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Abstract and Figures

The paper presents results of hearing loss measurements provided for 81 young people (from 16 to 25 years old). The main aim of the work was to find the influence of headphones of the types used (closed, semi-open, open and in-ear) on the hearing losses. The first part of the research was to answer questions about the influence of: time of listening, loudness of music, other noise exposures as well as the type of the headphones used. It turned out that all factors mentioned above influence thresholds of hearing but the found dependencies are not explicit. The greatest hearing losses were observed for people who work as sound reinforcement engineers and, moreover, no influence of the headphone types was found for them. It turned out that the use of in-ear headphones causes the greatest hearing losses for some subjects (thresholds shifted up to about 20 dB HL at 4 kHz). The daily time of a listening also affected the hearing thresholds. It was found that for users of in-ear and close headphones, an average time of musical exposure of three hours causes the hearing loss of 10-15 dB HL at higher frequencies. The use of open as well as semi-open headphones has no influence on the hearing damage. Thus it would be stated that these kinds are safety in use. Almost 15% of the investigated young people have their thresholds shifted up at higher frequencies, particularly at 4 kHz, which means that they have the first symptoms of a permanent hearing damage.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Vol. 38, No. 3, pp. 383–387 (2013)
Copyright c
2013 by PAN – IPPT
DOI: 10.2478/aoa-2013-0045
Preliminary Study on the Influence of Headphones for Listening Music
on Hearing Loss of Young People
Andrzej B. DOBRUCKI, Maurycy J. KIN, Bartłomiej KRUK
Chair of Acoustics and Multimedia, Faculty of Electronics, Wrocław University of Technology
Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 27,50-370 Wrocław, Poland;
e-mail: {andrzej.dobrucki, maurycy.kin, bartlomiej.kruk}
(received April 19, 2013; accepted June 18, 2013 )
The paper presents results of hearing loss measurements provided for 81 young people (from 16 to 25
years old). The main aim of the work was to find the influence of headphones of the types used (closed,
semi-open, open and in-ear) on the hearing losses. The first part of the research was to answer questions
about the influence of: time of listening, loudness of music, other noise exposures as well as the type
of the headphones used. It turned out that all factors mentioned above influence thresholds of hearing
but the found dependencies are not explicit. The greatest hearing losses were observed for people who
work as sound reinforcement engineers and, moreover, no influence of the headphone types was found
for them. It turned out that the use of in-ear headphones causes the greatest hearing losses for some
subjects (thresholds shifted up to about 20 dB HL at 4 kHz). The daily time of a listening also affected
the hearing thresholds. It was found that for users of in-ear and close headphones, an average time of
musical exposure of three hours causes the hearing loss of 10–15 dB HL at higher frequencies. The use of
open as well as semi-open headphones has no influence on the hearing damage. Thus it would be stated
that these kinds are safety in use. Almost 15% of the investigated young people have their thresholds
shifted up at higher frequencies, particularly at 4 kHz, which means that they have the first symptoms
of a permanent hearing damage.
Keywords: hearing threshold, headphones.
1. Introduction
In the past few years, the tendencies of sound
production caused an increase of loudness of sound
for communication, particularly for musical recordings.
Many radio stations as well as record companies have
applied increasing amounts of dynamic range compres-
sion and other means of the recording process in order
to be perceived in the today noisy world (Katz, 2007).
Radio stations may adjust the dynamic ranges in at-
tempt to trade off a louder sound, which may attract
listeners searching for a station. The trend called as
“loudness wars” has been reflected in the higher sub-
jective impressions in the psychological domain, and
the slogans “louder means better” and “louder sounds
are sold better” have come true (Vickers, 2011).
