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Aroma profile of Eucalyptus globulus: Collected from North West Karnataka, India

  • ICMR-National Institute of Traditional Medicine (Formerly Regional Medical Research Centre)


The chemical composition of the essential oil of the leaves of Eucalyptus globulus (Myrtaceae) grown in North West Karnataka, has been analyzed by GC and GC/MS. Forty-eight constituents were identified, accounting 97.93% of the total oil. The major compounds were a-phellandrene (40.31%), a-pinene (13.71%), â-pinene (13.31%), a-terpinene (9.61%) and 1,8-cineol (4.96%). The oil was rich in monoterpene hydrocarbons (81.14%). Scientific World, Vol. 10, No. 10, July 2012 p89-90 DOI:
Scientific World, Vol. 10, No. 10, July 2012
The Myrtaceae family comprises approximately 130 genera
and 3000 species of trees and shrubs1. Eucalyptus globulus
is an ever green tree growing up to 40 to 70 m and widely
planted in the sub tropical and Mediterranean regions2. The
fresh leaves are sometimes eating as vegetables, while the
dry leaves were often smoked as cigarettes for treatment of
asthma3. It is also to be useful in the various treatments of
lung ailment, malaria, bladder and liver infection4. Diverse
pharmacological activities like antihyperglycemic5,
hypoglycemic6, antioxidant7, antibacterial8 and antifungal9
have been reported. Essential oil derived from Eucalyptus
globulus exhibited antimicrobial10,11, analgesic, anti-
inflammatory12 and insecticidal13,14 activities. Various
compounds such as 1,8-cineole, á-pinene and d-limonene13
from India, á-pinene, á-terpineol, globulol and aromadendrene
from Argentina14, á-pinene and 1,8-cineole16 from Ethiopia,
aromadendrene, á-phellandrene, 1,8-cineole, ledene and
globulol17 from Portugal, 1,8-cineol and á-pinene18 from
Tunisia, terpinen-4-ol, ã-terpinene, spathulenol, ñ-cymene,
ñ-cymen-7-ol, globulol and á-phellandrene19 from Nigeria,
1,8-cineole, limonene, á-pinene and o-Cymene14 from Brazil
have been reported. In this communication presents the
chemical composition of the essential oil of Eucalyptus
globulus collected from Western Ghats region of North West
Karnataka, India and to demarcate the terpenoid profile.
Plant material
The leaves of Eucalyptus globulus were collected from district
Belgaum (N 15.88668; E 74.52353), Karnataka, India, in the
month of October, 2011. The plant was identified by Dr. H. V.
Hegde, Scientist, Regional Medical Research Centre (ICMR),
Belgaum, Karnataka, India, where voucher specimen (No.
RMRC-586) has been deposited.
Isolation of essential oil
The fresh plant materials (200 g) were hydro-distilled for 3 h
using a Clevenger type apparatus. The oil was dried over
anhydrous sodium sulfate and stored at -4 °C until analysis.
The yield of oils was 0.3%.
Analysis of oil
The gas chromatography (GC) analysis of the oil was carried
out on Varian 450 gas chromatograph equipped with FID,
using stationary phase CP Sil-8-CB (30 m x 0.25 mm i.d., 0.25
ìm film thickness) fused silica capillary column. Nitrogen was
a carrier gas at 1.0 mL/min flow rate. Temperature programming
was 60 °C - 220 °C at 3 °C/min, for injector and detector
temperatures were 230 °C and 250 °C, respectively. The
injection volume was 1.0 ìL diluted in n-hexane, split ratio
was 1: 50. The gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-
MS) analysis of the oil was carried out on Thermo Scientific
Trace Ultra GC interfaced with a Thermo Scientific ITQ 1100
Mass Spectrometer fitted with TG-5 fused silica capillary
column (30 m x 0.25 mm i.d., 0.25 ìm film thickness). The column
temperature was programmed from 60 °C - 220 °C at 3 °C/min,
using He as a carrier gas at 1.0 mL/min. The injector temperature
was 230 °C, injection size 0.1 ìL prepared in n-hexane, split
ratio 1:50. MS were taken at 70 eV with mass scan range of 40
- 450 amu.
