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Bilingual education in the United States: an historical overview and examination of two-way immersion

Taylor & Francis on behalf of the University of Birmingham
Educational Review


Dramatic increases have occurred in the number of children who speak languages other than English at home in the United States and English language learners (ELLs) need support both for becoming proficient in English and for maintaining their first language. In this paper, five types of bilingual education implemented in the United States are reviewed: submersion, English as a second language instruction; transitional bilingual education; maintenance bilingual education; two-way immersion (TWI), with TWI programs being the focus for most of the paper. A brief history of the policy evolution of bilingual education in the United States is provided. Research reviewed suggests that compared to students exposed to other programs, students in TWI programs are better off in terms of achievement and in L1 and L2 development. Although benefits of TWI programs are demonstrated, limitations of the current research also exist, and are discussed. Challenges implementing TWI programs are discussed and policy recommendation are included.
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Educational Review
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Bilingual education in the United
States: an historical overview and
examination of two-way immersion
Yoon Kyong Kima, Lindsey A. Hutchisona & Adam Winslera
a George Mason University, Fairfax, USA
Published online: 23 Dec 2013.
To cite this article: Yoon Kyong Kim, Lindsey A. Hutchison & Adam Winsler , Educational Review
(2013): Bilingual education in the United States: an historical overview and examination of two-way
immersion, Educational Review, DOI: 10.1080/00131911.2013.865593
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Bilingual education in the United States: an historical overview
and examination of two-way immersion
Yoon Kyong Kim, Lindsey A. Hutchison and Adam Winsler*
George Mason University, Fairfax, USA
Dramatic increases have occurred in the number of children who speak lan-
guages other than English at home in the United States and English language
learners (ELLs) need support both for becoming procient in English and for
maintaining their rst language. In this paper, ve types of bilingual education
implemented in the United States are reviewed: submersion, English as a second
language instruction; transitional bilingual education; maintenance bilingual edu-
cation; two-way immersion (TWI), with TWI programs being the focus for most
of the paper. A brief history of the policy evolution of bilingual education in the
United States is provided. Research reviewed suggests that compared to students
exposed to other programs, students in TWI programs are better off in terms of
achievement and in L1 and L2 development. Although benets of TWI programs
are demonstrated, limitations of the current research also exist, and are discussed.
Challenges implementing TWI programs are discussed and policy recommenda-
tion are included.
Keywords: bilingual education; immigrants/migrants; language; children
The percent of individuals in the United States whose rst language is something
other than English has risen dramatically in recent decades. According to Census
Bureau estimates, the number was 31.8 million in 1990 and 47 million in the year
2000, which is equivalent to approximately one out of every ve people, or 18% of
the population (Shin and Bruno 2003). Children constitute a large portion of this
subgroup of the US population. In 20072008, it was estimated that English lan-
guage learners (ELLs) made up 10.7% of the public school student population
over 5.3 million children (NCELA 2010). Further, the number of language-minority
children grew 53.25% from 19971998 to 20072008, compared to an increase of
8.45% for the general student population during that same time frame (NCELA
2010). The majority of these children come from families where the dominant lan-
guage spoken is Spanish (73.1%), though this is just one of about 150 languages
spoken by students in US schools (Batalova and McHugh 2010).
ELLs, partly due to the increased probability of living in poverty and having low
parental education, often struggle in the US education system, performing lower
than their English-speaking counterparts in academic subject areas and on standard-
ized assessments of math and reading (August 2003; Beal, Adams, and Cohen
*Corresponding author. Email:
© 2013 Educational Review
Educational Review, 2013
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Thus, effective ways of educating language-minority children are desired to
ensure that they are equipped with the tools necessary to become thriving members
of US society. Bilingual education has long been a controversial topic in the United
States, touching on multiple complex political, cultural, language, sociological, edu-
cational, ethical, and identity issues (Salomone 2010). The current paper provides an
overview of models for educating language-minority children in the United States,
and shows the evolution of such programs with respect to signicant historical pol-
icy developments and issues. Further, this paper emphasizes a promising bilingual
education model that has been gaining popularity in recent years, namely two-way
immersion (TWI).
Researchers and educators face several challenges when discussing bilingual
education services provided to ELLs. These include discrepant terminology and dis-
agreement on denitions and differing implementation of program models across
states and regions. At a basic level, researchers and policy-makers do not agree on
the label for this population of children. Under federal law, these children are
referred to as Limited English Procientor LEP students (Genesee 2006). How-
ever, this label has been criticized as focusing on what the child is lacking, and
drawing attention away from the value of the childs native language (Lacelle-Peter-
son and Rivera 1994). To address this problem, contemporary researchers use alter-
native labels, including English language learner(ELL), Dual language learner
(DLL), and language-minority student.
The labels used for services provided to ELLs also vary, with all kinds of differ-
ent services being called bilingual education.For instance, programs in which
ELL children are mainstreamed into all-English classrooms, programs where ELLs
receive instruction in both English and Spanish, and programs in which all students
(both ELLs and native speakers of English) are instructed in both English and Span-
ish, are all described as bilingual education.This wide variability in educational
services for ELLs creates difculty for researchers and practitioners attempting to
assess the effectiveness of these services (Baker and Jones 1998; Garcia and
Kleifgen, 2010).
Bilingual education program models
Several approaches to ELL education have been implemented over the years, with
varying degrees of success reported. These models for bilingual education can be
thought of as on a continuum, depending on the relative importance that the pro-
gram places on the native language of ELLs. There are ve dominant models along
this continuum that will be described in this paper: (1) submersion; (2) English as
second language (ESL) instruction; (3) early-exit or transitional bilingual education
(TBE); (4) late-exit, developmental, or maintenance bilingual education; (5) TWI
(Baker 2006). The characteristics of each educational approach, as well as research
ndings on the effectiveness of each approach will be examined.
The rst approach is known as submersion.With this model, ELLs are not
offered any special language services, and instruction is entirely in English. This is
often referred to as the sink or swimapproach. Submersion programs were origi-
nally designed so that ELLs would pick upthe dominant language as quickly as
possible by being exposed to nothing else (Crawford 1999). Another version of sub-
mersion programs is structured immersion, where students are given native language
instruction for a one-year transition period, and then move into an all-English
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classroom environment. Much research has demonstrated that this model is not
effective at helping language-minority students to catch up to their native English-
speaking peers in terms of English language knowledge and academic performance
(Cheung and Slavin 2013; Crawford 1999; Thomas and Collier 1997). Zehler et al.
(2003) showed that about 11.7% of ELLs nationwide receive no specialized lan-
guage services in school. This model is more likely to be found in areas with few
language-minority students (e.g. rural areas of the United States) and/or where
resources for serving ELL students are quite limited.