Many young people want to separate their minds of dif-
ferent backgrounds by the use of special kinds of head-
phones and they listen to the sound material louder,
beside of the fact that the listened material is louder in
comparison to the recordings made in the previous cen-
tury. The contemporary designed and produced equip-
ment allows the listeners to consume music in accor-
dance with their way of life. On the other hand, young
people say: we listen to the music that sounds nicely
for us and it is not alike as noise, so why may it be
dangerous for our hearing? Sometimes, one could find
many pieces of classical music from the XXth century,
which are very loud while performed. The main differ-
ences between classical and pop-music are in the time
of continuous exposition to the sound, the character
of musical structure and spectral consistence of stim-
uli. In popular music, the way used very often during
musical production process is based on the sound com-
pression, and this compression itself may increase the
potential for hearing damage. Moreover, the way of
stimuli presentation (via headphones or loudspeaker,
or naturally listening to the event) seems to be an im-
portant thing causing the hearing loss. Young people
do not take into account that popular or rock music
384 Archives of Acoustics Volume 38, Number 3, 2013
causes effects like that of higher and longtime expo-
sure to noise when the earphones are used for listening
due to the average sound level and duration of expo-
sure, which simply leads to a listening fatigue (Moore,
1997). Of course, the higher hearing thresholds induce
difficulties in receiving many information from human
environment that influences the sense of safety and
causes changes in the way of thinking and living to-
gether in a society (Strelau, 2000). It also may be
interesting while the European Standard EN ISO 7029
still remains actual in the light of youngsters’ way of
life and this aspect was the aim of the research pre-
2. Experimental research
The results of audiometric measurements of 81
young people aged between 16 and 25 years are pre-
sented. The subjects declared frequent listening to loud
music on headphones. None of them complained of
hearing problems. The participants were asked to fill
out the questionnaire sheet and to answer the following
questions: the type of the used headphones, the daily
listening time, the preferred levels of listening and the
kind of music. Additionally, they have to point on other
conditions concerning the noise exposure at the work,
the background noise connected with the place of liv-
ing, the work activity etc. The research was made for
the inhabitants of Wroclaw.
Some of the people under investigation are working
for an entertainment industry in a professional way
so they were divided into three groups reflecting their
young classical musicians or music academy stu-
sound reinforcement engineers of FOH/PA sys-
tems (Front of House / Public Address sound sys-
sound engineers working in recording studios.
The ordinary young users of portable audio equip-
ment were representative as the reference group for
this range of age.
Characteristics of the study population obtained on
the base of the questionnaires are as follows:
81 people (including 26 women),
the average age: 22.5 years (between 16 and 25),
average daily time of using of the headphones:
32 h (from 2 to 7 hours, 1 person declared 14
other noise exposures: 4.9 hours per week (for ex-
ample loud rock concerts).
The noise exposure occurred in the group of profes-
According to the questionnaires, taking into ac-
count the subjects’ activities, the whole group of the 81
persons was divided into the following four subgroups:
young classical musicians or music academy stu-
dents (26 people including 10 women),
sound engineers of FOH/PA systems (10 men
sound engineers working in recording studios (11
people including 3 women),
users of audio equipment involved not profession-
ally with the entertainment industry (34 people,
including 13 women).
The first three subgroups were considered later sepa-
The young musicians usually practice individually
being exposed to noise for a long time (up to 8 hours
per day). An equivalent level weighted during practic-
ing with Acurve that does not exceed 70 dB and is not
harmful to hearing. On the other hand, this an impor-
tant fact in their work is a symphony orchestra in that
the rehearsal unweight peak levels can be as high as
110 dB SPL and the equivalent level Amay be even of
85 dB. These are facts often overlooked and very reluc-
tantly discussed by directors of operas and symphony
orchestras due to the damages for musicians.
The second type of division of the whole population
is defined by different types of earphones used by the
subjects as declared in questionnaire what resulted in
four subgroups:
in-ear headphones – 23 users,
open headphones – 18 users,
closed – 22 users,
semi-open – 18 users.
In this case each group consists of almost the same
number of women and men. The most of the subjects
(80%) declared that they listened to very loud music
and the daily time of the headphone use was 3.2 h,
which results in a weekly exposure of more than 22 h.
The results of the questionnaires did not allow indicat-
ing any other factors that could influence the hearing
threshold values because of their different representa-
tives within each subgroup.
After the interviews and spoken instructions the
people were measured by means of audiometers. The
audiometric tests were conducted in an anechoic cham-
ber and in the recording studio of the Wrocław Uni-
versity of Technology. These places meet the require-
ments of a maximum allowable amount of the back-
ground sound pressure level (ISO 8253-1:2010). There-
fore, during the tests any masking phenomenon from
outer signals does not occur (PN-EN 26189, ISO 8253-
1:2010, ISO 7029:2000). Before the measurements, all
the audiometers had been basically calibrated and
checked aurally, they had also been calibrated subjec-
tively in accordance with the ISO recommendations
(PN-EN 26189). The threshold of hearing levels were
determined by the air conduction audiometry with the
A.B. Dobrucki, M.J. Kin, B. Kruk Preliminary Study on the Influence of Headphones. . . 385
Maico M 53 audiometers. The measurements were car-
ried out according to the applicable standards (PN-
EN 26189) by ascending methods and with the use of
continuous sinusoidal signals with steps of 2 dB. All
measurement points were repeated twice in order to
eliminate random errors for inexperienced subjects.
