Test and Measurement in Sport and Physical Education
... Muscular endurance or endurance allows an individual to perform work supported by a particular muscle group over a period of time. Muscular endurance is the ability of the muscle to maintain a certain level of tension or to repeat same movements are pressures over the maximal period of time with one's maximal effort (Kansal 1996) [11] . ...
... Muscular endurance or endurance allows an individual to perform work supported by a particular muscle group over a period of time. Muscular endurance is the ability of the muscle to maintain a certain level of tension or to repeat same movements are pressures over the maximal period of time with one's maximal effort (Kansal 1996) [11] . ...
... Flexibility is the range of motion around a joint as determined by the elasticity of muscles, tendons and ligaments associated with the joint under consideration. The flexibility components of physical fitness enable the person to have free body movements, better coordinated movements requiring lessor work and to handle greater stress with lesser chances of injury (Kansal 1996) [11] . Flexibility is the functional capacity of the joint to move through a full range of movement (Mathews 1973) [6] . ...
... These elements of motor fitness are usually reflected in motor performances such as running, jumping, dodging, climbing, swimming, lifting weights and carrying loads for a prolonged period of time. According to (Kansal, 1996) [3] , "the individual not only physically fit but also possesses good motor control and body coordination in addition to excelling in the specific skills of his/her game of specialization." (Thakur and Sinha, 2010) [9] pointed out that, "world's topmost sporting nations are very much conscious on fitness factors which are supposed to play a dominant role in its future performance in sports and games." ...
... These elements of motor fitness are usually reflected in motor performances such as running, jumping, dodging, climbing, swimming, lifting weights and carrying loads for a prolonged period of time. According to (Kansal, 1996) [3] , "the individual not only physically fit but also possesses good motor control and body coordination in addition to excelling in the specific skills of his/her game of specialization." (Thakur and Sinha, 2010) [9] pointed out that, "world's topmost sporting nations are very much conscious on fitness factors which are supposed to play a dominant role in its future performance in sports and games." ...
... Agility either general or specific, can be improved by increasing the athletic components (K. Kansal 1996) [9] . ...
Purpose: The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of 6 weeks skill related fitness training on agility and breath holding capacity of soccer players. Methods: A total of 30 male soccer players (age 18 25 year) were selected randomly as subjects from Imphal West Dist (difference club), Manipur (India) who participated in the national level competition. The subjects were randomly assigned into two equal groups, experimental group (n=30) and control group (n=30). The groups were measured before the intervention with the agility and breath holding capacity to find out the significance effect. Agility was assessed by using Shuttle run and Breath holding capacity was assessed by using Nostril clip methods selected as variables. After the initial test, the subjects of the experimental group participated in a supervised 6 weeks skill related fitness training program, where no special exercise was administered to the control group. The 6 weeks skill related fitness training were carried out for the period of six weeks, five days training (Monday to Friday) and 60 minutes each session. The pre and post-test scores were statistically test and Co-Variance (ANCOVA) was employed. The level of significance was set at 0.05 levels. Results: The experimental group showed improved scores in the agility and breath holding capacity compared to the control group (p<0.05). The comparison of pre and post test of agility means, experimental group 11.67±12.26 and control group 12.02 ±11.99 proved to be significant at 0.05 level as the obtained F=67.25*. The comparison of pre and post test of breath holding capacity mean on experimental group was 52.70± 58.30 and control group was 53.67 ± 54.18 proved to be significant at 0.05 level as the obtained F=10.09* was greater than the required table F=4.01 to be significant at 0.05 level. Conclusion: The significant improvement on agility and breath holding capacity of soccer players of the experimental group might be due to the nature of exercises for six weeks and the quick physical adaptation of the soccer players. It was concluded the 6 weeks skill related fitness training was found to be effective and beneficial to soccer players.
Keywords: Skill-related fitness training, agility breath holding time
and soccer players
... es a iz n"kZ u&dkjh vius nks uks iS jks es a ls dks bZ Hkh iz eq [k iS j dk bLrs eky dj ldrk FkkA iz n"kZ u&dkjh vius iz eq [k ¼"kfDr"kkyh½ iS j dks tehu es a j[kdj [kM+ k gq q vk vkS j nq ljs iS j ds ry dks ?kq Vus ij ys dj tkrk gS "kks /kkFkhZ }kjk fo/kkFkhZ dks vkns "k fn;k x;k fd vius nks uks gkFkks a dks dej es a j[kdj iz kjEHk ds la ds r ij fo/kkFkhZ ds }kjk vius iS j dh ,s M+ h dks mBkrs gq ,A iS j ds ry ij la rq yu cuk;s A la rq yu dks ftruk le; rd gks lds cuk, j[ks tc fo/kkFkhZ }kjk la ds r fn;k x;k fd og la rq yu cukus ds fy, rS ;kj gS mlh le; LVkW i okW p dks "kq : fd;k x;k tc fo/kkFkhZ vius la rq yu dh fLFkfr dks cuk;s j[kus dh fLFkfr es a ugh jgk mlh oDr LVkW i okW p dks jks d fn;k x;kA fo/kkFkhZ }kjk cuk, x, la rq yu dks ls dUM es a ekik x;k ogh mldk Ldks j FkkA (Kansal, 1996) tw M+ ks es a xfr"khy la rq yu ds ijh{k.k ds fy, la "kks f/kr ckW l ijh{k.k ...
... AAHPER Archery Skill Test was used to find out the overall significance effect among the mean of selected variables as 10 yards shooting and 20 yards shooting (Kansal 1996). [7] The criterion measures chosen for testing the hypothesis in this study have been numerical scores, which was obtained from the test.The 10 yards shooting and 20 yards shooting was recorded in points. ...
Objective: The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of Pilates exercises on fundamental skills performance of archers.
