
Acquisitions of private vs. public firms

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The acquisition of privately held firms is a prevalent phenomenon that has received little attention in mergers and acquisitions research. In this study, we examine three questions: (1) What drives the acquirer's choice between public and private targets? (2) Do acquisitions of private targets elicit a more positive stock market reaction than acquisitions of public targets, which, on average, destroy value for acquirers' shareholders? (3) Do acquirers gain when their selection of a public or private target fits the theory? In this paper, we argue that the lack of information on private targets limits the breadth of the acquirer's search and increases its risk of not evaluating properly the assets of private targets. At the same time, less information on private targets creates more value-creating opportunities for exploiting private information, whereas the market of corporate control for public targets already serves as an information-processing and asset valuation mechanism for all potential bidders. Using an event study and survey data, we find that: (1) acquirers favor private targets in familiar industries and turn to public targets to enter new business domains or industries with a high level of intangible assets; (2) acquirers of private targets perform better than acquirers of public targets on merger announcement, after controlling for endogeneity bias; (3) acquirers of private firms perform better than if they had acquired a public firm, and acquirers of public firms perform better than if they had acquired a private firm. These results support the expectation that acquirer returns from their target choice (private/public) are not universal but depend on the acquirer's type of search and on the merging firms' attributes.

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This paper uses data from the 2021 Swiss edition of the Gault&Millau food guide to analyze the probability with which restaurant owners decide to share their wine list with the public. This is an important question relating to the amount of information circulating in markets characterized by information asymmetry in the context of experience and credence goods. We find that restaurant owners are more willing to share wine lists with others if competition is limited or their wine list does not contain idiosyncratic information that competitors may use strategically. Interviews indicate the challenge for restaurants to balance the risk of sharing information with competitors and the opportunity to attract wine lovers by revealing an appealing wine list. We also show that this decision depends on cultural considerations.
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Knowledge is frequently the focus of corporate acquisitions. It often cannot be acquired in efficient factor markets due to asymmetric information and because it may be bundled in teams or networks. However, variations in quality are harder to observe for knowledge-based assets than for tangible assets. This creates information dilemmas for buyers and, accordingly, a risk of overbidding, whenever a target is in a knowledge-intensive industry. This study found that most buyers took steps to mitigate the information dilemmas associated with knowledge-based assets. Specifically, buyers coped by (1) offering lower bid premia; (2) using contingent payment (e.g., stock or earnouts); and (3) increasing information both through lengthy negotiations and by avoiding tender offers. However, when the two firms drew on unrelated forms of expertise, buyers did not apply these strategies. It may be that a buyer's information needs are lower if little postacquisition integration is anticipated. An alternative explanation is that unrelated buyers may not be fully aware of the information dilemmas that they face. If so, they may be especially at risk of overbidding. The contingency relationship identified here with respect to related expertise warrants further study. Both the resource-based and diversification literatures presume that relatedness is universally important. This study suggests that it may be particularly relevant when there are knowledge-based assets.
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We examined the use of event studies in management research and found that there was inadequate attention paid to theoretical and research design issues. This lack of attention may lead to false inferences regarding the significance of the events and the validity of the theories being tested. To illustrate the extent of this problem, we attempted to replicate three recent studies. To guide authors and reviewers, we outline procedures for appropriate use of the event study method.
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We address the question: At what stage in its life should a firm go public rather than undertake its projects using private equity financing? In our model a firm may raise external financing either by placing shares privately with a risk-averse venture capitalist or by selling shares in an IPO to numerous small investors. The entrepreneur has private information about his firm's value, but outsiders can reduce this informational disadvantage by evaluating the firm at a cost. The equilibrium timing of the going-public decision is determined by the firm's trade-off between minimizing the duplication in information production by outsiders (unavoidable in the IPO market, but mitigated by a publicly observable share price) and avoiding the risk-premium demanded by venture capitalists. Testable implications are developed for the cross-sectional variations in the age of going-public across industries and countries.
