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The Stream Subsurface: Nitrogen Cycling and the Cleansing Function of Hyporheic Zones


Abstract and Figures

Nitrogen is an element essential to plant growth and ecosystem productivity. Excess nitrogen, however, is a common water pollutant. It can lead to algal blooms that deplete the water's dissolved oxygen, creating " dead zones " devoid of fish and aquatic insects. Previous research showed that the subsurface area of a stream, known as the hyporheic zone, regulated amounts of waterborne nitrogen, but the nature of that role was unclear. Forest Service and university scientists undertook a suite of experiments to learn what factors determine if the hyporheic zone will be source or a sink for nitrogen. They conducted a field study using a nitrogen isotope to monitor the flow path of water through the hyporheic zone of a gravel bar in a Willamette Valley stream. This experiment confirmed that the hyporheic zone can be either a net source or a net sink of nitrate—a reactive bioavailable form of nitrogen. Further analysis revealed that the residence time of water and uptake rate of oxygen by microorganisms in the hyporheic zone determine if this subsurface area functions as a nitrate source or sink. The scientists then developed a theoretical framework to predict this nitrate source or sink potential of any hyporheic zone. Using this kind of information, stream restoration projects could be designed to maximize the self-cleansing process of hyporheic zones and help control water pollution.
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“Science affects the way we think together.
Lewis Thomas
Nitrogen is an element essential to plant
growth and ecosystem productivity.
Excess nitrogen, however, is a common
water pollutant. It can lead to algal
blooms that deplete the water’s dissolved
oxygen, creating “ dead zones” devoid of
fish and aquatic insects.
Previous research showed that the
subsurface area of a stream, known as
the hyporheic zone, regulated amounts
of waterborne nitrogen, but the nature of
that role was unclear. Forest Service and
university scientists undertook a suite
of experiments to learn what factors
determine if the hyporheic zone will be
source or a sink for nitrogen.
They conducted a f ield study using a
nitrogen isotope to monitor the flow path
of water through the hyporheic zone of a
gravel bar in a Willamette Valley stream.
This experiment conf irmed that the
hyporheic zone can be either a net source
or a net sink of nitrate— a reactive
bioavailable form of nitrogen. Further
analysis revealed that the residence
time of water and uptake rate of oxygen
by microorganisms in the hyporheic
zone determine if this subsurface area
functions as a nitrate source or sink.
The scientists then developed a
theoretical framework to predict this
nitrate source or sink potential of any
hyporheic zone. Using this kind of
information, stream restoration projects
could be designed to maximize the self-
cleansing process of hyporheic zones and
help control water pollution.
The Stream Subsurface: Nitrogen Cycling and the Cleansing
Function of Hyporheic Zones
United States Department of Agriculture
Forest Service
issue one hundred sixty six / oc tober 2014
What Happens in the Hyporheic Zone?........... 3
Hydrology or Biology?........................................ 3
Looking for Patterns Across Time................. 4
Pacific Northwest
Research Station
Researchers prepare an experiment that traced the subsurface flow
of water through a gravel bar to determine which mechanisms con-
trol a stream’s denitrification process.
Jay Zarnetske
“When you put
your hand in a
flowing stream, you
touch the last that
has gone before and
the first of what is still
to c ome ."
—Leona rdo da Vinci
Imagine molecules of
water in a stream, bil-
lions upon billions
flowing downstream every
second. Imagine these mol-
ecules hitting a gravel bar.
Most molecules adjust course,
flowing around the diversion,
but some flow into the gravel
bar. As they enter the sub-
surface, or hyporheic zone,
their f low slows dramatically.
On this particular day, it
will take 27 hours for these
molecules to move through
a 16-foot long gravel bar in a
small stream sur rounded by
agricultural land in Oregon’s
Willamette Valley.
Any pollutants dissolved in the stream water
also are carried into the hyporheic zone. In
the slow underground f low, these pollut-
ants come into intimate contact with films
of bacteria and other microorganisms that
coat the surfaces of each grain of sediment.
These microorganisms can feed on organic
carbon dissolved in the water, initiating bio-
chemical reactions that can inf luence water
quality downstream.
Nitrogen is a common water pollutant. It is
also a naturally occurring element, essential
to plant growth and stream productivity.
Natural systems are able to produce bio-
available forms of nitrogen and to process
it. Problems arise when the natural system
is overloaded with nitrogen. Humans have
approximately doubled the amount of nitrogen
entering the world’s ecosystems each year.