Method: A total of twenty female archers (age 16-20 year) were selected from Youth Affairs and Sports, Khuman Lampak Sport Complex, Imphal, Manipur (India) who participated national level competition. The subjects were randomly assigned into two equal groups, experimental group (n=10) and control group (n=10). The groups were measure before the intervention with the AAHPER Archery Skill Test to find out the overall significance effect among the mean of selected variables as 10 yards shooting and 20 yards shooting. After the initial test, the subjects of experimental group participated in a supervised Pilates exercise training program, where no special exercise was administered to the control group. The Pilates exercises were carried out for the period of six weeks, five days training (Monday to Friday) and 60 minutes each session.
Results: The experimental group showed improved scores in the 10 yards shooting and 20 yards shooting compared to the control group (p<0.05). The mean and standard deviation of the 10 yards shooting for pre-test and post-test of experimental group were 68.20 ± 10.08 and 94.20 ± 8.76 respectively. The values of the 20 yards shooting were 55.90 ± 13.43 and 80.10 ± 9.91 respectively. The significant improvement on fundamental skills performance of archers of the experimental group might be due to the nature of exercises for six weeks and a quick physical adaptation of the archers, which required for the development of selected exercises program.
Conclusion: It was considered that six weeks Pilates exercises training program may be effective in stabilizing the posture and improving the shooting performance of archers. Moreover, it might be quite appropriate to improvement of fundamental skills performance of archers at all.
Key Words: Pilates exercise, archer, fundamental skill, performance, physical adaptation
... To determine the sample demographic of experimental group (n=10) and control group (n=10), the researcher extracted skewness coefficient for age, height, weight, body mass index (BMI) and experience, after extracting mean, standard deviation, median and skewness for each items. The results showed sample demographic because it was between ±5 as shown in table 1. AAHPER Archery Skill Test was used to find out the overall significance effect among the mean of selected variables as 10 yards shooting and 20 yards shooting (Kansal 1996). [7] The criterion measures chosen for testing the hypothesis in this study have been numerical scores, which was obtained from the test.The 10 yards shooting and 20 yards shooting was recorded in points. ...
Storytelling is a unique human experience that enables us to convey through words and gestures,real and imagined world and our place in it.“Stories” provide a wide range of engaging, exciting, and emotional experiences.It opens unlimited possibilities of exploration and learning for children. Stories help to develop listening, speaking, and problem-solving skills.Current article illustrates use of storytelling as a pedagogy in two classrooms of an early childhood education centre, which have been selected using purposive sampling technique. The article aims to explore concepts
delivered; methods used to narrate stories and techniques used to maintain the interest of children. The Paper also
examines age-graded differences within two classrooms while using storytelling pedagogy.Using a qualitative
design, two weeks of observations were conducted in two age-graded classrooms. Results showed that the
concepts of stories centred on science concepts, self-awareness, and individual differences amongst humans.
Various methods were used for story narration ranging from freestyle; to using puppets and books. Diverse
ways were adopted to sustain children’s interest in form of voice modulation, eye contact, frequent
questioning, or seating arrangement. Each storytelling session was accompanied by post activities for further
expansion of concepts learned in stories.
... These were strength, endurance, speed, flexibility and coordinative abilities (Matwejew, 1981 andHarre, 1986 These elements of motor fitness are usually reflected in motor performances such as running, jumping, dodging, climbing, swimming, lifting weights and carrying loads for a prolonged period of time. According to (Kansal, 1996), "the individual not only physically fit but also possesses good motor control and body coordination in addition to excelling in the specific skills of his/her game of specialization." (Thakur and Sinha, 2010) pointed out that, "world"s topmost sporting nations are very much conscious on fitness factors which are supposed to play a dominant role in its future performance in sports and games." ...
The purpose of the present study was to compare the motor fitness attributes of inter university level male soccer and volleyball players of Vidyasagar University, West Bengal, India. Total thirty (N=30) inter university players, i.e. eighteen soccer players (n1=18) and twelve volleyball players (n2=12) were selected from Vidyasagar University residential coaching camps for the participation of east zone inter university soccer and volleyball tournaments respectively in the year of 2014 as subjects in this study. All the players were informed about the aim and methodology of the study and they volunteered to participate in this study. The age group of the subjects was ranged from 19 to 25 years. Age, height, weight and body mass index (BMI) were calculated as demographic characteristics of the soccer and volleyball players. The Barrow General Motor Fitness Test (1954) includes wall pass, zigzag run, medicine ball put, softball throw, standing broad jump and 60 yard dash was used to collect the data of inter university level soccer and volleyball players. The Mean, S.D. and M.D. were obtained through SPSS software. To check the difference of mean scores between soccer and volleyball players the independent t-test was applied. The level of significance was set at 0.05. The results of present study indicated that soccer players had significantly better in zigzag run and 60 yard dash (p<0.05) as compared to volleyball players but volleyball players had significantly better in six pound medicine ball put, softball throw and standing broad jump (p<0.05) than soccer players but there was no significant difference in wall pass between inter university male soccer and volleyball players.
Key words: Motor fitness, soccer player, volleyball player, BMI, wall pass, zigzag run, medicine ball put, softball throw, standing broad jump, 60 yard dash.
... The present study was tested Health Related Physical fitness and academic achievement component by various following reliable tests according to the standard. All the tests are standardized tests which were used for data collection referred from the book entitled Applied Measurement, Evaluation and Sports Selection" (Kansal, 1996). ...
of the study Integrated training module was combination of three exercises namely Balance and coordination, Yoga and Vipasana Anapan Kriya which formulated in such way for one hour for students with learning disability aged group 12 to 16 years. The main purpose of the study was to study the effect of integrated training module on muscular strength and muscular endurance of students with learning disability. The experimental design was selected for the study. For said study, according to the design of the study, Students with learning disabilities aged 12 to 16 years boys students were selected from centers of learning disabilities located Mumbai those who was studying in the various schools in the Mumbai areas. Total size of sample was Fifty-Nine (N=59) boys students selected for the study. From SVDD Secondary English Medium School, Ghatkopar, Twenty five (N=25) students were selected for Experimental Group and Thirty four (N=34) students selected from C.E.S. Michael High School, Kurla for Control Group. Pre and post data was collected for muscular strength and muscular endurance components for students with learning disability aged group 12 to 16 years. The collected data was analyses with help of One Way Anocova as per the formulation of objectives and hypothesis of the study. Muscular strength (Fy.x=4.37,df 1/56 ,p<0.05) found significant difference in adjusted mean scores and Muscular Endurance (Fy.x=1.63,df Introduction Learning disability is one of the problems faced by students in early aged. There were many types of disabilities and learning disability is one of the phases of the same. In this phase of problem, students were suffering the problems in writing, listing, reading, reasoning and problem related numbers in day to day learning process due that their academic performance is poor compared to other normal students in the class.
