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Strategic Management


Abstract and Figures

Strategic management is defined as the process of evaluation, planning, and implementation designed to maintain or improve competitive advantage. The process of evaluation is concerned with assessment of the external and internal environments. Planning involves developing business models, corporate direction, competitive tactics, international strategy, acquisitions, and collaborative action. The implementation phase requires leadership to build the appropriate organizational structure, develop management culture, control the strategic processes, and steer the organization through ethical corporate governance. The outcomes of strategic activity are visible in the change in revenues, market shares, profits, and return on investment for stakeholders. The outcomes create a feedback loop which in turn affects the external and internal environment of the organization.
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strategic management
Tanya Sammut-Bonnici
Strategic management is dened as the process
of evaluation, planning, and implementation
designed to maintain or improve compet-
itive advantage. The process of evaluation
is concerned with the external and internal
environments. Planning involves developing
business models, corporate direction, competi-
tive tactics, international strategy, acquisitions,
and collaborative action. The implementa-
tion phase requires leadership to build the
appropriate organizational structure, develop
management culture, control the strategic
processes, and steer the organization through
corporate governance (Figure 1).
Firms are observed to use two perspectives
when going through the strategic management
process of analysis: planning and implementa-
Resource-based view. This perspective suggests
that a rm’s unique internal resources are the
critical determinant of strategic competitive-
ness. If a rm’s resources are unique, difcult
to imitate, and without close substitutes that
competitors can adopt, they will create compet-
itive advantage. When these conditions are
maintained over time, the rm’s resources will
create the foundations for sustainable long-term
competitive advantage.
Industrial organization. This is the second
perspective, which assumes that the external
environment determines the strategic actions a
rm can deploy. The corollary of this concept is
that a rm should identify and seek to operate
in environments that allow strategic activity
creating competitiveness and protability.
International competition has increased the
accessibility that customers have to products
around the globe. Intense competition has called
for a concerted effort to build strategic action
through the process of environmental evalu-
ation, developing a set of strategic plans and
implementing them.
Phase 1: Strategic evaluation. The strategic
management process starts with an in-depth
evaluation of the internal organizational envi-
ronment and the external environment. The
evaluation is a component of SWOT analysis
(internal strengths and weaknesses, external
opportunities and threats).
The main components of an internal anal-
ysis are the rm’s resources (such as premises,
machinery, nancial capital, human capital, and
distribution networks), which can be combined
and developed into capabilities. Examples of
capabilities are
developing innovative technology products,
reducing the time to market,
creating more efcient distribution channels
and retail outlets,
capturing the consumer’s attention through
marketing, and
managing customer relationships for long-
term brand loyalty.
Capabilities are converted into core compe-
tences, which are difcult to imitate and lead to
a position of competitive advantage. An internal
analysis evaluates how they can be developed
to continue creating competitive advantage for
the rm.
The external macroenvironment consists of
variables that are beyond the control of an orga-
nization, but require analysis in order to realign
corporate and marketing strategy to shifting
business environments. Firms are affected
by forces that can be political, economic,
social, or technological (summarized in the
mnemonic PEST) as well as legal, ecological,
demographical, ethical, or regulatory.
Phase 2: Planning strategic activity. A compre-
hensive set of strategic plans would include a
roadmap for the rm’s business-level, corporate-
level, competitive, international, collaborative,
and acquisition strategies:
1. Business strategy is formulated around
the customer perspective and aim for lead-
ership and differentiation in both product
and pricing policies. The business-level
strategy denes which customer segments
and needs will be addressed, and how the
customer need will be satised.
Wiley Encyclopedia of Management, edited by Professor Sir Cary L Cooper.
Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
2 strategic management
Business strategy
Corporate strategy
Mergers and
Corporate governance
of strategic
Outcome of
strategic action:
Phase 1
Phase 2
Performance feedback on
Phase 3
Phase 4
Management factors
Environmental factors
market shares,
profits and growth
Internal and external environment
Strategic plans
Figure 1 Components of strategic management. Source: Adapted from McGee, Thomas, and Wilson (2010) and Hitt,
Ireland, and Hosskisson (2012).
2. Corporate strategy denes how the rm
can widen its scale of operation from a single
business to a portfolio of businesses, oper-
ating in international markets. The strategy
helps companies with strategic positioning
of their products and brand.
3. Competitive strategy focuses on how the
rm will defend and protect its resources,
capabilities, and core competences that have
created its current competitive advantage.
