Diffusion of Innovations
... Innovation is critical to business growth, it is the stimulus that drives industry performance through the adoption of the medium through which banking processes are carried out using technology. This theory explains an individual's intention to adopt technology as a way of performing a traditional activity; this theory was developed by Roger [28]. The critical factors that determine the adoption of innovation at the general level are the following: relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability and observability (Rogers, 1995). ...
... Diffusion is the process by which an innovation is communicated through certain channels over time among the members of a social system. Diffusion is a special type of communication that deals with the spread of messages that are perceived as new ideas [28]. This idea is seen by the individual as new and something that is brought into the system to facilitate the interaction of people in that society. ...
... This idea is seen by the individual as new and something that is brought into the system to facilitate the interaction of people in that society. With each passing day, developments in technology are changing the way we see, think and relate to each other in society, these innovations have been able to help make things easier for human communication, transportation, banking, security, etc. Communication of new ideas is the basis for the spread of innovation, that is, that communication is a process in which participants create and share information to achieve mutual understanding [28]. For example, due to the way and complexity of business, business owners can come up with innovations that will help their business and also allow the business to reach a wider audience, a client can come to the business owner with a problem, or The need and business innovation can be recommended as a solution to the problem as banks have introduced internet banking and the use of ATMs to reduce the banking queue and reduce the processing time of customers' request. ...
On a global scale, technological innovations have achieved great success in the process of economic development of national economies, especially in the banking sector. Technological innovation is largely used by the banking sector to create competitive intelligence and competitive advantage, as it helps banks improve their services and cost efficiency, as fewer employees and fewer traditional branches are needed. However, this current study focused on examining the impact of technological innovation on bank performance in 40 emerging markets from 2000 to 2021. Findings from the correlation results show that there are strong positive correlations between technological innovation and bank performance in emerging markets. Similarly, we also find the existence of cointegration between technological innovation and bank performance and the existence of a long-run relationship between technological innovation and bank performance in emerging markets, as implied by the results of tied tests. Our study also found from ARDL and GMM results that there are long-term significant relationships between technological innovation and emerging market bank performance. After making these discoveries, we recommended policies such as improving the technology hub of emerging markets and extending banking services to emerging markets' underbanked populations living in remote areas using technology tools to improve bank performance in emerging markets.
... There are many possible determinants of attitude to an innovation but only some of them are significant. According to Rogers (1995), the attributes of an innovation/technology perceived by individuals would determine its uptake and he identified five which include relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, observability and trialability. Grigsby et al. (2007) cited the lack of universal private pay coverage for the limited use of telehealth in the US thereby discouraging capital investment in the technology. ...
... This study has aimed to determine the attitude of community pharmacists towards e-pharmacy. Attitude determines uptake of innovations (Rogers, 1995). It is therefore pertinent to have an idea of the attitude of community pharmacists who are part of the professionals that will use e-pharmacy technologies. ...
... The overall possession of negative attitude (MWA ≈ 2) by the respondents gives the impression that the community pharmacists were not ready for e-pharmacy in their practices. Nonetheless, the agreement of the community pharmacists with the statement that they needed e-pharmacy in their practice expresses their belief in the benefit of the technology to their practice (Rogers, 1995;Sezginet al., 2011). This is corroborated by their response that e-pharmacy would improve the quality of their healthcare services. ...
Governments of many nations, including developing countries are striving to achieve better health for all through primary health care with digitalisation of their systems. This provides a platform for involvement of private sector to which community pharmacy belongs. The question remains however, on whether community pharmacists are ready for the changes. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the attitude of community pharmacists to e-pharmacy in Osun State of Nigeria. A cross-sectional descriptive survey of eighty-two community pharmacists drawn using simple random sampling method was utilised. The study employed primary data, collected with a set of pre-tested semi-structured questionnaire having one main section. The items sought to elicit information on the attitude of the community pharmacists to e-pharmacy and factors influencing the community pharmacists’ attitude on a Likert scales of agreement and importance respectively both with weighting scores of 0 - 4. Weighted averages (WA) and medians (Mdn) were employed in summarising items for attitude and factors respectively. Weighted averages of responses of 0 - 2 and 3 - 4 were taken to connote negative and positive attitudes to e-pharmacy respectively. Overall attitude was computed as mean of the weighted averages (MWA). Collected data were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics at 5% level of significance. The results show that attitude of the respondents to e-pharmacy was negative (MWA = 2.40, t (81) = 12.56, p = .000) and that organisational factors including business size (Mdn ± IQR = 3±2) and business performance (Mdn ± IQR = 3±1) of community pharmacy were the most and only significant of the set of factors (B (5) = -.204, P = .043) influencing the attitude of the community pharmacists to e-pharmacy. The study concluded that community pharmacists in Osun state of Nigeria possessed a negative attitude to e-pharmacy and may be ill-prepared for implementation of the technology.
... Mass communication methods can be an efficient way to provide role models and generate this critical mass by exposing many people to an intervention at once [23]. This can also be aided by diffusion, defined as "the process by which (1) an innovation (2) is communicated through certain channels (3) over time (4) among the members of a social system" [24]. In the case of ADTS, a beneficial "innovation" could be creating an enabling, supportive environment for girls and men to avoid ADTS. ...
... To promote common knowledge, future broadcasts could highlight their wide listenership by sharing messages from diverse listeners on air, which could also help catalyse norm change [25]. A longer intervention period could have also allowed for more conversations about the drama to occur within the community, facilitating this process [24]. ...
... There is evidence that this occurred within afterschool Girls' Clubs, but also outside of them, without the use of formal, organised diffusion exercises integrated in the intervention [57]. This is a promising finding as it suggests that key messages from Msichana wa Kati have the potential to spontaneously diffuse throughout the community, generating the critical mass needed to create norms change [24]. ...
Promising evidence supports the effectiveness of edutainment interventions in shifting norms to prevent violence against women and girls and other harmful practices, yet further research into mechanisms and pathways of impact is needed to inform intervention development, delivery and scale-up. This exploratory qualitative evaluation examined the feasibility and indications of change in attitudes, beliefs, norms and behaviours following the broadcast of a radio drama aired to prevent age-disparate transactional sex in Kigoma, Tanzania.
Over seven weeks, six episodes were broadcast on local radio weekly, between November and December 2021 in Kigoma, targeting adolescent girls (aged 13–15 years) and their caregivers. Reflection sessions were conducted twice a week with 70 girls across seven schools, supplemented by after-school Girls’ Club listening sessions for a subgroup of 30 girls. We conducted seven before and after focus group discussions, five with girls (n = 50), one with men caregivers (n = 9) and one with women caregivers (n = 9) and analysed them using thematic and framework analysis approaches.
Overall, we found that while girls exhibited significant engagement with the drama, caregiver participation, particularly among men, was low. Thus, no clear changes were detected in men. We did not find any differences in impact based on listening sessions’ attendance vs. home listening. We detected positive changes among girls and women in four thematic areas after listening to the drama: (1) participant’s increasingly challenged perceptions about what kinds of girls and men take part in age-disparate transactional sex, what can be exchanged, and men’s motivations for engaging; (2) there was a shift from attributing blame for age-disparate transactional sex relationships from girls to men; (3) girl’s reported increased agency and confidence to avoid age-disparate transactional sex relationships; and (4) we found a heightened sense of responsibility and recognition for the role of parents, peers and community members in preventing age-disparate transactional sex.
These findings highlight the need for further implementation research to explore ways to effectively engage men. They also underscore the potential of engaging, evidence-based edutainment interventions in fostering spontaneous critical reflection about complex behaviours such as age-disparate transactional sex, and diffusing key messages among target populations without the use of organised diffusion activities.