... The following kinematical variables were selected for the purpose of this study:-Kinematical Variables 1. Stride Length. 5 Tools-The performance of the subject's taking by filming protocol by using Casio ex-f1 high speed camera .Silicon Coach Pro-7 Motion analysis software was used for collecting raw data. Procedure-The data for the selected variables were obtained with the help of filming protocol by using Casio ex-f1 high speed camera and further analyzed by using Silicon Coach Pro-7 Motion analysis software by an expert during the sprint performance by collecting the raw data. ...
Objective-The aim of the study was to find out the Relationship of Kinematical Variables with the performance of Sprinters. Methodology: For the purpose of this study 05 male National/ All India inter University sprinters were selected as subject. The age of the subject ranged from 18-25 years. The subject selected from Lucknow, Allahabad, and Varanasi District. The performance of the subject's taking by filming protocol by using Casio ex-f1 high speed camera .Silicon Coach Pro-7 Motion analysis software was used for collecting raw data. The raw data further statistically analyzed by SPSS-20 Version software. The data has been recorded only acceleration zone (50 meter distance) of the 100 meter race. There were two trials had given to the each subjects and the best trial was used for the analysis. Results: Result of the study have shown that,there was insignificant relationship found between all the selectedAll movements of living beings are governed by the laws of mechanics, as every movement is mechanical in nature involving locomotion of the body mass in space and time However, in contrast to the movements of non-living beings, which are subjected to mechanical laws, the movements of living bodies besides being governed by mechanical laws are also subjected to biological laws. Kinematical analysis is the process of measuring the kinematic quantities used to describe motion. In engineering, for instance, kinematic analysis may be used to find the range of movement for a given mechanism, and, working in reverse, kinematic synthesis designs a mechanism for a desired range of motion. In addition, kinematics applies algebraic geometry to the study of the mechanical advantage of a mechanical system or mechanism. Athletics is an exclusive collection of sporting events that involve competitive running, jumping, throwing, and walking. The most common types of athletics competitions are track and field, road running, cross country running, and walking. The simplicity of the competitions, and the lack of a need for expensive equipment, makes athletics one of the most commonly competed sports in the world. Athletics is mostly an individual sport, with the exception of relay races and competitions which combine athletes' performances for a team score, such as cross country. Sprinting is the fullest form of running performed over short distance in which maximum or near maximum effort can be sustained. Sprinting figures in the program of all major athletic championships including the Olympic game, in which the standard sprint event for men and women are the 100m, 200m, 400m, hurdle, as well as 4×100m and well as 4×400m relay. Stride Length-It is the linear distance from the point of heel strike of one lower extremity to the next heel strike of the same extremity. Stride Frequency-Stride frequency corresponds to the number strides that are completed in a specified time period. Running is a cyclic movement in which two
... Motor qualities such as speed, strength, explosive power, endurance, and flexibility are essential for excellence in sports. Sports trainers lay heavy emphasis on improving the physical fitness and motor qualities of the players, which is also conditioning program [7]. ...
The purpose of the study was to analysis of selected bio motor qualities between Kabaddi and Kho-Kho players. To achieve the purpose of the study 60 men Kabaddi (n=30) and Kho-Kho (n=30) players, who were participated intercollegiate tournament in the Manonmaniam Sundaranar University intercollegiate competitions, Tirunelveli during academic year of 2017-2018 were selected. The selected players' age were ranged from 18-25 years. The selected bio motor qualities variables for this study were speed, agility and muscular strength of Kabaddi and Kho-Kho players. The selected variables were tested with standardized test items. The speed was assessed by 50 meter dash, agility was assessed by 4X10m shuttle run and muscular strength was assessed by bent knee sit-ups. The static group comparison design was employed for the study. The collected data were statistically analyzed by using independent't' test. In this case .05level of significance was used to test the hypothesis. It is concluded that there was a significant differences exists between Kabaddi and Kho-Kho players on selected bio motor qualities such as speed, agility and muscular strength.
... Height (cm) was determined using a wall scale and a Broca plane with the head held in the Frankfort plane. BMI was Micky Oloo Olutende, Maximilla N. Wanzala, Anthony Muchiri Wangui, Edwin Kadima Wamukoya COMPARATIVE STUDY OF ANTHROPOMETRICS, BLOOD PRESSURE PHENOTYPES AND BIOMOTOR VARIABLES AMONG SPORTS AND NON-SPORTS UNIVERSITY STUDENTS European Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science -Volume 5 │ Issue 9 │ 2019 56 calculated by using the following formula given by Adolphe Quetelet (Verma and Mokha (1994), Kansal (1996Kansal ( & 2008; BMI = Mass (Kg) / [Height in meters] ² ...
