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Interactions of Bacteria, Fungi, and Their Nematode Grazers: Effects on Nutrient Cycling and Plant Growth

Ecological Monographs


The most common system responses attributed to microfloral grazers (protozoa, nematodes, microarthropods) in the literature are increased plant growth, increased N uptake by plants, decreased or increased bacterial populations, increased CO"2 evolution, increased N and P mineralization, and increased substrate utilization. Based on this evidence in the literature, a conceptual model was proposed in which microfloral grazers were considered as separate state variables. To help evaluate the model, the effects of microbivorous nematodes on microbial growth, nutrient cycling, plant growth, and nutrient uptake were examined with reference to activities within and outside of the rhizosphere. Blue grama grass (Bouteloua gracilis) was grown in gnotobiotic microcosms containing sandy loam soil low in inorganic N, with or without chitin amendments as a source of organic N. The soil was inoculated with bacteria (Pseudomonas paucimobilis or P. stutzeri) or fungus (Fusarium oxysporum), with half the bacterial microcosms inoculated with bacterial-feeding nematodes (Pelodera sp. or Acrobeloides sp.) and half the fungal microcosms inoculated with fungal-feeding nematodes (Aphelenchus avenae). Similar results were obtained from both the unamended and the chitin-amended experiments. Bacteria, fungi, and both trophic groups of nematodes were more abundant in the rhizosphere than in nonrhizosphere soil. All treatments containing nematodes and bacteria had higher bacterial densities than similar treatments without nematodes. Plants growing in soil with bacteria and bacterial-feeding nematodes grew faster and initially took up more N than plants in soil with only bacteria, because of increased N mineralization by bacteria, NH"4^+-N excretion by nematodes, and greater initial exploitation of soil by plant roots. Addition of fungal-feeding nematodes did not increase plant growth or N uptake because these nematodes excreted less NH"4^+-N than did bacterial-feeding nematode populations and because the N mineralized by the fungus alone was sufficient for plant growth. Total shoot P was significantly greater in treatments with fungus or Pelodera sp. than in the sterile plant control or treatments with plants plus Pseudomonas stutzeri until the end of the experiment. The additional mineralization that occurs due to the activities of microbial grazers may be significant for increasing plant growth only when mineralization by microflora alone is insufficient to meet the plants' requirements. However, while the advantage of increased N mineralization by microbial grazers may be short-term, it may occur in many ecosystems in those short periods of ideal conditions when plant growth can occur. Thus, these results support other claims in the literature that microbial grazers may perform important regulatory functions at critical times in the growth of plants.
Interactions of Bacteria, Fungi, and their Nematode Grazers: Effects on Nutrient Cycling and
Plant Growth
Author(s): Russell E. Ingham, J. A. Trofymow, Elaine R. Ingham, David C. Coleman
Ecological Monographs,
Vol. 55, No. 1 (Mar., 1985), pp. 119-140
Published by: Ecological Society of America
Stable URL:
Accessed: 08/01/2009 15:10
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... Similarly, we anticipated that Acacia would display higher nodulation, nitrogenase activity, and subsequent shoot N content in the presence of BFN because of their activity as rhizobia vectors (Horiuchi et al. 2005). Finally, we predicted that RLN feeding on Acacia would increase the transfer of symbiotically fixed N to Banksia, to the competitive advantage of the latter in both early and late succession (Dromph et al. 2006;Bardgett and Wardle 2010). ...
... The role of bacterial feeders in plant interactions and succession is not as well understood as the impact of root feeders. While there has previously been consensus upon their positive effects on plant nutrition, particularly N through ammonium excretion (e.g., Ingham et al. 1985;Setälä et al. 1990;Ferris et al. 1998), some recent studies have found negative effects of bacterivores on plant performance (e.g. Bjørnlund et al. 2012;Trap et al. 2016). ...
... As postulated by our third hypothesis, the late Acacia species also benefited from increased nodulation and nitrogenase activity in the presence of BFN, presumably because BFN act as vectors of rhizobia in the roots of legumes (Horiuchi et al. 2005). This positive effect on nodulation only occurred in the mixed culture, indicating that nematode effects on nodulation are context dependent. ...