This part of the plan includes reactive stra-
tegies that preserve the current core compe-
tences, and proactive responses that develop
the rm’s competences even further.
4. International strategy denes which
products and businesses are assigned to
different geographic regions and countries.
International corporations are observed to
use three types of international strategies:
national, global, and transnational.
National strategy is created for each country
in which the rm operates. The strategy is
sensitive to the national context and builds
on the knowledge of the local competitive
landscape. It denes the products, pricing
policies, distribution strategies, and adver-
tising campaigns for each country. National
strategies may include country-specic
procurement policies, manufacturing, and
human resource management. National
strategies are instrumental in creating the
core competences of a rm which are later
aggregated into global and transnational
strategies. When a rm operates in several
countries, the complexity of handling too
many national strategies would lead the
rm to introduce a more harmonized global
Global strategy determines the standard-
ization of products and processes across
strategic management 3
geographic boundaries and harmonizes
national strategies into a more homoge-
neous format. The objective is to reduce the
complexity of managing diverse markets,
lower the need for local responsiveness,
and gain economies of scale. With a global
strategy in place, best practices are easier to
replicate across different locations. Global
strategies work when the customer needs
are similar across the different markets.
Another prerequisite for a global strategy to
work is the standardization of operational
and nancial reporting, which provides
head ofce with the tools of analysis and
Transnational strategy integrates the bene-
ts of both national strategies and global
strategies. It aims to emphasize local sensi-
tivity and increasing local responsiveness
while standardizing operations in different
regions in order to gain from economies of
scale. The duality of the strategy makes it
difcult to conceptualize and implement.
Successful transnational strategies are built
around a strong common vision for local
orientation and an equally strong oper-
ational infrastructure which is common
across different countries. It requires a
substantial investment in infrastructure and
managerial resources.
HSBC has embraced the role of “world’s
local bank,” which epitomizes the essence
of transnational strategy. However, post
the recession in 2011 the bank declared it
would have to abandon the concept as costs
to maintain an intensive local sensitivity was
spiraling. Lower prot margins were placing
pressure on the rm to focus more on oper-
ational efciency and standardization across
all geographic regions.
5. Collaboration strategy is based on both
competition and cooperation between a
rm and its competitors, suppliers, distrib-
utors, partners, and regulators. The most
common motives for rms to engage in
collaboration are to develop larger markets,
improve industry standards, spread the
costs of research and development, and
increase consumer awareness for the benet
of all the industry players.
In the communications industry, Vodafone,
T Mobile, and Orange, among others, coop-
erate to maintain interconnected telephony
platforms, which in turn generate a larger
subscriber base for the industry. Coopera-
tion in telecommunications is ubiquitous.
It created compatible communications
networks, uniform technology standards
(such as global system for mobile (GSM),
universal mobile telecommunications
system (UMTS), and 3G), and facilitated
the coordination of complex subscriber
billing across networks and borders.
6. Mergers and acquisitions strategies are
carried out to improve a rm’s competitive
position through two main venues. First,
economies of scale and synergies are gained
from combining similar operations and
overhead costs. Second, core competences
are bought in, which are otherwise difcult
to replicate. Firms would gain access to
new products, new distribution networks,
established customer bases, and nancial
International mergers and acquisitions were
dominant strategies in the 1990s. In more
recent corporate history, rms are favoring
the more exible and adaptive collaborative
strategies over the high cost and commit-
ment of mergers and acquisitions.
In international mergers and acquisitions,
the inefcient integration and develop-
ment of the incumbent cultures may cause
strategic challenges. During the integration
process of the two rms, much attention
is given to drawing synergies through cost
reduction at the expense of developing new
strategies. The leading party in a merger
tends to force its managerial culture and
mode of operation on the target organiza-
tion. Managers assume that the methods
deployed to run the original organization
will function equally well in creating a new
strategy involving new corporate partners.
The misplaced paradigm often leads to the
inefcient distribution of physical resources
and tacit capabilities, and eventually leads
to strategic drift.
Phase 3: Implementation of strategic activity. It
requires two main capabilities: leadership and
4 strategic management
corporate governance. Strategic leadership is
necessary to communicate the vision of the rm
and objectives of the strategic plans (outlined
above) to the management level. Leadership
captures the cognitive side of management
which goes beyond nancial performance
measurement. It can be the source of motiva-
tion, empowerment creativity, and innovation,
which often are required to steer rms out of
challenging situations. Corporate governance
is a rm’s underlying infrastructure that facil-
itates and controls strategic action. It provides
a monitor for ethical behavior and regulatory
compliance. Corporate governance determines
the relationships among the shareholders, the
board of directors, and the company’s manage-
ment. The traditional mechanisms of corporate
governance were the stakeholders, the board
of directors, and executive compensation. The
triad of control mechanisms has come under
criticism and scrutiny. Trends in corporate
governance are to include business performance
measurement and stakeholder feedback with
traditional nancial measures of control.