The next approach is known as ESL or English for Speakers of Other Languages
(ESOL) instruction. This model involves individualized instruction that focuses on
acquisition of English language skills (Vialpando et al. 2005). However, in several
school districts, ESL/ESOL instruction is the only type of service provided to ELLs.
ESL pull-outinvolves removing ELLs from the mainstream classroom for a por-
tion of the day to receive individualized instruction with an ESL teacher. This
method is more common in elementary schools. Once children progress to middle
school, the ESL class periodis more common, where one class period is devoted
to English language instruction for ELLs (Rennie 1993). Depending on their needs
and the schools academic offerings, students may also attend some content area
classes with their native English-speaking peers. Another model is known as ESL
push-in,where an ESL teacher works with the ELL student in the larger main-
stream classroom setting (Freeman 2007). This model of instruction can be useful
when several minority languages are represented within a school (Vialpando et al.
2005). The idea behind this program model is again to help ELLs acquire English as
quickly as possible. However, unlike submersion, this model recognizes the need for
individualized instruction to help ELLs catch up, but without any instruction pro-
vided in their native language. Research on ESL-only instruction has indicated that
it takes children anywhere from four to nine years to acquire English skills at grade
level (Thomas and Collier 1997). Zehler et al.s(2003) study on services received
by ELLs indicated that about 60% of ELLs receive some ESL instruction such as
that described earlier.
The third approach to educating ELLs, and the most common of the truly bilin-
gualmodels where two languages are actually used in the classroom (Freeman
2007), is known as early exitor transitional bilingual education(TBE). Like the
earlier models, these programs focus on helping ELLs acquire English as quickly as
possible. Students are instructed in both their native language and English for a few
years, but the use of the native language in the classroom is phased out beyond sec-
ond or third grade (Vialpando et al. 2005). The reason for the fade out is the belief
that students should not be too reliant on their native language throughout formal
schooling or they will not become fully procient in English (Ochoa and Rhodes
2005). Research with second-grade students showed that language-minority students
in TBE programs outperform their counterparts in ESL-only programs (Shefeld
2007). This may be because studentsnative language competence was enhanced
via the TBE program, which in turn helped them learn English (August et al. 2005).
TBE programs are likely to be found in school districts where the population of
ELLs is smaller or the availability of bilingual teachers is limited. According to Zeh-
ler et al. (2003), about 20% of ELLs receive a fair amount of instruction in their
native language, most likely in a TBE program.
The fourth program type, known as late exit,”“maintenance,or developmen-
tal bilingualeducation, differs from TBE in that ELLs receive a substantial portion
Educational Review 3
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of educational instruction in their native language, which continues for several years
of schooling (Vialpando et al. 2005). As the label indicates, these programs devel-
oped due to growing recognition of the importance of maintaining the native lan-
guage of ELLs (De Jong and Howard 2009). The goal is to develop both languages
equally (additive bilingualism) so as not to lose language one (L1) but rather, use it
to support language 2 (L2). Research has found more positive results for mainte-
nance programs compared to other program models. When comparing the perfor-
mance of students in an English immersion, TBE, or maintenance program, students
in maintenance programs demonstrated higher academic performance (Ramírez,
Yuen, and Ramey 1991). Further, Thomas and Collier (2002) argued that it takes
four years at the minimum, but most likely longer, for a language-minority student
to attain grade-level performance in English, depending on the students background
prior to beginning school in the United States. In light of these ndings, a more
intense bilingual education experience, known as TWI, has been gaining popularity
in recent years. Before discussing this model, a brief history of bilingual education
in the United States will be provided to show the gradual evolution toward TWI.
A brief history of bilingual education in the United States: social and political
The style of bilingual education offered to ELLs, and views on the effectiveness
of bilingual education in general, have undergone much evolution in recent dec-
ades. In 1968, Congress passed an amendment under Title VII of the Elementary
and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965 (Public Law 89-10 1965) known
as the Bilingual Education Act (Baker 2006). This amendment provided funds
for the establishment of bilingual programs for ELLs. Originally, Title VII did
not require schools receiving funds to actually use a second language in the
classroom (Crawford 1999). Special interest groups and advocates began voicing
concerns that the rights of language-minority children under the Civil Rights Act
of 1964 (Public Law 88-352 1964) were being violated in terms of discrimina-
tion within the public school system. After much debate in lower court systems,
the US Supreme Court ruled in the landmark case Lau v Nichols (1974) that
children who did not understand the language of instruction were being denied
equal treatment in the school system. This decision signicantly reduced the use
of the sink or swimapproach to education for ELLs and helped bring about
further legislation to ensure that ELLs received services to help them succeed
(Crawford 1999).
In more recent political history, Title III of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB)
Act of 2001 (Public Law 107-110 2001) contained language specifying that schools
should have educational programs focused on developing English language pro-
ciency for LEP students. The Act further states that these programs should be pre-
paring LEP students for entrance into all-English instructional environments (Kuenzi
2007). In a Congressional Research Service (CRS) report for Congress, Kuenzi
(2007) pointed out that NCLB also removes language in Title VII that encouraged
bilingual instruction methods(p. i). This landmark legislation once again drew the
nations attention to acquiring English as the primary goal of bilingual education ser-
vices, viewing native language maintenance as secondary.
At about this same time, the English Only Movementwas gaining in
popularity. For instance, House Resolution 123, known as the Language of
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Government Bill,passed the House in 1996, but failed in the Senate (Crawford
1997). Essentially, this bill would have declared English as the ofcial language for
the US government. What was more signicant was the passage of Proposition 227
(1998) in California. This legislation, also known as the English for Childrenini-
tiative, banned the use of bilingual teaching methods and/or the use of a language
other than English to instruct students in California public schools (Garcia and
Curry-Rodriguez 2000). Voters of California were given the option to choose either
the continuation of bilingual education programs in their state, or to change the edu-
cation model to a structured immersionapproach. The structured immersion
approach won in the polls. This approach provides language-minority students with
instruction in their native language for a maximum of one year. Following this year,
the students are moved into mainstream English classrooms (Garcia and Curry-
Rodriguez 2000).
English-only legislation like Proposition 227 disregards the importance of a stu-
dents native language in their educational experience. This movement comes close
to placing language-minority students back in the sink or swimsituation in the era
prior to the passage of the Bilingual Education Act. This movement also implies that
the majority English-speaking population knows what is bestfor language minori-
ties in terms of educational experiences (Mora 2006). Despite its passage, supporters
of bilingual education were able to nd loopholes in the legislation allowing them to
continue many effective bilingual programs in the state (i.e. what was meant by
teaching the school curriculum overwhelminglyin English was not specied, so
some schools took this to mean that 60% of instruction in English was sufcient)
(Crawford 2000).