Identification of the components
Identification of constituents were done on the basis of
Retention Index (RI, determined with reference to
homologous series of n-alkanes C8-C28, under identical
experimental condition), MS library search (NIST and
WILEY), and by comparison with MS literature data20. The
relative amounts of individual components were calculated
based on GC peak area (FID response) without using
correction factor.
The chemical composition of essential oil of the leaves of
Eucalyptus globulus is presented in Table 1. The constituents
of leaves oil of Eucalyptus globulus are listed in order of
their elution order on the TG-5 column. In total of forty-eight
compounds were identified from the oil representing 97.93%
R. K. Joshi*
*Department of Phytochemistry, Regional Medical Research Centre (ICMR),
Belgaum, Karnataka-590 010, India.
Author for Correspondence: R. K. Joshi, Department of Phytochemistry, Regional Medical Research Centre (ICMR), Belgaum, Karnataka-590 010, India.
Abstract: The chemical composition of the essential oil of the leaves of Eucalyptus globulus (Myrtaceae) grown in North West
Karnataka, has been analyzed by GC and GC/MS. Forty-eight constituents were identified, accounting 97.93% of the total oil.
The major compounds were á-phellandrene (40.31%), á-pinene (13.71%), â-pinene (13.31%), ã-terpinene (9.61%) and 1,8-cineol
(4.96%). The oil was rich in monoterpene hydrocarbons (81.14%).
Keywords: Eucalyptus globulus; Myrtaceae; Essential oil; á-phellandrene; GC/MS.
Scientific World, Vol. 10, No. 10, July 2012 90
may affect the composition and other secondary metabolites
of the plant. The present finding is intended as a contribution
to the better knowledge of the chemical composition of the
essential oil of the leaves of Eucalyptus globulus.
The author is grateful to the Dr. S. D. Kholkute, Director-in-
Charge, Regional Medical Research Centre (ICMR) Belgaum,
Karnataka, India for providing necessary facilities and also
thankful to Mr. Manjunath Patil, Laboratory Attendant,
Department of Phytochemistry, RMRC, Belgaum for collection
of plant materials and extraction of essential oil.
1. Watson, L. and Dallwitz, M.J. 2007. The families of flowering
plants: descriptions, illustrations, identification, and
information retrieval. Available at:
2. Little, E.L.J. 1983. Common fuel wood crops: A handheld
book for their identification.
3. Brooker, S.G., Cammbie, R.C. and Cooper, R.C. 1999. New
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4. Boukef, K., Balanshad, G., Lallemand, M. and Brenard, P. 1976.
Study of flavonic heterosides and aglycones isolated from the
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5. Gøray, A.M. and Flatt, P.R. 1998. Journal of Nutrition. 128:
6. Jouad, H., Maghrani, M., El Hassani, R.A. and Eddouks, M.
2003. Journal of Herbs, Spices and Medicinal Plants. 10: 19-
7. Nakhaee, A., Bokaeian, M., Saravani, M., Farhangi, A. and
Akbarzadeh, A. 2009. Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry.
24: 419-425.
8. Salari, M.H., Amine, G., Shirazi, M.H., Hafezi, R. and
Mohammadypour, M. 2006. Clinical Microbiology and
Infection. 12: 194-196.
9. Canhoto, C. and Graca, M.A. 1999. Microbial Ecology. 37:
10. Gilles, M., Zhao, J., An, M. and Agboola, S. 2010. Food
Chemistry. 119: 731-737.
11. Sartorelli, P., Marquioreto, A.D., Amaral-Baroli, A., Lima, M.E.
and Moreno, P.R. 2007. Phytotherapy Research. 21: 231-233.
12. Silva, J. , Abebeb, W., Sousa, S.M., Duartea, V.G., Machadoc,
M.I.L. and Matos, F.J.A. 2003. Journal of Ethnopharmacology.
89: 277–283.
13. Kumar, P., Mishra, S., Malik, A. and Satya, S. 2012. Acta
Tropica. 122:212-218.
