Foraging, source of earthworms.
Short grass is more suitable.
Arable elds: e.g. maize, wheat, barley Food source: cultivated food and earth-
worm content.
Food availability Large variety of items: e.g. earth-
worms, other invertebrates, birds’ eggs
and chicks, rodents, carrion, fruits,
Food source. Population size and density, territory size
and shape and spatial organisation.
Limiting fac-
1, 11, 24,
29, 33, 43
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Piza Roca et al. / Lutra 2014 57 (2): 87-109 91
Built-up areas Urban infrastructure Decreases sett site availability.
Habitat destruction.
Badger presence, density and spatial
Negative 2 6 –27,
Human population density. Disturbance on habitat. Population size and density. Negative
Agricultural land Habitat destruction.
Badger presence and spatial organisation.
Population size and density.
Urban and industrial areas Provide anthropogenic food sources. Population size and density. Positive 10, 14
Roads Increase mortality.
Habitat destruction. Fragmentation and
Badger presence and spatial organisation.
Population size and density.
Negative 14, 26,
Mainly Vulpes vulpes, Nyctereutes
procyonoides but also other Carnivora.
Competition for sett sites and food. Distribution, population size and density. Potentially
negative, but
mostly neu-
4, 2, 6,
Purposeful killingAllowed or regulated hunting and
Increases mortality. Population size and density. In the most
severe cases also distribution.
Negative 5, 72–75
Diseases and para-
Especially bovine tuberculosis (TB) Increases mortality and triggers poaching. Population size and density. In the most
severe cases also distribution.
Negative 76 84
Other diseases (e.g. rabies) and para-
Increases mortality. 85–88
Literature: 1. Virgós & Casanovas 1999a; 2. Kauhala 1995; 3. Johnson et al. 2002; 4. Kruuk 1989; 5. Kruuk 1978; 6. Griths & omas 1993; 7. Gerard 1967; 8. Bouché
1977; 9. Macdonald et al. 2010; 10. Huck et al. 2008; 11. van Apeldoorn et al. 2006; 12. da Silva et al. 1993; 13. ornton 1988; 14. Skinner et al. 1991a; 15. Matyástík &
Bicík 1999; 16. Doncaster & Woodroe 1993; 17. Neal 1972; 18. Neal 1986; 19. Broseth et al. 1997; 20. Macdonald et al. 1996; 21. van Moll 1999; 22. Roper 1992; 23. Feore
& Montgomery 1999; 24. Hofer 1988; 25. Palphramand et al. 2007; 26. van der Zee et al. 1992; 27. Schley et al. 2004; 28. Jepsen et al. 2005; 29. Kowalczyk et al. 2000; 30.
Palphramand et al. 2007; 31. Kruuk et al. 1979; 32. Kruuk & Parish 1977; 33. Kowalczyk et al. 2006; 34. Kruuk & Parish 1982; 35. Andersen 1954; 36. Neal & Cheeseman
1991; 37. Macdonald & Barrettn 1993; 38. Kruuk & Parish 1981; 39. Kruuk & Parish 1985; 40. Henry 1984; 41. Lüps et al. 1987; 42. Boyle & Whelan 1990; 43. Martín-
Franquelo & Delibes 1985; 44. Wright et al. 2000; 45. Aaris-Sørensen 1987; 46. Skinner et al. 1991b; 47. Mader 1984; 48. van Apeldoorn et al. 1998; 49. Bennett 1991; 50.
Clarke et al. 1998; 51. Vink et al. 2008; 52. Dekker & Bekker 2010; 53. Davies et al. 1987; 54. Harris et al. 1995; 55. Lankester et al. 1991; 56. Macdonald 1987; 57. Macdon-
ald et al. 2004; 58. Neal and Cheeseman 1996; 59. Fedriani 1993; 60. Kowalczyk et al. 2008; 61 Drygala et al. 2010; 62. Oerlemans & Koene 2008; 63. Goszczynski 1999; 64.
Kauhala & Auttila 2010; 65. Kauhala & Holmala 2006; 66. Jedrzejewska & Jedrzejewski 1998; 67. Martín et al. 1995: 68. Palomares & Delibes 1997; 69. Macdonald 2009;
70. Delibes & Calderón 1979; 71. Fedriani et al. 1999; 72. Grigorov 1987; 73. Cresswell et al. 1990; 74. Bego 1992; 75. Griths 1991a; 76. Gormley & Costello 2003; 77.
Olea-Popelka et al. 2003; 78. Krebs et al. 1997; 79. Gallagher & Clion-Hadley 2000; 80. Grin et al. 2005; 81. Donnelly et al. 2003; 82. Woodroe et al. 2006; 83. Dolan
1993; 84. WHO 1978-99; 85. Artois et al. 1991; 86. Schwierz & Wachendörfer 1981; 87. Harris & Yalden 2008; 88. Anwar et al. 2000.
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92 Piza Roca et al. / Lutra 2014 57 (2): 87-109
For this review we searched the ecologi-
cal literature for information about the fac-
tors aecting badger distribution and density
all around Europe, thus covering all dier-
ent environments that this animal inhabits.
We used the Web of Science and the search
engine Google Scholar. e search terms
were combinations of “European badger”,
Meles meles”, and “habitat”, “preferences”,
“selection”, “environmental factors”, “driv-
ers”, “distribution”, “occurrence”, “density”,
“aect population”, “niche”, “sett”. Most of
the search was focused on papers published
in English and the search terms were always
in English. However, some data were found in
publications in other languages such as Span-
ish, French and Dutch. e time range of the
collected ndings is from 1970 until present.
We use this time frame rst because badger
populations across Europe had started to uc-
tuate from around the early 1970s, mainly due
to direct or indirect human pressure (Grif-
ths & omas 1993), oen becoming endan-
gered, and of global concern and thus ecologi-
cal studies on this species started to increase.
erefore, more data is available from then
on. Moreover, due to the rapid landscape
change all around Europe, studies performed
before these dates may not be applicable now-
adays. All factors that were reported to inu-
ence the spatial population dynamics of the
badger, from habitat composition to resources
availability and abiotic and biotic interac-
tions, are subsequently presented and dis-
cussed. We organised the driving factors in
several categories. First we present the abi-
otic factors in the landscape: climate factors
(such as temperature and meteorology), ter-
rain characteristics and factors determining
badger sett (burrow) site availability (such as
soil characteristics, slope and orientation and
groundwater level), habitat composition (such
as land use factors and landscape elements),
and nally food and food availability. Subse-
quently we analysed anthropogenic factors:
built-up areas and human density, roads and
Figure 4. European badger sett site selection for either woodland or other landscape elements. Each pair of col-
umns shows the results, respectively, from ecological studies in Essex (United Kingdom, Skinner et al. 1991a),
Luxemburg (Schley et al. 2004), Northern Moravia (Czech Republic, Matyáštík & Bićík 1999), Sudety Mountains
(Poland, Bartmańska & Nadolska 2003), and central Spain (Virgós & Casanovas 1999a). e rst column shows
the percentage of woodland present in the studied landscape (L). e second column shows the percentage of setts
(S) located in woodland.
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Piza Roca et al. / Lutra 2014 57 (2): 87-109 93
hunting. Finally we present the biotic factors
such as interspecic competition, diseases
and parasites.
We found 96 studies from 18 dierent Euro-
pean countries providing relevant informa-
tion on the research topic. e UK had the
most performed studies (50 containing data
presented in this review), followed by Poland
(8), Spain (8), the Netherlands (7), Finland (6)
and Switzerland (6) (gure 3).
In the following sections we present an
overview of the most important factors we
found determining the distribution and den-
sity of badgers (see also table 1).
