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Failure criteria for C/SiC composites under plane stress state


Abstract and Figures

The applicability and limitation of several quadratic strength theories were investigated with respect to 2D-C/SiC and 2.5D-C/SiC composites. A kind of damage-based failure criterion, referred to as D-criterion, is proposed for nonlinear ceramic composites. Meanwhile, the newly developed criterion is preliminarily validated under tension-shear combined loadings. The prediction shows that the failure envelope given by D-criterion is lower than that from Tsai-Hill and Hoffman criteria. This reveals that the damage-based criterion is reasonable for evaluation of damage-dominated failure strength.
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Failure criteria for C/SiC composites under plane stress state
Chengpeng Yang,
a) Guiqiong Jiao,Hongbao Guo
Department of Engineering Mechanics, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an
710129, China
(Received 30 November 2013; revised 13 February 2014; accepted 20 February 2014)
Abstract The applicability and limitation of several quadratic strength theories
were investigated with respect to 2D-C/SiC and 2.5D-C/SiC composites. A kind
of damage-based failure criterion, referred to as D-criterion, is proposed for non-
linear ceramic composites. Meanwhile, the newly developed criterion is prelim-
inarily validated under tension-shear combined loadings. The prediction shows
that the failure envelope given by D-criterion is lower than that from Tsai–Hill
and Hoffman criteria. This reveals that the damage-based criterion is reasonable
for evaluation of damage-dominated failure strength.
2014 The Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. [doi:10.1063/2.1402107]
Keywords C/SiC composite, damage evolution, failure criterion
Few studies have been dedicated to the failure criterion for ceramic matrix composites due to
the material nonlinearity, anisotropy and inhomogeneity, as well as the complexity of the direc-
tional interior microstructural damages. In this study, the applicability and limitation of several
quadratic strength theories are investigated with respect to C/SiC composites. To overcome the
drawbacks, a new failure criterion based on damage evolution mechanisms is developed for C/SiC
composites and/or other nonlinear brittle matrix composites.
Quadratic failure theories such as Tsai–Hill criterion,1Hoffman criterion,2and Tsai–Wu ten-
sorial criterion3are widely accepted for orthotropic materials. However, these phenomenological
theories are obviously based on data-fitting approach, without any physical significance. In the
present analysis, we encounter highly anisotropic failure problems, and a Cartesian material ref-
erence system is considered under plane stress states. We focus on the failure assessment in two
fracture planes, one perpendicular to axis-1 (referred to as plane-1) and the other perpendicular to
axis-2 (referred to as plane-2).
The Tsai–Hill criterion was formulated by referring to distortional energy and is thus an in-
teractive criterion. If the longitudinal stress
1and shear stress
12 are imposed on plane-1, the
failure condition can be given by the following equation
1/X)2+ (
12/S12 )2=1,(1a)
where Xis the allowable value of
1and S12 is the positive pure shear strength. Similarly, if one
impose the transverse stress
2and shear stress
21 on plane-2, the failure condition is
2/Y)2+ (
21/S21 )2=1,(1b)
a)Corresponding author. Email:
021007-2 C. P. Yang, G. Q. Jiao, H. B. Guo Theor. Appl. Mech. Lett. 4, 021007 (2014)
where Yis the maximum value of
2and S21 is the negative pure shear strength. It is consid-
ered that the Tsai–Hill criterion fails to account for the different strength behavior in tension and
compression of the anisotropic materials. In this aspect, Hoffman made some improvements by
incorporating linear terms into the fracture condition.
Under plane stress state, the Hoffman criterion for combined loading of longitudinal stress
and shear stress on plane-1 can be stated as
1/(XtXc) + (XcXt)/(XtXc)
12 =1,(2a)
where Xtand Xcare the longitudinal tensile and compressive strength, respectively. While for the
similar combined loadings on plane-2, the failure condition can be expressed as
2/(YtYc) +
2(YcYt)/(YtYc) +
21 =1,(2b)
where Ytand Ycare the transverse tensile and compressive strength, respectively. Once the tensile
strength is equal to the compressive strength in each principal material direction (i.e., axis-1 and
axis-2), Eqs. (2a) and (2b) will revert to Eqs. (1a) and (1b), respectively.