... The disruptive innovation theory by Christensen (1997) and the work on coopetition by Gnyawali and Madhavan (2001) are relevant to the understanding of DeFi's impact on financial services. Rogers' (1962) seminal work on innovation diffusion remains valuable, as it provides a framework for assessing the maturity levels of novel phenomena entering markets. Davis (1986) sheds light on technology adoption, particularly perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, two often debated topics in crypto news media. ...
... Figure 4 illustrates the percentage of respondents who perceive DeFi adoption as "High" or "Very high" today versus in 2034. Currently, no respondents reported perceiving high adoption levels, in the language of the Diffusion of Innovation theory (Rogers (1962) only Innovators are currently experimenting with DeFi. However, by 2034, 43.1% of respondents expect DeFi adoption to reach a high or very high levels, indicating significant confidence in the future growth of the DeFi. ...
... Theories from management science help to interpret the results. DeFi is currently only adopted by Innovators (Rogers, 1962). But over time, and as his theory suggests expert respondents expect diffusion across user groups. ...
This study explores the potential future impact of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) on the financial services industry and the competencies financial professionals will require in a decade from now, in 2034. Using a survey of 109 experts from industry, academia, and regulatory bodies, the research highlights growing confidence in DeFi's potential to reshape critical areas such as risk management and operations. Over 40% of respondents anticipate high levels of DeFi adoption by 2034, with industry practitioners expressing the greatest optimism. However, the study identifies critical issues that need to be addressed, particularly in the areas of data management & privacy, and security. These concerns, alongside regulatory challenges, underscore the need for financial institutions to prepare carefully. The findings also suggest that strategic competencies, sector-specific domain expertise, and technological skills will become increasingly vital. The insights offered are valuable for regulators, policymakers, and industry professionals, emphasizing the need for continuous upskilling to remain competitive in an evolving financial services landscape.
... Innovaciones (Rogers, 2003), cuyo objetivo es comprender la adopción de la tecnología a través del análisis del ambiente donde los miembros de una organización social como un proceso en el que los participantes crean y comparten información con el objetivo de alcanzar una comprensión mutua. Se concibe a nivel individual, toma en cuenta factores sociopsicológicos como determinantes para la adopción e integra tal y como puede observarse en la Figura 1. ...
... Nota. Modelo propuesto y elaborado por Rogers (2003). ...
... La Difusión de innovaciones (Rogers, 2003) está en concordancia con uno de los modelos más empleados en comunicación estratégica: la Jerarquía de los efectos objetivos de comunicación a través de tres procesos psicológicos: el cognitivo (lo que la gente sabe), el afectivo (lo que la gente siente) y el conativo (lo que la gente hace). ...
La comunicación de la ciencia se ha establecido como una disciplina cuyo propósito se centra en informar, involucrar y elevar la conciencia sobre temas rela-en la disminución del uso intensivo de productos químicos, situación que ha puesto en riesgo la seguridad alimentaria de la humanidad desde hace más de una década. Consecuencias como la degradación y erosión de los suelos han provocado la dismi-nución de la calidad de los alimentos y una reducción en su producción (Organización para la Alimentación y la Agricultura [FAO], 2023). Por esta razón, la FAO (2022) ha manifestado la necesidad de mejorar e incre-mentar la práctica de la comunicación de la ciencia en los sistemas agroalimentarios del mundo, ya que es necesario fortalecer la conciencia y el debate sobre la adopción de innovaciones tecnológicas y la disminución de incertidumbre respecto a su efectivi-concibe como un riesgo económico por parte de la comunidad agrícola (Briese, 2019).
... The current body of knowledge on digital transformation, particularly in terms of the adoption of the Internet of Things (IoT) technology, is focused on examining the determinants of IoT utilization within a diverse range of theoretical frameworks [37][38][39][40][41][42]. Nevertheless, none of them opted for Rogers' diffusion of innovation modeling (DIM) framework [61] to investigate those determinants of IoT adoption. Moreover, there is a limited amount of empirical evidence that establishes a connection between digital transformation and the sustainability performance of firms using several metrics [8,21,62,63]. ...
... As opposed to the theories mentioned earlier, the diffusion of innovation modeling (DIM) framework by Rogers [61] posits that consumers have to move via multiple phases while deciding whether to embrace or refuse an innovation. DIM aids in comprehending the process of making choices to embrace an innovative item like the IoT, which is particularly beneficial for new customers who may have numerous uncertainties and concerns prior to purchasing a novel technology [96]. ...
... The relevant data act as a foundation for determining whether to embrace or refuse the novel item. Ref. [61] suggests that certain innate features, including personal habits, societal attributes, and interpersonal protocol, can influence how decisions are made. Within this paradigm, the acceptance of IoT is primarily facilitated good are influenced by the acceptance of innovations. ...
Climate change is a significant and urgent threat, gaining traction in the scientific community around the globe and requiring immediate action across many sectors. In this context, the digital economy could provide a mutually beneficial solution by utilizing innovation and technical breakthroughs to establish a sustainable future that addresses environmental deterioration, promotes economic growth, and encourages energy conservation. Against this background, this study examined the diffusion of innovation modeling-based factors affecting small and medium-sized firms’ (SMFs) adoption of the Internet of Things (IoT) technology and its impact on SMFs’ sustainability performance related to environmental, economic, innovation, and energy conservation perspectives. The key findings revealed that (i) the relative advantage, trialability, and observability drive IoT adoption. However, compatibility and complexity hinder IoT adoption. (ii) When prioritizing the adoption factors, the relative benefit is the strongest driver, and compatibility is the most significant barrier to IoT adoption. (iii) IoT technology adopter SMFs spent less on natural resources and more on renewable energy and environmental monitoring systems than non-adopter firms, boosting their environmental sustainability. (iv) IoT technology adopter firms had greater revenue, profits, and credit access than non-adopters and lower input costs, improving their economic sustainability. (v) IoT adopter firms spent more on innovative products than non-adopter enterprises, demonstrating innovation performance. (vi) Compared to non-adopter firms, IoT technology adopter SMFs had lower utility expenses and spent more on energy-efficient technologies. (vii) To realize the full potential of the IoT for a more sustainable and inventive future, authorities may pursue a variety of policy actions involving the strengthening and implementation of IoT technology standards and regulations, securing the incentivization of financial resources to SMFs, diverting the allocation of resources to research and development avenues, prioritizing the capacity development and environmental awareness, and focusing on IoT infrastructure development.
... This article references the concepts of innovation and technology adoption. Initially, Rogers, in his diffusion of innovations theory published in 1962 [15], assumed that innovation is any new idea. However, this conception was subsequently redefined by various authors, understanding that innovation occurs in production processes when they have been adopted and, therefore, are generating economic resources. ...
... Other characteristics that are considered to influence adoption are: a) relative advantages, which refer to the perceived superiority of the innovation over the idea it replaces; b) compatibility, which is the degree of consistency between the innovation and existing values, previous experiences, and the needs of the recipients; c) complexity, which relates to the level of difficulty in understanding and using a new idea; d) trialability, understood as the degree to which it can be tested; and e) observability, which refers to the degree of visibility of the results of an innovation [15]. ...
The adoption of agricultural technology is a process that involves the participation of various stakeholders. Evaluating this process is important for identifying factors that either limit or promote the use of new technologies in rural areas. The objective of this research was to estimate the degree of adoption of compost technology, as well as the variables that influence the use of this agroecological practice among small rural producers from a field school in the municipality of San Mateo Piñas, Oaxaca, Mexico. Using probabilistic sampling, 36 producers from a field school focused on coffee production were selected. A questionnaire was applied, covering topics related to socioeconomic and productive aspects, along with a technical sheet to evaluate the variables related to the adoption of compost. A total of 96% of producers reported being familiar with the technology, 88% had prepared and tested it in the field, and 54% had adopted it in the coffee production process. Additionally, a positive and moderate correlation was found, with a value of r(21)=.456, p=.029, between adoption and the variable related to the individual preparation of compost. The technical support provided through the field school approach facilitated the individual adoption of compost technology and identified areas of opportunity that could allow for greater degrees of adoption of new technologies.