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Evidence on the 'funding gap' for R&D is surveyed. The focus is on financial-market reasons for under-investment in R&D that persist even in the absence of externality induced under-investment. The conclusions are that (i) small and new innovative firms experience high costs of capital that are only partly mitigated by the presence of venture capital; (ii) evidence for high costs of R&D capital for large firms is mixed, although these firms do prefer internal funds for financing these investments; (iii) there are limits to venture capital as a solution to the funding gap, especially in countries where public equity markets are not highly developed; and (iv) further study of governmental seed capital and subsidy programmes using quasi-experimental methods is warranted. Copyright 2002, Oxford University Press.
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This study investigates acquisitions of small manufacturing firms and compares private and public targets. We develop the argument that private targets tend to involve higher transaction costs in the presence of adverse selection problems than their public counterparts. Consistent with predictions, the empirical evidence indicates that bidders choose to acquire public rather than private targets when acquiring young firms and when engaging in inter-industry transactions. Acquirers also tend to avoid private targets that have significant intangible assets and have not signaled the value of these resources through other means such as collaborative agreements. The results shed light on the benefits of being public and the decision-making criteria employed by acquiring organizations. Copyright Springer 2005
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We present an empirical analysis of the determinants of growth for a sample of Italian small and medium sized firms. We show that, when investigating a sample which includes firms between 10 and 50 employees and a set of variables larger than those usually considered in the literature, growth--net of industry characteristics and ex ante market power--turns out to be significantly affected not only by size and age, but also by state subsidies, export capacity and credit rationing. By adopting a multivariate approach we also show that these findings are confirmed after controlling for heteroskedasticity, survivorship bias and serial correlation. Our results suggest that the hypothesis of independence of firm growth from the initial size and other factors (usually referred to as Gibrat's law in the literature) is not rejected for large firms, while it does not hold for small and medium sized firms under financial constraints in a "bank-oriented" financial system in which access to external finance is difficult. Copyright 2002 by Kluwer Academic Publishers
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This paper studies the premiums paid in successful tender offers and mergers involving NSE and Amex-listed target firms from 1975-91 in relation to pre-announcement stock price runups. It has been conventinoal to measure corporate control premiums including the price runups that occur prior to the initial formal bid. There has been little evidence on the relation between the pre-bid runup and the post- announcement markup (the increase in the stock price measured from the date of the first bid). Under what circumstances are runups associated with larger total premiums? The evidence in this paper shows that in most cases, the pre-bid runup and the post-announcement markup are uncorrelated (i.e., little or no substitution between the runup and the post-announcement markup), so the runup is an added cost to the bidder. This has important implications for assessing the costs of illegal insider trading based on private information about a potential bid.
This paper investigates how the interorganizational networks of young companies affect their ability to acquire the resources necessary for survival and growth. We propose that, faced with great uncertainty about the quality of young companies, third parties rely on the prominence of the affiliates of those companies to make judgments about their quality and that young companies "endorsed" by prominent exchange partners will perform better than otherwise comparable ventures that lack prominent associates. Results of an empirical examination of the rate of initial public offering (IPO) and the market capitalization at IPO of the members of a large sample of venture-capital-backed biotechnology firms show that privately held biotech firms with prominent strategic alliance partners and organizational equity investors go to IPO faster and earn greater valuations at IPO than firms that lack such connections. We also empirically demonstrate that much of the benefit of having prominent affiliates stems from the transfer of status that is an inherent byproduct of interorganizational associations.•.
This paper relates quality and uncertainty. The existence of goods of many grades poses interesting and important problems for the theory of markets. On the one hand, the interaction of quality differences and uncertainty may explain important institutions of the labor market. On the other hand, this paper presents a struggling attempt to give structure to the statement: “Business in under-developed countries is difficult”; in particular, a structure is given for determining the economic costs of dishonesty. Additional applications of the theory include comments on the structure of money markets, on the notion of “insurability,” on the liquidity of durables, and on brand-name goods.