The failure criterion of Tsai–Wu is conceived, different from Tsai–Hill and Hoffman, for an
entirely anisotropic material. Consequently, all of the quadratic interaction terms about normal
stresses and shear stress are included in the scalar formulation. When a state of plane stress is
applied to plane-1 or plane-2, the Tsai–Wu failure condition can be formulated as
Fi j
6is the in-plane shear stress (
12 or
21). The components of Fi j and Fiare related to
the strength properties of the material, Xt,Xc,Yt,Yc,S12,S21. If mechanical rupture initiates in
plane-1 by tension-shear or compression-shear combinations, the following condition can be used
for failure prediction
1/(XtXc) +
1(XcXt)/(XtXc) +
12(S21 S12 )/(S12S21 ) +
12/(S12 S21) = 1.(4a)
However, if the fracture originates in plane-2 due to similar combinations, the simplified Tsai–Wu
condition showed below can be suggested
2/(YtYc) +
2(YcYt)/(YtYc) +
21(S12 S21 )/(S12S21 ) +
21/(S12 S21) = 1.(4b)
Note that in the case of S12 =S21, Eqs. (4a) and (4b) will revert to Eqs.(2a) and (2b), respectively.
In order to validate the applicability of the noted strength theories described previously, an
examination is performed by comparing the theoretical predictions with experimental data listed
in literatures.
For 2D-C/SiC composites with weak fiber/matrix interface, the average measured data under
tension-shear combination loadings4are depicted in Fig. 1. The reported compression strength is
Xc=430.2 MPa. It can be seen from this figure that the distribution of the data is mainly in ellip-
tical shape. Therefore, the quadratic criteria may be appropriate for curve fitting. But obviously,
021007-3 Failure criteria for C/SiC composites under plane stress state doi:10.1063/2.1402107
the Tsai–Hill criterion overestimates the bearing capacity of the material to some extent, whereas
the failure envelope simulated by Tsai–Wu and/or Hoffman is relatively in better agreement with
the experimental data.
According to the test results, Guan et al.4suggested a new quadratic equation to describe
the strength character of 2D-C/SiC composites. The criterion takes into account the inequality
between tensile strength and compressive strength, and shear stress recovery due to crack closure
caused by compression. Furthermore, the failure condition given in Ref. 4can be transformed
into a more complicated equation for plane stress state as
12 =1.(5)
The coefficients A,B, and
0can be determined by
0= (XtXc)/2,B= [4XtXc/(Xt+Xc)2](1/S2
Note that Eq. (5) is acceptable for brittle composites that present the same mechanical properties
along each principal material direction, i.e., Xt=Yt,Xc=Yc. The estimated result of Eq. (5) is
very close to that given by Hoffman and Tsai–Wu (as shown in Fig. 1).
For 2D-C/SiC composites with strong fiber/matrix interface, the reported tensile strength
is Xt=246.6 MPa, the compressive strength is Xc=389.6 MPa, and the shear strength is
S12 =128.5 MPa.5The rupture data of the material along with theoretical predictions under
tension-shear combined loadings5are depicted in Fig. 2. It is presented in this figure that both
Tsai–Hill and Hoffman criterion fail to give accurate results, because the mechanical fracture
depends on the damage initiation and propagation path. This means that the damage mechanics
of fibrous composites may be appropriate for characterizing these brittle failure cases.
Normal stress/MPa
Shear stress/MPa
Shear enhance
Tested data
Tsai-Wu and Hoffman
Eq. (5)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Fig. 1. Predicted failure curves by different cri-
teria for 2D-C/SiC composites with weak inter-
Normal stress/MPa
Shear stress/MPa
Tested data
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Fig. 2. Predicted failure envelops by different
criteria for 2D-C/SiC composites with strong in-
For 2.5D-C/SiC composites, experimental studies6suggested that the damage evolution paths
and fracture modes of this highly anisotropic material are diverse and elusory under complex stress
state. Therefore, the failure behavior is examined on two fracture planes, as shown in Fig. 3.
The tested results of the material under tension-shear and compression-shear combinations
are described in Fig. 4. Based on the distribution regularity of the experimental data represented
in Fig. 4(a), the Sun proposal7is accepted herein to account for the variation in shear strength due
021007-4 C. P. Yang, G. Q. Jiao, H. B. Guo Theor. Appl. Mech. Lett. 4, 021007 (2014)
X25 1 mm 14.47 SEI X30 500 µm 12.47 SEI
(a) (b)
Fig. 3. Fracture plane of 2.5D-C/SiC material: (a) plane-1, (b) plane-2.
