In recent years, which can be called the VUCA era, risk-averse management (over-planning, over-analysis, and over-compliance with laws and regulations) and management emphasizing economic rationality have been increasing, and it is believed that more and more managers are reluctant to make long-term investments in irrational, illogical, and risky innovations (Japan Productivity Headquarters 2019).
However, even under such circumstances, as Takeishi et al. (2012) pointed out, "creative justification of resource mobilization (hereinafter referred to as 'creative justification')", instead of pursuing objective economic rationality, inherent reasons (irrational thoughts of the proponents) understood and approved by specific proponents and specific supporters make continuous There are cases in which continuous resource mobilization becomes possible and innovation is realized due to inherent reasons (irrational thoughts of the proponents) understood and approved by certain proponents and specific supporters. This type of innovation is a collectivist organizational decision-making process similar to the approval system often seen in Japanese firms, and is considered to be deeply related to "NEMAWASHI," which is a part of the Japanese corporate culture.
In this study, we focus on "NEMAWASHI," which is deeply rooted in Japanese corporate culture, and clarify the relationship between "NEMAWASHI" and the innovation process, namely, the resource mobilization process by creative justification and the knowledge creation process, and propose an innovation promotion model based on "NEMAWASHI". In this study, we interviewed key personnel in a large Japanese company, Company A, who utilize "NEMAWASHI" to investigate the relationship between "NEMAWASHI" and the resource mobilization process by creative justification. As a result, it was revealed that while "NEMAWASHI" contributes to each of the three routes to realize "creative justification," it also induces traps associated with the "creative justification" process and can be a factor that inhibits the "creative justification". In addition, we newly discovered that the formation, accumulation, maintenance, and renewal of human networks through "NEMAWASHI" generates the learning effect of "NEMAWASHI," and that knowledge creation occurs in the "NEMAWASHI" process. These points are novelties of this study. In Japanese companies, activities that lead to "creative justification" are not recognized as "creative justification" but are widely practiced as "NEMAWASHI". However, the contribution of this study is that it clarified that "creative justification" and "NEMAWASHI" do not completely coincide.
Furthermore, a questionnaire survey of 224 people working for companies in Japan revealed that the abilities gained from the learning effect of "NEMAWASHI" can be classified into three categories: "ability to gain from human networks," "ability to execute knowledge creation," and "ability to gain empathy and trust," and that the failure factors of "NEMAWASHI" can be classified into 16 factors.
In the knowledge creation process, the SECI spiral model proposed by Nonaka and Takeuchi (2020) revealed that the learning effect of "NEMAWASHI" contributes to collaboration, manifestation, linkage, and internalization, accelerates the speed of spiral rotation, and increases the spiral's expansion. In addition, as a result of analyzing the relationship with the innovation process, it was clarified that the implementation of "NEMAWASHI" in the innovation process can promote innovation while increasing the total amount of both resource mobilization and knowledge creation necessary for innovation to occur. We proposed an organizational learning cycle process and innovation promotion model based on "NEMAWASHI". Furthermore, we found that if Nudge is successfully applied to "NEMAWASHI," the loss of diversity, which can be a disadvantage of "NEMAWASHI," can be reduced.
This study is of practical significance in that it can contribute to the promotion of innovation by applying the results of this study to "NEMAWASHI," which is practiced in many Japanese companies.
VUCA時代とも言える近年では,リスクを避ける経営(過剰計画,過剰分析,過剰法令順守)や経済合理性を重視する経営が増えてきており,非合理的かつ非論理的でリスクが多いイノベーションへの長期投資に消極的な経営者が増えていると考えられている(公益財団法人日本生産性本部 2019).