The main objective of this work was to study the effects of gum Arabic and silver nanoparticles on the quality of green bell peppers during 21 days of storage. Gum Arabic in aqueous solution of 10%, silver nanoparticles and silver nanoparticles–gum Arabic solution blend, coatings were formed directly on the surface of green bell peppers (Capsicum annuum) and were placed in incubators at 7 and 20C with a relative humidity of about 85%. Fruit quality was evaluated by weight loss, firmness retention, ascorbic acid content, surface color development and microbial decay. Gum Arabic coating presented lower ascorbic acid degradation, weight loss and textural damage but did not affect total aerobic count. Silver nanoparticles hindered microbial decay while did not prevent ascorbic acid decomposition, weight loss and firmness loss. Gum Arabic combined with silver nanoparticles significantly hindered microorganisms' growth and physicochemical losses and showed the best performance for enhancing the shelf life of green bell peppers.Practical ApplicationsThis study indicated that gum Arabic coating hinders water loss, texture softening and vitamin C decomposition, and silver nanoparticles have antimicrobial effects; thus, combination of these two materials results in development of a coating, which improves the nutritional value and marketability of green bell peppers.