3. Analysis of the results
3.1. Average hearing threshold
Figure 1 shows the values of the hearing thresh-
old for the left and right ears of the population tested.
These values have been averaged over results obtained
for 81 listeners. It can be easily seen that the thresh-
old of hearing is uniformly shifted by about 6–7 dB.
The statistical treatment by means of the Bartlett test
(Greń, 1978) showed that the variances of the re-
sults obtained were homogenous (χ2= 24.893 < χ2
39.977, at α= 0.05) for all frequencies.
Fig. 1. Average values of the threshold of hearing (dB HL)
for the tested population.
According to classification of BIAP (BIAP Rec-
ommendation 02/1), the young people tested belong
to the group of normal hearing, but the shift in the
threshold of hearing points to a slow tendency of the
beginning of a permanent damage of hearing. These
values, however, are the average ones and the great-
est hearing losses can be balanced by the results for
the people with otological normal values shown in Ta-
ble 1 as values of standard deviations, especially for
higher frequencies. Thus, it was decided to divide the
whole group into categories which could influence the
Table 1. The average values and standard deviations for
hearing thresholds (dB HL) for the left and right ears,
respectively, measured for all of 81 subjects.
Frequency [Hz] 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
xL5.1 6.0 6.5 5.8 6.4 6.7
σL7.2 6.9 6.1 6.6 10.2 11.1
xR5.7 6.0 6.5 5.6 5.9 7.3
σR5.5 6.4 5.7 7.4 11.5 10.8
obtained results and reflect the real hearing loss for
some specific nature of work as well as kinds of equip-
ment used by the people.
3.2. The influence of different kinds of headphones
on the threshold of hearing
In this section, the results of pure tone audiometry
for users of different types of headphones are presented.
These results present “the worse” ear (left or right) for
each subject and these values have been averaged over
the people which use particular types of headphones.
They are shown in the Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Influence of different kinds of headphones on the
threshold of hearing (dB HL). Standard deviation values
are presented as vertical lines on the tops of the bars.
It turned out that except for the frequency of 4 kHz
there is no relationship between the types of the pre-
ferred headphones and the shift of the hearing thresh-
olds (F < Fα= 2.75, where F,Fα– calculated and
critical values of the F-Snedecor test, respectively, at
α= 0.05). For the frequency of 4 kHz, a statisti-
cally important influence of the headphone type on the
threshold values was observed (F= 3.35 > Fα). This
means that most unfavorable for the hearing are in-
ner earphones, especially at high frequencies for which
our hearing system is most sensitive. The air in the
ear canal is a natural protection from high sound pres-
sure. Using inside earphones the length of the channel
is reduced whereby the natural protection becomes less
effective and the sound level in ear channel increases
by 6 dB. Good alternatives are semi-open headphones
that in a small way can isolate us from the outside
noise. They additionally ensure good hygiene of the
ear and by their design they are a protection from
very high sound pressures acting directly on the ear
membrane. The results of the hearing threshold values
obtained for the frequency of 4 kHz are presented in
Table 2.
Table 2. The average values of hearing thresholds at
4 kHz for various types of headphones, in dB HL.
Type of headphones in-ear open closed semi-open
Hearing threshold
[dB HL] 9.2 3.9 2.9 0.1
386 Archives of Acoustics Volume 38, Number 3, 2013
In order to determine how the particular kinds of
headphones are injurious for listening conditions, the
structure index test (Greń, 1978) was applied as a
statistical treatment for the series which reflects the
degree of the hearing damage caused by the type of
the used headphones, with uα= 1.96 at α= 0.05. It
turned out that for the frequency of 4 kHz the most
dangerous for the hearing threshold is the inner-ear
headphone type (|u|= 4.73), while the influence of the
semi-open type is statistically inessential (|u|= 1.05 <
uα). The degrees of injuries of the hearing damage
obtained for the open and the closed headphones are
lower than those for the in-ear headphones (|u|= 2.52
and |u|= 2.12, respectively).
3.3. Threshold of hearing in terms
of professional work
In this section, only the professional group is ana-
lyzed (the three first subgroups listed in Sec. 2). The
number of people in this group is equal to 47. Among
them 35 persons have been working in the profession
up to 7 years. By analyzing these data it can be con-
cluded that even 3–4 years of working at an entertain-
ment industry, especially as the front-of-house engi-
neers may cause a slight loss of hearing ability. Com-
paring the other professional groups, it can be assumed
that the results coincide to a large extent and the type
of work (noise level) have no longer such effect on the
threshold of hearing. In Fig. 3 hearing thresholds de-
pending on the profession are presented. These results
present “the worse” ear (left or right) for each subject,
and these values have been averaged over the people
within the particular group of profession.