14. Maciel, M.V., M.V., Morais, S.M., Bevilaqua, C.M.L., Silva,
R.A., Barros, R.S., Sousa, R.N., Sousa, L.C., Brito, E.S. and
Souza-Neto, M.A. 2010. Veterinary Parasitology. 167: 1–7.
15. Viturro, C.I., Molina, A.C. and Heit, C.I. 2003. Journal of
Essential Oil Research. 15: 206-208.
16. Dagne, E., Bisrat, D., Alemayehu, M. and Worku, T. 2000.
Journal of Essential Oil Research. 12: 467-470.
17. Pereira, S.I., Freire, C.S.R., Neto, C.P., Silvestre, A.J.D., Silva,
A.M.S. 2005. Flavour and Fragrance Journal. 20: 407-409.
18. Noumi, E., Snoussi, M., Hajlaoui, H., Trabelsi, N., Ksouri, R.,
Valentin, E. and Bakhrouf, A. 2011. Journal of Medicinal
Plants Research. 5: 4147-4156.
19. Akolade, J.O., Olajide, O.O., Afolayan, M.O., Akande, S.A.,
Idou, D.I. and Orishadipe, A.T. 2012. Journal of Natural Product
and Plant Resourse. 2: 1-8.
20. Adams, R.P., 2007. Identification of Essential Oil Components
by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry, Allured Publ.
Corp., Carol Stream. IL.
Compound % RI Lit Identification
á-Thujene 1.15 938 RI,MS
á-Pinene 13.71 943 RI,MS
á-Fenchene 0.03 956 RI,MS
Camphene 0.09 958 RI,MS
â-Pinene 13.31 986 RI,MS
Myrcene 0.01 995 RI,MS
á-Phellandrene 40.31 1011 RI,MS
á-Terpinene 0.05 1023 RI,MS
p-Cymene 1.20 1032 RI,MS
Limonene 0.49 1038 RI,MS
1,8-Cineol 4.96 1040 RI,MS
(E)-â-Ocimene 0.02 1057 RI,MS
ã-Terpinene 9.61 1068 RI,MS
cis-Linalool oxide 0.11 1081 RI,MS
p-Mentha-2,4(8)-diene 1.16 1092 RI,MS
endo-Fenchol 0.14 1117 RI,MS
cis-p-Menth-2-en-1-ol 0.27 1126 RI,MS
trans-Pinene hydrate 0.18 1147 RI,MS
Borneol 0.21 1171 RI,MS
Terpin-4-ol 2.29 1185 RI,MS
á-Terpineol 2.25 1196 RI,MS
cis-Piperitol 0.05 1198 RI,MS
trans-Piperitol 0.09 1211 RI,MS
Carvotanacetone 0.18 1251 RI,MS
Thymol t 1298 RI,MS
Carvacrol t 1304 RI,MS
Eugenol t 1362 RI,MS
Cyclosativene 0.03 1375 RI,MS
á-Ylangene t 1378 RI,MS
Methyl eugenol 0.03 1407 RI,MS
á-Gurjunene 0.04 1413 RI,MS
â-Caryophyllene 0.21 1425 RI,MS
â-Gurjunene 0.11 1437 RI,MS
Aromadendrene 0.04 1445 RI,MS
á-Humulene 0.02 1459 RI,MS
Seychellene t 1467 RI,MS
â-Selinene 0.05 1493 RI,MS
á-Selinene t 1501 RI,MS
ã-Cadinene 0.02 1520 RI,MS
ä-Cadinene t 1532 RI,MS
Elemol t 1556 RI,MS
Caryophyllene oxide 0.02 1589 RI,MS
Khusimone t 1599 RI,MS
Guaiol t 1601 RI,MS
10-epi-ã-Eudesmol 1.72 1627 RI,MS
ã-Eudesmol 0.14 1639 RI,MS
Cubenol 2.04 1651 RI,MS
á-Muurolol 1.59 1655 RI,MS
Monoterpene hydrocarbons 81.14
Oxygenated monoterpenes 10.73
Sesquiterpene hydrocarbons 0.55
Oxygenated sesquiterpenes 5.51
Phenyl derivatives t
Total 97.93%
Table 1: Chemical composition of the essential oil of
Eucalyptus globulus.