The aim of this investigation was to compare anthropometric, blood pressure phenotypes and bio-motor variables between sports and non-sports university students aged 21.4 ± 2.1 years (mean ± s) and also to study the discriminating power of selected anthropometric and bio-motor variables among university students in the two groups (sports n=119 and non-sports n=166) in Kenya. Cross-Sectional analytical study design was used in the study. University students randomly selected in both groups (n = 285) volunteered as subjects. Anthropometric parameters assessed included body mass, height, and body fat percentage. The bio-motor variables assessed included upper body endurance and abdominal endurance. Blood pressure phenotypes assessed included pulse rate and mean arterial blood pressure which was computed from systolic and diastolic blood pressures. Multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) and Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) were used for analysis in Statistical packages for social science version 25. The results showed that the non-sports group had a numerically high BMI and body fat percentage (23.4; 22.2) compared to the sports group (19.8; 17.5). With regards to blood pressure, the mean arterial blood pressure and pulse rate of the non-sports group was high (87.9; 83.3) compared to the sports group (85.9; 75.2). The multivariate test of differences in groups as a result of the linear combination of all predictor variables showed that the mean vectors for the two groups were significant means (marginal means) showed that there were statistically significant differences adjusted for age between the sports and non-sports groups in all dependent variables(p<0.05) except Mean arterial blood pressure (f (2,282) =.988, p=.321). Results from the LDA yielded only one significant function and all six variables significantly contributed to the discriminant analysis (Wilks A = 0.639, x 2 = 125.34, df=6, p < 0.01, R 2 = .36). The structure coefficients of all variables were greater than 0.25. The original classification summary showed that 81.8% of the cases were correctly classified in their respective group. In conclusion, the anthropometric, bio-motor and blood pressure phenotypes of sports students were significantly different from non-sports students. The study recommended that well-planned programs of physical and mental health should be initiated in all educational institutes.
... Tools Used for the Present Study 1. Calculating of Body Mass Index (BMI).Equipments: Anthropometric rod to measure the height and weighing machine to measure weight of the subjects BMI was calculated by using the following formula given by Adolphe Quetelet. (Verma and Mokha (1994),Kansal (1996Kansal ( & 2008.BMI = Mass (Kg) / [Height in cms] ² Standing Height:Height of the subjects was measured by anthropometric rod to check the standing height of the subjects. The measurement was recorded to the minimum 0.1cms. ...
In the present study, an attempt has been made to compare physical fitness components namely agility, speed, strength and flexibility between Sports persons and Non-sports persons belonging to rural and urban setups of District Srinagar of Jammu and Kashmir State. The sample for the present study comprised of 157 Sports persons and 145 Non Sports Persons who were in the age group of 16-24 years was adopted for the study. The data was analyzed by using mean, S.D and t test. Significant mean differences were found in physical fitness levels of Sports persons in comparison to Non-sports persons. The result indicated that Sports persons were found to have less BMI and Fat percentage than Non-sports person hence are physically fit.
The aim of the study was to find out the effect of Ashtanga Yoga practice on psycho-physical fitness variables on men. For the purpose of the study 20 men from Vishwanand Yoga Kendra, Pune, Maharashtra were randomly selected as subjects for the study, The Single Group Experimental research design was framed for this study. The selected sample underwent one month of AshtangaYoga practice five days in a week for one-hour duration. Pre test and post-test were conducted on the selected psycho-physical fitness variables of men such as Anxiety, Depression, Stress, Flexibility, Body Mass Index. The mean, standard deviation and ‘t’ test were calculated, and the level of significance was set at 0.05. The results showed the significant mean difference in Anxiety level, Depression level, Stress level, Flexibility, and Fat level, of the subjects after 8 weeks of Ashtanga Yoga practice. In conclusion, it appeared that the Ashtanga Yoga practice program resulted in improvement of psycho-physical fitness in men.
The Purpose of the study was to compare the selected Physical and Physiological variables of High and Low Performance of Men Table Tennis Players. For the purpose of the study fifteen university (15) and fifteen non-university (15), male table tennis players were selected. Their age was ranged between 18-25 years. The selected physical and physiological variables were BMI (body mass index), flexibility, and Vital Capacity. Flexibility was measured through Sit and Reach Test, BMI was measured through a Bioelectrical Impedance analyzer and vital capacity was measured through Spirometer. The flexibility of the subjects was measured in centimeters. Body Mass Index of subjects was measured latent scores. Vital capacity of the subjects was measured in liters. Mean and standard deviation was used as descriptive statistics and an independent t-test was as a statistical technique in the study. The level of significance was set at 0.05. The result showed no significant difference in Body Mass Index and Flexibility between the university and non-university players but showed a significant difference in Vital Capacity.
The study was to compare the Physical fitness status of Physical Education and Non-Physical Education students of S.G.G.S. Khalsa College Mahilpur. The AAHPER (1976) Youth Physical Fitness Test (Six Test Item: Pull-up, Sit-up, Shuttle Run, Standing Broad Jump, 50 yard Dash and 600 Yard Run/Walk) was conducted on 50 male students ranging between 18 to 25 years (25 Physical Education
and 25 Non- Physical Education students). To compare the mean differences between physical education and Non-physical students‘t’ test was computed with the help of SPSS Software. The level of significance chosen was .05. There were significant differences obtained between physical education and Non-physical education students. The finding reveals that physical education students are superior in their physical fitness than their counterparts.
Objectives: The main purpose of the study was to compare the selected Physical Fitness components (Agility, Flexibility and Muscular Endurance) between state level Kho-Kho players and professional Chhau Dancers. Methodology: To accomplish these study total 70 female subjects (35 Kho-Kho players & 35 Chhau Dancers) were randomly selected for this study. Kho-Kho players who participated in state level competition from different districts of West Bengal were selected for this study as subjects. Chhau Dancers were selected as subject from Purulia District and they were 5 years practitioner. The ages of the subjects were ranges between 18 to 25 years. Selected Physical Fitness component (Agility, Flexibility and Muscular Endurance) were the criterion measured for this study. All Selected criterion were measured through different standard test. Descriptive statistics (mean and standard divination) and independent t – test was used for data analysis and interpretation. Significant differences were considered at > 0.05 level of confidence. Results: Statistical calculation of the gathered data showed that there were no significant differences between State Level Kho-Kho Players and Professional Chhau Dancers in relation to Agility, Flexibility and Muscular Endurance at 0.05 level of significance. Conclusions: It was concluded that in respect of Agility and Flexibility Chhau Dancers were better in compare to Kho-Kho players. But in case of Muscular Endurance Kho-Kho players were better than Chhau Dancers.