1. If tensile
1is applied to the material, the shear strength is expected to decrease, such as
1Xt)2+ [
1is an experimentally determined constant. Contrarily, if compressive
1is imposed on
the material, the shear strength will increase, that is
1/Xc)2+ [
2is regarded as an internal material friction parameter. For the target material,
2=0.15. The predicted curve of Eq. (7) is plotted in Fig. 4(a), and it is in better agreement
with experimental data, as compared with either the curve given by Tsai–Hill or that derived
from Hoffman criteria. The failure assessment on plane-2 is described in Fig. 4(b). It is worth
mentioned that the failure of the material is insensitive to a change of sign of shear stress. Thus,
although the linear term of shear stress is added to Tsai–Wu criterion, the prediction has little
difference with that of Hoffman.
-320 -240 -160 -80 0 80 160 -150 -100 -50 050 100 150 200
Experimental data
Experimental data
σ1/MPa σ2/MPa
(a) plane-1 (b) plane-2
Fig. 4. Failure strength of 2.5D-C/SiC composite under combined loadings.
In general, the phenomenological strength theories are appropriate for orthotropic materi-
als with brittle fracture behavior. To nonlinear ceramic composites, such as C/SiC materials,
the Hoffman and Tsai–Wu criteria can also provide good approximation of mechanical failure
strength under certain loading conditions. However, since the classical criteria are not based on
the interior damage of materials, the influence of damage mechanisms on final failure can not be
021007-5 Failure criteria for C/SiC composites under plane stress state doi:10.1063/2.1402107
accounted for. In the following analysis, a kind of damage based criterion will be proposed.
In order to describe the highly anisotropic and the direction dependent damage of nonlinear
brittle matrix composites, a significant and special damage matrix is introduced herein, i.e.
Di j =
D11 D12 D16
D21 D22 D26
D61 D62 D66
In the above equation, Di j (i=1,2, j=1,2,6) denotes damage in principal material direction i
caused by
j; while D6j(j=1,2,6) represents shear damage induced by
j. In the matrix, the
six off-diagonal terms are used to characterize the damage coupling effects.
For simplicity, the damage coupling terms are all assumed to be zero in this study. The damage
behavior is subsequently characterized by the residual damage components D11,D22, and D66. It
is considered that the failure of a ceramic matrix composite is driven by its interior damage. When
mechanical rupture occurs, these damage components should satisfy a mathematical relationship.
Luo et al.8had proposed a condition in which the principal maximum damage value reaches
1.0. This is similar to the maximum stress/strain criterion. However, it is also reasonable to
follow the conception of classical quadratic theories, and suggest a quadratic damage function.
Consequently, we introduce a reference damage variable, Deff, which is quantified in mathematical
perspective by a quadratic equation given as D2
11 +D2
22 +D2
66 =D2
eff. Generally, Deff varies with
loading conditions. Once mechanical failure occurs under a certain stress state, Deff will achieve
one of its critical values. This means that one collapse load corresponds to one reference value.
In order to unify the diverse failure conditions, we propose the following damage function
11 +I22D2
22 +I66D2
66 =1.(9)
In the above equation, I11,I22, and I66 are simply set as invariable, and they can be determined by
some simple mechanical tests, such as uniaxial tension, compression and in-plane shear.
If one imposes a uniaxial tensile/compressive stress oriented along axis-1 or axis-2 on a spec-
imen, then the failure conditions are
I11 ˜
11 =1,I22 ˜
22 =1,(10)
where ˜
D11 and ˜
D22 are the maximum value of D11 and D22, respectively. Similarly, by imposing
pure in-plane shear stress on a sample, we obtain
I66 ˜
66 =1,(11)
where ˜
D66 is the maximum shear damage. The solution of Eqs. (9)–(11) gives the damage-based
failure criterion as
D11)2+(D22 /˜
D22)2+(D66 /˜
Note that the basic conception of this criterion is that the final failure of composites is domi-
021007-6 C. P. Yang, G. Q. Jiao, H. B. Guo Theor. Appl. Mech. Lett. 4, 021007 (2014)
nated by the interior damage degree. Equation (12) is a macroscopic proposal (referred to as
D-criterion), which is prepared for advanced ceramic composites with nonlinear mechanical be-
havior. The shortcoming of the theory lies in the difficulty of anisotropic damage evolution analy-
sis. Meanwhile, modifications are also essential to incorporate the damage coupling terms. Before
applications, the damage evolutionary equations of target materials need specific investigation.