Beginning in 2000, a ve-year longitudinal study began on the long-term effects
of Proposition 227 (Parrish et al. 2006). About 600,000 children in California
including ELLs (1136.4%, depending on the grade and the year) were assessed in
various academic subjects. Researchers concluded that ELLs in California schools
made some academic gains, but performance gaps between ELLs and native Eng-
lish-speakers continue to persist. The researchers pointed out that it is difcult to
determine the effectiveness of English immersion compared to bilingual education
due to inconsistent denitions and difculty with tracking individual students (Par-
rish et al. 2006).
Following the passage of Propostion 227, similar legislation was passed in
Arizona, but with tighter regulations and fewer loopholes. Proposition 203, or
English for the Children,passed in 2000. It effectively led to the dissolution
of many bilingual programs in Arizona, though some school districts again man-
aged to nd ways around the law (Crawford 2000). Massachusetts voters were
given the option to effectively end bilingual education in that state with
Question 2, which appeared on the 2002 ballot (Massachusetts Session Laws ch.
386, § 4 2002). Once passed, this initiative ended bilingual programs and
required ELLs to undergo a short period of English immersion (not to last
longer than one year), and then be transitioned into all-English classrooms. Sup-
porters of bilingual education have turned to more comprehensive teaching
approaches to demonstrate that bilingual education is indeed effective and has
positive benets for children. Thus, TWI programs, the last model discussed in
this paper, emerged.
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The two-way immersion (TWI) program model
TWI programs use two languages to reach the same standard level of education as
mainstream classrooms. The TWI program model is also known as dual language
education,”“bilingual immersion,and Spanish immersion(depending on the
partner language) (Lindholm-Leary 2001) and these terms are often used inter-
changeably, although the implementation of the program may differ slightly from
district to district. TWI programs involve combining both native speakers of English
interested in learning a second language, and language-minority students in the pro-
cess of acquiring English, in the same classrooms learning throughout the day taught
in both languages. In the United States, the two languages most often involved in
TWI programs are English and Spanish (Howard and Sugarman 2001). This pro-
gram is designed to help language-minority students achieve additive bilingualism,
as well as to help native English-speaking students acquire second language skills in
a natural way (Palmer 2008). TWI programs in the United States were modeled
somewhat off the Canadian French immersion program for native English-speaking
students, which started in 1965 (Genesee 2004). The Canadian program showed suc-
cessful academic results not only for language-minority students but also for main-
stream students (Genesee 2011). TWI programs can start as early as pre-
kindergarten, and most run for at least ve years, some all the way through grade
12, but most TWI programs are found in elementary schools which is the age range
involved in most of the research discussed later, unless otherwise noted (CAL n.d.).
The two most common models of TWI include 90:10and 50:50.In the
90:10 model, also called full immersion,students study subjects in the minority
language through second grade for 90% of the time. When they reach third grade,
they transition to a setting in which both groups of children (ELLs and English
speakers) receive half of their education in English and the other half in the minority
language. Conversely, with the 50:50 model, or partial immersion,students have
lessons half in English and half in the partner language from kindergarten forward
(Howard and Sugarman 2001). According to a survey conducted by the Center for
Applied Linguistics (CAL; Howard and Sugarman 2001), the 90:10 model is used
in about 42% of schools that employ the TWI model, while 33% of the schools
using the TWI model employ the 50:50 approach.
The number of TWI programs has been growing rapidly since the 1980s (CAL
2010a). This is largely due to the sharp increase of foreign-born individuals in the
United States (Shin and Bruno 2003). However, in areas where the majority of
immigrants share a common language (i.e. Spanish), TWI programs seem to be
much more in consideration, as one of the prerequisites for running such a program
is to have enough students from the same minority language group to form half of
the classroom. A state or a county where one ethnic group is already clustered
together in a concentrated area, such as Chinatown in New York or Koreatown in
Los Angeles, provides an easy inroad for starting a TWI program. As of 2010, a
total of 372 TWI programs were serving language-minority and native English-
speaking students (CAL 2010a). With almost 10 different minority languages paired
with English, TWI programs have beneted children from early elementary to high
school across 28 states. Of these, California currently boasts the most TWI programs
(despite the passage of Proposition 227). The uneven distribution of these programs
across states is likely due to the relative location/distribution of various ethnic/
immigrant groups.
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A recent evaluation of dual-language programs viewed TWI programs as suc-
cessful (Howard, Christian, and Genesee 2004; Lindholm-Leary 2001,2005). The
vast majority of the studies on the academic and linguistic outcomes of children
who attended TWI programs nds positive results across developmental domains,
language groups, and ages from preschool to 11th grade (Alanis 2000; Barnett et al.
2007; Thomas and Collier 2000,2002).
The positive effects of TWI can be seen as early as preschool. In one study,
three- and four-year-old children whose home language was either English or Span-
ish were randomly assigned to either TWI or English immersion (EI) preschools.
The two groups were not different from each other in language, literacy, and math
when tested in English at the beginning and at the end of preschool. However, the
TWI group showed large gains in Spanish vocabulary compared to the EI group
(Barnett et al. 2007). This study demonstrated that young language-minority students
in TWI programs can reach native-like prociency in English, while improving in
their home language as well, demonstrating that one can create an additive bilingual
educational environment for language-minority children even in the early childhood
In a three-year longitudinal study from third to fth grade, Howard, Christian,
and Genesee (2004) compared English and Spanish language skills in writing, read-
ing, and oral prociency for 344 students (English speakers and Spanish speakers)
from 11 TWI programs across the United States. Scores on writing, reading compre-
hension, and oral prociency demonstrated that both groups improved over time in
both English and Spanish. However, native speakers of English made more progress
in developing Spanish skills than speakers of Spanish did in English growth, but this
gap in L2 progress between Spanish speakers and English speakers closed by the
end of fth grade. In this sample, the Spanish-speaking group was more likely to be
in poverty (qualify for free/reduced lunch) and have lower maternal education than
the native English-speaking group. Given that their analyses did not control for
socio-economic status, it is promising that Spanish speakers still performed as well
as English speakers in the TWI program (Howard, Christian, and Genesee 2004).
Another study by Alanis (2000) examined the effectiveness of a TWI program
with 56 Mexican-American fth graders (79% native Spanish-speakers and the rest,
native English-speakers), compared with those who went to an English-only pro-
gram. TWI children equaled or exceeded both English-speaking and Spanish-speak-
ing participants in the English-only program on the standardized Texas Assessment
of Academic Skills.