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Aims Plant community dynamics are influenced by interspecific interactions. Previous studies have shown that soil organisms play a key role in such interactions, but few studies have quantified soil fauna contributions. Methods We investigated the effects of root lesion (RLN) and bacterial feeding (BFN) nematodes on the interaction between seedlings of nitrogen-(N)-fixing tree species of Acacia and non-fixing Banksia from early and late successional stages of a temperate forest in a pot experiment. Results Nematodes had consistent, albeit minor, negative effects on both N-fixers and non-fixers in the early successional stage scenario. By contrast, BFNs increased biomass production of both species in late-stage monocultures and in Banksia in mixed cultures. Moreover, RLNs negatively affected late-stage Banksia in monocultures but promoted its biomass production when grown with Acacia. Reduced ¹⁵N concentration in Banksia indicates that the switch was driven by transfer of N from Acacia facilitated by RLN. Conclusions Soil nematodes thus moderate interspecific interactions differently in early and late successional stages.
... Bacterivores normally have special food preferences, with not all bacterial taxa being equally preyed upon. This selective feeding can alter bacterial community composition [34][35][36]. This nuanced interaction highlights the potential of nematodes as regulators of microbial diversity and structure within soil ecosystems. ...
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Background Fertilization practices control bacterial wilt-causing Ralstonia solanacearum by shaping the soil microbiome. This microbiome is the start of food webs, in which nematodes act as major microbiome predators. However, the multitrophic links between nematodes and the performance of R. solanacearum and plant health, and how these links are affected by fertilization practices, remain unknown. Results Here, we performed a field experiment under no-, chemical-, and bio-organic-fertilization regimes to investigate the potential role of nematodes in suppressing tomato bacterial wilt. We found that bio-organic fertilizers changed nematode community composition and increased abundances of bacterivorous nematodes (e.g., Protorhabditis spp.). We also observed that pathogen-antagonistic bacteria, such as Bacillus spp., positively correlated with abundances of bacterivorous nematodes. In subsequent laboratory and greenhouse experiments, we demonstrated that bacterivorous nematodes preferentially preyed on non-pathogen-antagonistic bacteria over Bacillus. These changes increased the performance of pathogen-antagonistic bacteria that subsequently suppressed R. solanacearum. Conclusions Overall, bacterivorous nematodes can reduce the abundance of plant pathogens, which might provide a novel protection strategy to promote plant health. 6HVRaGfzCN9g8_uHWKg5j1Video Abstract
... Les microorganismes responsables de la dégradation occupent en général moins de 5% du volume disponible dans le sol (Ingham et al., 1985). De plus, la décomposition de la matière organique est un phénomène discontinu dans le temps, mais aussi dans l'espace : les microorganismes sont abondants au niveau des matières organiques apportées (Parkin, 1987), et au niveau des extrémités racinaires (rhizosphère) (Lynch, 1990), où l'activité microbienne est stimulée par les exsudats racinaires, composés de polysaccharides faciles à dégrader (Dorioz et al., 1993). ...
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In Algeria, nearly 95% of soils are affected by an arid and semi-arid climate. Wheat production in this case is subject to the overlap of an almost annual drought with the sensitive phase of grain filling which strongly affects the yields obtained. In fact, the average yield obtained for several years does not exceed 20 quintals per hectare. Under these conditions, it is recommended to provide supple-mentary irrigation that is not always feasible given the large areas that characterize wheat produc-tion. Direct seeding can be an alternative since it reduces the evaporation of water Through to the vegetal cover that forms on the soil surface by accumulation of crop residues. The objective of this work is a comparative study of the effects of conventional tillage and direct seeding on the growth and development of a soft wheat crop under the semi-arid conditions of the Mostaganem plateau. For this, two experiments were installed on the site of Mazagran - Mostaganem (Western Algeria) for two consecutive seasons (2012-2013 and 2013-2014). A complete block de-vice with three repetitions was set up. The phenological, morphophysiological parameters and yield components were followed on the cul-tivation of wheat. Samples taken from the soil were analyzed for physicochemical and water parame-ters. The main results of this study show that conventional tillage plots record better soil physico-chemical results compared to those conducted in no-till. In this case, the parameters measured on the crop : height of the plants, leaf area, above-ground biomass, number of tillers, ears and grains per square meter, as well as grain and straw yields are better in conventional tillage. In contrast, no-till opera-tions record the highest soil moisture, dry matter, number of plants per square meter, thousand grain weight (PMG), and relative water content (RWC). This study shows that direct seeding under semi-arid conditions, compared with conventional tillage, is beneficial for the cultivation of soft wheat (Aïn Abid variety), particularly with regard to the availability of water during the sensitive phase of crop development (grain filling). Key words. Direct seeding, conventional tillage, semi-arid climate, physico-chemical and soil mois-ture parameters, morphometric parameters of soft wheat.