The unloading modulus is suggested for damage definition, which gives
D11 =1E1u/E1,D22 =1E2u /E2,D66 =1G6u/G6,(13)
where E1and E1u are initial modulus and unloading modulus in axis-1, E2and E2u are initial
modulus and unloading modulus in axis-2, and G6and G6u are initial shear modulus and shear
unloading modulus.
To 2D-C/SiC composites examined previously, one can derive D11 =D22 for structural sym-
metry. According to Ref. 9, by fitting of experimental data, D11 (or D22 )can be expressed as
D11 =3.6×103
16246.6 MPa (14a)
for the 2D-C/SiC composite with strong interface. While for the material with weak interface,
one can get the following relations
D11 =
1<10 MPa,
0.59 0.73/[1+exp(0.018
11.6)],10 MPa 6
16269.8 MPa
according to Ref. 10. The relationship between shear damage and shear stress is linear, so that
one has
D66 =
12/S12 .(15)
By substituting the maximum value of
1into Eq. (14), ˜
D11 can be obtained as 0.541 for the
material with strong interface and 0.563 for the material with weak interface, respectively. But
the value of ˜
D66 is not needed here because one can use the stress instead of the damage para-
meter (see Eq. (15) and Table 1), though it can be determined in the same way.
The D-criterion is preliminarily validated with respect to the off-axis loading of the 2D-
C/SiC composite with weak interface. The reported off-axis strengths are 256.7 MPa (
203.8 MPa (
=30), and 195.6 MPa (
=45), respectively.10 Note that
is the off-axis angle
and the stress components (
12)can be obtained by resolution of the off-axis strength. The
predictions of D-criterion, Tsai–Hill criterion and Hoffman criterion are summarized in Table 1.
Further comparison reveals that the newly proposed Eq. (12) is applicable even though it excludes
the damage coupling terms.
Further applications of D-criterion are conducted for 2D-C/SiC composites under tension-
shear combined loadings, and the predictions are exhibited in Figs. 1and 2. It can be seen from the
figures that the failure envelopes given by D-criterion are lower than that derived from Tsai–Hill
and Hoffman criteria. To 2D-C/SiC with strong interface, the prediction of D-criterion is closer
021007-7 Failure criteria for C/SiC composites under plane stress state doi:10.1063/2.1402107
Table 1. Evaluation results of different failure criteria.
Criterion Theoretical function10 Deviation
Tsai–Hill (
1/269.8)2+ (
12/125.7)21–0.004 –0.258 –0.263
Hoffman [
2+ (430.2269.8)(
–0.077 –0.069 –0.042
{{0.59 0.73/[1+exp(0.018
{0.59 0.73/[1+exp(0.018
1>10 MPa,
2>10 MPa)
+0.197 +0.070 +0.013
to the experimental results for the stochastic damage initiation and brittle fracture. However, the
new criterion is not used to the 2.5D-C/SiC composite, because the damage evolution equations
are not available in the literature.6
The present paper has to be considered as a preliminary investigation. The applicability and
limitations of the classical phenomenological strength theories to C/SiC composites are investi-
gated. A kind of damage-based criterion named D-criterion is proposed for advanced ceramic
composites. The preliminary validation is performed under off-axis tension and tension-shear
combined loadings. The prediction shows that the failure envelope given by D-criterion is gov-
erned by damage evolution equations, and more complex failure envelops can be described besides
quadratic curves. Future work will concentrate on improving the D-criterion in order to account
for the influence of damage coupling on final failure of brittle matrix composites.
This work was supported by the Basic Research Funds of Northwestern Polytechnical University
(JC20110219) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (11102160).