... Der Neo-Institutionalismus argumentiert, dass beim Entstehen neuer Praktiken, was die Entwicklung einer Energie-oder Klimastrategie umschliesst, Nachahmungseffekte eine entscheidende Rolle spielen (DiMaggio und Powell 1983;Rogers 1983 Beispielsweise werden Netto-Null-Forderungen als ambitioniert verstanden. Die Nachahmungsprozesse können positiv oder negativ ausfallen. ...
... Das organisationale Feld bezieht sich also auf eine Gemeinschaft von Organisationen, die in einem abgegrenzten Bereich miteinander in Beziehung stehen und gemeinsam anerkannte Strukturen und Praktiken bilden. Diese wechselseitigen Beziehungen führen wiederum zu einer Strukturangleichung (Isomorphie).Einen ähnlichen Ansatz verfolgtRogers (1983) mit seiner Diffusionstheorie, die sich auf die Verbreitung von Innovationen bzw. neuen Praktiken konzentriert. ...
Diese Forschungsarbeit geht der Frage nach, ob kleine Gemeinden die Energie- und Klimastrategien von grossen Gemeinden nachahmen, um die Entstehung von kommunalen Energie- und Klimastrategien besser zu verstehen. Dazu wird ein Mixed-Methods-Ansatz angewendet. Zunächst wurden 472 kommunale Energie- und Klimastrategien von Schweizer Gemeinden hinsichtlich ihrer Ambition analysiert. Als Mass dienten die Bewertungen von akkreditierten Energiestadtberater:innen. Danach folgt eine Diskussion der Resultate mit drei Expert:innen. Entgegen den Erwartungen kann keine Tendenz nachgewiesen werden, dass kleine Gemeinden grosse Gemeinden nachahmen. Dafür ergibt sich aus den Expert:inneninterviews, dass Nachahmungseffekte bei Peer-Gemeinden durchaus eine Rolle spielen. Zudem deuten die quantitativen und qualitativen Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass einwohnerreiche und politisch links-orientierte Gemeinden ambitioniertere Energie- und Klimastrategien formulieren. Für beides gibt es Erklärungsansätze: Erstens verfügen grosse Gemeinden über mehr finanzielle und personelle Ressourcen, um energie- und klimapolitische Massnahmen umzusetzen. Zweitens wäre es denkbar, dass der Stellenwert einer Energie- und Klimastrategie von der politischen Ausrichtung einer Gemeinde abhängt. Die Forschungsarbeit leistet schliesslich einen Beitrag zu einem besseren Verständnis über die Entstehung von kommunalen Energie- und Klimastrategien und kann für Bund sowie Kantone für die Justierung bestehender Unterstützungsprozesse von Nutzen sein.
... Another important aspect that could be considered before or during an implementation process is to measure innovation readiness (Benson 2019). Referring to the concept of innovation readiness or innovativeness is based on Roger's classic text on the diffusion of innovation (Rogers 2003). In this review, it was found that local champions or innovators were important for the successful implementation of new technology in care. ...
To explore how nurses experience facilitators and barriers to the use of video‐consultations for home‐monitoring of patients with cardiac disease. A systematic literature search in PubMed, CINAHL, Scopus, and Web of Science was undertaken, inclusion criteria were qualitative data published between 2013 and 2023 written in English, Norwegian, Swedish, or Danish. Ten studies were included in the qualitative synthesis conducted as described by Braun and Clarke. From the synthesis, a main theme emerged: Nurses' uncertainty toward telemedicine is a risk toward the use of video‐consultations and home‐monitoring. The essence of the findings range from nurses' positive experiences to their frustration concerning the implementation process and the lack of technical support for clinicians and patients. Nurses often felt frustration and uncertainty about the quality of delivered care through virtual consultations. Working with technology in caring for patients with cardiac disease, including video‐consultations and home‐monitoring, nurses experienced a sense of insecurity. Insecurity was identified as a lack of technological knowledge, nurses' feelings of apathy, poorer observation through a video‐consultation, and the lack of organizational support.
... Understanding the conditions under which people choose to adopt sustainable technologies is key to transforming our energy systems [1][2][3]. At the household level, the uptake of low-carbon energy technologies is not only positive for technological development but can also be critical for health and for addressing the challenges of climate change. ...
This study investigates the role of peer effects in shaping the adoption of sustainable heating systems in two highly polluted communes in Southern Chile. Despite policies promoting cleaner alternatives, wood-burning stoves, a major source of particulate matter emissions, remain widespread. This research work addresses a critical gap in the literature by examining how peer influence—typically studied in relation to visible technologies like solar panels or electric vehicles—affects the adoption of less visible but essential sustainable heating technologies. The main objective of this study is to understand how peer networks can influence the attitudes of residents towards sustainable heating technologies in highly polluted urban environments. Employing a non-experimental, cross-sectional design with a sample of 244 participants, this study reveals that peer effects and health risk perception are significant predictors of positive attitudes towards sustainable heating systems. These findings contribute valuable insights for policymakers seeking to accelerate energy transitions in polluted regions.
... Another important topic studied empirically is chatbot acceptance or adoption, with studies drawing on one or multiple dimensions of innovation diffusion theory (DOI; Rogers, 2005), the technology acceptance model (TAM; Davis, 1989), or the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT; Venkatesh et al., 2012) (e.g., Ashfaq et al., 2020;Kushwaha et al., 2021;Mostafa & Kasamani, 2022). For example, Mostafa and Kasamani (2022) study chatbot e-commerce interactions in a Middle Eastern country and show that compatibility (from DOI), perceived ease of use (from TAM), and social influence (from UTAUT) drive customers to form an initial trust toward chatbots which in turn may drive usage intentions and engagement. ...
Chatbots have received increased attention in research and practice, especially in business-to-consumer (B2C) settings. The role of chatbots in business-to-business (B2B) is less explored (e.g., speed of customer service via chatbots in industrial settings). In this research, we probe the employee perspective of interacting with chatbots, focusing on collaboration and customer support. We do so through an illustrative B2B case drawing on interviews with expert customer service employees and business customers. We synthesize our findings using the People–Process–Technology (PPT) framework of organizational change. In doing so, we explore the importance of the interplay between the customer service employee and chatbot and impacts on the employees and end-customers’ experience. We uncover a double-edged sword: employees need to collaborate with chatbots to help them better help the employee, but collaborating with chatbots may negatively impact experts’ job-related sense of worth (e.g., employees feeling less competent and skilled).
... Adoption: Although word adoption is one of the most challenging terms not only to define (CIMMYT, 1993) but also to measure (Erenstein et al., 2012), various scholars have defined it differently. Rogers (1983) and Feder et al., (1985) define adoption as the choice made by economic units to regularly apply new techniques, procedures, and technologies. It is the knowledge or information that allows some services to be rendered or tasks to be undertaken in a simpler and better way (Lavison, 2013). ...
... Adoption: Although word adoption is one of the most challenging terms not only to define (CIMMYT, 1993) but also to measure (Erenstein et al., 2012), various scholars have defined it differently. Rogers (1983) and Feder et al., (1985) define adoption as the choice made by economic units to regularly apply new techniques, procedures, and technologies. It is the knowledge or information that allows some services to be rendered or tasks to be undertaken in a simpler and better way (Lavison, 2013). ...
