
Odgoj i teorija smisla

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The Function of education in society is a meaningful and a valuable one – it is important in an individual’s life. The theory of meaning is provides a very good explanation of the education phenomenon. The author draws upon the meaning theory according to Šešić (1997): meaning is a changeable, developmental or processible phenomenon. Hence, meaning is in the fi rst place a relation or a relationship. There are two important factors of meaning: the meaning holder and the meaning itself. Meaning(lessness) holders can be all the phenomena in a society or an individual’s life. The following meaning categories are singled out: the meanings of being organized, rational approach, direction, purposefulness, functionality and the meaning of value. The author analyzes the relationship between the theories of human lifeand meaning. Education has an important role in a person’s life. Meaning holders include the following: educational ideal, education goals and tasks; education factors; the subjects of education; organisational models of education; education types and instruments as well as evaluation instruments for the assessment of education meaning and effectiveness. On the example of seven historic-epochal and everyday doubts a theoretical model was constructed for the discussion on the meaning of education. The author has also developed some aspects of the methodology of studying the meaning of life and education, especially the hermeneutic-phenomenological paradigm.

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... Kazano konkretnije, kreativna rasprava o smislu obrazovanja posmatra obrazovanje u kontekstu čovekovih potreba, kvaliteta života, vrednosti, čoveka kao bića odnosa, ljubavi i sreće.« (Silov, 2007: 75) Naučna spoznaja o smislu savremenog obrazovanja mora voditi do kvalitetne i celovite reforme savremene škole. ...
... In project teaching all the students' potential can be activated, and teaching does not imply merely theoretical, but practical work as well. The importance of becoming involved in the practical process as an invaluable component, not only of educational subjects in school, is highlighted by many educational theorists (Meyer, 1987, Matijević, 2010, Silov, 2007. ...
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Contemporary educational concepts advocate for interdisciplinary/integrative approach to teaching in order to generate operable knowledge applicable in life situations, as opposed to the mere memorizing of facts. Project teaching that is based on research and dealing with concepts within different subjects and disciplines as well as detecting and resolving problems through students' independent research work is one of the forms of integrated teaching. This paper presents theoretical background of integrated/project teaching and two examples of implementing project teaching during elective art class in the higher grades of elementary school as an alternative approach to teaching, which is in the contemporary school practice expected to carry out experiential and problem solving learning, as well as encourage independence and active participation of students. The results of implementing projects in art classes indicate a greater student motivation for work, developing social skills and self-confidence, active participation in the teaching process in addition to better quality and long-term acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitudes.
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