Climate is the best explanatory factor of
badger occurrence in dierent countries, e.g.
in Spain (
Virgós & Casanovas 1999a) and in
Finland (Kauhala 1995). Across Europe, John-
son et al. (2002) demonstrated that badger
group size decreases with rainfall range and
that badger density is negatively correlated with
temperature range (dierence between maxi-
mum and minimum temperature).
Hence, badgers are more abundant in rainy
regions, as rain favours the presence of earth-
worms in the soil (Kruuk 1989, Griths &
omas 1993). Climatic conditions are known
to be important for earthworm availability
especially during the night, when worms come
to the surface and badgers can forage on them
(Gerard 1967, Bouché 1977). Temperatures
between 5-15 ºC and high air humidity have a
positive inuence, while cold winters, dry sum-
mers and wind negatively inuence the presence
of earthworms (Kruuk 1978). us, climatic fac-
tors can aect badger populations indirectly by
inuencing earthworm availability.
In the United Kingdom, Macdonald et al.
(2010) showed that seasonality, through a
variation of temperature and rainfall, has a
complex inuence on badger populations.
Late-summer low temperatures and rainfall
have a signicant positive inuence on badger
survival, as cool and moist conditions favour
earthworm availability on the soil surface. On
the other hand, spring rainfall and tempera-
ture negatively inuence badger populations
as wet and warm conditions lead to higher
parasite susceptibility of the cubs. Finally,
colder winters generally result in badgers
staying underground and this reduced activ-
ity has a positive eect on survival due to
fewer badgers being hit by cars.
Terrain characteristics and availability
of potential sett sites
Location suitability for sett building may
determine the size and shape of badger occu-
pied territory (Doncaster & Woodroe 1993)
and spatial organisation within a region (da
Silva et al. 1993). A good sett site requires a
suitable soil to facilitate digging and drain-
age, such as sandy soils, in combination with
some gradient and vegetation cover (Neal
1972, Neal 1986, ornton 1988, Skinner et
al. 1991a, Good et al. 2001, Fischer & Weber
2003). Not only the presence of gradient but
also orientation of the slope is an important
factor inuencing sett location. is was an
important driver of sett site selection in Essex,
Norway and Northern Moravia: south to west
facing slopes were preferred most (Skinner
et al. 1991a, Broseth et al. 1997, Matyáštík &
Bićík 1999). On the other hand, it has also
been shown that badgers prefer terrain het-
erogeneity independently of slope orienta-
tion (ornton 1988, Macdonald et al. 1996).
Groundwater level can also be relevant for
sett excavation, as it is impossible to dig a sett
when the groundwater level it is too high (van
Moll 1999). erefore, in grounds with high
groundwater levels, this will be a constraint.
Hence, the location of badger setts is
selected according to the presence of favour-
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94 Piza Roca et al. / Lutra 2014 57 (2): 87-109
able conditions, which results in an hetero-
geneous distribution of setts in an area (van
Apeldoorn et al. 2006). Abandoned old setts
can be suitable for badger recolonisation, and
the presence of inhabited badger setts also
positively inuences the construction of new
setts (Roper 1992).
Habitat composition
Besides terrain topography, the type of habitat
(e.g. woodland, shrubs, pastures) also aects
badgers. Feore & Montgomery (1999) showed
a preference of badgers for sett sites at or near
the interface of two habitat types, especially
woodland or shrubs with pasture. Huck et al.
(2008) found that habitat type was the most
important factor explaining sett location in
urban areas: the presence of wood and scrub
mattered more than soil conditions and food
In the Netherlands, Apeldoorn et al. (2006)
found in a local study on habitat use and com-
position (between the towns of Utrecht and
Hilversum) that pastures were the main driv-
ers of badger distribution due to the provision
of food, followed by broadleaf forest which
was preferred for digging setts, mixed forest
and maize elds. ey also found badger setts
specically located near the edge of the for-
est, close to the grasslands and arable elds.
e presence of water was also important for
badger inhabitation. is suggests that this
habitat mosaic was selected to enhance both
sett building and food searching.
In England, the reproduction and weight
of badgers were higher in deciduous wood-
land than in any habitat type, such as pasture
(da Silva et al. 1993). is was a paradoxical
nding as pasture contains a higher biomass
of earthworms (Kruuk 1978, Hofer 1988),
which are one of British badgers’ main food
item. e higher weight of badgers in wood-
lands may have been the result of providing
an additional source of food items (e.g. car-
rion, blackberries and acorns), humidity
and protection from the wind (da Silva et al.
1993). Also in the United Kingdom, conifer-
ous woodland appeared to be more impor-
tant than previously thought. e positive
eect of woodland on the badger population
is likely due to the fact that woodland consti-
tutes a refuge from human activity and pro-
vides structural support for the construction
of setts within the root system (Palphramand
et al. 2007).
Woodland is in fact strongly preferred
by badgers for sett location and therefore
strongly inuencing badger density (gure
4). In England, wood density in the landscape
was positively correlated with sett density
(ornton 1988), which is taken as represent-
ative of badger density in most studies. is
eect was especially important in more open
landscapes in the Netherlands (van der Zee
et al. 1992). In Essex (United Kingdom), even
when 73% of the country is covered by arable
and pasture land, 87% of all setts were located
in woodland, hedgerows and scrub (Skinner
et al. 1991a). In Luxemburg 88% of setts were
located in forest while only 34% of the land
is covered by forest (Schley et al. 2004). e
most preferred forests were conifer and decid-
uous forest (38% of total setts each), followed
by mixed forest (12%). e other habitats with
setts were shrub (5%), hedgerow (3%), grass-
land (2%) and arable soil (0.3%).
In Northern Moravia (Czech Republic),
woodland was also the most preferred habi-
tat for sett construction, as 75% of setts were
located in this habitat type (Matyáštík &
Bićík 1999). e most frequented habitat was
mixed forest (33%), followed by coniferous
and deciduous forests (26% and 16% respec-
tively). Other setts were located in habitats
with rocks (11%) and only 6% in elds. In the
Polish Sudety Mountains badgers show a very
strong preference for woodland when build-
ing their setts, as 98% of setts were found in
woodland, and only 2% in the open areas,
although forests cover only 29% of the moun-
tains (Bartmańska & Nadolska 2003). Of the
setts located in woodland, 57% were found
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Piza Roca et al. / Lutra 2014 57 (2): 87-109 95
in deciduous and mixed forests, and 43% in
coniferous forests. In a study in central Spain
there was also a clear preference for wooded
places, as 50% of setts were located at sites
with >50% tree cover (Virgós & Casanovas
1999b). In Denmark forest cover, together
with terrain heterogeneity, were the most
important explanatory variables for sett pres-
ence using species distribution modelling
(Jepsen et al. 2005). Variation in wood cover
explained 22% of the total variation in badger
sett densities in Białowieża Primeval Forest in
Poland (Kowalczyk et al. 2000).
Small landscape elements like hedgerows,
orchards and small patches of woodland oer
coverage and favour badger sett location,
especially in agricultural land (Neal 1972,
ornton 1988). ese small landscape ele-
ments, however, have been removed to create
larger elds for agriculture in many regions,
which might negatively inuence badger pop-
ulations (ornton 1988).
Food and food availability
Badger territory size and density of setts in the
landscape are mainly shaped by food abun-
dance and availability (Kruuk 1989, Kowalczyk
et al. 2000). In areas with low or dispersed food
sources badgers move longer distances, cover
larger daily ranges and defend larger territo-
ries (Kowalczyk et al. 2006). Anyhow, badgers
behave as contractors, which means that they
keep a minimum territory where they can nd
just the sucient resources (Kruuk & Mac-
donald 1985). e mean size of group territo-
ries strongly diers between European regions,
from 0.14 km2 in the open habitats of the Brit-
ish Isles (Cheeseman et al. 1981) to 25 km2 in
the continuous woodlands of Poland (Kow-
alczyk et al. 2003). e amount of food avail-
able in the territory also strongly inuences
the number of individuals and group size in
badger populations (Kruuk & Parish 1982).
erefore it is important to know the common
food sources of this species.
e European badger’s diet is very variable.
is species is the most omnivorous mustelid,
an opportunistic forager that takes a large
variety of animal and plant food sources,
such as earthworms and other invertebrates,
birds’ eggs and young, rodents, carrion like
road kills, fruits, bulbs, acorns, oats and
wheat (Andersen 1954, Neal & Cheeseman
1991, Macdonald & Barrett 1993). In temper-
ate areas in Europe, like the British Islands,
earthworms are the main food source for
badgers (Kruuk & Parish 1981, 1985, Henry
1984, Lüps et al. 1987, Boyle & Whelan 1990).
