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Connectivity of the branch locus of moduli space of rational maps



Milnor proved that the moduli space Md{\rm M}_{d} of rational maps of degree d2d \geq 2 has a complex orbifold structure of dimension 2(d1)2(d-1). Let us denote by Sd{\mathcal S}_{d} the singular locus of Md{\rm M}_{d} and by Bd{\mathcal B}_{d} the branch locus, that is, the equivalence classes of rational maps with non-trivial holomorphic automorphisms. Milnor observed that we may identify M2{\rm M}_2 with C2{\mathbb C}^2 and, within that identification, that B2{\mathcal B}_{2} is a cubic curve; so B2{\mathcal B}_{2} is connected and S2={\mathcal S}_{2}=\emptyset. If d3d \geq 3, then Sd=Bd{\mathcal S}_{d}={\mathcal B}_{d}. We use simple arguments to prove the connectivity of it.
arXiv:1502.03001v2 [math.DS] 13 Feb 2015
Abstract. Moduli space Mdof rational maps of degree d2 has a orbifold structure, with a
singular locus Sd. Inside Mdthere is also its branch locus Bd, consisting of those equivalence
classes of rational maps with non-trivial holomorphic automorphisms. Milnor observed that we may
identify M2with C2and, within that identification, that B2is a cubic curve; so B2is connected and
S2=. If d3, then Bd=Sd. In this paper we use simple arguments to prove the connectivity of
1. Introduction
The space Ratdof complex rational maps of degree d2 can be identified with a Zariski open
set of the (2d+1)-dimensional complex projective space P2d+1
C; this is the complement of the
algebraic variety defined by the resultant of two polynomials of degree at most d. The group of
M¨obius transformations PSL2(C) acts on Ratdby conjugation; φ, ψ Ratdare said to be equivalent
if there is some TPSL2(C) so that ψ=TφT1.
The PSL2(C)-stabilizer of a rational map φRatd, denoted as Aut(φ), is called the group of
holomorphic automorphisms of φ. It is well known that Aut(φ) is finite.
The quotient space Md=Ratd/PSL2(C) is the moduli space of rational maps of degree d.
Silverman [7] obtained that Mdcarries the structure of an ane geometric quotient and Milnor
[6] proved that it also carries the structure of a complex orbifold of dimension 2(d1) (Milnor
also obtained that M2C2). Levy [4] noted that Mdis a rational variety (he also observed that the
order of Aut(φ) is bounded above by a constant depending on d).
Let us denote by π: RatdMdthe holomorphic branch cover obtained by the above conju-
gation action, that is, its deck group is PSL2(C). This map fails to be a covering exactly at those
rational maps with non-trivial group of holomorphic automorphisms. Let us denote by BdMd
the locus of branch values of π.
Using Milnor’s identification M2=C2, the locus B2corresponds to the cubic y2=x3; the cuspid
corresponds to the class of a rational map φ(z)=1/z2with Aut(φ)D3(dihedral group of order
6) and all other points in the cubic corresponds to those classes of rational maps with the cyclic
group Z2as group of holomorphic automorphisms. In this way, B2is connected. In this paper we
prove the connectivity of Bdfor every d2.
Theorem 1. The branch locus Bdis connected.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 37P45, 37F10, 37P05.
Key words and phrases. Rational maps, Automorphisms, Moduli spaces, Branch locus.
Partially supported by Project Fondecyt 1150003. 1
Let us denote by SdMdthe singular locus of Md, that is, the set of points over which Md
fails to be a topological manifold. As already seen above, as M2C2, so S2=. But, if d3,
Sd=Bd[5], in particular, Sd,. Theorem 1then asserts the following.
Corollary 1. The singular locus Sdof Mdis connected.