The agricultural sector continues to be the main driver of economic growth in Ethiopia. In recent decades, the Ethiopian agricultural sector has faced several challenges, including subsistence farming, land fragmentation, poor technology adoption, low productivity, and ecosystem and land degradation. To reverse these challenges and their consequences, the attention of governments, researchers, and other stakeholders has recently shifted to the investigation and promotion of eco-agricultural conservation techniques that are assumed to simultaneously advance sustainable development, environmental enhancements, and economic growth. Hence, this study examines the impact of eco-agricultural conservation practices (organic fertilizer, crop rotation, and conservation tillage) on farm productivity and commercialization of smallholder vegetable producers in East Hararghe, Oromia, Ethiopia. A multistage sampling method was used to randomly select 383 households from three districts and nine kebeles from the East Hararghe zone. Questionnaires, focus group discussions, and key informant interviews were used to collect data. The collected data were analyzed using statistical tools, such as mean, chi-square, t-test for description and comparisons, and an econometric model called multinomial endogenous switching regression to estimate the impact of ECoPs. The results of the multinomial endogenous switching regression model revealed that adoption of ECoPs enhances farm productivity and the level of commercialization both solely and jointly, except for the joint adoption of conservation tillage and organic fertilizer. This confirms that joint adoption of various eco-agricultural conservation practices guarantees better results. Hence, due emphasis should be placed on promoting the adoption of ECoPs, and farmers should be cautious when adopting ECoPs.
... As a direct consequence of this, the process of adopting innovations is more of a slow one, with some persons being more open to the change than others. The pace at which an idea spreads is mostly determined by four basic factors: how innovative it is seen to be, the accessibility of various dissemination channels, the passage of time, and the established hierarchy of the social order that is now in place (Rogers, 1962). According to TAM, when customers are faced with a new piece of technology, before choosing whether to accept it, they take into consideration a range of variables to make their decision. ...
... Generally, the more educated people are, the more aware they become of sustainable practices and the more positive their attitudes are toward pro-environmental behavior [108]. Income was also considered an important determinant in both affordability and the potential adoption of new technologies, including AVs, as adoption behaviors are heavily influenced by income levels [109]. We believe that including these demographic variables in our research design, along with publishing the complete questionnaire in the Appendix A, would address the concerns expressed by the reviewer and enhance transparency and methodological rigor. ...
As businesses and governments increasingly explore innovative strategies to promote pro-environmental behavior, autonomous vehicles (AVs) have emerged as a key initiative for fostering sustainable communities. However, the specific norms—personal, descriptive, and subjective—that influence behavioral intentions regarding AV adoption remain underexplored. This research addresses this gap by integrating the extended theory of planned behavior (TPB) with pro-environmental variables to examine both direct and indirect influences on behavioral intentions. Using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM), the proposed model was validated with data from 516 domestic Chinese tourists. The findings highlight that subjective norms and trust significantly shape positive intentions toward adopting autonomous vehicles. Furthermore, environmental knowledge and concerns exert a significant indirect impact on these intentions, underscoring the complex interplay of factors that drive pro-environmental behavior. These results provide valuable insights for policymakers and practitioners aiming to enhance the acceptance of AVs in China and offer a foundation for future research on the role of norms in technology adoption.
... Instead, it is possible to meet contemporary needs by leveraging or adapting traditional implementation instruments that have been introduced, as in the case of Trento, over half a century ago with a completely different rationale and underlying objectives. This approach aligns with the principle that innovation can often be realised by rethinking or leveraging existing frameworks and instruments, rather than waiting for entirely new systems to emerge, in line with the diffusion of innovation theory [55]. The case studies analysed in our article show indeed that it is the underpinning purposes and philosophy of the project/plan that matter in being able to achieve and implement naturebased solutions, rather than the tools themselves. ...
Consideration of the future fate of brownfields in urban environments has driven a complex ‘season’ of decisions, planning, and implementation that has seen the emergence of different approaches and actions for their reuse. Among the various experiences of brownfield redevelopment, some projects have also promoted the partial renaturalisation of areas through soil desealing and demolition of existing buildings. These greening initiatives have provided new public facilities, e.g., parks and green areas, helping to improve the conditions of urban environments both from ecological and social perspectives. This article adopts ex ante and ex post methods to analyse two Italian case studies of brownfield regeneration involving desealing interventions and investigates two key aspects: (i) the planning process and tools that were put in place to implement the projects and (ii) the impacts for human wellbeing that were produced in terms of cooling effects. The analyses conducted show the real effectiveness of renaturation interventions especially related to reforestation measures in terms of temperature reduction. The examination of the two case studies also revealed the importance and potential success of traditional planning and implementation tools in promoting interventions that can now be considered innovative in terms of their actual contribution to current urban challenges. The results therefore allow us to emphasize the fundamental importance of the philosophy and basic principles of a transformation process, even guided by traditional planning tools, for the improvement of the environmental conditions of an urban context and the successful implementation of nature-based solutions.
... The diffusion of innovation theory explains how new products and ideas spread through society and how they are adopted by individuals and organizations (Rogers, 1962). Within the universe of documents reviewed, this approach was employed by Teh et al. (2021). ...
Innovation management is an organizational iterative process of seeking and selecting new opportunities and ideas, implementing them, and capturing value from the results obtained. In the defense sector, due to the increasing interdependence between military capabilities and technology, countries have adopted innovation management approaches to drive the modernization of their defense industrial bases, promoting the development and integration of advanced technologies. This study presents an original systematic literature review on innovation management approaches applied to defense in developing countries. After the phases of identification and screening, 62 documents both from academic and gray literature were analyzed and categorized into 22 distinct approaches. The advantages, disadvantages, contexts, and potential applications of each approach were discussed. The findings show that the appropriate use of these approaches can strengthen the innovation capacity and technological independence of late-industrializing countries, consolidating their position in the global defense landscape and ensuring their sovereignty and continuous technological progress.
... Three stages of diffusion theory can be identified in the literature: dominant, technology organization-environment, and emergent. According to the dominant paradigm, the rate and pattern of the adoption and diffusion of ideas, practices, or objects through populations of potential adopters are affected by the characteristics of both the innovation and the adopter (Rogers, 1983). The multistage adoption process is affected by the actions of 'key adopters', the resulting profile is characterized by an S-shaped curve. ...
Excise duty compliance remains low in many economies around the world, with revenue authorities failing to achieve their annual targets. The main objective of this study was to determine the effect of system automation on excise duty compliance among cigarette importers in Kenya. The study was guided by diffusion of innovations theory. The study employed an explanatory research design that involved the use of structured questionnaires in collecting primary data. The target population was 21 cigarette importers in Kenya. Data was collected on a 5-point Likert scale questionnaire. Descriptive statistics were presented in tables and charts. Regression analysis was used to determine the relationship between the study variables. The study found that system automation (β=0.215, P=009) has a positive and significant effect on excise duty tax compliance. The study concluded that system automation contributes significantly to improved excise duty compliance among cigarette importers in Kenya. The study recommends that the management of KRA should come up with measures that will lead to an increment in system automation for registration, filing, and payment of excise duty tax. The findings that system automation has a positive and significant effect on excise duty tax compliance also serve to further the diffusions of innovations theory which explains the passage of a new idea through stages of adoption by different people who participate in or begin using the new idea.
... AI awareness: The level of AI knowledge by health professionals has an influence on the level of opposition towards its usage, this is plainly influenced by how AI risks is perceived by them. On the basis of the arguments made by Rogers (2003) and Chiyangwa and Alexander (2016), it is hypothesised that trial-ability success could lessen resistance and promote rapid adoption of AI. The greater comprehension about AI's potential uses, capabilities and limits means that there is a higher level of AI awareness by those working in the medical sector. ...