Sources of nitrogen pollution include runoff
• Thehyporheiczoneinstreamscanbeasourceorsinkofbioavailablenitrogeninthe
form of nitrate (NO3).
• Thedistinctionbetweennetnitrificationandnetdenitrificationdependsonthe
residence time of water in the hyporheic zone and uptake rates of oxygen.
• Theamountofdenitrificationinanaerobicpor tionsofthehyporheiczoneislimitedby
the supply of dissolved organic carbon that can be readily used by microorganisms.
• Thesefindingsexplainwidelycontrastingresultsofotherstudiesthatvariously
identified the hyporheic zone as either a net source or sink of NO3.
Purpose of PNW Science Findings
To provide scientific informat ion to people who
make and i nf luence decisions about managing
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United St ates
of Agriculture
from fertilized fields and pastures. Exhaust
from cars and other internal-combustion
engines also release substantial nitrogen to the
atmosphere, which subsequently falls to earth
as acid rain. This excess nitrogen fertilizes
rivers, lakes, and oceans and can trigger algal
blooms. The algae then dies and its decompo-
sition depletes the water’s dissolved oxygen.
This contributes to near-shore “dead zones” in
lakes and oceans such as seen in the Gulf of
A team of scientists from the Pacific
Northwest Research Station (PNW), Oregon
State University (OSU), and Utah State
University (USU) developed a set of stud-
ies to better understand the nitrogen cycle
within stream hyporheic zones. These studies
focused on denitrification, a self-cleansing
process through which nitrogen pollution
can be removed from streams. Knowing the
thresholds controlling denitrification is valu-
able information that could be used to help
reduce nitrogen pollution.
The studies conducted by Steve Wondzell
(PNW); Jay Zarnetske, an OSU graduate stu-
dent at the time; Roy Haggerty (OSU); and
Michelle Baker (USU) yielded information
about the fundamental hydrologic and biogeo-
chemical processes in play. Building on these
findings, the scientists developed a model
for predicting if the hyporheic zone will be
a source or sink of nitrate (NO3). Zarnetske,
now an assistant professor at Michigan State
University, took the lead and was advised by
Wondzell and Haggerty.
The researchers focused their attention on
the stream’s hyporheic zone—where surface
stream water mixes with shallow “ground
waters” found in the streambed, gravel bars,
and shallow aquifers underlying riparian
zones. The f low of stream water through these
subsurface locations creates unique environ-
mental conditions that are distinct from true
surface and ground waters.
People have been studying denitrification
in the hyporheic zone for about 30 years,
Wondzell explains. However, quantifying
the controls on, and rate at which, hyporheic
zones help “clean” nitrogen-polluted streams
has proven difficult. In fact, studies over the
past three decades have arrived at seemingly
contradictory conclusions: some identif ied the
hyporheic zone as a net source of bioavailable
nitrogen, while other studies concluded that
the hyporheic zone was a nitrogen sink.
The denitrification studies began with a
search for a suitable stream where several
Researchers collected water samples from 11 small monitoring wells to determine the le vels of dissolved
oxygen, nitrate, ammonia, and dissolved organic carbon at different points along the gravel bar.
Vincent Adams
experiments could answer different funda-
mental questions. “Drift Creek was selected
as a candidate site because it has background
nitrate levels that are a little higher than often
found in the Willamette Valley. It’s more com-
parable to what is found east of the Rockies,”
Zarnetske explains. Further, the hydrology of
the site enabled the researchers to better track
the water th rough the hyporheic zone than in
previous studies.
“In steep mountain streams, for example, f low
paths can be dominated by a vertical dimen-
sion, moving from high points to lower points,
leaving one pool and reemerging in the next
pool downstream. It’s tricky to follow,” says
Zarnetske. “In Drift Creek, there is some
vertical movement, but a larger lateral com-
ponent that is easier to track.”
As part of the process, the scientists installed
11 small monitoring wells along the gravel
bar. They then released a small amount of a
nitrogen isotope (15NO3) into the stream and
were able to trace its progress along flow-
paths through the stream and gravel bar. “By
using a stable isotope, only a tiny amount of
nitrate needs to be added as a tracer so there
is virtually no change in the overall amount
of nitrogen in the stream. Stable isotopes are
naturally occurring and are not dangerous for
any life form,” Wondzell explains.