But in drier regions, such as Spain, earth-
worms are not always available and badgers
specialise more in lagomorphs, mainly rabbits
(Oryctolagus cuniculus), and some fruits such
as olives and also arthropods (Barea-Azcón et
al. 2001).
In temperate regions, the main food items
for badgers consist of earthworms, espe-
cially Lumbricus terrestris, the whole year
and maize from arable elds during autumn
and winter (van Apeldoorn et al. 2006). As a
main food source, the abundance of earth-
worms can strongly inuence badger popula-
tions. Indirectly, the presence of earthworms
and the distribution of earthworm patches
have also been shown to aect the number of
badgers in a social group, the spatial organ-
ization (Kruuk & Parish 1982) and the con-
guration of badger territories (Hofer 1988).
Earthworms are common in pasture and old
forest. Acidity of grassy peatlands and for-
ested sandy soils lead to low earthworm bio-
mass densities, which results in poor condi-
tions for badgers. In Oxfordshire (England),
grasslands and broadleaf forests were proven
to oer relatively good food conditions, while
mixed and coniferous forest oered worse
food conditions (Kruuk 1978, Hofer 1988, da
Silva et al. 1993).
In England, barley, wheat and acorns were
shown to be secondary food items. Other food
sources eaten by badgers were insects, pig-
nuts, small mammals, birds, amphibians, car-
rion, etc. (Kruuk & Parish 1982). When feed-
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96 Piza Roca et al. / Lutra 2014 57 (2): 87-109
ing from cereals, badgers preferred wheat and
oats to barley (Kruuk 1989).
In the United Kingdom, territory size was
found to be negatively correlated with grass-
land proportion (Palphramand et al. 2007),
but it was positively correlated with the num-
ber of grassland patches. is suggests that
grassland is a key resource for badgers, likely
because it constitutes a source of earthworms.
However, grassland inuence depends on the
length of grass. Long grass was shown to be
unsuitable for badgers (Kruuk et al. 1979).
Badgers visit grasslands especially to forage
for earthworms (Kruuk & Parish 1977), and
catching them is much easier in short grass. A
thick soil cover, such as dead litter and vegeta-
tion, might also be more dicult to forage on
Type and amount of crops and grasslands
might therefore be important for badger pop-
ulations, as they directly provide various food
sources. Changes in agricultural land strongly
aect earthworm biomass (Edwards & Loy
1977, Kruuk 1978, Eijsackers 1983, Lofs-Hol-
min 1983) and can hamper earthworm avail-
ability, having a negative impact on badger
Built-up areas and human population
Many studies have found a negative correla-
tion between human population density and
badger sett density (e.g. Schley et al. 2004) and
also between urbanised area and sett density
(Wright et al. 2000). Urban areas, roads and
agriculture have been responsible for badger
population decline and distribution contrac-
tion throughout most of their geographic
range (e.g. Aaris-Sørensen 1987, Skinner et
al. 1991b). ese factors lead to habitat frag-
mentation, reducing the suitable habitat to
small unfavourable isolated patches (Mader
1984, van Apeldoorn et al. 1998), which can
no longer support sustainable badger (sub)
However, the anthropogenic transforma-
tion of the landscape may not always have a
negative impact on badger populations. As
demonstrated in Switzerland (Do Linh San
et al. 2011), an increase of agricultural land-
scape provides an additional food source and
badgers prot from this human-made food
rich habitat by adopting cereals and maize as
a main food item.
In the United Kingdom, Huck et al. (2008)
showed that badgers are capable of estab-
lishing relatively dense populations in urban
environments. ese provide some advan-
tages in providing anthropogenic food
sources. In Essex 15.9% of setts were indeed
found in urban and industrial areas, likely
due to badgers avoiding agricultural land and
searching for human-generated food (Skinner
et al. 1991a).
Roads may aect the distribution and popu-
lation size of badgers in three dierent ways:
1. ey constitute a barrier for badger move-
ment and dispersion causing habitat frag-
mentation. 2. ey increase badger mortal-
ity through trac kills, and 3. ey decrease
badger colonisation by producing disturbance
by higher human activity and trac noise
(Bennett 1991, Clarke et al. 1998).
e increase in number of roads and their
use was the major factor causing the his-
toric decline in the badger population in the
Netherlands (van der Zee et al. 1992) and is
the main cause of badger mortality nowa-
days in this country (Vink et al. 2008). In the
Netherlands, every year 10–20% of the total
badger population is killed on roads, mainly
in March and less in the winter months. Per
km of road most mortalities occur on pro-
vincial roads (Dekker & Bekker 2010). Miti-
gation measures have been shown to reduce
mortality of badgers (Vink et al. 2008, Dekker
& Bekker 2010). ese include construction of
passages and fences, reducing speed limits
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Piza Roca et al. / Lutra 2014 57 (2): 87-109 97
and closing critical roads.
In England, trac is also the major reason
for badger mortality, causing 49% of all mor-
talities (Davies et al. 1987, Harris et al. 1995).
In Surrey and Gloucestershire the impact of
road kills was even more dramatic: 59% and
66% respectively (Clarke et al. 1998). Road
kills in England show a strong seasonal var-
iation, with peaks in mortality occurring in
spring and late summer (Davies et al. 1987).
e relationship between road mortality and
trac load was found to be parabolic (Clarke
et al. 1998), possibly because badgers are dis-
couraged to cross the busiest roads (van der
Zee et al. 1992). erefore, major roads may
have mixed eects: a higher impact on badger
movements increasing the fragmentation
eect of roads (Lankester et al. 1991), but a
lower number of road kills as fewer badgers
attempt to cross such busy roads.
In Essex, sett density was signicantly
inuenced by road type and distance to roads.
e busiest roads were clearly avoided: signi-
cantly fewer setts than expected were found
within 10 m of a road than at 100–999 m from
a road (Skinner et al. 1991a). e size of the
badger population was also negatively corre-
lated with road and trac densities (Skinner
et al. 1991b).
Hunting of badgers was a real threat for
badger populations all around Europe before
protection policies were established. Hunting
of badgers was a cause of population decline
for instance in Albania (Bego 1992), Bulgaria
(Grigorov 1987) and the United Kingdom
(Cresswell et al. 1990). Nowadays, hunting
of badgers is either strictly regulated or for-
bidden in the European countries where this
species is protected: the United Kingdom, Ire-
land, the Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium,
Italy, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Luxemburg,
Hungary, Estonia and Albania (Griths &
omas 1997). Nonetheless, in other Euro-
pean countries such as Poland (Mysłajek et
al. 2012), this animal is still seen as a small-
game hunting target or as a pest. is shows
that badgers are perceived very dierently
within Europe (Griths 1991a). In most of
the countries where hunting is allowed, this
is prohibited during the reproductive season
(Griths & omas 1993), but some coun-
tries oer very poor protection from hunting,
such as Finland and Austria, or no protection
at all, such as Bulgaria and Macedonia (Grif-
ths 1991a). In France and Germany hunt-
ing is popular but appears not to be a major
threat (Keuling et al. 2011, FDC 2014). Com-
pared to other mammalian game species, only
in Sweden, Switzerland and Norway the num-
bers of badgers legally hunted surpassed 4%
of the most popular mammalian game species
(Griths & Krystufek 1993).