Resisting the adoption of medical artificial intelligence (AI), it is suggested that this opposition can be overcome by combining AI awareness, AI risks, and responsibility displacement. Through effective integration of public AI dangers and displacement of responsibility, some of these major concerns can be alleviated. The United Kingdom’s National Health Service has adopted the use of chatbots to provide medical advice, whereas heart disease diagnoses can be made by IBM’s Watson. This has the ability to improve healthcare by increasing accuracy, efficiency, and patient outcomes. The resistance may be due to concerns about losing jobs, anxieties about misdiagnosis or medical mistakes, and the consciousness of AI systems drifting more responsibility away from medical professionals. There is hesitancy among healthcare professionals and the general public about the deployment of AI, despite the fact that healthcare is being revolutionised by AI, its uses are pervasive. Participants’ awareness of AI in healthcare, AI risk, resistance to AI, responsibility displacement and ethical considerations were gathered through questionnaires. Descriptive statistics, chi-square tests and correlation analyses were used to establish the relationship between resistance and medical AI. The study’s objective seeks to collect data on primary and public AI awareness, perceptions of risk and feelings of displacement that the professionals have regarding medical AI. Some of these concerns can be resolved when AI awareness is effectively integrated and patients, healthcare providers, as well as the general public are well informed about AI’s potential advantages. Trust is built when, AI related issues such as bias, transparency, and data privacy are critically addressed. Another objective is to develop a seamless integration of risk management, communication and awareness of AI. Lastly to assess how this comprehensive approach has affected hospital settings’ ambitions to use medical AI. Fusing AI awareness, risk management, and effective communication can be used as a comprehensive strategy to address and promote the application of medical AI in hospital settings. An argument made by Chen et al. is that providing training in AI can improve adoption intentions while lowering complexity through the awareness of AI.
... The shortcomings we identify and the countermeasures we propose involve structural changes impacting normative behavior of scientists and the institutions and systems within which science takes place. Because such social and cultural change related to complete disclosure in scientific reporting is a desirable and achievable goal, diffusion theory suggests that individuals and institutions will be motivated to adopt such innovations (Rogers, 2003). Furthermore, such change must be deliberate and goal-directed and occur within bureaucracies (i.e., academic institutions and publishing houses) (Waters & Waters, 2015). ...
The tutelage of our mentors as scientists included the analogy that writing a good scientific paper was an exercise in storytelling that omitted unessential details that did not move the story forward or that detracted from the overall message. However, the advice to not get lost in the details had an important flaw. In science, it is the many details of the data themselves and the methods used to generate and analyze them that give conclusions their probative meaning. Facts may sometimes slow or distract from the clarity, tidiness, intrigue, or flow of the narrative, but nevertheless they are important for the assessment of what was done, the trustworthiness of the science, and the meaning of the findings. Nevertheless, many critical elements and facts about research studies may be omitted from the narrative and become hidden from scholarly scrutiny. We describe a “baker’s dozen” shortfalls in which such elements that are pertinent to evaluating the validity of scientific studies are sometimes hidden in reports of the work. Such shortfalls may be intentional or unintentional or lie somewhere in between. Additionally, shortfalls may occur at the level of the individual or an institution or of the entire system itself. We conclude by proposing countermeasures to these shortfalls.
... This approach recognizes that innovations diffuse through both technological and social systems [65]. Diffusion of innovations theory, which originated from Rogers [66], was selected as it explains the diffusion portion of the technology innovation system, and it has recently been expanded to include a range of explanatory factors [67][68][69]. The technology innovation system literature was employed as it addresses the emergence and supply of socio-technical innovations depends on institutions, networks and actors across the research, development, deployment, diffusion stages [70], that provide the know-how that support them [71], and require supports to challenge the established socio-technical fossil fuel regime [35,72]. ...
Renewable energy clusters potentially drive a reliable low-carbon energy transition. • Renewable energy clusters are place-based and heterogenous. • Industrial and material renewable energy cluster types are identified. • Seven dimensions are proposed to predict renewable energy cluster emergence. • The typification of renewable energy clusters will support policy development. Renewable energy transitions depend on activities at both ends of the value-chain or lifecycle, from the development of new innovations and technologies to their widespread diffusion. Place-based at scale approaches to renewable energy landscapes create local value, incorporate multifunctionality and decentralisation, mitigate harm for ecosystems , address justice and local resilience. That the potential, demand, and production of renewable energies are place-based phenomena is not accounted for in dominant energy-economy models, requiring new methods of analysis for an energy transition. The emergence of renewable energy across landscapes is increasingly linked in practice to the concept of "renewable energy clusters" that acknowledge the emergence of renewable energy as spatially distributed, heterogeneous and place-based phenomena. Renewable energy clusters describe a range of place-based energy activities along the energy value chain, from production of technologies and innovations to their use. Despite their promise, there lacks a clear definition and typology of renewable energy clusters, and research has not yet synthesised the place-based factors that influence or inhibit their emergence, that could be used to inform place-based strategies that address local assets, actors, space, labour, knowledge issues, or localised justice issues. This work offers a first step by serving as a preliminary investigation of renewable energy clusters and the factors that may predict their emergence. First, a qualitative approach is used to identify three initial types of renewable energy clusters along the energy value chain. The fields of regional sciences, technology innovation systems, and energy geography are drawn upon to identify factors that may influence or inhibit the emergence and form of renewable energy clusters. The seven synthesised dimensions that can be tested to typify and predict renewable energy cluster emergence: actors, institutions, networks, knowledge and tools, proximity, location characteristics, and path dependency. These initial types can guide the development of a sample of empirical cases of renewable energy clusters that can be analysed through machine learning typification to identify a more nuanced articulation of vertically integrated cluster types along the energy value chain. Typification can reveal characteristics these renewable energy clusters have in common with others, and what outcomes emerge from these characteristics within the specific context of place-based energy transitions.
During the last 30 years, the number of farms in Germany has decreased by more than 50%. Due to socioeconomic pressures, particularly small- and medium-sized farms are forced to close down. A partial or full conversion to community-supported agriculture (CSA) might be an approach to increase the economic viability of a farm in the long term, as the costs related to CSA are covered by the members and, therefore, risks are shared. Moreover, CSA can contribute to a transformation towards sustainable and resilient food systems and to a revitalisation of structurally weak regions. Based on a quantitative analysis of nearly 500 CSA farms in Germany and semi-structured interviews with ten CSA farms that originated from a conversion of an existing farm, we investigated pathways, motives and barriers for German farmers to convert to CSA. We found that only one quarter of the existing CSA farms originated from a conversion. Most of the converted farms were organically certified and focused on mixed cropping and horticulture. Economic stability, consistency with own values and the pleasure of working in an appreciative community were the main drivers for conversion. Major barriers included uncertainty about the membership potential in a region, the shortage of skilled labour, inappropriate funding legislation and bureaucratic obstacles. Cooperation between various actors is needed to overcome these barriers and to promote the diffusion of the CSA model.
Research on policy entrepreneurs and policy innovation has traditionally relied on qualitative methods and case studies, focusing primarily on the role of individual entrepreneurs. However, the success of policy entrepreneurs in driving change often stems from collective efforts. Therefore, it is important to shift the focus from individual policy entrepreneurs to collective policy entrepreneurs. This paper offers an innovative approach to quantifying the contributions of policy entrepreneurs to local environmental policy innovation. Drawing on panel data spanning 31 Chinese provinces from 2009 to 2016, our study reveals that Local People’s Congress (LPC) bills play a central role in driving environmental policy innovation. Additionally, while Local People’s Political Consultative Conference (LPPCC) proposals alone may not significantly impact environmental policy innovation, they do exert a notable substitution effect on LPC bills. This research not only provides valuable theoretical and methodological insights into the functions of LPC and LPPCC in policy innovation but also advances our understanding of quasi-government policy entrepreneurs and the broader policy process.