Theorem 1states that given any two rational maps φ, ψ Ratd, both with non-trivial group of
holomorphic automorphisms, there a conjugated ρRatdof ψand there is a continuous family
Θ: [0,1] Ratdwith Θ(0) =φ,Φ(1) =ρand Aut(Θ(t)) non-trivial for every t. Even if
Aut(φ)Aut(ψ), we may not ensure that Aut(Θ(t)) stay in the same isomorphic class; this comes
from the existence of rigid rational maps [3] (in the non-cyclic situation).
Remark 1. In the 80’s Sullivan provided a dictionary between dynamic of rational maps and the
dynamic of Kleinian groups [8]. If we restrict our Klenian groups to be co-compact Fuchsian
groups of a fixed genus g 2, then we will be dealing with closed Riemann surfaces of genus g.
The moduli space of Riemann surfaces Mghas the structure of an orbifold. The branch locus in Mg
is the set of isomorphic classes of Riemann surfaces with non-trivial holomorphic automorphisms.
In [1]it was proved that in general the branch locus is non-connected; a great dierence with the
connectivity of brach locus for rational maps.
2. Rational maps with non-trivial group of holomorphic automorphisms
It is well known that the group of holomorphic automorphisms of φRatd, where d2,
is a finite subgroup of PSL2(C) which are known to be (see, for instance, [2]) either the trivial
group or isomorphic to a cyclic group or the dihedral group or the alternating groups A4,A5or the
symmetric group S4. Moreover, for each possible group above there are rational maps admitting it
as group of holomorphic automorphisms [3].
If Gis either a finite cyclic group, a dihedral group, A4,A5or S4, then we denote by Bd(G)
Mdthe locus of classes of rational maps φwith Aut(φ) admitting a subgroup isomorphic to G. We
say that Gis admissible for dif Bd(G),.
If Gis either cyclic or dihedral or A4, then there may be some elements in Bd(G) with group
of holomorphic automorphisms non-isomorphic to G(i.e., they admit more holomorphic automor-
phisms). If Gis either isomorphic to S4or A5, then Bd(G) may have isolated points [3], so it is
not connected in general.
2.1. Admissibility of the non-cyclic cases. Miasnikov-Stout-Williams observed the following
admissibility for the case of platonic groups.
Theorem 2 ([5]).Let d 2.
(1) A4is admissible for d if and only if d is odd.
(2) A5is admissible for d if and only if d is congruent modulo 30 to either 1,11,19,21.
(3) S4is admissible for d if and only if d is coprime to 6.
2.2. Admissibility in the cyclic case. In the case G=Cn, the cyclic group of order n2, the
admissibility will depend on d. First, let us observe that if a rational map admits Cnas a group
of holomorphic automorphisms, then we may conjugate it by a suitable M¨obius transformation so
that we may assume Cnis generated by the rotation T(z)=ωnz, where ωn=e2πi/n. In [5] it was
noticed that in this situation the rational map must have the form φ(z)=zψ(zn), where ψRatr, for
a suitable value of r. Since d2, we must have r1. The relations between rand dare provided
as follows.
Theorem 3 ([5]).Let d,n2be integers. The group Cnis admissible if and only if d is congruent
to either 1,0,1modulo n. Moreover, for such values, every rational map of degree d admitting
Cnas a group of holomorphic automorphisms is equivalent to one of the form φ(z)=zψ(zn), where
satisfies that
(a) arb0,0, if d =nr +1;
(b) ar,0and b0=0, if d =nr;
(c) ar=b0=0, if d =nr 1.
Proof. Let φbe a rational map admitting a holomorphic automorphism of order n. By conjugating
it by a suitable M¨obius transformation, we may assume that such automorphism is the rotation
(1) Let us write φ(z)=zρ(z). The equality TφT1=φis equivalent to ρ(ωnz)=ρ(z). Let
where either αl,0 or βl,0 and (U,V)=1.
The equality ρ(ωnz)=ρ(z) is equivalent to the existence of some λ,0 so that
nαk=λαk, ωk
By taking k=l, we obtain that λ=ωl
n. So the above is equivalent to have, for k<l,
nαk=αk, ωlk
So, if αk,0 or βk,0, then lk0 mod (n). As (U,V)=1, either α0,0 or β0,0; so
l0 mod (n). In this way, if αk,0 or βk,0, then k0 mod (n). In this way, ρ(z)=ψ(zn) for
a suitable rational map ψ(z).