... The functional roles of nematodes in soil are related to their trophic position, and they can be categorized into five trophic groups based on their feeding strategies: bacterivores, fungivores, plant parasitic nematodes, omnivores, and predators (Yeates et al. 1993; Van et al. 2019). Nematodes coevolve with plants, are an essential component of the plant rhizosphere zone, and are involved in the regulation of plant health; they control soil microbial populations and help microbes colonize the rhizosphere zone, are involved in the cycling of nutrients in the soil and contribute to plant disease resistance (Raaijmakers et al. 2009;Li et al. 2023;Ingham et al. 1985;Ferris et al. 2012). Plant growth is positively and negatively affected by soil nematodes, with plant-parasitic nematodes negatively affecting plants primarily through direct feeding on plant roots and acting Plant Soil Vol.: (0123456789) as disease vectors to assist in the spread of secondary pathogens; in contrast, free-living nematodes usually positively affect plant growth indirectly through feeding and carrying soil microbes that increase microbial activity, which improves carbon sequestration and nutrient cycling, and by acting as antagonists of insect diseases, thereby positively affecting plant growth (Topalović and Geisen 2023). ...
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Background and aims Plant endophytes assist in plant adaptation to adverse conditions by altering the host plant’s physiology and regulating the rhizosphere microenvironment. As one of the important members of soil biosphere, nematodes play an important role in soil element cycling and physical structure. However, it is still unclear whether soil nematodes were associated with endophyte-mediated adaptations of host plants to an unfavorable environment. Methods The rhizosphere nematode communities were analyzed after inoculating a fungal endophyte, Phomopsis liquidambaris, under continuous monocropping conditions with high-throughput sequencing. Nematode chemotaxis experiments were carried out to verify the effect of Ph. liquidambaris-induced root exudates on nematode movement behavior. Root defence enzyme activities and plant growth parameters were analysed after introducing Ph. liquidambaris-enriched nematode communities to the rhizosphere under continuous monocropping conditions. Results Ph. liquidambaris increased peanut growth under continuous cropping conditions. Ph. liquidambaris inoculation changed the composition of rhizosphere nematode communities by regulating root exudates, which led to an increase in free-living nematodes and a reduction in plant parasitic nematodes, Mesocriconema, at different periods of plant developmental stages. The application of the insecticide abamectin, which is similar to endophyte fungal treatment, decreased nematode populations and diversity. In addition, a nematode transplant experiment revealed that the soil nematodes induced by Ph. liquidambaris inoculation led to a rise in peanut root defence enzyme activities to improve plant growth under continuous monocropping conditions. Conclusion Peanut inoculated with endophyte fungi can increase plant fitness by changing the soil nematode community through root exudates under continuous monocropping conditions.
... The increased rhizobium activity produced by the compost may be due to the material acting as a carbon and nutrient source [41]. Additionally, including compost in a seed coating may further aid in the success of a restoration project by supplying the seed with a diversity of beneficial microbes [42] that can suppress plant diseases [43] and aid in plant growth [44]. ...
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Restoring native plant species on degraded landscapes is challenging. Symbiotic partners in the plant rhizosphere can aid in nutrient acquisition, pathogen protection, stress tolerance, and many other processes. However, these microbes are often absent in altered landscapes and need to be re-integrated to improve restoration efforts. We evaluated, within a laboratory setting, the ability of commercial and indigenous rhizobia strains to form nodules on lupine species used for rangeland seedings in the Great Basin region of the Western United States and ascertained if these strains could be applied through a seed coating. We also evaluated if a compost amendment applied via seed coating could further enhance the performance of the rhizobia strains. Our analysis showed that successful nodulation could occur using commercial and wildland-collected indigenous strains through either a liquid culture applied to seedlings or as a dry seed coating. However, the number of root nodules and the presence of a pink color (indicating nitrogen fixation) were typically higher in the commercial product than in the indigenous strains. Compost did not improve nodulation or the performance of the nodules; however, this treatment alone improved shoot growth. Overall, these results suggest that commercial rhizobium may be more effective in improving plant growth, and future research with native rhizobia may want to consider identifying strains compatible with seed-coating delivery. Longer-term studies are now merited for assessing how the rhizobia strains evaluated in this study influence plant growth, particularly in a field setting.