Fig. 3. Thresholds of hearing (dB HL) depending on the
profession. Standard deviation values are presented as ver-
tical lines on the tops of the bars.
As in the previous case it was decided to use the
single-factor statistical treatment and on the base of
the analysis of variance, it turned out that for fre-
quency values of 500 Hz, 1 kHz as well as 4 kHz an in-
fluence of the working activity on the threshold of hear-
ing has been observed (F > Fα= 3.29, where F,Fα
calculated and critical values of the F-Snedecor test,
respectively, at α= 0.05). For other frequencies there
is no relationship between the profession of work and
the shift of the hearing threshold values. As mentioned
in the previous chapter, the hearing loss at 4 kHz can
be interpreted as the beginning of a permanent hear-
ing damage that results from the exposure to sounds at
high levels while the upward threshold shifts appear-
ing for lower frequencies (500 Hz and 1000 Hz) result
from the exposure to hyper-compressed musical sounds
in these frequency bands, especially occurring on the
stage situation in order to increase the total loudness
4. Conclusions
On the base of the results presented it would be
fairer to say that the most dangerous kind of head-
phones is the in-ear headphone set which causes the
upward threshold shift of 9 dB HL at the frequency
of 4 kHz. When the music would be played very loud
and as long as declared at a level of approximately
100 dB SPL, a permanent hearing damage will oc-
cur after no more than 4 years of using such devices.
Another factor influencing the hearing condition sys-
tem is the professional activity connected to the expo-
sure to loud signals. The presented results have also
shown that working as reinforcement engineers with
FOH/PA systems can permanently destroy the hear-
ing system because an activity as long as 3–4 years
causes the upward threshold shifts even of 16 dB HL
at 500 Hz and 4 kHz. These values may mean the be-
ginning of a permanent hearing damage and have to be
taken into consideration by the industrial health pro-
tection. The results of the other researches (Chiou-
Jong et al., 2007; Gulati, 2011) conclude that it is
enough to listen to loud music on MP3 players one
hour a day for five years to ruin the hearing system
Hearing care professionals skeptical to listening to
music with headphones admit that only a moderate
volume for up to 8 hours a day is no longer a risk of
hearing loss.
It was clearly shown what kind of problems we are
dealing with. Listening to music is becoming a dis-
ease primarily among young people, but this fact is
ignored in the media. The biggest problem is the type
of headphones used for the every day listening. Most of
young people listen to music through inside earphones
what causes that the length of the ear canal is reduced,
and as a consequence, the natural protection becomes
less effective. The body does not give us a sign that
the process of destroying the hearing has just began,
and once damaged the hearing cells would never rege-
From the sociological point of view, young people
like this kind of earphones because they take up little
space and can be always carried in a pocket, however
on the other hand, they are the worst ones for our hear-
A.B. Dobrucki, M.J. Kin, B. Kruk Preliminary Study on the Influence of Headphones. . . 387
ing. Research has shown that 2–3 years of using this
type of headphones leads to a slight hearing damage
resulting in an incomprehensibility of whisper or quiet
1. BIAP Recommendation 02/1 bis: Automatic classifica-
tion of hearing impairment, Oct. 26, 1996.
2. Chiou-Jong Ch., Yu-Tung D., Yih-Min S., Yi-
Chang L., Yow-Jer J. (2007), Evaluation of Audi-
tory Fatigue in Combined Noise, Heat and Workload
Exposure, Industrial Health, 45, 4, 527–534.
3. Gulati S. (2011), Hearing loss from headphones and
4. Greń J. (1978), Mathematical Statistics. Models and
Exercises [in Polish], PWN, Warszawa.
5. ISO 7029:2000, Acoustics Statistical distribution of
hearing threshold as a function of age.
6. ISO 8253-1:2010, Acoustics – Audiometric test methods
– Part 1: Pure-tone air and bone conduction audiome-
7. Katz B. (2007), Mastering Audio: The Art and the
Science, Focal Press, Oxford.
8. Moore B.C.J. (1997), An Introduction to the Psychol-
ogy of Hearing, Academic Press, London.
9. PN-EN 26189, The measurements of hearing threshold
by audiometric air conduction for hearing protection
[in Polish].
10. Strelau J. (2000), Psychology [in Polish], Gdańskie
Wyd. Psychologiczne, Gdańsk.
11. Vickers E. (2011), The Loudness War – Do Louder,
Hypercompressed Recordings Sell Better?, J. Audio
Eng. Soc., 59, 5, 346–352.