Studies have indicated that TWI programs are especially effective in promoting
language prociency, academic achievement, and positive attitudes toward school
(Lindholm-Leary 2001; Thomas and Collier 2002). TWI students not only reach a
level of native-like English prociency in both receptive and productive skills (John-
son and Swain 1997), but also maintain their rst language competence more than
students in submersion or ESL programs (Johnstone 2002; Swain and Lapkin 1991),
so these benets do not come at the cost of ELLsprociency in their native lan-
guage (Garcia and Kleifgen 2010; Genesee 1983).
A large evaluation of dual language programs was conducted by Lindholm-Leary
(2001). She compared 18 schools (mostly in California) using 4854 students across
English-only (EO), TBE, 90:10 TWI, and 50:50 TWI programs from kindergarten
through sixth grade. Oral prociency in Spanish and English and academic
achievement in reading and math were measured as outcomes. Teachers rated
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studentsEnglish and Spanish oral prociency in the spring. Schools administered
different academic achievement tests, making it difcult to compare across schools.
Thus, normal curve equivalents (NCEs) were used for standardized comparison.
Both English-speaking and Spanish-speaking students in the TWI program
(90:10 and 50:50) showed signicant growth in their L1 and L2, reaching almost
near-top scores for the language assessments. Importantly, English scores for native
English-speakers in TWI programs were at the level of those in the EO program.
Spanish scores for native Spanish-speakers in the 90:10 models were higher than
those students in 50:50 and TBE programs. However, for L2 prociency, native
Spanish speakers performed better than native English speakers. Spanish speakers in
TBE programs initially outperformed Spanish-speaking students in both 90:10 and
50:10 TWI programs on English assessments, but the students in TWI programs sur-
passed TBE program students in English after fth grade. Overall, results indicated
signicant growth in both L1 and L2 from kindergarten to sixth grade for the stu-
dents in the TWI programs.
In terms of reading achievement, students made signicant progress over time
both for L1 and L2, and progress differed by program types. English-speaking stu-
dents in TWI programs scored higher than California State averages in English read-
ing, and Spanish-speaking students in TWI programs scored similarly or higher than
California State studentsaverage scores in Spanish reading achievement. However,
low-socio-economic status Spanish-speaking students attending the 90:10 program
performed below grade level in Spanish reading, just like Spanish speakers in TBE
and EO programs. For native English speakers in 90:10 programs, high-socio-eco-
nomic status students performed better in Spanish reading achievement than low-
socio-economic status students. Spanish speakers in TWI programs lagged behind
grade level for L2 English reading achievement but they caught up by sixth grade.
Finally, both English speakers and Spanish speakers in TWI programs were aver-
age in math, comparing their NCE to state criteria in L1, but the English speakers
performed better than the Spanish speakers when tested in L2. Although students
who were attending 90:10 programs received math instruction in Spanish until third
grade, when tested in English, they scored similar to students in the 50:50 models
who received math instruction in English. Spanish-speakers in both TWI programs
performed better than those who attended TBE or EO programs, no matter which
language they were tested in for math (Lindholm-Leary 2001).
Thomas and Collier (1997) argue that to promote the best developmental out-
comes for ELLs, language, cognitive, socio-cultural, and academic development
should take place all together both in L1 and L2, as opposed to taking place sepa-
rately. Thomas and Collier (1997,2000,2002) conducted a longitudinal study from
1982 to 1996 involving 42,317 students. They generated a growth pattern of ELLs
English language prociency throughout four different bilingual programs: ESL
pull-out, TBE, maintenance bilingual education, and TWI. The majority of the par-
ticipants had up to eight years of cumulative information. While students in the ESL
pull-out program showed the lowest performance of all the groups from kindergarten
to 11th grade, students in the TWI program were the most successful in terms of
English language prociency by grade 11. ELLs started at the 23rd to 24th percen-
tile in NCEs in rst grade, regardless of program type, and group differences
emerged by secondary school. The students in TBE reached the 40th percentile by
the end of 11th grade, whereas those in the TWI program reached the 61st
percentile. Students in the ESL pull-out program progressed to about the 38th
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percentile by sixth grade, but their English scores fell back to the 24th percentile by
the end of 11th grade. Thomas and Collier (2002) concluded that, for language-
minority students, elementary school TWI was the optimal program for promoting
long-term academic success. Those students maintained their rst language, and also
developed their cognitive and academic skills while learning a second language.
These studies, however, do not mention whether controls were in place for ethnicity
or socio-economic status within the analyses.
In TWI programs, being bilingual does not come at the cost of academic
achievement. Children become relatively bilingual while maintaining academic per-
formance as high as children in English-only programs (Lindholm-Leary 2005).
Most researchers agree that the immersion programs do not impede other academic
areas, such as math and history (Alanis 2000; Johnstone 2002; Lindholm-Leary
2001). Further, any fears of learning being delayed due to language confusion are
unfounded. Thomas, Collier, and Abbott (1993) conducted an evaluation on an
immersion program in Virginia. Academic performance of students experiencing the
immersion program (native English-speakers receiving instruction in a minority lan-
guage) was compared to a group of similar peers not in an immersion program.
Results indicated that, after two years in the program, immersion students performed
just as well as their counterparts on measures of academic achievement and cogni-
tive ability, indicating that acquisition of the second language did not slow academic
development. Immersion students actually outperformed their counterparts in certain
academic areas, including English language arts (Thomas, Collier, and Abbott
Limitations of two-way immersion (TWI) program research
There are limitations in the research on TWI programs, however. Despite nding
long-term positive outcomes for ELLs in these programs, it may be too early to
advocate strongly for nation-wide implementation due to limited generalizability of
ndings and other methodological issues (Krashen 2004). First, there is sample
selection bias to consider. Many individual studies of TWI programs have small
sample sizes, tend to focus on a low-income population, and do not randomly assign
children to programs. Although the studies discussed earlier are some of the most
rigorous and comprehensive evaluations of TWI programs, small samples result in
low power, and, therefore, less likelihood of nding statistically signicant effects,
even when a decent effect size may actually be present. Non-signicant ndings are
less likely to be published, known as the le drawer problem,and this happens
more frequently with small-sample studies (Francis, Lesaux, and August 2006). It is
important, therefore, to consider all studies conducted rather than just those pub-
lished in academic journals. In addition, students in TWI programs do not represent
a random selection of the population of public school students. Usually, both lan-
guage-minority students and majority students volunteer for TWI. Thus, it is difcult
to know whether the success of TWI derives from the program itself or the charac-
teristics of the students (or parents) who choose the program, or both. Also, the par-
ticipants are nested in a similar social class (often low-income), and a community
composed of the same ethnic group, since the students usually come from a certain
neighborhood. Therefore, ndings may not be generalizable to different language-
minority populations in other regions of the United States.