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This paper defines the structural strength criterion for 4DL-reinforced carbon-carbon materials. For this scheme, fiber reinforcement consists of four groups of reinforcing elements, three of them are located in parallel planes with the angles of 120° between them and the fourth one is normal to them. The paper addresses the first failure of the material corresponding to its yield stress, in this point, one of the material components deviates from linear elastic behavior. A composite material is considered to be non-uniform structurally and consists of a matrix and reinforcing elements, rods. Those rods, in their turn, represent a unidirectional composite. To analyze the stress-strain state of individual components of the material, a three-level elastic model is built that uses the analytic approach at the micro level, while at higher levels it uses the finite element method. For numerical calculations, a structural cell of the material is taken. The boundary conditions provide small to negligible influence of the edge effects, thus simulating the behavior of the infinite volume of the material. For the material components, local strength criteria are introduced, where the fields of the criterion quantities are averaged over the volume of the structural cell. The strength surface of the material that corresponds to its first failure is obtained, and the conclusion is made that the suggested criterion provides a reasonable agreement with the available data on the typical carbon-carbon composite characteristics. Based on the calculated dependencies of the material’s yield stress on the load direction, a procedure is suggested to identify the model parameters based on the material failure behavior analysis using standard tensile and compressive tests. Estimated discrepancies between the results calculated using the suggested criterion and those obtained using the limiting stress criterion for biaxial stress states are given. It is shown that the discrepancy may reach tens of percent and in some cases the material strength increases in comparison with that in the uniaxial stress state. The results are subject to verification tests in order to verify the model for advanced spatially reinforced carbon-carbon composite materials.
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The use of composite materials in several sectors, such as aeronautics and automotive, has been gaining distinction in recent years. However, due to their high costs, as well as unique characteristics, consequences of their heterogeneity, they present challenging gaps to be studied. As a result, the finite element method has been used as a way to analyze composite materials subjected to the most distinctive situations. Therefore, this work aims to approach the modeling of composite materials, focusing on material properties, failure criteria, types of elements and main application sectors. From the modeling point of view, different levels of modeling—micro, meso and macro, are presented. Regarding properties, different mechanical characteristics, theories and constitutive relationships involved to model these materials are presented. The text also discusses the types of elements most commonly used to simulate composites, which are solids, peel, plate and cohesive, as well as the various failure criteria developed and used for the simulation of these materials. In addition, the present article lists the main industrial sectors in which composite material simulation is used, and their gains from it, including aeronautics, aerospace, automotive, naval, energy, civil, sports, manufacturing and even electronics.
Material strength under complex stress states is vital for structure design. This paper studied the strength and failure behaviour of 3D C/C composites under compression-shear coupled loads. Experiments were conducted using a modified anti-symmetric four-point bending (MAFPB) method and off-axis compression method. Two dominant failure modes were observed; 1) shear and 2) compression. Mode transitions under relatively low shear/compressive rations were also observed. Results show that the material exhibits significantly lower failure stress under shear-compressive load compared to compressive or shear strengths alone. Further analysis revealed that meso-scale geometry characteristic including tow crimps and interfacial cracks are the main inducements: (1) tow crimps lead to local bending moment and increase local shear stress, (2) matrix-tow cracks formed under shear load degrade the lateral support of axial tows, (3) matrix fibre splitting and local buckling within tows induced by compressive load further reduce the shear strength of axial tows. Failure stresses in off-axis tests are lower compared to those in MAFPB tests due to the existence of bi-axial compression. These findings show that shear failure is a weakness for the 3D C/C composite and can provide insights for further material design and structural strength analysis.
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A new set of six phenomenological failure criteria for fiber-reinforced polymer laminates denoted LaRC03 is described. These criteria can predict matrix and fiber failure accurately, without the curve-fitting parameters. For matrix failure under transverse compression, the angle of the fracture plane is solved by maximizing the Mohr-Coulomb effective stresses. A criterion for fiber kinking is obtained by calculating the fiber misalignment under load and applying the matrix failure criterion in the coordinate frame of the misalignment. Fracture mechanics models of matrix cracks are used to develop a criterion for matrix failure in tension and to calculate the associated in situ strengths. The LaRC03 criteria are applied to a few examples to predict failure load envelopes and to predict the failure mode for each region of the envelope. The analysis results are compared to the predictions using other available failure criteria and with experimental results.
The damage mechanical and failure model of C/SiC composite material were investigated under the mixed stress states. The experimental results based on the Arcan fixture tests indicate that the overall stress-strain curve show nonlinear under the tensile loading. And the stress-strain curves become more nonlinear under the compress loading. The sample fracture picture indicates that that there is a shear forms flat fracture. According to the strengths of the specimens under the complex stress state, a quadratic equation was suggested to be able to describe the mixed failure criteria of the materials. The failure equation can agree good with the failure criteria fixed the experimental results.