... It Is well known that prolonged exposure to excessive noise can cause noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). Previous researchers have indicated that occupational noise exposure is the main etiological factor for NIHL, mostly ignoring personal headphones [20,22]. There are also studies on potential damage from nonoccupational noise exposure [2,20]. ...
... The results of this study indicated that participants in Group B, who used earphones >4 h a day, had a decrease in hearing thresholds especially in high frequencies. In a similar study, it was reported that the use of in-ear headphones caused a hearing threshold decrease about 20 dB HL at 4 kHz in some individuals [22]. It was emphasized that cumulative daily listening time also affects hearing thresholds and earphone type does not matter [2,[21][22][23]. ...
... In a similar study, it was reported that the use of in-ear headphones caused a hearing threshold decrease about 20 dB HL at 4 kHz in some individuals [22]. It was emphasized that cumulative daily listening time also affects hearing thresholds and earphone type does not matter [2,[21][22][23]. Another study revealed that an average of three hours of music exposure was found to cause about 15 dB HL hearing loss at higher frequencies, either for in-ear and on-ear headphones users. ...
Full-text available
Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the effect of increased screen time during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic on balance in children aged 14 to 18 years. Patients and Methods: A total of 30 participants (16 females, 14 males; mean age: 15.3±1.3 years; range, 14 to 18 years) were included in the prospective study between March 2020 and December 2021. Videonystagmography and computerized dynamic posturography were applied and the Pediatric Berg Balance Scale (PBS) and Visual Analog Scale (VAS) were assessed in all participants. The participants were divided into three groups according to screen time, with 10 in each group: 4-6 h (Group 1), 6-8 h (Group 2), and >8 h (Group 3) per day. Results: There was a significant difference between the three groups for somatosensory, visual, composite, VAS-imbalance scores (p≤0.05). While there was a significant difference for somatosensory and visual between Groups 1 and 3, there was a significant difference between all groups in composite scores (p≤0.05). There was a significant difference between the three groups for the vestibular score and PBS (p≤0.05). While there was a significant difference between Groups 1 and 3, as well as Groups 2 and 3 in vestibular scores, there was a significant difference between all groups in PBS scores (p≤0.05). Conclusion: The increase in the time spent in front of the screen may negatively affect balance functions of children and adolescents.
... It Is well known that prolonged exposure to excessive noise can cause noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). Previous researchers have indicated that occupational noise exposure is the main etiological factor for NIHL, mostly ignoring personal headphones [20,22]. There are also studies on potential damage from nonoccupational noise exposure [2,20]. ...
... The results of this study indicated that participants in Group B, who used earphones >4 h a day, had a decrease in hearing thresholds especially in high frequencies. In a similar study, it was reported that the use of in-ear headphones caused a hearing threshold decrease about 20 dB HL at 4 kHz in some individuals [22]. It was emphasized that cumulative daily listening time also affects hearing thresholds and earphone type does not matter [2,[21][22][23]. ...
... In a similar study, it was reported that the use of in-ear headphones caused a hearing threshold decrease about 20 dB HL at 4 kHz in some individuals [22]. It was emphasized that cumulative daily listening time also affects hearing thresholds and earphone type does not matter [2,[21][22][23]. Another study revealed that an average of three hours of music exposure was found to cause about 15 dB HL hearing loss at higher frequencies, either for in-ear and on-ear headphones users. ...
Background: the increase in screen time and the decrease in physical- activity cause balance problems as well as many systemic handicaps.Aims/Objectives: this study aimed to determine the effect of screen time on balance and the effect of headphone usage time on hearing.Method: thirty-four individuals aged 6–16 years who applied to our clinic with complaints of dizziness and/or balance disorder were included in the study. Participants were divided into 2 groups according to their screen time: Group 1 (4–8 h/day) and Group2(>8 h/day). the other two groups are grouped according to headphone usage time as Group a (2–4 h/day) and Group B (>4hours/day). Pure-tone audiometry, extended high frequency-audiometry, Videonystagmography (VNG) and computerized Dynamic Posturography (cDP) tests and Pediatric Berg Balance scale and Visual analogue scale were applied to all individuals. cDP scores and pure tone hearing thresholds between groups were compared.Results: a significant difference was observed between Group 1 and Group 2 according to the cDP test (visual, vestibular and composite scores), and according to the Vas-dizziness and PBs (p ≤ .05). Pure tone average and pure tone thresholds at high frequencies were compared between Group a and Group B according to headphone usage time. Pure tone thresholds of Group B were worse at high frequencies than Group a (p ≤ .05).Conclusions: it has been observed that prolonged screen time may cause balance impairment in children and prolonged use of headphones may affect high-frequency hearing thresholds.