Phase 4: Outcomes of strategic activity. These
are visible in increases in revenues, market
shares, prots, and return on investment for
stakeholders. The outcomes create a feedback
loop, which in turn affects the external and
internal environment of the organization.
See also strategic management
Angwin, D.N. (2007) Motive archetypes in Mergers and
Acquisitions (M&A): the implications of a congura-
tional approach to performance, Advances in Mergers
and Acquisitions, Vol. 6, JAI Press, pp. 77– 106.
Hitt, M.A., Ireland, R.D. and Hoskisson, R.E. (2012)
Strategic Management Cases: Competitiveness and
Globalization, South-Western Pub.
Karaevli, A. and Zajac, E. (2009) When does CEO
Outsiderness Generate Strategic Change? When
paradox and irony meet.
McGee, J., Thomas, H. and Wilson, D.C. (2010) Strategy:
Analysis and Practice, McGraw-Hill.
Sammut-Bonnici, T. (2010) Information economy strate-
gies in the mobile telecommunications industry, in
Understanding Global Strategy (eds S. Segal-Horn and
D. Faulkner), Thomson Learning.
... Business strategy is one of the key elements of the strategic management concept. It represents a framework that outlines the fundamental directions, rules, and tools for a company's operations (Mainardes, Ferreira, and Raposo, 2014;Sammut-Bonnici, 2015;Desai, 2019;Nikolaeva, 2020;Alharbi, 2024). Adopting an incorrect business strategy can have disastrous consequences for a company, potentially threatening its survival as an independent economic entity. ...
... SHRM dipahami sebagai bertambahnya nilai terhadap efektifitas organisasi dengan mengintegrasikan people, strategy, values, and performance dengan menghubungkan strategi organisasi secara keseluruhan dengan sistem Manajemen SDM menjadi sesuatu yang penting dalam memaksimalkan kinerja organisasi dengan meningkatkan inisiatif, kreativitas dan komitmen pegawai untuk sukses (Mello & Jeffrey, 2015). SHRM dianggap sebagai proses evaluasi, perencanaan, dan implementasi yang dirancang untuk menjaga atau meningkatkan keunggulan kompetitif sumber daya manusia (Sammut-Bonnici, 2015). ...
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... Hal ini karena semua perusahaan harus memiliki pemahaman yang jelas tentang arah untuk memahami apa yang ingin mereka capai. Misalnya, perusahaan di sektor swasta mungkin berupaya memaksimalkan keuntungan bagi pemegang saham, atau beberapa bentuk investasi berkelanjutan, dan perusahaan di sektor publik mungkin ingin memanfaatkan sumber daya mereka secara berkelanjutan (Sammut-Bonnici, 2015). ...
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... Strategic management is a systematic approach to identifying, implementing changes, and measuring organizational performance to achieve a vision (Wells, 1996). Strategic management is also defined as the evaluation, planning, and implementation process designed to maintain or improve competitive advantage (Sammut-Bonnici, 2015). Strategic management can be defined as the art and science of formulating, implementing, and evaluating cross-functional decisions that enable an organization to achieve its goals (David, 2011). ...
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Strategic management can be used to envisage the challenges of inclusive economy and business innovation. This study aims to analyze the research trends development on strategic management. This research uses bibliometric analysis visualization using VosViewer. The database was downloaded from ScienceDirect. The advanced search limitation using the keyword “strategic management” in 2022. The research filter to research articles, focusing only on business, management, and accounting. The results show there are 784 articles. Analysis of visual bibliometrics shows the trend of the themes and the author's relation. There are three clusters on publication article analysis. The strongest topics in cluster 1 related to strategic management publication are firm, data, effect, role, relationship, model, and impact all of each item strengths above 1000; in cluster 2 about process, development, and framework which all around 900; and all in the third cluster no more than 500 link strength. The most productive author of this research in 2022 is Vijay Pereira.