Nonetheless, poaching seems to be a threat
to badger populations all around Europe
(Griths & omas 1993), especially in the
United Kingdom and Ireland (Cresswell et
al. 1989, Smal 1995). Illegal hunting prevents
the badger population in Albania to recover
(Bego 1992). In summary, hunting may
endanger badger populations in countries
where it is still allowed or seasonally allowed
or where it is practised illegally. For this rea-
son the Council of Europe (1987) has asked
all countries that allow hunting of badgers to
take measures to protect their stocks.
Interspecific competition
Red fox (Vulpes vulpes) is a potential competi-
tor of badger for food and sett sites because
it occupies a similar ecological niche (Mac-
donald 1987, Kruuk 1989). Nevertheless, both
species can apparently cohabit the same area.
Aggressive as well as peaceful encounters have
been reported (Neal & Cheeseman 1996), but
most encounters are not signicantly violent
and badgers take the dominant role (Mac-
donald et al. 2004). e two species have even
been found sharing the same sett (Macdonald
Lutra_57_2_Text_v3.indd 97 06/02/2015 21:27
98 Piza Roca et al. / Lutra 2014 57 (2): 87-109
1987, Fedriani 1993).
e raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides)
is an invasive species from Russia which has
already successfully colonised many north-
eastern European countries, including Fin-
land, Norway, Germany and Poland (Kau-
hala 1995, Kowalczyk et al. 2008, Drygala et al.
2010) and the species is likely going to inhabit
and quickly increase in other countries such as
the Netherlands in the near future (Oerlemans
& Koene 2008, Mulder 2012, Mulder 2013).
is species is also a potential competitor for
badgers for food and sett sites. Both species
are omnivorous and though raccoon dogs do
not construct burrows themselves, they oen
inhabit badger setts for reproduction and win-
tering (Goszczynski 1999).
Still, despite this ecological overlap, the rapid
invasion and growth of the raccoon dog popu-
lation in Finland has not been found to have a
negative eect on the native badger population
(Kauhala 1995). ey have been sympatric for
more than 50 years and both species increased
in number during this period (Kauhala & Aut-
tila 2010). According to these authors, the rac-
coon dog specialises more on plants and small
mammals and the badger more on inverte-
brates. e preferred habitats of these species
also dier: raccoon dogs prefer meadows, gar-
dens and open woodland with tall and abun-
dant undergrowth, whereas badgers prefer
pine, deciduous and mixed forests with thick
canopy but sparse undergrowth. Kauhala &
Auttila (2010) concluded that the two species
have dierent habitat preferences and there-
fore can coexist in an area. In Poland, facili-
tative interactions between badgers and rac-
coon dog contributed positively to the invasion
success of the second (Kowalczyk et al. 2008).
Raccoon dogs used badger setts as shelter from
cold weather and to avoid predation. ese two
species could even overwinter in the same sett,
using dierent parts. Badger densities did not
show any decline as a consequence of this inter-
action. On the other hand, sett sharing could
be dangerous for badgers because of trans-
mission of diseases and exchange of parasites
(Kauhala & Holmala 2006). Overall, badgers
and raccoon dogs apparently have adapted to
coexist and make use of the available resources
with minimal competition, by using dierent
resources in the same habitat (Jedrzejewska &
Jedrzejewski 1998).
In Mediterranean ecosystems the Iberian
lynx (Lynx pardinus) and the badger are sym-
patric (Martín-Franquelo et al. 1995). ese
species have a similar size, are active during
twilight (Palomares & Delibes 1997, Macdon-
ald 2009) and prey on rabbits as a major food
source (Delibes & Calderón 1979, Martín-
Franquelo et al. 1995). erefore, the niches of
these two species may overlap during the year.
However, they seem to be able to pacically
cohabit the same area by selecting dierent
prey size and adopting slightly dierent activ-
ity patterns: lynxes catch larger rabbits and are
most active at sunrise and dusk whereas badg-
ers prey on small rabbits and are mainly noc-
turnal (Fedriani et al. 1999). Although badgers
are also reported to be crepuscular (Macdon-
ald 1984, Kowalczyc et al. 2003, Do Linh San
et al. 2010), they seem to adjust their habits in
order to cohabit peacefully with the lynx.
Other Carnivora, such as the golden jackal
(Canis aureus), stone marten (Martes foina)
and even otters (Lutra lutra), have only been
found to compete with badgers to some extent
in unusual situations, i.e. in strongly reduced
badger populations as in Bulgaria (Griths &
omas 1993).
Diseases and parasites
Badgers are highly susceptible to Mycobac-
terium bovis infection, the cause of bovine
tuberculosis (Gormley & Costello 2003). is
is a major mortality factor of badgers in Ire-
land and the United Kingdom (Olea-Popelka
et al. 2003). It is also present in Spain, France
and Switzerland (Gortazar et al 2011, Payne
et al. 2013, Schoening et al. 2013). Some stud-
ies indicate that badgers are a reservoir of cat-
tle infection in south-west England, Wales and
Lutra_57_2_Text_v3.indd 98 06/02/2015 21:27
Piza Roca et al. / Lutra 2014 57 (2): 87-109 99
Ireland (e.g. Krebs et al. 1997). However, pub-
lished results are contradictive about whether
culling badgers is an eective measure to
reduce or eliminate bovine tuberculosis in cat-
tle or whether it is even counterproductive, as
badger dispersal may increase as a result of it
(Gallagher & Clion-Hadley 2000, Donnelly
et al. 2003, Grin et al. 2005, Woodroe et al.
2006). Still, culling of badgers has been per-
formed as a measure against bovine tubercu-
losis all around Europe, severely threatening
badger populations (Griths & omas 1993),
especially in the United Kingdom (Dolan
e outbreak of rabies from the 1950s on,
together with the subsequent attempts to con-
trol rabies, was a major reason for the decline
of badger populations all around Europe in the
20th century (Griths & omas 1993, Smith
2002). Although the red fox is the main res-
ervoir for rabies in Europe, badgers were also
infected in many European countries (WHO
1978–2013). Rabies infection can potentially
reduce badgers’ population densities by 90%
(Schwierz & Wachendörfer 1981). In the United
Kingdom, badgers have contributed to rabies
outbreak (Macdonald 1995, Morgan 1995) and
it is not clear whether vaccination is an eec-
Figure 5. Illustration of four dierent landscapes that the European badger inhabits across its geographical range,
each showing the elements that the badger preferably selects from. e very dierent landscape compositions illus-
trate the adaptability of the species. Upper-le, the landscape in the United Kingdom is represented, with a great
proportion of grassland rich in earthworms, arable land, woodland, hedgerows and other small landscape elements
providing cover, as well as some terrain heterogeneity. Upper-right, the landscape in the Netherlands where badgers
occur is illustrated, with a big proportion of woodland, terrain heterogeneity and cover elements, sandy and dry soils
and little presence of elds and grassland. On the lower right side a Polish landscape is represented, with a dominant
presence of woodland, a minor presence of grassland and arable elds, and including some rocks and other small ele-
ments for cover. Finally, on the lower le side the landscape in Spain is illustrated, poor in woodland, with rocks and
scrubs providing shelter and rabbits as an important food source. Illustration: Ed Hazebroek.
Lutra_57_2_Text_v3.indd 99 06/02/2015 21:27
100 Piza Roca et al. / Lutra 2014 57 (2): 87-109
tive measure (Smith 2002). However, the num-
ber of infected animals has decreased signi-
cantly during the last decade, constituting only
0.5% of rabies cases in Europe from 2000 on
(WHO 1978–2013) and may thus have only a
limited eect on badger populations.