... In-cabin wireless networks are attractive in that they enable the passengers to use their own personal equipment during road trips [29][30][31][32]. An average time three hours of musical exposure causes the hearing loss of 10-15 dB HL at higher frequencies [33][34][35] Almost 15% of the investigated young people have their hearing thresholds shifted up at higher frequencies, particularly at 4kHz, which means that they have the first symptoms of permanent hearing damage [33]. An estimated 43% of adults over the age of 65 have hearing loss [38][39][40]. ...
... In-cabin wireless networks are attractive in that they enable the passengers to use their own personal equipment during road trips [29][30][31][32]. An average time three hours of musical exposure causes the hearing loss of 10-15 dB HL at higher frequencies [33][34][35] Almost 15% of the investigated young people have their hearing thresholds shifted up at higher frequencies, particularly at 4kHz, which means that they have the first symptoms of permanent hearing damage [33]. An estimated 43% of adults over the age of 65 have hearing loss [38][39][40]. ...
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This research paper investigates cabin interior music preferences from the drivers’ point of view. The results of an in-depth audit were used to understand how music preference in vehicle cabins an impact on comfort preference based on survey answers. Furthermore, the finding labels the occupants’ music preference specification in the cabin. The sample involved 373 drivers (33% female, 67% male). The age distribution was: 18 to 30 years (n=217), 31 to 50 years (n=48), 51 to 70 years (n=59), and 71 years and above (n=49), of drivers of fourteen different nationalities. From all the questionnaires distributed around 0.03% (11) of respondents did not react. The inquiry served as a tool to capture driver’s desires in the vehicle interior cabin, specifically the entertainment preference and comfort. The results clearly show that different age categories and gender variations have different entertainment preferences while driving.
... In a study assessing the impact of different types of headphones (closed-back, semi-open, open-back, and in-ear) on hearing loss, and analyzing the results of measuring hearing loss among 81 young people aged 16 to 25 years, it was found that almost 15% of those tested experienced a hearing threshold shift, especially at 4 kHz. This means that they had the first symptoms of permanent hearing damage [13]. ...
... The four models considered in the study were closed-back, open-back (2 models), and in-ear headphones. In one study it was found that using in-ear and closed-back headphones may be related to hearing loss at higher frequencies [13]. It was also reported that open-back and semi-open headphones are safer because they do not cause hearing damage. ...
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In the work environment, miniature electroacoustic transducers are often used in communication, for the transmission of warning signals or during training. They can be used in headphones or mounted in personal protective equipment. It is often important to reproduce sounds accurately. The purpose of this work was to assess audio strips by comparing the frequency response of the signal in the electrical outputs of six common-purpose devices. Based on the risk of hearing damage, the level of noise exposure was assessed. The following headphones were investigated: low-budget closed-back, open-back for instant messengers, open-back for music, and in-ear. A head and torso simulator with a transfer function was used. The most uniform shape of the frequency response of the signal at the electrical outputs was found to be in smartphones. Sound cards integrated into laptop motherboards had highly unequal characteristics (up to 23 dB). In the case of one of the laptops, the upper range of the transmitted frequencies was limited to the 12,500 Hz band. An external sound card or wireless headphones can improve the situation. In the worst-case scenario, i.e., rock music, the listening time was limited to 2 h and 18 min.
... The higher sound levels usually influence human concentration in a negative way, like the chaotic visual structures (Marcora et al., 2009) what is based on psychology of perception. The results of a permanent hearing threshold shift of the people working in an entertainment industry as well as the influence of the kinds of equipment used has been widely presented (Dobrucki et al., 2013;Rintelmann et al., 1972). The recommendations of a daily-doze of noise for sound makers are not stated because of the nature of work beside the fact that it may cause permanent or temporary hearing damages. ...
... Such conditions involving the mental engagement in a noisy environment which refferred to the natural scenery of the studio work can significantly reduce the time of exhaustion what causes the decrease of accuracy in solving several tasks (Marcora et al., 2009). It should be also noted that the tendencies observed within young people culture in listening loud music in order to be isolated from the environ-ment is still actual what may cause not the TTS phenomenon but Permanent Threshold Shift (Dobrucki et al., 2013). ...