This paper studies redeployment of resources between target and acquiring businesses following horizontal acquisitions. The analysis draws from perspectives that emphasize the strategic importance of resources that are subject to market failure. We define a five-part typology of R&D, manufacturing, marketing, managerial, and financial resources. We show that targets and acquirers frequently redeploy resources following horizontal acquisitions, especially resources that frequently face market failure. We then show that the magnitude of redeployment of each type of resource increases with the asymmetry of the merging businesses' relative strength on the resource dimension. The research stresses evolutionary perspectives on business organizations that emphasize the importance of organizational differences in competitive markets. The central premise of our research is that the market for businesses is often more robust than the market for resources.
We examine the role of three types of stakeholders in the uneven adoption of an organizational practice in different countries, arguing that organizational practices achieve widespread use only when they are consistent with the interests of the most powerful social actors as enshrined in legal rights. Building on a “stakeholder-power” approach to corporate governance, we examine whether the interests of shareholders, workers, and banks are consistent with the practice of hostile takeovers. Regressions using data on as many as 37 countries between 1988 and 1998 lend support to predictions that hostile takeovers increase in frequency with the extent to which shareholder rights are protected and decrease with the degree to which workers' and banks' rights are protected. We discuss the implications for the analysis of comparative institutions and for organizational theory.
In contrast to the prior acquisitions literature, which has emphasized the buyer's perspective, we examine the seller's perspective. This has important implications for understanding both the acquisition process and, more broadly, corporate governance in successful firms. Using a multiple-case, inductive study of 12 technology-based ventures, we find that acquisition occurs when sellers are pushed toward acquisition by difficult, albeit natural strategic hurdles, such as a chief executive search or funding round, and by strong personal motivations for sale, such as past failures and investments by friends. Sellers are also more likely to be pulled toward acquisition by attractive buyers that offer synergistic combination potential and organizational rapport, factors usually associated with the long-term interests of buyers. We reframe acquisition as courtship and corporate governance as a syndicate, indicating joint decision making with some common goals, and explore the generalizability of these views for private versus public firms and other contingencies. Together, courtship and syndicate suggest a behaviorally informed account of organization that belies the rhetoric of price and self-interest.
Unlike prior research on organizational age dependence, which has described entire populations as exhibiting a liability of newness, adolescence, or obsolescence, this study adopts a contingent view by considering the interactive effects of age and technology strategy. Distinctions are drawn between proprietary strategists, who use internally developed, firm-specific technologies, and standards-based strategists, whose technologies conform with open and publicly available specifications. Results of a study of the firms in the U.S. personal computer industry show that technology strategy had two important influences on aging. First, age dependence varied across strategies. For example, standards-based strategists exhibited a liability of adolescence in their failure rates, while proprietary strategists exhibited a liability of obsolescence. Second, the joint effects of age and strategy produced long-term trade-offs across different performance outcomes. For instance, rates of sales growth increased with age for proprietary strategists, yet so did their risks of failure. Overall, this study suggests that multiple patterns of age dependence may simultaneously exist within a single population.
This paper examines how value is created in horizontal mergers and acquisitions. More specifically, it examines the impact of post-acquisition asset divestiture and resource redeployment on the long-term performance of horizontal acquisitions. The data come from a detailed survey of acquiring firm managers and cover 253 horizontal mergers and acquisitions that were initiated by European and U.S. firms in manufacturing industries for the period 1988–1992. This study incorporates insights from the cost efficiency and resource-based theories to propose a model of the effects of asset divestiture and resource redeployment on long-term acquisition performance. Overall, our results show that both asset divestiture and resource redeployment can contribute to acquisition performance, with, however, a significant risk of damaging acquisition performance when the divested assets and redeployed resources are those of the target. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
In the strategic management literature, two mechanisms have been proposed to explain how managers generate economic rents: resource selection, and capability building. Resource selection is a Ricardian perspective where the productivity of resources are heterogeneously distributed among firms (Peteraf, 1993; Wernerfelt, 1984), and managers outsmart the factor markets by selecting resources based on their future values (Barney, 1986). The alternative Schumpeterian perspective is capability building, a mechanism that depends on deployment of resources to affect a desired end (Amit & Shoemaker, 1993; Mahoney, 1995). While capability building requires that managers develop a capacity to manage firm specific tangible and intangible processes, the resource selection mechanism demands managers to accurately assess expectations about the future value of resources.