(2) It follows from (1) that φ(z)=zψ(zn), for ψRatrand suitable r. We next provide relations
between dand r. Let us write
where (P,Q)=1 and either ar,0 or br,0. In this way,
k=0bkzkn .
Let us first assume that Q(0) ,0, equivalently, ψ(0) ,. Then φ(0) =0 and the polinomials
zP(zn) and Q(zn) are relatively prime. If deg(P)deg(Q), then r=deg(P), ψ(),0, φ()=
and deg(φ)=1+nr. If deg(P)<deg(Q), then r=deg(Q), ψ()=0, φ()=0 and deg(φ)=nr.
Let us now assume that Q(0) =0, equivalently, ψ(0) =. Let us write Q(u)=ulb
Q(u), where
l1 and b
Q(0) ,0; so deg(Q)=l+deg(b
Q). In this case,
and the polinomials P(zn) (of degree ndeg(P)) and zln1b
Q(zn) (of degree ndeg(Q)1) are relatively
prime. If deg(P)deg(Q), then r=deg(P), ψ(),0, φ()=and deg(φ)=nr. If deg(P)<
deg(Q), then r=deg(Q), ψ()=0, φ()=0 and deg(φ)=nr 1.
Summarizing all the above, we have the following situations:
(i) If φ(0) =0 and φ()=, then ψ(0) ,and ψ(),0; in particular, d=nr +1. This
case corresponds to have arb0,0.
(ii) If φ(0) ==φ(), then ψ(0) =and ψ(),0; in which case d=nr. This case
corresponds to have ar,0 and b0=0.
(iii) If φ(0) =0=φ(), then ψ(0) ,and ψ()=0; in particular, d=nr. This case
corresponds to have ar=0 and b0,0. But in this case, we may conjugate φby A(z)=1/z
(which normalizes hTi) in order to be in case (ii) above.
(iv) If φ(0) =and φ()=0, then ψ(0) =and ψ()=0; in particular, d=nr 1. This
case corresponds to have ar=b0=0.
The explicit description provided in Theorem 3permits to obtain the connectivity of Bd(Cn) and
its dimension.
Corollary 2. If n 2and Cnis admissible for d, then Bd(Cn)is connected. Moreover,
dimC(Bd(Cn)) =
2(d1)/n,d1 mod n
(2dn)/n,d0 mod n
2(d+1n)/n,d 1 mod n
Proof. (1) By Theorem 3, the rational maps in Ratdadmitting a holomorphic automorphism of
order n2 are conjugated those of the form φ(z)=zψ(zn)Ratdfor ψRatras described in the
same theorem.
Let us denote by Ratd(n,r) the subset of Ratdformed by all those rational maps of the φ(z)=
zψ(zn), where ψsatisfies the conditions in Theorem 3.
If d=nr +1, then we may identify Ratd(n,r) with an open Zariski subset of Ratr; if d=nr, then
it is identified with an open Zariski subset of a linear hypersurface of Ratrand (iii) if d=nr 1,
then it is identified with an open Zariski subspace of a linear subspace of codimension two of Ratr.
In each case, we have that Ratd(n,r) is connected. As the projection of Ratd(n,r) to Mdis exactly
Bd(Cn), we obtain its connectivity.
(2) The dimension counting. We may see that, (i) if d=nr+1, then ψdepends on 2r+1 complex
parameters; (ii) if d=nr, then ψdepends on 2rcomplex parameters; and (iii) if d=nr 1, then
ψdepends on 2r1 complex parameters. The normalizer in PSL2(C) of hTiis the 1-complex
dimensional group Nn=hAλ(z)=λz,B(z)=1/z:λC {0}i. If UNn, then UφU1will
also have Tas a holomorphic automorphism. In fact,
In this way, there is an action of Nnover Ratrso that the orbit of ψ(u) is given by the rational
maps ψ(u/t), where tC {0}, and 1(1/u). In this way, we obtain the desired dimensions.