Other diseases to which badgers have been
reported to be vulnerable include mustelid
herpesvirus-1, canine distemper, arterioscle-
rosis, pneumonia, pleurisy, nephritis, enteri-
tis, polyarthritis and lymphosarcoma (Harris
& Yalden 2008). However, these diseases are
of much lower concern compared to bovine
tuberculosis or rabies and are therefore much
less studied. Although these diseases may
aect mortality of badgers, the impact on
badger populations is lower.
Internal parasites common in badgers are
trematodes, nematodes and several species of
tapeworms (Harris & Yalden 2008). Cubs are
also very susceptible to a coccidian parasite
(Eimeria melis) (Anwar et al. 2000). Potential
ectoparasites include eas (Paraceras melis -
badger ea, Chaetopsylla trichosa and Pulex
irritans), lice (Trichodectes melis) and ticks
(Ixodes ricinus, I. canisuga, I. hexagonus, I.
reduvius and I. melicula). Badgers also suer
from mange (Harris & Yalden 2008). To coun-
teract this problem, badgers spend much time
practising self and social grooming (Stewart
& Macdonald 2003). Parasites are of general
low concern, because they do not have an
important economic impact and the power of
spreading is lower, and they also have a much
lower impact on badger populations than
bovine tuberculosis and rabies.
Discussion and conclusions
Main habitat characteristics
e reviewed literature shows that a variety
of factors aect the distribution and spatial
population dynamics of the European badger
around Europe (see also table 1): e.g. climate
and terrain characteristics such as soil type,
slope, heterogeneity and cover. Habitat com-
position, the presence of woodland, grass-
land and crops - such as maize, wheat and
barley - and food availability are also of great
importance (Kruuk 1989, Feore & Montgom-
ery 1999). Built-up areas and roads negatively
inuence badger distribution through habitat
fragmentation, while roads are also an impor-
tant cause of mortality. Hunting, although
forbidden or strictly regulated nowadays in
most countries, is still allowed in some coun-
tries and, together with poaching, contributes
to badger mortality. Biotic interactions such
as interspecic competition are also explain-
ing badger territory expansion. Finally, dis-
eases may aect badger occurrence and den-
However, the degree of inuence of dierent
factors varies greatly. According to the col-
lected ndings, the main factors enhancing
badger distribution and population densities
are those that favour sett building and food
availability. On the one hand, sett construc-
tion is mostly promoted by factors providing
shelter and facilitating sett excavation, that
is the presence of woodland and other cover
features such as hedgerows and shrubs, ter-
rain heterogeneity, soils that are not too wet
or dicult to dig, and distance to urban areas
and roads. On the other hand, food availa-
bility is enhanced mostly by the presence of
grassland, crops and woodland. It seems that
it is a balance between these two needs which
nally determines the habitat preferences
of the European badger. e optimal habi-
tat composition is given when both are sup-
ported. Several studies conrm the combined
importance of food and sett site availability
(e.g. Woodroe & Macdonald 1993, Rosalino
et al. 2005). More specically, Rosalino et al.
(2005) studied the relationship between food
patches availability and suitable sett site avail-
ability and concluded that the presence of
both factors was required by badgers and that
either one or the other could act as a limiting
factor for badger colonisation and density.
e European badger is, according to all the
Lutra_57_2_Text_v3.indd 100 06/02/2015 21:27
Piza Roca et al. / Lutra 2014 57 (2): 87-109 101
sources we studied, very adaptive and able to
make use of dierent environmental factors
(gure 5). Badgers can nd shelter in forests,
in human-made hedgerows, in a heteroge-
neous rocky area, etc. eir diet is also very
exible, although earthworms are preferably
taken when it is available in the habitat. If
eart hworms are not abundant enough to cover
their needs, this opportunistic omnivore can
feed from other sources such as cereals, small
animals and plants, wild nuts and fruits, or
even anthropogenic food near urban areas.
e home range of the badger is also adapta-
ble to dierent environments. As contractors,
badgers will always establish a territory that
has a minimum land size to cover their needs.
But if the environmental factors for protec-
tion, shelter and feeding such as woody areas
and food patches are too far from each other,
badgers will increase the size of their territory
in order to include the necessary environ-
mental features. On the other hand, if food
availability is low, they will also increase their
home range and travel long distances daily to
nd the needed food. In conclusion, the Euro-
pean badger is a very opportunistic and adap-
tive animal, a fact that is continuously being
rearmed by ecological studies performed on
this species (e.g. Remonti et al. 2006). How-
ever, all over their distribution range, badgers
preferably use certain environmental items
and terrain characteristics. us, all around
Europe the badger shows a dened general
pattern in niche characteristics, indicating a
common realised niche.
Regional variation and differentiation
Although the realised niche might give an
approximation of the fundamental niche of
the species, these may not always overlap.
e species’ ecological fundamental niche
involves all conditions allowing long-term
survival of the species in an area, while the
realised niche is the portion of the funda-
mental niche that the species actually occu-
pies (Hutchinson 1957). e realised niche is
smaller than the potential ecological range
due to various constraints, notably human
pressure, biotic interactions and geographic
barriers. erefore, it is dicult to estimate
the entire fundamental niche of the badger, as
only some components of the full ecological
potential or fundamental niche are expressed
depending on the environmental conditions.
Apart from habitat composition, we have
seen how many other factors can inuence,
to a larger or smaller extent, the population
dynamics of the badger, namely climate,
anthropogenic impact through urban infra-
structure, agriculture, roads and hunting,
as well as diseases such as bovine tuberculo-
sis and rabies. e magnitude of these inu-
ences varies depending on the region, the
environmental and landscape characteristics,
abiotic and biotic composition, history, the
degree of badger protection, etc. erefore,
the most important factors aecting the dis-
tribution and density of the badger will dier
depending on the study area. Also, environ-
mental drivers do not equally aect the dier-
ent elements of spatial population dynamics.
For example, hunting may aect population
size and density, while roads may also aect
colonisation and migration. us, depending
on the region and the focus of the study, the
appreciation of the importance of environ-
mental factors on the distribution and density
of badgers may vary.
Reflections on historical ecology and
niche evolution
Given the great adaptability of the badger, it
is not surprising that they can easily adapt to
new human modied landscapes, and even
benet from anthropogenic transformation
of the landscape (e.g. Huck et al. 2008, Do
Linh San et al. 2011). Being such an adap-
tive species, badgers modify their realised
niche according to the environmental cir-
cumstances of the moment. Consequently,
Lutra_57_2_Text_v3.indd 101 06/02/2015 21:27
102 Piza Roca et al. / Lutra 2014 57 (2): 87-109
the actual niche of the badger may be better
understood by looking at the historical ecol-
ogy of the species, which explains habitat pref-
erences by exible opportunism and adapta-
tion rather than by intrinsic xed preferences.