This study provides a conceptual framework and an empirical methodology to assess the extent of value creation in acquisitions. Arguments are presented to examine why related acquisitions might not outperform unrelated acquisitions on average. New measures of value creation are developed which resolve the difficulties with measures used by earlier researchers. In addition, the influence of the classification scheme used to identify acquisition types, and the impact of the relative size of the target to the bidder, on the measurement of the extent of value creation, is examined. The empirical results indicate that value is created in both unrelated and related acquisitions. Further, the data do not appear to indicate that related acquisitions create more value than unrelated acquisitions on average.
Recent work has suggested that mergers or acquisitions between strategically related firms will generate abnormal returns for shareholders of bidding firms. Empirical evidence on this hypothesis has been mixed. The relatedness hypothesis is refined by arguing that relatedness is not a sufficient condition for acquiring firms to earn abnormal returns. Rather, only when bidding firms enjoy private and uniquely valuable synergistic cash flows with targets, inimitable and uniquely valuable synergistic cash flows with targets, or unexpected synergistic cash flows, will acquiring a related firm result in abnormal returns for the shareholders of bidding firms.
Shareholder litigation is the most frequently maligned legal check on managerial misconduct within corporations. Derivative lawsuits and federal securities class actions are portrayed as slackers in debates over how best to control the managerial agency costs created by the separation of ownership and control in the modern corporation. In each instance, early hopes these suits would effectively monitor managerial misconduct have been replaced with concerns about the size of the litigation agency costs of such representative litigation, which can arise when a self-selected plaintiff's attorney and her client that are appointed to pursue the claims of an entire class of shareholders have interests that may differ from those of the class. Now, however, a new form of shareholder litigation has emerged that is distinct from derivative or securities fraud claims: class action lawsuits filed under state law challenging director conduct in mergers and acquisitions. The empirical data reported in this article show that these acquisition-oriented suits are now the dominant form of corporate litigation, outnumbering derivative suits by a wide margin. Are these acquisition-oriented class actions just another deadbeat in the corporate governance debate? Should policymakers take action to cut back on the development of this new form of shareholder litigation? In this paper, we argue that, just as with derivative suits and securities fraud class actions, good policy must balance the positive management agency cost reducing effects of these acquisition-oriented shareholder suits against their litigation agency costs. This new breed of suits has positive management agency cost reducing effects that may offset the litigation agency costs that accompany them. Our data set of all 1000 corporate fiduciary duty cases filed in Delaware in 1999 and 2000 is the largest empirical study of shareholder litigation. We find that more than 80% of these cases are class actions against public companies challenging one type of director decision - whether or not to participate in a corporate acquisition. By contrast, derivative suits, the traditional shareholder litigation that is the staple of corporate law casebooks, make up only about 14% of all fiduciary duty suits. The acquisition-oriented class actions are a new, previously unstudied category of representative litigation, an area long dominated by studies of state derivative suits and federal securities fraud class actions. We find these suits do provide some management agency costs reductions, but these are concentrated in only one subset of the suits that are brought. Settlements leading to relief in an acquisition setting are not spread across all acquisitions complaints (including hostile, second bidder acquisitions, etc.), but rather concentrated where there is a majority shareholder who is attempting to cash-out the minority interest held by public shareholders on terms that have been picked by the majority. On the opposite side of the equation - whether these suits possess high litigation agency costs - we find conflicting evidence. The acquisition-oriented class action suits have many characteristics that have been identified in other contexts as indicators of agency costs (e.g., suits filed quickly, many suits per transaction). Yet, these litigation agency costs are below the level of perceived costs that spurred securities fraud legislation. Placing our findings in the historical context of the debate over the value of representative shareholder litigation, we believe that the positive management agency cost reducing effects of acquisition-oriented class actions are substantial, while the litigation agency costs they create do not appear excessive. For these suits, we therefore disagree with earlier studies that have claimed that all representative shareholder litigation has little, if any, effect in reducing management agency costs and should be evaluated solely in terms of its litigation agency costs.