... Being functionally diverse and having trophic interactions with other soil microbes, they occupy a central position in the soil food web (Yeates et al., 1993). In the soil food web, bacterivores, fungivores, and plant parasites are part of the lower tier, supporting the processes of N and C mineralization, whereas omnivores and predators occupy the upper tier, playing a crucial role in preserving the ecological equilibrium between decomposition and mineralization (Ingham et al., 1985;Pothula et al., 2019). Furthermore, because of their heightened sensitivity to environmental disturbances such as fertilization, exposure to heavy metals or organic substances, land use change and warming, they have been used as ecosystem indicators (Liu et al., 2022;Thakur et al. 2014). ...
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Urban greenspaces face significant anthropogenic transformation, impacting soil ecosystems, multifunctionality, and global biodiversity. With increasing population and urbanization, understanding the drivers influencing soil nematode communities in urban greenspaces is crucial for sustainable urban ecosystem management. We chose the campus of The Ohio State University (OSU) due to its unique urban settings with minimally disturbed both turf and non-turf ecosystems. This study focuses on nematodes, the often-overlooked ecological engineers which play diverse roles in ecosystem functions. Nematodes were collected from 99 sampling locations across three soil depths to represent two ecosystem types (i.e., turf and non-turf) of the OSU campus. Among plant parasitic nematodes (PPN), Helicotylenchus and Pratylenchus populations were above damage threshold limits. No specific pattern of community composition was observed in the spatial variation map. The presence of rare PPN genera in the lower soil layers had a significant impact on beta diversity. Trophic group abundances displayed distinct patterns, with turf ecosystems exhibiting higher PPN as well as total nematode abundance decreasing with soil depths. In the subsurface layer (10-30 cm), both bacterivores and fungivores were higher in the non-turf than turf ecosystem. Fungal-dominated decomposition of organic matter was observed in both ecosystem types. Soil physiochemical properties, specifically, total organic carbon and soil texture, had a significant impact on PPN community composition. However, nematode trophic group composition was more altered by ecosystem type than edaphic factors followed by soil depths. Together these three explanatory variables explained 27.5 % of the total variance in trophic group composition. Overall, this study provides insights into the complex interactions between PPN, trophic groups, soil properties, and urban ecosystem characteristics, contributing valuable knowledge for sustainable urban greenspace management.
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Nematodes are a diverse group of organisms with ecological importance that have adapted to various environments and participate in various parasitic relationships. They facilitate nutrient cycling, decomposition, and soil health maintenance in soil ecosystems. Their diverse morphological, physiological, and behavioral adaptations enable them to thrive in various environments by evading predators, utilizing a multitude of food sources, and withstanding environmental stress. Examining these adaptations improves our understanding of complex trait evolution and ecological relationships. Moreover, some nematode species cause significant issues for agriculture and human health by living as parasites on plants and animals. This is only one example of how parasitism is essential to the ecology of worms. Research on nematode parasitism's molecular and cellular dynamics is crucial to developing effective control strategies. Nematodes are also significant bioindicators of environmental health, particularly in soil ecosystems where the amount and makeup of their communities indicate the state of the soil as well as the results of various management strategies. Nematodes are remarkable in their adaptations and essential to the health of ecosystems because they play crucial roles in the cycling of nutrients and the breakdown of organic materials. Their study provides significant new insights into the health and sustainability of our ecosystem.
Fungi, as heterotrophic microorganisms, coexist with numerous other microorganisms, with whom they must compete for a share of nutrients. Since such nutrients, particularly energy substrate, are often in short supply, adaptive traits have evolved that enhance survival (Lockwood, 1977). Moreover, numerous organic metabolic products are produced as a result of microbial degradation of various substrates. These, together with various mineral components of a habitat, also may affect microorganisms, including fungi. In this review we attempt to discuss the responses of fungi to nutrient competition with other microorganisms and to the presence of inhibitory substances that occur in natural environments.