Temperature monitoring across cold chain practices is an integral component of fresh produce supply chains. Numerous temperature data loggers (TDLs) are available to reduce the significant amount of food loss and waste (FLW) (equivalent to around 50%) in vegetable supply chains; however, its widespread adoption remains a challenge for the actors along the chain. This study seeks to understand the adoption of TDLs within selected Australian vegetable supply chains to address the challenge of FLW. Three representative cases of vegetable supply chains were purposively selected, including growers, packers, transporters, distribution centres along with technology providers, and industry experts. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and analysed utilising thematic analysis. The findings indicate that members of vegetable supply chains recognise temperature management as one of the key factors for preserving quality and extending shelf life of their produce; however, they are not proactively seeking to utilise TDLs in their supply chain operations. Resistance to adoption of TDLs is deeply rooted in product-based challenges such as cost and compatibility, and process-based challenges including information sharing and product mixing. Additionally, presence of an individual’s undesirable behavioural aspects such as status-quo bias and responsibility shirking as well as prevailing social norms within the industry influence the adoption of TDLs.
Background : The social environment is important to consider for effective promotion of movement behaviors like increased physical activity (PA) and reduced sedentary behavior (SB); yet, it is less often considered than individual and built environments. One way to advance social environment research is to develop system maps, an innovative, participatory, action-oriented research process that actively engages stakeholders to visualize system structures and explore how systems “work.” The purpose of this research was to develop PA and SB system maps of the social environment embedded within the core/nuclear family system. Methods : The development process began with a 2-day multicountry, 16-researcher, in-person participatory workshop in August 2023, followed by multiple online follow-up consultations. Attendees contributed to the creation of the maps through shared development of critical determinants and their causal pathways. The structure of the final maps was analyzed using network analysis methods to identify indicators of centrality, and key feedback loops and areas for potential intervention were explored. Results : Key central determinants that were likely critical targets for systems intervention to produce changes in PA and SB and featured prominently in most of the reinforcing and balancing feedback loops included shared family interests, values and priorities, family logistical support, family cohesion/organization, and shared experiences. The maps also highlighted key determinants of the broader social environment external to the family. Conclusions : These system maps support current evidence on movement behaviors in family systems and socioecological theories and have the utility to galvanize future research and policy to promote PA and reduce SB.
The production of Internet of Things (IoT) applications will grow even more extensively, as the IoT has far from reached its full potential. Engaging end users, in IoT development processes, can potentially contribute to building more ethical, responsible, and inclusive IoT applications. IoT ecosystems are however complex, not only due to IoT as technology but also due to the broad landscape of actors. Involving actors from, that is, government, academia, industry and business, and society, by means of co-creation can yield insight in different needs. This chapter provides a comprehensive overview on co-creation, as a collaborative design approach in IoT ecosystems. Not only co-creative benefits and enablers but also possible risks and barriers are discussed. There is elaboration on how co-creation can be applied in large-scale IoT projects. Co-creative dimensions, placeholders, processes, and tools and techniques are described. There is reflected on a tailor-made co-creative workshop method that enables multidisciplinary co-creation of IoT concepts. Scalability of iterative co-creative cycles is investigated to stimulate local development of IoT applications, while simultaneously enabling the exchange of insights on a higher level. Due to the complex nature of IoT ecosystems and their innovation processes, inevitably challenges occur. The chapter ends with a selection of challenges identified.
Precision agriculture or smart farming brings the promise of significantly more efficient systems which lay a substantial foundation for the EU Green Deal in terms of carbon footprint reduction, sustainability, and increased productivity coupled with energy efficiency. However, deployment of technological solutions that enable this new era of agriculture is not without substantial challenges and significant barriers.
This chapter addresses the many challenges from multiple perspectives. Beginning with the current agriculture landscape in terms of technology adoption barriers and challenges, we present future pathways toward a new era of smart farming. Next, issues specific to the employment of IoT in the agrifood sector are elaborated upon, ranging from informational, behavioral, and social issues to technological, business, and financial matters. Following this, the capability of the DEMETER project to address these is presented. In this respect, an overview of the DEMETER main concepts and objectives is provided, while the multi-actor approach employed to tackle the project’s vision is introduced.
Finally, this chapter provides an outline of the 20 large-scale pilots to be executed by DEMETER, which spans 18 countries, 80 sites, and several thousands of farmers, devices, and machinery and aims to optimize various operations in the entire food supply chain resulting in reduced effort and costs, higher food quality and safety, reduced environmental footprint, increased stakeholder cooperation, etc. This chapter concludes with an insight on the current situation of the digital transformation of the agrifood sector and the role that DEMETER aims to fulfill in promoting this.
Although the initial experiments have taken place in the 1980s, it is difficult to date the birth of the Internet of Things (IoT) as it emerged as the innovative result of the combination of various technology domains into an entirely new field. Historically, IoT has been primarily seen as the incorporation of stand-alone electrical and electronic devices within a truly open and flexible emerging network, namely the Internet.
Beyond the initial demonstration of the spectacular connections of a coffee machine or a fridge, the breadth and impact of the IoT have become more and more apparent as new supporting technologies, particularly in support of device connectivity, were developed, consolidated, and, for the most successful, standardized. In the early 2000s, the potential of IoT, not only as a disruptive technology but also as a large business domain, has become clear rapidly. Ever since, the history of IoT has been enriched by the creation of a vast range of applications in many different business domains, including their consolidation into more and more complex, life-changing systems.
The history of IoT is that of a great success, which can be measured by the place that IoT has taken in the global technology ecosystem where a growing majority of humans live now. To a certain extent, IoT has become so pervasive that it is sometimes no longer perceived as separate from mainstream technology as devices have become a part of our daily lives. From this standpoint, the future of IoT will probably be a continuation of this gradual fusion, supported by the development of new technologies increasing the global intelligence of the devices and outlining an extended relationship between humans and machines. The history of IoT is not over.
The TEST pervasive use of social media has highlighted the importance of developing sophisticated models for early information warning systems within online communities. Despite the advancements that have been made, existing models often fail to adequately consider the pivotal role of network topology and temporal dynamics in information dissemination. This results in suboptimal predictions of content propagation patterns. This study introduces the User Propagation Influence-based Linear Threshold (UPI-LT) model, which represents a novel approach to the simulation of information spread. The UPI-LT model introduces an innovative approach to consider the number of active neighboring nodes, incorporating a time decay factor to account for the evolving influence of information over time. The model’s technical innovations include the incorporation of a homophily ratio, which assesses the similarity between users, and a dynamic adjustment of activation thresholds, which reflect a deeper understanding of social influence mechanisms. Empirical results on real-world datasets validate the UPI-LT model’s enhanced predictive capabilities for information spread.
While previous research has primarily explored functional and informational drivers, this study investigates how experiential education can facilitate electric vehicle adoption. Based on the BMW i3 test drive program case and blogs data, this research identifies two types of customers who participate in such programs: early adopters who have a high level of perceptual knowledge about electric vehicles but a low interest in the brand or the model, and the early majority, i.e. users with a moderate level of perceptual knowledge about electric vehicles and are hesitant to adopt it. This research contributes to the literature on customer education by demonstrating the positive role of experiential education in innovation adoption. Additionally, it contributes to the literature on customer knowledge by showing that customers do not participate in experiential education for the same reason. While early adopters compare similar models in the market, the early majority seek answers to technical questions.