of the total oil. The major compounds were á-phellandrene
(40.31%), á-pinene (13.71%), â-pinene (13.31%), ã-terpinene
(9.61%) and 1,8-cineol (4.96%). The oil was rich in
monoterpene hydrocarbons (81.14%) followed by oxygenated
monoterpenes (10.73%), oxygenated sesquiterpenes (5.51%),
sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (0.55%) and phenyl derivatives
(<0.01%). The quantitative and qualitative divergence from
other regions may be due to the geographical, climatic and
soil conditions in the southern part of India, which in turn
... Species of Eucalyptus (Myrtaceae) are amongst the most widely planted forestry species and of these, E. globulus Labill. is one of the most common (Boyd, 1996). This species has been introduced around the world for wood products and horticulture (Becerra, 2006;Boyd, 1996;Dixit, Rohilla, & Singh, 2012;Joshi, 2012;Rejm anek, Richardson, Higgins, Pitcairn, & Grotkopp, 2005). ...
... Eucalyptus species are important forestry species, with thousands of hectares planted around the world (Boyd, 1996;Dixit et al., 2012;Joshi, 2012;Rejm anek et al., 2005). Thus, our results are also relevant to the conservation of biodiversity within plantations. ...
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Aim We studied the novel weapons hypothesis in the context of the broadly distributed tree species Eucalyptus globulus . We evaluated the hypothesis that this Australian species would produce stronger inhibitory effects on species from its non‐native range than on species from its native range. Location We worked in four countries where this species is exotic (U.S.A., Chile, India, Portugal) and one country where it is native (Australia). Time period 2009–2012. Major taxa studied Plants. Methods We compared species composition, richness and height of plant communities in 20 paired plots underneath E. globulus individuals and open areas in two sites within its native range and each non‐native region. We also compared effects of litter leachates of E. globulus on root growth of seedlings in species from Australia, Chile, the U.S.A. and India. Results In all sites and countries, the plant community under E. globulus canopies had lower species richness than did the plant community in open areas. However, the reduction was much greater in the non‐native ranges: species richness declined by an average of 51% in the eight non‐native sites versus 8% in the two native Australian sites. The root growth of 15 out of 21 species from the non‐native range were highly suppressed by E. globulus litter leachates, whereas the effect of litter leachate varied from facilitation to suppression for six species native to Australia. The mean reduction in root growth for Australian plants was significantly lower than for plants from the U.S.A., Chile and India. Main conclusions Our results show biogeographical differences in the impact of an exotic species on understorey plant communities. Consistent with the novel weapons hypothesis, our findings suggest that different adaptations of species from the native and non‐native ranges to biochemical compounds produced by an exotic species may play a role in these biogeographical differences.
... TBG trees, native to Tasmania, the Bass Strait Islands and Southern Victoria, are abundantly available in the forests and hilly regions along the Western coast of India, especially the Nilgiri Hills. The essential oils extracted from TBG leaves exhibit antibacterial, antimicrobial, antifungal, analgesic and insecticidal activities and are widely used in modern cosmetics, food and pharmaceutical industries, leading to extensive TBG cultivation [33][34][35]. While the leaves of the TBG plant are commercially valuable, the other parts of the plant are completely unutilized and mostly contribute to biowaste. ...
High surface area porous carbons derived from sustainable biomass wastes are excellent functional materials for energy storage and gas sorption applications. Tasmanian Blue Gum (TBG) tree bark is selected as the raw material for preparing activated porous carbon (AC), using a simple KOH activation and carbonization method. The as-prepared AC-TBG sample possesses a hierarchically connected mesoporous structure having a surface area of 971 m² g⁻¹ with an average pore size of 2.2 nm. AC-TBG exhibits high electrochemical storage capacity as fabricated symmetric supercapacitor, with excellent specific capacitances of 212 F g⁻¹ at 1 A g⁻¹ current density retaining 90% of its capacitance after 5000 cycles. An outstanding maximum power density of 4.9 kW kg⁻¹ was obtained for the EDLC in 1M KOH at a maximum energy density of 18.84 Wh kg⁻¹, which is among the highest values reported in this class of materials. Furthermore, exploiting the multiscale porosity and oxygen/hydroxyl functionalities on the surface, AC-TBG was deployed for CO2 capture from concentrated source as well as dilute 4% CO2 simulated flue stream. AC-TBG showed an excellent uptake of 4.5 mmol/g of CO2 at 1 bar and 0 °C for pure CO2 and a working capacity of 1.6 mmol/g at 40 °C in 4% CO2. This work provides a simple, and feasible strategy for converting sustainable waste biomass to value-added activated carbon with potential applications in high-performance energy storage and greenhouse gas capture.