3. Proof of Theorem 1
It is clear that Bdis equal to the union of all Bd(G), where Gruns over the admissible finite
groups for d.
If Gis admissible for dand pis a prime integer dividing the order of G(so that the cyclic group
Cpis a subgroup of G), then Cpis admissible for dand Bd(G) Bd(Cp). In this way, Bdis equal to
the union of all Bd(Cp), where pruns over all integer primes with Cpadmissible for d. Corollary 2
asserts that each Bd(Cp) is connected. Now, the connectivity of Bdwill be consequence of Lemma
Lemma 1. If p 3is a prime and Cpis admissible for d, then Bd(Cp) Bd(C2),.
Proof. We only need to check the existence of a rational map φRatdadmitting a holomorphic
automorphism Tof order pand also a holomorphic automorphism Uof order 2.
First, let us consider those rational maps of the form φ(z)=zψ(zp), where (by Theorem 3) we
may assume to be of the form
(a) arb0,0, if d=pr +1;
(b) ar,0 and b0=0, if d=pr;
(c) ar=b0=0, if d=pr 1.
In cases (a) and (c) we can find ψsatisfying the relation ψ(1/z)=1(z). This is possible by
considering bk=ark, for every k=0,1, ..., r. Now, we may see that φalso admits the holomorphic
automorphism U(z)=1/z. The automorphisms T(z)=ωpzand U(z)=1/zgenerate a dihedral
group of order 2p.
In case (b), we can consider ψso that ψ(z)=ψ(z), which is posible to find if we assume that
(1)kak=(1)rakand (1)kbk=(1)rbk(which means that ak=bk=0 if kand rhave dierent
parity). In this case Tand V(z)=zare holomorphic automorphisms of φ, generating the cyclic
group of order 2p.
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Departamento de Matem´atica y Estad´ıstica, Universidad de LaFrontera. Casilla 54-D, 4780000 Temuco, Chile
... In [4] it was observed that the branch locus B d (the equivalence classes of rational maps with non-trivial holomorphic automorphisms) is connected. ...
... and B 2 is a cubic curve. In [4] we prove that B d is connected. ...
... Theorem 10. If a rational map of degree d admites an antiholomorphic automorphism of order 2n, where n ≥ 2 is even, then d 2 mod (4). Moreover, in the affirmative case, it is conjugated to one of the form φ(z) = zψ(z n ), for a suitable rational map ψ ∈ Rat r where r ∈ {(d − 1)/n, d/n, (d + 1)/n} is even, admitting the antiholomorphic automorphism τ(z) = ω 2n z , where ω 2n = e πi/n . ...
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The set of morphisms \f:\PP^1\to\PP^1 of degree d is parametrized by an affine open subset \Rat_d of \PP^{2d+1}. We consider the action of~\SL_2 on \Rat_d induced by the {\it conjugation action\/} of \SL_2 on rational maps; that is, f\in\SL_2 acts on~\f via \f^f=f^{-1}\circ\f\circ f. The quotient space \M_d=\Rat_d/\SL_2 arises very naturally in the study of discrete dynamical systems on~\PP^1. We prove that~\M_d exists as an affine integral scheme over~\ZZ, that \M_2 is isomorphic to~\AA^2_\ZZ, and that the natural completion of~\M_2 obtained using geometric invariant theory is isomorphic to~\PP^2_\ZZ. These results, which generalize results of Milnor over~\CC, should be useful for studying the arithmetic properties of dynamical systems.
The geometry of discrete groups. Corrected reprint of the 1983 original. Graduate Texts in Mathematics
  • A F Beardon
A. F. Beardon. The geometry of discrete groups. Corrected reprint of the 1983 original. Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 91. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1995. xii+337 pp. ISBN: 0-387-90788-2.