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The paper presents results of research on an influence of listening fatigue on the detection of changes in spectrum and envelope of musical samples. The experiment was carried out under conditions which normally exist in a studio or on the stage when sound material is recorded and/or mixed. The equivalent level of presented sound samples is usually 90 dB and this is an average value of sound level existing in control room at various recording activities. Such musical material may be treated as a noise so Temporary Threshold Shift phenomenon may occur after several sessions and this may lead to a listening fatigue effect. Fourteen subjects participated in the first part of the experiment and all of them have the normal hearing thresholds. The stimuli contained the musical material with introduced changes in sound spectrum up to ±6 dB in low (100 Hz), middle (1 kHz) and high frequency (10 kHz) octave bands. In the second part of research five subjects listened to musical samples with introduced envelope changes up to ±6 dB in interval of 1 s. The time of loud music exposure was 60, 90 and 120 minutes and this material was completely different from the tested samples. It turned out that listening to the music with an L
... The second phase was a receptive music therapy intervention where the therapist played live music to relax the patient with autogenic training, breath control techniques, and diaphragm exercises [17]. In the last phase, the patient listened to a personal music therapy playlist with a dedicated MP3 player with earphones inserted into the ear canal at a maximum volume of 60 dB (previously set with a sound level meter) [18,19]. After anesthesia, the music therapy continued with the earphones for the entire duration of the surgery until the patient came awake and for another hour afterward. ...
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(Abstracted from J Minim Invasive Gynecol 2021;28:1618–1624) Previous studies suggested that women undergoing hysterectomy and other major surgical procedure may experience preoperative anxiety. Contributing factors include an unfamiliar environment, loss of control, perceived or actual physical risk, and fear of postoperative pain.
... The second phase was a receptive music therapy intervention where the therapist played live music to relax the patient with autogenic training, breath control techniques, and diaphragm exercises [17]. In the last phase, the patient listened to a personal music therapy playlist with a dedicated MP3 player with earphones inserted into the ear canal at a maximum volume of 60 dB (previously set with a sound level meter) [18,19]. After anesthesia, the music therapy continued with the earphones for the entire duration of the surgery until the patient came awake and for another hour afterward. ...
Study Objective To assess the superiority of a music therapy intervention (MUSIC) vs. usual care (CONTROL) in reducing preoperative anxiety of patients undergoing total laparoscopic hysterectomy (TLH) with non-oncological indication. Design This is a 1:2 (MUSIC vs. CONTROL) randomized controlled study. Setting a teaching hospital. Patients One-hundred patients were available for the analysis: 30 and 70 in MUSIC and CONTROL, respectively. Intervention perioperative music therapy pathway in patient undergoing TLH for benign disease. Measurements and Main Results Anxiety was evaluated with the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) Y-form at different time points: at baseline (T1), preoperative (T2), early-postoperative (T3), and late-postoperative (T4). Pathological anxiety was defined as STAI-Y state > 45. Postoperative pain was registered using the visual analogic scale (VAS). Women in MUSIC arm experienced lower anxiety levels (median STAI-Y score 38.0 vs. 41.0; p=0.002) at T2. STAI-Y scores did not vary significantly by intervention at each subsequent time-point. A significant difference between the groups (MUSIC vs. CONTROL) was found in the proportion of women with pathological anxiety at T2 (16.7% vs. 37.2%; p=0.04) and T3 (0% vs. 12.9%; p=0.04), while no significant difference between the groups has been registered at T4 (6.6% vs. 7,1%; p=0.93). Postoperative pain intensity did not significantly differ between the groups at 1, 3 and 6 hours after surgery. Conclusions Music therapy might be a viable complementary modality to usual surgical care in the gynecologic setting for its ability to significantly decrease preoperative anxiety in women undergoing TLH for benign conditions. Clinical trial number NCT04243967 (date of trial registration: 01/28/2020; protocol available on, URL:
... Nevertheless, in the leisure environments, it has been less studied. Recent studies have focused on the effect of personal hearing devices or headphones [2,3]. However, the effect of SPLs registered while playing music has not been thoroughly studied. ...
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The effects of chronic exposure to high sound pressure levels (SPLs) are widely studied in the industry environment. However, the way that SPLs affect music students has not been thoroughly examined. In this paper, we study the SPL exposure of batucada students and we propose an assisted protection headphone as a part of e-health system. We measured the SPL reached during a regular percussion class. Pure-tone audiometries were performed to a set of percussion students. The gathered data were statistically analyzed. The assisted protection headphones and their operation are detailed and tested during a regular class. Our results show that 35% of the musicians present with a noise-induced hearing loss, considered as two frequencies with hearing loss of 25 dB or more or one frequency with a hearing loss of 30 dB or more. Our data also shows that those students that do not use any protection have a greater hearing loss. However, the students that use protection headphones are also suffering hearing loss. There might be a problem in the way that musicians are using the protection headphones. Our assisted protection headphones as a part of e-health measures can diminish the negative effects of percussion instruments for musicians.