The marketability of an asset refers to the degree to which an asset can be converted to cash quickly, without incurring large transactions costs or price concessions. All else equal, the more marketable an asset, the higher the price an investor will be willing to pay for the asset. The lack of marketability of an asset is costly to investors because it potentially causes the investor to miss opportunities to allocate capital to alternative uses, such as liquidity or portfolio rebalancing. In this article we review and critique the various methods that appear in the literature and are used in practice to estimate valuation discounts when an asset lacks marketability. We also present findings from our own original empirical research which offer further insights into the estimation of such discounts.
In this study, we explore the conditions under which acquirers earn abnormal returns. We provide an empirical test of Barney and Chatterjee's arguments by examining the role of the respective resource contribution of the target and the acquirer. Combining an event study with a survey of postacquisition resource transfer on a sample of 101 horizontal acquisitions, we find that acquirers do not earn abnormal returns when they only receive resources from the target. In this case, it is likely that multiple bidders, which could have equally captured these resources, competed away all the abnormal returns from the successful bidder. In contrast, we find that acquirers can expect to earn abnormal returns when they transfer their own resources to the target. Overall, we find that value creation does not ensure value capture for the acquirer. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Acquisition literature suggests a relationship between stockholder gains and the relatedness of merging firms. This notion is tested by classifying mergers into four relatedness categories and by using measures of stockholder value as developed in the literature on capital markets. In all, stock returns of 439 acquiring firms in 1031 large mergers are examined, as are stock returns of 340 large acquired firms. The findings show that mergers lead to permanent gains in stockholder value for both acquiring and acquired firms' stockholders, but they do not support the popular prescription: ‘All things being equal, some product and market relatedness is better than none.’
This research investigates the conceptual argument that acquisitions which are related in product/market or technological terms create higher value than unrelated acquisitions. Related acquisitions are found to have greater total dollar gains than unrelated acquisitions. Acquired firms in related acquisitions have substantially higher gains than acquired firms in unrelated acquisitions. These findings indicate that related target firms benefit more from acquisition than unrelated target firms. Implications of these findings for managers are discussed.
Acquisitions, in general, have been demonstrated to create economic value. The intuitive reason underlying this value creation stems either from an ability to reduce costs of the combined entity, an ability to charge higher prices, or both. Current research in the area attributes these abilities to an opportunity to utilize a specialized resource. Our focus in this study is to compare three broad classes of resources that contribute to the creation of value. Following the conventional wisdom, these resources are classified as cost of capital related (resulting in financial synergy), cost of production related (resulting in operational synergy), and price related (resulting in collusive synergy). Given the limitations of our sample and research design, we find that collusive synergy is, on average, associated with the highest value. Further, the resources behind financial synergy tend to create more value than the resources behind operational synergy.
When appraisers or investment bankers value privately held companies by making comparisons to otherwise similar public companies, they typically apply a discount. Most practitioners attribute this discount mainly to the relative illiquidity of private companies; and, for this reason, they value private companies based on empirical studies designed to measure illiquidity discounts. But this assumption and the valuations based upon it are likely to be unreliable because private companies are valued differently than public companies owing to a variety of other, more “fundamental” factors that have caused the firm to stay private rather than choosing to list on an exchange. This article presents an alternative framework to estimate the discount for private companies that computes four separate valuation multiples for a set of private transactions and a comparable set of public transactions. After comparing these four sets of multiples for both domestic and foreign firms, the authors reach the following conclusions:
New business models combined with a lack of objective operating data result in significant information asymmetry and uncertainty in the valuation of new firms in emerging markets. Information asymmetry increases the risks of both adverse selection and moral hazard. When traditional differentiators of firm quality are lacking, such as in emerging economic sectors, markets may turn to secondary information sources to filter and sort firms. We investigate the roles played by observable corporate governance characteristics as indirect indicators of new firms' potential qualitative differences. Markets may sort firms based on such characteristics because they are perceived to be correlated with desired but unobservable characteristics and actions and they lower the risks of both adverse selection and moral hazard. Our study of publicly traded U.S. Internet firms found that firm market valuation was strongly associated with corporate governance characteristics (e.g., executive and director stock-based incentives, institutional and blockholder stock ownership, board structure, and venture capital participation). In addition, firm age moderated how markets used some quality proxies to determine firm valuation during the post-IPO period. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This paper develops a model of information-acquisition decisions by firms that are competing in a "strategic factor market" (Barney 1986) to purchase a scarce resource whose value is unknown and differs across firms. The model builds on the argument that more accurate expectations about the firm-specific value of resources is, other than luck, the only way for firms to obtain the specific resources required for competitive advantage. We address the more specific question of what types of information firms should gather to accomplish this goal. The model generates a series of testable hypotheses about how a firm's optimal mix of different types of information is affected by a number of factors, including the level of uncertainty about the value of the resource being acquired; the rarity, imitability, and nonsubstitutability of that resource; the level of inscrutability of firms' pre-existing stocks of resources; and firms' information-gathering and information-processing capacities.