The purpose of this study was to find out correlation between Independent
Variables (Cardiovascular Endurance, Flexibility, Agility, Speed and Explosive Strength)
and Dependent Variable (Kabaddi Performance). To study the joint contribution of
Independent Variables in predicting Dependent variable and to establish regression
equation for predicting Dependent Variable on the basis of Independent Variables. Selected
Variables were Endurance, Flexibility, Agility, Speed and Explosive Strength (Independent
Variables). Methodology: - for this study 30 University level male Kabaddi players from
GGV, Bilaspur (C. G.) were selected. Age of the subjects was ranging between 16 to 21 years.
Kabaddi Performance was considered as Dependent Variable. The selected physical fitness
Variables were measured by different tests. To find out correlation between Independent
Variables (Cardiovascular Endurance, Flexibility, Agility, Speed and Explosive Strength)
and Dependent Variable (Kabaddi Performance), Product Moment Method of correlation
was used. To study the joint contribution of Independent Variables in estimating
Dependent Variable, Multiple correlation method was used. Regression equation was
established for predicting Dependent Variable on the basis of Independent Variables.
Findings: - There exists a significant relationship between Kabaddi Performance and
Cardiovascular Endurance . Agility and Explosive Strength. There exists an insignificants
relationship between Kabaddi Performance and Flexibility and Speed. Regression equation
for Kabaddi Performance, Cardiovascular Endurance, Flexibility, Agility Speed and
Explosive Strength was found fructiferous in estimating Kabaddi Performance on the basis
of selected Independent variables (Cardiovascular Endurance, Flexibility, Agility, Speed,
Explosive Strength).
Purpose: The main purpose of this study was to analysis the
flexibility and muscular endurance between football and hockey
Methods: A total 40 players were selected as subjects randomly
(each game 20 players i.e. Football and Hockey) from Manipur
University who participated in National level competitions, and their
age ranged between 20 to 26 years. For this study, flexibility (sit and
reach) and muscular endurance (bent knee sit-ups) was
administered to collect data. The collected data was analyzed in the
SPSS platform by using descriptive statistics and independent-t test
at a level of significance of 0.05.
Conclusions: It was concluded that there was insignificant
difference found in flexibility between football and hockey players.
Further, there was significant difference found in muscular
endurance between football and hockey players.Football players
performed slightly better in both fitness components.
Keywords: Muscular Endurance, Flexibility, Hockey, Football.
The main purpose of the study was to study the effect of selected exercises on flexibility and coordination of volleyball players. The age of the players was ranging from 17-22 years. Only 40 male players were selected for the study. A total period of six weeks training was administered on the experimental groups. The subjects were selected from Kulgam district of Jammu and Kashmir volleyball players. The variables selected for this study were trunk flexibility, eye hand coordination and eye foot coordination. 't' test was used for analysis of data at 0.05 level of significance. It was hypothesized that there might be a significant effect of certain selected exercises on flexibility and coordination of basketball players.
To achieve the purpose of this study 40 male college level volleyball players who were in various colleges of tehsil Devsar of district Kulgam, Jammu and Kashmir were randomly selected as subjects. The age ranged from 17-23. The selected subjects were divided into two groups and each group consists of 20 subjects, that is 20 subjects for experimental group and 20 subjects for control group.
Purpose: This study's main purpose was to analyze the flexibility and muscular endurance between football and hockey players. Methods: A total of 40 players were selected as subjects randomly (each game 20 players i.e. Football and Hockey) from Manipur University who participated in National level competitions, and their ages ranged between 20 to 26 years. For this study, flexibility (sit and reach) and muscular endurance (bent knee sit-ups) were administered to collect data. The collected data were analyzed in the SPSS platform by using descriptive statistics and independent-t test at a level of significance of 0.05. Results: Revealed that mean and standard deviation of flexibility between football and hockey players were 39.15 8.73and34.95 7.64, the 6.60 and 36.25 significance. Conclusions: It was concluded that there was an insignificant difference found in flexibility between football and hockey players. Further, there was a significant difference found in muscular endurance between football and hockey players. Football players performed slightly better in both fitness components.
The ergonomics is one of the key factors in any service sector where the workers are involved in physical work. The physical strength of an individual is dependent on the human artefacts which may help the system to recruit the suitable person to right place. The present study comprises the body flexibility (Bf) of the servicemen associated to Indian railway. Four inputs i.e. age, height, weight, and waist of all recruited participants are measured and conduct the sit and reach test (S-R test) for the Bf. The statistical analysis is performed for investigating the significance of the inputs on the Bf. Statistically, the inputs Ag (P=0.002), Wg, (P=0.030), and Wa-g (P=0.001) are individually significant whereas the interactional relation of Hg with Ag (P=0.008) and Hg with Wa-g (P≤0.001) is reported. The Bf of Tall Hg is grown up gradually with Ag but it was 20.47% lesser than the maximum Bf. Simultaneously, with the increase in Wa-g of all Hg, the degradation in the Bf is reported.
The purpose of this study was to compare shoulder strength and leg power between Kabaddi and Athletics players. The male subjects for the study were chosen by the present researchers. The participants in the study were those who competed in inter-college district tournaments. The participants were between the ages of 18-25 years. Twenty players from each of the games Athletics (n=20) and Kabaddi (n=20) were chosen by the researchers. A simple random sampling method was used to select the 40 subjects. The researchers used the Standing Broad Jump to collect data on leg power, which was measured in meters. Pull-ups were used to test shoulder strength, and the total number of pull-ups was counted. The statistical package SPSS was used to compare shoulder strength and leg power of Kabaddi and Athletics players and used the mean, standard deviation, and independent t-test. The level of significance was set at 0.05 to test the hypothesis. The findings show that the strength of the shoulders did not differ significantly between Kabaddi and Athletics players. Also, no significant difference was found in leg power between Kabaddi and Athletics players.