Ayurveda, had given an admirable explanation of Indriyas and perception of knowledge through them. According to Ayurveda satmya indriyartha sannikarsha (proper confluence of sense organs with their objects) is required for the correct perception of knowledge. For this, it is necessary for Indriya (senses), Indriyartha (object of senses), Manas (mind), Budhi (intellect) and Atma (soul) to work together in coordination and they should be healthy and intact. Hence, any kind of improper bondage with sense and its object adversely affects that Indriya and cause disease. Shrotrendriya is one among five Indriyas and hearing is the main function of it. Sabda is the Artha of Shrotrendriya. At present, because of adaptation advancement of technology and devices, usage of personal lis- tening devices and mobile phones with earphone or headphones has increased in people at varying volumes and for prolonged periods. The use of these devices in such manner poses a serious threat of irreversible changes like tinnitus and hearing loss. The waster uses of Shrotrendriya because of such habits which affects the hearing ca- pacity can be considered as Asatmyaindriyarth samyoga. Keyword: Asatmyaindriyartha Samyoga, Shrotrendriya, Hearing loss
This paper includes the results of measurement hearing threshold of students from different universities in Warsaw. The hearing threshold was measured using conventional air pure tone audiometry, without the assessment of perception loudness, pitch and time. Tests of hearing loss in both ears were carried out in the low frequency range from 125 Hz to 8000 Hz (176 subjects) and in the high frequency range from 10 kHz to 16 kHz (41 subjects). Sound Pressure Level of test signal was controlled automatically according to Hughson - Westlake technique. The results of the hearing threshold were classified depend on the hearing loss value in the three ranges: 10 dB - 20 dB, 20 dB -30 dB and over 30 dB for both frequency ranges. The results show that 73% of all subjects in the low frequency range have small hearing loss (up to 20 dB) and 22% of all listeners have small hearing loss in the high frequency range. 23% of all subjects in the low frequency range have the average hearing loss (from 20 dB to 30 dB) and 37% of all listeners have average hearing loss in the high frequency range. 4% of subjects in the low frequency have big hearing loss (over 30 dB) and 41% of listeners have big hearing loss in the high frequency range. The recruitment of student for tests was made on a voluntary basis.
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This study was performed in a climatic chamber to evaluate the combined effects of noise intensity, heat stress, workload, and exposure duration on both noise-induced temporary threshold shift (TTS) and the recovery time by adopting Taguch's method. Fourteen subjects without previous significant noise exposure and smoking history were recruited to participate in this study. All hearing threshold levels at eight different frequencies (250 to 8,000 Hz) of better ear were measured in an audiometric booth by using the ascending method in 2 dB steps before each exposure condition. The test was also carried out after exposure to evaluate TTS at various times. The TTS recovery time was assessed using an audiometric test on all subjects at post-exposure times of 2, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 120 min, respectively. It was found that TTS depended mainly on the exposed noise dose and was enhanced by workload and heat stress. The TTS recovery time is dependent upon the magnitude of the initial hearing loss. In conclusion, TTS driven by noise exposure is enhanced by heat and workload. Further studies are required to evaluate the effects of workload with extreme temperature in a workplace environment.
The term "loudness war" refers to the ongoing competitive increase in the loudness of commercially distributed music. While this increase has been facilitated by the use of dynamic range compression, limiting, and clipping, the underlying cause is the belief that louder recordings sell better. This paper briefly reviews some possible side effects of the loudness war and presents evidence questioning the assumption that loudness is significantly correlated to listener preference and sales ranking.
Text: book; for undergraduates and others studying sound and auditory perception. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
Mathematical Statistics. Models andExercises [in Polish
  • J Greń
Acoustics Statistical distribution ofhearing threshold as a function of age
  • Iso
Hearing loss from headphones andearphones
  • S Gulati
Acoustics – Audiometric test methods – Part 1: Pure-tone air and bone conduction audiome- try
ISO 8253-1:2010, Acoustics – Audiometric test methods – Part 1: Pure-tone air and bone conduction audiome- try.
  • J Strelau
Strelau J. (2000), Psychology [in Polish], Gdańskie Wyd. Psychologiczne, Gdańsk.
Acoustics Statistical distribution of hearing threshold as a function of age
  • J Greń
Greń J. (1978), Mathematical Statistics. Models and Exercises [in Polish], PWN, Warszawa. 5. ISO 7029:2000, Acoustics Statistical distribution of hearing threshold as a function of age.