This study examined the differences between the utilisation of social media and library service delivery in public and private universities in southwest , Nigeria. Five objectives with corresponding research questions were raised and hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The study was premised on two models, namely the Technology Acceptance and Service Quality models. The descriptive survey research design was adopted with a population of 162 library staff and a purposive sampling technique was used to select all 162 staff. The technology acceptance model contends that any technology will be adopted based on perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness. The diffusion of innovation theory suggests that integrating social media into libraries is achievable. The service quality model states that a user's perception of exceptional service is influenced by their degree of satisfaction and loyalty to the services. A face-validated researcher-developed instrument titled: Utilisation of Social Media and Library Service Delivery Questionnaire" (USMLSDQ) was used for the collection of data. Using Cronbach alpha reliability statistics, a reliability coefficient of 0.83 was achieved, indicating the instrument's reliability. To address the study objectives, the obtained data were analysed using mean and standard deviation. Additionally, Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) was employed to test each hypothesis at a significance level of 0.05. The study's findings demonstrated that private university libraries use social media more frequently than public ones. Accordingly, the study concluded that social media use is critical to the efficient provision of library services in SouthWest Nigeria.
Objective: The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors influencing customer behavior in the use of electronic services of Shahr Bank. Methodology: This study employed a quantitative research method. A total of 77 components were extracted from the literature and categorized into four dimensions: sociological, psychological, demographic, and technical services. Additionally, 10 indicators, including culture and norms, social class, social pressure, demographics, quality of technical services, ease of technical services, and behavioral, emotional, perceptual, and personality factors, were determined. After content validation, the initial research model was examined. A questionnaire was designed for data collection and distributed among the bank's customers. Findings: The findings, using exploratory factor analysis, revealed that the dimensions and indicators identified in the first phase of the study were sufficiently valid. Results indicate that psychological, demographic, and technical service factors have significant effects on customer behavior in utilizing electronic services. Conclusion: The final model of the study was developed based on the internal relationships between variables and statistical analyses. This model can serve as a framework for improving the acceptance of electronic technologies in banking. Based on the findings, recommendations were provided to increase the adoption of electronic services at Shahr Bank.
Technological innovation is a key factor in a firm’s competitiveness. It is unavoidable for firms which want to develop and maintain a competitive advantage and gain entry into new markets. The success of most firms majorly depends on efficient operational processes which result from more investments in technologies that enhance firm internal efficiencies. The objective of the study was to determine whether technological innovation affects the performance of the cement manufacturing firms in Kenya. The study was guided by diffusion of innovation theory. It adopted descriptive research design. The target population was all the department heads in all the nine cement manufacturing firms. The total number of departments in all the firms was 79. All the 79 respondents were included in the study since the target population was small. Primary data was collected through closed-ended questionnaires. Descriptive statistics, specifically frequencies, percentages and means were used. Further, inferential statistics; that included the correlation and regression analysis were also used to assess the relationship between the study variables. The findings revealed that technological innovation positively and significantly affect performance of the cement manufacturing firms in Kenya. The study concluded that technological innovations have a positive and significant effect on performance of the cement manufacturing companies in Kenya. The cement manufacturing firms in Kenya need to strengthen their technological related innovations. It is therefore necessary for the cement manufacturing firms in Kenya to strengthen their technological related innovations. They should adopt integrated manufacturing management information system in their functional operations; embrace inter-organizational processes and collaborations, implement innovative technology in the production processes and come up with deliberate strategy of training and developing staff on technical skills. The results further point out the need for the cement manufacturing firms to automate systems and routine tasks, and need to embark on producing and utilizing online reports in order to reduce costs.
The rapid emergence of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, facial recognition technology (FRT), and big data in the realm of public safety has raised a host of ethical concerns. At the core of many of these concerns is the role technology plays in how data is collected and stored and how this information is managed and used. There are also concerns that technologies are biased by design. In this chapter, we explore what we mean by ethics in the public safety space. This will entail an examination of the types of information and technologies utilized in public safety. We analyze existing ethical values that guide public safety professionals, as well as discuss how public safety personnel navigate ethical issues. Next, we draw on policing as an example to examine the benefits and concerns associated with information management (IM) technologies being acquired and used for public safety. This chapter makes the case for using ethical evaluation processes during the technology design phase, as well as before IM technologies are acquired and after they have been put into use. We also provide recommendations for some of the key ethical considerations that need to be incorporated into these ethical evaluation frameworks.
Статья посвящена анализу проблем рецепции технологий искусственного интеллекта (ИИ) в образовательной среде. Исследование основано на модели принятия AIDUA и включает эмпирические данные о цифровом принятии/сопротивлении внедрению ИИ со стороны педагогического сообщества. Авторы выявляют социально-психологические и организационные корни педагогического цифрового сопротивления, предлагая рекомендации по акселерации внедрения ИИ в практику обучения. Результаты эмпирического исследования позволяют описать установки цифрового сопротивления внедрению ИИ-технологий. В основном они связаны с недооценкой социального влияния и ожиданий, возникающих в связи со скоростью распространения технологии, сомнениями в потенциале использования технологий ИИ и возможной замене педагога из-за неантропоморфности цифровых помощников, опасениями потери эмоционально-личностного компонента образования. Также исследуются соответствующие факторы сдерживания на различных уровнях педагогического сообщества, обусловленные недоступностью необходимых ресурсов, отсутствием общих подходов и протоколов использования технологий искусственного интеллекта, сопротивлением со стороны педагогического сообщества, основанным на сохранении традиций и ценностей классического образования. Предложенные стратегии и организационные подходы направлены на снижение сопротивления и создание благоприятного климата, способствующего успешному внедрению новых технологий в образовательный процесс. Подчеркивается важность комплексного подхода и интегрированной стратегии для эффективного использования потенциала искусственного интеллекта в образовании.
The article analyzes the problems of AI technology acceptance in the educational environment. The study is based on the AIDUA adoption model and includes empirical data on digital acceptance/ resistance to AI adoption by the pedagogical community. The authors identify the socio-psychological and organizational roots of pedagogical digital resistance, offering recommendations for acceleration of AI adoption in teaching practices. The results of the empirical study allow to characterize the attitudes of digital resistance to the introduction of AI technologies. Primarily, these are related to the underestimation of social influence and expectations arising from the speed of technology diffusion, concerns about the potential of using AI technologies and the possible replacement of the educational staff due to the non-anthropomorphic nature of digital assistants, and fears of losing the emotional and personal component of education. The authors also investigate the relevant factors of restraint at different levels of the pedagogical community due to the inaccessibility of necessary resources, the lack of common approaches and protocols for the use of AI technologies, resistance on the part of the pedagogical community based on the preservation of traditions and values of classical education. The proposed strategies and organizational approaches are aimed at reducing resistance and creating a favorable environmental climate conducive to the successful introduction of new technologies in the educational process. The article highlights the importance of a comprehensive approach and integrated strategy for the effective use of the potential of artificial intelligence in education.