Having this in mind, some reections can be
made on the historical niche evolution of the
species. Using the United Kingdom as a case
example, the preference for woodland could
be partly explained by the human prosecution
of the badger in agricultural zones due to crop
damage (Moore et al. 1999), rather than by
actual preference for this habitat. Moreover,
sometimes agricultural elds are surrounded
by electrical fences to prevent badger access
(Poole et al. 2002), crops are treated with
repellent to inhibit badger feeding (Baker et.
al. 2005) and farmers even illegally cull badg-
ers to avoid crop damage (Enticott 2011). e
badgers would then select woodland not for
its better conditions compared to agricultural
land but for its less signicant human nega-
tive intervention and the impediment to use
the agricultural elds. Also, the preference for
sloped areas could be partly explained by the
distribution of habitats in relation to terrain
characteristics. Agricultural activities are
preferably performed in at land, while the
more sloped land is le out of deforestation.
erefore, the badgers’ preference for slopes
can be the consequence of an artefact, i.e.
their apparently preference for woodland (or
forced avoidance of agricultural land). Like-
wise, badger setts in urban areas are also rea-
son for human conict (Davison et al. 2011)
and the exclusion of badger from these setts
could explain the avoidance of urban areas in
the badger’s distribution. In conclusion, we
must be careful when drawing conclusions
about habitat requirements and preferences
by looking only at the actual distribution and
density of the species. We should also relate
the niche evolution to the historical ecology
and environmental transformation that the
species has experienced to fully understand
its habitat relationships. is may have impli-
cations for conservation and management,
as the most important management strategy
might not be the availability of the environ-
mental items selected by the European badger
in recent times, but its actual feasibility of
using the dierent habitat elements.
is review provides an overview of factors
aecting the European badger’s distribution
and density. is knowledge can be highly use-
ful for future ecological research on this spe-
cies. e main factors inuencing the badger’s
spatial dynamics are those favouring both sett
location and food availability. erefore, mul-
tiple environmental factors contributing to
these two requirements interact to favour the
badger’s presence and numbers in a certain
area. Sett location requirements are most oen
enhanced by coverage and protection of wood-
land and other small elements, such as shrubs
and hedgerows, and food availability is most
oen higher in grassland. However, depend-
ing on the study area this might vary and other
elements may gain importance, such as suita-
ble soil for sett building, specic crops, human
inuence, diseases, etc. Consequently, prior to
every ecological study in which factors aect-
ing the distribution and density of the Euro-
pean badger play an important role, a choice
of the, potentially, most relevant factors has to
be made carefully according to the study area
Second, this literature review might also
have implications for management. e Euro-
pean badger’s great ecological exibility could
mean that the potential success rate of reha-
bilitation and reintroduction programs should
be relatively high. is may encourage policy
makers to take action when needed. However,
natural colonisation is a slow process in badg-
ers (Reason et al. 1993) and therefore providing
articial setts and translocation of displaced
badger social groups may facilitate and acceler-
ate badger expansion when desired.
ere is a clear bias for research on the badger
Lutra_57_2_Text_v3.indd 102 06/02/2015 21:27
Piza Roca et al. / Lutra 2014 57 (2): 87-109 103
in the United Kingdom, as 50% of the relevant
data on factors aecting t he distribution and den-
sity of badgers where performed in this European
region. However, the environmental conditions
are dierent throughout European regions and
therefore the ndings in the United Kingdom
may not be applicable to other European coun-
tries. We encourage research on badger ecology
in the countries where this is scarce, such as Italy,
France, Belgium or Sweden.
Although extensive knowledge on factors
aecting the distribution and densities of the
European badger is available, little research has
been conducted on the specic eects of environ-
mental factors on life-cycle components, such as
age-specic survival and reproduction rates. Sev-
eral studies focused on the inuence of environ-
mental factors, such as roads or climatic condi-
tions on badger survival (e.g. Clarke et al. 1998,
Macdonald et al. 2010), but these do not include
the eects on other life-cycle components. In fact,
very little is known about the inuence of envi-
ronmental factors on other life-cycle characteris-
tics such as group dynamics, reproduction or dis-
persal. Future research on badger ecology should
try to answer the question of how and how much
all components of the life cycle are aected and
what the integrated eect is on the spatial popula-
tion dynamics of the badgers.
Acknowledgements: We are grateful for nancial sup-
port from the Netherlands Organization for Scientic
Research (NWO-meerwaarde grant 850.11.001 to EJ).
We are thankful for constructive comments by two
anonymous reviewers.
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Verspreiding en dichtheid van de das
(Meles meles): een literatuuronderzoek
naar sturende omgevingsfactoren
Deze literatuurstudie gaat over de milieufac-
toren die het voorkomen en de dichtheid van
dassen bepalen. De geraadpleegde literatuur,
uit de periode 1970-heden, laat zien dat de das
zich aan verschillende situaties kan aanpas-
sen. Gezien over het hele Europese versprei-
dingsgebied van dassen wordt een algemeen
patroon zichtbaar van geprefereerde omge-
vings- en milieufactoren. De meest bepalende
factoren blijken factoren te zijn die het voed-
selaanbod beïnvloeden en de geschiktheid
van de bodem voor het graven van een burcht.
Meer speciek gaat het om een geschikt
bodemtype om gemakkelijk in te kunnen
graven, kleinschalige heterogeniteit van het
landschap voor dekking en de hoeveelheid
bos en grasland met veel regenwormen. Hoe
belangrijk specieke factoren zijn voor de das
is per gebied verschillend, waardoor de aan-
wezigheid en de dichtheid van dassen wordt
bepaald door de unieke samenstelling van
een gebied, land of regio. We geven aan hoe
de kennis over omgevings- en milieufacto-
ren gebruikt kan worden voor ruimtelijke
modelstudies, natuurbeheer en toekomstig-
onderzoek naar habitatgeschiktheid en dicht-
heid van dassenpopulaties. Desondanks is
meer onderzoek nodig om beter en in detail
te kunnen begrijpen op welke wijze de fases
van de levenscyclus van de das worden beïn-
vloed door de gevonden specieke factoren en
wat het (cumulatieve) eect daarvan is op de
(ruimtelijke) populatiedynamiek van dassen.
Received: 27 October 2014
Accepted: 13 December 2014
Lutra_57_2_Text_v3.indd 109 06/02/2015 21:27
... The European badger (Meles meles Linnaeus, 1758), a member of the mustelid family, is widely distributed across nearly all European countries [1,2]. Known for its adaptability and ability to exploit a wide range of resources, the species inhabits areas from sea level to mountainous regions, ranging from dense woodlands to open agricultural landscapes, and can even be found in suburban areas and urban parks [1,[3][4][5][6][7]. A variety of interacting factors, including climate, terrain characteristics (such as soil type and slope), habitat composition and heterogeneity, vegetation cover, and interspecific interactions, significantly influence the distribution of the European badger in Europe [4]. ...
... Known for its adaptability and ability to exploit a wide range of resources, the species inhabits areas from sea level to mountainous regions, ranging from dense woodlands to open agricultural landscapes, and can even be found in suburban areas and urban parks [1,[3][4][5][6][7]. A variety of interacting factors, including climate, terrain characteristics (such as soil type and slope), habitat composition and heterogeneity, vegetation cover, and interspecific interactions, significantly influence the distribution of the European badger in Europe [4]. These factors impact both sett construction and food availability, and the balance between these two ecological needs ultimately determines species habitat preferences [4,8]. ...
... A variety of interacting factors, including climate, terrain characteristics (such as soil type and slope), habitat composition and heterogeneity, vegetation cover, and interspecific interactions, significantly influence the distribution of the European badger in Europe [4]. These factors impact both sett construction and food availability, and the balance between these two ecological needs ultimately determines species habitat preferences [4,8]. ...
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The European badger is a highly adaptable species, inhabiting a range of environments across Europe, from woodlands to urban areas, with its behaviour influenced by environmental conditions and human activities. This study examines the badger feeding habits, patterns of diel activity, and sett site choice in northwestern Italy, assessing how landscape composition affects these behaviours. We conducted our research across seven study areas in northern Italy from December 2020 to November 2022, utilising camera trapping, faeces analysis, and sett surveys. Our findings revealed significant dietary variation, with earthworms being the primary food source in natural landscapes, while fleshy fruits being consumed especially in mixed and heavily modified landscapes, up to constitute the staple of the diet in one agricultural area. Badgers were found to be nocturnal, primarily active between sunset and sunrise. Setts varied considerably in structure and location, with a preference for natural grounds over human-made structures; key factors influencing sett site choice included slope, exposure, and vegetation cover. This study underscores the European badger's remarkable adaptability, illustrating how its diet, activity patterns, and sett site preferences are shaped by a complex interplay of factors, allowing the species to thrive in both pristine and modified environments across northern Italy.