They collected water samples around the
clock that were later analyzed in a laborator y
to determine the levels of dissolved oxygen,
nitrate, ammonia, dissolved organic carbon,
and isotopes. The experiment revealed that
this hyporheic zone was a hot spot for nitro-
gen transformation. Nitrate was both pro-
duced within and removed from the system.
And, time spent in the hyporheic zone was
the trigger—a key threshold exists between
the production and removal functions. But
to understand how and why a stream can be
either a source or a sink for nitrate requires
understanding what happens in the hyporheic
Bacteria in the streambed get
energy by consuming or decom-
posing things that are carried by
the hyporheic flow of water,” Wondzell says.
“Bacteria will preferentially decompose the
easily digestible—the labile—forms of car-
bon. They can do it fairly quickly through an
aerobic metabolism.”
This decomposition process produces a spare
electron. Typically, oxygen is used as the
electron receptor, Wondzell explains, which
means the available oxygen is rapidly used up
if a lot of labile dissolved organic carbon is
being consumed. “Once the oxygen is used up,
the subsurface water environment becomes
anaerobic, causing a major shift in respiratory
pathways. The bacteria need to shift to a dif-
ferent terminal electron receptor because there
is no more oxygen,” says Wondzell.
“In freshwater environments, nitrate is often
the next most favorable terminal electron
receptor used by bacteria, once oxygen is
depleted,” Wondzell continues. “The res-
piration process begins using nitrate as the
terminal electron receptor.” As part of this
anaerobic process, the stream nitrate is con-
verted to dinitrogen gas, which escapes to the
atmosphere. This is considered a permanent
loss of nitrate from surface water, and if this is
a dominant process in the hyporheic zone, the
hyporheic zone is referred to as a sink because
less nitrate is coming out than went in.
Surface water supplies nitrate (NO3-), dissolved organic nitrogen (DON), and dissolved organic carbon
(DOC) to the hyporheic zone. Depending on the amount of available oxygen, microbes in the hyporheic
zone will induce chemical reactions that either produce more nitrate that stays in the stream or t ransfor ms
into nitrogen gases ( N2O and N2) that return to the atmosphere.
In this f irst study, “We wanted to look at the
factors that affect the amount of denitrifica-
tion that occurs,” says Wondzell. “If the rate
of biological activity for the bacteria and
microbes on sediment surfaces was slow rel-
ative to the rate at which water in the stream
supplies nitrogen to the subsurface, then the
limiting factor would be biological—how fast
the bacteria were munching through nitrate.
Alternatively, if the rate of biological activity
for the bacteria doing the denitrification was
very rapid, then something else would likely
limit denitrification.
The hydrology of a mountain stream,
tumbling over rocks as it rushes down-
stream, is much different than that of
a stream meandering through a field. Steep
streams have strong physical forces pushing
water through coarse sediment. “If water is
moving quickly through a hyporheic zone, it’s
well oxygenated,” Wondzell explains. “The
streambed sediment is often so coarse that
water does not become anoxic,” The avail-
able oxygen is not used up by microbial
respiration, which means that “nitrate can
actually be produced by other biogeochemi-
cal reactions, which then release it back to
the stream. In this case, the hyporheic zone
becomes a source of nitrate. This is impor-
tant in the Oregon Cascades, where produc-
tivity of mountain streams is limited by the
amount of available nitrogen,” he says.
In streams with more gradual elevation
decline, like those in a large valley, finer tex-
tured sediment particles get deposited into the
fabric of sediment that makes up a gravel bar.
The physical forces pushing the water through
sediment are weaker, and the space between
gravel particles can become plugged with sand
and clay. Overall, water moves much more
slowly through the hyporheic zones of these
streams. “If the f low path is slow, then water
becomes anoxic and the gravel bar becomes a
nitrogen sink,” Wondzell says. The longer it
takes for the water to pass through, the more
time it gives the bacteria in the biofilms that
coat the substrate sediments to remove the
Further study into the biological process at
work revealed that the amount of easily digest-
ed dissolved organic carbon limited the deni-
trif ication process. When the scientists added
labile dissolved organic carbon to the stream
study site, significantly more nitrate was
removed by the gravel bar hyporheic zone.
This told the scientists that denitrification is
tightly coupled to carbon dynamics and that
the carbon and nitrogen cycles for river sys-
tems need to be modeled as coupled processes.
Map of the Drift Creek
study site showing tracer
observation sites. The
arrow represents a sin-
gle simulated flow path
through the g ravel bar.