Educational Review 9
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Second, many studies examining TWI programs lack ideal control groups. Sev-
eral compare the progress of language-minority children in TWI programs to that of
language-minority children in an ESL or English submersion program, nding that
those in TWI are performing much better in most areas assessed (Alanis 2000; Lind-
holm-Leary 2001; Thomas and Collier 1997). Studying language-minority children
in a similar, but not quite as complex, program, such as transitional or maintenance
bilingual education is needed as another appropriate control group. In addition, the
language-majority children in a TWI program should also be compared to an appro-
priate control group, such as English-speakers in traditional EO programs.
Third, measurement of academic achievement is often non-standardized.
Although some studies are conducted within one school, others are conducted across
multiple schools or school districts/states. Comparison between schools is an issue if
the control group school did not use the same achievement test. As a solution, most
studies use a converted score such as the NCE but this metric is limited across dif-
ferent assessments. Future research should endeavor to use the same assessments
across program settings. Fourth, most examinations of TWI programs involve just
one or two time points. As the few longitudinal TWI studies demonstrate (Lind-
holm-Leary 2001; Thomas and Collier 1997), the signicant effect of the program is
not often apparent until the later grades of schooling, even though the program typi-
cally begins in kindergarten. When the study is conducted in a relatively short-time
frame, it is rather difcult to nd signicant positive effects.
Lastly, it is unclear whether researchers have taken into account the initial suc-
cess of students when examining the effectiveness of TWI. All children, both native
and non-native English-speakers, represent an extremely heterogeneous group in
terms of their language competence at the beginning of formal schooling. This initial
difference inuences outcomes of childrens academic development (Cabell et al.
2011) and second language acquisition (Yesil-Dagli 2011). Also, ELLs who receive
at least some amount of formal education in their rst language acquire English fas-
ter than those who do not have any experience of formal education in their mother
tongue (Thomas and Collier 1997). Therefore, in order to assess the progress of chil-
dren in TWI, researchers should control for and/or examine childrens initial lan-
guage skills in L1 and L2.
Despite these limitations, studies on TWI programs point in the same positive
direction, and indeed dual-language programs have gained in popularity. Consider-
ing that the program and research on it has emerged only recently, there is a lot of
potential for the TWI model to grow and foster the educational success of both lan-
guage-minority and language-majority children.
Issues with implementing two-way immersion (TWI) programs
Although TWI programs are gaining in popularity, this has only been implemented
in nine different languages, while there are over 142 non-English languages in the
United States, excluding indigenous native languages (Rhein 2007). As of 2010,
those languages that are used in TWI programs include (with number of schools in
parentheses): Spanish (344), French (7), Korean (5), Chinese (11), Japanese (4), and
German (1) (CAL 2010a). The number of schools using a given language in a TWI
program does not necessarily correlate with the most frequently spoken minority
languages in the United States (Shin and Bruno 2003). For example, Japanese is not
one of the top 10 languages spoken at home in the United States and yet, a
10 Y.K. Kim et al.
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JapaneseEnglish TWI program exists. Therefore, areas of the United States with
large concentrations of a particular language group are more likely to have a TWI
program in place, even if that language is not that prevalent in the rest of the coun-
A successful TWI program also requires physical resources, such as classrooms
and textbooks, trained personnel/instructors, and an appropriate curriculum. Stafng
is counted as one of the important factors in various studies (Alanis and Rodriguez
2008; Senesac 2002). It is challenging to employ and/or retain good bilingual teach-
ers (Day and Shapson 1996). Another factor related to success of a TWI program is
parenthome collaboration (Alanis and Rodriguez 2008), and community-level atti-
tudes, values, and cooperation. When the schools reside in a community that sup-
ports the native language, even if the school does not implement a dual-language
program, parents are more likely to seek out a way to educate their children in their
rst language and encourage them to use that rst language (ONeil 2010). Finally,
the effectiveness of TWI programs for both language-minority and majority children
also likely hinges on the quality of the social climate provided in the classroom,
including successful cultural and social integration and collaboration across the
diverse types of students found in dual-language programs (de Jong and Howard
Schools that implement TWI programs are limited by geographic location. Given
that the minority language that is most commonly spoken in the United States is
Spanish, it is not surprising that states with a higher concentration of Spanish-speak-
ing immigrant populations, have higher demand for dual-language programs. Indeed,
the majority of TWI programs are located in California and Texas (CAL 2010a),
and only 28 states currently implement TWI programs. Ninety-three percent of TWI
programs around the United States have Spanish as their partner language (CAL
2010a); more schools utilizing a partner language other than Spanish are needed.
A few other issues must be considered. Even among TWI schools, very few
schools span pre-kindergarten to 12th grade (CAL 2010b). Although a noticeable
positive outcome is not really apparent until the elementary years, some studies
show the effectiveness of TWI programs as early as preschool (Barnett et al. 2007).
Starting the TWI program as early as possible may be the key to successful out-
comes (Alanis 2000; Francis, Lesaux, and August 2006). Also, the nal status of the
L2 learned for native English-speakers attending TWI programs might be limited
(Baker 2006). In Alanis(2000) study, only 53% of the native English-speakers who
attended a TWI program became fully procient in Spanish as indicated by a
school-administered oral prociency test, whereas 85% of the native Spanish-speak-
ers became procient in English. Due to the limited settings in which English-speak-
ing students are presented with the second language, they might not develop full
usage of the new language outside the classroom (Netten and Germain 2004). Addi-
tionally, after graduating from school, language-majority students may no longer use
their second language that they acquired.
Policy recommendations and conclusions
Signicant progress has been made in the past 50 years in terms of equal educa-
tional opportunities for ELLs. However, there is still substantial room for improve-
ment in the bilingual education system. Observers often point to the gap in
communication between the research and policy communities (Horowitz 2000;
Educational Review 11
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Shonkoff 2000). This is reected in the discrepant ways in which the two communi-
ties label the population of language-minority children. The ofcial label used by
the federal government is LEP. As previously mentioned, this focuses on skills the
child is lacking, rather than what positive aspects the child might bring to the situa-
tion. The research community prefers more objective labels, such as ELL or DLL
that focus on additive bilingualism. However, these labels have not yet made their
way into mainstream policy culture.