... Pengertian lain manajemen seperti; manajemen sebagai proses pencapaian tujuan organisasi, dalam lingkungan yang berubah, dengan menyeimbangkan efisiensi, efektivitas, dan pemerataan, mendapatkan hasil maksimal dari sumber daya yang terbatas, dan bekerja dengan/dan melalui orang lain, juga menunjukkan corak strategis yang sama, yakni berorientasi kepada tujuan (Jordão et al., 2016). Maka dari itu, manajemen strategis (strategic management) lebih bersifat mendasar, yakni sebagai proses evaluasi, perencanaan, dan implementasi yang dirancang untuk mempertahankan atau meningkatkan keunggulan kompetitif (Sammut-Bonnici, 2015). Jika pemasaran dipahami sebagai pemenuhan terhadap kebutuhan konsumen, maka bagaimana pemasaran yang "strategis" itu? ...
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Tilapia has become one of the most popular and widely consumed fish by the community. Tilapia has become one of the commodities for people in Indonesia, one of which is located in North Lampung. Chery Caramon is the only tilapia producer that focuses on tilapia cultivation as one of the commodities to drive the local economy. This study focuses on knowing the marketing strategy of Chery Caramon's tilapia farming business in Abung Tinggi District, North Lampung Regency. This study uses a descriptive method with a case study approach to find out the marketing strategies used by Chery Caramon. This study uses SWOT analysis to find out various opportunities and threats that are factors for Chery Caramon to improve its tilapia farming marketing strategy. From this research, it can be concluded that tilapia farming by Chery Caramon in North Lampung Regency uses an SO (Strength-Opportunity) strategy to market its products to the surrounding community.
Conference Paper
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Günümüzde yapay zekâ teknolojileri büyük bir önem kazanmakta ve sıkça araştırılan bir alan olarak öne çıkmaktadır. Özellikle çeşitli dinamiklere ayak uydurmaya çalışan stratejik yönetim yaklaşımları da çağın beraberinde getirdiği dijitalleşme ve otomasyon teknolojileri kullanma becerileri noktasında rekabet avantajı sağlamak amacıyla yapay zekâ kullanımına yönelmektedir. Bu esas görüşlere dayanılarak, çalışmanın amacı stratejik yönetim ve yapay zekâ ile ilgili yapılan çalışmaları incelemek ve alan yazındaki boşluğu tespit etmektedir. Çalışmanın araştırma kısmında, içerik analizi yöntemi tercih edilmiştir. Bu bağlamda 2020- 2024 yılları arasında stratejik yönetim ve yapay zekâ konusunda erişim sağlanarak, Scopus, Web of Science, IEEE, TR-Dizin, Dergipark dizinleri taranmış. Scopus veri tabanında 9; Web of Science veri tabanında 5; IEEE veri tabanında 3; TR-Dizin veri tabanında 3 ve Dergipark veri tabanında 1 olmak üzere 21 tane makale ele alınmıştır. Bunun sonucunda stratejik yönetim ve yapay zekâ konusunun; dijital dönüşüm, endüstri 4.0, endüstri 5.0, akıllı sistemler, iş stratejileri, dijital strateji, örgütsel girişimcilik, rekabet avantajı, teknolojik dönüşüm ve teknoloji benimseme süreci kavramlarıyla ilişkilerin araştırıldığı görülmüştür. Bu konuların yanı sıra makalelerde akıllı sistemler, büyük veri, blok zinciri, çıkar çatışması, dijital hizmet sunumu, dönüşüm, eğitim, esneklik, gelecek beklentileri, inovasyon, işbirlikçi iş ekosistemleri, işbirliği, IoT (Nesnelerin İnterneti), öğretim, örgütsel hedefler, pazarlama operasyonları, patent, performans, sağlık, stratejik planlama ve üniversite-sanayi işbirliği kavramlarıyla ilişkilerinin de araştırıldığı tespit edilmiştir
The intersection of circular business models (CBMs) and Industry 5.0, promotes sustainable development. Industry 5.0 drives a resilient and sustainable industrial ecosystem, achievable through Circular Economy (CE) principles. Blockchain, IoT, AI, AM/3DP, and other advanced technologies facilitate the incorporation of CE within Industry 5.0, these have been applied in CBMs, promoting sustainable human-machine collaboration and efficient resource utilisation. CBMs like circular supply, resource recovery, product life extension, sharing, and product service system have promising possibilities and challenges abound in adoption. However, a holistic approach addresses the cultural, regulatory, economic, and technical barriers. Additionally, strategic management in CBMs for industry 5.0 is vital.