Where the arrow is blue,
aerobic condition s in the
hyporheic zone led to net
nitrif ication. Where the
arrow is red, anaerobic
conditions led to net
With the basic science now in hand,
the next step was to construct a
practical theoretical framework
to predict the nitrate source or sink potential
of any hyporheic zone. Land managers could
then include the hyporheic zone in stream
management designs. Stream channel restora-
tion projects could be designed, for example,
to maximize the denitrification potential of
gravel bars. The framework would also allow
for scaling across a landscape gradient, and
would be something that would work when
applied to all waterways, regardless of size.
Zarnetske approached this framework chal-
lenge with a novel perspective. “The sub-
surface environment is highly variable in
its ability to convey water and solutes, so I
thought, let’s look for patterns across time, not
across space. Ultimately, the residence time
of water in the subsurface should account for
this spatial variability.” Previous research was
spatially focused, which explains the diver-
gent findings about whether hyporheic zones
are sources or sinks for nitrate. “By using a
residence time perspective to examine where
and how the threshold varies, we can model
it in a very different way than when thinking
about what happens 1 meter versus 2 meters
into a gravel bar.
The field experiments had provided essential
data and f undamental information that the
scientists then brought back to their labs and
used to build a framework for conducting
simulations. “Using theor y implemented in
a numerical model, we synthetically created
many different hyporheic zones to explore
conditions that didn’t exist at the experimental
This conceptual model shows a continuum bet ween net hyporheic nitrif ication and denitrif ication as a func-
tion of residence time. When water moves slowly through the hyporheic zone, microorganisms use up the
dissolved oxygen (DO) in the water and begin using nitrate (NO3-), which is converted to dinitrogen ga s
(15N2) and released to the atmosphere in what is considered a permanent loss.
site, and explored the controls of the hyporheic
zone functioning as a source or sink of nitro-
gen,” Zarnetske explains. “In effect, it was
like going out and sampling tens of thousands
of streams and studying the data, but we were
able to do it all on the computer.”
The scientists conceptualized the framework
in terms of supply and demand for oxygen,
where the physics of hydrology controls sup-
ply and the biology of microbial respiration
controls the demand. These two factors were
mathematically combined into a dimension-
less ratio between residence time and oxygen
uptake rate.
“This dimensionless approach is what makes
this framework potentially very powerful and
Rhonda Mazza is a science writer with the Pacific Northwest Research Station. She can be reached at
• The“self-cleansing”processesinthestreamchanneloradjacenthyporheiczonecan
help control nitrogen pollution in streams and rivers. This can complement the pol-
lution control service that riparian buffers provide and minimize the amount of land
needed to support this ecosystem service.
• Themodelingpredictionsgeneratedfromthesest udiesarequantitativelybasedand
linked to whole-network estimates of hyporheic exchange. This means that predictions
could be scaled up to whole watersheds.
• Thedetailedknowledgeaboutthehydrologyandbiogeochemistryofhyporheiczones
revealed in these studies provides a solid scientific foundation to help integrate the
hyporheic zone into stream management decisions.
transferable,” says Zarnetske. “We can start
to model whole watersheds and hyporheic
zones across systems and compare them to
another place or another time. We can go to
any stream and make these measurements
of residence time and oxygen concentration,
and make a process-based determination if
they will f unction as a net source or net sink
of nitrate —simply by measuring these two
Zarnetske continues, “There’s an explosion of
new sensor technology coming on the market
that will make oxygen measurements much
easier and more robust. Further, hydrolo-
gists are continually improving our ability
to quantify hyporheic residence times. If we
The self- cleansing abilities of the hyporheic zone
can comple ment the pollution control ser vice
offered by riparian buffers.
Jay Zarnetske
can quantify these two parameters, we should
be able to make some reasonable predictions
about overall ecosystem ser vices of the hypo-
rheic zone.”
Riparian buffers are often used to intercept
pollutants before the runoff enters the stream,
but buffers require a substantial investment of
land. It’s also impossible for riparian buffers
to intercept all the diffuse sources of nitrogen
pollution that enter waterways.
Wondzell and Zarnetske found that their study
stream’s hyporheic zone was responsible for
the removal of at least 17 percent of the nitrate
entering the stream. By understanding how
the hyporheic processes work, stream restora-
tion projects could be designed to support and
enhance this ecosystem ser vice.