Purpose - This study aimed to examine the relationships between the utilitarian perceptions (information quality), hedonic perceptions (pleasure) and social perceptions (social interaction and homophily) of tourists in eWOM - on the one hand and their decision-making processes on the other. Furthermore, this study explored how these perceptions determine the mediating effect of trust in eWOM. Methodology/Design/Approach - A quantitative survey was conducted based on a random sample of American international tourists. Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) was used to analyse the collected data. Findings - The results demonstrate a significant influence of bridging social capital, homophily and perceived enjoyment on tourists’ decision making. Secondly, perceived trust was found to mediate the relationship between, on the one side, bridging social capital, information quality, and perceived enjoyment, and on the other, tourists’ decision making. Originality - Based on the Stimulus-Organism-Response (SOR) theory, this study developed a new integrated model of the relationships between the eWOM antecedents and tourists’ decision-making, with perceived trust acting as a mediator
Due to changes resulting from the economic trends of the last decades, entrepreneurs are faced with a new requirement, called sustainable development and demanding systems / holistic thinking, an explicit or implicit one, as a precondition of success. It is supposed to enable the existence and development of humankind after recent centuries in which production and trade used to matter more than survival and has caused profit to kill profit, because a biased and short-term achievement may cause high cost in a broader view and a longer term. Reality shows up as a much more complex feature than a purely biased economic viewpoint shows. It requires us to return to Adam Smith who actually required business persons to adhere to ethics of interdependence, to be altruistic for selfish reasons, for self-interest. One resulting issue reads: What makes entrepreneurs accept the idea of sustainable development?
This study explores the transformative impact of media, information and communication technologies (ICTs), and communication networks in influencing development outcomes, driving social change, and promoting political participation, with a particular focus on Nigeria. This study explores how these tools have become crucial for reaching sustainable development goals at a time when technological breakthroughs define society's progress more and more. Combining theoretical models with thorough case studies and empirical analysis helps the article expose the several ways in which media platforms and ICTs empower communities, increase civic participation, and advance openness in government. The study not only points up important issues including digital divisions and unequal access but also reveals the great chances to use technologies to overcome social disparities. In a society where the need for constant improvement in social, political, and economic institutions is ever-present, the results provide practical advice for development practitioners, legislators, and interested parties on how to use the whole potential of these discoveries. The report ends with strategic recommendations to maximize the use of ICTs for development, therefore addressing study constraints and suggesting paths for future research.
Effective facilitation is crucial to improve critical care outcomes in life-threatening conditions through improved teamwork, caring, decision-making, and problem-solving. The meaning of facilitation remains unprecise in a critical care context despite its frequent usage in nursing education and clinical practice. This study aimed to report a thorough concept analysis to clarify the meaning of facilitation in the critical care context by formulating attributes, antecedents, and consequences and providing model cases related to facilitation.
This analysis was performed by searching online sources published from 1999 to 2023. EBSCOhost, CINAHL, PubMed, and Google Scholar databases were searched using online search engines. The analysis also included the manual search of books, thesaurus and dictionaries that showed relevance to facilitation. Walker and Avant’s eight-step approach was applied to explore and analyze the meaning of facilitation in critical care units.
A total of 68 articles were included in the analysis of this study. Eleven attributes, six antecedents, and seven consequences related to facilitation were formulated. The attributes included dynamic, interactive processes, creating a positive environment, mobilizing resources, assistance, student-centered, shared goals, collaboration, engagement, participation, and feedback. Antecedents were facilitator qualities, motivation, a positive learning environment, student-facilitator relationship, time availability, and specified learning outcomes. The consequences of facilitation were identified as follows: change, professional development, competency, quality development, increased job satisfaction, staff retention, and self-confidence.
The findings from the analysis indicated that effective facilitation results in nurses and critical care staff developing competency, caring, critical thinking, and independence. Therefore, clinical outcomes in critical care environments are improved through teamwork, decision-making, and problem-solving in life-threatening situations.
Concept analysisNursesCritical care unitsFacilitationFacilitators
Este estudo investiga o panorama emergente da avaliação digital no contexto educacional contemporâneo, explorando seus métodos, ferramentas e implicações para o monitoramento da aprendizagem. Através de uma abordagem metodológica mista, incorporando entrevistas semiestruturadas, questionários online, observações não participantes e análise de learning analíticos, a pesquisa revela um cenário complexo e multifacetado. Os resultados destacam a dualidade de percepções entre educadores e estudantes, evidenciando tanto entusiasmo quanto apreensão em relação às novas modalidades avaliativas. Fenômenos como o "hibridismo cognitivo", o "efeito camaleão digital" e a "montanha-russa tecno pedagógica" emergem como temas centrais, ilustrando as nuances da transição para o digital. O estudo identifica desafios significativos, incluindo questões de equidade, privacidade e a necessidade de repensar o papel do educador. A persistência de práticas analógicas em contextos digitais sugere uma evolução não linear da avaliação educacional. O conceito de "ecossistema de avaliação digital" é proposto como um framework para compreender as interações complexas entre tecnologia, pedagogia e contexto institucional. As conclusões apontam para a necessidade de uma abordagem holística e eticamente consciente na implementação de avaliações digitais, enfatizando seu potencial transformador para além da mera medição do aprendizado.
Cloud computing has since been recognized as a robust technology that speeds and simplifies organizational service delivery. But its adoption especially in African countries and academic libraries is still at the nascent stage. This study aims to find the contributing determinants of cloud computing adoption in North-Eastern Nigerian academic libraries using Technological and Organizational variables of Technology-Organization-Environment theory(TOE) and Diffusion of Innovation Theory (DOI). A quantitative approach using a survey research design was employed. Seventy-eight academic libraries in North-Eastern Nigeria formed the population of the study and census enumeration is used which indicates that all the academic libraries are considered. Results revealed that five out of six determinants are significant for the adoption of cloud computing in academic libraries. While moderation effect results revealed that only one determinant is moderated by the adopted moderator. This implies that the significant determinants should be given more consideration when deciding to adopt cloud computing. Equally, the study’s results will guide academic libraries’ decision-makers that include the Chief Librarian, Deputy Librarian and Head of ICT unit who are responsible for deciding on the rejection or accepting innovative technology in the library to make fruitful and realistic decisions when deciding to adopt cloud computing. Theoretically, the results will contribute to the body of knowledge especially in the librarianship field. Finally, the study recommends among others that special attention should be given to those significant determinants when deciding to adopt cloud computing in academic libraries. Future studies should employ more variables and use another factor as a moderator. Equally future studies should cover more areas beyond North-Eastern Nigeria.
в статье представлены результаты исследования автора в области изучения инновационных цифровых трансформаций в системе управления персоналом организации. Целью исследования является изучение возможностей внедрения методов искусственного интеллекта в систему управления персоналом организации. Задачи исследования связаны с изучением сущности инновационных процессов и цифровых трансформаций в системе управления персоналом, а также опыта применения методов искусственного интеллекта в сфере управления персоналом организации. Автор описывает результаты опроса менеджеров по управлению персоналом с целью определения барьеров в использовании искусственного интеллекта в системе управления организацией. По результатам исследования выявлены риски и возможности применения искусственного интеллекта в системе управления персоналом. Актуальность исследования обусловлена вызовами цифрового общества, современными социокультурными контекстами, предполагающие развитие цифровой экономики России. В статье описываются перспективы развития системы управления персоналом при решении таких вопросов, как подбор персонала, обучение и коучинг, планирование карьерного роста, диагностика эффективности производства, что представляет практическую значимость исследования.
the article presents the results of the author's research in the field of studying the organization's personnel management system. The purpose of the study is to explore the possibilities of introducing artificial intelligence methods into the personnel management system. The objectives of the research are related to the study of the essence of innovative processes and digital transformations in the personnel management system, as well as the experience of using artificial intelligence methods in the field of personnel management. The author describes the results of a survey of HR managers in order to identify barriers to the use of artificial intelligence in the organization. Based on the diagnostic results, the risks and possibilities of using artificial intelligence in the personnel management system have been identified. The relevance of the research is due to the challenges of digital society, modern socio-cultural contexts, suggesting the development of the digital economy of Russia. The article describes the prospects for the development of the personnel management system in solving issues such as recruitment, coaching, career planning, which is of practical importance to the study.
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