About the Book: This book compiled with quality research papers of the Two Day International E-Conference on “Trends Issues and Development of Physical Education and Sports” under the theme of “All round development of human personality” jointly organised by Department of Physical Education and Sports Science, Fit India Campaign Committee and Fit India Club, Manipur University, Canchipur in collaboration with National Association of Physical Education and Sports Science (NAPESS). This book has been undertaken by the organisers to share the knowledge of the professionals through their research papers and to exchange their experience and research finding area in the field of physical educational and sports science.
This is the book of the reviews on the concrete solutions to the permanent problems in the physical education and sports science. It is a humble energy to bind the drowning talents of physical education and sports. We express our gratitude, to those humble physical education teachers, research scholars, students, sports lovers, coaches, and sports administrators, who made this chance.
Dr. L.Santosh Singh
The aim of the study is to compare the muscular strength and muscular endurance among team sports. In this study, the subjects for data collection were drawn from the Community Development Society (CDS), Uripok, Sorbon Thingel, Imphal West, Manipur and Bishnupur Hockey (BH), Bishnupur District, Manipur, Simple random sampling technique was used to select the subjects. The age of the subjects ranged between 12-16 years. The sample consisted of 30 (thirty) male players. The study involved players who attended a regular practices programme in the Community Development Society (CDS), Uripok Sorbon Thingel, Imphal West, Manipur and Bishnupur Hockey (BH), Bishnupur District, Manipur. Fifteen (N1=15) male players from football and Fifteen (N2=15) male players from hockey. To find out the muscular strength and muscular endurance between the football and hockey players. Comparative study of muscular strength and muscular endurance among team sports was used for this purpose of the study. To find out the significant differences between the football and hockey players of Manipur the independent't'-test statistical technique was employed. The level of significance was set at 0.05. The result showed that there is significance difference between the football and hockey players in muscular strength whereas muscular endurance was insignificant difference between football and hockey players with regard comparative study of muscular strength and muscular endurance among team sports. Muscular strength t.05 (28) =2.048<5.16 and muscular endurance t.05 (28) =2.048<1.20
Keywords: Physical Fitness, Muscular Strength, Muscular Endurance, Football, Hockey, Team Sports.
The aim of the study is to compare the muscular strength and muscular endurance among team sports. In this study, the subjects for data collection were drawn from the Community Development Society (CDS), Uripok, Sorbon Thingel, Imphal West, Manipur and Bishnupur Hockey (BH), Bishnupur District, Manipur, Simple random sampling technique was used to select the subjects. The age of the subjects ranged between 12-16 years. The sample consisted of 30 (thirty) male players. The study involved players who attended a regular practices programme in the Community Development Society (CDS), Uripok Sorbon Thingel, Imphal West, Manipur and Bishnupur Hockey (BH), Bishnupur District, Manipur. Fifteen (N1=15) male players from football and Fifteen (N2=15) male players from hockey. To find out the muscular strength and muscular endurance between the football and hockey players. Comparative study of muscular strength and muscular endurance among team sports was used for this purpose of the study. To find out the significant differences between the football and hockey players of Manipur the independent't'-test statistical technique was employed. The level of significance was set at 0.05. The result showed that there is significance difference between the football and hockey players in muscular strength whereas muscular endurance was insignificant difference between football and hockey players with regard comparative study of muscular strength and muscular endurance among team sports. Muscular strength t.05 (28) =2.048<5.16 and muscular endurance t.05 (28) =2.048<1.20
Keywords: Physical Fitness, Muscular Strength, Muscular Endurance, Football, Hockey, Team Sports.
Introduction: Learning starts when an individual born and ends when he dies (Aristotle). Aerobic means, with oxygen during aerobic exercise a large portion of the required energy is obtained from the aerobic energy system. (Reid and Thomson, 2003), the aerobic capacity is the maximal amount of energy that can be produced by the system. (Stratton et al., 2004), reveals that the resistance training schedule is designed particularly to improve muscular strength and endurance through increased workload. Purpose: The purpose of this investigation was to find out the effect of three different trainings on the selected variables among over weight males from pre to post test. Method: Sixty subjects was selected for this study. The participants were segregated in three groups namely, strength training group, aerobics training group, and strength training cum aerobic training group.(strength training total subjects N=20), (aerobic training total subjects N=20), and (strength training cum aerobic training total subjects N=20), age group between 18 to 22 years. 12 weeks trainings were employed on the participants, 45 minutes of training per session, weekly two times. Pre and post test was conducted before and after the training protocol. The selected variables for this study is as follows; body composition (body mass index), blood pressure (systolic & diastolic pressure), anthropometric measurements (waist and hip circumference), muscular strength (bench press 1RM), muscular endurance (sit-ups test), flexibility (sit and reach test), speed (50M sprint), muscular power (standing broad jump). Statistical application; To compare the mean RESEARCH ARTICLE ABSTRACT Indian Journal Of Natural Sciences www.tnsroindia.org. © IJONS Vol.6 / Issue 33 / December 2015 International Bimonthly ISSN: 0976-0997 10368 differences from pre to post test, mean, standard deviation and't'-tests will be computed by the help of Statistica Software. Results and Discussion: The analyzing of data shows an improved performance with regard to the strength training, aerobic training and combined training protocols on the selected fitness variables among over weight males. Moreover the strength training group had not shown any changes with regard to the blood pressure and shows significant changes regard to body composition and waist and hip line. Aerobic training group had shows significant changes among the subjects with regard to the body composition, blood pressure, and anthropometric measurements. The combined training group had shows significant changes in body composition, anthropometric circumference and insignificant changes in blood pressure. Furthermore the combined training group had shows greater performance in the selected fitness variables, body composition and anthropometric circumference. Conclusion: It is concluded that the combined training program is more effective protocol in enhancing fitness level and improving health of the overweight males.