Nearly 60 million people in the United States
drink water that flows off national forests
and grasslands. As demand for clean water
increases with the world’s growing population,
it will be even more important to understand
the details of this ecosystem service. The self-
cleansing processes occurring in hyporheic
zones could be used to help control pollution
of inland waters.
“Water, like religion and
ideology, has the power to move
millions of people. Since the very
birth of human civilization, people
have moved to settle close to it.
People move when there is too little
of it. People move when there is too
much of it. People journey down
it. People write, sing, and dance
about it. People fight over it. And
all people, everywhere and every day,
need it.”
—Mikhail Gorbachev
Zarnetske, J.P.; Haggerty, R.; Wondzell, S.M.;
Baker, M.A. 2011a. Dynamics of nitrate
production and removal as a function of
residence time in the hyporheic zone.
Journal of Geophysical Research. 116:
G01025. do i:10.1029/2010JG0 01356.
Zarnetske, J.P.; Haggerty, R.; Wondzell, S.M.;
Baker, M.A. 2011b. Labile dissolved organ-
ic carbon supply limits hyporheic denitri-
fication. Journal of Geophysical Research.
116: G04036. doi:10.1029/2011JG001730.
Zarnetske, J.P.; Haggerty, R.; Wondzell, S.M.
[et al.]. 2012. Coupled transport and reac-
tion kinetics control the nitrate source-
sink function of hyporheic zones. Water
Resources Research. 48: W11508.
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Steve Wondzell is a research
ecologist with the Pacific
Northwest Research Station
who is studying riparian
ecohydrology—the study of
interactions between hydro-
logical, geomorphological,
and ecological processes
that create, maintain, or
modify aquatic and riparian habitats, and the
ways in which these processes either interact
with, or are affected by, land-use practices.
His research is helping to reveal, for example,
what factors control stream temperature—
findings that will help inform management
strategies to address a changing climate.
Wondzell holds a Ph.D. in forest ecology from
Oregon State University.
Wondzell can be reached at:
USDA Forest Service
Pacific Northwest Research Station
3200 SW Jefferson Way
Corvallis, OR 97331
Phone: (541) 758-8753
Jay Zarnetske is an assistant
professor at Michigan State
University. His goal is to
reveal the role of hydrology
on complex ecosystem pat-
terns and processes, such
as those seen in watershed
nitrogen and carbon cycles.
His work focuses on environ-
ments in which surface and ground waters
interact, such as hyporheic zones, riparian
zones, and wetlands. Zar netske’s work also
includes large-scale analyses of watershed
carbon export and the responses of arctic
streams to global change. He has a Ph.D. in
water resource science from Oregon State
Un ive r si t y.
Zarnetske can be reached at:
Department of Geological Sciences
Michigan State University
288 Farm Lane (NS 206)
East Lansing, MI 48824
Phone: (517) 353-3249
Roy Haggerty, Vrushali A. Bokil, Ricardo
González-Pinzón, Oregon State University
Michelle Baker, Utah State University
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Full-text available
The fate of biologically available nitrogen (N) and carbon (C) in stream ecosystems is controlled by the coupling of physical transport and biogeochemical reaction kinetics. However, determining the relative role of physical and biogeochemical controls at different temporal and spatial scales is difficult. The hyporheic zone (HZ), where groundwater-stream water mix, can be an important location controlling N and C transformations because it creates strong gradients in both the physical and biogeochemical conditions that control redox biogeochemistry. We evaluated the coupling of physical transport and biogeochemical redox reactions by linking an advection, dispersion, and residence time model with a multiple Monod kinetics model simulating the concentrations of oxygen (O2), ammonium (NH4), nitrate (NO3), and dissolved organic carbon (DOC). We used global Monte Carlo sensitivity analyses with a nondimensional form of the model to examine coupled nitrification-denitrification dynamics across many scales of transport and reaction conditions. Results demonstrated that the residence time of water in the HZ and the uptake rate of O2 from either respiration and/or nitrification determined whether the HZ was a source or a sink of NO3 to the stream. We further show that whether the HZ is a net NO3 source or net NO3 sink is determined by the ratio of the characteristic transport time to the characteristic reaction time of O2 (i.e., the Damköhler number, DaO2), where HZs with DaO2 < 1 will be net nitrification environments and HZs with DaO2 ≪ 1 will be net denitrification environments. Our coupling of the hydrologic and biogeochemical limitations of N transformations across different temporal and spatial scales within the HZ allows us to explain the widely contrasting results of previous investigations of HZ N dynamics which variously identify the HZ as either a net source or sink of NO3. Our model results suggest that only estimates of residence times and O2uptake rates are necessary to predict this nitrification-denitrification threshold and, ultimately, whether a HZ will be either a net source or sink of NO3.