... 64.89%, (iii) Benzamidophenyl-4-benzoate (P7) 5.08% and (iv) β-Eudesmol (P8) 5.32%, associated with the surface of ELE-CuONPs, most likely involved in the nucleation and stabilization of ELE-CuONPs. Our data correspond to the GC-MS report on E. globulus essential oil [70] indicating similar phytochemicals, while Makhlouf et al. [71] have demonstrated 1,8-cineol (Eucalyptol) as one of the major compounds. Lee et al. [72] have also demonstrated the presence of volatile compounds of varied classes in aqueous extract of E. polyanthemos, E. globulus and E. perriniana leaves. ...
... with respect to different seasons (Shieh, 1996). Similar EOs yield (0.77-2.53%) has been reported for E. globulus, as one of the economically important plants for essential oil production (Joshi, 2012;Selvakumar et al., 2012;Harkat-Madouri et al., 2015). The reported essential oil yield for other Eucalyptus species is slightly higher, ranging from 1.2% to 3% (w/w): the highest yield was obtained from E. cinerea F. (Sebei et al., 2015). ...
Eucalyptus has become one of the world's most widely planted genera and E. camaldulensis (The River Red Gum) is a plantation species in many parts of the world. The plant traditional medical application indicates great antimicrobial properties, so E. camaldulensis essential oils and plant extracts have been widely examined. Essential oil of E. camaldulensis is active against many Gram positive (0.07-1.1%) and Gram negative bacteria (0.01-3.2%). The antibacterial effect is confirmed for bark and leaf extracts (conc. from 0.08 μg/mL to 200 mg/mL), with significant variations depending on extraction procedure. Eucalyptus camaldulensis essential oil and extracts are among the most active against bacteria when compared with those from other species of genus Eucalyptus. The most fungal model organisms are sensitive to 0.125-1.0% of E. camaldulensis essential oil. The extracts are active against C. albicans (0.2-200 mg/mL leaf extracts and 0.5 mg/mL bark extracts), and against various dermatophytes. Of particular importance is considerable the extracts' antiviral activity against animal and human viruses (0.1-50 μg/mL). Although the antiprotozoal activity of E. camaldulensis essential oil and extracts is in the order of magnitude of concentration several hundred mg/mL, it is considerable when taking into account current therapy cost, toxicity, and protozoal growing resistance. Some studies show that essential oils' and extracts' antimicrobial activity can be further potentiated in combinations with antibiotics (beta-lactams, fluorochinolones, aminoglycosides, polymyxins), antivirals (acyclovir), and extracts of other plants (e.g. Annona senegalensis; Psidium guajava). The present data confirm the river red gum considerable antimicrobial properties, which should be further examined with particular attention to the mechanisms of antimicrobial activity.
... 64.89%, (iii) Benzamidophenyl-4-benzoate (P7) 5.08% and (iv) β-Eudesmol (P8) 5.32%, associated with the surface of ELE-CuONPs, most likely involved in the nucleation and stabilization of ELE-CuONPs. Our data correspond to the GC-MS report on E. globulus essential oil [70] indicating similar phytochemicals, while Makhlouf et al. [71] have demonstrated 1,8-cineol (Eucalyptol) as one of the major compounds. Lee et al. [72] have also demonstrated the presence of volatile compounds of varied classes in aqueous extract of E. polyanthemos, E. globulus and E. perriniana leaves. ...
... It was first planted around 1790 by Tippu Sultan, the ruler of Mysore, in his palace garden on Nandi hills near Bangalore. According to one version he received seed from Australia and introduced about 16 species 18 19,20 but to the best of my knowledge, no report is available on the chemical constituents of Eucalyptus globulus leave essential oil grown in Dehradun, India. ...