The purpose of the study was to compare the motor abilities between the state level players of football and hockey. In this study, the subjects for data collection were drawn from the Iroisemba Youth Development Club, Imphal, Manipur and Meira Club Bashikhong, Imphal, Manipur. Simple random sampling technique was used to select the subjects. The age of the subjects ranged between 12-18 years. The sample consisted of 30 male players who have been regular practices in the Iroisemba Youth Development Club, Imphal, Manipur and Meira Club, Bashikhong, Imphal, Manipur. Fifteen (N1=15) male players from football and fifteen (N2=15) male players from hockey.To find out the motor abilities between the football players and hockey players. Talent identification on selected motor abilities between football players and hockey playerswas used for this purpose of the study. To find out the significant differences between the football players and hockey players of Manipur the independent't'-test statistical technique was employed. The level of significance was set at 0.05. The result showed that there is no significance difference between the football players and hockey players in bend knee sit-ups and 50 meter dash respectively whereas standing broad jump was significant difference between football player and hockey players with regard to talent identification on selected motor abilities between football and hockey players.(Bend Knee Sit-Ups t.05 (28) =2.048>.748, Standing Broad Jump t.05 (28) =2.048<2.49 and 50 Meter Dash t.05 (28) =2.048>.951)
The present study was conducted to Compared the General Motor Ability Test among the state level female players of Judo and Wushu. In this study, the subjects for data collection were drawn from the SAI Centre Imphal. Random sampling technique was used to select the subjects. The sample consisted of 30 female players who have been participated in the state level competition of Manipur fifteen (15) from Judo Players and fifteen (15) from Wushu Players. To find out the Physical Fitness among the selected combative Sport, the General Motor Ability Test Phillip's J.C.R Test was used for the purpose of the study. To find out the significant differences among State Level Female Judo and Wushu players of Manipur the independent t-test statistical techniques was employed. The level of significance was set at 0.05level. The result showed that there was significant difference found between the Judo and Wushu players of Manipur.
The world of games and sports has crossed many milestones, as a result of different achievements in general and their application in the field of sports in particular. Scientific investigation into performance of sportsman has been playing an increasingly importance role to attain excellence of performance in different sports. Now the sportsman has been able to give outstanding performance because of involvement of new scientifically substantiated training methods and means of execution of sports exercise such as sports techniques and tactics. The purpose of the study was to investigate the difference on Anthropometric and the kinesthetic sense between state level volleyball and Football players. For the purpose of the study 20 state level volleyball player were selected from Hooghly and North 24pgs District, West Bengal and 20 state level Football players were selected from Burdwan, Bankura, North24pgs District, West Bengal. The age of the subjects were in between 19-22 year were selected as the subjects for this study. Arm length, leg length, Waist girth, Calf girth and kinesthetic sense were considered as the variables of the study. Student "t` test was applied to calculate the collected data at 0.05 level of significance. The result showed that there was no significant difference in Calf girth between state level volleyball players and Football players and significant different in Arm length, leg length, Waist girth, kinesthetic sense between state level volleyball players and Football players.
The world of games and sports has crossed many milestones, as a result of different achievements in general and their application in the field of sports in particular. Scientific investigation into performance of sportsman has been playing an increasingly importance role to attain excellence of performance in different sports. Now the sportsman has been able to give outstanding performance because of involvement of new scientifically substantiated training methods and means of execution of sports exercise such as sports techniques and tactics. The purpose of the study was to investigate the difference on Anthropometric and the kinesthetic sense between state level volleyball and Football players. For the purpose of the study 20 state level volleyball player were selected from Hooghly and North 24pgs District, West Bengal and 20 state level Football players were selected from Burdwan, Bankura, North24pgs District, West Bengal. The age of the subjects were in between 19-22 year were selected as the subjects for this study. Arm length, leg length, Waist girth, Calf girth and kinesthetic sense were considered as the variables of the study. Student "t` test was applied to calculate the collected data at 0.05 level of significance. The result showed that there was no significant difference in Calf girth between state level volleyball players and Football players and significant different in Arm length, leg length, Waist girth, kinesthetic sense between state level volleyball players and Football players.
A sport is as old as human society and it has achieved a universal following in the modern times. It now enjoys a popularity which out strips any other form of social activity. It has become an integral part of the educational process. The purpose of the study was to investigate the differences on coordinative ability among different positional volleyball players. For the purpose of the study 20 district level Spikie 20 district level Setter and 20 district level Lliberoin volleyball were selected from Baksara anusilan Chakra (Howrah), Naihati Athletic Club and Bolpur Young town Club, Town Club (Bolpur) in West Bengal were randomly selected for this study. The age of the subjects was 14-18 years. Coordinative ability was considered as the variables of the study. ANOVA' was applied to calculate the collected data at 0.05 level of significant and to indentify the significance differences among the means critical difference was used as a Post-hoc test. The result showed that there was no significant difference on Coordinative ability among spikier, setter, and libero in Volleyball but spikier was better than setter and libero and setter was also higher Coordinative ability than libero.
The objective of the study was to find out the Effect of High Intensity Interval Training and Speed Endurance Training on Agility of Football Players. For the purpose of study Seventy Five male district level football players, aged between 18-25 years, were randomly selected from Birbhum, WB. Twenty five were randomly selected for high intensity interval training (HIIT) group, Twenty five were randomly selected for Speed endurance training (SET) group and twenty five were selected as the control group for the study. Agility was considered as the variable for the study. Eight weeks high intensity interval training (HIIT) and Speed endurance training (SET) were administered to the experimental groups. The data was computed by descriptive statistics, ANCOVA and LSD post-hoc test. The result of the study revealed that the HIIT group and SET group significantly improve the agility of the football players.
In the present study, an attempt has been made to compare physical fitness namely muscular endurance between students belonging to government and non government school. The study is carried out on 40 male students, 20 students of Kashishwar inter collage Lucknow and 20 students of st. John vianney school of Lucknow. Subject was selected from 7th standard within the age group of 13 to 16 years from govt. and non govt school. The data was collected by application of test like bent knee shit ups. The data are analyzed and compared with the help of statistical procedures in which arithmetic mean, standard deviation (S.D), standard error of mean (SEM), t-test were employed. Government school students were found to be superior in muscular endurance.