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Cel: Celem badań było wykonanie analizy interesariuszy dla projektu badawczo-rozwojowego firmy Mediprintic sp. z o.o. w celu potwierdzenia poprawnie zidentyfikowanych podmiotów do współpracy w ramach projektu 1.1.2 PARP Platformy Startowe. Metody: Do oceny wybranych interesariuszy wykorzystano: narzędzie do identyfikacji interesariuszy i ich interesów, narzędzie do identyfikacji znaczenia i wpływu interesariuszy, analiza ryzyka dla podjętych działań podmiotu realizującego projektu z interesariuszami wraz z ustaleniem niezbędnych wskaźników oceny osiągnięcia kamienia milowego. Wyniki: Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań wyselekcjonowano 14 kluczowych interesariuszy dla pomyślności realizacji projektu, które mają istotne znaczenie aby firma Mediprintic sp. z o.o. mogła wprowadzić swój produkt na rynek medyczny. Omówienie: Przeprowadzenie analizy interesariuszy ułatwia proces decyzyjny dla kadry zarządczej w celu priorytetyzacji podejmowanych działań uwzględniając ryzyka współpracy z poszczególnym partnerami biznesowymi.
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Вітчизняні підприємства в сучасних умовах перебувають в досить турбулентному навколишньому середовищі, що спричинено війною, пандемією, зміною логістики. Усе це ставить перед менеджментом підприємств нові задачі, вимагає вищого рівня стратегічного бачення, перманентного моніторингу та реагування на можливі зміни. При цьому протягом 2022 р. більшість підприємств змушені були переглянути свої стратегічні цілі, зокрема щодо рівня прибутку. Метою роботи є визначення особливостей стратегічного управління підприємствами в умовах воєнного стану. Запропоновано ієрархічні зв’язки факторів впливу на систему стратегічного управління, що на відміну від існуючих підходів, дозволяє більш комплексно врахувати фактори, які визначають ефективність стратегічного управління з врахуванням антикризового управління та сформувати математичну модель інтелектуальної підтримки прийняття рішень зі стратегічного управління.
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Why do managers continue to transact merger & acquisition (M&A) deals, in massive number and dollar terms, when so many are deemed to fail? This paradox is central to the study of M&A. Despite considerable research effort being devoted to refining and redefining assessments of M&A performance the consensus of opinion remains that most M&A fail. Certain of the high percentage of M&A failure, performance academics infer that the continued massive levels of transactions can only be explained as misguided actions by managers. This chapter believes that the performance paradox can begin to unravel if we move beyond simple inference of managerial intentions and observe what actually takes place in practice. For instance the underlying assumptions of performance academics, that; 1) each M&A must create greater value for acquiring shareholders; 2) no other reasons for an M&A are legitimate, are not adequate for capturing 'legitimate' managerial action in practice. This suggests that part of the reason for so many M&A appearing to be failures is a result of the 'myopia' of performance studies themselves, where assumed and simplified motives have resulted in crude categorisations and confounded data. These limitations in the M&A performance literature are addressed in this chapter by; 1) demonstrating a broader set of motivations for M&A; 2) establishing their legitimacy; 3) showing that motivations may not be singular in nature but intertwined and complex; 4) presenting a way in which this greater complexity may be conceived in order for more sensitive empirical tests to be performed.
Introduce your students to strategic management with the market-leading text that has set the standard for the most intellectually rich, yet thoroughly practical, analysis of strategic management concepts today. Written by highly respected experts and prestigious instructors Hitt, Ireland and Hoskisson, STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT: COMPETITIVENESS AND GLOBALIZATION, CONCEPTS, 10E is the only book that integrates the classic industrial organization model with a resource-based view of the firm to give students a complete understanding of how today's businesses use strategic management to establish a sustained competitive advantage. The authors combine the latest, cutting-edge research and strategic management trends with insights from some of today's most prominent scholars. A strong global focus and carefully selected examples from more than 600 emerging and established companies place concepts into context within an inviting, relevant and complete presentation. A wealth of learning features and experiential exercises address numerous critical issues confronting managers today. Various online teaching tools and a complete electronic business library help keep study current and relevant. Count on this Concepts text to provide the solid understanding of critical strategic management concepts your students need to increase performance and establish a clear competitive advantage.
When does CEO Outsiderness Generate Strategic Change?When paradox and irony meet
  • A Karaevli
Karaevli, A. and Zajac, E. (2009) When does CEO Outsiderness Generate Strategic Change? When paradox and irony meet.