... It prefers forests close to open fields, but it also occupies riparian habitats, waste lands and farmlands. In recent decades it even began to occupy rural and urban environments in many countries, including Poland (Roca et al. 2014). In forests the badger plays a role of an ecosystem engineer and as such it is useful. ...
... In Poland, including the south-western part, the badger was regarded as rare (Pax 1925, Kopij 1996, Kowalczyk et al. 2000Nadolska 2002;Nadolska, Bartmańska 2003;Roca et al. 2014). The major finding of this study is that the badger once a rare game species in the south-western part of this country, became common throughout the region as a result dramatic increase in the years 2000-2020. ...
... Factors governing badger's distribution and abundance are those favouring both sett location (soil type, slope, vegetation cover), forest type, human activity, abundance and availability of earthworm, competitors and predators, parasites and diseases (Mysłajek et al. 2012, Roca et al. 2014. Badgers prefer ecotone zone (forest/open fields with pasture, meadows etc. with the presence of sandy places for the establishment of dens). ...
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Based on hunting bags records from the years 1981–2020, distribution, numbers and population dynamics of the badger was analysed in in SW Poland (29 358 km2, including 8411 km2 forests). Before 1999, the badger was harvested in SW Poland only occasionally. From 1999 till 2020, there was a steady increase from c. 200 in 1999 to c. 1100 in 2019. This increase in harvesting was a result of a parallel increase in numbers of badgers between 1996 (1000 individuals) to 2013 (c. 6500 individuals). Crude population density of the badger in SW Poland in 2001-2020 was everywhere below 1 ind./1000 ha of the total area. The ecological density, however, ranged from 0.2 to 6.1 ind./100 ha of total wooded area.
... The range of European badgers covers most of Europe -however, they do not occur in Iceland, the Faroe Islands, Shetland, the Hebrides, Orkney (Griffiths and Thomas 1997), nor within the Arctic Circle and therefore in northern Scandinavia and Russia. The boundary separating European and Asian badger populations runs along the Volga River, while European and Caucasian badgers are not clearly separated (Piza Roca et al. 2014). The boundary between their ranges is assumed to be in the North Caucasus, although in some places their territories overlap, potentially leading to hybridisation of the two subspecies (they are compatible with each other) (Abramov and Puzachenko 2007). ...
... Badgers can be found in deciduous and mixed forests, as well as in clearings, pastures, tree rows and various types of thickets and hedgerows (Zejda and Nesvadbová 1983). In addition, they have adapted to suburban and urban conditions, where they inhabit, for example, parks (Piza Roca et al. 2014). In Poland, however, such cases are extremely rare, as badgers lead a secretive lifestyle and by nature shy away from human contact. ...
... The optimal habitat for badgers is dense forest stands (deciduous and mixed forests, especially oak-and hornbeam-forests) and areas covered with dense shrubby vegetation, such as thickets or hedgerows (these are particularly important in agricultural and open landscapes as they act as mid-field shelter) (Zejda and Nesvadbová 1983;Piza Roca et al. 2014). Badgers also find their way quite well into pine forests (Kurek 2011 ...
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The paper presents proposed methods for monitoring the European badger in Poland. In addition to the characteristics of the species, habitat requirements, threats and conservation perspectives are discussed. Based on literature data, indicators were developed to provide reliable information on population size and habitat condition. Furthermore, an example of a completed observation card and the resulting assessment is provided. Data collected in the recommended manner may help to learn about the current situation of badgers in Poland and thus contribute to the implementation of appropriate measures for their protection.
... The Eurasian badger (from now on "badger") is the biggest mustelid species in Europe with a wide distribution and stable population, classified as "least concerned" according to the IUCN (see S1) [283]. Badger distribution and population density are correlated with their food resources, which mainly consist of cereals, earthworms, insects, and even rabbits depending on the local conditions [284]. Even though a negative correlation between human population density and badger density was reported [283], in some European countries the anthropogenic land-use change increased food resources for this animal species because of agriculture [285]. ...
... Even though a negative correlation between human population density and badger density was reported [283], in some European countries the anthropogenic land-use change increased food resources for this animal species because of agriculture [285]. Badgers are mainly nocturnal animals that dig large burrows used as temporary shelter by many other animal species, such as foxes, other smaller mustelid species, or even lynx [284,286,287]. ...
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Mesocarnivores are small-or mid-sized carnivore species that display a variety of ecologies and behaviours. In Europe, wild mesocarnivores are represented by the red fox (Vulpes vulpes), the golden jackal (Canis aureus), the European wildcat (Felis silvestris), the Mustelidae of the genera Meles, Martes, Mustela, Lutra, the invasive species of raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides), raccoons (Procyon lotor), and American mink (Neomustela vison). These abundant animals thrive in various habitats and often develop their activity close to human settlements. Thus, they may play an important role in the introduction, maintenance, and transmission of major parasitic zoonoses and promote bridging infections with domestic animals. Against this background, this article reports and discusses some of the most important endoparasites of wild mesocarnivores living in Europe, on the basis of their actual role as reservoirs, spreaders, or sentinels. The data derived from epizo-otiological studies in different European countries, and the proven or speculated implications of the detected endoparasites in human and domestic animals' health, are discussed. Through older and recent literature review, the state-of-the-art knowledge on the occurrence and prevalence of the parasites under consideration is presented, showing further, warranted investigations and the need for surveillance and vigilance.
... The European badger is a common and widespread species [9,10]. Badgers play an important part in various interspecific interactions depending on their diet, behaviour, prey-predator interactions, disease dispersal, etc. [5,[11][12][13][14]. Badger-human relationships can be quite ambivalent due to some damage, e.g., in farmlands or infrastructure [15,16]. ...
... Hunting may constitute a significant share of the mortality of this species and cause its decline [12,145]. In the Carpathian Mountains in Poland, hunters obtain 0.37 badger/10 km 2 , while wolves kill 0.07 badger/10 km 2 [43]. ...
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The European badger plays an important role as a natural factor shaping species diversity in forests. Its extensive setts can be used by many other animals as shelters. Soil perturbations in their setts support plant communities that differ from the matrix landscape. The badger is also an effective seed disperser. We investigated its role as an ecosystem engineer in preserving species diversity and discussed its legal status across Europe. In most European countries (69.3% of the continent), the badger is hunted, sometimes year-round. The hunting season lasting through winter until early spring may have a negative effect on badger populations, especially when cubs are born in February. Although this species is Red Listed in 19 European countries (with categories ranging from LC to EN), the badger is strictly protected by law in 30.7% of its European range. A reduction in badger populations may limit its ecosystem services (seed dispersal, topsoil disturbances, microhabitat creation). Much new data on the importance of badgers in ecosystem engineering has allowed us to reconsider how we manage badger populations.
... Such social structure determines the species density, which peaks in the UK (38 ind./km 2 ) and reaches its lowest value in Eastern Europe (e.g., Czech Republic, 0.12 ind./km 2 [7]. This variation in density is frequently linked to climate variation (e.g., wetter climate favors earthworm's abundance and, indirectly, badgers), abundance and availability of potential sett sites and/or food, and level of disturbance, such as human population density, road density or hunting pressure [8]. ...
... The European badger shows a high adaptability throughout its wide distribution range highlighted by its wide variation in feeding habits [50], density [7], group size [7], or habitat use patterns and drivers [8]. Our results bring novel information on still poorly known aspects of Mediterranean badger ecology (e.g. ...