Objective: The aim of the study was to compare Stride Length and Stride rate during sprint performance in acceleration zone. Methodology: For the purpose of this study 05 male National/ All India inter University sprinters were selected as subject. The age of the subject ranged from 18-25 years. The subject selected from Lucknow, Allahabad, and Varanasi District. The performance of the subject's taking by filming protocol by using Casio ex-f1 high speed camera. Silicon Coach Pro-7 Motion analysis software was used for collecting raw data. The data was calculated in meter and hertz. The data for the selected variables were obtained with the help of filming protocol by using Casio ex-f1 high speed camera and further analyzed by using Silicon Coach Pro-7 Motion analysis software by an expert during the sprint performance. The data has been recorded only acceleration zone (50 meter distance) of the 100 meter race. There were two trials had given to the each subjects and the best trial was used for the analysis. Results of the study have shown that, mean value of Stride Length (4.2080) is higher than the stride rate (2.150). This means that the Stride Length plays important role in sprint Performance in acceleration zone. The acceleration phase is the most important phase in a race. During this phase, after the sprinter has left the blocks, the athlete increases the length of their stride and decreases the amount of strides taken per second. Conclusion: Stride Length showed the higher affective variable which influence the Performance than Stride Rate. Acceleration Zone is the most important phase in the race.in this phase the athlete increases the length of their stride and decreases the amount of strides taken per second. Introduction All movements of living beings are governed by the laws of mechanics, as every movement is mechanical in nature involving locomotion of the body mass in space and time However, in contrast to the movements of non-living beings, which are subjected to mechanical laws, the movements of living bodies besides being governed by mechanical laws are also subjected to biological laws. Kinematical analysis is the process of measuring the kinematic quantities used to describe motion. In engineering, for instance, kinematic analysis may be used to find the range of movement for a given mechanism, and, working in reverse, kinematic synthesis designs a mechanism for a desired range of motion. In addition, kinematics applies algebraic geometry to the study of the mechanical advantage of a mechanical system or mechanism. Athletics is an exclusive collection of sporting events that involve competitive running, jumping, throwing, and walking. The most common types of athletics competitions are track and field, road running, cross country running, and walking. The simplicity of the competitions, and the lack of a need for expensive equipment, makes athletics one of the most commonly competed sports in the world. Athletics is mostly an individual sport, with the exception of relay races and competitions which combine athletes' performances for a team score, such as cross country. Sprinting is the fullest form of running performed over short distance in which maximum or near maximum effort can be sustained. Sprinting figures in the program of all major athletic championships including the Olympic game, in which the standard sprint event for men and women are the 100m, 200m, 400m, hurdle, as well as 4×100m and well as 4×400m relay. Stride Length-It is the linear distance from the point of heel strike of one lower extremity to the next heel strike of the same extremity. Stride Rate-Number of strides taken per unit of time.
The goal of this study was to find out the change of direction with short quick sprint training on acceleration and agility among women soccer players. To achieve the purpose of this study, twenty women soccer players were randomly selected as participants from Rani Anna Government College for Women’s, Tirunelveli District, Tamilnadu, India. Their age were ranged from 18 to 25 years, who were participated intercollegiate tournament in the Manonmaniam Sundaranar University intercollegiate competitions during the academic year of 2018-2019. The selected participants were randomly divided into two groups such as Group ‘I’ underwent change of direction with short quick sprint training (n=10) and Group ‘II’ acted as control group (n-10). Group ‘I’ underwent change of direction with short quick sprint training for three alternative days and one session per day and each session lasted for an hour for six week period. Group ‘II’ was not exposed to any specific training but they were participated in regular activities. The data on acceleration was measured by 30 meters acceleration test (seconds) and agility was measured by Illinois Agility Test (seconds). The pre and post- tests data were collected on selected criterion variables prior to and immediately after the training programme. The pre and post-tests scores were statistically examined by the dependent‘t’ test and Analysis of co-variance (ANCOVA) for each and every selected variables separately. It was concluded that the change of direction with short quick sprint training group were improved on acceleration and agility when compared to the control group. However the control group had not shown any significant improvement on selected dependent variables such as acceleration and agility.
Background: Circuit training and Yogasana are good for the development of physical and physiological fitness of an individual. These training methods are useful to develop the individual’s fitness component like strength, speed, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility and agility as well as physiological components like Forced Vital Capacity (FVC), Inspiratory Capacity (IC) and Expiratory Capacity (EC). Thus, this study was planned to find out the variation of cardiovascular endurance, inspiratory capacity and forced vital capacity among sport persons through circuit training and Yogasana practice in different Prakriti individuals. Materials and Methods: 60 young and healthy male of age group 18-28 years, inter university level sport players were selected and divided into three groups, two experimental group (Yogasana and circuit training group) and one control group. Prakriti of each player was determined by the standard proforma. Harvard step test and PFT was done before and after completion of intervention. Result: After intervention significant changes were found in cardiovascular endurance, forced vital capacity and inspiratory capacity. Pair wise comparison of groups resulted in significant difference between circuit training group v/s control group and Yogasana group v/s control group in FVC and IC, circuit training group v/s Yogasana groups in IC. On Prakriti wise analysis significant changes were observed in all the three parameters of all Prakriti players of circuit training group while, Yogasana group showed significant difference in different parameters. No change was found in control group. Conclusion: Circuit training and Yogasana practices produced almost similar response on all studied parameters.
The Kabaddi players of the Vidarbha playing at senior level Kabaddi tournaments were considered as the total population of the study. The total population convenience sampling method was used to select the sample for the current study. The data was collected from total of 500 samples who participated at various college, club and association during 2011 to 2012. After step wise data collection, they were processed through a series of statistical analysis. The descriptive statistics of the collected score was done. The mean, median, and standard deviation was calculated. To find out the normality of the scores the skewness and the kurtosis were found out. Some of the scores from the data were removed as they were outliers. The outliers were found with the help of box plots through SPSS. The percentile method was used to create norms. The present norms of 9 physical fitness performance finally selected test items indicate that the distribution of scores of almost all the test items resides in the normal range of probability curve. The raw data was further converted into standard scores for the combining or comparing scores.
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