The strength of a plain-weave C/SiC composite was measured by the Arcan fixture tensile test. According to the test results, a quadratic equation was suggested to describe the failure criteria of the plain-woven C/SiC composite. The criteria take into account the inequality between tensile strength and compression strength, and shear stress recovery due to crack closure that is caused by the co-action of compression and shearing. The Arcan fixture test results agree well with the theory in the first quadrant. The stress states and stress distribution of butterfly specimen were analyzed according to the linear elastic finite element method. The effect of fixture stiffness was discussed. It was found that the shear stress is distributed uniformly at the average shear stress level, while there is the normal stress concentration in the notch root. The normal stress in the center is only 77% of the average value. Due to the weak notch sensitivity of ceramic matrix composites, the strength measured from the Arcan specimens is just a little lower than that from uniform-stress tensile tests. The results from Arcan tests were corrected with a factor.
A phenomenological fracture condition is proposed for ortho tropic brittle materials. It contains nine material parameters and can account for widely differing compressive and tensile strengths in various directions. The proposed fracture condition is devel oped, purely on formal grounds, by borrowing features of the Mises-Schleicher isotropic yield condition and Hill's orthotropic yield condition. Comparison with experimental data on a fiber- reinforced composite material shows good agreement. The reader is reminded repeatedly that, despite formal similarities, yield conditions and brittle-fracture conditions pertain to unrelated physical phenomena.
An operationally simple strength criterion for anisotropic materials is developed from a scalar function of two strength tensors. Differing from existing quadratic approximations of failure surfaces, the present theory satisfies the invariant requirements of coordinate transforma tion, treats interaction terms as independent components, takes into account the difference in strengths due to positive and negative stresses, and can be specialized to account for different material symmetries, multi-dimensional space, and multi-axial stresses. The measured off-axis uniaxial and pure shear data are shown to be in good agreement with the predicted values based on the present theory.
In this paper, a micro-macromechanical approach is used to establish the macroscopic constitutive model with anisotropic damage in continuous fiber reinforced ceramic matrix composites (CFCC). For microlevel analysis of unit cell, the homogenization method based on double-scale asymptotic expansion is used to derive the material properties of composites. The macrolevel analysis is conducted to compute the macrostresses and strains with anisotropic damage. The two analyses are conducted by using Finite Element Method (FEM). An overall anisotropic damage tensor for the whole composite is used to describe all types of damage that composite undergoes, such as matrix cracking, fiber breakage, and interfacial damage between matrix and fiber. The damage evolution equation is obtained by using thermodynamic theory. The numerical calculation is carried out to investigate and to predict the onset and evolution of anisotropic damage for composites with different types of laminate. The damage material parameters are determined by fitting the numerical results to the experimental data, and some results are compared well with experimental results in the literature [Wang, S.W. and Parvizi-Majidi, A. (1992). Experimental Characterization of the Tensile Behavior of Nicalon Fiber-Reinforced Calcium Aluminosilicate Composites, Journal of Materials Science, 27: 5483-5496.]. By using the proposed model, the stiffness and nonlinear stress-strain response of brittle composite materials are predicted, and the macroscopic elastic brittle anisotropic damage behavior is also described
The present investigation is concerned with the development of a theory of strength of anisotropic composite materials and the establishment of sound experimental procedures for the confirmation of the predicted results. A general theory is stated whereby the strength of laminated as well as unidirectional composite materials subjected to any state of combined stress can be predicted once the basic strength characteristics of a unidirectional layer have been determined. The transversely isotropic layer is treated in detail and, based on the understanding of the mechanical behavior of laminated composites, the procedure outlined for determining the strength of laminated systems. An experimental program was conducted, using glass-filament-reinforced resin test spceimens, and data obtained confirmed the results predicted for the strength of unidirectional composites. Based on the results of the analysis presented, composites may then be designed to incorporate an optimum utilization of the inherent strength characteristics of the constitutent materials.
Mechanical behavior of self-healing 2.5D-C/SiC composite
  • S F Liang
S. F. Liang. Mechanical behavior of self-healing 2.5D-C/SiC composite, [PhD Thesis]. Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an (2013) (in Chinese).
Uniaxial tensile stress-strain behavior and strength of plain woven C/SiC composite
  • C P Yang
  • G Q Jiao
  • B Wang
C. P. Yang, G. Q. Jiao, B. Wang. Uniaxial tensile stress-strain behavior and strength of plain woven C/SiC composite. Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 43, 330-337 (2011) (in Chinese).
Study on mechanical behavior of plain woven C/SiC ceramic matrix composites
  • G Y Guan
G. Y. Guan. Study on mechanical behavior of plain woven C/SiC ceramic matrix composites, [PhD Thesis]. Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an (2005) (in Chinese).