Firms choose strategies based on their attributes and industry conditions; therefore, strategy choice is endogenous and self-selected. Empirical models that do not account for this and regress performance measures on strategy choice variables are potentially misspecified and their conclusions incorrect. I highlight how self-selection on hard-to-measure or unobservable characteristics can bias strategy performance estimates and recommend an econometric technique that has been developed to account for this effect. Although this concern applies to a wide range of strategy questions, to demonstrate its effect I empirically examine if entry mode choice (acquisition versus greenfield) influences foreign direct investment survival. In specifications that do not account for self-selection, I find that greenfield entries have survival advantages compared to acquisitions. This confirms previous findings. However, the significance of this effect disappears once I account for self-selection of entry mode in the empirical estimates. The results confirm that estimates from models that do not account for self-selection of strategy choice can lead to incorrect or misleading conclusions.
Much of the current thinking about competitive strategy focuses on ways that firms can create imperfectly competitive product markets in order to obtain greater than normal economic performance. However, the economic performance of firms does not depend simply on whether or not its strategies create such markets, but also on the cost of implementing those strategies. Clearly, if the cost of strategy implementation is greater than returns obtained from creating an imperfectly competitive product market, then firms will not obtain above normal economic performance from their strategizing efforts. To help analyze the cost of implementing strategies, we introduce the concept of a strategic factor market, i.e., a market where the resources necessary to implement a strategy are acquired. If strategic factor markets are perfect, then the cost of acquiring strategic resources will approximately equal the economic value of those resources once they are used to implement product market strategies. Even if such strategies create imperfectly competitive product markets, they will not generate above normal economic performance for a firm, for their full value would have been anticipated when the resources necessary for implementation were acquired. However, strategic factor markets will be imperfectly competitive when different firms have different expectations about the future value of a strategic resource. In these settings, firms may obtain above normal economic performance from acquiring strategic resources and implementing strategies. We show that other apparent strategic factor market imperfections, including when a firm already controls all the resources needed to implement a strategy, when a firm controls unique resources, when only a small number of firms attempt to implement a strategy, and when some firms have access to lower cost capital than others, and so on, are all special cases of differences in expectations held by firms about the future value of a strategic resource. Firms can attempt to develop better expectations about the future value of strategic resources by analyzing their competitive environments or by analyzing skills and capabilities they already control. Environmental analysis cannot be expected to improve the expectations of some firms better than others, and thus cannot be a source of more accurate expectations about the future value of a strategic resource. However, analyzing a firm's skills and capabilities can be a source of more accurate expectations. Thus, from the point of view of firms seeking greater than normal economic performance, our analysis suggests that strategic choices should flow mainly from the analysis of its unique skills and capabilities, rather than from the analysis of its competitive environment.
We examine announcement period abnormal returns to acquirers of listed and unlisted targets in 17 Western European countries over the interval 1996-2001. Acquirers of listed targets earn an insignificant average abnormal return of -0.38%, while acquirers of unlisted targets earn a significant average abnormal return of 1.48%. This listing-related factor in acquirers' returns persists through time and across countries and remains after controlling for the method of payment for the target, the acquirer's size and Tobin's Q, pre-announcement leakage of information about the transaction, whether the acquisition created a blockholder in the acquirer's ownership structure, whether the acquisition was a cross-border deal, and other variables. The fundamental factors that give rise to this listing-related effect, which has also been documented in US acquisitions, remain elusive.