There is also not a standard denition of bilingual education.Five approaches
to the education of ELLs were described in this paper: submersion, ESL/ESOL
instruction, transitional bilingual education, maintenance bilingual education, and
TWI. However, the programs and services in place for ELLs do not always t neatly
into one of these ve categories for all school districts around the country. Some
school districts may use a combination of the programs described earlier. There are
no federal standards for the best methodfor educating ELLs. If federal standards
were put into place, states could begin to take more action to help their local school
districts implement educational services. Further, it appears that the TWI model is a
very effective method for educating both language-minority and language-majority
students. However, achieving this style of education for all ELLs is a lofty goal. The
government must rst ensure that no language-minority student is lost in the sys-
tem,and that all ELLs are receiving at least some level of services, even if it is
simply ESL-only pull-out instruction. This could be achieved by requiring states to
more closely monitor the kind of services ELLs are receiving in their school dis-
In addition, more rigorous research on TWI programs is needed. As mentioned
earlier, appropriately matched control groups are needed to increase both the internal
validity and generalizability of results. The model of a social policy experiment is
recommended as a way to examine the effectiveness of these programs. A social
policy experiment is a research design in which individual participants or house-
holds [or schools] are randomly assigned to experience different regulations or
incentives in order to test policy-level interventions …” (Romich 2006, 136). Differ-
ent classrooms could be assigned to different types of bilingual education programs
and the children could be followed longitudinally for at least two years, with mea-
surements of academic performance taken at regular intervals. The Institute of Edu-
cation Science (IES) or another similar federal agency could, for example, advertise
a call for research proposals on this topic.
One of the main obstacles to the wider use of TWI programs is the lack of quali-
ed teachers (Alanis and Rodriguez 2008; Senesac 2002). To resolve this issue, a
foreign exchange program could be implemented between the United States and
countries of the language-minority children present in the classroom. This program
would involve bringing qualied teachers from their native country to the United
States for an internship experience. Families of children in the school could volun-
teer to host visiting teachers for the course of the academic year, with some kind of
compensation provided by the federal or state government. In return, these teachers
would receive the opportunity to learn additional English skills, if desired. One such
program was devised and implemented in Dalton, Georgia in 1996 as a response to
the rapidly increasing numbers of children from Spanish-language backgrounds in
that community (Davis 2009; Hamann 1999). Community leaders in Dalton collabo-
rated locally with Dalton public schools and internationally with the University of
Monterrey in Mexico to bring native-speaking Spanish teachers into the Dalton
12 Y.K. Kim et al.
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school system. Additionally, teachers from Dalton had the opportunity to spend a
summer in Mexico, taking part in an institute designed to teach them more about
Hispanic culture and basic Spanish language skills. Over 200 teachers participated
in the Project from 1997 to 2007 (Davis 2009). One assessment of the program con-
cluded that the Georgia Project stood as a promising, multifaceted attempt to con-
front multiple obstacles that have limited Hispanic school success and
socioeconomic mobility elsewhere(Hamann 1999, ix). Other exchange programs
for teachers also exist in the country, such as the Fulbright Teacher Exchange pro-
gram. Cooperation with language agencies or teaching agencies, including both local
agencies and state or federal-level agencies, such as Teach for America or Defense
Language Institute Foreign Language Center, could also facilitate the development
of more TWI programs. Exchanging resources with the teachersnative countries,
such as textbooks in the native language, would also be an option to consider. This
could promote international cooperation between countries, and also help language-
minority students receive equal educational opportunities.
In conclusion, despite its limitations and the need for more rigorous studies,
TWI programs currently appear to be an effective model for helping ELLs to
become procient in English, while at the same time retaining valuable rst lan-
guage skills (Thomas and Collier 1997,2000). Additionally, native English-speakers
in these programs are also provided with the opportunity to become bilingual.
Indeed, there is a global trend toward second language acquisition. Citizens in sev-
eral other countries (e.g. Canada, Germany, Scotland, Australia) learn one language
from birth, and then begin second language instruction during formal schooling
(Johnstone 2007). Some countries even require their children to learn a second or
third language. In Luxemburg, for instance, French, German, and Letzeburgesch are
recognized as national languages, and almost all of the citizens are trilingual (Tea-
cher Education by Learning through Two Languages n.d.).
An increasing number of elementary and secondary schools in the United States
offer instruction to students in foreign languages with targeted goals set at advanced
levels of oral and written prociency by the end of secondary schooling. In 2008,
CAL surveyed more than 5000 secondary and elementary schools, both public and
private, to learn more about the availability of foreign language instruction on a
national scale (Rhodes and Pufahl 2009). They found that foreign languages were
being taught in about one in four elementary schools (a 6% decrease from 1997).
About 58% of secondary schools were teaching foreign languages, which was also
less than that in 1997 (75%). In elementary schools that had foreign language pro-
grams, Spanish and French were by far the most common languages taught, with
88% and 11% of schools, respectively, followed by Spanish for Spanish speakers,
German, etc. For secondary schools that had foreign language programs, 93%
offered Spanish and 46% offered French. Despite these encouraging gures, CAL
concluded that native English-speaking students in US schools are still too limited
in opportunities to continue foreign language education for enough years to gain full
communicative skills in a foreign language (Rhodes and Pufahl 2009).
The United States is concerned with its standing in the global market, but
remains less concerned with providing children with the foreign language tools nec-
essary to be competitive in that market. The United States needs to adopt the philos-
ophy of teaching all children a second language from kindergarten through 12th
grade, not just language-minority students or students who actively seek a foreign
Educational Review 13
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language class. Such changes would likely be benecial for all students, and espe-
cially for those learning English.
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... The Bilingual Education Act (BEA) was passed in 1968 on the heels of the Civil Rights Movement and as an outgrowth of the Chicano movement wherein the Latinx community fought for ethnic studies, bilingualism, and biculturalism (Gándara & Orfield, 2012;García & Sung, 2018). While the original aims of bilingual policy were to ensure equitable access for linguistically diverse students, the US has consistently supported an English-only, assimilationist view of education (Gándara et al., 2010;Immerwahr, 2019) and each reauthorization of the BEA has further delimited emergent bilingual students' access to bilingualism and further entrenched policy in English-centric practices (García & Sung, 2018;Kim et al., 2015;Mavrogordato, 2012;Menken & Solorza, 2014). Over time, bilingual education has become politicized and funding has been attached to English-only programs contributing to several states passing anti-bilingual laws (García & Sung, 2018). ...
... This change contributed to increased pressure on states and local districts to immerse their students in English dominant programming as a means to develop emergent bilingual students' English proficiency as quickly as possible (García & Sung, 2018;Hornberger, 2005;Mavrogordato, 2012). The shift to English-centered programming contributed to a decrease in emergent bilinguals' enrollment in bilingual programs across states with several states such as Arizona, California, and Massachusetts passing anti-bilingual legislation that would limit heritage language instruction and prioritize English (Kim et al., 2015;Menken & Solorza, 2014). ...