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Carnivores social organization varies widely, from strongly social to solitary predators. European badgers are facultative social carnivores that also shows a geographical variation in social structure. These patterns derive mainly from central/west European regions, with an under-representation of Mediterranean populations that face different conservation challenges, especially regarding group composition, sett use patterns and breeding phenology. We addressed these traits topics for a population inhabiting a Portuguese agro-silvo-pastoral system. Based on monthly monitoring of 34 setts and continuous camera-trapping surveys of 12, we showed that setts surrounded by diversified vegetation and located in sandy sites are more used, a pattern probably linked to food availability and ease of sett excavation and maintenance, respectively. Badgers followed a general pattern regarding group size (2–4 adults), but showed an intermediate population density (0.49–0.73 badgers/km2), with values higher than those estimated for other Mediterranean environments, but lower than for central-western populations. This, together with the breeding (November/January) and cub emergence (1.8 cubs/sett; March/April) periods, indicates an ecological adaptation to the landscape context, where human-related resources and mild environmental conditions allow badger to reach higher densities than in many southern populations, and to reproduce earlier than their northern counterparts.
... Despite its history of being a severely threatened species, the European badger is now abundant in Europe. Being a highly adaptive species, they have also adjusted to suburban and urban environments (Roca et al. 2014). In the current report, the first cardiovascular dirofilariosis cases in two European badgers in Greece are described. ...
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Dirofilaria immitis is a ubiquitous nematode parasite with zoonotic potential, transmitted by mosquitoes, that causes heartworm disease in various animal species. Dogs are the parasite’s typical final host, and wild carnivores represent the parasite’s reservoir in nature. Studies on D. immitis infections in wild animals are essential to assess infection pressure for domestic animals, and until now, there has been only one infection case reported in a European badger (Meles meles). The current report describes the first two European badger cases with cardiovascular dirofilariosis in Greece. Two adult male badgers were rescued in Heraklion and Chania, Crete Island, and admitted to “ANIMA -Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre” in Athens. The detailed clinical examination revealed that the first badger suffered from severe broncho-pneumonitis while the second one displayed clinical signs associated with severe brain trauma. Blood samples were taken for haematology and biochemistry analyses during their short hospitalisation period. In addition, different routine diagnostic tests were carried out, including heartworm antigen testing (ELISA) and the modified Knott’s test for microfilariae. Both badgers were positive in both tests. The animals died a few hours after their admission and the detailed necropsies followed, revealed the presence of three parasites in each animal’s right heart, morphologically identified as adults of D. immitis. These findings add the European badger in the list of additional potential reservoir hosts for D. immitis and highlight the potential role of wildlife for companion animals and human health.
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South of the town of Hilversum, The Netherlands, remained a small isolated population of badgers in 1983. Improved protection and, possibly, a few reintroductions made this population grow steadily in the following four decades. The number of occupied main setts grew from a only 5 setts in the 1980s to 137 in 2021 and the number of badgers from a dozen to 500. The proportion of occupied main setts where badgers reproduced, increased significantly (P < 0.05) from circa 30% in the earlier years to 45% in later years. The observed litter size based on emerged cubs was 2.26 without a change over time. The average density-related apparent mortality was 14–26%, depending on underlying assumptions. The estimated size of territories, based on dispersion distances, was 50–150 hectares. The observed number of badgers per main sett tended to increase (P < 0.10) from circa 2.7 during the first decade to circa 3.7 in the end. The increase of the total number of badgers in the region was, however, mainly associated with a proportional increase of the area where badgers and their setts can be found nowadays. This expansion continues until the present day, albeit at a diminishing pace.
Tacheng tick virus 1 (TcTV-1), emerging tick-borne orthonairoviruses, was firstly isolated from a tick bite patient in northwestern China. However, TcTV-1 in livestock, wildlife, and potential vectors was still unknown. From 2017 to 2021, 1495 samples included 180 engorged adult female ticks, 180 egg batches, 84 larvae, 896 adult ticks, 148 livestock blood samples, and 7 spleens from red foxes were collected from 14 counties or cities of southern and eastern Kazakhstan, and northwestern China. The samples were tested for the presence of TcTV-1 using the viral L segments by reverse transcriptase–polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). The infection rates of TcTV-1 were 7.78% (14/180), 3.89% (7/180), and 2.47% (2/84) in engorged adult female Hyalomma asiaticum ticks and their offsprings (eggs and larvae), respectively. 6.45% (9/148) blood samples of livestock and 14.29% (1/7) spleen samples of red foxes tested positive to TcTV-1. TcTV-1 was detected in 13.08% (34/260) adult hard ticks from Kazakhstan and 5.35% (34/636) ticks from China. This findings suggests that i) the pastured cattle, sheep, camel and wild red fox act as natural reservoirs for TcTV-1; ii) TcTV-1 is detected in genera of Hyalomma , Dermacentor , Rhipicephalus and Ixodes both originated from northwestern China and southeastern Kazakhstan; and iii) Hy . asiaticum is a potential vector of TcTV-1 due to its transovarial transmission.
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Predation, one of the most dramatic interactions in animals' lives, has long fascinated ecologists. This volume presents carnivores, raptors and their prey in the complicated net of interrelationships, and shows them against the background of their biotic and abiotic settings. It is based on long-term research conducted in the best preserved woodland of Europe's temperate zone. The role of predation, whether limiting or regulating prey (ungulate, rodent, shrew, bird, and amphibian) populations, is quantified and compared to parts played by other factors: climate, food resources for prey, and availability of other potential resources for predators.
The northern distribution limit of the badger has moved about 100 km northwards since the mid-1940s, and the frequency of occurrence has increased. Thus, the distribution area is larger and less fragmented today than it was a few decades ago. Climate seems to be the most important factor affecting the distribution area of the badger in Finland. The onset of spring and the length of the snow-free period are important for species that sleep in winter; if the summer is very short the young do not have enough time to accumulate fat reserves for the winter. The rapid increase of the raccoon dog Nyctereutes procyonoides population has not caused a decline in the native badger population of Finland. -from Author
The densities of three sympatric carnivore species (fox, raccoon dog and badger) were estimated in Suwalki Landscape Park (North Eastern Poland). The number of predator den was estimated by a double survey of the area; additionally, snow tracking was carried out. Mean spring density (1995-1996) of foxes was estimated on 0.27 individuals per square km of the whole Park territory whereas those of badgers and. raccoon dogs were 0.36 and 0.37, respectively. These values are much higher than estimations by the Park Authorities. In comparison with ether regions of Poland the densities of both raccoon dogs and badgers were among the highest recorded. Mean number of cubs per family den was 2.3 in badgers, 6.0 in foxes and 5.7 in raccoon dogs.
We studied the size, distribution and habitat characteristics of badger (Meles meles L.) setts in a largely forested area near the city of Zurich, Switzerland. The distribution of the setts was non-random, as revealed by testing nearest neighbour distances. To evaluate the habitat characteristics that determine sett locations, different parameter categories describing topography, vegetation cover and structure of the forest habitat were analysed with a multiple regression analysis and with a digital terrain model of the forest using a Geographical Information System (GIS). Preferred sett sites were the convex slopes with an inclination of 20-40°. These sites are well drained and offer many opportunities for digging entrances and tunnels, and thus gives the badger the option to leave the sett from several directions. Ideal sett sites were found above 600 metres a.s.l., closer to the forest boundary and adjoining agricultural zones than the random points. These sett sites probably guarantee access to a good food supply year-round and allow badgers to adapt their foraging behaviour to seasonal changes in food availability both within the mixed forest stands and in the agricultural fields and meadows outside the forest. Setts were found more than 50 metres from the nearest path and in areas with sparse ground cover. Coniferous stands were avoided. However, single old spruces within deciduous forest stands were frequently used as sett sites for setts consisting of one or two entrances only. Spruce trees have shallow roots, which facilitate digging and help prevent the roof of the sett from collapsing. Vegetation cover played an important role in the choice of a sett site. However, just "being out of view" (be it through topographic characteristics or distance from the nearest path) could be a type of cover as well. In this study, the small-scale topography around the setts seemed to play a key role in the choice of sett site. The results presented here suggest that a large, deciduous forest with a pronounced topographical variation represents a good badger habitat.