Using proxy data on all Fortune-500 firms during 1994–2000, we find that family ownership creates value only when the founder serves as CEO of the family firm or as Chairman with a hired CEO. Dual share classes, pyramids, and voting agreements reduce the founder's premium. When descendants serve as CEOs, firm value is destroyed. Our findings suggest that the classic owner-manager conflict in nonfamily firms is more costly than the conflict between family and nonfamily shareholders in founder-CEO firms. However, the conflict between family and nonfamily shareholders in descendant-CEO firms is more costly than the owner-manager conflict in nonfamily firms.
This paper investigates strategic alliances and initial public offerings (IPOs) as factors that potentially mitigate the risk of adverse selection in acquisitions. It is hypothesized that prior alliances between acquirers and targets as well as IPOs undertaken by targets reduce adverse selection in M&A. Examining the consideration used in M&A transactions to reflect the allocation of overpayment risk, we find that targets’ prior alliances with acquirers and targets’ IPOs reduce the likelihood of using stock, or the amount of stock used, to finance acquisitions. We also present evidence that alliances and IPOs substitute for one another.
Merger and acquisition activity is a critical means by which technology firms obtain the resources needed to compete in global markets. Effective implementation is essential to making these acquisitions successful, yet prior research on the implementation process has yielded paradoxical findings. I argue that a closer examination of the role of the acquired managers helps to resolve the implementation dilemmas found in prior research, which has focused on the role of the acquiring firm. I use grounded theory-building techniques to examine the integration of eight technology acquisitions, and find that acquired managers play a key role in achieving two types of value: expected and serendipitous. In promoting the realization of these two types of value, acquired leaders maintain the advantages of both integration and autonomy. Moreover, these leaders enable their organizations to simultaneously experience two often-conflicting forms of change: exploration and exploitation.
Recent research suggests that, due to organizational and relational constraints, firms are limited contextually—both geographically and technologically—in their search for new knowledge. But distant contexts may offer ideas and insights that can be extremely useful to innovation through knowledge recombination. So how can firms reach beyond their existing contexts in their search for new knowledge? In this paper, we suggest that two mechanisms—alliances and the mobility of inventors—can serve as bridges to distant contexts and, thus, enable firms to overcome the constraints of contextually localized search. Through the analysis of patent citation patterns in the semiconductor industry, we first demonstrate both the geographic and technological localization of knowledge. We then explore if the formation of alliances and mobility of active inventors facilitate interfirm knowledge flows across contexts. We find that mobility is associated with interfirm knowledge flows regardless of geographic proximity and, in fact, the usefulness of alliances and mobility increases with technological distance. These findings suggest that firms can employ knowledge acquisition mechanisms to fill in the holes of their existing technological and geographic context.
We propose that intermediate forms of organization like joint-ventures are superior to markets and hierarchies when the costs of valuing complementary assets are non-trivial. By allowing piecemeal transactions under shared ownership and control, joint-ventures can reduce these costs significantly. Our theory is supported by the results of a cross-sectional analysis of the abnormal returns to the parent firms in 64 joint-venture announcements and 165 merger announcements.
I. Introduction, 488. — II. The model with automobiles as an example, 489. — III. Examples and applications, 492. — IV. Counteracting institutions, 499. — V. Conclusion, 500.
Prior research provides ambiguous results regarding the performance of international acquisitions. Drawing on a survey of 248 acquisitions, we find that acquirers enhance their capabilities when they buy a target with a multinational geographic scope. A financial event study uses a subsample of the acquisitions to show that the financial markets also value targets' multinational scope. Both surveys and stock market-based studies suggest that targets with access to heterogeneous resource environments provide the acquirer with greater potential for capability enhancement and financial performance. In contrast, simply acquiring firms across borders has less influence on post-acquisition outcomes. The study demonstrates greater value of the attributes of the target rather than of international expansion alone. Thus, the multinational scope of the target is more likely to account for the resource diversity provided by the target than the country of origin of the target per se. The study changes the emphasis on multinational acquisitions, by shifting the focus from foreign market expansion (country-level emphasis) to accessing geographically distributed resources that are embedded in target firms (firm-level emphasis). Copyright 2005, Oxford University Press.