... Regionally, most studies were conducted in the Northeast and the West. This is important because the West has traditionally seen English-only practices prevail in state-level policy and district level decision-making (Kim et al., 2015). This represents a unique challenge because states often develop and adapt bilingual education curriculum and standards. ...
... This study itself shows a perspective on how researchers studied the bilingual advantage by referring to the variable of socioeconomic status. Another study, "Bilingual Education in the United States," has shown that English language learners [ELLs] struggled due to the "increased probability of living in poverty and having low parental education" (Kim et al., 2015). The resolution of the struggles of ELLs as well as the controversy associated with labeling bilingual learning has resulted in researchers from George Mason University creating evolved bilingual education program models. ...
... The resolution of the struggles of ELLs as well as the controversy associated with labeling bilingual learning has resulted in researchers from George Mason University creating evolved bilingual education program models. The two-way immersion program (TWI) had effective success as English-speaking and Spanish-speaking student groups had significant growth in the L1 and L2 development with an average growth in mathematics (Kim et al., 2015). In the TWI program, L1 stands for the language that is best attempted to not be lost with other aspects of the program and L2 stands for the second language that is trying to be best supported and enhanced by the program. ...
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Bilingualism has been becoming more common within today’s generation as the significance and value of knowing more than one language increases. With the prominence of bilingualism, the purpose of this study is to determine whether there is a correlation between bilingual first/second generation Americans and the intellectual advantage. From previous research, many studies have considered the variables of socioeconomic status [SES], impacts of immigration and culture, and the differing language backgrounds of students. This study will address the gap of clear correlation between bilinguals and the intellectual advantage by determining the relationship between student executive functions and their bilingualism as first/second generation Americans. This was a three-part, quantitative correlational study. Subjects completed a 29.5 minutes three test study including Verbal Fluency Test, SAT passage, and the Stanford-Binet Test. There were eighteen participants for the research study. Of the eighteen, there were nine who were monolinguals and nine who were bilinguals from all grades within the high school. The results had shown increased scores for monolinguals among the three test experiments. Monolingual participants scored especially higher on the Verbal Fluency Test, Stanford-Binet test, and SAT scores. The SAT test scores were similar among both monolingual and bilingual groups. The goal of this experiment was accomplished. We were able to determine whether there was a potential correlation between bilingualism and the intellectual advantage including the factor of first/second generation Americans.
... Their goal is to develop both languages equally (additive bilingualism), so as not to lose the home language one, but rather, use it to support English. These programs are advocated by those who believe that education should help preserve individual cultural identities because they contend that cultural diversity enriches society and that each culture contributes something valuable (Kim et al., 2015) . 2 In other countries, implemented programs have consisted of providing education in the mother tongue of the minority (L1) instead of in the official language of the country (L2). This is the case of several Latin American governments who have implemented bilingual or Indigenous language education programs, specifically targeted the Indigenous population. ...
... The MBP, one of the most advanced educational bilingual programs in Spain, has been the subject of numerous evaluations of its impact on 1 Only one previous study of the Madrid bilingual program (Sotoca & Muñoz, 2015) has used a matching technique, but that analysis was only conducted in the small Eastern school district in Madrid. 2 Kim et al. (2015) present an extensive overview of the existing modalities of educational bilingualism in the United States. ...
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A Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) method, in which some subjects are taught in a foreign language (English), was initiated in Spain in 2005 and has progressively extended to half of public schools. The results have been very positive; however, it has been argued that studying subjects in a foreign language may reduce the educational outcomes of students. This paper evaluates this criticism in the Madrid bilingual program adopting a Propensity Score Matching approach, with the PISA 2015 and 2018 data. The model defines a homogenous student subsample from bilingual and nonbilingual schools in terms of the observable characteristics that may jointly influence both the selection of school type and educational scores. Our results, robust to the sample and unobservable hidden bias, indicate that the Madrid bilingual program, in addition to improving students' English level, does not reduce the skills of subjects taught in English or in Spanish.
... Bilingualism is associated with the development of cognitive abilities such as increased attention, improved working memory, understanding of language structure and form, and abstract and symbolic representation skills. Research shows that in addition to cognitive benefits, bilingual education can have economic benefits for young people in terms of employment (Kim et al., 2015). Bilingualism is broadly defined as the regular use of two or more languages for teaching and learning in educational settings, where bilingualism and bilingual literacy are two clear long-term goals (May, 2017). ...
... The results showed that both groups improved over time in both English and Spanish. However, native English speakers made more progress in developing Spanish skills than did Spanish speakers in developing English (Kim et al., 2015). Still, this gap in progress between Spanish-speakers and English-speakers narrowed by the end of the study. ...
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In the study of English in a bylingual environment, issues related to the need to develop students' phonetic and lexical competencies, which include communication, phonetic and auditory skills and lexical sufficiency, are of particular relevance. The motive of this study is the need to improve the methodology of teaching English in the context of student immersion in a foreign language educational environment, by implementing additional thematic courses in the general educational program aimed at improving the phonetic and lexical competencies necessary for successful learning in a bilingual environment. The purpose of the article is to study the feasibility and effectiveness of studying phonetics and lexicology by students-translators who study in a bilingual educational environment. An educational experiment was conducted with the participation of 75 students-translators, in the educational process of which the disciplines of phonetics and lexicology were integrated for two academic hours per week for one year. The effectiveness of studying phonetics and lexicology within the framework of bilingual education has been proved and the skills and achievements of students that they have acquired in the process of bilingual education with an emphasis on phonetics and lexicology have been analyzed. Control tests yielded the following results: among the 46 Russian-speaking participants the percentage of English speakers at the C2 level was 7% (3 people), C1—79% (36 people), B2—14% (7 people). To achieve the most effective learning in a bilingual environment, especially when it takes place in a minority language, it is worth emphasizing students' learning of phonetics and vocabulary. Using this approach, students were able to form and develop a number of phonetic and lexical skills and improve academic performance.
... In particular, I attempt to capture how changing social, political, and economic forces have shaped the nation's response to language diversity (Ricento, 1998). Indeed, as I follow the timeline to trace the changes in language education policy from the 19th century through the early 21st century, it has become obvious that the beliefs, models, and views on the effectiveness of bilingual education in general have undergone much evolution according to the changing historical events (Crawford, 1999;Kim et al., 2015;Wiley, 2002). In sum, the aim is to assess the evolution made in language education policy with respect to emergent bilingual learners and to see where we might go from here. ...