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Due to increasing use of natural products, essential oil are also in great demand in various field such as pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industries. The aim of this study is to determine the chemical composition of essential oil of Eucalyptus globulus grown in Dehradun, India. A total of twenty seven compounds were identified from the essential oil, by Gas chromatography mass spectroscopy representing 100 % of the total oil. The dominant compounds being Eucalyptol (1,8-cineole) 54.79 %, â-pinene 18.54 % á-pinene 11.46 %, â-eudesmol 4.68%, á-phellandrene 2.06% Para cymene 1.60% and Gamma-eudesmol 1.20%. Comparison of the literature on essential oil from Eucalyptus globulus around the world (seven countries) suggested eight compounds that were uniquely present only in Dehradun essential oil sample. Thus, the present study suggested that Eucalyptus globulus growing in Dehradun contains several volatile compounds that are not reported in other Eucalyptus globulus essential oil around the world.
... Eucalyptus globulus is an evergreen tree 40 to 70 m tall extensively planted in the tropics, sub-tropics, and Mediterranean [16,8,12]. Its leaves, roots, stem, and seed has been commonly used in the traditional medicine in several parts of West Africa countries [20]. The fresh plant leaves are occasionally consumed as a vegetable while the dry leaves are frequently smoked for the treatment of asthma [4]. ...
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A study was conducted to investigate the effects of supplementing the diet with different levels of Eucalyptus globulus leaves on hematological traits of Japanese quails. A total number of one hundred and twenty-eight (128) quails, three weeks old, were used in this experiment. The birds were placed on four treatment groups consisted of thirty-two (32) quails each. Treatment groups were: Control diet (C) (free from eucalyptus), R1: Control diet + 4g/day eucalyptus, R2: Control diet + 8g/day eucalyptus; R3: Control diet + 12g/day eucalyptus. The birds were kept for four weeks. At the end of the trial, blood samples were obtained from all quails from the brachial vein by venipuncture. Hematological traits measured were red blood cells count (RBC), hemoglobin concentration (Hgb), packed cell volume (PCV), mean cell volume (MCV), white blood cells count (WBC), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), percent lymphocytes, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), thrombocyte count, heterophils/lymphocytes (H/L) ratio, percent heterophils, monocytes, basophils, eosinophils. Results revealed that supplementing the diet of quails with different levels of eucalyptus (R1, R2 and R3) caused significant increased (P<0.05) in Hgb, PCV, MCV, MCH, MCHC, thrombocytes, and H/L ratio as compared to group C, while WBC and lymphocytes significantly decreased (P<0.05) in control group. But, there were no significant difference (P>0.05) among all experimental groups as regards heterophils, monocytes, and basophils. In conclusion, supplementing ration of quails with Eucalyptus globulus leaves led to significant improvement in most of the blood traits.
... The volatile oils extracted from of E. globulus leaves were pale colored, having camphor like smell and pleasant odor, similar to the finding of Boukhatem et al. (2014) and Iqbal et al. (2003). The extraction yield of essential oils was 2.53 ± 0.1%, this value is considerably higher than those reported in previous studies, ranging from 0.77% to 1.29% (da Silva et al., 2006;Joshi, 2012;Selvakumar et al., 2012). Furthermore, it was higher than that obtained from other species considered as economically important for essential oils production, such as E. uniflora with 0.4-1.1% (Melo et al., 2007), Psidium guajava with 0.13-0.45% ...
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This study was performed to investigate the chemical composition of essential oil in the lea- ves of Eucalyptus globulus from the Saïda region, southwest Algeria, as this has not been investigated to date. We investigated the essential oil composition through gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. The extraction of essential oil by hydrodistillation provided a yield of 2.64 %. A total of 75 compounds were identified, among which the dominant constituents were p-cymene (20.24 %), spathulenol (14.10 %) and eucalyptol (11.30 %). Other notable compounds identified in the extracted essential oil were phellandrene, cryptone, β- thujene, cuminal, elixene and phellandral (2.54 % - 5.10 %). This is the first time that p-cymene has been reported as a major constituent of Algerian E. globulus.