Vermiculite granules were impregnated with four concentrations (3.33, 16.67, 33.36 and 133.36 g l-1) of Czapek Dox solution and were inoculated with the fungus Botrytis cinerea. The cultures were then incubated in respirometers for 30 d before different numbers of Folsomia candida were added. Grazing by Collembola in cultures grown on the lowest nutrient levels produced a significant decline in fungal activity in comparison with controls. However grazing by animals in cultures grown on higher nutrient concentrations did stimulate fungal respiration, producing a maximum increase in cultures containing the highest nutrient levels of over 100% of respiration levels measured in controls. Changes in the numbers of animals in the cultures suggested that fungal respiration followed a bellshaped response to increases in grazing intensity. The results are discussed in relation to the influence of nutrient depletion and the accumulation of toxic metabolites on the response by senescent fungal colonies, in decomposing litter, to soil animal grazing. /// Гранулы вермикулита наполняли раствором Чапека-Докса 4-х концентраций (3,33, 16,67, 33,36, 133,36 г/л) и инокулировали грибом Botrytis cinerea. Культуры инкубировали затем в респирометрах 30 дней, а затем добавляли различное количество коллембол Folsomia candida. Выедание коллемболами культур, растущих при самом низком запасе элементов питания приводит к сильному снижению активности роста грибов в сравнении с контролем. Однако, выедание в культурах с более высокими концентрациями элементов питания стимулирует дыхание грибов, дающее максимум повышения в культурах с наибольшим запасом питательных веществ - свыше 100% по сравнению с контролем. Изменения численности животных в культурах показывают, что кпивая дыхания грибов имеет колоколообразную форму зависимости от интенсивности выедания. Результаты обсуждаются в сврзи с вопросами влияния истощения элементов питания и аккумуляции токсичных метаболитов на реакции старых грибных колоний в разлагающейся подстилке в отношении выедания почвенными животными.
The protozoan populations of soil, both free-living and parasitic, are discussed in relation to their size, distribution, biomass, and metabolic activity. Flagellates, small amoebae, and ciliates are the most widespread and active of free-living forms, while the distribution of parasites is related to the distribution of their hosts. The theory of partial sterilization, which first related protozoan populations to soil fertility, is discussed within the broader context of the soil organic cycle. The role of freeliving protozoa as micropredators and the importance of the soil biomass, as well as fresh plant debris, as a substrate for microbial activity are emphasized. The nature and activity of the microbial population are related to plant productivity and the size of the soil animal biomass. It is suggested that comparatively small changes in population and biomass may be associated with greatly accelerated metabolic turnover wheremicropredation takes place. This suggestion is supported by data from microrespirometry experiments.
(1) Two different methods were used to assess the influence of the enchytraeid Cognettia sphagnetorum Vedj. and the tipulid Molophilus ater (Meigen) on the decomposition of blanket bog litter. The litter and the animals were confined within bags of nylon mesh sufficiently fine to prevent significant loss of particulate matter. Loss of weight over a period of 3 months in the field was measured and also the rate of uptake of oxygen at 10 degrees C by the contents of the bags at the end of the field experiment. (2) The experimental results were analysed using analysis of variance and stepwise multiple regression to assess the effects of litter-type, densities and combinations of animal species, and season, on the processes of weight loss and respiration rate and also on the change of standing crop of the animals used. (3) Season, litter-type, number of enchytraeids and number of tipulids used in the experiment were all shown to have a significant influence on weight loss. One M. ater appeared to have approximately five times the influence of one Cognettia sphagnetorum of one third of its body weight. (4) The rate of uptake of oxygen by the litter bags was shown to be influenced by season and by the type of litter. The rate of respiration of bags with animals was higher than the controls but these differences were not significant. (5) The type of litter had a significant effect on the change in standing crop of C. sphagnetorum. Survival of Molophilus ater was poor except for winter 1971/2 and litter-type and the presence of Cognettia sphagnetorum had a marked effect on change in standing crop. (6) It was concluded that the experiments demonstrated that C. sphagnetorum and Molophilus ater increased the rate of weight-loss of litter and that this was due to increased microbial activity as a result of the feeding activity of the animals.