Since the passage of the 1968 Bilingual Education Act, the meaning, function, and connotation of bilingual education in the United States have undergone significant changes. In this article, the author outlines the evolution of U.S. language education policies for emergent bilingual learners since the 19th century. In particular, the article demonstrates the major waves and shifts of language education policies that either support or oppress the linguistic rights of language minoritized students, and captures how the changing social, political, and economic climate has shaped the nation’s response to language diversity. Importantly, reviewing the historical evolution of language policies not only echoes the importance of policy decisions in impacting bilingual students’ educational trajectories, but also informs future policy decisions in order to disrupt deficit positioning of bilingual communities.
... In TWI, language majority and language minority students are taught together, and both languages are used as the languages of instruction in the classroom (Lindholm-Leary 2001). The positive effects of bilingual programs on learning an L2 are empirically well established (for an overview, see Baker 2011;Kim, Hutchison, and Winsler 2015). Positive effects on third language (L3) acquisition have been shown consistently for bilingual students in one-way immersion programs and in schools with two languages of instruction in bilingual areas (e.g. ...
Multilingualism is often associated with advantages for acquiring additional languages. Theoretical approaches explain these advantages by assuming a Common Underlying Proficiency or a Metalinguistic Awareness. At the State Europe School in Berlin, students from different language backgrounds receive instruction in German and a partner language according to two-way immersion (TWI). It is unclear how this bilingual instruction affects the acquisition of a third language. We examined the English proficiency of N = 656 TWI sixth-grade students and N = 739 mainstream students via a C-test. Multiple regression analyses revealed that TWI students exhibited higher English proficiency than mainstream students despite having received less English instruction. The results showed additional effects of German- and partner-language reading skills. The findings support the assumption of TWI programs that the use of two languages of instruction fosters third language acquisition.
... Specialized dual-language programs could also meet the needs of multilingual students; the United States predominantly has two types of programs: (1) one-way immersion programs, where children are either native English-speakers who are learning a minority language (e.g., Spanish), or native speakers of a heritage language (e.g., Spanish) who are learning English and (2) two-way immersion programs, where these two groups of speakers share a classroom. Although growing evidence documents the success of two-way immersion programs (Kim et al., 2015), these have mainly served children from nonimmigrant, English-speaking families, given structural factors that affect immigrant families' access to these programs (Chávez-Moreno, 2021). Thus, although the idea of bringing together children from different racial and socioeconomic backgrounds under the common goal of learning language is in theory beneficial, the practicalities of doing so in a system that does not equally value multilingualism in all children can perpetuate inequalities (Flores & García, 2017). ...
Immigrant children are a growing and demographically important segment of the world's population. One key aspect of immigrant children's experience is navigating multiple languages, creating both opportunities, and challenges. However, the literature on bilingualism rarely centers the experiences of immigrant children. Focusing on immigrant children in the United States, this article brings together cognitive science research on bilingualism with the integrative risk and resilience model of adaptation in immigrant-origin children to elucidate how common contexts that immigrant children encounter can support or discourage multilingualism. Policy must consider immigrant children's intersecting identities—both as immigrants and as learners of minoritized, and often racialized, languages. A proposed framework can guide policies to support multilingualism in immigrant children, with downstream consequences for their health and development.
... Our findings align with the existing literature that highlights the effectiveness of dual-language education models that prioritize the development of both languages (e.g., Barnett et al., 2007;Collier & Thomas, 2004;Kim et al., 2015;Serafini et al., 2022). In our study, as both groups of learners (ELs and SLs) continued to nurture the growth of both languages within a dual language educational setting, we observed growth of phonological working memory across both languages from Grades 1 to 3. Importantly, because this educational model gives both ELs and SLs the opportunity to access and use L1 regularly, L1 is preserved and maintained from Grade 1 to Grade 3, demonstrating significant growth in both groups of learners. ...
The phonological loop of the working memory system plays a key role in language learning. This study examined the trajectories between two dual language learner groups (English Learners [ELs] and Spanish Learners [SLs]) on phonological loop measures in L1 and L2. At Grade 1, children completed a battery of vocabulary and cognitive measures and were retested in Grade 3. A series of random effects ANOVAs showed that SLs outperformed ELs on English loop measures, with strong growth in the English loop, but not in Spanish. No significant difference in Spanish loop performance occurred at Grade 3. Considerations for future research and practical implications are discussed.
In a world where English reigns as the most spoken language, proficiency in English literacy is indispensable. Within this context, it is imperative to acknowledge the significant hurdles encountered by Spanish children in mastering English, particularly in reading and writing. The learning process is intricate, influenced by various factors such as orthographic and phonological differences between languages and the depth of the orthographic system. This chapter explores the critical importance of English literacy for Spanish children, both typically developing and with dyslexia, as they learn it as a second language. By examining the literacy acquisition process and comparing orthographic systems and disparities among languages, we aim to clarify how these differences impact children's ability to learn reading and spelling. We review the literacy challenges faced by typically developing Spanish children when they encounter the deeper and more complex orthography of English. This presents distinct hurdles in reading and spelling acquisition. Moreover, individuals with dyslexia face compounded obstacles due to irregularities in the English orthographic system, alongside inherent dyslexia difficulties. In summary, this chapter sheds light on the complexities of English literacy acquisition for Spanish children, highlighting the distinct challenges faced by those with dyslexia and emphasizing the need for tailored instructional approaches to mitigate these obstacles effectively.
This article provides school-based consultants with an overview of the English language learner (ELL) student population and common programs available to ELL students (such as English-only programs, pull-out English as a second language [ESL], content-based ESL, transitional bilingual programs, maintenance bilingual programs, and two-way or dual language bilingual education programs). Past and current research examining bilingual education programs and guidelines and recommendations for the application of bilingual education knowledge to consultative practice with school personnel and culturally and linguistically diverse parents are discussed. Because of the paucity of research regarding school-based consultation related to bilingual education issues, guidelines and recommendations are presented within the larger framework of multicultural and cross-cultural consultation. Recommendations for future research regarding school-based consultation related to bilingual education issues are provided.
The book provides a review of scientific research on the learning outcomes of students with limited or no proficiency in English in U.S. schools. Research on students in kindergarten to grade 12 is reviewed. The primary chapters of the book focus on these students' acquisition of oral language skills in English, their development of literacy (reading & writing) skills in English, instructional issues in teaching literacy, and achievement in academic domains (i.e., mathematics, science, and reading). The reviews and analyses of the research are relatively technical with a focus on research quality, design characteristics, and statistical analyses. The book provides a set of summary tables that give details about each study, including full references, characteristics of the students in the research, assessment tools and procedures, and results. A concluding chapter summarizes the major issues discussed and makes recommendations about particular areas that need further research.