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The chemical composition of the essential oils obtained from the leaves of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh., E. citriodora Hook., E. dalrympleana Maiden, E. deanei Maiden, E. delegatensis R. Baker, E. globulus Labill, E. grandis W. Hill ex Maiden, E. nitens (Deane et Maiden) Maiden, E. saligna Smith, E. tereticornisSmith, E. urophylla S.T. Wake and E. vtminalis Labill, growing in Ethiopia were examined by capillary GC and GC/MS. The oil of E. camaldulensis was found to contain β-phellandrene (18.9%) and p-cymene (17.8%) while the oil of E. citriodora was rich in citronellal (73.3%) and citronellol (11.9%). E. dalrympleana oil contained α-pinene (26.2%), 1,8-cineole (19.3%) and α-terpineol (12.1%) and E. deanei oil contained 1,8-cineole (41.6%) and cryptone (17.6%); E. delegatensis oil contained α-pinene (28.3%), 1,8-cineole (26.4%) and γ-terpinene (18.0%), E. grandis oil contained α-pinene (44.7%) and β-pinene (30.5%) and E. saligna oil contained α-pinene (38.5%), β-phellandrene (12.2%) and 1,8-cineole (10.6%). Oils of the other Eucalyptus species contained α-pinene (13.2–44.7%) and 1,8-cineole (34.5–57.5%) as major constituents.
The essential oil obtained by hydrodistillation of the leaves and stems of Eucalyptus globulus Labill ssp. bicostata from Jujuy, in the northwest of Argentina, was analyzed by capillary GC and GC/MS. The headspace of the oil and of the crushed fresh leaves were also analyzed by capillary GC. The main component was 1,8-cineole in all the samples analyzed. Other notable constituents were α-pinene, α-terpineol, globulol and aromadendrene.
The chemical composition and antimicrobial properties of the essential oils of three common Australian Eucalyptus species, namely E. olida, E. staigeriana and E. dives were determined by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and the agar disc diffusion method, respectively. A total of 24 compounds were identified from the essential oil of E. dives, with the dominant compounds being piperitone (40.5%), α-phellandrene (17.4%), p-cymene (8.5%) and terpin-4-ol (4.7%). For E. staigeriana, 29 compounds were identified with 1,8-cineole (34.8%), neral (10.8%), geranial (10.8%), α-phellandrene (8.8%) and methyl geranate (5.2%) being the dominant ones. In contrast, a single compound, (E)-methyl cinnamate, accounted for 99.4% of the essential oils of E. oilda, although 20 compounds were identified. The essential oils displayed a variable degree of antimicrobial activity with E. staigeriana oil showing the highest activity. In general, Gram-positive bacteria were found to be more sensitive to the essential oils than Gram-negative bacteria. Staphylococcus aureus was the most sensitive strain while Pseudomonas aeruginosa was the most resistant.
The antibacterial activity of Eucalyptus globulus leaf extract was determined for 56 isolates of Staphylococcus aureus, 25 isolates of Streptococcus pyogenes, 12 isolates of Streptococcus pneumoniae and seven isolates of Haemophilus influenzae obtained from 200 clinical specimens of patients with respiratory tract disorders. MIC50s for these species were 64, 32, 16 and 16 mg/L, respectively; MIC90s were 128, 64, 32 and 32 mg/L, respectively; and MBCs were 512, 128, 64 and 64 mg/L, respectively. These results suggest that further studies to clarify the possible therapeutic role of E. globulus leaf extract in the treatment of respiratory tract infection are warranted.
The families of flowering plants: descriptions, illustrations, identification, and information retrieval
  • L Watson
  • M J Dallwitz
Watson, L. and Dallwitz, M.J. 2007. The families of flowering plants: descriptions, illustrations, identification, and information retrieval. Available at:
  • A Nakhaee
  • M Bokaeian
  • M Saravani
  • A Farhangi
  • A Akbarzadeh
Nakhaee, A., Bokaeian, M., Saravani, M., Farhangi, A. and Akbarzadeh, A. 2009. Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry. 24: 419-425.