We examine a sample of 12,023 acquisitions by public firms from 1980 to 2001. Shareholders of these firms lost a total of 218billionwhenacquisitionswereannounced.Thoughshareholderslosethroughoutoursampleperiod,lossesassociatedwithacquisitionannouncementsafter1997aredramatic.Smallfirmsgainfromacquisitions,sothatshareholdersofsmallfirmsgained218 billion when acquisitions were announced. Though shareholders lose throughout our sample period, losses associated with acquisition announcements after 1997 are dramatic. Small firms gain from acquisitions, so that shareholders of small firms gained 8 billion when acquisitions were announced and shareholders of large firms lost $226 billion. We examine the cross-sectional variation in the announcement returns of acquisitions. Small firm shareholders earn systematically more when acquisitions are announced. This size effect is typically more important than how an acquisition is financed and than the organizational form of the assets acquired. The only acquisitions that have positive aggregate gains are acquisitions of subsidiaries.
I study a budget-constrained, private-valuation, sealed-bid sequential auction with two incompletely-informed, risk-neutral bidders in which the valuations and income may be non-monotonic functions of a bidder's type. Multiple equilibrium symmetric bidding functions may exist that differ in allocation, efficiency and revenue. The sequence of sale affects the competition for a good and therefore also affects revenue and the prices of each good in a systematic way that depends on the relationship among the valuations and incomes of bidders. The sequence of sale may affect prices and revenue even when the number of bidders is large relative to the number of goods. If a particular good, say [alpha], is allocated to a strong bidder independent of the sequence of sale, then auction revenue and the price of good [alpha] are higher when good [alpha] is sold first.
We study shareholder returns for firms that acquired five or more public, private, and/or subsidiary targets within a short time period. Since the same bidder chooses different types of targets and methods of payment, any variation in returns must be due to the characteristics of the target and the bid. Results indicate bidder shareholders gain when buying a private firm or subsidiary but lose when purchasing a public firm. Further, the return is greater the larger the target and if the bidder offers stock. These results are consistent with a liquidity discount, and tax and control effects in this market. Copyright The American Finance Association 2002.
We examine bidder returns at the announcement of a takeover proposal when the target firm is privately held. In stock offers, bidders experience a positive abnormal return, which contrasts with the negative abnormal return typically found for bidders acquiring a publicly traded target. On the other hand, bidders experience no abnormal return in cash offers. Our analysis suggests that the positive wealth effect is related to monitoring activities by target shareholders and, to an extent, reduced information asymmetries. Copyright The American Finance Association 1998.
As in previous decades, merger activity clusters by industry during the 1990s. One particular kind of industry shock, deregulation, becomes a dominant factor, accountings for nearly half of the merger activity since the late 1980s. In contrast to the 1980s, mergers in the 1990s are mostly stock swaps, and hostile takeovers virtually disappear. Over our 1973 to 1998 sample period, the announcement-period stock market response to mergers is positive for the combined merging parties, suggesting that mergers create value on behalf of shareholders. Consistent with that, we find evidence of improved operating performance following mergers, relative to industry peers.
This paper discusses the bias that results from using nonrandomly selected samples to estimate behavioral relationships as an ordinary specification error or "omitted variables" bias. A simple consistent two stage estimator is considered that enables analysts to utilize simple regression methods to estimate behavioral functions by least squares methods. The asymptotic distribution of the estimator is derived.
This study situates initial public offerings (IPOs) within an extended merger and acquisition (M&A) process and considers private firms’ decisions to go public prior to divestiture rather than undergo an outright sale. We develop the argument that IPOs can ameliorate ex ante transaction costs due to search costs and information asymmetries in the M&A market. The empirical evidence suggests that sequential divestiture is more likely in industries with spatially-dispersed firms and for firms with significant intangible resources. Investments in strategic alliances attenuate the impact of intangibles on the propensity of firms to divest sequentially through IPOs.