Full-text available
We used an in situ steady state 15N-labeled nitrate (15NO3-) and acetate (AcO-) well-to-wells injection experiment to determine how the availability of labile dissolved organic carbon (DOC) as AcO-influences microbial denitrification in the hyporheic zone of an upland (third-order) agricultural stream. The experimental wells receiving conservative (Cl- and Br) and reactive (15NO3-) solute tracers had hyporheic median residence times of 7.0 to 13.1 h, nominal flowpath lengths of 0.7 to 3.7 m, and hypoxic conditions (<1.5 mg O2 L-1). All receiving wells demonstrated 15N2 production during ambient conditions, indicating that the hyporheic zone was an environment with active denitrification. The subsequent addition of AcO- stimulated more denitrification as evidenced by significant δ15N2 increases by factors of 2.7 to 26.1 in receiving wells and significant decreases of NO3- and DO in the two wells most hydrologically connected to the injection. The rate of nitrate removal in the hyporheic zone increased from 218 kg ha-1 yr-1 to 521 kg ha-1 yr-1 under elevated AcO- conditions. In all receiving wells, increases of bromide and 15N2 occurred without concurrent increases in AcO-, indicating that 100% of AcO- was retained or lost in the hyporheic zone. These results support the hypothesis that denitrification in anaerobic portions of the hyporheic zone is limited by labile DOC supply.
Full-text available
Biogeochemical reactions associated with stream nitrogen cycling, such as nitrification and denitrification, can be strongly controlled by water and solute residence times in the hyporheic zone (HZ). We used a whole-stream steady state 15N-labeled nitrate (15NO3-) and conservative tracer (Cl-) addition to investigate the spatial and temporal physiochemical conditions controlling the denitrification dynamics in the HZ of an upland agricultural stream. We measured solute concentrations (15NO3-, 15N2 (g), as well as NO3-, NH3, DOC, DO, Cl-), and hydraulic transport parameters (head, flow rates, flow paths, and residence time distributions) of the reach and along HZ flow paths of an instrumented gravel bar. HZ exchange was observed across the entire gravel bar (i.e., in all wells) with flow path lengths up to 4.2 m and corresponding median residence times greater than 28.5 h. The HZ transitioned from a net nitrification environment at its head (short residence times) to a net denitrification environment at its tail (long residence times). NO3- increased at short residence times from 0.32 to 0.54 mg-N L-1 until a threshold of 6.9 h and then consistently decreased from 0.54 to 0.03 mg-N L-1. Along these same flow paths, declines were seen in DO (from 8.31 to 0.59 mg-O2 L-1) and DOC (from 3.0 to 1.7 mg-C L-1). The rates of the DO and DOC removal and net nitrification were greatest during short residence times, while the rate of denitrification was greatest at long residence times. 15NO3- tracing confirmed that a fraction of the NO3- removal was via denitrification as 15N2 was produced across the entire gravel bar HZ. Production of 15N2 across all observed flow paths and residence times indicated that denitrification microsites are present even where nitrification was the net outcome. These findings demonstrate that the HZ is an active nitrogen sink in this system and that the distinction between net nitrification and denitrification in the HZ is a function of residence time and exhibits threshold behavior. Consequently, incorporation of HZ exchange and water residence time characterizations will improve mechanistic predictions of nitrogen cycling in streams.
Dynamics of nitrate production and removal as a function of residence time in the hyporheic zone
  • J P Zarnetske
  • R Haggerty
  • S M Wondzell
  • M A Baker
Zarnetske, J.P.; Haggerty, R.; Wondzell, S.M.; Baker, M.A. 2011a. Dynamics of nitrate production and removal as a function of residence time in the hyporheic zone. Journal of Geophysical Research. 116: G01025. doi:10.1029/2010JG001356.
Labile dissolved organic carbon supply limits hyporheic denitrification
  • J P Zarnetske
  • R Haggerty
  • S M Wondzell
  • M A Baker Zarnetske, J.P.; Haggerty, R.; Wondzell, S.M.; Baker, M.A. 2011b. Labile dissolved organic carbon supply limits hyporheic denitrification. Journal of Geophysical Research. 116: G04036. doi:10.1029/2011JG001730.